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Spiritual Satanism: Power And Transformation

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Spiritual Satanism: Power And Transformationhttps://ancient-forums.com/posting.php?mode=quote&f=24&p=86386
Post by HP. Hoodedcobra666[/B] » Sat Jun 22, 2019 9:34 pm A common mistake in regards to meditation is that many people see this as a window for self deception while in reality, meditation is merely the opposite and approaching it with the wrong mindset can create endless problems.

Self lying in general has nothing to do with creative imagination, attempts of someone to expand spiritually, or the need to advance. In many cases this very tendency is delaying advancement if anything.

Imagine being stuck that in your wallet there is 1000 dollars instead of 100, and being insistant that this is the case. Telling this to others, pledging to buy gifts, refusing to accept that you have anything less than 1000 dollars. Clearly when your bills will arrive you will be fucked.

So it makes sense as in the above that whomever insists in lying will harm themselves in the end, while those who say the truth about where they are already moving towards advancement. And eventually they will turn their 100 bucks to 1000 and then 10000, because they accepted that at some point they had only 10. Of course it hurts but this is necessary for progress.

Many people do a big amount of self lying and this is conflated with meditation. An example here is how some people like to lie about themselves about certain abilities.

Lying to ones self is only delaying someone from advancing and is also preventing the mind from actually training to aquire power. Within the context of seriousness and training, we have creative visualization and positive affirmation. Of course in this case, we realize that this is something in the making, rather than a lie.

As such Spiritual Satanism becoming a circus is contrary to everyones interest who truly cares about Satan but above all the danger is harmful to one's self.

What meditation does and why people avoid it like wildfire is that it brings someone face to face with one's self. Through which way this can be a longer or a shorter way.

Meditation used as escapism is very common in particular in Buddhism and other meditation schools, where one is essentially either aiming for the maximum amount of narcotic non-existence, or alternatively for big amounts of self lying such as wiccans who are very arrogant because of small successes with this art.

When one discovers that the mind has power, it is easy for someone to fly of the handle. This includes also when one becomes aware of the allegience to the Demons, or when power is developed through meditation.

What anyone mature however realizes is that this is truly nothing to become crazy about and that any level of power is always followed up by another and higher level of power.

Like any form of human power, spiritual power needs to be handled with proper care. It can definitely be misused.

Rushing power in that regard is also happening in many areas of life where people get carried away by competition, jealousy, contempt, and other factors.

One example here is using steroids. While these may provide acceleration of growth, they can be disastrous. In a similar fashion and because people constanly "rush", we have symptoms of laziness, or exaggerations going out of control where people only seek to puff themselves up in contrast to every external and verifiable proof.

An example here is how few people think that it is positive to engage in lying about level of progress. Or how people over the years say things like "Oh, I have 5 kundalinis" and all sorts or stupid stuff. As if one were not enough.

Its sort of like iPads, gotta have more than one to sound cool. How about a thousand? Yes, that sounds better. A thousand serpents. Yea, right.

To put this into perspective modern "spirituality" is just a reflection of the already existing society- cheap, fast, quick, everything today is MacDonalds in its mentality. Everything has to happen rapidly or is of no value, the universe needs to be rushed, everything has to be in accordance to our taste for ever-quicker delivery.

New Agers do one sloppy meditation, then of course they raise a serpent. From a leftist hobotron, they suddenly evolve to a leftist hobotron that also assumes on top of it it just reached the essence of the cosmos, reinforcing its own hobotron. And that is their "spirituality". An extension of general consumerism.

Essentially this is because value and wisdom is not understood, and therefore, everything gets clothed in a nihilistic consumerist mindset. In the same way one owns an iPad, they want to yield what is in their mind infinite power, and in particular reason for no reason. In the same way people lie about shoes, one then has to lie about important subjects just to keep a chain of lies going.

If therefore one can hold wisdom and power, everyone assumes, is only a question of their silly or infantile imagination, in the general air of entitlement of the era. When people who are shallow find out this is not the case they become angry.

The reality is power cannot be cheated in spirituality and this is why many people like jews and other slaves decide to just "rush it" by abusing other human beings or using drugs and general delusions to just increase the temporal illusion of yielding any form of power. Obviously this is stupid and leads nowhere.

As such the above should not be the aim of any Spiritual Satanist. The goal of Satanism is not who makes the more gigantic lies, but who truly reaches a state of evolutionary progress, above all, for their own self. Satan shows his promise to people when they advance.

Said advancement will also be verifiable in your life, in how your life will improve, a rise in your wisdom, and general betterment. One becomes a better person, and that is a far bigger sign of spiritual progress than idle words.

The point in this is not merely to feel power or borrow it, but actually build it on the inside. The enemy works in reverse by instating a parasitic thoughform to siphon people of their vitality and life, which they work through. People who use clutches to walk to their own fridge will find themselves disappointed and weak.

Existentially the above is a cheap way to exist and any person seeking power can find it within, let us also say in over abundance. We have tremendous inner power, but we were never instructed to it.

Japanese culture like Dragonball Z and other shows, is increasingly popular because it contains elements of what is actually the Aryan Path or Sanatana Dharma in application.

Characters in these shows like Goku that reach tremendous levels of power, do so by elaborate training. Goku in these shows was instructed, he did not have others do his work for him while he was lazy. This is because Goku had a future, unlike hostile aliens in the show who had no purpose but to be parasitic aliens and were mostly thriving on parasitic power. The parellels here I believe are easy to be draw about the enemy.

Another thing one must also keep in mind, if one is to be a serious Satanist and if this is not some joke to them, that power has to be true and therefore dependable. In the same way one would not like to have fake monopoly money, one must scorn and refuse to accept lies about their condition or circus of immature people who pretend they are capable of things they are not.

In Satanism we have a huge boost because the Gods appreciate the valor of a Satanist to join them, so one can advance faster than being without, but this does not invalidate that work has to be done.

Any work put into advancing you will also help you tremendously by making your life easier. Especially nowadays where weakening is done on a systematic way, this way of life becomes more important than ever for those who want to get a firm grounding and empower themselves.

| Joy Of Satan Main Website - https://www.joyofsatan.org or http://joyofsatan.com | Kabbalah Exposed - https://www.kabbalahexposed.com/
| Exposing Christianity - http://www.exposingchristianity.com | SATAN IS GOD PORTAL & Mirror - https://www.satanisgod.org |

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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
