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Self initiation to Satan


New member
Nov 15, 2024
Is there any way I can self initiate to be in league with Satan? I have found one book that outlines a practice however I do not want to do it because I feel it would be disrespectful to the organisation sharing it, also I do not want to join them, I have heard that they are extreme in their practices.
Welcome, I advise you to stay away from any sources outside of JoS.

Those who do extreme practices are usually crazy people who do these things in line with what is said about Satan by the enemy, it is not real Satanism.

The first thing to do is read the entire site, and then, when you feel ready, make the Dedication.

Is there any way I can self initiate to be in league with Satan? I have found one book that outlines a practice however I do not want to do it because I feel it would be disrespectful to the organisation sharing it, also I do not want to join them, I have heard that they are extreme in their practices.
Read through the Joy of Satanas. You will learn everything you need to know, including information about the Dedication Ritual.


Hail Satan!!
My advice is do not do any rituals outside of the JOS, whatever they are.

These rituals at best will do nothing and at worst will hurt you.

The rituals in the JOS have been created and refined by people who have had direct contact with Satan and the Gods.

These other “Satanic” organisations have more likely being contacted by enemy entities, which is why they’re violent/corrupt.

Do the dedication as prescribed by the JOS as this is the only legitimate religion for Satan and the Gods.
Is there any way I can self initiate to be in league with Satan? I have found one book that outlines a practice however I do not want to do it because I feel it would be disrespectful to the organisation sharing it, also I do not want to join them, I have heard that they are extreme in their practices.

Read this reply of mine to another topic:
My "opinion" is that people who have never had even half an experience with Satan should stop writing entire books about what they believe Satan is and spreading their very own versions of Satanism that cast LIES AND ILLUSIONS about Satanism because they are based on what THEY think Satanism is and NOT what SATAN dictates Satanism is.

league with Satan
The one and only TRUE Satanism: https://joyofsatan.org/

Is there any way I can self initiate

disrespectful to the organisation sharing it
They are not a true organization of Satan recognized by Satan and the Gods. Therefore we are not interested in what they have to share. We focus on the real things and exclusively on the truth of the Gods and THEIR direct teachings:

Existe alguma maneira de eu me autoiniciar para estar em conluio com Satanás? Eu encontrei um livro que descreve uma prática, mas não quero fazê-lo porque sinto que seria desrespeitoso com a organização que a compartilha, também não quero me juntar a eles, ouvi dizer que são extremos em suas práticas.
você já se auto iniciou a partir de sua propria vontade de estar na energia de Satanás, isso já é auto iniciação, quando você sente o pertencimento , quando você sentiu o desejar profundo, Satanás já te ouviu, fazer a dedicação como disseram acima é importante, aqui no site tem muita informação valiosa para você não se meter em encrencas, o seu coração já pertence 'a Ele, e ninguém e nenhum livro pode fazer isso por você, Nosso Pai amado Satanás está aqui e agora, Ele já te esperava. Seja bem vindo. Estudar e aprender sempre, faz parte de nossa jornada, ajuda crescer, o dicernimento aos poucos vai aparecendo dentro de você, Satanás e os Deuses sempre auxiliam, se abra para receber o que é só teu, o individual do seu ser pessoal. Oh Poderoso Satanás, Louvado Seja hoje e sempre. AUM

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
