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Article 1
Darkness and Light
Mar 31, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666
A few people ask things like... So what, Satanism is about light now? Isn't it the Emo, Ghoulish thing that the jews have dictated for centuries no more? Am I no longer allowed to drink cups of blood, and hail "jehova", while somehow claiming I am a "Satanist"? To just pin my racially jewish tribal paranoia, in Satan's back?
Can I no longer partake into this useful meme, that was generated by jews, to trap the radical and mistrusted followers of their own, christian, jewish created program? And to drive the sheep back to the stable by careful calculation?
Is "muh" jewish drama, and "muh" tendency to atrocity, not pinned in the back of the scapegoat of Satan anymore? Is the day where all the jewish crimes were magickally pinned on Satan, just over, same as all the world's perils? Has that frontier of always blaming Satan, been lost?
"Now who is going to get the blame! The jew is blameless! The God of the Goyim has to get all the blame, even for what we, the blameless JEWS have done! If he doesn't come quickly, oy vey!!! We will collapse under the weight of our own crimes, guilt, and fortune! We will be named straight and up: "Jesus, Jehova, and his accursed jewish Race", will the goyim shout!!"
Now, how can a rabbi based on stolen Pagan identity, claim to be good, while it's just a murderer? How can the aggressor survive without its scapegoat? And if the false polarization doesn't exist anymore. And has been proven counterfeit...How will the lie continue?
Did Satan have an opportunity to actually speak, and plead not guilty for what the followers of the tribal god Jehova, and an imaginary Rabbi named "Jesus", plus their junkie reverse-followers have committed? In the acts of the greater spirit of 'destroying god' as instructed in the protocols of Zion? Destroying the "Ha-Satan", the "Adversary" of the jewish people.
Has Azazel stopped being the jewish scapegoat for all things jewish, perverted and murderous, such as he is cursed and condemned by jews to be in their racial celebration of the Yom Kippur? Have finally the Pre-Christian, Pagan, Gods, had their name cleaned of this heap of excrement, at least to a decent extent?
Are the days where bowing to jews and becoming their slave in an anti-christian context, that pushes christianity from the backdoor, over? Is the "Satanist" now against all these ordained rules that were hijacked into "Satanism" by the jews?
Are "Satanists" no longer jews? Did jews for ONCE more, be blotted out and revealed once again for following their own Racial excrement, under yet another pretext to shield them. Like always. And try to mask the OBVIOUS? Which they have covered up by the false pretense of "Satanism"?
Do we finally see Judaism in plain sight...Which it was all along? Because all I see is jewish letters, jewish mysticism, jewish kabal, the best friends of the church, the supporters of its backbone, in the expense of Satan's name. A name stolen from Sanskrit and the Far East. To be perverted and blamed for all the world's perils...Out of nowhere.
"A Satanist". And all one does, is what? Defame Satan. Fill the ranks of his enemies. And make sure their supposed 'enemy' always has plenty of ignoramus, fools and idiots hoarding into their ranks. By them playing the bad boogieman. That they are supposed to play, ordained by whom again? The (((Root of it all))).
Has Satanism finally recovered from the thing the jews made it to be? In order to cover a deeper Truth about Satanism?
The answer to all of the above, is yes.
This time has come, and it has passed us. Because well, the jews will always be discovered and must always be put at their place. How long can "Satan" be hidden?
The time where jews had full dictation on the cultural norms of Gentiles is over-with.
So what now? Is Satanism about light? Or darkness? Can I be Mister Emo, or can I be miss Rainbow?
Light or Darkness? Which "ONE".
Because as we all know, the vain division only again, came with jews. In the bible. The light jew is the good jew, the Rabbi Christ. And then we have the dark jew, the anti-christian, or you name it. The other Rabbi. So the real question is, why give in to false, and irrelevant conceptions?
The answer is fairly simple.
To look into the eternal and omnipotent darkness that envelopes existence. And is all-powerful. We need a light. Unless we have a light, unless we can comprehend what we see. And 'enlighten it'. We will never understand, contemplate, and absorb the darkness in reality. We will remain oblivious.
Therefore, all these jewish ghouls. Do not speak about any real 'darkness', let alone with any respect. They are speaking of complete deprivation of knowledge and respect of darkness. They are speaking about lack of light, lack of power.
To lack light is to lack darkness...And to have light is to have the power over darkness. And to learn to respect it. Otherwise one is just mortally blind and oblivious. No matter what one says, one cannot understand the ever-powerful darkness, without light. And essentially its through light one grows power in the darkness.
"Light is Power", Lilith.
"Darkness is Light Turned inside out" -Beelzebub
Satan is the Darkness, Because Satan is all-encompassing, all powerful Light. He is Lucifer, the Lord of Darkness.
Article 2
Who Is Responsible Really...
Apr 22, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666
In this world many people are fooled by the lie of democracy that people actually have "Free Will" and that they also "DECIDE" anything on a higher level. This is based on the pretext of the fact that they vote. Maybe in some cases it does matter, but in most matters, it matters not one inch.
Now there are people who are harsh judges to others, and especially if you are a bit misanthropic as a personality (When you see the swine level of humans I can't really blame you...) you may actually want them to burn themselves alive. I myself have frequent worry coupled with rage over the fact of how stupid humanity has become. We are literally risking our own extinction. However, who is this "WE"?
If you go a few decades back, you will see that most people, in most places of the world, hardly knew how to type down their own name. This is a fact. In most historical instances, the people only decide indirectly, and that is done through leaders they elect, support, or other things like that. This is a natural thing, as in a hall, there can't be talking 15000 people at the same time, but only few people so that the things are understood correctly.
To not over-extend the matter, in most cases, humans have never been asked, in any country or state, what do they want. The enemy who rules these system we are living right now, they give the illusion of asking through elections. People actually go and elect people, based on propaganda, advertising, and their own moral standards. It's rare that actually people know what is really going on.
In the past, illiteracy and other things kept people from deciding, but as we can see today, the very 'literate' can also be equally as dumb if not more, as the (((Intelligencia))) can make one lose one's sanity quite easily.
If we go generations back however, people had hardly any access to knowledge, let alone any 'power' to decide events. Power was only in the hands of the rich, jewish religious charlatans, or the politicians pretty much. Oh and of course Rabbis and other such people as we know, but who cares right?
When one rises in spiritual power and understanding, one of the reason you can easily become a misanthrope and completely give up on humanity is the fact that people are acting and living like swine. Overly convinced about all the lies they have been told, others afraid, and other worthless, they let the impending (((powers))) that be, destroy the planet, and do whatever they see fit. One cannot take this responsibility away from them. They are bound by ignorance, fear, and many other things.
Unfortunately not many people are willing to take a stand, and what the enemy has achieved is to create an internal jewish police in people that tells them what they can do, cannot do, and what they better be doing. This is motivated by lack of knowledge, or fear. For those who are more 'dangerous' and aren't concerned in any of the above, there are other offers, such as, hey homie, be a useless individual bro- and achieve nothing in your existence but waste it doing YOLO. This is how it is today, but this has been analogous in previous centuries as well.
Aside from the East and in place like China, Spiritual power was an unknown term. Yoga and Meditation knowledge, after all the Pagans have been killed, and except of few people going undercover, has been hidden from roughly 99% of the populace in the West. This was done by jews who have purposefully killed these people through their programs. In short, nobody had any spiritual power, let alone anything else. How can people actually make 'choices' when they don't even know how to write their own name down?
Maybe in the three latest centuries, people actually have had more of a will and a chance. What Satan told me at some point was that many people when they died, they went to them, and they were totally oblivious, they had no idea where they were, who the Gods were, or what was going on in reality at all. In some cases they were informed, and the people frequently replied that they had no clue as there was nothing remotely that could give them opportunity to see what is going on.
People reincarnate, and people forget. Therefore such experience is most of the time forgotten, and may, in weak and souls who have no past lives with the Gods, just become liquidated into nothingness. Therefore people return and lives are wasted again, and again.
Satan and the Gods have worked and now the knowledge is on the public. Now if one wants to meditate, 'save their soul', advance spiritually, or understand and know things about the Gods, they can. I have lost track on how many values have been written. Additionally, if one wants to fight and wants to change things through spiritual power and effort with us here, they also can. People in the past more than likely could NOT.
In other words, Satan gives power to the common man to prove himself for whatever he is to be. The same thing happened in Nazi Germany. Now the system worldwide is pretty rigged, and in many cases the (((Plutocracy))) just reforms itself over and over again. Same jews just different age, for example.
It's from now on that we should be asking responsibility from the "goyim". Maybe many of them have had the benefit of ignorance, but right now, where in google one can make a search and in five minutes come to find a lot of things. It only boils down to fear, boredom, stupidity, being a willing cattle etc, and being a worthless entity, pretty much.
There are always and forever the blockheads and the idiots who do not understand the importance of this undertaking, or constantly fall victim to stupid energies such as 'not giving a damn'. The enemy knows really well how to 'use' this. Essentially they are not lazy as their suffering takes too much ignorance, and they willfully force themselves so much just to be ignorant.
It's a law of the universe however that the universe will beat the hell out of these people, until they wake up, as ignorance is not in favor of life. Most people are living an entirely whack existence, and they desire to not wake up, for example.
Experience with many of our members who are VIPS or are older, shows for a fact that TRUTH IS A CHOICE. These people have lived their whole lives under the radar, but never gave up. I know a person in their 70's who dedicated, and the last months of their life meditated and tried to become better about their life. Therefore, what excuses does anyone else have to do nothing?
I have seen many cases of different people over the years. Now this guy had over 5 hours a day looking for his dealer in the streets to find some weed, as weed was very scarce to his location where he was living. It was nevertheless extremely hard for them to find weed, but they were searching for it everywhere.
Everyday from the stories I heard, he was risking his life by dealing and all sorts of other things. By coincidence, he has found the JoS, was even dedicated for a while. Dabbling on IF they should finally "grace" their crappy self meditating, LOL. But you know, ten minutes a day are too much to do any spiritual pursuit. They were rather busy pursuing their drug dealer around, which must have been jewish as well. Who knows in what scat they are swimming today. He infrequently risked going to jail and all sorts of other things.
I am wondering, if he spent these 5 hours a day doing research, meditation, growing wealth, or build their body in their gym, where they would be now? They chose to just chase a kike around to give them their next shot. Who knows if they are dead in an alley today?
I happen to know another case who was living with other people and did yoga in a dirty bathroom. Because this is how much they wanted and desired to better their condition. Now who do you think the Gods are going to help in their time of need?
The Gods don't ask you to give everything you have. They ask you to give to YOURSELF, what you can.
You will get what you're after, you know? Even if you don't define it, you're still after something. If you're after nothing, you will get nothing.
I tell you one thing, if you are sitting on this spiritual mine-gold and do nothing, but just waste your existence, don't go back and beg the Gods for 'Forgiveness' all the time. You're only betraying yourself, and this is not some sexy masochism that turns you on, for the sadistic high of sex or something. It's something really ugly, and costly, that is no fun.
Because you will have ruined yourself, by yourself, all for yourself. And you must pay this burden yourself. Many people sacrifice their existence over the movie that is called life, to try to be the best actor, but few people have wisdom to understand that in order to be a good 'actor' in this movie of goyim, one has also to rehearse - this is meditation in a stupid explained sense.
Giving up on spirituality is essentially the same as giving up food. It's just not intelligent to give up your food, ESPECIALLY to all people here who spiritually, have a FULL FRIDGE NOW AND FOR ALL TIME! If you die from 'hunger', then don't blame the Gods or anyone. You were too busy plugged in the jewtrix to give 10 or 15 minutes a day to feed your soul with the necessary things to exist, thrive and grow?
Then maybe you should die off shouldn't you...
Sorry buddy: the Gods aren't going to concern themselves with that. We have many people who are STARVING to understand out there and we must reach them. Many people are in danger, need help, and the Gods also have a planet to run. They have plenty of time for thirstiness of wisdom, but for people like that, they can't have time....
Robbed, killed, scammed, spat upon by the jews, they insist on following their fictitious programs, fighting the people who make a stand, and pose an obstacle for any betterment that is to come upon humanity. This also includes many people who are prominent, rich, or live life for fun, and their only concern is to choose sunglasses, cars, or houses.
Both the poor and the rich goyim, still remains a goyim if they do not understand the significance of doing at least the LEAST necessary for one's spiritual existence. "Death" is called the great awakener, for when one suddenly leaves all things behind, they are left only with one thing they could and should be, at least, giving SOME NECESSARY ATTENTION: the Soul.
It's the only thing in the universe that really belongs to you and only you, and nobody can take it from 'you'. All of us know at least one of these idiots. Fate, and unfortunately the enemy too, keep beating them. Many will never wake up, and will put themselves to sleep by their own admission and stupidity.
One last thing, the generations that are coming now for the last three decades in the planet, they were very entitled, maybe even sheltered, and had many things easily that others did not. One example is how many people due to the jewish system do not meditate. Those who concern themselves only with living life as "YOLO" and don't do one thing to better themselves, are deplorable to say the least, and nobody, especially here, will accept tales of failure or other things.
You have knowledge that people haven't had in aeons, there is knowledge everywhere, the last thing that remains is for you to make a decision if you will be a slave or cattle. I suppose the striking majority here has made our choice to be free. For those still dabbling on the fence, or going back and forth between Goyim and Free Man, you have to give one final blow to this Goyim, because it's responsible for all wrongdoing and all bad things humanity has done not only to itself, and to one another, but the general condition of the planet, too.
Goyim can go find their master, and beg for transient loot and whatever crap their masters projected to them.
Satan wants an army only of free men, those who always strive to understand and become more, as the Gods.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Article 3
If Hitler Won: How the World Would Have Been?
Apr 21, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666
Satan wanted this written as this is of utmost importance to Him and the Powers of Hell for us to know. This is for all of us to be aware about.
Like Satan and anything good in this world, of the few things that have remained for Gentiles that is. The enemy constantly uses fear-mongering, lying and terror to keep us away from things. Those who take the brave step to go towards Satan do however understand and find solace in Truth.
YES, there are still beautiful and honest things in this world, and Satan and the Gods are of the things that have remained in this wasteland.
But this wasn't always a wasteland...And this is what I want to bring into everyone's attention by this post.
Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists came in the world at a time where the enemy was planning complete, communist world take-over. As many people know, Humanity was beat to it's death. The two world wars were the bloodiest in Human history, and no continent has had peace from the expansionist hunger of the jewish bankers who started diligent work since the 1300. Of course, we had the Vatican, and when the National Socialists came, the Jews were at their most powerful, than ever before.
If one checks in history they see Hitler's time was by far the hardest, and the cauldron of jewish crap was exploding. These were dangerous, and ugly times, and for many centuries there was extreme ruthlessness on the planet in general. Civilization wasn't going far, and still, there is only material advancement without any spiritual understanding. The jews put a tombstone on that.
Many people are afraid of nonsensical things that deal with Hitler. This is partly because most people have no understanding about this Man, and they never made any research or try to mentally and spiritually comprehend the situation.
Hitler was far from a bloodthirsty, dictator. Hitler was a civilizer Godlike person. Real civilization, not crap. Like Egypt and other places where humanity finally understood that in reality, HUMANITY IS GOD. He attempted to help us reach the next level of civilization. That of the end of debt, impoverishment, disease, and many other things. The jews have lied about the methods he wanted to follow, and projected all their lies to them.
To start from the Racial matter, Hitler had no race hate, and no qualms. Hitler was of the few honest politicians in the last two thousand years history. Hitler never lied, neither to his people, or anyone else. Hitler was honest, and Truthful. He understood that at the present situation of the world, the only way to go forward is by establishing a correct base in Germany. This was the only thing that could happen at the time.
Many people falsely assume many things which I will deal with in that post. I would like first to quickly touch on the racial issue. One didn't have to be the 'cleanest of the clean' in regards to blood, in order to be a National socialist. All these models are entirely false as projected by false historians. One looks at Nazi high command and they don't see blue eyed blonde vikings, do they?
This is because one rises in the ranks by merit, work and their diligence, plus honor. Your fake joo propaganda "blonde" criteria on it's own meant nothing, at all in most cases. What's important is doing what is right. And to understand the larger picture of preserving one's racial existence.
In the same way we have to hold a larger vision however, Race was to be preserved and steps taken so that human races didn't go extinct.
Let's not forget the case of animals today. We have made so many go extinct because of plain (((GREED))) and (((STUPIDITY))). The same is the case of Gentiles, there is no need for the creations of the Gods to extinct. Unless a jewish golum sees a (((NEED))) for it.
Second off, Hitler is always portrayed as an inhuman person that would do all sorts of negative and ugly things to people. All of which by another jewish coincidence have happened to all people in the Gulags. As we all know, the holocaust was yet another lie, and whatever the jews did, they projected on the National Socialists. It was easy that way, and victors write history.
Hitler or National Socialism would never interfere with people's sexual selections (unless its pedophillia- that is a crime), or any other preference. We have to also not forget, this was all 70 years earlier. Planets come, Aeons change, time goes on, and Humanity advances. Many people are uselessly afraid by things and lies written by the enemy, such as that they would sterilize people, kill the unfit, and all that bullshit. Many people who are too afraid or too lied about, cannot make the crossing to see that the world we live today is exactly the world the jews blamed Hitler for wanting to make.
The jews always project. A world of mass surveillence? This happens already. We are being spied and monitored, 24/7- asleep and awake, day and night. All our life. A world of numbers? We are numbered already like cattle, and the jews conversation about microchipping us as well. Now there are other more specific incidents, such as Government terror. The jews make a big deal about them being 0,00001% and them being terrorists, they have to face situations in the Nazi Government.
But don't Gentiles face the same under Jewish Governments? Of course, we will NOT know about this, as this is all going under the radar. Its nothing new.
The jews exaggerated this because Hitler, the "Goyim", attacked "Them the Humans". As thus, Hitler was against "Humanity". Let's not forget who the jews mean when they say HUMANITY. Only the jews are considered Human as far as people on the world go.
Then we have the other thing the jews lie about, in regards to torture of prisoners and many other things. One just needs to see what they do to prisoners in Palestine, which are treated lower than swine. Not long ago, 1500 people started a food denial protest because they are treated in the most subhuman conditions. People in prison are treated in a savage manner. If people in Israel see free citizens of the world as cattle, what do you think they do to prisoners?
We have some strange shit about how Hitler started "WAR" and wanted to "EXPAND". Expand from what? Let's not forget that Germany has been reeked of its territories by the jewish bankers since WW1. Hitler retrieved these. And the jews started war on him because of this exact thing. They did not like that Gentiles reacted to their slavery plan.
Another thing that people need to stop worrying is issues pertaining weakness, power and health and all these issues. Some of the most terrible lies is that the Nazis were intolerable of people who were ill, or sick, or had other health issues. This is a flat out lie. Most people would be healed, from any and all diseases and taken care of. Unlike now, where one has to pay infinite amounts of money to have the simplest surgeries, in NS world they would have these for free.
There is no reason to charge for freaking HEALTH CARE of ones OWN PEOPLE. Hitler wanted a world empty of hospitals in the long run, and the complete healing of the physical bodies of humanity. It's tragic for someone to be mentally sane and great, and to have someone trapped in a body that is incapable to exist. This is what the enemy does with many people, and in many countries, euthanasia is dead, so patients have to just stay there, every day, and live a life of nonsense. Let's not forget the health sector in NS Germany was the most advanced worldwide at this point.
There are people who are totally beyond cure and have issues so severe, that their treatment of millions could feed so many other people. I know of families like that myself, and they WISH their people were to die. Sane and healthier people have their whole life stolen from them because of this, such as the birth of a mentally incapacitated child.
The only thing there is a problem with, was BIRTH deficiencies and genetic disorders. Don't all mothers go and take tests anyway for their babies, though...Yes...And that's what the National Socialists wanted to, as well. The enemy makes monstrous difference of things already happening, which is to terrorize the people only. So what's bad about Nazis doing it? The fact that they help the babies of the enemy of the jews, that's all. The jews therefore make mockery and evil out of this.
When jews all sorts of atrocious things to test babies, such as cut their genitals and other crap. To make them 'strong'. That's considered really humane now isn't it...I also read to where Rabbis anally rape their children and kids to incite obedience to them. Perfectly fine isn't it? IT's the Nazis who did evil because...They wanted to make a test to avoid mothers giving birth to kids with down syndrome. Yes...Sounds legit.
One's life or one's family, are all dragged down in destruction from people like that. Inheritances created by pain and blood, are wasted on treatment of such cases. And where does the money go? To jews. This is why the jews are "PHILANTHROPISTS". Because they make profit. A hospital is great and happy when there are ill people to prescribe them drugs, and destroy them. This is happening in the USA and has reached a point of pestilence. Children as young as 5 are diagnosed with imaginary diseases because of "PHILANTHROPIST" jewish doctors. Philanthropically speaking, take 500$ a month in prescriptions for fictitious ADHD, Goyim.
All the west does right now for people in other places of the planet that lack civilization, is try to bring them in the (((West))) to collapse it, due to jewish planning. There is no philanthropy on it, its hostility and hatred and the attempt to destroy all civilizations in one melting pot.
Hitler's policy was clear: let people learn how to FISH (NOT crap integration kike policies etc). Hitler wouldn't be giving fish to people, but fishpoles. -> Fishpoles create independence, Hitler didn't want enslaved civilizations on his feet as many jews claim. All the East knows that. Hitler was a real civilizer that understood the importance of all people living within their own and developing their own civilization, without interference by others in a useless manner. This is why Hitler concerned himself in Germany and in having friendly co-operation with all those who wanted to be friendly civilizations. Such as most people anyway. This is why the East loved Hitler. He would never threaten their civilizations.
Let's face it, not only the God of the jews, the SHEKEL was dead and powerless in Germany, but so were all their other weapons such as lying, hunger, fear of war, and many other things. These people lived 12 years of Freedom, and the world can never steal it from them or the Souls that lived in that era. The jews never forgot them on this, and still nowadays they want to kill them.
I want you to listen with your heart and imagine a different world, not the one we know and have lived in today. A world where your people and you live in unity, and all with a same vision. You are in no fear of hunger, and you can follow your path, everywhere you go. Everyday you wake up and more amazing things have happened, which you were a part of.
Small or big, whomever you are, you can find love, affection and friendship in others. You have a life of prospect, and people are actually united. You don't see strangers in streets, just people you don't know. There are no alleys where you can be robbed, knifed and killed. To exist is a fight of advancement, but not without happiness. Even those whose spirit is more heavy, is uplifted by this general condition. Most causes of depression up to this point have banished, especially the (((Alien))) ones. You can actually follow your Dharma and advance as an entity...
Is it hard to understand why the Jews wanted these people dead, and very fast? What if this was the new WORLDWIDE STANDARD? Where the fuck jews would be today?
Look at how many of our own people can HARDLY meditate nowadays. Curses fly from all directions, people have to struggle for bread, and the jews kill goyim everyday like flies, emotionally, spiritually and in many other ways. People are walking dead, isolated, alone and broken out there. The jews always promise crap utopia, and it always turns into disaster. In the few places that have peace and prosperity, the jews are actively working to break this down. Of course we are talking only about MATERIAL prosperity, as this world has no spiritual prosperity at all. People are dead shells outside.
If we raise the lid of this world we will explode with pedophilia, torture of animals, lies, deception, enmity and hatred in all freaking directions. Now is that an environment that one loves to live? Let alone this whole thing will escalate. Let's not mention Islam and Christianity and all the rest of the things. Even if someone lives in a "GOOD" Condition now, it's only material. Most people are totally bleeding out there...The majority of people nowadays are on freaking happy pills...
And because this decay and rot is becoming forced, we have to build a framework to counteract this. This thing is going to climax badly, and it has again.
Imagine for a second, that Tesla, another God in the flesh was actually in the USA. And they left him die depraved of food in a goddamn hotel room. What kind of excrement are we talking about? Only a fucktard reptilian would do such a thing to such a man.
Tesla had no evil in him, not even the slightest tinge. If he did, he would have nuked the planet, because it's well known he was able to develop a specific beam machine that could actually do this too. These great people weren't evil, but this kike system attacked them, spat on their graves, and attacked their spirit in one way or another every single day.
Imagine if Tesla was in Germany and was allowed to experiment freely. Tesla even now changed the planet, imagine what he would have done if the 'torah' was destroyed and flattened, same as all the rules it imposes on existence. The days of paying electricity or phone bills would have been done with by 1960.
Where would we be today as Races and as Humanity at large? And leave the bullshit aside- nobody would harm any other race because there was no need. Contrary to popular kike, ((("Power"))) thirsty belief, Hitler didn't want to take the whole planet either. There are better things to do than uselessly trying to enslave a planet such as the jews do.
Nobody is in need of slaves and parasites who knows the power of their Race. This is why they told us to take care, understand, and comprehend our own Races and their metaphysical importance. Hitler showed this to everyone.
Most people forget the most important goal of Hitler, was spiritual worldwide re-awakening. The basis, the beginning, and the end of this is all spiritual, and Hitler wanted to restore the Ancient knowledge and wisdom known to all Gentiles. Hitler's goal was to eradicate the spirit of jewish world domination, but that was only secondary to his mission in saving humanity from jewish domination.
In Hitler's world, we would focus on permanent cures for all people, and after science would have advanced, we would master disease permanently as the Gods have. Gods do not get mortally ill. This is part of it. The Gods can be befallen by nothing. Now the jews sell the same false dream, but we all know they have different motivations that are proven by thousands of years of their work.
They want to heal their own race by extreme aliments and curses. But they will ultimately fail. They hoard billions of shekels into healing old rabbis, and meanwhile others are dying in the streets from hunger. Ironic. And all this money is scammed off Gentile Nations as that race never worked a living for themselves.
There is also the other thing in regards to how Hitler would do "ANYTHING" to "WIN THE WAR". However, the good guys of the jews who blamed him, it was THEM that dropped the Atomic Bomb.
Many people don't know the real Hitler. Hitler started as yet another person, seeing around him decay, pain and misery. He found out the reason of this and went to stop it. He fought honorably, he never had below the table exchanges, and he was a divine person with moral sound character. Most people watch all the cruelty and destruction going in the world and they do nothing. Others fight. Like us today, it was these people.
Hitler also fought in the war so he knew firsthand what it means to see corpses, dead bodies, and the misery brought by war. He was a vegetarian and an animal lover, who wanted equal rights for Animals as living beings. Many people will think this is surreal, but the good side of Hitler didn't know any bounds.
It is in fact shocking when one sees what they did to this man, who in the end, proved one of the mightiest men in history, but at the same time proved the most innocent and the most merciful. Sometimes we wish today Hitler was the monstrosity the enemy portrays him to be, so that he would have won, however, he was NOT. If he fell in the equal level of the jews, he would have defeated them.
How could a man that fought for the poor and the homeless people in the streets, who went to fight for his people when he was a nobody, and devoted his life into fighting to elevate all the people around him, be the monstrosity these jews claimed him to be? Is that the behavior of the monstrosity? Would a person that felt the pain and the hunger HIMSELF, be unaccepting and unforgiving to our own weaknesses and hunger?
Hitler was one of the few leaders in history that didn't come from a ruling class, an elite, or a higher up order. He came from the poor neighborhoods, and he saw the pain and lived the hunger for himself.
Hitler wasn't a leader of the gun or the ballot, or the bombs. He was a leader of the Wisdom of the Soul.
Now we are going exactly through what Hitler has told us would go. Again is this because he is a prophet? Mainly, it's because he is a prophet of Truth. He didn't write strange and incomprehensible materials, left on "personal interpretation". He told us straight forward what was going to happen, he did not hide the Truth from the world. Everyday that goes, Hitler is proved further and further right.
For all I know, we would be flying in saucers to other planets now most probably. And our problems wouldn't be that some fools are trying to holocaust the planet with stupid A-bombs, or that jews hardly let people survive and try to replace humanity with artificial intelligence workers so they can rid of the Goyim off. Humanity however needs to see this issue and face it, and see how we lost one great chance.
However Hitler and these people with their fight gave us a SECOND chance we can use to help rebuild civilization. One that without them we would never have, because as jews admit, the Worldwide jewish Empire would have been made by the early 1930's... We would be born in a farm now, in some gulag, and probably already dead.
Let's put the work and power of the Gods here, and generate a better world. We can do this. We have to ensure for those that will come after us they will have better things to worry about, and we can leave a better world in store for them. With the enemy destroyed.
I hope this cleans some doubts and (((FOG))) in regards to where the World would have been right now...
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Article 4
Will Satan Save You?
Apr 18, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666
There is no need for people to have any falsified conceptions. People who are seeking slaves in the form of jesus, who will 'save' them while they are doing absolutely nothing for their existence, not even the slightest possible thing to get better. Are in the wrong place.
Satan is not the God of the cattle, the meek, or the purposefully stupid. Satan accepts all Gentiles who are his creations. However the struggle we undergo today is not to save those who are beyond saving. We are not some fake saviors, and we don't have to make fake promises. We have to be realistic.
Satan has his own elite souls within humanity. And many people who have inside them the ancient worth and higher spirit. This is what Satan, the Gods, and us should care about. We aren't trying to save those who have given and sold out themselves. There are many who are beyond salvaging, like a fried robot from too much poison.
We are seeking for the remaining diamonds of the golden age, in unfortunately what we can call a mountain of trash. On the top of which the enemy stands at the top.
Indirectly, yes, through our fight, many humans will be saved from impending disasters which they will never understand. Even if they 'do' understand, they will never REALLY understand what we have done, or what we are doing. We should gratify ourselves in knowing what we do here, as family and for one another, and rejoicing in the company and providence of the Gods.
The 'outer' circle or 'half awake goy' will only understand the last chapters of what we have been working upon.
Only the Children of the Gods will finally grasp that. Why? Because it's in our Souls already. This is what pushes us forward. We are people from all over the planet, but at the same time, we are so close, something which should be technically impossible. But this is because Gentiles here belong to larger soul family of the Gods.
Satan has entrusted this mission to all of us his favorites amongst all Gentiles. To win their love and their support, one has to listen and to walk the path. One has to rise spiritually and do their own, small or bigger deeds to save themselves. Saving essentially means finishing Satan's work on the Gentile Races. That of spiritual work. This can and must happen at the self.
We are not asking for the approval of the herd. But we warn them anyway. The 'herd' doesn't know logic, common sense, or understanding. It knows what the enemy has taught it, fear and intimidation. However inside this very herd are also the ears that will be wise enough to listen, isolated, and at war with the herd in one way or another. We are seeking the individuals who band as warrior unit where needed.
And who have the power to rise above their own insignificant and mortal blinding existence. These diamonds exist through all the people in the world, and our job is to find them. Many times they come on their own too, thankfully. These are the people that will bring change. Not some random "mass" of irrelevant people who are comfortable with being "goyim".
Satanism is open to those who have something elite spiritually inside them, the righteous, and the people who seek to make greater selves out of themselves. This must be recognized and worked upon, for one to progress.
Who Satan "Saves"?
Not everybody...That's for sure...
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Article 5
The Backstab of "Nationalism" [Part One]
Apr 18, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666
It's intresting how many White people are actually having a very false conception of Nationalism. Some of which even builds against National Socialism. The jews have created a second box of narratives to trap people who are 'waking up' to Nationalism to an extent, making Nationalism basically infected to a high degree of incompetence.
Here we have the meme's that if Hitler had won, all the West would be speaking German, and would be like enslaved to the National Socialists. Little these people know and observe in History, Hitler's own writings, and above all, Hitler's own ACTIONS who speak larger than any mere 'word'. Hitler was a man of actions first, not only words.
The example of the French is that actually, Hitler put aside all the enmity and hatred against the French after the war with them was over. The retaliation of the French against the Germans in WW1 has made many Germans be extremely hateful of the French. Hitler however looked beyond the jewish enforced Meme's in history. That have Whites infighting since forever, to kill one another for no reason whatsoever.
Practically, he annihilated them, and he had complete and total power over France. A few "Nationalists" of his own also told him to blow the Eiffel tower to pieces, because well, "Muh Nationalism" and we should show "Our Big Balls" to the "French". This is the typical, "Nationalist" behavior. Nationalism is like National Socialism for the unenlightened.
Now we are entering a new era of enlightenment, that of National Socialism. Nationalism is an obsolete, false structure. Most things in "Nationalism" don't even belong in the "Nationals" anyway, such as Christianity and other "Cultural" things that are cultural injections by international jewry. Nationalism always found itself powerful to defend it's own territory, simply because, it had no real spiritual foundation.
You cannot be praying to Rabbi Christ and be expecting to be saved by Rabbis. This pseudo-Nationalism is also rooted deeply in Christianity, its sects, and many other divisive lines amongst White people, that have always ruined us, destroyed us, and made us have white-racial warfare. This is the same thing jews have done in Africa and elsewhere. The jews divided the African tribes in Christians, Islamists, and the native Pagans, and made all of them have civil warfare with one another.
The same thing has been attempted in Europe, and this has well succeeded. At the height of this operative of the jews, Europe has risked more than once complete extinction.
Now pseudo-Nationalism and the weak "Right", are of course powerless to resist the wave of immigration, social decay, and all other things that plague us and want to destroy us. This is for the simple reason there is no real spiritual foundation in Nationalism. At best, false history is being praised, and a rabbi on a stick is being worshiped. It's to be noted also I had many influences of "Nationalism" while growing up (Same as from the traditional left) so this is what helped me understand the intelligence in National Socialism.
So going back to the "Nationalists" of Germany, these people are not really motivated by very serious visions. They were decent, powerful conservative warriors, but when the future called for a new vision, they simply fell short. The junkers in the army wanted retaliation against the French, and the destruction of Eifell tower as a symbol of destroying the French on the soul level pretty much.
Hitler however did see one White Folk, with a different culture and backround. For this reason, Hitler did not attack French culture or destroy the Eiffel tower which was a symbol of it. Hitler left French civilization intact. The same thing happened in Hellas/Greece and in England. When the junkers advised for Hitler to bomb kindergardens and schools are Churchill did, as an act of 'demoralization' and 'humiliation', Hilter just refused.
Sometimes people are also oblivious to the fact of how many thousands actually helped and fought together with the National Socialists for a Europe United, with sovereign states, exactly the opposite of what the jewish EU of Kalergi has done. This was also done to poison the idea of a United Europe, in case the experiment failed. As the bible says, the sons of "Esau" (European Gentiles) will not be able to cleave to one another, and they will perish as a result.
Hitler wasn't carrying a war for "Nationalism", but National Socialism. The future. Hitler had divided and dissected the jewish cancer from Socialism and Nationalism, and formulated the new and revolutionary system to lead his race onward. Hitler also was of the belief of ruling like Alexander the Great, in short, everyone should be allowed to follow their own culture and policy, but they would be under the same common Reich. Which would shield and protect all the numerous cultures in its midst.
At best these "Nationalists" are severely uneducated. If one goes to the older generations, they just hold senseless grudges based on false history, or even defending their jew on the stick. The traditional "Nationalist" is the first one to also take the bible out, and make the stupid comment in the room.
They are also the types who always want to force Christianity, and always want to make sure that their Rabbi is served if they are to, you know, give a hand to protect their race from extinction. Nationalism on it's own has a lot of christian fetishism, something you cannot blame the people about, but the politicians who used Christianity as their main tool to power. The same thing was done by the Roman empire, and it collapsed within a century. Nationalism due to it's spiritual foundation and false historical conception, is doomed to fail.
One just needs to look at the "Kings" of Christian Europe, to understand that despite their heroism, they were all fighting in jewish, christian proxy wars for Christianity, and maintaining the hidden jewish power in Europe and in every court. Europe sunk at the all time lowest when Christianity, the root of this false "Nationalism" came in a prominent position in the Dark Ages.
It was the worst time ever in the history of Europeans. As for the "Christian Leaders", corrupted by their court jews and their banking and money-lending system, were left powerless like the later Roman emperors. Which was the main cause of white racial warfare. Just look at Africa, the same exact thing is done right now by the jews in places such as Liberia.
Of course, other atrocities were committed against Pagan Europeans who killed them by the droves. All of that for what? Maintaining Rabbinism. Sorry I meant Christianity and the later values that came to constitute Christian Nationalism.
Lastly, to close this message, Whites will be FORCED to consider new systems of governing themselves, on a massive basis. With the age of Aquarius, and mass human population, comes the demand for White people to band together, and leave entirely the old- jew-infested petty aside. This is for our future. Whites are basically the endangered species of the planet right now.
For "Nationalists" and others who cannot tolerate an alliance that puts the Blood first, this is to be expected. Every "Nationalist" will have to make a choice: Either you go one foot here, and the other there, and form a schizoid personality between the jewish infested past, or you just shed off that jewish tattoo'ed skin to free yourself.
Unfortunately, the future will enforce this upon us, wether we like it or not. The same question will come to all other Gentile Races. Will they keep with the jewish infestation, or will they fight it? This is only because globalism and the jewish power that has risen so high, can be seen by everyone, same as the tentacles it has raised to strangle people.
Race comes first and foremost, Race is the intention of "God" in the same example, or Nature, or how one wants to name it- the higher order. You are not born a christian, or a nationalist, but you are born White, or essentially in any other Gentile race. That right there is a mandate of what you are supposed to work for, and build.
In short, the question will be, are you going to be falsely egotistic and concern yourself only with your subjective experience about existence? Or raise yourself in a higher level of understanding that is more spiritual, and understands the fundamentals for the future?
This sums up the issue of "Nationalism" in a conscice manner. For some people "Nationalism" is a positive stepping stone for now, and jews exploit this fact, to keep people in a false positive lukewarm position. It's at least a beginning.
And in anyway, Christianity is largely dead within the White community. Pay attention though to how the people with the old grudges try to make this into a good thing, or try to fall into the same trap the Roman emperors and other older European leaders did. To use Christianity as a uniting, communist power to compensate for their own lack of cultural creativity or lack of White Ancestral knowledge.
There are also jews and their indoctrinated spawns who do this on purposes, even if the Truth is known, or blatantly obvious. These are the weak, whom as we know for a fact, have fallen for jewish brainwashing, and magick. And the straight falling in the pit the jews have prepared for the White people in case they revolt. Through unconscious control and spiritual control, the jew always holds the chains in the mind of White people.
Remember: White people have been backstabber betrayed by jewish controlled (((Nationalism))) since forever. The fruit of this betrayal we will readily see again in our times.
National Socialism NEVER betrayed White people.
Hitler was a real God, he didn't need any cultural backup from a Rabbi. And definitely, neither do any White people worldwide, no matter their more specific culture. Nobody can disagree on that. However, a flower in the soil may rise from an old see, the new tree needs new cutting, new cultivation and new understanding to become a glorious tree.
This will be the tree of life of the White people. Not the jewish tree of life, but the Ancient Yggdrasil...
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Article 6
The Backstab of "Nationalism" [Part Two]
Apr 18, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666
In short.
"Nationalism" as is understood for around a century now, roughly belongs to the lazy baby boomers of the older generations. Who had it all for free but still they wanted to maintain a false aura of antagonism and enmity against their own race and people, and rejected them over border or financial policies, while they were infact the same beings in blood and spirit.
To increase "Competitiveness". Many also pretended to be "Racist" but they were the first generation to actually have the looting, robbing, and shattering open of their countries happen so easily. Its the first time in human history that Europe is being invaded and nobody has raised a war, an axe, or hammer immediately. At least these people understood that our lands do MATTER. They weren't just Nationalist.
They were much more. They understood blood and soil, not only socio-economic and pseudo-cultural norms and numbers. We could call them proto-National Socialists in many ways.
In many cases, the unconsciously assisted the destroyers. They were going to church and the only thing they looked forward, was the Rabbi Yashua (Jesus Christ) would save their borders. And some jewish politicians were fine because why not. All their problems weren't fought by them, but the system. Nationalism became increasingly nonsense, as Globalism marched forward unimpeded. The Nationalists also ate from the honey cyanide of "Christianity", which guaratneed the jews maintained power, position, and also existence within their countries.
There is no real "RACIAL" element in Nationalism. Just some random bullshit about jewish generated, imaginary, and fairly recent culture. The jews can easily control this by controlling information, public and press. And therefore Nationalism became Christianity and Materialism 2.0. Without any serious physical backround. This we can also call "Conservatism", which was the part of the two sided jewish game of "Conservatism" and "Progression", both of which were owned by jews and have an equal power in working as a dual force in ruining the whole "West".
Many people who either shill or lack knowledge, say that Christianity made the West, we live in Western civilization and should be thankful. One needs to look at the Ancient White people such as in Greece and elsewhere. To realize the real light of civilization again such as philosophy, mathematics, science, architecture and everything else came from these regions. Pagans.
The church destroyed this, plunged us into ten centuries of the darkest of ages the likes of which never found us ever before, and then with its power that has regressed, we rose again. Napoleon Bonaparte was the herald of this change, that of Classical Enlightenment. Which was exactly the opposite of Christianity. And annihilated all it's values.
Christianity moved from being a ruling political power, and was reduced to 'religion'. It always tried to re-grasp power, and given the control of information, occasionally parade as even the "CATALYST" or the "CAUSE" of such evolution. All of which we can easily debunk by looking at their own beliefs. And above all - ACTIONS AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE.
"Nationalists" of the baby boomer, Sunday school, brainwashing generation do not know, or deny these facts. In short, they had no real deep ethics. And were really malleable. Only the spiritually young (has nothing to do with physical age) and fertile White Souls will understand what these things mean, and will be able to transcend past their 'time spectrum' and consciousness as it was malformed by the church. These people are the wise of their generation. However most of these "Nationalists" basically are nothing compared to this.
We "excuse" them for this, and we understand it, but we can never hope to fall in the same rut hole. Why do we excuse them? Because unlike them, we see the jewish parasite and the work it has done on their minds, life, and historical conception. We also know the deeper occult mechanics that have been used against them.
However if there is an attempt on attacking us, subverting the greater needs that have arose now. And trying to impose rabbis and imaginary hatreds within our struggle.
That all they were busy about is having an easy life, being hippies, loving the progressive neo-judaism left, and at the same time maintaining some false positive "Nationalism" to not feel guilty about the fact they no longer had values of worth like their Ancestors. This later become Nationalistic "Liberalism" and other hybrids, that eventually resulted to what we have today. IE, extinction.
The Nationalists of WW1 and prior were closer to National Socialism, that actual "Nationalism". The wise and those who are really interested in our existence have to understands this, same as have to do all other Gentile people who find themselves in other Gentile Races plagued by jewish psy-op programs, religiously or culturally.
Remember: White people have been backstabber betrayed by jewish controlled (((Nationalism))) since forever. The fruit of this betrayal we will readily see again in our times.
The left, the right, the center, and all the sides of the same coin, have always resulted in the furthering of the same agenda.
National Socialism NEVER betrayed White people,or any other people. Never done, NEVER will.
Article 7
To Fight in Satanism
Apr 18, 2017
by High Priest Hoodedcobra666
Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades!!
Spiritual Satanism is basically very simple. Go by nature, respect your existence, recognize your physical and material existence, follow the spiritual advancement, and things fall in place. There is no need for extremely complicated or very strange systems that are confusing, or books filled with hundreds of 'commandments'. Truth is just supported by following the upper things. One advances, one slowly starts grasping things further.
Advancement comes essentially from the Soul. The Soul or the meta-genetic component, influences who one is, advances us, and changes us for the better. Spiritual practice is an evolutionary practice. Essentially the end product of such (Let's say as "end" the Magnum Opus) will not mirror the starting product anymore than a stone resembles a beautiful statue. This process is again, nature in a sense.
For this reason, one doesn't have to look down on themselves or feel bad about the fact that we have some stone in us. This is also the potential to become a statue. To be a stone is OK. To not exist is the only real problem, which is where a few people are heading by constantly attacking themselves for being a stone, instead of REFINING this thing.
This is the difference between the fake programs, and Spiritual Satanism. Spiritual Satanism accepts everyone as they are, in the given condition they want to advance. Nobody is scorned or attacked, but everyone must advance instead of destroying themselves or follow eternal sinking. All of us come and exist in different levels, based on our evolution and merit, and personal choice to work. Spiritual advancement has few 'requirements'. Any living being can spiritually advance.
The problem is not in losing fights, but in not fighting. Even lost fights are going to show someone who knows how to take this, as knowledge on how to win later on, for example.
Many people will notice that we are also fighting in a more spiritually literal sense. Essentially our fight is not motivated only by sheer 'anger' or any such useless (((Explanation))), but it's a higher aspiration to become better and remove obstacles that keep us on all levels from going forward.
If someone keeps putting obstacles in our way for no reason other than their admitted hatred for your existence, then you have to re-act to these things.
This is the situation with jews and it has been ongoing for centuries. As Rabbi Laitman stated (this is not a nobody, this is one of the most "important" rabbis of modern times), this is because the jews are from another universe/galaxy on the soul level, and they seek to wreck what is left of humanity and enslave it for their own purposes. To sit with hands crossed spiritually, only makes for certain damnation.
Our existence until a point (Namely the Golden Age) was in its natural state. From what it's known, humanity was in the brink of becoming perfected and Satan wanted to finish his work. The finishing of such takes time, and effort, and this is motivated by two factors the Gods did not 'control'.
One factor is the factor of nature. For example, a baby cannot be born in one day. It needs 9 or in the very least 7 months. In the same way, the human consciousness needs to develop over time, and through conscious work of the person themselves. IN other words, Satan could was NOT supposed do our work for us. This had to do with OUR self realization, only which WE can do as individual Souls.
This is for our existence after all. It would be pointless for everything to be given to us for free. We were already created with superior and advanced abilities by Satan as inherent in our species anyway. On top of this, they gave us spiritual knowledge (to all Gentile Races) so we could advance with it. On *TOP* of all these things and all the teachings and help they left, they also left us these teachings coded in Ancient cultures, so that we would not lose them.
To not over-extend, we all know that the Gods were forced to depart due to war basically. The Gods and many other beings have their own enemies as well. Others flattened, others still persist, the list goes.
It's well known that the whole xian/judaism "Jews Vs Gentiles (pagans)" is nothing but a very simplified, jewish meme. That in fact is basically hiding the only fractal Truth. That the aliens who created the Gentiles are not those who created the jews. And that the jews have other specific purposes to carry on on top of this planet. Part of which is to exterminate and enslave us for their own personal benefit, as whatever lifeforms they are. There are infinite numbers of pages written on this. In what is called as "Jewish Culture".
Remember, culture resembles memory and link to our Gods and Ancestors. The enemy systematically attacks culture and bastardized it with Islam and Xianity, on purpose. To cut the link and the knowledge. And to cut our evolutionary knowledge and ability to connect with our Soul-Family, the Gods. Who guide us even if they physically departed.
To not fight the enemy, means you aren't doing what's best for yourself, the planet, future generations, and everything good. Therefore we are put to fight in an automatic manner, wether we like it or not. The forces of the enemy are ON you, even if you don't accept it, understand it, or even feel it. They are spread over civilization like a plague pretty much. The fight against the enemy is a larger fight of humanity trying to remove a negative element from within its own midst.
As Rabbi Laitman explained to his fellow jews. The jews are essentially an alien lifeform that came into the body of human civilization, in the same way of a cell intrusion. How the jewish soul came in this "Solar system" of ours, was from another galaxy, and through physical bodies created to look as human hybrids.
These hybrids as Rabbi Laitman stated come from all races, in other words, jews come in all colors and appear within all races, but they are all jewish racially at the root. From there they try to take over civilization from WITHIN, and not by external conquest. And like a cancer tries to take it over pretty much. All the humans, us included here, will fall victims into this.
For this to happen, natural order has to be destroyed and assimilated into a new 'order' that will put the alien invading lifeform in the top. This as we can see has came to happen by the suffering of 5.8/6th's of the whole planet, and the rest who do not 'suffer' are basically enslaved completely and suffer in many other ways.
We as Satanic Souls are similar in this case, but we are the antidote and the original caretakers of the larger whole.
We don't fight a war to create lies, just to restore natural order as it were. We are the original and essential spiritual root in humanity. This is why Satanists can come from any Gentile Race.
Only the Satanic Souls can treat this matter on the core, which is something deep and spiritual.
Spiritual Satanism is essentially a name we have nowadays for Souls and their system given by the Gods, that was given to Gentiles to advance themselves, since time 'immemorial' at their core, when Gentiles were created by Satan and the Gods. And help the world and ourselves reach a higher level. While we reincarnate and we exist again and again, the Souls of such devotees to the Gods remain existing in time.
Let's not forget Satan to us means "Eternal Truth" and no else gimmick generated at a (((later time))) do affect or concern us, let alone things meant to defame this being behind this title. Also this being has had a lot of other aliases and titles that we humans have given him, such as Lucifer for example.
Forms change, but essence remains the same. The Soul remembers, so again, it re-draws itself in where it will advance. Also the Gods themselves call the Souls that have befriended them and followed them, in more or less obvious manners. While a Satanist is made in the Soul, Satanism can also be made and generated by spiritual practice. When one advances, the "Satanism" (Truth-ism) in the Soul is brought out.
Not only we have to win the internal battle with ourselves (or better yet the infested parts) but also, the external battle has to be conquered. It's not by a coincidence, that the more one conquers themselves, the better they can deal with external issues as well. Any 'external' issues have to be corrected as well.
Spiritual Satanism is the fight for advancement.
And in a sense to fight is necessary to advance, NOW, more than ever.
We will fight together and until the end and further if necessary.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Article 8
Working for the Satanic Future
Apr 05, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666
We are idealists. Some people may think of us as insane today, but what isn't "insane" about us, when "Sanity" is basically the philosophy of a soulless, rotten human being that always and forever sinks? If it's called "Insanity", "Racism", "Satanism" or "Bigotry" or "blah blah blah", then it is what it is. It means nothing to us, you know?
We are opposed to this, and therefore, we have different opinions. We see things differently.
Satan as reminds us and let us know of the Immortality of our own Soul, and the Soul purpose. This can take more than one lifetimes. This is the meaning of building for the future.
Just ask yourself, where would you be, if you were born in a Satanic family, and meditated from the earliest days of your life, or had access to this material, or even taught much of this in your school.
This in reverse, is what happens in Pissrael. Most jews by their thirties are already versed for all high positions in existence, due to sustaining spiritual stolen culture, while most Gentiles in their 30's have their first pat in the back, 'reality check'.
Many of Gentiles may have had to reach our 50's and 60's to find the real God. This could have been corrected by a global, race adjusted, and powerful culture. Naturally, the Souls of previous Satanists will go and reincarnate in the hands and positive families of Satanic families in the future, in accordance to the Will of the Gods and Race. This is a phenomenal advantage as you can see. No time lost.
Only Spiritual Satanism can lead in extremely powerful and spiritually vibrant civilizations for Gentiles in the planet. Everyone who is an initiate today, knows what Spiritual Satanism can do to the transformation of the self. All other systems are neutered, and they don't have the power and the spiritual backbone to actually do anything plausible than be more than make believe.
This is because essentially, the nowadays called Spiritual Satanism is basically what was common knowledge among the higher and mystic classes of the Pagan people. They just called it "Truth" in a sense, because it made sense, and we today call it "Spiritual Satanism". But its the same path to power.
If people are about to have children, by the third month of pregnancy, you can ask Satan to send you a Satanic Soul that is suitable for you to raise as your progeny. Satan will protect you and help you. Needless to say, this can be a most beautiful experience.
Everyday we have enemies, free loaders, and other people who are not concerned. This is not the mentality of future Gods. Of all the animals, the only animal that is able to think about their deepest future and the largest future is the Human. Of course when one is not acting like a human, they are closer to animal level. The mentality of Gods, and the Wise people should be different. Satan has brought select people here from all Gentile Races, because Satan's aims are great for Humanity.
Satan doesn't see a rotting world, neither should his followers. Those who are 'live and let be' and don't give one damn about anything but themselves, its safe to assume, nobody will give a damn about them as well. But this is Justice, isn't it?
To show you the extent of this. In between Reincarnations in the Ancient World, kids knew by an early age due to meditation, who they were in the past life. Therefore, they had no question about their own social standing today, or where they were, or what they were to do, or things committed in the past lives.
The jews openly state in the Kabbalah, that aside all the other curses, they have cursed humanity to forget who they are. Trends, and who one goes, is carried with someone, and re-manifests in some form or another, in the next life.
The Pagan Mystics would get people in their own grave from their last lifetime, and they would get also their important physical belongings, given that the initiate was spiritually aware, pure and clean of mind, without any need about lies and false deceptive "muh importantism".
This is why in large tombs, we had all this wealth stored inside. So the reincarnation of a person, could get their hard labored wealth again. This process was to be repeated, until the person finally became a Demon, and subsequently, a God and therefore immortal.
We have such a great future ahead of us, especially in this Age of Aquarius. We have to fight the enemy, eventually defeat them, or die trying. For those overly concerned, by seeing the enemy on a position of rule now, don't worry. Rule does come, and rule does go, especially in the case of unfit rulers such as those of the enemy. We are already seeing their system collapse. Unfortunately, civilization due to bad universal forces, and forces of the enemy, is being threatened to actually collapse.
The Ancients had made as much preparation as possible, and now, in these late years after 2012, we exited the dwindling circle towards the bottom of the universal line. Now, the energies will push for betterment, rather than decline, and as thus, the influence of the jews is dwindling. We have to make sure this deal is done with and they lose all power.
In a sense, all Spiritual Satanists are actually working on the will of their Ancestors and Soul-family from time immemorial. We are doing what they have been doing in many ways. You vibrate their names, as your Ancestors did thousands of years ago. You meditate on your Soul, as inherited by them.
We didn't have a destruction in the Pagan system, for who knows how many hundreds of thousands of years. To the Gods, the jewish accident is short lived. They have other plans.
It doesn't matter if one brings a small stone, or a giant stone, what matters is everyone brings something. In the end, Satan's vision will be manifested.
Work, so that you will be worked upon, help so that you may be helped, show loyalty to the Gods so that they will be loyal to you, for they are honest.
This is the essence of Working for the Satanic Future.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Article 9
Different Names...Same Beings - Same Gods...
Apr 05, 2017
by High Priest Hoodedcobra666
I think we could, or should write a book on the subject, if time allows at some point...
Most people don't know anything pretty much anymore. But what google says, what they have heard, or what they saw at Netflix. By rumor, lack of education, forcible jewish removal of knowledge and bastardization of it, and the potent disease of 'egotism' that makes all the stupid think they know it all Gentiles have been turned a few thousand years after their history, to attack the Gods whom they have been praising for hundreds of centuries. Talk about how the children of the Gods are turned against them...By deceptive jews.
This is to fairly quickly debunk the lies about the meme that some uneducated people try to spew. That somehow, the Spiritual Satanist Demons, and even so Satan Himself, do come from "JEWISH" names and/or are coming from a jewish source. Of course the people spreading these lies are probably jews themselves, pushing the torah pretty much, and denying all evidence, the usual of their race.
Basically, it's just jews lying to everyone based on their extensive lies, with which they have covered up Truths that are harder to find for people who never study, or bother. Therefore, shills, trolls, and other jews just try to lie to people. To do what again?
Keep them away of their Gods, or at least, misdirected. All of us know here what the jews did. Being the parasites as they were, they always attached themselves to civilizations they have been, amassing, stealing and reversing their culture to create what is known as "Judaism" today. They have been in many, if not all, Ancient Civilizations. This took thousands of years obviously, and didn't happen overnight.
Judaism was later re-invented in what is known as Christianity, so that the "Goyim" or Gentiles, would basically turn to hate their own Gods. Then they also formulated Islam of the same exact reason. Gentiles as such, remained powerless, as the connection with their Gods was the most important thing and their power.
Let us not forget. Goetia, comes from GOY, which means, NON-Jew. Therefore Goetic Demons does simply means, the Gods of the Non Jews. Demons is the ACTUAL term for GOD in the Ancient Greek, with GOYS meaning "ΓΟΗΣ" which is the term for magick. Magicians were literally called "GOETES". This means "seducer", but the term Seducer had an occult meaning, not that of seducing sexually, but of using the forces of nature for one's will, "Seducing" them.
Then, we have the angry jewish trolls, that somehow state that "names are so important", while they themselves have like...500 names to address the same though-form that they worship. Why is it that? Because names are largely worthless, except of the innate power they have. When one calls into a name of deity, it doesn't matter exactly which name you use, you can call Satan as Satan, or if you are afraid of Satan because the boogie man will eat you, call him Lucifer, or whatever, but one has to make sure its Ancient. Ancient Names have more power, and are more sanctified, being closer to the spiritual language.
Most names are also epithets. Such as "Strong, Honest", the list goes.
The best way to put this, is that this is like a telephone line. The same being will answer, but you can call different numbers, so to say. They own all the telephones that Gentiles have ascribed to them. It's not a big problem in a functional sense. But if we want to get technical, we have to use names that are actually Ancient and Powerful. You simply cannot call a God "Tom" or "Bob". The sound has a significance that ties into the occult.
The Satanic Demons are all basically, the most Ancient Gods. Jewish grimoires have a specific few there, for the sake of blasphemy and binding, but at the same time, these are the most important Pagan Gods basically in these books. This is basically what comparative archeology/theology reveals. That basically, it's the same deities, ideas, all traveling with their own native people, but just changing dialects.
Lastly, in the Ancient Pagan war, we see no religious warfare. Pantheons sometimes are mixed, improved, and sourced somewhere. This takes circles, and comes in the same point. In other words, they aren't obsessing on the telephone numbers from which they call the Gods, they don't have hate for the different statues or types of architecture. This just expresses the Soul. What is important is that all of them do actually know the same Gods (ET's if you will) in the highest level. This is why you see very easy absorption of cultures, and basically, all the mystics and others were basically the same kind, used the same methods, etc. Because these methods and these beings are eternal.
This is what we are bringing in the front again, in a fully version: We call it SPIRITUAL SATANISM.
I will take a few examples here.
The first example, is Him that we call Satan. Which as has been stated again, comes from the Satyan of Sanskrit, which means Eternal Truth. Because of the power of the Name. What is a MORE divine title to address one's God but TRUTH? This settles it. Of course the jews avoid speaking this very frequently, as they sure as fuck know, it's better not to. This is why you will see some kikes and other imbeciles obsessed with calling Satan in any other name. Shiva is the lord associated with Highest Truth as well, to name on example. We cannot put all the knowledge in one post, as this would take a book.
The Demons by reverence and respect, as in the Ancient Pagan times, they appreciate people who are dedicated to Truth. And they will answer them, help them, and assist them to become as the Gods. Truth is an empty term in English anymore, but in Greek and Egyptian language, this means REMEMBRANCE. It literally means, to remember the Gods that gave us life, remembrance. This is to literally, remember in a clear sense.
One example is the God "Bifrons". Bifrons literally in Rome was a deity, and this means "Two Headed God". Bifrons was called "Janus Bifrons". This is because of the ability of the God to be all knowing, knowing past and future. They give him the head of akin to Dionyssus, and also, if you pay attention at the Hindu deities, we have more than one head, sometimes four. This is to show the four pillars, and absolute knowledge: Nothing is outside the knowledge of this particular God.
Another example, is Astaroth,. The name of Austria, is OSTEREICH. "ASTRA" in Ancient Greek means Stars. Austria literally means, land of the Stars, or even of Astaroth. "DEUSCHLAND" means Land of ZEUS, as Deus and Zeus is interchangeable. "OSTER-REICH" means Austria, Hitler's fatherland.
Astaroth or Aphrodite, or Venus to the Romans. Ishtar, or Astaroth, basically has the same story in Sanskrit, with her lover Tammuz, and his death, which threw her in great depression...The relation is obvious. Aphrodite also had her lover Adonis, from where the kikes stole the name "Adonai" to call their thoughform from. In the name of Astaroth, which the jews turned to Astoreth, meaning "Excrement" or something like that, we still celebrate Easter, or Ostara, the Fertility celebration. The qualities of Astaroth/Aphrodite/Venus are all the same, she is the goddess of love, procreation, and fertility, and Divine beauty. She can also become extremely vengeful and is a Warrior Goddess. This is only one example.
Then we have Apollo, the Sun God, which we could easily say is Amon Ra or Horus. The far easterners, he was Shamash, the lord of the Sun, and to the Germanics, he was the God SOL, whom we also have the Rune SOL nowadays. In the bible, he is ridiculed and attacked, named "Apollyon", which means, Angel of Death. Now of course, we can see the blasphemy here. The life-giving Sun God, becomes a bringer of death. He brings pestilence, is in the underworld, death and pain, and is an evil entity in the bible. Pure kike blasphemy pretty much.
Charon. Charon literally means the ferrier, is a Greek Word, who takes the Souls to the After life, and transports souls to the afterlife. Let's not forget that the Norse HEL, was just ripped off as it was, and made into HELL. The lower world had no "Evil" ethical thing in the Ancient World. The "Cthonic" or "Dark" Gods were equally good and useful, as the Gods in the "Upper World".
Now the jews have attacked Zeus by calling him Mammon, just a name for money and nothing else. Why? Because Zeus in Ancient Greece, aside all his other qualities, and being the par-excellence Symbol of the Human Soul (And therefore leader of the Gods, the Chakras) was the giver of riches. Those who were very rich, were blessed by Zeus according to tradition. Of course, the jews ripped Zeus into "IE-ZEUS" which means "I INVOKE ZEUS" in Ancient Greek, or "COME ZEUS", and this later was ripped off to become a name of the jewish Rabbi, "IE-SUS", completely a lie and unrelated.
Revelation 2-12
"To the angel of the church in Pergamum write: ‘I know your works, and where you dwell... where Satan’s throne is."
The Pergamon and the Throne of Satan, is actually the Temple of Zeus. Adolf Hitler wanted to create an exactly same Temple in Germany. Bcz of course Goyim, he was a CHRISTIAN. Don't jews tell you these things?
Ares, the God of War, is the par-excellence Masculine God, the master of brutal warfare, namely also, the God of the Berserking Rage. Ares can single handedly destroy a legion. He is THE male God. The Demon Andras, means "MAN" In Greek, and comes from the Etruscian ANER. The name Andrea is one example of this name, carried into the name of a person. Ares/Andras is also TYR, the God of Warfare. Ares is the literal name of the planet MARS in Greek:
“Day of Tiw (Tyr)” (Tiwesdæg), which was in turn based on the Latin Dies Martis, “Day of Mars.”
Of course, with might, comes also the ability to give justice, so Andras/Ares/Tyr is also a God of Justice.
"ARIOS" from which ARYAN does come, means "FIGHTER". Quite literally, it means the Race of Fighters and Warriors, and many Gods do also get the same Epithet. Of course, the Gods aren't dumb warmorgers, and the stories deal mostly with helping us understand their spiritual qualities. Mars/Ares/Andras is for example, the Sacral chakra, of male warrior energy.
Then we have the Demon Balam. Balam is literally one that the jews hate, as they literally admit the being known as Balam, who was an Ancient Magician, was on the level of "God" basically. He was a literal God in the flesh. Balam is heavily cursed and attacked in the bible. Balam was a physical descendant of the Ancient Gods, from the Race of the "Giants" whom the jews hated (Note Whites). Baal-Am actually would mean "Lord God", and AM and AN are nasal interchangeable sounds. Initially, Balam launches a curse, that kills most of the jews single handedly- of course this probably being a real event, and then the jews write some crap on how they put him to repent (Pseudohistory for guillible goyim). If he so repented, why is he cursed to die still by Talmudic Rabbis? I let that to the thinking of the readers...
Then we have "ASMODEUS". Asmodeus was another, flesh and bone, God. The name is entirely Greek. "ASMO-DEUS" means the God that sings to Zeus, probably coming from "ASMA" which means divine incantation. As revealed below, the name means "Fire of Truth" or "Divine Fire" basically.
It's also supported this comes from Ozymandias, the name of Ramses the Great. Maybe they had a close relation? It's plausible as a hypothesis.
From Jewpedia on Asmodeus:
Judaism's Asmodeus (Talmudic ʼšmdʼy, Book of Tobit asmodios) derives from Avestan aeshma.daeva.
In the hierarchy of Zoroastrian demons (daevas) that mirrors a similar hierarchy of divinities, Aeshma is opposed to Asha Vahishta, the Amesha Spenta that is the hypostasis of "Truth." This opposition also reflects Aeshma's position as messenger of Angra Mainyu (Yasht 19.46), for in the hierarchy of divinities, Asha is the messenger of Spenta Mainyu, the instrument through which Ahura Mazda's realized ("created by His thought") creation.
It can go on and on...
But I hope this conveyed the point.
Article 10
Classless Society in Communism,National Socialism,Capitalism
Apr 03, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666
This post may be like the shortest I have done in a while.
What most people know is that both the Communist jewish society, and the NS Germany society, both were CLASSLESS. The terms are really covered however...And the whole importance lies in the TERMS by which is this conducted... That means, that you are not predisposed by the birth of your parents, or simple hereditary right, to be anything.
Now in NS Germany what did this mean? The child of the shoemaker and the housewife, could become a leader, a high official, or anything they wanted and had natural predisposition to become. EFFORT would have to follow through, same as proving this. The NS state took the responsibility of growing the talents in the child, and giving them all the possible selections so they could follow their future, which was already guaranteed if they followed through with their ambition. School was basically a series ranging from art, to science, to warfare. The child by age of maturation would know what they were best at and could possibly make a living of from, or excel.
Even if someone had very low aims for their life, and they were the son of a war commander, that didn't mean nothing. Goebbels had an elder son that he didn't put in any position just because he was his son. He was a simple soldier in the Hitler Jugend. And didn't get nowhere because of his "daddy". This is obviously good, and forms a natural aristocracy, of the correct people in the correct positions: so society can rise to higher levels. This is because of the understanding that everyone is UNEQUAL. This UNEQUALITY opens the doors for people to do what they are supposed, and feel better aligned to be doing.
The created shekel "Econonmic Class" cannot obstruct Tesla to rise in the higher ranks to create, for example. The other people in the NS state would actually push and bless Tesla to do whatever he had to do, because of a feeling and morals of commonwealth: they see in the success of Tesla their own success, and they will benefit all together from his existence. His existence would be a blessing.
If you pay attention, Marxism and therefore Communism always fixates on your income, and how many Shekels you possess. The same understanding has poisoned Capitalism, and the jews, exactly as Marx instructs, are using Capital to basically form Communist conditions within society, and then, create an actual Communist revolution. Everyone is taxed according to income, etc, and everyone's life is basically just their income. Without the Shekel, you can get nowhere, and you are equal to a piece of trash.
You cannot 'prove' yourself either in anyway. The enemy as this situation climaxes, robs the "Public Estate" from people, such as free schools etc, and turns them into crap, so people can only advance by getting loans and getting in paid schools, which may NOT always work. People who start from poor families (open any economics book that has research) tend to by the high 90's of percent to never rise in the next 'socio-economic' class.
Simply because, the system obstructs them. The only way this can happen is by coincidences or loans, both of which the jews have guaranteed to bear no fruit in many ways. It's largely a hoax. I think the accurate percent of failure is above 95% per generation.
In the jewish commie-land of Stalin, one's hereditary rights meant something. If your father was a Lawyer for example, you were OBSTRUCTED from going to the same or in a higher social class. I know this sounds bizarre, but this is exactly what happened and it's widely known from communist scholars. You were damned by serfdom, and you had to serve the lower classes. The jewish classes who were nothing, were FORCED to go to the top, because the reconstruction of society was basically a society where jews had to rule.
The mobster and gangster Stalin, was now 'God' over Russia. Because of the nature of communism, one doesn't have any talents and any free will. This is all because Communism has to become "Finalized" and "Total", and humans have to work to their death for whatever is forced upon them, like it or not. In short, the jews don't give one shit.
Everyone is born "EQUAL", and everyone has to do what the state forces them to do (personal preference doesn't matter), and their talents are not taken in consideration. Tesla rots in the gulag aside the "Komrades" and jews spit in his face, until he is dead from deprivation, trying to build a house for Stalin's new jewish hooker. "Equality Materialized".
If Tesla was to run outside of the border, the "Komrades" would have killed him. Because, aren't we all equal? WTF are you doing trying to become an inventor? GTFO and go to work in the gulag. Tesla's "Inequality" would have been a curse, something to be killed about even. Everything that is above the "mass" HAS to be exterminated, as it threatens the mass.
Article 1
Darkness and Light
Mar 31, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666
A few people ask things like... So what, Satanism is about light now? Isn't it the Emo, Ghoulish thing that the jews have dictated for centuries no more? Am I no longer allowed to drink cups of blood, and hail "jehova", while somehow claiming I am a "Satanist"? To just pin my racially jewish tribal paranoia, in Satan's back?
Can I no longer partake into this useful meme, that was generated by jews, to trap the radical and mistrusted followers of their own, christian, jewish created program? And to drive the sheep back to the stable by careful calculation?
Is "muh" jewish drama, and "muh" tendency to atrocity, not pinned in the back of the scapegoat of Satan anymore? Is the day where all the jewish crimes were magickally pinned on Satan, just over, same as all the world's perils? Has that frontier of always blaming Satan, been lost?
"Now who is going to get the blame! The jew is blameless! The God of the Goyim has to get all the blame, even for what we, the blameless JEWS have done! If he doesn't come quickly, oy vey!!! We will collapse under the weight of our own crimes, guilt, and fortune! We will be named straight and up: "Jesus, Jehova, and his accursed jewish Race", will the goyim shout!!"
Now, how can a rabbi based on stolen Pagan identity, claim to be good, while it's just a murderer? How can the aggressor survive without its scapegoat? And if the false polarization doesn't exist anymore. And has been proven counterfeit...How will the lie continue?
Did Satan have an opportunity to actually speak, and plead not guilty for what the followers of the tribal god Jehova, and an imaginary Rabbi named "Jesus", plus their junkie reverse-followers have committed? In the acts of the greater spirit of 'destroying god' as instructed in the protocols of Zion? Destroying the "Ha-Satan", the "Adversary" of the jewish people.
Has Azazel stopped being the jewish scapegoat for all things jewish, perverted and murderous, such as he is cursed and condemned by jews to be in their racial celebration of the Yom Kippur? Have finally the Pre-Christian, Pagan, Gods, had their name cleaned of this heap of excrement, at least to a decent extent?
Are the days where bowing to jews and becoming their slave in an anti-christian context, that pushes christianity from the backdoor, over? Is the "Satanist" now against all these ordained rules that were hijacked into "Satanism" by the jews?
Are "Satanists" no longer jews? Did jews for ONCE more, be blotted out and revealed once again for following their own Racial excrement, under yet another pretext to shield them. Like always. And try to mask the OBVIOUS? Which they have covered up by the false pretense of "Satanism"?
Do we finally see Judaism in plain sight...Which it was all along? Because all I see is jewish letters, jewish mysticism, jewish kabal, the best friends of the church, the supporters of its backbone, in the expense of Satan's name. A name stolen from Sanskrit and the Far East. To be perverted and blamed for all the world's perils...Out of nowhere.
"A Satanist". And all one does, is what? Defame Satan. Fill the ranks of his enemies. And make sure their supposed 'enemy' always has plenty of ignoramus, fools and idiots hoarding into their ranks. By them playing the bad boogieman. That they are supposed to play, ordained by whom again? The (((Root of it all))).
Has Satanism finally recovered from the thing the jews made it to be? In order to cover a deeper Truth about Satanism?
The answer to all of the above, is yes.
This time has come, and it has passed us. Because well, the jews will always be discovered and must always be put at their place. How long can "Satan" be hidden?
The time where jews had full dictation on the cultural norms of Gentiles is over-with.
So what now? Is Satanism about light? Or darkness? Can I be Mister Emo, or can I be miss Rainbow?
Light or Darkness? Which "ONE".
Because as we all know, the vain division only again, came with jews. In the bible. The light jew is the good jew, the Rabbi Christ. And then we have the dark jew, the anti-christian, or you name it. The other Rabbi. So the real question is, why give in to false, and irrelevant conceptions?
The answer is fairly simple.
To look into the eternal and omnipotent darkness that envelopes existence. And is all-powerful. We need a light. Unless we have a light, unless we can comprehend what we see. And 'enlighten it'. We will never understand, contemplate, and absorb the darkness in reality. We will remain oblivious.
Therefore, all these jewish ghouls. Do not speak about any real 'darkness', let alone with any respect. They are speaking of complete deprivation of knowledge and respect of darkness. They are speaking about lack of light, lack of power.
To lack light is to lack darkness...And to have light is to have the power over darkness. And to learn to respect it. Otherwise one is just mortally blind and oblivious. No matter what one says, one cannot understand the ever-powerful darkness, without light. And essentially its through light one grows power in the darkness.
"Light is Power", Lilith.
"Darkness is Light Turned inside out" -Beelzebub
Satan is the Darkness, Because Satan is all-encompassing, all powerful Light. He is Lucifer, the Lord of Darkness.
Article 2
Who Is Responsible Really...
Apr 22, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666
In this world many people are fooled by the lie of democracy that people actually have "Free Will" and that they also "DECIDE" anything on a higher level. This is based on the pretext of the fact that they vote. Maybe in some cases it does matter, but in most matters, it matters not one inch.
Now there are people who are harsh judges to others, and especially if you are a bit misanthropic as a personality (When you see the swine level of humans I can't really blame you...) you may actually want them to burn themselves alive. I myself have frequent worry coupled with rage over the fact of how stupid humanity has become. We are literally risking our own extinction. However, who is this "WE"?
If you go a few decades back, you will see that most people, in most places of the world, hardly knew how to type down their own name. This is a fact. In most historical instances, the people only decide indirectly, and that is done through leaders they elect, support, or other things like that. This is a natural thing, as in a hall, there can't be talking 15000 people at the same time, but only few people so that the things are understood correctly.
To not over-extend the matter, in most cases, humans have never been asked, in any country or state, what do they want. The enemy who rules these system we are living right now, they give the illusion of asking through elections. People actually go and elect people, based on propaganda, advertising, and their own moral standards. It's rare that actually people know what is really going on.
In the past, illiteracy and other things kept people from deciding, but as we can see today, the very 'literate' can also be equally as dumb if not more, as the (((Intelligencia))) can make one lose one's sanity quite easily.
If we go generations back however, people had hardly any access to knowledge, let alone any 'power' to decide events. Power was only in the hands of the rich, jewish religious charlatans, or the politicians pretty much. Oh and of course Rabbis and other such people as we know, but who cares right?
When one rises in spiritual power and understanding, one of the reason you can easily become a misanthrope and completely give up on humanity is the fact that people are acting and living like swine. Overly convinced about all the lies they have been told, others afraid, and other worthless, they let the impending (((powers))) that be, destroy the planet, and do whatever they see fit. One cannot take this responsibility away from them. They are bound by ignorance, fear, and many other things.
Unfortunately not many people are willing to take a stand, and what the enemy has achieved is to create an internal jewish police in people that tells them what they can do, cannot do, and what they better be doing. This is motivated by lack of knowledge, or fear. For those who are more 'dangerous' and aren't concerned in any of the above, there are other offers, such as, hey homie, be a useless individual bro- and achieve nothing in your existence but waste it doing YOLO. This is how it is today, but this has been analogous in previous centuries as well.
Aside from the East and in place like China, Spiritual power was an unknown term. Yoga and Meditation knowledge, after all the Pagans have been killed, and except of few people going undercover, has been hidden from roughly 99% of the populace in the West. This was done by jews who have purposefully killed these people through their programs. In short, nobody had any spiritual power, let alone anything else. How can people actually make 'choices' when they don't even know how to write their own name down?
Maybe in the three latest centuries, people actually have had more of a will and a chance. What Satan told me at some point was that many people when they died, they went to them, and they were totally oblivious, they had no idea where they were, who the Gods were, or what was going on in reality at all. In some cases they were informed, and the people frequently replied that they had no clue as there was nothing remotely that could give them opportunity to see what is going on.
People reincarnate, and people forget. Therefore such experience is most of the time forgotten, and may, in weak and souls who have no past lives with the Gods, just become liquidated into nothingness. Therefore people return and lives are wasted again, and again.
Satan and the Gods have worked and now the knowledge is on the public. Now if one wants to meditate, 'save their soul', advance spiritually, or understand and know things about the Gods, they can. I have lost track on how many values have been written. Additionally, if one wants to fight and wants to change things through spiritual power and effort with us here, they also can. People in the past more than likely could NOT.
In other words, Satan gives power to the common man to prove himself for whatever he is to be. The same thing happened in Nazi Germany. Now the system worldwide is pretty rigged, and in many cases the (((Plutocracy))) just reforms itself over and over again. Same jews just different age, for example.
It's from now on that we should be asking responsibility from the "goyim". Maybe many of them have had the benefit of ignorance, but right now, where in google one can make a search and in five minutes come to find a lot of things. It only boils down to fear, boredom, stupidity, being a willing cattle etc, and being a worthless entity, pretty much.
There are always and forever the blockheads and the idiots who do not understand the importance of this undertaking, or constantly fall victim to stupid energies such as 'not giving a damn'. The enemy knows really well how to 'use' this. Essentially they are not lazy as their suffering takes too much ignorance, and they willfully force themselves so much just to be ignorant.
It's a law of the universe however that the universe will beat the hell out of these people, until they wake up, as ignorance is not in favor of life. Most people are living an entirely whack existence, and they desire to not wake up, for example.
Experience with many of our members who are VIPS or are older, shows for a fact that TRUTH IS A CHOICE. These people have lived their whole lives under the radar, but never gave up. I know a person in their 70's who dedicated, and the last months of their life meditated and tried to become better about their life. Therefore, what excuses does anyone else have to do nothing?
I have seen many cases of different people over the years. Now this guy had over 5 hours a day looking for his dealer in the streets to find some weed, as weed was very scarce to his location where he was living. It was nevertheless extremely hard for them to find weed, but they were searching for it everywhere.
Everyday from the stories I heard, he was risking his life by dealing and all sorts of other things. By coincidence, he has found the JoS, was even dedicated for a while. Dabbling on IF they should finally "grace" their crappy self meditating, LOL. But you know, ten minutes a day are too much to do any spiritual pursuit. They were rather busy pursuing their drug dealer around, which must have been jewish as well. Who knows in what scat they are swimming today. He infrequently risked going to jail and all sorts of other things.
I am wondering, if he spent these 5 hours a day doing research, meditation, growing wealth, or build their body in their gym, where they would be now? They chose to just chase a kike around to give them their next shot. Who knows if they are dead in an alley today?
I happen to know another case who was living with other people and did yoga in a dirty bathroom. Because this is how much they wanted and desired to better their condition. Now who do you think the Gods are going to help in their time of need?
The Gods don't ask you to give everything you have. They ask you to give to YOURSELF, what you can.
You will get what you're after, you know? Even if you don't define it, you're still after something. If you're after nothing, you will get nothing.
I tell you one thing, if you are sitting on this spiritual mine-gold and do nothing, but just waste your existence, don't go back and beg the Gods for 'Forgiveness' all the time. You're only betraying yourself, and this is not some sexy masochism that turns you on, for the sadistic high of sex or something. It's something really ugly, and costly, that is no fun.
Because you will have ruined yourself, by yourself, all for yourself. And you must pay this burden yourself. Many people sacrifice their existence over the movie that is called life, to try to be the best actor, but few people have wisdom to understand that in order to be a good 'actor' in this movie of goyim, one has also to rehearse - this is meditation in a stupid explained sense.
Giving up on spirituality is essentially the same as giving up food. It's just not intelligent to give up your food, ESPECIALLY to all people here who spiritually, have a FULL FRIDGE NOW AND FOR ALL TIME! If you die from 'hunger', then don't blame the Gods or anyone. You were too busy plugged in the jewtrix to give 10 or 15 minutes a day to feed your soul with the necessary things to exist, thrive and grow?
Then maybe you should die off shouldn't you...
Sorry buddy: the Gods aren't going to concern themselves with that. We have many people who are STARVING to understand out there and we must reach them. Many people are in danger, need help, and the Gods also have a planet to run. They have plenty of time for thirstiness of wisdom, but for people like that, they can't have time....
Robbed, killed, scammed, spat upon by the jews, they insist on following their fictitious programs, fighting the people who make a stand, and pose an obstacle for any betterment that is to come upon humanity. This also includes many people who are prominent, rich, or live life for fun, and their only concern is to choose sunglasses, cars, or houses.
Both the poor and the rich goyim, still remains a goyim if they do not understand the significance of doing at least the LEAST necessary for one's spiritual existence. "Death" is called the great awakener, for when one suddenly leaves all things behind, they are left only with one thing they could and should be, at least, giving SOME NECESSARY ATTENTION: the Soul.
It's the only thing in the universe that really belongs to you and only you, and nobody can take it from 'you'. All of us know at least one of these idiots. Fate, and unfortunately the enemy too, keep beating them. Many will never wake up, and will put themselves to sleep by their own admission and stupidity.
One last thing, the generations that are coming now for the last three decades in the planet, they were very entitled, maybe even sheltered, and had many things easily that others did not. One example is how many people due to the jewish system do not meditate. Those who concern themselves only with living life as "YOLO" and don't do one thing to better themselves, are deplorable to say the least, and nobody, especially here, will accept tales of failure or other things.
You have knowledge that people haven't had in aeons, there is knowledge everywhere, the last thing that remains is for you to make a decision if you will be a slave or cattle. I suppose the striking majority here has made our choice to be free. For those still dabbling on the fence, or going back and forth between Goyim and Free Man, you have to give one final blow to this Goyim, because it's responsible for all wrongdoing and all bad things humanity has done not only to itself, and to one another, but the general condition of the planet, too.
Goyim can go find their master, and beg for transient loot and whatever crap their masters projected to them.
Satan wants an army only of free men, those who always strive to understand and become more, as the Gods.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Article 3
If Hitler Won: How the World Would Have Been?
Apr 21, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666
Satan wanted this written as this is of utmost importance to Him and the Powers of Hell for us to know. This is for all of us to be aware about.
Like Satan and anything good in this world, of the few things that have remained for Gentiles that is. The enemy constantly uses fear-mongering, lying and terror to keep us away from things. Those who take the brave step to go towards Satan do however understand and find solace in Truth.
YES, there are still beautiful and honest things in this world, and Satan and the Gods are of the things that have remained in this wasteland.
But this wasn't always a wasteland...And this is what I want to bring into everyone's attention by this post.
Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists came in the world at a time where the enemy was planning complete, communist world take-over. As many people know, Humanity was beat to it's death. The two world wars were the bloodiest in Human history, and no continent has had peace from the expansionist hunger of the jewish bankers who started diligent work since the 1300. Of course, we had the Vatican, and when the National Socialists came, the Jews were at their most powerful, than ever before.
If one checks in history they see Hitler's time was by far the hardest, and the cauldron of jewish crap was exploding. These were dangerous, and ugly times, and for many centuries there was extreme ruthlessness on the planet in general. Civilization wasn't going far, and still, there is only material advancement without any spiritual understanding. The jews put a tombstone on that.
Many people are afraid of nonsensical things that deal with Hitler. This is partly because most people have no understanding about this Man, and they never made any research or try to mentally and spiritually comprehend the situation.
Hitler was far from a bloodthirsty, dictator. Hitler was a civilizer Godlike person. Real civilization, not crap. Like Egypt and other places where humanity finally understood that in reality, HUMANITY IS GOD. He attempted to help us reach the next level of civilization. That of the end of debt, impoverishment, disease, and many other things. The jews have lied about the methods he wanted to follow, and projected all their lies to them.
To start from the Racial matter, Hitler had no race hate, and no qualms. Hitler was of the few honest politicians in the last two thousand years history. Hitler never lied, neither to his people, or anyone else. Hitler was honest, and Truthful. He understood that at the present situation of the world, the only way to go forward is by establishing a correct base in Germany. This was the only thing that could happen at the time.
Many people falsely assume many things which I will deal with in that post. I would like first to quickly touch on the racial issue. One didn't have to be the 'cleanest of the clean' in regards to blood, in order to be a National socialist. All these models are entirely false as projected by false historians. One looks at Nazi high command and they don't see blue eyed blonde vikings, do they?
This is because one rises in the ranks by merit, work and their diligence, plus honor. Your fake joo propaganda "blonde" criteria on it's own meant nothing, at all in most cases. What's important is doing what is right. And to understand the larger picture of preserving one's racial existence.
In the same way we have to hold a larger vision however, Race was to be preserved and steps taken so that human races didn't go extinct.
Let's not forget the case of animals today. We have made so many go extinct because of plain (((GREED))) and (((STUPIDITY))). The same is the case of Gentiles, there is no need for the creations of the Gods to extinct. Unless a jewish golum sees a (((NEED))) for it.
Second off, Hitler is always portrayed as an inhuman person that would do all sorts of negative and ugly things to people. All of which by another jewish coincidence have happened to all people in the Gulags. As we all know, the holocaust was yet another lie, and whatever the jews did, they projected on the National Socialists. It was easy that way, and victors write history.
Hitler or National Socialism would never interfere with people's sexual selections (unless its pedophillia- that is a crime), or any other preference. We have to also not forget, this was all 70 years earlier. Planets come, Aeons change, time goes on, and Humanity advances. Many people are uselessly afraid by things and lies written by the enemy, such as that they would sterilize people, kill the unfit, and all that bullshit. Many people who are too afraid or too lied about, cannot make the crossing to see that the world we live today is exactly the world the jews blamed Hitler for wanting to make.
The jews always project. A world of mass surveillence? This happens already. We are being spied and monitored, 24/7- asleep and awake, day and night. All our life. A world of numbers? We are numbered already like cattle, and the jews conversation about microchipping us as well. Now there are other more specific incidents, such as Government terror. The jews make a big deal about them being 0,00001% and them being terrorists, they have to face situations in the Nazi Government.
But don't Gentiles face the same under Jewish Governments? Of course, we will NOT know about this, as this is all going under the radar. Its nothing new.
The jews exaggerated this because Hitler, the "Goyim", attacked "Them the Humans". As thus, Hitler was against "Humanity". Let's not forget who the jews mean when they say HUMANITY. Only the jews are considered Human as far as people on the world go.
Then we have the other thing the jews lie about, in regards to torture of prisoners and many other things. One just needs to see what they do to prisoners in Palestine, which are treated lower than swine. Not long ago, 1500 people started a food denial protest because they are treated in the most subhuman conditions. People in prison are treated in a savage manner. If people in Israel see free citizens of the world as cattle, what do you think they do to prisoners?
We have some strange shit about how Hitler started "WAR" and wanted to "EXPAND". Expand from what? Let's not forget that Germany has been reeked of its territories by the jewish bankers since WW1. Hitler retrieved these. And the jews started war on him because of this exact thing. They did not like that Gentiles reacted to their slavery plan.
Another thing that people need to stop worrying is issues pertaining weakness, power and health and all these issues. Some of the most terrible lies is that the Nazis were intolerable of people who were ill, or sick, or had other health issues. This is a flat out lie. Most people would be healed, from any and all diseases and taken care of. Unlike now, where one has to pay infinite amounts of money to have the simplest surgeries, in NS world they would have these for free.
There is no reason to charge for freaking HEALTH CARE of ones OWN PEOPLE. Hitler wanted a world empty of hospitals in the long run, and the complete healing of the physical bodies of humanity. It's tragic for someone to be mentally sane and great, and to have someone trapped in a body that is incapable to exist. This is what the enemy does with many people, and in many countries, euthanasia is dead, so patients have to just stay there, every day, and live a life of nonsense. Let's not forget the health sector in NS Germany was the most advanced worldwide at this point.
There are people who are totally beyond cure and have issues so severe, that their treatment of millions could feed so many other people. I know of families like that myself, and they WISH their people were to die. Sane and healthier people have their whole life stolen from them because of this, such as the birth of a mentally incapacitated child.
The only thing there is a problem with, was BIRTH deficiencies and genetic disorders. Don't all mothers go and take tests anyway for their babies, though...Yes...And that's what the National Socialists wanted to, as well. The enemy makes monstrous difference of things already happening, which is to terrorize the people only. So what's bad about Nazis doing it? The fact that they help the babies of the enemy of the jews, that's all. The jews therefore make mockery and evil out of this.
When jews all sorts of atrocious things to test babies, such as cut their genitals and other crap. To make them 'strong'. That's considered really humane now isn't it...I also read to where Rabbis anally rape their children and kids to incite obedience to them. Perfectly fine isn't it? IT's the Nazis who did evil because...They wanted to make a test to avoid mothers giving birth to kids with down syndrome. Yes...Sounds legit.
One's life or one's family, are all dragged down in destruction from people like that. Inheritances created by pain and blood, are wasted on treatment of such cases. And where does the money go? To jews. This is why the jews are "PHILANTHROPISTS". Because they make profit. A hospital is great and happy when there are ill people to prescribe them drugs, and destroy them. This is happening in the USA and has reached a point of pestilence. Children as young as 5 are diagnosed with imaginary diseases because of "PHILANTHROPIST" jewish doctors. Philanthropically speaking, take 500$ a month in prescriptions for fictitious ADHD, Goyim.
All the west does right now for people in other places of the planet that lack civilization, is try to bring them in the (((West))) to collapse it, due to jewish planning. There is no philanthropy on it, its hostility and hatred and the attempt to destroy all civilizations in one melting pot.
Hitler's policy was clear: let people learn how to FISH (NOT crap integration kike policies etc). Hitler wouldn't be giving fish to people, but fishpoles. -> Fishpoles create independence, Hitler didn't want enslaved civilizations on his feet as many jews claim. All the East knows that. Hitler was a real civilizer that understood the importance of all people living within their own and developing their own civilization, without interference by others in a useless manner. This is why Hitler concerned himself in Germany and in having friendly co-operation with all those who wanted to be friendly civilizations. Such as most people anyway. This is why the East loved Hitler. He would never threaten their civilizations.
Let's face it, not only the God of the jews, the SHEKEL was dead and powerless in Germany, but so were all their other weapons such as lying, hunger, fear of war, and many other things. These people lived 12 years of Freedom, and the world can never steal it from them or the Souls that lived in that era. The jews never forgot them on this, and still nowadays they want to kill them.
I want you to listen with your heart and imagine a different world, not the one we know and have lived in today. A world where your people and you live in unity, and all with a same vision. You are in no fear of hunger, and you can follow your path, everywhere you go. Everyday you wake up and more amazing things have happened, which you were a part of.
Small or big, whomever you are, you can find love, affection and friendship in others. You have a life of prospect, and people are actually united. You don't see strangers in streets, just people you don't know. There are no alleys where you can be robbed, knifed and killed. To exist is a fight of advancement, but not without happiness. Even those whose spirit is more heavy, is uplifted by this general condition. Most causes of depression up to this point have banished, especially the (((Alien))) ones. You can actually follow your Dharma and advance as an entity...
Is it hard to understand why the Jews wanted these people dead, and very fast? What if this was the new WORLDWIDE STANDARD? Where the fuck jews would be today?
Look at how many of our own people can HARDLY meditate nowadays. Curses fly from all directions, people have to struggle for bread, and the jews kill goyim everyday like flies, emotionally, spiritually and in many other ways. People are walking dead, isolated, alone and broken out there. The jews always promise crap utopia, and it always turns into disaster. In the few places that have peace and prosperity, the jews are actively working to break this down. Of course we are talking only about MATERIAL prosperity, as this world has no spiritual prosperity at all. People are dead shells outside.
If we raise the lid of this world we will explode with pedophilia, torture of animals, lies, deception, enmity and hatred in all freaking directions. Now is that an environment that one loves to live? Let alone this whole thing will escalate. Let's not mention Islam and Christianity and all the rest of the things. Even if someone lives in a "GOOD" Condition now, it's only material. Most people are totally bleeding out there...The majority of people nowadays are on freaking happy pills...
And because this decay and rot is becoming forced, we have to build a framework to counteract this. This thing is going to climax badly, and it has again.
Imagine for a second, that Tesla, another God in the flesh was actually in the USA. And they left him die depraved of food in a goddamn hotel room. What kind of excrement are we talking about? Only a fucktard reptilian would do such a thing to such a man.
Tesla had no evil in him, not even the slightest tinge. If he did, he would have nuked the planet, because it's well known he was able to develop a specific beam machine that could actually do this too. These great people weren't evil, but this kike system attacked them, spat on their graves, and attacked their spirit in one way or another every single day.
Imagine if Tesla was in Germany and was allowed to experiment freely. Tesla even now changed the planet, imagine what he would have done if the 'torah' was destroyed and flattened, same as all the rules it imposes on existence. The days of paying electricity or phone bills would have been done with by 1960.
Where would we be today as Races and as Humanity at large? And leave the bullshit aside- nobody would harm any other race because there was no need. Contrary to popular kike, ((("Power"))) thirsty belief, Hitler didn't want to take the whole planet either. There are better things to do than uselessly trying to enslave a planet such as the jews do.
Nobody is in need of slaves and parasites who knows the power of their Race. This is why they told us to take care, understand, and comprehend our own Races and their metaphysical importance. Hitler showed this to everyone.
Most people forget the most important goal of Hitler, was spiritual worldwide re-awakening. The basis, the beginning, and the end of this is all spiritual, and Hitler wanted to restore the Ancient knowledge and wisdom known to all Gentiles. Hitler's goal was to eradicate the spirit of jewish world domination, but that was only secondary to his mission in saving humanity from jewish domination.
In Hitler's world, we would focus on permanent cures for all people, and after science would have advanced, we would master disease permanently as the Gods have. Gods do not get mortally ill. This is part of it. The Gods can be befallen by nothing. Now the jews sell the same false dream, but we all know they have different motivations that are proven by thousands of years of their work.
They want to heal their own race by extreme aliments and curses. But they will ultimately fail. They hoard billions of shekels into healing old rabbis, and meanwhile others are dying in the streets from hunger. Ironic. And all this money is scammed off Gentile Nations as that race never worked a living for themselves.
There is also the other thing in regards to how Hitler would do "ANYTHING" to "WIN THE WAR". However, the good guys of the jews who blamed him, it was THEM that dropped the Atomic Bomb.
Many people don't know the real Hitler. Hitler started as yet another person, seeing around him decay, pain and misery. He found out the reason of this and went to stop it. He fought honorably, he never had below the table exchanges, and he was a divine person with moral sound character. Most people watch all the cruelty and destruction going in the world and they do nothing. Others fight. Like us today, it was these people.
Hitler also fought in the war so he knew firsthand what it means to see corpses, dead bodies, and the misery brought by war. He was a vegetarian and an animal lover, who wanted equal rights for Animals as living beings. Many people will think this is surreal, but the good side of Hitler didn't know any bounds.
It is in fact shocking when one sees what they did to this man, who in the end, proved one of the mightiest men in history, but at the same time proved the most innocent and the most merciful. Sometimes we wish today Hitler was the monstrosity the enemy portrays him to be, so that he would have won, however, he was NOT. If he fell in the equal level of the jews, he would have defeated them.
How could a man that fought for the poor and the homeless people in the streets, who went to fight for his people when he was a nobody, and devoted his life into fighting to elevate all the people around him, be the monstrosity these jews claimed him to be? Is that the behavior of the monstrosity? Would a person that felt the pain and the hunger HIMSELF, be unaccepting and unforgiving to our own weaknesses and hunger?
Hitler was one of the few leaders in history that didn't come from a ruling class, an elite, or a higher up order. He came from the poor neighborhoods, and he saw the pain and lived the hunger for himself.
Hitler wasn't a leader of the gun or the ballot, or the bombs. He was a leader of the Wisdom of the Soul.
Now we are going exactly through what Hitler has told us would go. Again is this because he is a prophet? Mainly, it's because he is a prophet of Truth. He didn't write strange and incomprehensible materials, left on "personal interpretation". He told us straight forward what was going to happen, he did not hide the Truth from the world. Everyday that goes, Hitler is proved further and further right.
For all I know, we would be flying in saucers to other planets now most probably. And our problems wouldn't be that some fools are trying to holocaust the planet with stupid A-bombs, or that jews hardly let people survive and try to replace humanity with artificial intelligence workers so they can rid of the Goyim off. Humanity however needs to see this issue and face it, and see how we lost one great chance.
However Hitler and these people with their fight gave us a SECOND chance we can use to help rebuild civilization. One that without them we would never have, because as jews admit, the Worldwide jewish Empire would have been made by the early 1930's... We would be born in a farm now, in some gulag, and probably already dead.
Let's put the work and power of the Gods here, and generate a better world. We can do this. We have to ensure for those that will come after us they will have better things to worry about, and we can leave a better world in store for them. With the enemy destroyed.
I hope this cleans some doubts and (((FOG))) in regards to where the World would have been right now...
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Article 4
Will Satan Save You?
Apr 18, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666
There is no need for people to have any falsified conceptions. People who are seeking slaves in the form of jesus, who will 'save' them while they are doing absolutely nothing for their existence, not even the slightest possible thing to get better. Are in the wrong place.
Satan is not the God of the cattle, the meek, or the purposefully stupid. Satan accepts all Gentiles who are his creations. However the struggle we undergo today is not to save those who are beyond saving. We are not some fake saviors, and we don't have to make fake promises. We have to be realistic.
Satan has his own elite souls within humanity. And many people who have inside them the ancient worth and higher spirit. This is what Satan, the Gods, and us should care about. We aren't trying to save those who have given and sold out themselves. There are many who are beyond salvaging, like a fried robot from too much poison.
We are seeking for the remaining diamonds of the golden age, in unfortunately what we can call a mountain of trash. On the top of which the enemy stands at the top.
Indirectly, yes, through our fight, many humans will be saved from impending disasters which they will never understand. Even if they 'do' understand, they will never REALLY understand what we have done, or what we are doing. We should gratify ourselves in knowing what we do here, as family and for one another, and rejoicing in the company and providence of the Gods.
The 'outer' circle or 'half awake goy' will only understand the last chapters of what we have been working upon.
Only the Children of the Gods will finally grasp that. Why? Because it's in our Souls already. This is what pushes us forward. We are people from all over the planet, but at the same time, we are so close, something which should be technically impossible. But this is because Gentiles here belong to larger soul family of the Gods.
Satan has entrusted this mission to all of us his favorites amongst all Gentiles. To win their love and their support, one has to listen and to walk the path. One has to rise spiritually and do their own, small or bigger deeds to save themselves. Saving essentially means finishing Satan's work on the Gentile Races. That of spiritual work. This can and must happen at the self.
We are not asking for the approval of the herd. But we warn them anyway. The 'herd' doesn't know logic, common sense, or understanding. It knows what the enemy has taught it, fear and intimidation. However inside this very herd are also the ears that will be wise enough to listen, isolated, and at war with the herd in one way or another. We are seeking the individuals who band as warrior unit where needed.
And who have the power to rise above their own insignificant and mortal blinding existence. These diamonds exist through all the people in the world, and our job is to find them. Many times they come on their own too, thankfully. These are the people that will bring change. Not some random "mass" of irrelevant people who are comfortable with being "goyim".
Satanism is open to those who have something elite spiritually inside them, the righteous, and the people who seek to make greater selves out of themselves. This must be recognized and worked upon, for one to progress.
Who Satan "Saves"?
Not everybody...That's for sure...
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Article 5
The Backstab of "Nationalism" [Part One]
Apr 18, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666
It's intresting how many White people are actually having a very false conception of Nationalism. Some of which even builds against National Socialism. The jews have created a second box of narratives to trap people who are 'waking up' to Nationalism to an extent, making Nationalism basically infected to a high degree of incompetence.
Here we have the meme's that if Hitler had won, all the West would be speaking German, and would be like enslaved to the National Socialists. Little these people know and observe in History, Hitler's own writings, and above all, Hitler's own ACTIONS who speak larger than any mere 'word'. Hitler was a man of actions first, not only words.
The example of the French is that actually, Hitler put aside all the enmity and hatred against the French after the war with them was over. The retaliation of the French against the Germans in WW1 has made many Germans be extremely hateful of the French. Hitler however looked beyond the jewish enforced Meme's in history. That have Whites infighting since forever, to kill one another for no reason whatsoever.
Practically, he annihilated them, and he had complete and total power over France. A few "Nationalists" of his own also told him to blow the Eiffel tower to pieces, because well, "Muh Nationalism" and we should show "Our Big Balls" to the "French". This is the typical, "Nationalist" behavior. Nationalism is like National Socialism for the unenlightened.
Now we are entering a new era of enlightenment, that of National Socialism. Nationalism is an obsolete, false structure. Most things in "Nationalism" don't even belong in the "Nationals" anyway, such as Christianity and other "Cultural" things that are cultural injections by international jewry. Nationalism always found itself powerful to defend it's own territory, simply because, it had no real spiritual foundation.
You cannot be praying to Rabbi Christ and be expecting to be saved by Rabbis. This pseudo-Nationalism is also rooted deeply in Christianity, its sects, and many other divisive lines amongst White people, that have always ruined us, destroyed us, and made us have white-racial warfare. This is the same thing jews have done in Africa and elsewhere. The jews divided the African tribes in Christians, Islamists, and the native Pagans, and made all of them have civil warfare with one another.
The same thing has been attempted in Europe, and this has well succeeded. At the height of this operative of the jews, Europe has risked more than once complete extinction.
Now pseudo-Nationalism and the weak "Right", are of course powerless to resist the wave of immigration, social decay, and all other things that plague us and want to destroy us. This is for the simple reason there is no real spiritual foundation in Nationalism. At best, false history is being praised, and a rabbi on a stick is being worshiped. It's to be noted also I had many influences of "Nationalism" while growing up (Same as from the traditional left) so this is what helped me understand the intelligence in National Socialism.
So going back to the "Nationalists" of Germany, these people are not really motivated by very serious visions. They were decent, powerful conservative warriors, but when the future called for a new vision, they simply fell short. The junkers in the army wanted retaliation against the French, and the destruction of Eifell tower as a symbol of destroying the French on the soul level pretty much.
Hitler however did see one White Folk, with a different culture and backround. For this reason, Hitler did not attack French culture or destroy the Eiffel tower which was a symbol of it. Hitler left French civilization intact. The same thing happened in Hellas/Greece and in England. When the junkers advised for Hitler to bomb kindergardens and schools are Churchill did, as an act of 'demoralization' and 'humiliation', Hilter just refused.
Sometimes people are also oblivious to the fact of how many thousands actually helped and fought together with the National Socialists for a Europe United, with sovereign states, exactly the opposite of what the jewish EU of Kalergi has done. This was also done to poison the idea of a United Europe, in case the experiment failed. As the bible says, the sons of "Esau" (European Gentiles) will not be able to cleave to one another, and they will perish as a result.
Hitler wasn't carrying a war for "Nationalism", but National Socialism. The future. Hitler had divided and dissected the jewish cancer from Socialism and Nationalism, and formulated the new and revolutionary system to lead his race onward. Hitler also was of the belief of ruling like Alexander the Great, in short, everyone should be allowed to follow their own culture and policy, but they would be under the same common Reich. Which would shield and protect all the numerous cultures in its midst.
At best these "Nationalists" are severely uneducated. If one goes to the older generations, they just hold senseless grudges based on false history, or even defending their jew on the stick. The traditional "Nationalist" is the first one to also take the bible out, and make the stupid comment in the room.
They are also the types who always want to force Christianity, and always want to make sure that their Rabbi is served if they are to, you know, give a hand to protect their race from extinction. Nationalism on it's own has a lot of christian fetishism, something you cannot blame the people about, but the politicians who used Christianity as their main tool to power. The same thing was done by the Roman empire, and it collapsed within a century. Nationalism due to it's spiritual foundation and false historical conception, is doomed to fail.
One just needs to look at the "Kings" of Christian Europe, to understand that despite their heroism, they were all fighting in jewish, christian proxy wars for Christianity, and maintaining the hidden jewish power in Europe and in every court. Europe sunk at the all time lowest when Christianity, the root of this false "Nationalism" came in a prominent position in the Dark Ages.
It was the worst time ever in the history of Europeans. As for the "Christian Leaders", corrupted by their court jews and their banking and money-lending system, were left powerless like the later Roman emperors. Which was the main cause of white racial warfare. Just look at Africa, the same exact thing is done right now by the jews in places such as Liberia.
Of course, other atrocities were committed against Pagan Europeans who killed them by the droves. All of that for what? Maintaining Rabbinism. Sorry I meant Christianity and the later values that came to constitute Christian Nationalism.
Lastly, to close this message, Whites will be FORCED to consider new systems of governing themselves, on a massive basis. With the age of Aquarius, and mass human population, comes the demand for White people to band together, and leave entirely the old- jew-infested petty aside. This is for our future. Whites are basically the endangered species of the planet right now.
For "Nationalists" and others who cannot tolerate an alliance that puts the Blood first, this is to be expected. Every "Nationalist" will have to make a choice: Either you go one foot here, and the other there, and form a schizoid personality between the jewish infested past, or you just shed off that jewish tattoo'ed skin to free yourself.
Unfortunately, the future will enforce this upon us, wether we like it or not. The same question will come to all other Gentile Races. Will they keep with the jewish infestation, or will they fight it? This is only because globalism and the jewish power that has risen so high, can be seen by everyone, same as the tentacles it has raised to strangle people.
Race comes first and foremost, Race is the intention of "God" in the same example, or Nature, or how one wants to name it- the higher order. You are not born a christian, or a nationalist, but you are born White, or essentially in any other Gentile race. That right there is a mandate of what you are supposed to work for, and build.
In short, the question will be, are you going to be falsely egotistic and concern yourself only with your subjective experience about existence? Or raise yourself in a higher level of understanding that is more spiritual, and understands the fundamentals for the future?
This sums up the issue of "Nationalism" in a conscice manner. For some people "Nationalism" is a positive stepping stone for now, and jews exploit this fact, to keep people in a false positive lukewarm position. It's at least a beginning.
And in anyway, Christianity is largely dead within the White community. Pay attention though to how the people with the old grudges try to make this into a good thing, or try to fall into the same trap the Roman emperors and other older European leaders did. To use Christianity as a uniting, communist power to compensate for their own lack of cultural creativity or lack of White Ancestral knowledge.
There are also jews and their indoctrinated spawns who do this on purposes, even if the Truth is known, or blatantly obvious. These are the weak, whom as we know for a fact, have fallen for jewish brainwashing, and magick. And the straight falling in the pit the jews have prepared for the White people in case they revolt. Through unconscious control and spiritual control, the jew always holds the chains in the mind of White people.
Remember: White people have been backstabber betrayed by jewish controlled (((Nationalism))) since forever. The fruit of this betrayal we will readily see again in our times.
National Socialism NEVER betrayed White people.
Hitler was a real God, he didn't need any cultural backup from a Rabbi. And definitely, neither do any White people worldwide, no matter their more specific culture. Nobody can disagree on that. However, a flower in the soil may rise from an old see, the new tree needs new cutting, new cultivation and new understanding to become a glorious tree.
This will be the tree of life of the White people. Not the jewish tree of life, but the Ancient Yggdrasil...
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Article 6
The Backstab of "Nationalism" [Part Two]
Apr 18, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666
In short.
"Nationalism" as is understood for around a century now, roughly belongs to the lazy baby boomers of the older generations. Who had it all for free but still they wanted to maintain a false aura of antagonism and enmity against their own race and people, and rejected them over border or financial policies, while they were infact the same beings in blood and spirit.
To increase "Competitiveness". Many also pretended to be "Racist" but they were the first generation to actually have the looting, robbing, and shattering open of their countries happen so easily. Its the first time in human history that Europe is being invaded and nobody has raised a war, an axe, or hammer immediately. At least these people understood that our lands do MATTER. They weren't just Nationalist.
They were much more. They understood blood and soil, not only socio-economic and pseudo-cultural norms and numbers. We could call them proto-National Socialists in many ways.
In many cases, the unconsciously assisted the destroyers. They were going to church and the only thing they looked forward, was the Rabbi Yashua (Jesus Christ) would save their borders. And some jewish politicians were fine because why not. All their problems weren't fought by them, but the system. Nationalism became increasingly nonsense, as Globalism marched forward unimpeded. The Nationalists also ate from the honey cyanide of "Christianity", which guaratneed the jews maintained power, position, and also existence within their countries.
There is no real "RACIAL" element in Nationalism. Just some random bullshit about jewish generated, imaginary, and fairly recent culture. The jews can easily control this by controlling information, public and press. And therefore Nationalism became Christianity and Materialism 2.0. Without any serious physical backround. This we can also call "Conservatism", which was the part of the two sided jewish game of "Conservatism" and "Progression", both of which were owned by jews and have an equal power in working as a dual force in ruining the whole "West".
Many people who either shill or lack knowledge, say that Christianity made the West, we live in Western civilization and should be thankful. One needs to look at the Ancient White people such as in Greece and elsewhere. To realize the real light of civilization again such as philosophy, mathematics, science, architecture and everything else came from these regions. Pagans.
The church destroyed this, plunged us into ten centuries of the darkest of ages the likes of which never found us ever before, and then with its power that has regressed, we rose again. Napoleon Bonaparte was the herald of this change, that of Classical Enlightenment. Which was exactly the opposite of Christianity. And annihilated all it's values.
Christianity moved from being a ruling political power, and was reduced to 'religion'. It always tried to re-grasp power, and given the control of information, occasionally parade as even the "CATALYST" or the "CAUSE" of such evolution. All of which we can easily debunk by looking at their own beliefs. And above all - ACTIONS AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE.
"Nationalists" of the baby boomer, Sunday school, brainwashing generation do not know, or deny these facts. In short, they had no real deep ethics. And were really malleable. Only the spiritually young (has nothing to do with physical age) and fertile White Souls will understand what these things mean, and will be able to transcend past their 'time spectrum' and consciousness as it was malformed by the church. These people are the wise of their generation. However most of these "Nationalists" basically are nothing compared to this.
We "excuse" them for this, and we understand it, but we can never hope to fall in the same rut hole. Why do we excuse them? Because unlike them, we see the jewish parasite and the work it has done on their minds, life, and historical conception. We also know the deeper occult mechanics that have been used against them.
However if there is an attempt on attacking us, subverting the greater needs that have arose now. And trying to impose rabbis and imaginary hatreds within our struggle.
That all they were busy about is having an easy life, being hippies, loving the progressive neo-judaism left, and at the same time maintaining some false positive "Nationalism" to not feel guilty about the fact they no longer had values of worth like their Ancestors. This later become Nationalistic "Liberalism" and other hybrids, that eventually resulted to what we have today. IE, extinction.
The Nationalists of WW1 and prior were closer to National Socialism, that actual "Nationalism". The wise and those who are really interested in our existence have to understands this, same as have to do all other Gentile people who find themselves in other Gentile Races plagued by jewish psy-op programs, religiously or culturally.
Remember: White people have been backstabber betrayed by jewish controlled (((Nationalism))) since forever. The fruit of this betrayal we will readily see again in our times.
The left, the right, the center, and all the sides of the same coin, have always resulted in the furthering of the same agenda.
National Socialism NEVER betrayed White people,or any other people. Never done, NEVER will.
Article 7
To Fight in Satanism
Apr 18, 2017
by High Priest Hoodedcobra666
Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades!!
Spiritual Satanism is basically very simple. Go by nature, respect your existence, recognize your physical and material existence, follow the spiritual advancement, and things fall in place. There is no need for extremely complicated or very strange systems that are confusing, or books filled with hundreds of 'commandments'. Truth is just supported by following the upper things. One advances, one slowly starts grasping things further.
Advancement comes essentially from the Soul. The Soul or the meta-genetic component, influences who one is, advances us, and changes us for the better. Spiritual practice is an evolutionary practice. Essentially the end product of such (Let's say as "end" the Magnum Opus) will not mirror the starting product anymore than a stone resembles a beautiful statue. This process is again, nature in a sense.
For this reason, one doesn't have to look down on themselves or feel bad about the fact that we have some stone in us. This is also the potential to become a statue. To be a stone is OK. To not exist is the only real problem, which is where a few people are heading by constantly attacking themselves for being a stone, instead of REFINING this thing.
This is the difference between the fake programs, and Spiritual Satanism. Spiritual Satanism accepts everyone as they are, in the given condition they want to advance. Nobody is scorned or attacked, but everyone must advance instead of destroying themselves or follow eternal sinking. All of us come and exist in different levels, based on our evolution and merit, and personal choice to work. Spiritual advancement has few 'requirements'. Any living being can spiritually advance.
The problem is not in losing fights, but in not fighting. Even lost fights are going to show someone who knows how to take this, as knowledge on how to win later on, for example.
Many people will notice that we are also fighting in a more spiritually literal sense. Essentially our fight is not motivated only by sheer 'anger' or any such useless (((Explanation))), but it's a higher aspiration to become better and remove obstacles that keep us on all levels from going forward.
If someone keeps putting obstacles in our way for no reason other than their admitted hatred for your existence, then you have to re-act to these things.
This is the situation with jews and it has been ongoing for centuries. As Rabbi Laitman stated (this is not a nobody, this is one of the most "important" rabbis of modern times), this is because the jews are from another universe/galaxy on the soul level, and they seek to wreck what is left of humanity and enslave it for their own purposes. To sit with hands crossed spiritually, only makes for certain damnation.
Our existence until a point (Namely the Golden Age) was in its natural state. From what it's known, humanity was in the brink of becoming perfected and Satan wanted to finish his work. The finishing of such takes time, and effort, and this is motivated by two factors the Gods did not 'control'.
One factor is the factor of nature. For example, a baby cannot be born in one day. It needs 9 or in the very least 7 months. In the same way, the human consciousness needs to develop over time, and through conscious work of the person themselves. IN other words, Satan could was NOT supposed do our work for us. This had to do with OUR self realization, only which WE can do as individual Souls.
This is for our existence after all. It would be pointless for everything to be given to us for free. We were already created with superior and advanced abilities by Satan as inherent in our species anyway. On top of this, they gave us spiritual knowledge (to all Gentile Races) so we could advance with it. On *TOP* of all these things and all the teachings and help they left, they also left us these teachings coded in Ancient cultures, so that we would not lose them.
To not over-extend, we all know that the Gods were forced to depart due to war basically. The Gods and many other beings have their own enemies as well. Others flattened, others still persist, the list goes.
It's well known that the whole xian/judaism "Jews Vs Gentiles (pagans)" is nothing but a very simplified, jewish meme. That in fact is basically hiding the only fractal Truth. That the aliens who created the Gentiles are not those who created the jews. And that the jews have other specific purposes to carry on on top of this planet. Part of which is to exterminate and enslave us for their own personal benefit, as whatever lifeforms they are. There are infinite numbers of pages written on this. In what is called as "Jewish Culture".
Remember, culture resembles memory and link to our Gods and Ancestors. The enemy systematically attacks culture and bastardized it with Islam and Xianity, on purpose. To cut the link and the knowledge. And to cut our evolutionary knowledge and ability to connect with our Soul-Family, the Gods. Who guide us even if they physically departed.
To not fight the enemy, means you aren't doing what's best for yourself, the planet, future generations, and everything good. Therefore we are put to fight in an automatic manner, wether we like it or not. The forces of the enemy are ON you, even if you don't accept it, understand it, or even feel it. They are spread over civilization like a plague pretty much. The fight against the enemy is a larger fight of humanity trying to remove a negative element from within its own midst.
As Rabbi Laitman explained to his fellow jews. The jews are essentially an alien lifeform that came into the body of human civilization, in the same way of a cell intrusion. How the jewish soul came in this "Solar system" of ours, was from another galaxy, and through physical bodies created to look as human hybrids.
These hybrids as Rabbi Laitman stated come from all races, in other words, jews come in all colors and appear within all races, but they are all jewish racially at the root. From there they try to take over civilization from WITHIN, and not by external conquest. And like a cancer tries to take it over pretty much. All the humans, us included here, will fall victims into this.
For this to happen, natural order has to be destroyed and assimilated into a new 'order' that will put the alien invading lifeform in the top. This as we can see has came to happen by the suffering of 5.8/6th's of the whole planet, and the rest who do not 'suffer' are basically enslaved completely and suffer in many other ways.
We as Satanic Souls are similar in this case, but we are the antidote and the original caretakers of the larger whole.
We don't fight a war to create lies, just to restore natural order as it were. We are the original and essential spiritual root in humanity. This is why Satanists can come from any Gentile Race.
Only the Satanic Souls can treat this matter on the core, which is something deep and spiritual.
Spiritual Satanism is essentially a name we have nowadays for Souls and their system given by the Gods, that was given to Gentiles to advance themselves, since time 'immemorial' at their core, when Gentiles were created by Satan and the Gods. And help the world and ourselves reach a higher level. While we reincarnate and we exist again and again, the Souls of such devotees to the Gods remain existing in time.
Let's not forget Satan to us means "Eternal Truth" and no else gimmick generated at a (((later time))) do affect or concern us, let alone things meant to defame this being behind this title. Also this being has had a lot of other aliases and titles that we humans have given him, such as Lucifer for example.
Forms change, but essence remains the same. The Soul remembers, so again, it re-draws itself in where it will advance. Also the Gods themselves call the Souls that have befriended them and followed them, in more or less obvious manners. While a Satanist is made in the Soul, Satanism can also be made and generated by spiritual practice. When one advances, the "Satanism" (Truth-ism) in the Soul is brought out.
Not only we have to win the internal battle with ourselves (or better yet the infested parts) but also, the external battle has to be conquered. It's not by a coincidence, that the more one conquers themselves, the better they can deal with external issues as well. Any 'external' issues have to be corrected as well.
Spiritual Satanism is the fight for advancement.
And in a sense to fight is necessary to advance, NOW, more than ever.
We will fight together and until the end and further if necessary.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Article 8
Working for the Satanic Future
Apr 05, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666
We are idealists. Some people may think of us as insane today, but what isn't "insane" about us, when "Sanity" is basically the philosophy of a soulless, rotten human being that always and forever sinks? If it's called "Insanity", "Racism", "Satanism" or "Bigotry" or "blah blah blah", then it is what it is. It means nothing to us, you know?
We are opposed to this, and therefore, we have different opinions. We see things differently.
Satan as reminds us and let us know of the Immortality of our own Soul, and the Soul purpose. This can take more than one lifetimes. This is the meaning of building for the future.
Just ask yourself, where would you be, if you were born in a Satanic family, and meditated from the earliest days of your life, or had access to this material, or even taught much of this in your school.
This in reverse, is what happens in Pissrael. Most jews by their thirties are already versed for all high positions in existence, due to sustaining spiritual stolen culture, while most Gentiles in their 30's have their first pat in the back, 'reality check'.
Many of Gentiles may have had to reach our 50's and 60's to find the real God. This could have been corrected by a global, race adjusted, and powerful culture. Naturally, the Souls of previous Satanists will go and reincarnate in the hands and positive families of Satanic families in the future, in accordance to the Will of the Gods and Race. This is a phenomenal advantage as you can see. No time lost.
Only Spiritual Satanism can lead in extremely powerful and spiritually vibrant civilizations for Gentiles in the planet. Everyone who is an initiate today, knows what Spiritual Satanism can do to the transformation of the self. All other systems are neutered, and they don't have the power and the spiritual backbone to actually do anything plausible than be more than make believe.
This is because essentially, the nowadays called Spiritual Satanism is basically what was common knowledge among the higher and mystic classes of the Pagan people. They just called it "Truth" in a sense, because it made sense, and we today call it "Spiritual Satanism". But its the same path to power.
If people are about to have children, by the third month of pregnancy, you can ask Satan to send you a Satanic Soul that is suitable for you to raise as your progeny. Satan will protect you and help you. Needless to say, this can be a most beautiful experience.
Everyday we have enemies, free loaders, and other people who are not concerned. This is not the mentality of future Gods. Of all the animals, the only animal that is able to think about their deepest future and the largest future is the Human. Of course when one is not acting like a human, they are closer to animal level. The mentality of Gods, and the Wise people should be different. Satan has brought select people here from all Gentile Races, because Satan's aims are great for Humanity.
Satan doesn't see a rotting world, neither should his followers. Those who are 'live and let be' and don't give one damn about anything but themselves, its safe to assume, nobody will give a damn about them as well. But this is Justice, isn't it?
To show you the extent of this. In between Reincarnations in the Ancient World, kids knew by an early age due to meditation, who they were in the past life. Therefore, they had no question about their own social standing today, or where they were, or what they were to do, or things committed in the past lives.
The jews openly state in the Kabbalah, that aside all the other curses, they have cursed humanity to forget who they are. Trends, and who one goes, is carried with someone, and re-manifests in some form or another, in the next life.
The Pagan Mystics would get people in their own grave from their last lifetime, and they would get also their important physical belongings, given that the initiate was spiritually aware, pure and clean of mind, without any need about lies and false deceptive "muh importantism".
This is why in large tombs, we had all this wealth stored inside. So the reincarnation of a person, could get their hard labored wealth again. This process was to be repeated, until the person finally became a Demon, and subsequently, a God and therefore immortal.
We have such a great future ahead of us, especially in this Age of Aquarius. We have to fight the enemy, eventually defeat them, or die trying. For those overly concerned, by seeing the enemy on a position of rule now, don't worry. Rule does come, and rule does go, especially in the case of unfit rulers such as those of the enemy. We are already seeing their system collapse. Unfortunately, civilization due to bad universal forces, and forces of the enemy, is being threatened to actually collapse.
The Ancients had made as much preparation as possible, and now, in these late years after 2012, we exited the dwindling circle towards the bottom of the universal line. Now, the energies will push for betterment, rather than decline, and as thus, the influence of the jews is dwindling. We have to make sure this deal is done with and they lose all power.
In a sense, all Spiritual Satanists are actually working on the will of their Ancestors and Soul-family from time immemorial. We are doing what they have been doing in many ways. You vibrate their names, as your Ancestors did thousands of years ago. You meditate on your Soul, as inherited by them.
We didn't have a destruction in the Pagan system, for who knows how many hundreds of thousands of years. To the Gods, the jewish accident is short lived. They have other plans.
It doesn't matter if one brings a small stone, or a giant stone, what matters is everyone brings something. In the end, Satan's vision will be manifested.
Work, so that you will be worked upon, help so that you may be helped, show loyalty to the Gods so that they will be loyal to you, for they are honest.
This is the essence of Working for the Satanic Future.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Article 9
Different Names...Same Beings - Same Gods...
Apr 05, 2017
by High Priest Hoodedcobra666
I think we could, or should write a book on the subject, if time allows at some point...
Most people don't know anything pretty much anymore. But what google says, what they have heard, or what they saw at Netflix. By rumor, lack of education, forcible jewish removal of knowledge and bastardization of it, and the potent disease of 'egotism' that makes all the stupid think they know it all Gentiles have been turned a few thousand years after their history, to attack the Gods whom they have been praising for hundreds of centuries. Talk about how the children of the Gods are turned against them...By deceptive jews.
This is to fairly quickly debunk the lies about the meme that some uneducated people try to spew. That somehow, the Spiritual Satanist Demons, and even so Satan Himself, do come from "JEWISH" names and/or are coming from a jewish source. Of course the people spreading these lies are probably jews themselves, pushing the torah pretty much, and denying all evidence, the usual of their race.
Basically, it's just jews lying to everyone based on their extensive lies, with which they have covered up Truths that are harder to find for people who never study, or bother. Therefore, shills, trolls, and other jews just try to lie to people. To do what again?
Keep them away of their Gods, or at least, misdirected. All of us know here what the jews did. Being the parasites as they were, they always attached themselves to civilizations they have been, amassing, stealing and reversing their culture to create what is known as "Judaism" today. They have been in many, if not all, Ancient Civilizations. This took thousands of years obviously, and didn't happen overnight.
Judaism was later re-invented in what is known as Christianity, so that the "Goyim" or Gentiles, would basically turn to hate their own Gods. Then they also formulated Islam of the same exact reason. Gentiles as such, remained powerless, as the connection with their Gods was the most important thing and their power.
Let us not forget. Goetia, comes from GOY, which means, NON-Jew. Therefore Goetic Demons does simply means, the Gods of the Non Jews. Demons is the ACTUAL term for GOD in the Ancient Greek, with GOYS meaning "ΓΟΗΣ" which is the term for magick. Magicians were literally called "GOETES". This means "seducer", but the term Seducer had an occult meaning, not that of seducing sexually, but of using the forces of nature for one's will, "Seducing" them.
Then, we have the angry jewish trolls, that somehow state that "names are so important", while they themselves have like...500 names to address the same though-form that they worship. Why is it that? Because names are largely worthless, except of the innate power they have. When one calls into a name of deity, it doesn't matter exactly which name you use, you can call Satan as Satan, or if you are afraid of Satan because the boogie man will eat you, call him Lucifer, or whatever, but one has to make sure its Ancient. Ancient Names have more power, and are more sanctified, being closer to the spiritual language.
Most names are also epithets. Such as "Strong, Honest", the list goes.
The best way to put this, is that this is like a telephone line. The same being will answer, but you can call different numbers, so to say. They own all the telephones that Gentiles have ascribed to them. It's not a big problem in a functional sense. But if we want to get technical, we have to use names that are actually Ancient and Powerful. You simply cannot call a God "Tom" or "Bob". The sound has a significance that ties into the occult.
The Satanic Demons are all basically, the most Ancient Gods. Jewish grimoires have a specific few there, for the sake of blasphemy and binding, but at the same time, these are the most important Pagan Gods basically in these books. This is basically what comparative archeology/theology reveals. That basically, it's the same deities, ideas, all traveling with their own native people, but just changing dialects.
Lastly, in the Ancient Pagan war, we see no religious warfare. Pantheons sometimes are mixed, improved, and sourced somewhere. This takes circles, and comes in the same point. In other words, they aren't obsessing on the telephone numbers from which they call the Gods, they don't have hate for the different statues or types of architecture. This just expresses the Soul. What is important is that all of them do actually know the same Gods (ET's if you will) in the highest level. This is why you see very easy absorption of cultures, and basically, all the mystics and others were basically the same kind, used the same methods, etc. Because these methods and these beings are eternal.
This is what we are bringing in the front again, in a fully version: We call it SPIRITUAL SATANISM.
I will take a few examples here.
The first example, is Him that we call Satan. Which as has been stated again, comes from the Satyan of Sanskrit, which means Eternal Truth. Because of the power of the Name. What is a MORE divine title to address one's God but TRUTH? This settles it. Of course the jews avoid speaking this very frequently, as they sure as fuck know, it's better not to. This is why you will see some kikes and other imbeciles obsessed with calling Satan in any other name. Shiva is the lord associated with Highest Truth as well, to name on example. We cannot put all the knowledge in one post, as this would take a book.
The Demons by reverence and respect, as in the Ancient Pagan times, they appreciate people who are dedicated to Truth. And they will answer them, help them, and assist them to become as the Gods. Truth is an empty term in English anymore, but in Greek and Egyptian language, this means REMEMBRANCE. It literally means, to remember the Gods that gave us life, remembrance. This is to literally, remember in a clear sense.
One example is the God "Bifrons". Bifrons literally in Rome was a deity, and this means "Two Headed God". Bifrons was called "Janus Bifrons". This is because of the ability of the God to be all knowing, knowing past and future. They give him the head of akin to Dionyssus, and also, if you pay attention at the Hindu deities, we have more than one head, sometimes four. This is to show the four pillars, and absolute knowledge: Nothing is outside the knowledge of this particular God.
Another example, is Astaroth,. The name of Austria, is OSTEREICH. "ASTRA" in Ancient Greek means Stars. Austria literally means, land of the Stars, or even of Astaroth. "DEUSCHLAND" means Land of ZEUS, as Deus and Zeus is interchangeable. "OSTER-REICH" means Austria, Hitler's fatherland.
Astaroth or Aphrodite, or Venus to the Romans. Ishtar, or Astaroth, basically has the same story in Sanskrit, with her lover Tammuz, and his death, which threw her in great depression...The relation is obvious. Aphrodite also had her lover Adonis, from where the kikes stole the name "Adonai" to call their thoughform from. In the name of Astaroth, which the jews turned to Astoreth, meaning "Excrement" or something like that, we still celebrate Easter, or Ostara, the Fertility celebration. The qualities of Astaroth/Aphrodite/Venus are all the same, she is the goddess of love, procreation, and fertility, and Divine beauty. She can also become extremely vengeful and is a Warrior Goddess. This is only one example.
Then we have Apollo, the Sun God, which we could easily say is Amon Ra or Horus. The far easterners, he was Shamash, the lord of the Sun, and to the Germanics, he was the God SOL, whom we also have the Rune SOL nowadays. In the bible, he is ridiculed and attacked, named "Apollyon", which means, Angel of Death. Now of course, we can see the blasphemy here. The life-giving Sun God, becomes a bringer of death. He brings pestilence, is in the underworld, death and pain, and is an evil entity in the bible. Pure kike blasphemy pretty much.
Charon. Charon literally means the ferrier, is a Greek Word, who takes the Souls to the After life, and transports souls to the afterlife. Let's not forget that the Norse HEL, was just ripped off as it was, and made into HELL. The lower world had no "Evil" ethical thing in the Ancient World. The "Cthonic" or "Dark" Gods were equally good and useful, as the Gods in the "Upper World".
Now the jews have attacked Zeus by calling him Mammon, just a name for money and nothing else. Why? Because Zeus in Ancient Greece, aside all his other qualities, and being the par-excellence Symbol of the Human Soul (And therefore leader of the Gods, the Chakras) was the giver of riches. Those who were very rich, were blessed by Zeus according to tradition. Of course, the jews ripped Zeus into "IE-ZEUS" which means "I INVOKE ZEUS" in Ancient Greek, or "COME ZEUS", and this later was ripped off to become a name of the jewish Rabbi, "IE-SUS", completely a lie and unrelated.
Revelation 2-12
"To the angel of the church in Pergamum write: ‘I know your works, and where you dwell... where Satan’s throne is."
The Pergamon and the Throne of Satan, is actually the Temple of Zeus. Adolf Hitler wanted to create an exactly same Temple in Germany. Bcz of course Goyim, he was a CHRISTIAN. Don't jews tell you these things?
Ares, the God of War, is the par-excellence Masculine God, the master of brutal warfare, namely also, the God of the Berserking Rage. Ares can single handedly destroy a legion. He is THE male God. The Demon Andras, means "MAN" In Greek, and comes from the Etruscian ANER. The name Andrea is one example of this name, carried into the name of a person. Ares/Andras is also TYR, the God of Warfare. Ares is the literal name of the planet MARS in Greek:
“Day of Tiw (Tyr)” (Tiwesdæg), which was in turn based on the Latin Dies Martis, “Day of Mars.”
Of course, with might, comes also the ability to give justice, so Andras/Ares/Tyr is also a God of Justice.
"ARIOS" from which ARYAN does come, means "FIGHTER". Quite literally, it means the Race of Fighters and Warriors, and many Gods do also get the same Epithet. Of course, the Gods aren't dumb warmorgers, and the stories deal mostly with helping us understand their spiritual qualities. Mars/Ares/Andras is for example, the Sacral chakra, of male warrior energy.
Then we have the Demon Balam. Balam is literally one that the jews hate, as they literally admit the being known as Balam, who was an Ancient Magician, was on the level of "God" basically. He was a literal God in the flesh. Balam is heavily cursed and attacked in the bible. Balam was a physical descendant of the Ancient Gods, from the Race of the "Giants" whom the jews hated (Note Whites). Baal-Am actually would mean "Lord God", and AM and AN are nasal interchangeable sounds. Initially, Balam launches a curse, that kills most of the jews single handedly- of course this probably being a real event, and then the jews write some crap on how they put him to repent (Pseudohistory for guillible goyim). If he so repented, why is he cursed to die still by Talmudic Rabbis? I let that to the thinking of the readers...
Then we have "ASMODEUS". Asmodeus was another, flesh and bone, God. The name is entirely Greek. "ASMO-DEUS" means the God that sings to Zeus, probably coming from "ASMA" which means divine incantation. As revealed below, the name means "Fire of Truth" or "Divine Fire" basically.
It's also supported this comes from Ozymandias, the name of Ramses the Great. Maybe they had a close relation? It's plausible as a hypothesis.
From Jewpedia on Asmodeus:
Judaism's Asmodeus (Talmudic ʼšmdʼy, Book of Tobit asmodios) derives from Avestan aeshma.daeva.
In the hierarchy of Zoroastrian demons (daevas) that mirrors a similar hierarchy of divinities, Aeshma is opposed to Asha Vahishta, the Amesha Spenta that is the hypostasis of "Truth." This opposition also reflects Aeshma's position as messenger of Angra Mainyu (Yasht 19.46), for in the hierarchy of divinities, Asha is the messenger of Spenta Mainyu, the instrument through which Ahura Mazda's realized ("created by His thought") creation.
It can go on and on...
But I hope this conveyed the point.
Article 10
Classless Society in Communism,National Socialism,Capitalism
Apr 03, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666
This post may be like the shortest I have done in a while.
What most people know is that both the Communist jewish society, and the NS Germany society, both were CLASSLESS. The terms are really covered however...And the whole importance lies in the TERMS by which is this conducted... That means, that you are not predisposed by the birth of your parents, or simple hereditary right, to be anything.
Now in NS Germany what did this mean? The child of the shoemaker and the housewife, could become a leader, a high official, or anything they wanted and had natural predisposition to become. EFFORT would have to follow through, same as proving this. The NS state took the responsibility of growing the talents in the child, and giving them all the possible selections so they could follow their future, which was already guaranteed if they followed through with their ambition. School was basically a series ranging from art, to science, to warfare. The child by age of maturation would know what they were best at and could possibly make a living of from, or excel.
Even if someone had very low aims for their life, and they were the son of a war commander, that didn't mean nothing. Goebbels had an elder son that he didn't put in any position just because he was his son. He was a simple soldier in the Hitler Jugend. And didn't get nowhere because of his "daddy". This is obviously good, and forms a natural aristocracy, of the correct people in the correct positions: so society can rise to higher levels. This is because of the understanding that everyone is UNEQUAL. This UNEQUALITY opens the doors for people to do what they are supposed, and feel better aligned to be doing.
The created shekel "Econonmic Class" cannot obstruct Tesla to rise in the higher ranks to create, for example. The other people in the NS state would actually push and bless Tesla to do whatever he had to do, because of a feeling and morals of commonwealth: they see in the success of Tesla their own success, and they will benefit all together from his existence. His existence would be a blessing.
If you pay attention, Marxism and therefore Communism always fixates on your income, and how many Shekels you possess. The same understanding has poisoned Capitalism, and the jews, exactly as Marx instructs, are using Capital to basically form Communist conditions within society, and then, create an actual Communist revolution. Everyone is taxed according to income, etc, and everyone's life is basically just their income. Without the Shekel, you can get nowhere, and you are equal to a piece of trash.
You cannot 'prove' yourself either in anyway. The enemy as this situation climaxes, robs the "Public Estate" from people, such as free schools etc, and turns them into crap, so people can only advance by getting loans and getting in paid schools, which may NOT always work. People who start from poor families (open any economics book that has research) tend to by the high 90's of percent to never rise in the next 'socio-economic' class.
Simply because, the system obstructs them. The only way this can happen is by coincidences or loans, both of which the jews have guaranteed to bear no fruit in many ways. It's largely a hoax. I think the accurate percent of failure is above 95% per generation.
In the jewish commie-land of Stalin, one's hereditary rights meant something. If your father was a Lawyer for example, you were OBSTRUCTED from going to the same or in a higher social class. I know this sounds bizarre, but this is exactly what happened and it's widely known from communist scholars. You were damned by serfdom, and you had to serve the lower classes. The jewish classes who were nothing, were FORCED to go to the top, because the reconstruction of society was basically a society where jews had to rule.
The mobster and gangster Stalin, was now 'God' over Russia. Because of the nature of communism, one doesn't have any talents and any free will. This is all because Communism has to become "Finalized" and "Total", and humans have to work to their death for whatever is forced upon them, like it or not. In short, the jews don't give one shit.
Everyone is born "EQUAL", and everyone has to do what the state forces them to do (personal preference doesn't matter), and their talents are not taken in consideration. Tesla rots in the gulag aside the "Komrades" and jews spit in his face, until he is dead from deprivation, trying to build a house for Stalin's new jewish hooker. "Equality Materialized".
If Tesla was to run outside of the border, the "Komrades" would have killed him. Because, aren't we all equal? WTF are you doing trying to become an inventor? GTFO and go to work in the gulag. Tesla's "Inequality" would have been a curse, something to be killed about even. Everything that is above the "mass" HAS to be exterminated, as it threatens the mass.