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RE-Read-It WEEKLIES: Looking back at Important Material [Week 25]


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019
Slowly starting to get back into internet warfare, testing out minds again, if anyone wants to join me /follow /like each others posts, share / work the minds algorithm to boost each others profiles then look up my name (not putting up link incase (((they))) have a bot scraping every link out of this site. don't want it to be targeted immediately, I only speculate this because of recent 'cohencidences'

Hope you all are having a good day, HAIL SATAN!!
Article 1

Re: Frauds about the Third Reich created by the Enemy
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

The post below is in all of the JoS e-groups. I only included the first paragraph
because of the length.

The more we advance in Satanism through experience and learning, what we
have been finding is appalling to say the least. I don't think there is any greater
terror than what the Jews have for Satan. They KNOW he will deal with them and
give them what they deserve. Nazism IS Satan's New World Order.

Myself and the JoS priesthood know beyond any doubt that the Nazis were not
only anti-Christian, but at the top, Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and many others
were Satanists. The Jews know this as well. They have a morbid fear of Satan.
Christianity is their bulwark, their power and their tool. Their most important
power lies in their torah. That is the root. [For those of you who are new, xianity =

Most of the Nazi speeches have been corrupted and imbedded with Christian
filth. This is no different from how all of our ancient Pagan spiritual writings have
been completely corrupted. In addition, the Nazi works that have been corrupted,
like Fourth Reich explained in his post, the xian filth is not only out of place, but in
many writings, it was carelessly inserted and contradicts the rest of the text. The
contradictions are endless and one only needs to look to the swastika, and the
numerous Pagan/Satanic symbols, including the Black Sun to see they were no


I would also like to include this YouTube video:
"Nazi Secrets Himmler's SS Cult"


Though they try to undermine Adolf Hitler in his spiritual beliefs, there is NO
doubt he was a Satanist and fully supported Himmler's work for destroying
xianity. Heinrich Himmler amassed the largest file collection of witch trials in
history and one of his reasons was to use this against the xian church. The war
disrupted everything.

In addition to imbedding hideous xian filth and deliberately ruining excellent and
informative speeches and writings, this acts as another psychic transmitter and
opens the door for Jewish power and control. The Jews know beyond any doubt
at the top how believers in xianity and those who are subliminally influenced by it
in any way are under their control. Xianity IS their control over Gentiles. This is

another Jewish tactic of destroying an organization, etc., from within. The
organization is infiltrated with xian filth.

For more about how the Jews control through xianity, here are more informative



Here is a perfect example of the Jews being caught in one of their prolific lies:
Do Jews Believe in Satan? The Jewish View of Satan by Ariela Pelaia:

Satan is a character that appears in the belief systems of many religions,
including Christianity and Islam. In Judaism "satan" is not a sentient being but a
metaphor for the evil inclination – the yetzer hara – that exists in every person
and tempts us to do wrong.

To read some more, just visit this website: [About Judaism]
Ok, so much for that, NOW, if the Jews do not believe in Satan as they try
to convince us "stupid goyim" what about the below?
In addition to the article below, I would also like to add more here:
This is a direct quote from the book "Jonathan Bernis: "A Rabbi Looks at the
Last Days"

Heading of Chapter 2: Why Satan Hates the Jews
The first reason we can know the last days are near: Satan is increasing his
attacks on the Jews.

"When we understand that at the root of anti-Semitism is Satan himself, it
all becomes clear." "Spiritual warfare rages all around us."

"And a major part of Satan's strategy is to focus upon the complete and total
annihilation of the Jewish people."


The above says it all, and prove how the Jews are such prolific liars. Also, in my
studies over the past 15 years, I have run across all kinds of books and writings
that prove that the Jews DO believe in Satan, especially at the upper levels.

Now, the article below has plenty more examples. To verify the quotes below,
links are provided directly beneath. If there are any links that are no longer
working, as this article was written close to 10 years ago, please copy & paste
the URL of the broken link into the "Browse History" box on this website:


What The Jewish Rabbis Have To Say About Satan

Some Jews who call themselves "Satanists," try to deny the fact that the Jews
are the enemies of Satan and that Satan does indeed HATE the Jewish people
intensely. He has made this very blatant to his closest disciples. The following
are quotes from Jewish rabbis and other religious Jews. It is pretty obvious.
Rabbinical quotes about Satan:

(A few Christian quotes are included towards the end of the page)

"Those who use the Holocaust to justify either their atheism or their tendency to
devalue the authority of the Jewish Bible should remember that Satan, not G-d, is
the author of Nazism and anti- Semitism."


The term 'anti-semitism' was coined in 1879 by a German journalist Wilhelm Marr
to designate anti-Jewish campaigns then appearing throughout Europe. Since
that time, the term has been universally applied to any form of behavior or
literature which evidences hostility toward the Jews (9). With every fiber of his
depraved, sinister being, Satan despises the Jews. He hates them with a perfect
hatred, and his demented nature is revealed in his treatment of the Jewish
people. This hatred is a reflection of his hatred for God (as Jews are God's
chosen people). Their total destruction is his goal. He is the author of the spirit of
anti-semitism (15). He has tried to persecute God's people, the Jews, in order to
eliminate them so that the promised seed of Genesis 3:15, Yeshua, would not be
born, and mankind would not be redeemed. The Book of Esther details how the
enemy of God and his people tried to eliminate the Jewish race, but God raised
up Esther for "such a time as this" to deliver her race. King Herod tried to
eliminate Yeshua by having all the male babies in Bethlehem under two years of
age killed. In our generation the Holocaust is ever mindful of Hitler's outrage
against millions of Jews, while Stalin's killing of thirty million Jews goes hardly
mentioned. Today, one out of every five people in the world is committed to the
death of the Jews. Islam requires the death of the Jews (7)."


"Therefore, Satan is desperately trying to stop the return of the Messiah. That's
why Satan is doing all he can to destroy the Jewish people. At the same time he
is trying to make faith in Yeshua so alien and repugnant that no self-respecting
Jew, let alone the nation, would ever desire to repent and trust in Him! Every

congregation of believers in Yeshua, Jewish or Gentile, which doesn't endeavor
to bring the Good News to the Jewish people, is actually playing into the present
plan of Satan: stop Israel from recognizing their Messiah, Satan's destroyer, so
Messiah can't return."


"In this century, Satan has fanned the flames of hatred against the Jews by using
Muslims worldwide in his attempt to stop God's Plan which will see Jesus Christ
returning to the Mount of Olives. If there is no Jewish Israel, Satan has reasoned
that God's Word would be a lie, God's Plan would fail, and he could then


"Where did Anti-Semitism come from? What is the real cause of this evil thought?
The answer is very plain. It comes from the devil. Did you know that the first time
the devil is mentioned by the name "Satan" is when he acts against Israel?
"And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel."
(I Chronicles 21:1) Satan is the one who is the cause of all the persecution and
suffering of Israel. Satan hates the nation through whom so much blessing has
come to the world, especially Messiah Jesus. When the devil is angry against
Israel, it always ends in his defiance against the Messiah and Saviour, Yeshua
ha Meshiach. From Pharaoh, the first anti-Semite on record, to Amalek, Haman,
then to the King of Syria in 168 B.C., to the Roman War in 66-70 A.D., Satan was
the moving factor in Jewish persecution and bloodshed. Through the Crusades,
the Spanish Inquisition, the Russian pogroms and the Nazi holocaust you read
the history of what Satan has done through men against my Jewish people. But
there is coming a day when the fierce attacks against the nation of Israel will
come to an end. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will fight against those
who have persecuted the Jew. Then Satan will have his final attack on Israel and
God will cast him into the Lake of Fire as prophesied."


"The Arab nations will still be bent on the destruction of that tiny nation in the
Middle East. There will still be hatred of Jews and a determination to annihilate
them. The source of the hatred (ha satan, in English: satan) will still be very
much alive, and will most likely be more active than ever as he sees his time
growing short. The deceiver will still be busy at work convincing pastors and
unsuspecting believers around the world that the Israelis are brutal aggressors
who kill innocent Palestinian children. The media is a great asset to satan.
People believe the lies they read in the press and Israel gets another black eye."
"There should be no more fighting over the land, but because of man’s carnality
and because satan hates the Jewish people because of this covenant, the war
rages on. It will continue to do so until Yahshua, the Holy One of Israel returns to
set up His earthly Kingdom from the Holy City of Jerusalem!"


"Since 1948 there have been several times when Israel had to close it’s borders
to tourists. Having dealt with people engaged in hundreds of tours to Israel there
has never been an incident of a tourist being hurt or killed by terrorists. If you
plan to go to the Holy Land you can count on the following: Satan will begin,
about 30 days before you are to depart, to try and cause a major incident or to
create a climate of fear to keep you from going to Israel."


"Anti-Israel designs of any description are demonic. Satan has hated God’s
chosen people from the moment Abraham was called. This occurred many years
preceding the name of “Israel” being given to Jacob as he wrestled with God.
It was all part of the seed of woman and the promise of the Messiah."


"Considering the above, we will understand why Satan hates the "sound of the
Shofar" for It will clearly deliver the message that he is, and has been defeated
by the shed blood of the Lamb of God! The very sound of the Shofar makes
Satan despise our praise and worship unto the Lord. He hates those who have
repented of their sins and follow the Lord Y’Shua. He hates "Ha Davar - The
Word" and He who is the Word. He cannot tolerate those that do battle in
Y’Shua’s Name. He hates to be reminded that Y’Shua was resurrected from the
dead three days and three nights after He gave His life, defeating that evil one.
Satan hates the State of Israel, for were the Jewish people still in the Diaspora
and Israel not been re-established, the Lord Y’Shua cannot return. Also, Satan
hates to hear about his final doom."


"You need to know and understand that Satan hates the Jewish people. Through
promises made to Abraham and his seed, God would bring forth into the earth
the revelation of Himself and His redemption to humanity. Satan hates the seed
of Abraham. Satan hates the Jew. Jesus was a Jew."


"So if God loves the Jewish people, why are they slandered and maligned? The
evil of this deed lies far below the darkest depths of the most corrupt human
heart. It is an insidious hatred that Satan has for the Jewish people. First, Satan
hates God, so it is natural that he would hate the focus of God's attention. It is
natural for him to want to destroy them because he wants to hurt God. He wants
to make God look impotent. After all, if the Almighty God can't protect His people
then what is the guarantee that He can protect anyone? But it is a miracle that
the Jewish people are still around today. They are a true testament to God's
divine protection."


"Satan hates the Jews with a passion because they gave the world both the Bible
and the Messiah. He also hates the promises that God has made to save a great
remnant of the Jews in the end times."

"Satan is determined to destroy the Jewish people so that God cannot keep His
promise to bring a remnant to salvation. This is the reason that Satan is
orchestrating all the nations of the earth against Israel today. God has raised up
a nation that Satan, as the prince of this world, is determined to destroy."

"46. JerusalemForever Concerning Islam, Israel, Teaching - The root reason why
Israel's enemies oppose Israel with such intensity is because they hate God.(see
verse 2 above) Satan hates God and His plan for earth centered in Jerusalem
and the Jewish people. This is not intended to be hateful, the truth is quite often
painful, but after it is revealed to us we have an opportunity to be free from
satanic deception that leads us to oppose the Only True God, who is the God of



"IV. Roots of Antisemitism in the Church A plot to undermine this "one new man"
concept was systematically introduced as one of the primary schemes of the
devil. Satan hates Israel because she brought forth the Redeemer of mankind.
He especially hates the saved remnant of Israel because they maintain a
testimony of true Jewish identity in Yeshua. (Rev. 12:17) Since Satan's schemes
are thwarted by the power of Yeshua's blood, and believers are called to walk in
the humility of that fact, the enemy's entrée into the Christian's life is through
arrogance and pride. Perhaps the exclusivity of the Messianic Jews caused a
negative reaction among Gentile believers, but there were early signs in the
Church of arrogance toward the Messianic Jewish community. Paul addressed
this arrogant attitude in his letter to the Romans."


"Ultimately, the source of anti-Semitism lies with Satan himself. He hates
God, and he is and always has been committed to the destruction of what God
loves and desires. As God's chosen covenant people, Jews are at the bull's-eye
of this hatred. Satan also knows that the restoration of the Jewish people plays a
central role in the return of the Messiah. Thus, he is committed at all costs to
preventing this. Jewish theology can't explain the Holocaust--and actually the
"why" of it is part of the larger question, Why is there evil and suffering in the
world if God is a God of love? The question is perplexing even to the most solid


Satanic Origins Of Antisemitism:


"Even worse, it attributes Satan's unholy, malicious and vengeful actions to a
holy and righteous God. When God judges His own people, His ultimate purpose
is not retribution but restoration. His intention is not to destroy but to heal, not
merely to punish but ultimately to purify from sin. Satan, on the other hand, is the
destroyer. He enjoys inflicting horror and suffering on God's people with the
ultimate intention of annihilation. God has staked His reputation on the
preservation and the ultimate restoration of the Jewish people. Satan therefore
aspires to destroy the Jews, in order to nullify God's promises and make Him out
to be a liar."


Frauds about the Third Reich created by the Enemy

Sat Jul 19, 2014 9:22 am (PDT). Posted by: "Fourth Reich" fourth_reich666

The writings, speeches, documents, almost EVERYTHING from the Third Reich
has been corrupted. The enemy have filled them with Christianity, false writings,
false speeches etc. Even the speech supposedly given by Himmler about the
Holocaust is a total hoax and I will write about that later. Every weekend, I will
post about the False propaganda, the Allied Hoaxes and about Nuremberg.. I
found this article on the Institute for Historical Review by Mark Weber, which
exposes fake quotations that were said to have been given by the Nazis.
There are also many diaries that were fake and were used in the Nuremberg
trials. The Jews shut down anyone and everyone who attempted to expose them.
They shut them down because all these false hoaxes propaganda etc. were used
as evidence at Nuremberg and the Jews said not to tell anyone because they will
have to reopen cases on the Nazis and open cases on the Allies.

Artice 2

Re: Bodies of 800 babies found in septic tank of Church run home
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

People will all wake up in time. Years and years ago when I was new to the
internet, I noted how Christians dominated and they dominated because they had
no opposition. We are further ahead then most of us know. Visibility is a very
important key. The enemy wants us to be "underground" "secretive" and to keep
quiet. Fools head for the hills, join communes and such and then when the shit
comes down, after being unavailable to the public, going "underground," and
hiding, there will be no problem for big brother to move on in militantly and kill
them all.

We must be persistent and continuous in our fight against these Jewish created
and controlled monsters. The Jew-run communist regime that controlled a large
portion of the world- they never expected communism to fall now, did they?
Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups. With this, the truth is coming out to
where they can no longer suppress their endless hideous crimes against
humanity and neither can their xian churches. I can tell you, just researching the
endless acts of child molestation and rape, in time, it is a given that there are
many, many innocent children buried out back of xian churches, convents,
homes and rectories, and also in the yards, basements and floorboards of homes
of devout xians, especially preachers. Just give it time and there will be more
news exposing these tragedies. Souls of those who were murdered like that do
not rest. There will be justice.

I was in a Laundromat recently and while I was loading my wash, a huge flat
screen TV on the wall was blasting out xian filth. The owner of the Laundromat
happened to be there. I went and complained. I told him if people wanted to listen
to that sort of thing, they can go to church. It has no place in a public laundry. I
also stated how I found that sort of thing extremely offensive. The guy was
obviously an xian. He then replied that some people might "want to listen to that.'
I countered with again the fact that those who do can attend a church and that
discriminatory practices [which xianity is extremely discriminatory] do not belong
in a place that is open to the public. I was extremely polite, but very firm and
relentless. He got the attendant to change the channel. I then thank them politely.
My entire point with this is if no one says anything, the enemy will continue on
with no opposition. That malignant filth would have been blasting out all day if I
hadn't said anything. I let them know those sorts of TV programs were not

Now, turn the table and say there was a TV show of a Black Mass or some other
Satanic Rite and just how long do you think that would last? Xians would be
going crazy, screaming and demanding that it be turned off and even going so far
as to attack the station that hosted it. This makes us Satanists look worthless and
weak. Silence is condoning. I know there are certain situations that one is best to
keep quiet, but this is not an excuse for doing nothing. We have to fight and fight
and fight this malignant scum or we will never have any freedom. Now is the

time. I always complain. If taking any direct action would place you kin jeopardy,
then make an anonymous phone call to someone who will hear you, write a
letter, whatever. If you are confused as to what to do, tune in and ask Satan. You
will get an answer, even if you are not telepathic.

We are and have been making impact more than you know. Those who take no
action, are "underground," and advocate doing nothing, run like the cowards that
they are and hide, and work to keep knowledge hidden are worthless dross.

Never listen to them. The enemy advances quickly and has control as long as
they have no opposition. Xians are not as brave when you come back at them
confidently, especially one on one. Let them know their filth and lies are not
wanted, and that they will not be tolerated PERIOD. Yeah, no opposition. Just
how stupid can some people out there get? Because xianity and its related
programs are lies, they are weak. They can be defeated if only our people take
relentless action. There are many different ways of doing this. In closing, I am not
suggesting here that anyone place him/herself or loved ones in any danger.
Open confrontation is not always the best way, but just make sure you do
something. Never pass the buck, as passing the buck will only insure this xian
injustice will come back right on you, as it has a history of doing. Articles like the
one in the thread here need to be posted everywhere. Have a big mouth in a
positive way by posting the crimes of the enemy everywhere so the world will

For more information regarding Christian murders of 800 infants:

Article 3

Jews Created Communist China
(from Satans Library)

The Jews in the West established Communism in China by working with the
Jews within Asia. A well known Communist Agent in Manchuria was Abrams, an
Asian Jew. Today the Jews still run China. The higher in rank and power one
goes, to the top of the Communist Party, the more Asian Jewish names appear
until they are all Jewish. This is no different from the former Soviet Union. Today
the International Jews have systematically built up Red China into a major
economic and military power, as was done with their former Soviet Union for the
same goal- to advance Communism by military conquest. We could have Red
Chinese and North Korean troops our soil at some point. Red Chinese troops
have been taking part in military training exercises on European soil, with
Russian forces of late. For the invasion of European nations:


The Communist Party in China was created by the Jewish Communist
International during a meeting in Shanghai between Jews from Russia and
Chinese Jews. [Shanghai has always had a large Chinese-Jewish population].
In order to advance their interests, Jewish Lenin and Trotsky sent Jew Gregory
Voitinsky to China to make contact with leftist intellectuals, like Jew Chen Duxiu.

Politically, Chen advocated the Trotskyist theory of Marxism.
Voitinsky was sent over to China by the Comintern chairman, a Jew named
Ovsei-Gershon Aronovich Radomyslsky Apfelbaum, also known as Grigory
Yevseevich Zinoviev.

[Zinoviev was the long-time head of the Communist International and was a
stooge of Jew Lenin. During Lenin's illness, Zinoviev, his sidekick Kamenev, and
Joseph Stalin [my note: Kamenev and Stalin were both Jewish] formed a ruling
'triumvirate' [or 'troika'] in the Communist Party, playing a key role in the
marginalization of Leon Trotsky].

Chen decided to run a special edition on Marxism. The edition of this magazine
was the most detailed analysis of Marxism then published in China, and achieved
wide readership due to the journal's popularity.

In 1921, Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao and other prominent revolutionary leaders
founded the Communist Party of China. Chen Duxiu was the Dean of Peking
University. Chen had participated in the Xinhai Revolution in 1911 which
overthrew the Qing Dynasty and established the Republic of China.

Why did so many white Jews end up in Shanghai and then later in Hong Kong?
[To aid a Communist take over]

Well, he was a Chinese Jew, first educated at Yali School in the provincial capital
of Changsha and later at the Rothschild-run Yale-in-China University. Later he
was sent on a Jewish scholarship to Munich University in 1926 where he
received his Ph.D. in political economics in 1932, and a crash course in Marxism.
Dr. Ho Feng-Shan, was planted [By Rothschild] as the Chinese consul-general in
Vienna from May 1938 to May 1940. When Jews wanted a safe sanctuary before
and during the Second World War, Jew Dr Ho more than 21,000 visas to white
Jews; left, right and center. [My note: this was to be able to ship as many Jews
into China from the West to advance Jewish Communism as was possible.]
1949: On October 1, Mao Zedong declared the founding of the People's Republic
Of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. He was funded by the Rothschild
created Communism in Russia and also by the following Rothschild agents:
Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy;
Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia
for trying to incite a revolution there; and Frank Coe, a leading official of the
Rothschild owned IMF.

Mao would later mass-murder some 70 million+ innocent Chinese people under
his rule mainly to destroy traditional Chinese Culture. As with Christianity [The
Inquisition], any practitioners of spiritual systems were outlawed and put into

gulags where they endured a slow and torturous death. Communist systems
were the new culture of control. With Chinese control, Tibet was next on the list
as being the last bastion of spiritual knowledge and histories of humanity. All the
Jewish systems seek to remove spiritual knowledge from Gentiles and keep it in
the hands of the Jewish elite. This is a major part of their domestication program:


A century and more before the Rothschild's and the Solomon Brothers used their
control of England and its control of India to run the Opium trade into China killing
tens of thousands and wrecking entire communities to the point the Chinese
fought the Opium wars to try and throw the Jewish dealers out.

Chinese Jews:

"A Jesuit missionary, upon visiting the province of Honan, found a considerable
Synagogue in the city of Kaifengfu. He soon became acquainted with some of its
learned chiefs, who introduced him into their Synagogue and showed him one of
the Parchments or rolls of the Pentateuch written in Hebrew, together with the
books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, some of the prophets, containing their
liturgy and commentaries they owned. They had lost some of the sacred books
and some of their targums or paraphrases. This loss was caused by a violent
overflowing of the great river, which had laid the capital entirely under water and
had damaged their Torah, or roll of the Pentateuch, and upon which they ordered
twelve new copies to be taken from it...

My elder brother -- I am not yet forty years old, but I have thought and talked
much with my friends about our ancestors, who were rich and numerous and who
worshiped in a fine synagogue, built on the land presented to them by the
Emperor Tai-tsti. This synagogue, you know, has been swept away by 'China's
Sorrow' [the Yellow River]. Our ancestors came to this land from the northwest
nearly three thousand years ago..."

From OL. XVIII, No. 10, ASHINGTON, OCTOBER, I907. National Geographic:

THE CHINESE JEWS by Oliver Bainbridge

YES, but it was JEWISH when it started. [My note: it still is].
The following article by Arnold Leese was reprinted from Gothic Ripples, No. 49,
dated 28th February, 1949. It shows that the seeds of Bolshevism were planted
in China by Jews, who also tended and trained the growth that resulted. The
corruption of the regime of Chiang Kai-shek caused many of the masses in China
to turn to Communism for relief, since Chinese Communism is mixed with
Nationalism and discourages the old Chinese curse of official corruption; but
Communism in China has the same dehumanizing effect on the people as it has


It was the Sassoon family that turned the general Chinese suspicion of and
dislike of foreigners into hatred. David Sassoon controlled the Opium Trade in
China from 1832 until he died in 1864. His family carried on the Trade under our
Flag and made huge fortunes. The British took the blame, and now the Chinese
loathe us; just as we took the blame for the Jewish atrocities at Nuremberg,
Spandau and elsewhere in Germany, so that the Germans now hate us.
Backed by the Sassoons, the Shanghai Opium Monopoly existed until 1917
under the Jew Edward Ezra; its Managing Committee being composed entirely of
Jews and Indians. Not only did the British Flag protect the Sassoons in this
abominable trade which the Manchus did all they could to prevent, even to the
extent of war, but also these Jews were welcomed in England instead of being
ostracized. Royalty petted them and they intermarried with Aryan aristocrats.
Some became Baronets and one a Minister of the Government.

When the Freemason [Jewish Rothschild's front] Sun Yat-sen, began his
revolutionary movement at Canton, the Jew Morris Cohen, a British subject, became his aide-de-camp and was sent by Sun around the globe to get military
experts for his revolutionary army. On Sun Yat-sen's death bed, this Jew was
commended to Chiang Kai-shek and he was employed as liaison officer between
the Canton Government and all foreign Consulates-General. Cohen became
known in China as Moi-Sha, and was made Military Counsellor to the Cantonese
Forces, and a General, although still a British subject.

As late as 1939, Cohen was travelling the high seas under the protection of our
Flag. The last we heard of him was late in 1945 when he emerged from a
Japanese prisoner-of-war camp. The South African Sunday Express described
him as "the guiding genius behind the War-Lords of China".

The Soviet Jew, Jacob Borodin [real name M. Grusenberg] was sent by the
Kremlin with the Jew Joffe, in 1923, to try and bolshevize Sun Yat-sen and
became Chief Political Adviser to the Kuomintang. His wife, a Jewess, spied in
China for the Soviets. When Sun died, Borodin was left in charge and it was he
who appointed Chiang Kai-shek to succeed Sun in 1926. However, in 1927 a raid
was made by Chang Tso-Ling on the Soviet Embassy at Peking, which revealed
the scope and extent of the Soviet plot to bolshevize China, and the Borodins
were arrested and imprisoned.

In 1923 the notorious Jew, Trebitsch Lincoln, ex-M.P. in Britain, headed a
Chinese mission to get arms for Wu Pei Fu, a War-Lord with a fine character, but
failed, probably purposely, in the attempt. After that, Lincoln drifted about, too
mistrusted in China for any other important role.

The Soviet General, B. K. Galen, who was really a Jew called Chesin, and was
nicknamed Blucher, accompanied the "Armenian" Soviet Delegate Karachan to
Peking in 1924 where a treaty was made with Chang Tso-Ling by which the
Chinese Eastern Railway was handed over to the Soviets. This placed the
movement of troops at the mercy of the Bolsheviks. The intrigues and bribery by
which this surrender by Chang Tso-Ling was obtained were carried out through
the medium of a Jewish timber magnate called S. Skidelski. At once, the Railway
was placed in charge of the Jews Gekker, Koslowsky and Snamensky
[Zamyensky]. To continue with the career of General "Galen", he became Chief
Military Adviser to Chiang Kai-shek in 1926.

Now for the Soviet Jew S. A. Gekker, as early as 1922, he was Military Adviser to
the Mongolian Bolshevik Government, and in 1924 he was made Head Political
Commissar on the Chinese Eastern Railway aforesaid. This appointment was at
the hands of the Jew, M. D. Lashewitz, who was President of the Board of
Railway Control in Moscow.

Nor must the Jew, A. Joffe, be forgotten. We have already met him as head of
the Soviet Mission to Sun Yat-sen, when, along with the Jew, Jacob Borodin, he
tried to develop Sovietism. Later he became Political Adviser to Chiang Kai-shek
in 1926 and organized the Red Section of the Kuomintang.

High up in the Political Department of the Red Army in China were also the two
Jews, W. N. Levitschev and J. B. Gamarnik, who in 1936 was its head.
The Nanking Ministry of Finance has always been dominated by Jews, viz: Kann,
L. Rajchman and R. Haas. In England, the Jew Billmeir helped, with his merchant
fleet, to take Soviet arms to China in 1938.

Finally, the Jew Ben Kizer [USA] was appointed head of Unrra in China, and as
everyone knows, it fell to pieces in corruption.

Enough has been said to prove that every real key position in the process of the
Bolshevik destruction of China has been Jewish.

Published by Arnold Leese, 20, Pewley Hill, Guildford, Surrey.

David Rockefeller and high ranking Chinese Communist leader Zhou Enlai in 1973
Mao in a high-level meeting with several Jews [Frank Coe, Israel Epstein, Elsie FairfaxCholmely, and Solomon Adler]
Coe was one of the Jews responsible for the Great Leap Foreword- the
engineered artificial famine which killed over forty million people.
[Coe participated in Mao's Great Leap Forward, a mighty plan for the rapid
industrialization and modernization of China. Mao assigned him to his Chinese
economic think tank, the Institute of World Economics, where they provided
advice on international trade and global macroeconomic conditions.]
Coe really got around. Note- Coe can also be a short former of the exclusively
Jewish name Cohen:


Virginius Frank Coe [1907–June 2, 1980] was a United States government
official who was identified by Soviet defectors Elizabeth Bentley and Whittaker
Chambers as being an underground member of the Communist Party[1] and as
belonging to the Soviet spy group known as the Silvermaster ring.
On July 1, 1946, Coe became the first Secretary of the Rothschild controlled
International Monetary Fund. Coe, who was also a Jewish Communist agent,
was a member of the infamous Silvermaster spy Cell.
Just who is Solomon Adler?

Solomon Adler [August 6, 1909 — August 4, 1994] was an economist who
worked in the U. S. Treasury Department, serving as Rothschild’s Treasury
representative in China from 1941 to 1938, which included World War II.
He returned to China in the 1950s and was a resident there from the 1960’s until
his death, working as a translator, economic advisor, and possibly with the
Central External Liaison Department, a Chinese intelligence agency.

Adler shared a house with Chi Ch’ao Ting [Ji Chaoding] Chinese Ministry of
Finance official, and John Service. In 1944, John Service was Second Secretary
of the U.S. Embassy in Chungking, China.

Solomon Adler was a Treasury official in Chungking who was also a member of a
NKVD espionage ring known as the Silvermaster group.

Adler reported from China to Treasury Secretary Jew Henry Morgenthau, Jr.
during the war years, while serving as Treasury attaché in China in 1944.
Jew Henry Morgenthau Jr. was Rothschild’s hatchet man in USA as he was U.S.
Secretary of the Treasury during the administration of US president Jew Franklin
D. Roosevelt. Jew Henry Morgenthau, Jr. later became a financial advisor to

Sidney Shapiro, an American Jew, was a high ranking member of Communist Red
China’s government.

Israel Epstein, Mao Tse Tung’s ministers, shown here being honored for his service by
current Chinese communist leader, Chairman Hu Jin Tao.

Israel Epstein is a naturalized Chinese citizen, and a member of the Communist
party of China. He is the Jew responsible for the Cultural Revolution which
systematically destroyed Chinese Culture and murdered over five million
innocent people. He wrote Mao’s little book, which was the premise on which the
Cultural Revolution was designed to be waged on the Chinese population
Israel Epstein, second from right in front, standing in front of Mao. He later became of his
ministers of state, an extremely powerful position. To the right of him is another Jew,
also under cover as a journalist.

Sidney Shapiro, Israel Epstein and Chen Bidi getting a birthday party thrown by the

Jews were behind Mao Tse-Tung’s ascent to power as the communist dictator of
China, who tortured and murdered tens of millions of Chinese during his brutal
reign. Sidney Shapiro, an American Jew, was in charge of China’s propaganda
organ. Another Jew, Israel Epstein, was Mao’s Minister of Appropriations

[2012 Book] 9/11–Enemies Foreign and Domestic by Edward Hendrie
“Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not
only in producing a more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in
fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China
under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in
human history.”
– David Rockefeller

[My Note: the Rockefellers are Jewish and part of the Rothschild blood-line]

“The covert Jewish control of Mao and the Chinese Communist Party [CCP]
explains why convicted Jewish spy Jonathan Pollard, found guilty of stealing
thousands of classified documents from the Defense Department where he
worked, gave these materials to his masters, the Israeli Mossad operating in the
USA. The Israelis in turn, transferred these valuable military secrets straight to
Red Chinese dictators in Beijing. Pollard, a Jew born in Galveston, Texas, sits in
a federal prison today. Recently, when Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu came to
America, he visited Pollard in prison and assured the despicable turncoat Israeli
spy that the Israeli government was working behind-the-scenes with Obama’s
White House to pardon the convicted spy. Meanwhile, Pollard is a national hero
in Israel—honored for stealing America’s most precious military secrets which
Israel gave to Communist China!”

— [2012 Book] 9/11–Enemies Foreign and Domestic by Edward Hendrie
The internationalist Jews also worked the other side to bring their Communist
forces to victory:

Gun Control. The key date here is 1948. Secretary of State and Rockefeller
minion General George Marshall intervened on no less than three occasions
when Chiang's Nationalist forces were on the verge of defeating Mao's
Communist forces by imposing a Cease-Fire. On each occasion, the Cease-Fire
bought Mao much needed time to regroup and re-arm, courtesy of the U.S.

General Marshall ordered all shipments of arms to Chiang STOPPED. For years,
Chiang was the poster boy for U.S. intervention in the Sino-Japanese War. Now
Chiang's usefulness was at an end and he was double-crossed and Mao was put
in power on mainland China. Mao wound up murdering over eighty million of his
countrymen. Collectivization led to the starvation of millions of Chinese. Some of
Chiang's forces fled to the Shan States of Burma [Myanmar] and this led directly
to the bogus "War on Drugs" and the Vietnam War. James Bartley

Jews also held high-ranking positions in Mao's Communist Army and were given
worshipful titles:

Jewish doctor turned 'Buddha Savior' under Mao

Odyssey of young Jewish doctor who became a general under Mao Zedong after
fleeing Nazis [Nazi's halting Jewish Communism in Europe, he then ran to
spread it in the Far East, just changed theatres of operation for the tribe] is focus
of new exhibition in Vienna

Jakob Rosenfeld, a Viennese physician turned hero of the Chinese revolution, is
less well-known than Norman Bethune, a Canadian doctor whose services during
the Sino-Japanese war inspired Mao to write an essay that he later made
compulsory reading for his People's Republic.

But the Jewish doctor, or General Luo as he was known in China, was the only
one of a handful of foreign volunteers to make it into the upper echelons of the
revolutionary army.

"He was even named health minister in the Communist army's provisional
government in 1947," Gerd Kaminski, an Austrian expert on Chinese history and
the organizer of this new exhibit at Vienna's Jewish Museum, told AFP.
The show is part of a series of events hosted by Austria marking the 35th
anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties with Beijing in 1971.

"Today, he has a statue, a hospital and Beijing's National Museum of China set
up an 800-square-metre [8,600 square feet] exhibit in his honor inaugurated by
President Hu Jintao," Kaminski noted.

The exhibit on Jakob Rosenfeld at Vienna's Jewish Museum will run until January

Article 4

Good Guy Satan
by HP. Hoodedcobra666 » Thu Dec 06, 2018 2:47 a

There is a situation here that people need to understand. Satan is not some "Good" or
"Ultimately Good" type of 'God'. Because Satan is not a hypocrite.

Satan does not promise to this world an end to materialism and all the values such as 'super
spirituality' which the enemy professes. Satan knows better than anyone else the obstacles,
challenges, and where or what humanity can or cannot become. This comes from the simple
fact that Satan is realistic. Satan was always a natural God. If you want to be Just, you have to
send people to prison, and absolve the people who did nothing wrong. "Evil" becomes a
necessity and way of life, if you want to maintain good, and you have to be 'evil' everyday in
order to do any good. This is entwined in nature, and it's undeniable natural law.

According to the enemy, they are 'good', and we are doing them 'total evil'. When someone
does something, you are always evil in the perception of someone, and always good to the
perception of someone else. One just observes a judge and they can see it. You give this guy a
ticket, you're good with society. You don't give this guy a ticket, you're not good with society.
The jewish way of trying to 'end evil' is to castrate humans and rob them of their will, and
equalize them forcibly, as to avoid 'evil' and 'wrongdoing'. If you are a golem with a microchip in
your brain, you will not get tickets, because you'll be a borg. Perfectly legal in all your works,
and the perfect slave. A world of 'universal peace' will be in place. Nobody will step out of the
line, as the people will be borgs, and borgs, do not step out of line."Resistance is Futile, Enjoy
Universal Peace" *borg sounds*.

Complaining about 'evil' is useless, and it serves nowhere. Nature has relations of domination,
positive, and negative. I don't fight the jews because I consider myself to be a good guy Cobra
like the Middle Ages and their "Good Guys Take Jerusalem" type of retarded shit. Because such
knights are the easiest to give them another 'good' objective in order to get them to do the
stupidest things.

Likewise, I do not personally fight this war because of heavenly affairs, or because I want to be
praised as a 'good' person in all eternity, either, nor because I want to go to my own version of
heaven. If you're into this for that, you're still a christian in the soul and the mind. The christian
can go into a murder spree against children if one provides sufficient proof that these kids are
'muslim' or 'pagan'. The sense of judgement is lacking, one is essentially an animal. There is no
logic or evaluation - just the promise of heavenly jerusalem coins to spend in a future that does
not exist.

Christians are fools. Because simply told them if they kiss jewish ass for all eternity they are
good, and they just lick it real well and clean. Then, they complain they get crapped in the face.
This is cycle of licking and crapping is the relation between the Christian and the Jew.
Satan is the only good guy because he is not a good guy or a bad guy. He is just what he is, just
and truthful. If you don't like the way how the universe works, and you want a 'gud boi goddie'
you might as well become a christian, because Satan is both the epitome of wrath, hatred, and
destruction, as he is the epitome of understanding and also, if logic coincides, forgiveness, too.
If one asks themselves why they follow Satan rather than anyone else, they will understand, that
the more of the love one feels is because Satan can punish, guide, and so forth, and not
because Satan is some good boi that wants to make mankind into all equal Telletubies. If you
want to live in a world like Telletubies, something is wrong in your head, and you need to see
that you get it fixed, or reality will fix it for you by brutalizing and negativity until you understand
what is wrong, or perish.

The reality is also we are 'better' than the enemy, since, simply, we accept the evil part of
nature, and we seek to see how to deal with it, with other measures like justice, courts, and
understanding. The enemy simply banishes it, and exorcises evil, and the world got consumed
by this weakling Telletubbies behavior of the enemy.

This world is a world of fighting and war. Those who do not want to live inside such world, can
pretend to be Telletubies, but only for too long: Reality will come at them and destroy them for
their insolence. One has to permanently fight and clean, and there is nothing wrong in this world
either, other than the falsified idea that it should be different, because people are weak to
accept it as it is.

Many also transfer the same mentality in Satanism, and they make the jews be the bad guy in
their own Telletubbies universe, without accepting the innate negative part of nature. Even the
enemy, builds on top of the natural evil to inflict evil. Worms do not grow where there is nothing
rotting. The enemy casts curses to intensify and hasten the rot. Telletubbies and idiots do not
have place in Spritiual Satanism.

If you seek a future of Telletubbies where the Sun only Smiles and doesn't do any Solar Flares
to burn people like cockroaches, you're looking down at the fake future. As to what fakeness to
this level causes in the short term, of course, it's fun. Nothing better is made by people believing
in Telletubbies stories either.

This led to an escalating situation where the Telletubbies then got possesed by the spirit of the
jew: The original crippled Telletubbie, who wanted to become Darth Vader, and had to fool the
other disabled to make them into Darth Vader, by telling them good social Telletubbies dreams
about equality, goodness, and fairness, and how them becoming Darth Vader was only a
measure to uhm...Telletubize the world, and promote fairness, equality, and all the rest of the
jewish crap.

The jew told his sheep that they will live 'forever in christ in the second coming', and what is the
result, people live in the lowest decadence level today, waiting for what will never come. The
jew is the master of decay because he introduced this type of thinking to people, which is
complete contrast to anything logical, natural, or truthful. It's against development in the future,
and against the past, and against the very essence of the present. Destroying as a result the
world, and every form of development.

Even in the heart of the worthless Telletubbies there is something that makes them feel like shit
when they see something better, but they just cannot escape their own Telletubyism.
Humans are made out of Telletubbies when they admit that "Uhm, I don't want to be a
Telletubby forever. I do not like this state of existence. I want to get better". And this is the
original Devil talking naughty and non-jewish thoughts into the mind of the Telletubby, to help it
develop from it's sorry state.

Anyway guys, Cheers, and keep up the good work in developing, and don't forget to HAIL

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Article 5
Excuses About Meditation - And It's Necessity
By HP. Hoodedcobra666 » Tue Oct 23, 2018

There are some people who make excuses to themselves and the Gods and disregard the
importance of meditation. This is in many ways not only personal naivety, and if furthered,
stupidity, but it is dangerous.

By the time a person turns around 18 (can start earlier in some cases) the human body is not on
a growing phase, but rather, a phase requiring maintenance and empowerment on a daily basis
to stay optimal. As for the soul, this requirement starts on day one. This concerns the material
body, as the soul can atrophy way earlier, and atrophy of the soul can begin at around age 9 or
10, or even someone can start with an atrophied soul to begin with.

In short, how one supplies the body with food, showering and so forth. Imagine what happens if
you do not eat for a month, or do not drink water for a week. In both cases one is gambling with
death. Similar is the situation where one's soul (or let's just say materially invisible but perfectly
existing spiritual body outside of the spectrum of material light) is concerned. The same thing
we can observe in people trapped in ruins for months and unable to drink or eat, we can
observe in a different way in the meditation and the soul. As the material body of those trapped
in ruins enters a coma, so does the soul.

Many people just also wonder why they do not experience immediate effects from meditation.
This is because the soul has underwent a shock of energetic depletion and is equal to a dying
husk when one begins meditation. The soul is essentially on a limbo state. Similarly to many
people who suffer from anorexia and do not take weight or do not want to / cannot process food
for a month or way more even if they start eating properly and medical help, the soul is in a
similar situation when one begins meditation.

Some souls pick up faster from this state, some do not pick up as fast, but you definitely will
raise out of this. Others who are very advanced spiritually may exist in a medium-less-limbo
state where the soul is half operational, but never, without meditation, can this state be
sustained or improved. If one prolongs the hunger they will collapse.

The good news is it doesn't take that long to get the first messages out of the soul. I have seen
in astrology it's the people with some charts who have neglected the soul or not properly worked
it, that it gets sometime for them to snap out of it. During this process their past karmic things
also kick in, and they can disregard meditation or run away from it. I have seen this in some
cases. This is the same how an anorexic can have a locked stomach when food is presented.
Therefore the necessity of meditation is equal to food, water, and equally fundamental.
Otherwise the penalty of such is that one will be feeling dead inside, which is the state most
humans right now are experiencing as a result, entailed with many other issues. Without a soul,
one is essentially a material flesh cyborg just walking around like a leaf in the wind.

The time humans have is quite limited and many people who have faced some death or life
circumstance know also that the so called "I will live until my 80's" is just a myth. Most people do
not make it to their 80's, the mortality rate of humans across the globe is an average of 65 to 67
years old. And many people by this time with boose, bad diet, a life full with stress and so forth,
have already done a lot of damage to their soul and even sanity. By that time, the person who
does not meditate or keep mentally and materially active, has deteriorated to a great extent. If
one lives a life of corruption their end can come way earlier, as the human being is frail and

It's true however, it's never too late. Well, almost - never too late. I have a personal experience
with a person who started meditating around their 65+ years and in one year have made very
considerable progress, to the point they reached a great level before their material death,
ensuring many positive things for them. They told me "It was the best year of their life". And the
said person has had a hell of a life so to say, as far as material 'joy' and comforts are

So in a sense it's never too late, but after a point, one can only wait for their next lifetime to
work, simply because, all the faculties dealing with the person have deteriorated to a great
extent. And work becomes impossible. This repeated over lifetimes can lead to a permanent
state of non-existence of the person, which is called 'death'. We die once materially and then we
exist astrally, but one can also die again after. The Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Greeks called
this the 'second death', which is final.

Many people approach meditation as some sort of joke especially in the west. You have some
people thinking they are doing very good since they meditate once a week, or because they do
some "Yoga Pilates" which mainly consists of jumping around like monkeys twice a week, or
maybe once every two weeks. This is similarly hypocritical as the person going to church for a
couple of hours every Sunday, praising a jew, and pretending they have attained some sort of
spiritual experience of salvation.

They know it is not true, but they wish that they could hack their way through as they try to hack
the game of life, by taking happy pills, boosing out their problems, and tuning out their
responsibilities. This route and perception of life leads to living risk and death. Everyone on the
planet tries to escape their little amount of closely non-existant responsibility. This adds up, and
the end result is a chaotic planet. This is the case with people and races who do not build their
countries, do not self improve, and individuals who are a cancer unto society everywhere. This
adds up and you have a chaotic planet filled with parasitic moths and only a few individuals
who, even half-assed-ly, just go towards the living light.

Lastly a major excuse people use is that they do not have 'time' in the day to meditate, or that
they cannot 'sit down to meditate'. This is just a joke. They do not have time to sit down and
meditate, but they have time to get drugged, and waste endless time in Youtube or just literally
looking at their own ceiling. Hours and hours wasted into pure nothingness.

Personally I know firsthand what it is to work 50 and even closely 60 hours a week. At this point,
alas slowly, I was still able to do some astrology for 4-5 hours a day (alas extremely slower but
still), daily meditation (in full) and have necessary time for warfare and sleep.

If you want find time, you can find some time. However, something may have to suffer for you to
pull this out. By 'suffer' we mean you will 'suffer' the commodity of wasting some of your
existence uselessly away to doing something valuable to your existence for 1 hour more every
single day.

Sleeping 30 minutes more is not going to give you any major energy boost compared to
meditating for the same amount of time. Looking at the ceiling for 30 minutes more isn't going to
give you any boost either. And going 30 minutes earlier at bed just to meditate isn't going to rob
of you the pleasure of watching just another Netflix episode.

But the above hour combined is going to make life changing situations for you. Even half of this
hour will work.

As for those who are new, meditation will start being normalized after a point for you same as
drinking water or taking a shower. Every new thing needs some time to be consolidated in your

Lastly people must not think very highly of themselves and assume that other beings have to
beg you to meditate. This is for yourself. Raises your energy levels, your mood, opens your
consciousness, and it's you that benefits first and foremost. Only later come any social benefits
from this practice, and even the cutting edge selfish individuals have endless incentives to get
into this practice.

It should be perceived that 1 hour of meditation adds 24 hours of quality life to your day. After a
point, 1 hour of meditation adds 48 hours. When you reach the high levels 1-2 hours of
meditation can add 3-5 extremely high quality days to your lifespan. These are not to be taken
literally and are just personal estimations. Now if you add 1 hour a day for the next 365 days
you will gain 360 hours a year to gain...365 days of vibrant life. This totals 15 days of spiritual
meditation time in a whole YEAR, to gain benefits that are unparalleled.

Think of how much time you have wasted in public transportation and you will find that this is
probably 20 times more. Life is being wasted at all sides.

As for the things absolutely necessary to do everyday, these are Hatha Yoga, Aura of
Protection, Cleaning Meditation, and any sort of empowerment. One can also add breathing
exercises, and Kundalini yoga, plus a form of meditation of Void. That is, if we are to keep
matters very simple. This is the necessary basis to keep positive, flexible, and powerful
throughout your day.

The thing about meditation is that it is given by the Gods, and the ultimate objective of it is that it
leads to immortality. Hindu Yogis of the highest order say that at some point, the daily practice
evolves a person by 1,000,000 years of linear time, every single day, compared to the person
who does not meditate or practice.

Materially speaking we can observe this fact in yoga teachers and others who even with
corrupted and watered down meditation reach the age of 80 and have the physiology of humans
in their 20's or 30's, and women who are in their 80s and still have their monthly circle as if they
were 16. But even if we assume the above thing is just allegorical, all the same, your mind
evolves beyond comprehension everyday, compared to the average Jewish NPC bot that just
rots their life out.

Then there are those who are stuck a bit in beginning. Well, nothing begins in it's full potential.
Someone carried the first brick to build the Pyramid, if we are to say a metaphor. At first it
looked like a stupid thing to do, and it was just a brick sitting on the ground. Brick by brick they
built the greatest wonders of the world.

Those who focus only on the brick will be disappointed. Feel proud you are putting a brick day
by day to rebuilt your own spiritual power and soul back in proper order, and stay focused on
the greater goals. Some days for all meditators are unbearable (the enemy is also into this) but
we have to keep pushing, and we will always rise out winning.

As an important final note everyone who does meditate, will commit mistakes, lose some
meditation here, some day there, and experience failure. The only way to set this straight is to
just keep going despite these failures and keep on walking. This is what makes the mistake
right. Meditation is equated to war sometimes for this reason, the mind is jumpy and can try to
derail someone. Same goes for life in general. You got to just put the train back on track and
restart it, learn from your mistakes, and keep it running. That's what this is about, not 'inability to
make mistakes' and being 'perfect'.

Hail Satan and the Gods who give us the knowledge.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

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Your welcome, to be honest I didnt even think this article got posted, for about2-3 days, because i got no notification on the top right. I just happened to see that another post of mine went through which i thought hadn't. so I searched for this one manually and saw it did go through, I'm glad.
Meteor said:
SATchives said:
Your welcome, to be honest I didnt even think this article got posted, for about2-3 days, because i got no notification on the top right. I just happened to see that another post of mine went through which i thought hadn't. so I searched for this one manually and saw it did go through, I'm glad.
The same thing happened to me the past few days, I didn't get any notifications. It seems to be working again today though!

I liked the fourth article. I have a very strong sense of justice, but sometimes a situation is too complicated for me to discern whether something is right or wrong. But I realised that when it comes to things like that, I should just do what I want rather than worrying if I will look evil no matter what I do. It doesn't matter if some people think I'm evil, because it only looks that way from their perspective; and since there was no right thing to do in the situation, simply doing what I want is the only sensible option.

If there is no outcome that is objectively preferred, I'll aim for the outcome I prefer. I've decided that's the right thing to do.

Yeah I just logged on and checked its working for me too, HAIL SATAN, I love this site, and I'm happy how far we come and how fast things get fixed, big thanks a million times over to all the clergy for all they do.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
