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Question #4673: Politics: Useful or Useless? Time burglary?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Hello, this rant/questionnaire is in regards to politics. I'm aware as of a short period of time ago, H.P. HoodedCobra666, mentioned we are a "Spiritual" organization and "Politics" is seen as a secondary or outright ignore it.

I guess I should listen to our main High Priest as politics tends to swamp people into an almost soccer or football mentality. My team can kick your teams ass. When both asses should be kicked and told work things out and engage a better Society/Civilization.

I love politics and I understand it's important to foster Civilization/Society what have you. For example the 1st and 2nd Amendments are par excellent examples of what Ancient Dharma is supposed to be. As Apollo Metanioa in his Constitutional Founder/City Layer - Metanoia title expresses, enough law and order for justice but not enough it burdens everyone and feels tyrannical.

It's akin to a message by Oscar Wilde, "Everything in moderation, even moderation".

I'm aware inasmuch most of the prominent people on JoS are minimalist who entertain healthy consumption of content. For example in recent times some have talked about video games. In my personal opinion as a former gamer it's become a rabbit hole and there are WAY, WAY too many games. Inasmuch JoS personnel have advised entertain yourself for a reasonable period of time but don't do marathons whereby your addicted to it.

Unfortunately lately over the past period of time perhaps a solid year now. I've become disillusioned with politics. I'm not advanced to communicate with advanced entities. But I get a strong feeling the Gods don't want me to waste my time except on certain things if need be.

I'm not saying the Gods want me to be ignorant, stupid on the realities of life i.e. News and my surroundings. But I get this strong feeling in my gut that it's all for show.

Which leads me to my questions:

1. Is politics useless or useful in modern times?

2. It seems inasmuch everything is wanting/maintained to be Conservative rather than Liberal(corrupted liberalism in it's current inception) but these Conservatives often have a xtian/kosher mentality and cuck around with the enemy.

Is it fair to state, the very act of operating our rituals is exposing this almost outright cancerous growth in our civilization and splitting the real warriors from the the cucks who operate on their kosher masters behalf?

3. Should I forgo my political study and ignore it and only pay attention if it catches my attention or seems interesting? There is only so much attention Human's can give to a subject/subjects.

4. As far as National Socialism. Even prominent people are in the rhetoric of Nazism = Bad Guys. I don't understand as one commentator put it we label them Nazis for political memetic warfare as a sarcastic North Korea best Korea meme. That's nice and all but it seems these people sully something they don't understand nor may even not want to touch it.

Why is National Socialism and the Second World War such a controversial topic by these chowder heads that they don't even want an iota, an infinitesimal amount of study on the so-called "Bad Guys", "These bad Nazis". It seems like the meme "The Jews said it, I believe it, that settles it".

Why is National Socialism seen as something that is below and worse than excrement?

5. My final question is I spoke to a friend of mines who isn't political nor cares for it but has studied somethings about it.

It seems to his explanation - Democrats are Leftist individuals who wish to employ a Right-Wing economic plan. And the M.A.G.A Conservative Republicans not the Deep-State Republicans want the opposite. A Right-Wing Conservative philosophy with a Left-Wing Classical Liberal economic property.

Is this a correct assumption? The Democrats are wanting to tax the lower to oblivion and help the rich. The opposite MAGAR are wanting to tax the rich and lower taxes giving citizens more capital in their life. Is this correct?

It seems like taxes are the main issue i.e. it's the economy stupid. But it seems like taxes are a waste of time and effort and begs the question why do we even have taxes. Gottfried Feder in Collected Writings; the book created by an organization in 2019. His 2nd point after Hitler's 1st point of, "When National Socialism is firmly established. We abolish the Government." Feder on the other hand stated, "A Tax-less utopia, everyone pays by face value".

If Feder mentioned this to Hitler and Hitler studied this with great reverence in his time. Which does beg the question how money is generated, as far as I'm aware the Government simply moves the money around. But without control of the Federal-Reserve like Hitler's taking of the Central Bank and issuing a new currency that was called, "Labor Treasury Notes" chiefly backed by Labor in accordance to Hitler and Feder's discourse among each other.

As an incident I had with someone who I expressed my political opinion and their reply back was, "Your a Socialist-Communist person who spreads the wealth, your nothing more than a Communist who is nice and doesn't hurt people except the poor Jews. How can you have a taxless society that isn't good. You don't understand Capitalism and how great it is that we can afford all this stuff compared to people in the past few hundred years."

I don't get it why does everyone demand taxes and want taxes it seems pointless almost like it's a concocted attribute to maintain Humanity in check so they don't get too wealthy, intellectual, and powerful.

What exactly makes taxes so important? I never understood the principle we keep paying more and more and more. Nothing is being done about fixing the Nations it just seems like a sinkhole of doom with no solution. Look at Ukraine and Israel money laundering schemes or the millions, billions, and trillions in taxes people pay, for what?

Note: I'm not much of a Democratic nor Republican explorer, both I deem pointless. Politics in America is so strangulated it begs the question on whom is who. It seems both sides are the same side of the coin. So if I seem ignorant of their tax policy/ies it's simply because there is a mountain of information and trying to sweep through everything just to fix an ignorant thought is nigh absurd.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
