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Question #4269: Can I dedicate my soul to Satan?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I'm 22 years old and I'm at a very complicated stage in my life, I suffer from anxiety and possibly depression, I'm undergoing treatment and I met JOS through someone I no longer have contact with. I confess that at first I thought it was absurd when I was finding out about Satan, even more so because at the time I considered myself a Christian. But nowadays, I no longer consider myself a Christian, and in fact I am angry at Christianity. Today I have a huge interest in Satan, and I'm still reading about the site and getting to know him, but I also confess that there's a part of me that has anxiety because of doubt, because that part of me, even though I feel angry, still wants to believe in Christianity. I feel like it's still rooted inside, as if saying "if you follow this path, you'll end up in hell". In this case, in Christian hell. I also want to say that I have tried to pray a few times, I have already prayed. But I don't feel anything. I would like to feel it, but unfortunately I don't feel anything. When I was a Christian, I felt something. Perhaps this is also why I have doubts about dedicating my soul to Satan. I've tried meditating a few times, but I've never managed to persist. Sometimes I think that if I dedicated myself, my life would improve, or Satan would touch me, something like that. I've been thinking about dedicating my soul to him for some time, but I'm afraid. Today something happened that made me very sad, and I suddenly thought about dedicating my soul to him, but I don't want to do it because of some freak out or something like that. I would like to dedicate my soul to him, but would there be any problem if I did so even if I had doubts? I don't want to do something wrong in relation to Satan, especially because I have some bad thoughts, which say that I have already started wrong with him.
Could you guide me?
Of course you can sacrifice your soul to our father Satan!
Your fears are a systemically induced program from which the Gods will help you get out. Such fears are natural for people who are just beginning to learn the Holy Truth,
It will pass with time, your fears will pass. When you take the first step and tell the Gods yes, and tell our Father Satan yes
Of course you can sacrifice your soul to our father Satan!
Your fears are a systemically induced program from which the Gods will help you get out. Such fears are natural for people who are just beginning to learn the Holy Truth,
It will pass with time, your fears will pass. When you take the first step and tell the Gods yes, and tell our Father Satan yes
*dedicate not sacrifice
You can always reject enemy programmes in every way and try to follow Satan's path as an undedicated person.
You will not have all the blessings and protection that the dedicated SS have.

I had similar insecurities, the first few months I avoided anything to do with Satan out of fear, then I realised the truth about him and started to immerse myself more seriously in meditations and rituals even war rituals. This period lasted for more than six months, then one day I decided to dedicate myself.

As an undedicated person you are more open to attack if you practise Spiritual Satanism, but despite this I believe that you should not deprive yourself of the path of Satan and still explore and improve in Satanic spirituality.

The dedication must be taken seriously, so take your time, because it will be a special and eternal moment. I did a lot when I was non-dedicated, but when I dedicated myself everything changed and the path really began.

After all, looking at it in a simpler way, with Satan you grow and get better, with enemy programmes or doing nothing, you decay and get worse and worse. You can see this in months.

Whatever, this is an extra step before dedication, like a period where you practise Satanism and clarify your mind to prepare yourself for the Dedication Ritual.
After the Dedication the real journey begin.

Rember, be brave.
As you can already see, christianity is an abomination to its followers and was purposefully created for similar purposes. The intention to abandon this death cult infuriates the enemies of humanity and encourages them to prevent it in every possible way. Your concern about whether you can properly build a relationship with Satan and the discomfort of thoughts that undermine it indicates that this is your sincere desire. The reason for the bad thoughts is most likely the residual christian programming and the enemy itself. This will disappear forever if you systematically clean and protect your aura, as well as deprogram your mind and meditate in general. These thoughts are a barrier to the dedication of your soul only in your head, and then until you decide to completely ignore them.

The only real problem preventing you from dedicating your soul is your jewish background. The probability of this is zero, but even in this case, the enemy can push you into thinking that you are a jew, you are unworthy and there are a lot of far-fetched reasons designed to distract from the main goal. This should be ignored and just continue to meditate, making yourself stronger and better.

You also mentioned depression and I would like to draw your attention to one important thing. When you start meditating, the dirt from the chakras begins to come out and cause some temporary discomfort. The same thing can happen with yoga in the early stages. All this can discourage the desire to continue, cause other bad states, and all this until you get rid of this once and for always. Therefore, when faced with this, you need to persevere and completely rid yourself of it. Even if you were aware, I thought it necessary to clarify the attention on this, since you are already depressed, which can cause even more problems without proper consideration of this topic. In a sense, I stepped on this rake myself at the very beginning.

For example, here is one of the articles explaining such things about yoga : https://blacksun.deathofcommunism.com/групповые-ритуалы/

I'm a beginner and I've probably told you everything I'm sure of and what I've learned from my own experience. I will not take away from you a great opportunity to study this topic yourself, having learned the site and the material much better.

Good luck.
Without dedication, do you want to become ordinary? Do you want to be like those people who do nothing all day and do nothing for themselves?

The obvious fact is that dedication exposes you to opportunities for growth that most people don't get in their lifetime, and you become a better person than before.

In addition, I would like to share with you one of my experiences: I once suffered from depression just like you, and I cried in pain almost every day. All this is because I was exposed to the enemy program in middle school, and I have felt pain and depression every day since I was exposed to christianity. Then, I found this website and I dedicated to Satan, almost overnight, these feelings of depression and pain disappeared, completely.

The experience is amazing and you will immediately feel that you are not the same as before. Those painful emotions, like suddenly cleaned up, since then, I never shed a drop of tears for those enemies.
Мне 22 года, и я на очень сложном этапе своей жизни, я страдаю от тревоги и, возможно, депрессии, Я прохожу лечение и познакомился с JOS через кого-то, с кем у меня больше нет контакта. Я признаюсь, что сначала я подумал, что это абсурд, когда узнал о Сатане, тем более, что в то время я считал себя христианином. Но в наши дни я больше не считаю себя христианином, и на самом деле я злюсь на христианство. Сегодня у меня огромный интерес к Сатане, и я все еще читаю о сайте и узнаю его, но я также признаюсь, что есть часть меня, которая испытывает беспокойство из-за сомнений, потому что эта часть меня, хотя я и злюсь, все еще хочет верить в христианство. Я чувствую, что это все еще укоренено внутри, как будто говоря "если вы будете следовать по этому пути, вы в конечном итоге в аду".В данном случае, в христианском аду. Также хочу сказать, что я несколько раз пытался молиться, уже молился. Но я ничего не чувствую. Хотелось бы это почувствовать, но, к сожалению, я ничего не чувствую. Когда я был христианином, я что-то чувствовал. Возможно, именно поэтому у меня есть сомнения в том, чтобы посвятить свою душу сатане. Я пытался медитировать несколько раз, но мне никогда не удавалось упорствовать. Иногда я думаю, что если бы я посвятил себя, моя жизнь улучшилась бы, или сатана коснулся бы меня, что-то в этом роде. Я думал посвятить ему свою душу какое-то время, но боюсь. Сегодня случилось что-то, что сделало меня очень грустным, и я вдруг подумал о том, чтобы посвятить свою душу ему, но я не хочу этого делать из-за какого-то урода или чего-то подобного. Я хотел бы посвятить ему свою душу,но была бы какая-то проблема, если бы я сделал это, даже если бы у меня были сомнения? Я не хочу делать что-то плохое по отношению к сатане, особенно потому, что у меня есть некоторые плохие мысли, которые говорят, что я уже начал не так с ним.
Можешь ли ты меня вести?
Да, вы можете посвятить свою душу Отцу Сатане.

В возрасте 22 лет я переживал очень сложный этап своей жизни, связанный с моим здоровьем.

Благодаря Отцу Сатане я здоров и живу полной жизнью.

Отвергните все вражеские (христианские) программы, враг уже проиграл и не имеет над вами власти!

Отбросьте все сомнения и следуйте зову своей души!
Зов моей души привел меня к сатане и Богам!
I'm 22 years old and I'm at a very complicated stage in my life, I suffer from anxiety and possibly depression, I'm undergoing treatment and I met JOS through someone I no longer have contact with. I confess that at first I thought it was absurd when I was finding out about Satan, even more so because at the time I considered myself a Christian. But nowadays, I no longer consider myself a Christian, and in fact I am angry at Christianity. Today I have a huge interest in Satan, and I'm still reading about the site and getting to know him, but I also confess that there's a part of me that has anxiety because of doubt, because that part of me, even though I feel angry, still wants to believe in Christianity. I feel like it's still rooted inside, as if saying "if you follow this path, you'll end up in hell". In this case, in Christian hell. I also want to say that I have tried to pray a few times, I have already prayed. But I don't feel anything. I would like to feel it, but unfortunately I don't feel anything. When I was a Christian, I felt something. Perhaps this is also why I have doubts about dedicating my soul to Satan. I've tried meditating a few times, but I've never managed to persist. Sometimes I think that if I dedicated myself, my life would improve, or Satan would touch me, something like that. I've been thinking about dedicating my soul to him for some time, but I'm afraid. Today something happened that made me very sad, and I suddenly thought about dedicating my soul to him, but I don't want to do it because of some freak out or something like that. I would like to dedicate my soul to him, but would there be any problem if I did so even if I had doubts? I don't want to do something wrong in relation to Satan, especially because I have some bad thoughts, which say that I have already started wrong with him.
Could you guide me?

So, as you might guess, the link in my last comment was not about yoga.

Here's about yoga : https://www.ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/feeling-sick-from-yoga-spiritual-purity.93251/

It's amazing how many things literally slipped out of my hands while I was writing this comment. I rewrote it 10 times, the forums didn't open for a couple of hours, and now this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
