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New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all of our beautiful family,

I am very happy once again to announce two extremely important Rituals. These are for the Egyptian Goddess Maat and the Middle Eastern God Dagon. For the links to the Rituals, check on the bottom of the article.

In regard to Maat, she is a most esteemed, well known and established Ancient Egyptian Goddess. She was with humanity since our inception and her symbolism is the most important symbolism, as she is related to the Truth and setting people upon the path of development, creation, advancement and spirituality. Her Ritual is shaped around Ancient Egyptian elements, which represent her best.

As words would fail me now to even remotely describe her greatness, one can indulge themselves in study about this Great Deity. She is undoubtedly one of the strongest Goddesses, up there on par with Astarte in power. She is universally respected and adored by all of the Gods, who prostrate themselves in front of her power and what she represents, as she is the incarnation of the Divine Law of the Universe itself.

Now about Maat, in the Jewish enemy doctrines, they have named her "Morax". That is a slanderous title. I will cleanse out the Joy of Satan from anything that is rooted in Jewish nonsense, as a lot of it retains notions of blasphemy, albeit it's very much "popular" to keep certain Names as they appear in "Demonologist Circles". These however, do constitute utmost blasphemy to use.

As I am tasked with the mission to clarify this completely and polish the Joy of Satan to a state where it will not have one letter ever altered again, I know Ancient Greek or Sanskrit therefore I am able with the direct guidance of the Gods to rectify these topics permanently. Maat has underwent serious slander in how she has been called. In Ancient Greek, the slanderous name they gave to Morax, is "Mora" which has to do with the word "Moros" which means "entirely stupid" or "of infantile intelligence", the exact opposite of what Maat is supposed to represent.

Mora is also a purported Ancient Greek mythological monster, that attacks people in their sleep causing "Sleep Paralysis", and in Sanskrit, the origin of the word "Mora" is correlated with "Mara" which means Death. Maran Mantra are death induction mantras, which can kill in Eastern Occultism. Further, MARAX is one of other blasphemous Names attributed to her, also related to death.

This is unacceptable for Gentiles to have to speak these words and blaspheme their own Holy Gods due to disinformation. As a result, all of this will be blotted out.

Many Names of the Gods have been perverted beyond recognition. Those that have been perverted beyond recognition, will have their real identities restored, and then any information from any jewish sources will be wiped out completely as if it never existed.

The above is unacceptable and I will wipe it all out. These mentions of these blasphemous names will no longer exist in the Joy of Satan, even if the masses and other "Demonologists" perceive these matters with "fame". I am bringing the Gods out of the darkness once and for all, and all injuries and disgusting things of the jews will never touch them ever again.

Besides the original 72 "Goetic Demons", there will also be other Ancient Gods who are not listed in the list of the 72 Demons, that will be included in the Joy of Satan. These will not be too many. Minor Demons will also get their Rituals. This will involved particular souls which are deified heroes, or who were incarnated Gods on earth, or other extremely important Gods of our side. Asclepius will be one of these to give an example, who was known for thousands of years to help humanity heal even the most deadly ailments, through Rituals done to him.

As the Demons will get their fully in-depth pages, the Demonology and Demons section in the Joy of Satan will be elevated even higher to extreme heights of knowledge.

All jewish elements, classifications, language [Virtues, Thrones, Cherubim and other "Rankings] which come from jewish or Christian grimoires, will also be wiped out as it's both irrelevant and dangerous to use, but also deceptive. All jewish slanderous abominations, will be removed entirely. The only thing that will remain the same is the identities of the Gods and their Sigils which have been proper by the Gods, and properties that HPS Maxine has discovered, and accurate information.

This all requires extensive work, research and a lot of going back and forth with the Gods, so I hope everyone understands how much effort all these things take. This is full scale restoration of the Ancient Religious tenets and of Eternal Satanism.

Now, in regard to Dagan, He is also a very well known God, and yet more proof that the Gods of the Gentiles who were enemy tribes to the Jews and their Gods were twisted later to become "Evil Demons" in Abrahamic Demonology. Dagan is a magnificent God, who presides over the Seas and his Symbol is the Fish. This is because he rules the supernal realms of the Human mind. General information about Dagon can also be found online. The people of Dagan have either went extinct, or they have been absorbed into other local tribes and races, known as the Philistines. The Jews brag about having annihilated these people, same as they brag about modern day people they extinct in the Gaza Strip.

Dagan is a God that was beneath Beelzebul yet of exceptional power, and is one of the highest and most powerful Gods, as his aid and as his helper, always loving and caretaking to the people whom he lost. He has endless abilities and the Joy of Satan will be his new home now and for all eternity to come.

May all of you be blessed eternally by partaking in these holy tasks, and yet something also, something else to bear in mind:

I want to close this topic by saying that the blessings all of us receive from these in our existence, are expanding upon eternity. Most have no idea how positive and how good karmically it is to engage the Gods in this manner. The blessing these Rituals will bestow on yourself, your descenant, the world and your species, cannot compare to anything else in this world at it's present state.
Use this opportunity as one that will only compare to itself during the Golden Age of Satan and the Satya Yuga.

Links to the Rituals [To be done from June 23rd to June 27th, both of them every day]:

MAAT: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/maat-power-ritual.html
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Greetings to all of our beautiful family,
I am very happy once again to announce two extremely important Rituals. These are for the Egyptian Goddess Maat and the Middle Eastern God Dagon. For the links to the Rituals, check on the bottom of the article.
In regard to Maat, she is a most esteemed, well known and established Ancient Egyptian Goddess. She was with humanity since our inception and her symbolism is the most important symbolism, as she is related to the Truth and setting people upon the path of development, creation, advancement and spirituality. Her Ritual is shaped around Ancient Egyptian elements, which represent her best.
As words would fail me now to even remotely describe her greatness, one can indulge themselves in study about this Great Deity. She is undoubtedly one of the strongest Goddesses, up there on par with Astarte in power. She is universally respected and adored by all of the Gods, who prostrate themselves in front of her power and what she represents, as the is the incarnation of the Divine Law of the Universe itself.
Now about Maat, in the Jewish enemy doctrines, they have named her "Morax". That is a slanderous title. I will cleanse out the Joy of Satan from anything that is rooted in Jewish nonsense, as a lot of it retains notions of blasphemy, albeit it's very much "popular" to keep certain Names as they appear in "Demonologist Circles". These however, do constitute utmost blasphemy to use.
As I am tasked with the mission to clarify this completely and polish the Joy of Satan to a state where it will not have one letter ever altered again, I know Ancient Greek or Sanskrit therefore I am able with the direct guidance of the Gods to rectify these topics permanently. Maat has underwent serious slander in how she has been called. In Ancient Greek, the slanderous name they gave to Morax, is "Mora" which has to do with the word "Moros" which means "entirely stupid" or "of infantile intelligence", the exact opposite of what Maat is supposed to represent. Mora is also a purported Ancient Greek mythological monster, that attacks people in their sleep causing "Sleep Paralysis", and in Sanskrit, the origin of the word "Mora" is correlated with "Mara" which means Death. Maran Mantra are death induction mantras, which can kill in Eastern Occultism.
Many Names of the Gods have been perverted beyond recognition. Those that have been perverted beyond recognition, will have their real identities restored, and then any information from any jewish sources will be wiped out completely as if it never existed.
Besides the original 72 "Goetic Demons", there will also be other Ancient Gods who are not listed in the list of the 72 Demons, that will be included in the Joy of Satan. This will involved particular souls which are deified heroes, or who were incarnated Gods on earth, or other extremely important Gods of our side. Asclepius will be one of these to give an example, who was known for thousands of years to help humanity heal even the most deadly ailments, through Rituals done to him.
As the Demons will get their fully in-depth pages, the Demonology and Demons section in the Joy of Satan will be elevated even higher to extreme heights of knowledge.
All jewish elements, classifications, language [Virtues, Thrones, Cherubim and other "Rankings] which come from jewish or Christian grimoires, will also be wiped out as it's both irrelevant and dangerous to use, but also deceptive. All jewish slanderous abominations, will be removed entirely. The only thing that will remain the same is the identities of the Gods and their Sigils which have been proper by the Gods, and properties that HPS Maxine has discovered, and accurate information.
This all requires extensive work, research and a lot of going back and forth with the Gods, so I hope everyone understands how much effort all these things take. This is full scale restoration of the Ancient Religious tenets and of Eternal Satanism.
Now, in regard to Dagan, He is also a very well known God, and yet more proof that the Gods of the Gentiles who were enemy tribes to the Jews and their Gods were twisted later to become "Evil Demons" in Abrahamic Demonology. Dagan is a magnificent God, who presides over the Seas and his Symbol is the Fish. This is because he rules the supernal realms of the Human mind. General information about Dagon can also be found online. The people of Dagan have either went extinct, or they have been absorbed into other local tribes and races, known as the Philistines. The Jews brag about having annihilated these people, same as they brag about modern day people they extinct in the Gaza Strip.
Dagan is a God that was beneath Beelzebul yet of exceptional power, and is one of the highest and most powerful Gods, as his aid and as his helper, always loving and caretaking to the people whom he lost. He has endless abilities and the Joy of Satan will be his new home now and for all eternity to come.
May all of you be blessed eternally by partaking in these holy tasks, and yet something also, something else to bear in mind:
Maat's sigil, when meditated upon, can align certain energies in the soul correctly. I highly recommend spending time gazing on Her sigil after doing Her ritual :)
It's quite something to see at what speed we have new Gods ritual every time, is there something different with this time period than let's say... a few years back? Maybe now that the jewish curses are weaker you can communicate easier with the Gods thus so many new rituals, it's just an observation.
Greetings to all of our beautiful family,

I am very happy once again to announce two extremely important Rituals. These are for the Egyptian Goddess Maat and the Middle Eastern God Dagon. For the links to the Rituals, check on the bottom of the article.

In regard to Maat, she is a most esteemed, well known and established Ancient Egyptian Goddess. She was with humanity since our inception and her symbolism is the most important symbolism, as she is related to the Truth and setting people upon the path of development, creation, advancement and spirituality. Her Ritual is shaped around Ancient Egyptian elements, which represent her best.

As words would fail me now to even remotely describe her greatness, one can indulge themselves in study about this Great Deity. She is undoubtedly one of the strongest Goddesses, up there on par with Astarte in power. She is universally respected and adored by all of the Gods, who prostrate themselves in front of her power and what she represents, as the is the incarnation of the Divine Law of the Universe itself.

Now about Maat, in the Jewish enemy doctrines, they have named her "Morax". That is a slanderous title. I will cleanse out the Joy of Satan from anything that is rooted in Jewish nonsense, as a lot of it retains notions of blasphemy, albeit it's very much "popular" to keep certain Names as they appear in "Demonologist Circles". These however, do constitute utmost blasphemy to use.

As I am tasked with the mission to clarify this completely and polish the Joy of Satan to a state where it will not have one letter ever altered again, I know Ancient Greek or Sanskrit therefore I am able with the direct guidance of the Gods to rectify these topics permanently. Maat has underwent serious slander in how she has been called. In Ancient Greek, the slanderous name they gave to Morax, is "Mora" which has to do with the word "Moros" which means "entirely stupid" or "of infantile intelligence", the exact opposite of what Maat is supposed to represent.

Mora is also a purported Ancient Greek mythological monster, that attacks people in their sleep causing "Sleep Paralysis", and in Sanskrit, the origin of the word "Mora" is correlated with "Mara" which means Death. Maran Mantra are death induction mantras, which can kill in Eastern Occultism. Further, MARAX is one of other blasphemous Names attributed to her, also related to death.

This is unacceptable for Gentiles to have to speak these words and blaspheme their own Holy Gods due to disinformation. As a result, all of this will be blotted out.

Many Names of the Gods have been perverted beyond recognition. Those that have been perverted beyond recognition, will have their real identities restored, and then any information from any jewish sources will be wiped out completely as if it never existed.

The above is unacceptable and I will wipe it all out. These mentions of these blasphemous names will no longer exist in the Joy of Satan, even if the masses and other "Demonologists" perceive these matters with "fame". I am bringing the Gods out of the darkness once and for all, and all injuries and disgusting things of the jews will never touch them ever again.

Besides the original 72 "Goetic Demons", there will also be other Ancient Gods who are not listed in the list of the 72 Demons, that will be included in the Joy of Satan. These will not be too many. Minor Demons will also get their Rituals. This will involved particular souls which are deified heroes, or who were incarnated Gods on earth, or other extremely important Gods of our side. Asclepius will be one of these to give an example, who was known for thousands of years to help humanity heal even the most deadly ailments, through Rituals done to him.

As the Demons will get their fully in-depth pages, the Demonology and Demons section in the Joy of Satan will be elevated even higher to extreme heights of knowledge.

All jewish elements, classifications, language [Virtues, Thrones, Cherubim and other "Rankings] which come from jewish or Christian grimoires, will also be wiped out as it's both irrelevant and dangerous to use, but also deceptive. All jewish slanderous abominations, will be removed entirely. The only thing that will remain the same is the identities of the Gods and their Sigils which have been proper by the Gods, and properties that HPS Maxine has discovered, and accurate information.

This all requires extensive work, research and a lot of going back and forth with the Gods, so I hope everyone understands how much effort all these things take. This is full scale restoration of the Ancient Religious tenets and of Eternal Satanism.

Now, in regard to Dagan, He is also a very well known God, and yet more proof that the Gods of the Gentiles who were enemy tribes to the Jews and their Gods were twisted later to become "Evil Demons" in Abrahamic Demonology. Dagan is a magnificent God, who presides over the Seas and his Symbol is the Fish. This is because he rules the supernal realms of the Human mind. General information about Dagon can also be found online. The people of Dagan have either went extinct, or they have been absorbed into other local tribes and races, known as the Philistines. The Jews brag about having annihilated these people, same as they brag about modern day people they extinct in the Gaza Strip.

Dagan is a God that was beneath Beelzebul yet of exceptional power, and is one of the highest and most powerful Gods, as his aid and as his helper, always loving and caretaking to the people whom he lost. He has endless abilities and the Joy of Satan will be his new home now and for all eternity to come.

May all of you be blessed eternally by partaking in these holy tasks, and yet something also, something else to bear in mind:
I can't help but cry for the loss of Dagan's people... I feel really sorry for all of them and for this wonderful God. Sometimes this reality can be sad, another example is when I felt sorry for the fact that Demons like Lucifius Focalor have seen their own planet and their own people destroyed and enslaved. I'm really sorry...

I love my Gods very much and I would like these injustices against them simply not to exist. I know it's "for kids" because that's not how the universe works, but it's really painful to hear about certain things. And obviously everyone continues to remember the holocaust without even knowing who Dagan is...
You are unspeakably wonderful and doing such a work that I just cannot put into words. I'm completely sure that these exceptional, accurate, and most holy knowledge will remain eternally on Earth once for all, serving as a most important aid for Humanity, Unaltered, thanks to you and technology. I'm beyond words happy about this.
Thank you for these wonderful Rituals HPHC 666 and your hard work and dedication in bringing our Gods to their true light.
Hail Maat!
Hail Dagan !
Hail The JoS!
I woke up this morning and read this, and Oh my Actual True Gods, when I saw we have MA’AT ritual I began trembling with anticipation and felt nearly indescribable pleasure. Hail MA’AT ⚡⚡❤️🖤🤍⚡⚡
Being alive in this era where we can acknowledge and live the reborn of our Gods' truth and their identity restored is something that we cannot even comprehend. When in the future people will join our ranks, they will find all these rituals already there. But we, right now, can experience these moments unlike anybody else, and cheerish them in our souls. Thank you for these gifts Clergy.
Hail Lady Maat!
Hail Lord Dagon!
Yung Drung Satya
Thank you to HP Cobra for his tireless efforts in restoring our great Pantheon. Think of it all, if you will, like a beautiful painting of nature. Our Gods work in collective harmony with one another, each adding something integral to the aether of this world. With every Demon ritual, we restore something else to this portrait. The trees, the river, the wind. One could not begin to fathom the essential things that we and this world have been without. With each thread on the tapestry restored, one day, the full image of splendour will be complete.

Ma'at personifies this very harmony, the truth, order and law of it. Law, as a concept, isn't only a set of societal restrictions that regard what is legal and what is illegal. They refer to a way of life. Matters in day to day life for Ancient Egyptians were decided by what felt best by the very spirit of Ma'at herself. Today, much law and bureaucracy around the world has very little to do with what is moral or righteous.

Speaking of the righteous, most would know of Ma'at from the "weighing of the heart." The slander against her as an entity of death is a blasphemy against her role here. It was practice, for one, when they knew their time in this world was limited, they would confess the wrongdoings of their life to Ma'at. This, one could assume, is the origin of the phrase "with a heavy heart." That is, a heart that is heavy with guilt. This is shown symbolically, as during the "judging" of a soul, the lightness of one's heart is tested against one of her feathers. This applies to more than just confession making, of course, as heaviness and lightness also have qualities with regards to the state of one's soul, and whether one has been undertaking spiritual work to purify one's soul of dross and the heavy "base metals."

Further, one cannot fully comprehend Ma'at without understand the contrary of her concepts, Isfet. That is, injustice, chaos, evil, and so forth. Within this concept, was a warning the world did not take heed of. Isfet has indeed risen. The Ancients warned us were it to, that man would face the forces of entropy and return to a more primordial state, if Ma'at's laws were lost and went unheeded. Look around you at the world, as many places are consumed with "primal" behaviour, that of violence, rape, ignorance. Some call this an "animal" state, but that would be a discrediting to the nobility of animals. Here, we are doing our part to banish Isfet, from ourselves and the world.

And with Dagan, there is few better examples of what happens when law and respect are lost. The Jews sprayed their venom on him time and time again. Injustice was wrought upon the Philistines, and the final insult was that they took Dagan's symbol of the fish and put it into the hands of their false messiah. Here, at the end of this Piscean era, which should have been one of newfound subconscious empathy and understanding within humanity, we can do our part to take this symbol back. The enemy has preyed on the subconscious thought patterns of man, pilfering many of our symbols and misdirecting attention to their own egregores, all while slandering Dagan in odious pieces of "pop culture" to further poison people's hearts and minds.

All said, one may see the link between these two divinities. Dagan is a God of prosperity. And a society which follows the Law of Ma'at is a prosperous one. Understanding of this Law is not just a conscious act, but a subconscious one also, that must be felt in your heart of hearts.
I have known his name for a long time, but now it is exciting to learn more about Dagan. I know how much the enemy fears his name and his power. So many lies have been told about him in enemy books. But now humanity knows his true identity. Now we can do this ritual to make him proud of us.

Hail Dagan!
Hail Maat!
Greetings to all of our beautiful family,

I am very happy once again to announce two extremely important Rituals. These are for the Egyptian Goddess Maat and the Middle Eastern God Dagon. For the links to the Rituals, check on the bottom of the article.

In regard to Maat, she is a most esteemed, well known and established Ancient Egyptian Goddess. She was with humanity since our inception and her symbolism is the most important symbolism, as she is related to the Truth and setting people upon the path of development, creation, advancement and spirituality. Her Ritual is shaped around Ancient Egyptian elements, which represent her best.

As words would fail me now to even remotely describe her greatness, one can indulge themselves in study about this Great Deity. She is undoubtedly one of the strongest Goddesses, up there on par with Astarte in power. She is universally respected and adored by all of the Gods, who prostrate themselves in front of her power and what she represents, as the is the incarnation of the Divine Law of the Universe itself.

Now about Maat, in the Jewish enemy doctrines, they have named her "Morax". That is a slanderous title. I will cleanse out the Joy of Satan from anything that is rooted in Jewish nonsense, as a lot of it retains notions of blasphemy, albeit it's very much "popular" to keep certain Names as they appear in "Demonologist Circles". These however, do constitute utmost blasphemy to use.

As I am tasked with the mission to clarify this completely and polish the Joy of Satan to a state where it will not have one letter ever altered again, I know Ancient Greek or Sanskrit therefore I am able with the direct guidance of the Gods to rectify these topics permanently. Maat has underwent serious slander in how she has been called. In Ancient Greek, the slanderous name they gave to Morax, is "Mora" which has to do with the word "Moros" which means "entirely stupid" or "of infantile intelligence", the exact opposite of what Maat is supposed to represent.

Mora is also a purported Ancient Greek mythological monster, that attacks people in their sleep causing "Sleep Paralysis", and in Sanskrit, the origin of the word "Mora" is correlated with "Mara" which means Death. Maran Mantra are death induction mantras, which can kill in Eastern Occultism. Further, MARAX is one of other blasphemous Names attributed to her, also related to death.

This is unacceptable for Gentiles to have to speak these words and blaspheme their own Holy Gods due to disinformation. As a result, all of this will be blotted out.

Many Names of the Gods have been perverted beyond recognition. Those that have been perverted beyond recognition, will have their real identities restored, and then any information from any jewish sources will be wiped out completely as if it never existed.

The above is unacceptable and I will wipe it all out. These mentions of these blasphemous names will no longer exist in the Joy of Satan, even if the masses and other "Demonologists" perceive these matters with "fame". I am bringing the Gods out of the darkness once and for all, and all injuries and disgusting things of the jews will never touch them ever again.

Besides the original 72 "Goetic Demons", there will also be other Ancient Gods who are not listed in the list of the 72 Demons, that will be included in the Joy of Satan. These will not be too many. Minor Demons will also get their Rituals. This will involved particular souls which are deified heroes, or who were incarnated Gods on earth, or other extremely important Gods of our side. Asclepius will be one of these to give an example, who was known for thousands of years to help humanity heal even the most deadly ailments, through Rituals done to him.

As the Demons will get their fully in-depth pages, the Demonology and Demons section in the Joy of Satan will be elevated even higher to extreme heights of knowledge.

All jewish elements, classifications, language [Virtues, Thrones, Cherubim and other "Rankings] which come from jewish or Christian grimoires, will also be wiped out as it's both irrelevant and dangerous to use, but also deceptive. All jewish slanderous abominations, will be removed entirely. The only thing that will remain the same is the identities of the Gods and their Sigils which have been proper by the Gods, and properties that HPS Maxine has discovered, and accurate information.

This all requires extensive work, research and a lot of going back and forth with the Gods, so I hope everyone understands how much effort all these things take. This is full scale restoration of the Ancient Religious tenets and of Eternal Satanism.

Now, in regard to Dagan, He is also a very well known God, and yet more proof that the Gods of the Gentiles who were enemy tribes to the Jews and their Gods were twisted later to become "Evil Demons" in Abrahamic Demonology. Dagan is a magnificent God, who presides over the Seas and his Symbol is the Fish. This is because he rules the supernal realms of the Human mind. General information about Dagon can also be found online. The people of Dagan have either went extinct, or they have been absorbed into other local tribes and races, known as the Philistines. The Jews brag about having annihilated these people, same as they brag about modern day people they extinct in the Gaza Strip.

Dagan is a God that was beneath Beelzebul yet of exceptional power, and is one of the highest and most powerful Gods, as his aid and as his helper, always loving and caretaking to the people whom he lost. He has endless abilities and the Joy of Satan will be his new home now and for all eternity to come.

May all of you be blessed eternally by partaking in these holy tasks, and yet something also, something else to bear in mind:

Thank you for all the hard work you do. It is truly a great thing to see all the misinformation surrounding the Gods being purged and seeing each God get their own unique ritual. Keep it up; looking forward to the inevitable Hecate ritual.
Thank you HPHC for all the work you do. I'll say this a million times
Oh and on the end of Dagon's ritual:

For the last step of the Ritual, vibrate the following triad, 10 times:

"Dagan, Zagan, Dagan!" - Repeat this x10 times.

Shouldn't this be

For the last step of the Ritual, vibrate the following triad, 10 times:

"Dagon, Zagan, Dagan!" - Repeat this x10 times.
Thank you high priest for these rituals. Is the Goddess Maat in the Greek pantheon the Goddess Athena?
That is correct, Maat is Athena/Minerva in the Hellenic and Roman mythology.
I am impressed by how everything aligns perfectly. Perhaps postponing working on the Demons section was a good idea. The rank names did seem quite outlandish to me. I'm happy that the Demons section is finally being purified and updated.
That is correct, Maat is Athena/Minerva in the Hellenic and Roman mythology.
I think Minerva is Astarte. I’m pretty sure MA’AT is Justicia/Nemesis, brother.
Damn this new pace is incredible!

I want to thank you HPHC these rituals have truly helped me, my ability to communicate with the Gods has been greatly amplified after finishing the last schedule and has allowed me to get some very important information I needed for my development.

Hail Satan!
Thank you high priest for these rituals. Is the Goddess Maat in the Greek pantheon the Goddess Athena?
Not sure who she is among the Olympians, but she is definitely Themis among the Titans.
Thank you for your excellent work HP Hoodedcobra, we look forward to seeing all the Gods in their former glory and moving forward together with the sole purpose of freeing the world from the enemy.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
