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Life's Difficulties & Spiritual Satanism

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Overall those in enemy programs suffer from intense delusions, since they do not perceive life as it is. The more this happens, the more their suffering.

Yet that doesn't mean at the same time that whomever escapes the enemy programs, is instantly cleared from delusions about life or existence. Or a series of false expectations relating to such.

It's not an infrequent phenomenon that one might have difficulties in life, and these difficulties make some people "question the Gods" or even if these are "something one does not accept", to even want to "leave". Anger and hate can rise as a result, since one perceives certain things as unjustified.

When things get good however, the same people think they are always on very good terms with the Gods and so on; but when something bad happens, this is where one is pressed by these events and therefore questions. In final states of this, blasphemy and all sorts of other problems can come as a result. Which for all emotional reasons, I can fully understand.

However the above is not really a full way of looking at these things.

The situation is that life for every incarnated being, is going to have at least some sort of difficulty level present in it. This is hardwired and part of existence itself. No matter how close you are to the Gods, or how many things you do, you cannot experience a completely hassle free life that some people seem to think is the goal of existence or how things "should be".

When certain events unfold, like the death of a loved one, the loss of a friend, sickness of someone one cares about, one might of course start blaming anyone and the Gods even get blamed in some cases. Erroneous reactions like these which are born from complete falsehood, give rise to more false conclusions about existence or the position of the Gods in existence itself.

Not that long ago someone sent me a message about them losing a loved one; it was a tragedy. They blamed the Gods and questioned how the Gods did not stop the impending death. The basis of this pain was because the event was rather sudden, but also related to a feeling of lack of justice in relation to the death. Everyone wants the best for the people that they love, to live the longest life and to always be well.

But the situation is in existence, that nature is taking her course. Nobody was placed on this world to "live forever". There are going to be difficulties, trials, and many things that will make one question existence itself. Certain statements were also told to me like "But I have donated" and other unrelated topics and how the faith of this individual was shaken as a result of this, all in false correlations.

If one goes with the Gods, one is not gaining a pass to a suffering free life, nor someone randomly deposits in your account 100 million dollars and you get 300 immortal concubines, and a sudden overcharge in wisdom, and become superman. Still, your fate, trials and laws of existence apply to you. You enter into a path to start evolving and progressively improve your situation. Improvement in this case is also related to a sense of overcoming and resisting certain blows that life can give you (which life would give you anyway, whether you were with the Gods or not).

Yes, the children will likely experience a parent's death, there is no stopping this from occurring. A pet can die after many years of friendship, or even by accident. That cannot be stopped in it's entirety either; we can make sure to make the situations far better, but there is no immunity toward the rules of existence, as this is not a video game.

The difference between the person who is with the Gods and the person who is not with them, is how they will manage the whole situation internally or even externally. Instead of one complaining about anything that happens (which they in many cases, those who experience might have literally brought upon themselves), one must instead be thankful and appreciative that there is a formal support, knowledge to overcome, and in many cases direct help from the Gods.

There is no stopping the natural laws from occurring. We can postpone, we can blunt the damage, we can make sure others live a better life, but one cannot stop the consequential laws of death entirely. If you are a Spiritual Satanist and you have a family member that you love, that is still not enough to totally save someone from 30 or 40 consecutive years of no exercise and maximum smoking, or if they never controlled their stress and died as a result, or made numerous other mistakes in life.

They will have to face certain consequences that deal with cause and effect by the natural design of existence. You will have to experience the sight of them paying for these consequences. It is what it is.

Are now these things "Justified" or anything like that? In many cases it is not, in other cases it might be. One cannot know if it was or it was not, unless they know the very full knowledge of what has taken place; something which humans can very hardly possess. This is however not a question of justice, as much as it is a simple equation of the outcome of natural laws.

The Sun will rise tomorrow and there is nothing that can be done about this if you do not like the sun. It cannot be stopped from rising nor you can stop the earth from spinning. But as a student of the Gods you have numerous other choices, such as to change false conceptions that the sun has to stop going up, to appreciate the sun, or to build a place where it will not affect you, or choose to ignore the event. These choices and the escape from the false agitation that arises out of false conceptions of the mind, are actually the tools in your hands to change what you define as "problems".

I am saying "You define" as problems because the sun rising by itself is not a problem; it's just a selfish outlook to look at this as a problem. Replacing the sun with numerous other occurrences which are going to take place no matter what, one has a lot of earn by understanding the laws of life and the extra abilities which are great and related to the level of humans, which are able to be applied in the solving or endurance through life's adversities.

As a final note, much of this can be "out of place", but this is only the case for certain events. In non-human related affairs, most things operate in a very harmonious fashion and it's only humans who mis-perceive things due to their own reasons.

I knew a person who over the course of 10 years wanted the most toxic and unreliable woman there was. Eventually, they got into a relationship for a few months (they were obsessed) they were convinced she was "The One" and I was telling them that this is not the case when I was asked, for which I was penaltized. Then I dropped entirely silent. After 3 months, they found out the hard way about this. They "couldn't believe in their eyes" when they saw the "real her".

Still, after the events unfolded, they started blaming "God" (Typical of Christians), since they wanted to impose their own outlook on said woman (That they would be married, have a happy traditional family, and that she would not be a total psychopath like she actually was, that they were loyal and a good person). Two months ago the same Christian was "Thanking God for his Majesty" for getting them this anticipated object of their obsession; Two months later, they were cursing God and saying he deserted them.

Did "God" participate anywhere in this? Likely not. The course of delusion of 10 years had that end in a cataclysm of pain and misery for them. Ignorance certainly did participate. But what choice do Christians have in these topics anyway? None.

How they chose to internalize this, was to never take any of the information and truth of the subject in consideration and this resulted in a giant wound for this person. It is what it is, life is life. Yet the situation is that the above Christian who has zero knowledge of anything else, behaved in the same way as an immature or non wise Spiritual Satanist would, under a similar condition.

That is fine, we all do mistakes, but the situation is that we can both avoid them and also rectify them before it is too late. The Spiritual Satanist has the kind help and wisdom from the Gods to escape these impediments, or in many cases, these are driven away before they even occur. But that does not mean that nothing negative will ever occur.

For those who also still insist to see every difficulty in life as a form of "Punishment" by the Gods, or whatever of this nature, or those who are so bitter as to run like children who were taken their toy due to these events and "rebel" against their parents, I have to say that this is rather pointless and will likely only multiply the problems you will experience. One has to be stronger than this in their mind; this strength can arise from awareness, wisdom and also spiritual power within.

The role of the Gods in the universe is to help us rectify ourselves and the universe [which was not "perfect" to begin with] and over time, help us overcome these adversities. The equation is also very simple here; the less humans engage in this task, the more they will suffer. There are also inexplainable things in life that one cannot immediately understand, but rushing to conclusions only elevates one's pain. Certain negative events that occur can have good purpose in mind; others are simply malicious. The only way to discern these is through wisdom and understanding, which has to be built.

When one does not want to do this, that doesn't mean the suffering won't happen. It will, so the question is how we deal with this. As Spiritual Satanists we are hundredfold blessed compared to others who simply can only endure this, if even that. We should be thankful. At least I know I am very thankful.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I had a friend who didn't want to become an "occultist" because they thought it'd make life too easy, and not worth living, because it'd be too "boring" to have an existence void of any adversity/difficulty.

They're wrong of course, but they do raise an interesting point. Sometime's hardship is needed to jar you out of the inertia and entropy that become's an inherent part of modern life.

Or else you'd be ill-prepared to deal with the natural chaos that exists within the universe/nature. A "hassle free life" would only produce a boring, coddled individual, or a coward who isn't battle-tested to deal with life's demands.
When certain events unfold, like the death of a loved one, the loss of a friend, sickness of someone one cares about, one might of course start blaming anyone and the Gods even get blamed in some cases.
The simple fact is, everyone dies, unless they evolve themselves to Godhead, which takes lifetimes.

Nobody should ever lose faith when our loves ones die. Death is the natural order of life, it is very sad but it goes against the nature and fate of every individual if the Gods magically make all our loved ones immortal instantly just because we are dedicated to SS. It takes lifetimes of spiritual evolution to become immortal.

Everyone who incarnates, our date of death is determined. Everyone dies when it is their time. Our loved ones, and us, unless we advance and evolve past this. Which is why we must stay close to Satan and help spread the truth, and help improve the world with RTRs and God Rituals.

Being an SS does give perks to our loved ones, however. One of my close relatives needed surgery, and was on a wait list for some months. Then suddenly, a spot opened up and their surgery was moved up to the following week. I thanked the Gods for this.
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I have suffered from some setbacks of recent, and there have been problems and frustrations. Times have been emotionally challenging.

Yet, at the same time, I have been blessed in many ways, and things could be far, far worse. And despite unfortunate things happening, I have also been learning new skills, have had other opportunities and experiences open up to me, and I've been growing in many ways.

I thank the Gods for this, and everything they have blessed me with. I have never felt like it was their fault for any of this happening, and in fact, I think they may have even been trying to warn me about it in advance and try to change course, to prevent it happening. But, I just wasn't open enough at the time to realize.

It truly is a blessing to be a Spiritual Satanist. Life is a precious gift from the Gods, and walking this path is really how we can experience it to the full. I am grateful for everything, and I'm convinced things will pick up in the future. I feel like the Gods are always there to help, and I'm beginning to feel more and more at peace.

Thank you, as always.
I had a friend who didn't want to become an "occultist" because they thought it'd make life too easy, and not worth living, because it'd be too "boring" to have an existence void of any adversity/difficulty.

They're wrong of course, but they do raise an interesting point. Sometime's hardship is needed to jar you out of the inertia and entropy that become's an inherent part of modern life.

Or else you'd be ill-prepared to deal with the natural chaos that exists within the universe/nature. A "hassle free life" would only produce a boring, coddled individual, or a coward who isn't battle-tested to deal with life's demands.
When was life so easy for anyone?
Look at our dear Gods, they are supreme beings, masters of occult with unimaginable power, and yet they are at war and and come across hardships that match their level of existence.

"Boring" is very much a state, a product of idleness from a being's part. Though it's not truly idle, it is a state that breeds consequences in one way or another, these consequences eventually eliminate the "boring" itself. Be it positive or a negative consequences, they will eliminate the boring state of a being.

No being is truly idle to be left bored for eternity or too long, something is always brewing in the corner to interfere with their life, either positively or negatively. Occultism simply allows one to have more control over their fate.
It is sad to live with laziness.
With laziness, there is always anxiety.
So I decided to accept the pain of growth
Time feels slow when i feel pain and discomfort
This fact takes away a lot of anxiety.
Because time feels slow
I have great potential in music
I have never appreciated my potential.
question the Gods" or even if these are "something one does not accept",
ah i had to experience similar thing. an ancient forum user who said he had been SS for 5 years said he wanted to get help from Lady Vapula for the exam he was going to take. i told him what to do but he failed the exam and said he doubted the gods. this is really sad. if he had passed the exam, he would have said i studied and passed it myself.
The situation is that life for every incarnated being, is going to have at least some sort of difficulty level present in it.
of course it is. even our Gods, though they were GODS, how much hardship and suffering they endured.

For those who also still insist to see every difficulty in life as a form of "Punishment" by the Gods, or whatever of this nature,
even if they did, even if it's bad, the gods don't prevent us from experiencing it in order to educate us and make us wise.

thank you for the Sermon HPHC
Overall those in enemy programs suffer from intense delusions, since they do not perceive life as it is. The more this happens, the more their suffering.

Yet that doesn't mean at the same time that whomever escapes the enemy programs, is instantly cleared from delusions about life or existence. Or a series of false expectations relating to such.

It's not an infrequent phenomenon that one might have difficulties in life, and these difficulties make some people "question the Gods" or even if these are "something one does not accept", to even want to "leave". Anger and hate can rise as a result, since one perceives certain things as unjustified.

When things get good however, the same people think they are always on very good terms with the Gods and so on; but when something bad happens, this is where one is pressed by these events and therefore questions. In final states of this, blasphemy and all sorts of other problems can come as a result. Which for all emotional reasons, I can fully understand.

However the above is not really a full way of looking at these things.

The situation is that life for every incarnated being, is going to have at least some sort of difficulty level present in it. This is hardwired and part of existence itself. No matter how close you are to the Gods, or how many things you do, you cannot experience a completely hassle free life that some people seem to think is the goal of existence or how things "should be".

When certain events unfold, like the death of a loved one, the loss of a friend, sickness of someone one cares about, one might of course start blaming anyone and the Gods even get blamed in some cases. Erroneous reactions like these which are born from complete falsehood, give rise to more false conclusions about existence or the position of the Gods in existence itself.

Not that long ago someone sent me a message about them losing a loved one; it was a tragedy. They blamed the Gods and questioned how the Gods did not stop the impending death. The basis of this pain was because the event was rather sudden, but also related to a feeling of lack of justice in relation to the death. Everyone wants the best for the people that they love, to live the longest life and to always be well.

But the situation is in existence, that nature is taking her course. Nobody was placed on this world to "live forever". There are going to be difficulties, trials, and many things that will make one question existence itself. Certain statements were also told to me like "But I have donated" and other unrelated topics and how the faith of this individual was shaken as a result of this, all in false correlations.

If one goes with the Gods, one is not gaining a pass to a suffering free life, nor someone randomly deposits in your account 100 million dollars and you get 300 immortal concubines, and a sudden overcharge in wisdom, and become superman. Still, your fate, trials and laws of existence apply to you. You enter into a path to start evolving and progressively improve your situation. Improvement in this case is also related to a sense of overcoming and resisting certain blows that life can give you (which life would give you anyway, whether you were with the Gods or not).

Yes, the children will likely experience a parent's death, there is no stopping this from occurring. A pet can die after many years of friendship, or even by accident. That cannot be stopped in it's entirety either; we can make sure to make the situations far better, but there is no immunity toward the rules of existence, as this is not a video game.

The difference between the person who is with the Gods and the person who is not with them, is how they will manage the whole situation internally or even externally. Instead of one complaining about anything that happens (which they in many cases, those who experience might have literally brought upon themselves), one must instead be thankful and appreciative that there is a formal support, knowledge to overcome, and in many cases direct help from the Gods.

There is no stopping the natural laws from occurring. We can postpone, we can blunt the damage, we can make sure others live a better life, but one cannot stop the consequential laws of death entirely. If you are a Spiritual Satanist and you have a family member that you love, that is still not enough to totally save someone from 30 or 40 consecutive years of no exercise and maximum smoking, or if they never controlled their stress and died as a result, or made numerous other mistakes in life.

They will have to face certain consequences that deal with cause and effect by the natural design of existence. You will have to experience the sight of them paying for these consequences. It is what it is.

Are now these things "Justified" or anything like that? In many cases it is not, in other cases it might be. One cannot know if it was or it was not, unless they know the very full knowledge of what has taken place; something which humans can very hardly possess. This is however not a question of justice, as much as it is a simple equation of the outcome of natural laws.

The Sun will rise tomorrow and there is nothing that can be done about this if you do not like the sun. It cannot be stopped from rising nor you can stop the earth from spinning. But as a student of the Gods you have numerous other choices, such as to change false conceptions that the sun has to stop going up, to appreciate the sun, or to build a place where it will not affect you, or choose to ignore the event. These choices and the escape from the false agitation that arises out of false conceptions of the mind, are actually the tools in your hands to change what you define as "problems".

I am saying "You define" as problems because the sun rising by itself is not a problem; it's just a selfish outlook to look at this as a problem. Replacing the sun with numerous other occurrences which are going to take place no matter what, one has a lot of earn by understanding the laws of life and the extra abilities which are great and related to the level of humans, which are able to be applied in the solving or endurance through life's adversities.

As a final note, much of this can be "out of place", but this is only the case for certain events. In non-human related affairs, most things operate in a very harmonious fashion and it's only humans who mis-perceive things due to their own reasons.

I knew a person who over the course of 10 years wanted the most toxic and unreliable woman there was. Eventually, they got into a relationship for a few months (they were obsessed) they were convinced she was "The One" and I was telling them that this is not the case when I was asked, for which I was penaltized. Then I dropped entirely silent. After 3 months, they found out the hard way about this. They "couldn't believe in their eyes" when they saw the "real her".

Still, after the events unfolded, they started blaming "God" (Typical of Christians), since they wanted to impose their own outlook on said woman (That they would be married, have a happy traditional family, and that she would not be a total psychopath like she actually was, that they were loyal and a good person). Two months ago the same Christian was "Thanking God for his Majesty" for getting them this anticipated object of their obsession; Two months later, they were cursing God and saying he deserted them.

Did "God" participate anywhere in this? Likely not. The course of delusion of 10 years had that end in a cataclysm of pain and misery for them. Ignorance certainly did participate. But what choice do Christians have in these topics anyway? None.

How they chose to internalize this, was to never take any of the information and truth of the subject in consideration and this resulted in a giant wound for this person. It is what it is, life is life. Yet the situation is that the above Christian who has zero knowledge of anything else, behaved in the same way as an immature or non wise Spiritual Satanist would, under a similar condition.

That is fine, we all do mistakes, but the situation is that we can both avoid them and also rectify them before it is too late. The Spiritual Satanist has the kind help and wisdom from the Gods to escape these impediments, or in many cases, these are driven away before they even occur. But that does not mean that nothing negative will ever occur.

For those who also still insist to see every difficulty in life as a form of "Punishment" by the Gods, or whatever of this nature, or those who are so bitter as to run like children who were taken their toy due to these events and "rebel" against their parents, I have to say that this is rather pointless and will likely only multiply the problems you will experience. One has to be stronger than this in their mind; this strength can arise from awareness, wisdom and also spiritual power within.

The role of the Gods in the universe is to help us rectify ourselves and the universe [which was not "perfect" to begin with] and over time, help us overcome these adversities. The equation is also very simple here; the less humans engage in this task, the more they will suffer. There are also inexplainable things in life that one cannot immediately understand, but rushing to conclusions only elevates one's pain. Certain negative events that occur can have good purpose in mind; others are simply malicious. The only way to discern these is through wisdom and understanding, which has to be built.

When one does not want to do this, that doesn't mean the suffering won't happen. It will, so the question is how we deal with this. As Spiritual Satanists we are hundredfold blessed compared to others who simply can only endure this, if even that. We should be thankful. At least I know I am very thankful.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I guess is the best way to develop and grow emotionaly is to don't blame others or the gods for our actions and choices
Occultism simply allows one to have more control over their fate.
I agree with you.

They're very "capable" person, so to speak, and this control is exactly what bores them. An eccentric individual to say the least. My assumption is they're still a young soul who hasn't yet developed a taste for the sublime.

Though, according to a DNA test, they're a descendent of Rameses II, which I found kinda funny because they definitely have the ancestry and occult talent to back it up.
One of my close relatives needed surgery, and was on a wait list for some months. Then suddenly, a spot opened up and their surgery was moved up to the following week. I thanked the Gods for this.

After asking help from Valefor, My mother got an instant appointment to one of the most prestigious doctors here, "out of luck and connections", shortly before she would have died of the thing that needed to be operated. Otherwise she was going to be operated 6 months after this, when she would have been already dead.

The Gods are great.
If life weren't so difficult, we would become dumber and dumber. Overcoming difficulties makes us develop gravitas.

If we look closely, the difficulties we go through are those that correspond to us.
It's our flaws that provoke them, so in the end we should see these events as an opportunity to improve.

Bad encounters are less frequent as once we've questioned ourselves about them, simply because it's written on your face we're no more interested in them.
The difference between the person who is with the Gods and the person who is not with them, is how they will manage the whole situation internally or even externally. Instead of one complaining about anything that happens (which they in many cases, those who experience might have literally brought upon themselves), one must instead be thankful and appreciative that there is a formal support, knowledge to overcome, and in many cases direct help from the Gods.

There is no stopping the natural laws from occurring. We can postpone, we can blunt the damage, we can make sure others live a better life, but one cannot stop the consequential laws of death entirely. If you are a Spiritual Satanist and you have a family member that you love, that is still not enough to totally save someone from 30 or 40 consecutive years of no exercise and maximum smoking, or if they never controlled their stress and died as a result, or made numerous other mistakes in life.
In a way, I feel like it wouldn't be so difficult if we were to live in a Satanic world. If the enemy wouldn't have screwed up with our beliefs, we would be able to handle these situations as a real Human being.

There are so many things we don't know and/or refuse to see, that when reality hits us, we deny it and fall back into this xian mindset.

Sometimes I even wonder why do I bother the Gods with my problems, which to them, can seem like a pebble in the ocean. But at least I know, that as long as I'm with them, I'll be okay.
The only fear when such events happen to me is whether it is not the anger of the gods, whether I have done something in this or past life that I am paying for, whether I am not a jew, a reptiloid who was caught in a pocket universe and tortured and everything in this kind of this kind of schizo - really makes the situation very aggravating and hurts more.

Blasphemy - I've always been smart enough not to make things worse no matter what the situation is.

I was pretty “blasphemous” while I was an atheist, but only in relation to the abrahamic god, Satan I always had sympathy for at the very least.
Glorious Sermon, HPHC. This has helped set my mind at ease and see things a little more rationally. This may be one of the most helpful sermons for me so far. Gods bless you, Commander! Hail Satanas!! 💯⚡❤️🖤🤍💙
Overall those in enemy programs suffer from intense delusions, since they do not perceive life as it is. The more this happens, the more their suffering.

Yet that doesn't mean at the same time that whomever escapes the enemy programs, is instantly cleared from delusions about life or existence. Or a series of false expectations relating to such.

It's not an infrequent phenomenon that one might have difficulties in life, and these difficulties make some people "question the Gods" or even if these are "something one does not accept", to even want to "leave". Anger and hate can rise as a result, since one perceives certain things as unjustified.

When things get good however, the same people think they are always on very good terms with the Gods and so on; but when something bad happens, this is where one is pressed by these events and therefore questions. In final states of this, blasphemy and all sorts of other problems can come as a result. Which for all emotional reasons, I can fully understand.

However the above is not really a full way of looking at these things.

The situation is that life for every incarnated being, is going to have at least some sort of difficulty level present in it. This is hardwired and part of existence itself. No matter how close you are to the Gods, or how many things you do, you cannot experience a completely hassle free life that some people seem to think is the goal of existence or how things "should be".

When certain events unfold, like the death of a loved one, the loss of a friend, sickness of someone one cares about, one might of course start blaming anyone and the Gods even get blamed in some cases. Erroneous reactions like these which are born from complete falsehood, give rise to more false conclusions about existence or the position of the Gods in existence itself.

Not that long ago someone sent me a message about them losing a loved one; it was a tragedy. They blamed the Gods and questioned how the Gods did not stop the impending death. The basis of this pain was because the event was rather sudden, but also related to a feeling of lack of justice in relation to the death. Everyone wants the best for the people that they love, to live the longest life and to always be well.

But the situation is in existence, that nature is taking her course. Nobody was placed on this world to "live forever". There are going to be difficulties, trials, and many things that will make one question existence itself. Certain statements were also told to me like "But I have donated" and other unrelated topics and how the faith of this individual was shaken as a result of this, all in false correlations.

If one goes with the Gods, one is not gaining a pass to a suffering free life, nor someone randomly deposits in your account 100 million dollars and you get 300 immortal concubines, and a sudden overcharge in wisdom, and become superman. Still, your fate, trials and laws of existence apply to you. You enter into a path to start evolving and progressively improve your situation. Improvement in this case is also related to a sense of overcoming and resisting certain blows that life can give you (which life would give you anyway, whether you were with the Gods or not).

Yes, the children will likely experience a parent's death, there is no stopping this from occurring. A pet can die after many years of friendship, or even by accident. That cannot be stopped in it's entirety either; we can make sure to make the situations far better, but there is no immunity toward the rules of existence, as this is not a video game.

The difference between the person who is with the Gods and the person who is not with them, is how they will manage the whole situation internally or even externally. Instead of one complaining about anything that happens (which they in many cases, those who experience might have literally brought upon themselves), one must instead be thankful and appreciative that there is a formal support, knowledge to overcome, and in many cases direct help from the Gods.

There is no stopping the natural laws from occurring. We can postpone, we can blunt the damage, we can make sure others live a better life, but one cannot stop the consequential laws of death entirely. If you are a Spiritual Satanist and you have a family member that you love, that is still not enough to totally save someone from 30 or 40 consecutive years of no exercise and maximum smoking, or if they never controlled their stress and died as a result, or made numerous other mistakes in life.

They will have to face certain consequences that deal with cause and effect by the natural design of existence. You will have to experience the sight of them paying for these consequences. It is what it is.

Are now these things "Justified" or anything like that? In many cases it is not, in other cases it might be. One cannot know if it was or it was not, unless they know the very full knowledge of what has taken place; something which humans can very hardly possess. This is however not a question of justice, as much as it is a simple equation of the outcome of natural laws.

The Sun will rise tomorrow and there is nothing that can be done about this if you do not like the sun. It cannot be stopped from rising nor you can stop the earth from spinning. But as a student of the Gods you have numerous other choices, such as to change false conceptions that the sun has to stop going up, to appreciate the sun, or to build a place where it will not affect you, or choose to ignore the event. These choices and the escape from the false agitation that arises out of false conceptions of the mind, are actually the tools in your hands to change what you define as "problems".

I am saying "You define" as problems because the sun rising by itself is not a problem; it's just a selfish outlook to look at this as a problem. Replacing the sun with numerous other occurrences which are going to take place no matter what, one has a lot of earn by understanding the laws of life and the extra abilities which are great and related to the level of humans, which are able to be applied in the solving or endurance through life's adversities.

As a final note, much of this can be "out of place", but this is only the case for certain events. In non-human related affairs, most things operate in a very harmonious fashion and it's only humans who mis-perceive things due to their own reasons.

I knew a person who over the course of 10 years wanted the most toxic and unreliable woman there was. Eventually, they got into a relationship for a few months (they were obsessed) they were convinced she was "The One" and I was telling them that this is not the case when I was asked, for which I was penaltized. Then I dropped entirely silent. After 3 months, they found out the hard way about this. They "couldn't believe in their eyes" when they saw the "real her".

Still, after the events unfolded, they started blaming "God" (Typical of Christians), since they wanted to impose their own outlook on said woman (That they would be married, have a happy traditional family, and that she would not be a total psychopath like she actually was, that they were loyal and a good person). Two months ago the same Christian was "Thanking God for his Majesty" for getting them this anticipated object of their obsession; Two months later, they were cursing God and saying he deserted them.

Did "God" participate anywhere in this? Likely not. The course of delusion of 10 years had that end in a cataclysm of pain and misery for them. Ignorance certainly did participate. But what choice do Christians have in these topics anyway? None.

How they chose to internalize this, was to never take any of the information and truth of the subject in consideration and this resulted in a giant wound for this person. It is what it is, life is life. Yet the situation is that the above Christian who has zero knowledge of anything else, behaved in the same way as an immature or non wise Spiritual Satanist would, under a similar condition.

That is fine, we all do mistakes, but the situation is that we can both avoid them and also rectify them before it is too late. The Spiritual Satanist has the kind help and wisdom from the Gods to escape these impediments, or in many cases, these are driven away before they even occur. But that does not mean that nothing negative will ever occur.

For those who also still insist to see every difficulty in life as a form of "Punishment" by the Gods, or whatever of this nature, or those who are so bitter as to run like children who were taken their toy due to these events and "rebel" against their parents, I have to say that this is rather pointless and will likely only multiply the problems you will experience. One has to be stronger than this in their mind; this strength can arise from awareness, wisdom and also spiritual power within.

The role of the Gods in the universe is to help us rectify ourselves and the universe [which was not "perfect" to begin with] and over time, help us overcome these adversities. The equation is also very simple here; the less humans engage in this task, the more they will suffer. There are also inexplainable things in life that one cannot immediately understand, but rushing to conclusions only elevates one's pain. Certain negative events that occur can have good purpose in mind; others are simply malicious. The only way to discern these is through wisdom and understanding, which has to be built.

When one does not want to do this, that doesn't mean the suffering won't happen. It will, so the question is how we deal with this. As Spiritual Satanists we are hundredfold blessed compared to others who simply can only endure this, if even that. We should be thankful. At least I know I am very thankful.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is a wonderful post :) (y)

The reasons for the difficulties of life are different and some life difficulties and problems can severely injure the soul and chakras, especially when you are a child and little depends on you.

In addition to cleansing the chakras and soul in order to get rid of bad karma, the question is how to become so strong that the difficulties of life could not harm the chakras, psyche and soul in the next lives, especially when you are a child and do not know many things?
Thank you HPHC for this great piece.

I would like to say that lately, I have been hailing and thanking Father Satanas and the Gods of Duat (exact words) after every meditation session.
When I am thanking, I bow with my arms crossed onto my chest.

After that, I rise and spread my arms (like I would in front of the Sun on a glorious day) and seek Their energy.
Every single time I feel Them and Their energy. For me, their energy is empowering, emboldening.

In the morning, after this, I feel 100% ready to face day and whatever it may contain.
In the evening, it's like a conclusion to the day.

Also, lately, I am stronger. Common bullshit barely phases me, if at all. I used to be quite sensitive, not anymore.

I like to think of what you presented in this way:

Death, suffering, negativity are common factors for everyone, as in they apply for every person.
However, we, as SS, are blessed with the knowledge and support to minimze the influence of negativity and to be the fiercest warrior negativity can face.

May all our brothers and sisters rise again and again into the aeons.
As someone here used to say in their profile, probably years ago, "Satanists don't die, We go to Duat!".

Sincere apologies if the post was corny or off-topic, I just felt compelled to write this.


Hail Satanas!
Hail the Gods of Duat!
Overall those in enemy programs suffer from intense delusions, since they do not perceive life as it is. The more this happens, the more their suffering.

Yet that doesn't mean at the same time that whomever escapes the enemy programs, is instantly cleared from delusions about life or existence. Or a series of false expectations relating to such.

It's not an infrequent phenomenon that one might have difficulties in life, and these difficulties make some people "question the Gods" or even if these are "something one does not accept", to even want to "leave". Anger and hate can rise as a result, since one perceives certain things as unjustified.

When things get good however, the same people think they are always on very good terms with the Gods and so on; but when something bad happens, this is where one is pressed by these events and therefore questions. In final states of this, blasphemy and all sorts of other problems can come as a result. Which for all emotional reasons, I can fully understand.

However the above is not really a full way of looking at these things.

The situation is that life for every incarnated being, is going to have at least some sort of difficulty level present in it. This is hardwired and part of existence itself. No matter how close you are to the Gods, or how many things you do, you cannot experience a completely hassle free life that some people seem to think is the goal of existence or how things "should be".

When certain events unfold, like the death of a loved one, the loss of a friend, sickness of someone one cares about, one might of course start blaming anyone and the Gods even get blamed in some cases. Erroneous reactions like these which are born from complete falsehood, give rise to more false conclusions about existence or the position of the Gods in existence itself.

Not that long ago someone sent me a message about them losing a loved one; it was a tragedy. They blamed the Gods and questioned how the Gods did not stop the impending death. The basis of this pain was because the event was rather sudden, but also related to a feeling of lack of justice in relation to the death. Everyone wants the best for the people that they love, to live the longest life and to always be well.

But the situation is in existence, that nature is taking her course. Nobody was placed on this world to "live forever". There are going to be difficulties, trials, and many things that will make one question existence itself. Certain statements were also told to me like "But I have donated" and other unrelated topics and how the faith of this individual was shaken as a result of this, all in false correlations.

If one goes with the Gods, one is not gaining a pass to a suffering free life, nor someone randomly deposits in your account 100 million dollars and you get 300 immortal concubines, and a sudden overcharge in wisdom, and become superman. Still, your fate, trials and laws of existence apply to you. You enter into a path to start evolving and progressively improve your situation. Improvement in this case is also related to a sense of overcoming and resisting certain blows that life can give you (which life would give you anyway, whether you were with the Gods or not).

Yes, the children will likely experience a parent's death, there is no stopping this from occurring. A pet can die after many years of friendship, or even by accident. That cannot be stopped in it's entirety either; we can make sure to make the situations far better, but there is no immunity toward the rules of existence, as this is not a video game.

The difference between the person who is with the Gods and the person who is not with them, is how they will manage the whole situation internally or even externally. Instead of one complaining about anything that happens (which they in many cases, those who experience might have literally brought upon themselves), one must instead be thankful and appreciative that there is a formal support, knowledge to overcome, and in many cases direct help from the Gods.

There is no stopping the natural laws from occurring. We can postpone, we can blunt the damage, we can make sure others live a better life, but one cannot stop the consequential laws of death entirely. If you are a Spiritual Satanist and you have a family member that you love, that is still not enough to totally save someone from 30 or 40 consecutive years of no exercise and maximum smoking, or if they never controlled their stress and died as a result, or made numerous other mistakes in life.

They will have to face certain consequences that deal with cause and effect by the natural design of existence. You will have to experience the sight of them paying for these consequences. It is what it is.

Are now these things "Justified" or anything like that? In many cases it is not, in other cases it might be. One cannot know if it was or it was not, unless they know the very full knowledge of what has taken place; something which humans can very hardly possess. This is however not a question of justice, as much as it is a simple equation of the outcome of natural laws.

The Sun will rise tomorrow and there is nothing that can be done about this if you do not like the sun. It cannot be stopped from rising nor you can stop the earth from spinning. But as a student of the Gods you have numerous other choices, such as to change false conceptions that the sun has to stop going up, to appreciate the sun, or to build a place where it will not affect you, or choose to ignore the event. These choices and the escape from the false agitation that arises out of false conceptions of the mind, are actually the tools in your hands to change what you define as "problems".

I am saying "You define" as problems because the sun rising by itself is not a problem; it's just a selfish outlook to look at this as a problem. Replacing the sun with numerous other occurrences which are going to take place no matter what, one has a lot of earn by understanding the laws of life and the extra abilities which are great and related to the level of humans, which are able to be applied in the solving or endurance through life's adversities.

As a final note, much of this can be "out of place", but this is only the case for certain events. In non-human related affairs, most things operate in a very harmonious fashion and it's only humans who mis-perceive things due to their own reasons.

I knew a person who over the course of 10 years wanted the most toxic and unreliable woman there was. Eventually, they got into a relationship for a few months (they were obsessed) they were convinced she was "The One" and I was telling them that this is not the case when I was asked, for which I was penaltized. Then I dropped entirely silent. After 3 months, they found out the hard way about this. They "couldn't believe in their eyes" when they saw the "real her".

Still, after the events unfolded, they started blaming "God" (Typical of Christians), since they wanted to impose their own outlook on said woman (That they would be married, have a happy traditional family, and that she would not be a total psychopath like she actually was, that they were loyal and a good person). Two months ago the same Christian was "Thanking God for his Majesty" for getting them this anticipated object of their obsession; Two months later, they were cursing God and saying he deserted them.

Did "God" participate anywhere in this? Likely not. The course of delusion of 10 years had that end in a cataclysm of pain and misery for them. Ignorance certainly did participate. But what choice do Christians have in these topics anyway? None.

How they chose to internalize this, was to never take any of the information and truth of the subject in consideration and this resulted in a giant wound for this person. It is what it is, life is life. Yet the situation is that the above Christian who has zero knowledge of anything else, behaved in the same way as an immature or non wise Spiritual Satanist would, under a similar condition.

That is fine, we all do mistakes, but the situation is that we can both avoid them and also rectify them before it is too late. The Spiritual Satanist has the kind help and wisdom from the Gods to escape these impediments, or in many cases, these are driven away before they even occur. But that does not mean that nothing negative will ever occur.

For those who also still insist to see every difficulty in life as a form of "Punishment" by the Gods, or whatever of this nature, or those who are so bitter as to run like children who were taken their toy due to these events and "rebel" against their parents, I have to say that this is rather pointless and will likely only multiply the problems you will experience. One has to be stronger than this in their mind; this strength can arise from awareness, wisdom and also spiritual power within.

The role of the Gods in the universe is to help us rectify ourselves and the universe [which was not "perfect" to begin with] and over time, help us overcome these adversities. The equation is also very simple here; the less humans engage in this task, the more they will suffer. There are also inexplainable things in life that one cannot immediately understand, but rushing to conclusions only elevates one's pain. Certain negative events that occur can have good purpose in mind; others are simply malicious. The only way to discern these is through wisdom and understanding, which has to be built.

When one does not want to do this, that doesn't mean the suffering won't happen. It will, so the question is how we deal with this. As Spiritual Satanists we are hundredfold blessed compared to others who simply can only endure this, if even that. We should be thankful. At least I know I am very thankful.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I know that was an amazing read. It’s just like everything else, you must help yourself and grow and advance; I recently had the Gods remove a traitor and imposter in my life, I’m very blessed to feel the hardships and have the ability to overcome them. Thank you, Hail Satanas
In addition to cleansing the chakras and soul in order to get rid of bad karma, the question is how to become so strong that the difficulties of life could not harm the chakras, psyche and soul in the next lives, especially when you are a child and do not know many things?
Personnally, I surely deserved the childhood I had - Moon in Capricornus.

The psychic suffering has taugh me the empathy and contain my negativity, else perhaps I would have been orgueillous, demanding and authoritarian and even destructive with women and all being weakest than me.
Thanks to that, I'm already tried to be as perfect as possible, to develop the best ethics and never be cruel or dishonest.

It's better to learn this early than at 40 or 50 and say you you're a piece of shit. And for the next life... it's settled 😂
How truly you have once again spoken to us all, HP Hooded Cobra666. The gods show us ways and means if we are willing to receive them gratefully. They are not responsible for the "soup" that we have made for ourselves. We have to spoon it up ourselves. To condemn them for it or to spit in their faces is evidence of a childish, immature soul. The incarnation was given to us according to the state our soul is in. No amount of grumbling or complaining will help. There are apparently also people, who I have also read about here in the forum, who want to kill themselves when there is too much "steam" in their lives and their "ass is on ice". But let me tell these people: in their next life, they will have to pick up exactly where they left off. Only now it will be even harder for them to master their lesson. When a child learns to walk, it will fall down more often. If you want to walk, you always have to move from uncertainty to uncertainty in order to gain certainty. You stand securely on both feet. When walking, however, you only stand on one leg at a time. The decision is up to you. All progress happens within the framework of the possibilities that life gives you. The gods give you the strength and insight to decide again and again.

Life itself can be described as a vibration like a snake. The vibration is an open circle. There are times when the waves are high and there are times when we pass through a valley. This change can happen faster or slower. We call this the frequency of life. It is a law of nature that even the gods will not destroy. But we can learn to ride these waves and not let them get us down. Only when there are no more "ups and downs" do we call it the death line, the standstill. Only through what we call "problems" can we grow. It is only through our mistakes that we realize what we still lack in order to recognize and mature. If you don't want to make mistakes, you don't want to make experiences. But only experience makes us wise. No matter how lofty the words, they cannot hide the lack that someone has if they do not want to learn. The tests that the gods impose on us are the yardstick that shows us where we stand. The ancient Latins coined the saying: "Per aspera ad astra" - "Through the rough to the stars". Life can be bumpy at times. But those who are prepared to steer their ship (their body) through high waves (adverse circumstances) will experience their strength and courage. The gods will reward him with a glow on his face because he has survived the battle. Goethe put it in the words: "What you have inherited from your fathers, acquire it in order to possess it". You can't even call life your own if you don't work for it.
That is why Schiller said the striking sentence that I have made my motto in life: "And if you never commit your life, life will never be won for you".

Only when we venture into the storms of life and work through them can we attain wisdom with the help of the gods. Because wisdom is lived, experienced knowledge and not just a collection of dead letters. We grow through our problems. They are the touchstone of how far we have come in our lives. What it means to have problems is purely a matter of opinion.

Most people see them as something negative. The problem is seen as a difficult task to solve; as something that causes trouble or inconvenience. Then you start to brood or worry until it seems that "the problems are getting out of hand"
More than once I have had to "wash my students' heads" or "pull a tooth" and get them "back on track" and aware of the meaning of the word "problem". The word comes from the Greek πρόβλημα próblema, which is usually hastily translated as "(difficult) task, protrusion, cliff, obstacle, bulwark".
In fact, it is derived from the verb προβαλλειν proballein, which means "to throw forward", so that the noun "problem" can be translated as: "that which is thrown forward, that which is put forward", which is not meant in the sense of reproach or accusation, but rather as one throws a piece of meat at a tiger that it has to eat.

The vernacular says succinctly: "Eat bird or die". The bird, of course, stands for your own soul.

In order to attain wisdom, we must consume knowledge (Wissen) after knowledge, bite (Bissen) after bite, and make ourselves one with it. We literally eat what is "thrown at us" and leave it up to nature, the state of our soul and the judgment of the gods to decide what is integrated into our lives from what is "thrown at us". We can only grow spiritually by accepting what is "thrown at us". The gods are extremely wise. They give everyone so much "task" in the school of life, throwing only as much material at the candidate as he is able to process and become stronger, more powerful and more experienced. Everything that the gods expect of us is based on pure goodness. It is only often our own blindness, our inability and our misconceptions about what the love and goodness of the gods mean in the course of life that cause us to fail ourselves.

Hail Satanas!
Hail Luciferus!
Hail Wotanas!
Overall those in enemy programs suffer from intense delusions, since they do not perceive life as it is. The more this happens, the more their suffering.

Yet that doesn't mean at the same time that whomever escapes the enemy programs, is instantly cleared from delusions about life or existence. Or a series of false expectations relating to such.

It's not an infrequent phenomenon that one might have difficulties in life, and these difficulties make some people "question the Gods" or even if these are "something one does not accept", to even want to "leave". Anger and hate can rise as a result, since one perceives certain things as unjustified.

When things get good however, the same people think they are always on very good terms with the Gods and so on; but when something bad happens, this is where one is pressed by these events and therefore questions. In final states of this, blasphemy and all sorts of other problems can come as a result. Which for all emotional reasons, I can fully understand.

However the above is not really a full way of looking at these things.

The situation is that life for every incarnated being, is going to have at least some sort of difficulty level present in it. This is hardwired and part of existence itself. No matter how close you are to the Gods, or how many things you do, you cannot experience a completely hassle free life that some people seem to think is the goal of existence or how things "should be".

When certain events unfold, like the death of a loved one, the loss of a friend, sickness of someone one cares about, one might of course start blaming anyone and the Gods even get blamed in some cases. Erroneous reactions like these which are born from complete falsehood, give rise to more false conclusions about existence or the position of the Gods in existence itself.

Not that long ago someone sent me a message about them losing a loved one; it was a tragedy. They blamed the Gods and questioned how the Gods did not stop the impending death. The basis of this pain was because the event was rather sudden, but also related to a feeling of lack of justice in relation to the death. Everyone wants the best for the people that they love, to live the longest life and to always be well.

But the situation is in existence, that nature is taking her course. Nobody was placed on this world to "live forever". There are going to be difficulties, trials, and many things that will make one question existence itself. Certain statements were also told to me like "But I have donated" and other unrelated topics and how the faith of this individual was shaken as a result of this, all in false correlations.

If one goes with the Gods, one is not gaining a pass to a suffering free life, nor someone randomly deposits in your account 100 million dollars and you get 300 immortal concubines, and a sudden overcharge in wisdom, and become superman. Still, your fate, trials and laws of existence apply to you. You enter into a path to start evolving and progressively improve your situation. Improvement in this case is also related to a sense of overcoming and resisting certain blows that life can give you (which life would give you anyway, whether you were with the Gods or not).

Yes, the children will likely experience a parent's death, there is no stopping this from occurring. A pet can die after many years of friendship, or even by accident. That cannot be stopped in it's entirety either; we can make sure to make the situations far better, but there is no immunity toward the rules of existence, as this is not a video game.

The difference between the person who is with the Gods and the person who is not with them, is how they will manage the whole situation internally or even externally. Instead of one complaining about anything that happens (which they in many cases, those who experience might have literally brought upon themselves), one must instead be thankful and appreciative that there is a formal support, knowledge to overcome, and in many cases direct help from the Gods.

There is no stopping the natural laws from occurring. We can postpone, we can blunt the damage, we can make sure others live a better life, but one cannot stop the consequential laws of death entirely. If you are a Spiritual Satanist and you have a family member that you love, that is still not enough to totally save someone from 30 or 40 consecutive years of no exercise and maximum smoking, or if they never controlled their stress and died as a result, or made numerous other mistakes in life.

They will have to face certain consequences that deal with cause and effect by the natural design of existence. You will have to experience the sight of them paying for these consequences. It is what it is.

Are now these things "Justified" or anything like that? In many cases it is not, in other cases it might be. One cannot know if it was or it was not, unless they know the very full knowledge of what has taken place; something which humans can very hardly possess. This is however not a question of justice, as much as it is a simple equation of the outcome of natural laws.

The Sun will rise tomorrow and there is nothing that can be done about this if you do not like the sun. It cannot be stopped from rising nor you can stop the earth from spinning. But as a student of the Gods you have numerous other choices, such as to change false conceptions that the sun has to stop going up, to appreciate the sun, or to build a place where it will not affect you, or choose to ignore the event. These choices and the escape from the false agitation that arises out of false conceptions of the mind, are actually the tools in your hands to change what you define as "problems".

I am saying "You define" as problems because the sun rising by itself is not a problem; it's just a selfish outlook to look at this as a problem. Replacing the sun with numerous other occurrences which are going to take place no matter what, one has a lot of earn by understanding the laws of life and the extra abilities which are great and related to the level of humans, which are able to be applied in the solving or endurance through life's adversities.

As a final note, much of this can be "out of place", but this is only the case for certain events. In non-human related affairs, most things operate in a very harmonious fashion and it's only humans who mis-perceive things due to their own reasons.

I knew a person who over the course of 10 years wanted the most toxic and unreliable woman there was. Eventually, they got into a relationship for a few months (they were obsessed) they were convinced she was "The One" and I was telling them that this is not the case when I was asked, for which I was penaltized. Then I dropped entirely silent. After 3 months, they found out the hard way about this. They "couldn't believe in their eyes" when they saw the "real her".

Still, after the events unfolded, they started blaming "God" (Typical of Christians), since they wanted to impose their own outlook on said woman (That they would be married, have a happy traditional family, and that she would not be a total psychopath like she actually was, that they were loyal and a good person). Two months ago the same Christian was "Thanking God for his Majesty" for getting them this anticipated object of their obsession; Two months later, they were cursing God and saying he deserted them.

Did "God" participate anywhere in this? Likely not. The course of delusion of 10 years had that end in a cataclysm of pain and misery for them. Ignorance certainly did participate. But what choice do Christians have in these topics anyway? None.

How they chose to internalize this, was to never take any of the information and truth of the subject in consideration and this resulted in a giant wound for this person. It is what it is, life is life. Yet the situation is that the above Christian who has zero knowledge of anything else, behaved in the same way as an immature or non wise Spiritual Satanist would, under a similar condition.

That is fine, we all do mistakes, but the situation is that we can both avoid them and also rectify them before it is too late. The Spiritual Satanist has the kind help and wisdom from the Gods to escape these impediments, or in many cases, these are driven away before they even occur. But that does not mean that nothing negative will ever occur.

For those who also still insist to see every difficulty in life as a form of "Punishment" by the Gods, or whatever of this nature, or those who are so bitter as to run like children who were taken their toy due to these events and "rebel" against their parents, I have to say that this is rather pointless and will likely only multiply the problems you will experience. One has to be stronger than this in their mind; this strength can arise from awareness, wisdom and also spiritual power within.

The role of the Gods in the universe is to help us rectify ourselves and the universe [which was not "perfect" to begin with] and over time, help us overcome these adversities. The equation is also very simple here; the less humans engage in this task, the more they will suffer. There are also inexplainable things in life that one cannot immediately understand, but rushing to conclusions only elevates one's pain. Certain negative events that occur can have good purpose in mind; others are simply malicious. The only way to discern these is through wisdom and understanding, which has to be built.

When one does not want to do this, that doesn't mean the suffering won't happen. It will, so the question is how we deal with this. As Spiritual Satanists we are hundredfold blessed compared to others who simply can only endure this, if even that. We should be thankful. At least I know I am very thankful.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Sometimes my problems usually
Fix their self but sometimes before
I get frustrated and blame the
World but I figured to be patient
It will workout.
But I'm thankful to
Hail Satan!!
Overall those in enemy programs suffer from intense delusions, since they do not perceive life as it is. The more this happens, the more their suffering.

Yet that doesn't mean at the same time that whomever escapes the enemy programs, is instantly cleared from delusions about life or existence. Or a series of false expectations relating to such.

It's not an infrequent phenomenon that one might have difficulties in life, and these difficulties make some people "question the Gods" or even if these are "something one does not accept", to even want to "leave". Anger and hate can rise as a result, since one perceives certain things as unjustified.

When things get good however, the same people think they are always on very good terms with the Gods and so on; but when something bad happens, this is where one is pressed by these events and therefore questions. In final states of this, blasphemy and all sorts of other problems can come as a result. Which for all emotional reasons, I can fully understand.

However the above is not really a full way of looking at these things.

The situation is that life for every incarnated being, is going to have at least some sort of difficulty level present in it. This is hardwired and part of existence itself. No matter how close you are to the Gods, or how many things you do, you cannot experience a completely hassle free life that some people seem to think is the goal of existence or how things "should be".

When certain events unfold, like the death of a loved one, the loss of a friend, sickness of someone one cares about, one might of course start blaming anyone and the Gods even get blamed in some cases. Erroneous reactions like these which are born from complete falsehood, give rise to more false conclusions about existence or the position of the Gods in existence itself.

Not that long ago someone sent me a message about them losing a loved one; it was a tragedy. They blamed the Gods and questioned how the Gods did not stop the impending death. The basis of this pain was because the event was rather sudden, but also related to a feeling of lack of justice in relation to the death. Everyone wants the best for the people that they love, to live the longest life and to always be well.

But the situation is in existence, that nature is taking her course. Nobody was placed on this world to "live forever". There are going to be difficulties, trials, and many things that will make one question existence itself. Certain statements were also told to me like "But I have donated" and other unrelated topics and how the faith of this individual was shaken as a result of this, all in false correlations.

If one goes with the Gods, one is not gaining a pass to a suffering free life, nor someone randomly deposits in your account 100 million dollars and you get 300 immortal concubines, and a sudden overcharge in wisdom, and become superman. Still, your fate, trials and laws of existence apply to you. You enter into a path to start evolving and progressively improve your situation. Improvement in this case is also related to a sense of overcoming and resisting certain blows that life can give you (which life would give you anyway, whether you were with the Gods or not).

Yes, the children will likely experience a parent's death, there is no stopping this from occurring. A pet can die after many years of friendship, or even by accident. That cannot be stopped in it's entirety either; we can make sure to make the situations far better, but there is no immunity toward the rules of existence, as this is not a video game.

The difference between the person who is with the Gods and the person who is not with them, is how they will manage the whole situation internally or even externally. Instead of one complaining about anything that happens (which they in many cases, those who experience might have literally brought upon themselves), one must instead be thankful and appreciative that there is a formal support, knowledge to overcome, and in many cases direct help from the Gods.

There is no stopping the natural laws from occurring. We can postpone, we can blunt the damage, we can make sure others live a better life, but one cannot stop the consequential laws of death entirely. If you are a Spiritual Satanist and you have a family member that you love, that is still not enough to totally save someone from 30 or 40 consecutive years of no exercise and maximum smoking, or if they never controlled their stress and died as a result, or made numerous other mistakes in life.

They will have to face certain consequences that deal with cause and effect by the natural design of existence. You will have to experience the sight of them paying for these consequences. It is what it is.

Are now these things "Justified" or anything like that? In many cases it is not, in other cases it might be. One cannot know if it was or it was not, unless they know the very full knowledge of what has taken place; something which humans can very hardly possess. This is however not a question of justice, as much as it is a simple equation of the outcome of natural laws.

The Sun will rise tomorrow and there is nothing that can be done about this if you do not like the sun. It cannot be stopped from rising nor you can stop the earth from spinning. But as a student of the Gods you have numerous other choices, such as to change false conceptions that the sun has to stop going up, to appreciate the sun, or to build a place where it will not affect you, or choose to ignore the event. These choices and the escape from the false agitation that arises out of false conceptions of the mind, are actually the tools in your hands to change what you define as "problems".

I am saying "You define" as problems because the sun rising by itself is not a problem; it's just a selfish outlook to look at this as a problem. Replacing the sun with numerous other occurrences which are going to take place no matter what, one has a lot of earn by understanding the laws of life and the extra abilities which are great and related to the level of humans, which are able to be applied in the solving or endurance through life's adversities.

As a final note, much of this can be "out of place", but this is only the case for certain events. In non-human related affairs, most things operate in a very harmonious fashion and it's only humans who mis-perceive things due to their own reasons.

I knew a person who over the course of 10 years wanted the most toxic and unreliable woman there was. Eventually, they got into a relationship for a few months (they were obsessed) they were convinced she was "The One" and I was telling them that this is not the case when I was asked, for which I was penaltized. Then I dropped entirely silent. After 3 months, they found out the hard way about this. They "couldn't believe in their eyes" when they saw the "real her".

Still, after the events unfolded, they started blaming "God" (Typical of Christians), since they wanted to impose their own outlook on said woman (That they would be married, have a happy traditional family, and that she would not be a total psychopath like she actually was, that they were loyal and a good person). Two months ago the same Christian was "Thanking God for his Majesty" for getting them this anticipated object of their obsession; Two months later, they were cursing God and saying he deserted them.

Did "God" participate anywhere in this? Likely not. The course of delusion of 10 years had that end in a cataclysm of pain and misery for them. Ignorance certainly did participate. But what choice do Christians have in these topics anyway? None.

How they chose to internalize this, was to never take any of the information and truth of the subject in consideration and this resulted in a giant wound for this person. It is what it is, life is life. Yet the situation is that the above Christian who has zero knowledge of anything else, behaved in the same way as an immature or non wise Spiritual Satanist would, under a similar condition.

That is fine, we all do mistakes, but the situation is that we can both avoid them and also rectify them before it is too late. The Spiritual Satanist has the kind help and wisdom from the Gods to escape these impediments, or in many cases, these are driven away before they even occur. But that does not mean that nothing negative will ever occur.

For those who also still insist to see every difficulty in life as a form of "Punishment" by the Gods, or whatever of this nature, or those who are so bitter as to run like children who were taken their toy due to these events and "rebel" against their parents, I have to say that this is rather pointless and will likely only multiply the problems you will experience. One has to be stronger than this in their mind; this strength can arise from awareness, wisdom and also spiritual power within.

The role of the Gods in the universe is to help us rectify ourselves and the universe [which was not "perfect" to begin with] and over time, help us overcome these adversities. The equation is also very simple here; the less humans engage in this task, the more they will suffer. There are also inexplainable things in life that one cannot immediately understand, but rushing to conclusions only elevates one's pain. Certain negative events that occur can have good purpose in mind; others are simply malicious. The only way to discern these is through wisdom and understanding, which has to be built.

When one does not want to do this, that doesn't mean the suffering won't happen. It will, so the question is how we deal with this. As Spiritual Satanists we are hundredfold blessed compared to others who simply can only endure this, if even that. We should be thankful. At least I know I am very thankful.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you! This was a powerful read with great food for thought of wise information. Being new and still learning this was very helpful for me. I definitely will be taking notes of this. I am thankful for finding JoS for it has made me feel as if I have started to find a part of myself that was lost but slowly discovering again. The insights has been much appreciated.
Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra!
Hail Satan!
Thank you! This was a powerful read with great food for thought of wise information. Being new and still learning this was very helpful for me. I definitely will be taking notes of this. I am thankful for finding JoS for it has made me feel as if I have started to find a part of myself that was lost but slowly discovering again. The insights has been much appreciated.
Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra!
Hail Satan!
I wish you the blessing and support of Lord Satanas and all the benevolent gods, that you realize on your path to self-discovery and self-empowerment that you have always been connected to Lord Satanas and the gods from the beginning of your life and far beyond many of your incarnations.
Hail Satanas!
Hail Luciferus!
Hail Wotanas!
Overall those in enemy programs suffer from intense delusions, since they do not perceive life as it is. The more this happens, the more their suffering.

Yet that doesn't mean at the same time that whomever escapes the enemy programs, is instantly cleared from delusions about life or existence. Or a series of false expectations relating to such.

It's not an infrequent phenomenon that one might have difficulties in life, and these difficulties make some people "question the Gods" or even if these are "something one does not accept", to even want to "leave". Anger and hate can rise as a result, since one perceives certain things as unjustified.

When things get good however, the same people think they are always on very good terms with the Gods and so on; but when something bad happens, this is where one is pressed by these events and therefore questions. In final states of this, blasphemy and all sorts of other problems can come as a result. Which for all emotional reasons, I can fully understand.

However the above is not really a full way of looking at these things.

The situation is that life for every incarnated being, is going to have at least some sort of difficulty level present in it. This is hardwired and part of existence itself. No matter how close you are to the Gods, or how many things you do, you cannot experience a completely hassle free life that some people seem to think is the goal of existence or how things "should be".

When certain events unfold, like the death of a loved one, the loss of a friend, sickness of someone one cares about, one might of course start blaming anyone and the Gods even get blamed in some cases. Erroneous reactions like these which are born from complete falsehood, give rise to more false conclusions about existence or the position of the Gods in existence itself.

Not that long ago someone sent me a message about them losing a loved one; it was a tragedy. They blamed the Gods and questioned how the Gods did not stop the impending death. The basis of this pain was because the event was rather sudden, but also related to a feeling of lack of justice in relation to the death. Everyone wants the best for the people that they love, to live the longest life and to always be well.

But the situation is in existence, that nature is taking her course. Nobody was placed on this world to "live forever". There are going to be difficulties, trials, and many things that will make one question existence itself. Certain statements were also told to me like "But I have donated" and other unrelated topics and how the faith of this individual was shaken as a result of this, all in false correlations.

If one goes with the Gods, one is not gaining a pass to a suffering free life, nor someone randomly deposits in your account 100 million dollars and you get 300 immortal concubines, and a sudden overcharge in wisdom, and become superman. Still, your fate, trials and laws of existence apply to you. You enter into a path to start evolving and progressively improve your situation. Improvement in this case is also related to a sense of overcoming and resisting certain blows that life can give you (which life would give you anyway, whether you were with the Gods or not).

Yes, the children will likely experience a parent's death, there is no stopping this from occurring. A pet can die after many years of friendship, or even by accident. That cannot be stopped in it's entirety either; we can make sure to make the situations far better, but there is no immunity toward the rules of existence, as this is not a video game.

The difference between the person who is with the Gods and the person who is not with them, is how they will manage the whole situation internally or even externally. Instead of one complaining about anything that happens (which they in many cases, those who experience might have literally brought upon themselves), one must instead be thankful and appreciative that there is a formal support, knowledge to overcome, and in many cases direct help from the Gods.

There is no stopping the natural laws from occurring. We can postpone, we can blunt the damage, we can make sure others live a better life, but one cannot stop the consequential laws of death entirely. If you are a Spiritual Satanist and you have a family member that you love, that is still not enough to totally save someone from 30 or 40 consecutive years of no exercise and maximum smoking, or if they never controlled their stress and died as a result, or made numerous other mistakes in life.

They will have to face certain consequences that deal with cause and effect by the natural design of existence. You will have to experience the sight of them paying for these consequences. It is what it is.

Are now these things "Justified" or anything like that? In many cases it is not, in other cases it might be. One cannot know if it was or it was not, unless they know the very full knowledge of what has taken place; something which humans can very hardly possess. This is however not a question of justice, as much as it is a simple equation of the outcome of natural laws.

The Sun will rise tomorrow and there is nothing that can be done about this if you do not like the sun. It cannot be stopped from rising nor you can stop the earth from spinning. But as a student of the Gods you have numerous other choices, such as to change false conceptions that the sun has to stop going up, to appreciate the sun, or to build a place where it will not affect you, or choose to ignore the event. These choices and the escape from the false agitation that arises out of false conceptions of the mind, are actually the tools in your hands to change what you define as "problems".

I am saying "You define" as problems because the sun rising by itself is not a problem; it's just a selfish outlook to look at this as a problem. Replacing the sun with numerous other occurrences which are going to take place no matter what, one has a lot of earn by understanding the laws of life and the extra abilities which are great and related to the level of humans, which are able to be applied in the solving or endurance through life's adversities.

As a final note, much of this can be "out of place", but this is only the case for certain events. In non-human related affairs, most things operate in a very harmonious fashion and it's only humans who mis-perceive things due to their own reasons.

I knew a person who over the course of 10 years wanted the most toxic and unreliable woman there was. Eventually, they got into a relationship for a few months (they were obsessed) they were convinced she was "The One" and I was telling them that this is not the case when I was asked, for which I was penaltized. Then I dropped entirely silent. After 3 months, they found out the hard way about this. They "couldn't believe in their eyes" when they saw the "real her".

Still, after the events unfolded, they started blaming "God" (Typical of Christians), since they wanted to impose their own outlook on said woman (That they would be married, have a happy traditional family, and that she would not be a total psychopath like she actually was, that they were loyal and a good person). Two months ago the same Christian was "Thanking God for his Majesty" for getting them this anticipated object of their obsession; Two months later, they were cursing God and saying he deserted them.

Did "God" participate anywhere in this? Likely not. The course of delusion of 10 years had that end in a cataclysm of pain and misery for them. Ignorance certainly did participate. But what choice do Christians have in these topics anyway? None.

How they chose to internalize this, was to never take any of the information and truth of the subject in consideration and this resulted in a giant wound for this person. It is what it is, life is life. Yet the situation is that the above Christian who has zero knowledge of anything else, behaved in the same way as an immature or non wise Spiritual Satanist would, under a similar condition.

That is fine, we all do mistakes, but the situation is that we can both avoid them and also rectify them before it is too late. The Spiritual Satanist has the kind help and wisdom from the Gods to escape these impediments, or in many cases, these are driven away before they even occur. But that does not mean that nothing negative will ever occur.

For those who also still insist to see every difficulty in life as a form of "Punishment" by the Gods, or whatever of this nature, or those who are so bitter as to run like children who were taken their toy due to these events and "rebel" against their parents, I have to say that this is rather pointless and will likely only multiply the problems you will experience. One has to be stronger than this in their mind; this strength can arise from awareness, wisdom and also spiritual power within.

The role of the Gods in the universe is to help us rectify ourselves and the universe [which was not "perfect" to begin with] and over time, help us overcome these adversities. The equation is also very simple here; the less humans engage in this task, the more they will suffer. There are also inexplainable things in life that one cannot immediately understand, but rushing to conclusions only elevates one's pain. Certain negative events that occur can have good purpose in mind; others are simply malicious. The only way to discern these is through wisdom and understanding, which has to be built.

When one does not want to do this, that doesn't mean the suffering won't happen. It will, so the question is how we deal with this. As Spiritual Satanists we are hundredfold blessed compared to others who simply can only endure this, if even that. We should be thankful. At least I know I am very thankful.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you HP for such a wonderful post. You have taught us how to approach life in a more realistic manner and maturity.
We Spiritual Satanists do not have problems, we have challenges to overcome

The earth is our training field

Father Satan will give us life lessons to make us stronger while we are here

There are not mistakes, only lessons

The enemy make mistakes, we learn lessons

Inside of us we do not fear, because the fear is the weapon of the enemy

Fear is the growth killer

We success or fail by our father will

The training of Father repeats ilimited times until we learn the lesson


Father awaits for us to work, he opens the door but we have to through it

-James page

I knew a person who over the course of 10 years wanted the most toxic and unreliable woman there was. Eventually, they got into a relationship for a few months (they were obsessed) they were convinced she was "The One" and I was telling them that this is not the case when I was asked, for which I was penaltized. Then I dropped entirely silent. After 3 months, they found out the hard way about this. They "couldn't believe in their eyes" when they saw the "real her".

Still, after the events unfolded, they started blaming "God" (Typical of Christians), since they wanted to impose their own outlook on said woman (That they would be married, have a happy traditional family, and that she would not be a total psychopath like she actually was, that they were loyal and a good person). Two months ago the same Christian was "Thanking God for his Majesty" for getting them this anticipated object of their obsession; Two months later, they were cursing God and saying he deserted them.

Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra!!!! This was what I wanted to hear. For the person in the above quote, I wish upon him the Wisdom to know and appreciate True Love when it happens. The above situation was an extremely difficult lesson to learn. But growth will come out of it. Love waits for him. I am a stronger person for walking with the Gods. The person in this instance, needs to ask the Gods for guidance instead of blaming them.

Hail Satanas!!!
I wish you the blessing and support of Lord Satanas and all the benevolent gods, that you realize on your path to self-discovery and self-empowerment that you have always been connected to Lord Satanas and the gods from the beginning of your life and far beyond many of your incarnations.
Hail Satanas!
Hail Luciferus!
Hail Wotanas!
Thank you I appreciate that!
Hail Satan!
Overall those in enemy programs suffer from intense delusions, since they do not perceive life as it is. The more this happens, the more their suffering.

Yet that doesn't mean at the same time that whomever escapes the enemy programs, is instantly cleared from delusions about life or existence. Or a series of false expectations relating to such.

It's not an infrequent phenomenon that one might have difficulties in life, and these difficulties make some people "question the Gods" or even if these are "something one does not accept", to even want to "leave". Anger and hate can rise as a result, since one perceives certain things as unjustified.

When things get good however, the same people think they are always on very good terms with the Gods and so on; but when something bad happens, this is where one is pressed by these events and therefore questions. In final states of this, blasphemy and all sorts of other problems can come as a result. Which for all emotional reasons, I can fully understand.

However the above is not really a full way of looking at these things.

The situation is that life for every incarnated being, is going to have at least some sort of difficulty level present in it. This is hardwired and part of existence itself. No matter how close you are to the Gods, or how many things you do, you cannot experience a completely hassle free life that some people seem to think is the goal of existence or how things "should be".

When certain events unfold, like the death of a loved one, the loss of a friend, sickness of someone one cares about, one might of course start blaming anyone and the Gods even get blamed in some cases. Erroneous reactions like these which are born from complete falsehood, give rise to more false conclusions about existence or the position of the Gods in existence itself.

Not that long ago someone sent me a message about them losing a loved one; it was a tragedy. They blamed the Gods and questioned how the Gods did not stop the impending death. The basis of this pain was because the event was rather sudden, but also related to a feeling of lack of justice in relation to the death. Everyone wants the best for the people that they love, to live the longest life and to always be well.

But the situation is in existence, that nature is taking her course. Nobody was placed on this world to "live forever". There are going to be difficulties, trials, and many things that will make one question existence itself. Certain statements were also told to me like "But I have donated" and other unrelated topics and how the faith of this individual was shaken as a result of this, all in false correlations.

If one goes with the Gods, one is not gaining a pass to a suffering free life, nor someone randomly deposits in your account 100 million dollars and you get 300 immortal concubines, and a sudden overcharge in wisdom, and become superman. Still, your fate, trials and laws of existence apply to you. You enter into a path to start evolving and progressively improve your situation. Improvement in this case is also related to a sense of overcoming and resisting certain blows that life can give you (which life would give you anyway, whether you were with the Gods or not).

Yes, the children will likely experience a parent's death, there is no stopping this from occurring. A pet can die after many years of friendship, or even by accident. That cannot be stopped in it's entirety either; we can make sure to make the situations far better, but there is no immunity toward the rules of existence, as this is not a video game.

The difference between the person who is with the Gods and the person who is not with them, is how they will manage the whole situation internally or even externally. Instead of one complaining about anything that happens (which they in many cases, those who experience might have literally brought upon themselves), one must instead be thankful and appreciative that there is a formal support, knowledge to overcome, and in many cases direct help from the Gods.

There is no stopping the natural laws from occurring. We can postpone, we can blunt the damage, we can make sure others live a better life, but one cannot stop the consequential laws of death entirely. If you are a Spiritual Satanist and you have a family member that you love, that is still not enough to totally save someone from 30 or 40 consecutive years of no exercise and maximum smoking, or if they never controlled their stress and died as a result, or made numerous other mistakes in life.

They will have to face certain consequences that deal with cause and effect by the natural design of existence. You will have to experience the sight of them paying for these consequences. It is what it is.

Are now these things "Justified" or anything like that? In many cases it is not, in other cases it might be. One cannot know if it was or it was not, unless they know the very full knowledge of what has taken place; something which humans can very hardly possess. This is however not a question of justice, as much as it is a simple equation of the outcome of natural laws.

The Sun will rise tomorrow and there is nothing that can be done about this if you do not like the sun. It cannot be stopped from rising nor you can stop the earth from spinning. But as a student of the Gods you have numerous other choices, such as to change false conceptions that the sun has to stop going up, to appreciate the sun, or to build a place where it will not affect you, or choose to ignore the event. These choices and the escape from the false agitation that arises out of false conceptions of the mind, are actually the tools in your hands to change what you define as "problems".

I am saying "You define" as problems because the sun rising by itself is not a problem; it's just a selfish outlook to look at this as a problem. Replacing the sun with numerous other occurrences which are going to take place no matter what, one has a lot of earn by understanding the laws of life and the extra abilities which are great and related to the level of humans, which are able to be applied in the solving or endurance through life's adversities.

As a final note, much of this can be "out of place", but this is only the case for certain events. In non-human related affairs, most things operate in a very harmonious fashion and it's only humans who mis-perceive things due to their own reasons.

I knew a person who over the course of 10 years wanted the most toxic and unreliable woman there was. Eventually, they got into a relationship for a few months (they were obsessed) they were convinced she was "The One" and I was telling them that this is not the case when I was asked, for which I was penaltized. Then I dropped entirely silent. After 3 months, they found out the hard way about this. They "couldn't believe in their eyes" when they saw the "real her".

Still, after the events unfolded, they started blaming "God" (Typical of Christians), since they wanted to impose their own outlook on said woman (That they would be married, have a happy traditional family, and that she would not be a total psychopath like she actually was, that they were loyal and a good person). Two months ago the same Christian was "Thanking God for his Majesty" for getting them this anticipated object of their obsession; Two months later, they were cursing God and saying he deserted them.

Did "God" participate anywhere in this? Likely not. The course of delusion of 10 years had that end in a cataclysm of pain and misery for them. Ignorance certainly did participate. But what choice do Christians have in these topics anyway? None.

How they chose to internalize this, was to never take any of the information and truth of the subject in consideration and this resulted in a giant wound for this person. It is what it is, life is life. Yet the situation is that the above Christian who has zero knowledge of anything else, behaved in the same way as an immature or non wise Spiritual Satanist would, under a similar condition.

That is fine, we all do mistakes, but the situation is that we can both avoid them and also rectify them before it is too late. The Spiritual Satanist has the kind help and wisdom from the Gods to escape these impediments, or in many cases, these are driven away before they even occur. But that does not mean that nothing negative will ever occur.

For those who also still insist to see every difficulty in life as a form of "Punishment" by the Gods, or whatever of this nature, or those who are so bitter as to run like children who were taken their toy due to these events and "rebel" against their parents, I have to say that this is rather pointless and will likely only multiply the problems you will experience. One has to be stronger than this in their mind; this strength can arise from awareness, wisdom and also spiritual power within.

The role of the Gods in the universe is to help us rectify ourselves and the universe [which was not "perfect" to begin with] and over time, help us overcome these adversities. The equation is also very simple here; the less humans engage in this task, the more they will suffer. There are also inexplainable things in life that one cannot immediately understand, but rushing to conclusions only elevates one's pain. Certain negative events that occur can have good purpose in mind; others are simply malicious. The only way to discern these is through wisdom and understanding, which has to be built.

When one does not want to do this, that doesn't mean the suffering won't happen. It will, so the question is how we deal with this. As Spiritual Satanists we are hundredfold blessed compared to others who simply can only endure this, if even that. We should be thankful. At least I know I am very thankful.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you 🙏
I really like this statement:

Change will happen, if the pain staying the same, is greater then the pain off changeing.
Thank you HP HDCobra666

I always enjoy reading your sermons and once again great information it makes one think of how fortunate we are as SS we have knowledge to keep ourselves from making really bad decisions and we have help from fellow SS and the Gods

Hail Father Satan EA Enki ❤️
Hail to the Gods ❤️
Thank you for this timely and very important message. It is so easy to fall into these pitfalls you pointed out. Keeping proper focus on Father Satanas and the Gods more everyday and not getting to caught up in the workings of the Matrix will strengthen and shield us from losing our way! Thank you for that reminder! Hail Satan! Hail to the Gods!
Thank you for yet another great sermon, HP. I have been lurking around the forums and JoS for years, but I just wanted to say how much wisdom and peace your every post brings and how much I appreciate it. I can't believe how much my life has changed in just a few years. Whenever I face challenges in my life, I always remind myself of Satan and our Gods and how much I'm privileged to have them in my life. I feel truly blessed. I wish all the best for my brothers and sisters in Satan. Hail!
Having just been through Hurricane Helene, i just got a bit of cell service and came directly to find this encouraging post. It's a keeper.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
