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- May 9, 2023
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Before I drown you, the reader in a sea of ranting "racist" text, let me put this picture-form, because a picture is worth 6666 words.
"We Are Hispanic-Thumpers" Want Filipinos to Forget This (whether they're aware or not).....
And replace it with shit like this.....
Okay, I admit, I couldn't find an example for the second of cultural-less raceless identity-less visual without resorting to Latin Gang pictures and giving a wrong impression, but the highly-discerned will understand. It does enrage me to see what kind of "culture" is being forced upon the native Aztecs (Asians), because I now have Filipino familiars wanting to mimic that lifestyle as an example of "Hispanic" pride.
With much of the available AI progress, and with smartphone technology and ease of access to XYZ online encyclopedias, I haven't felt compelled to waste my finger muscles providing articles and scholarly sources to "prove this Truth". Ignorance is a literal choice - for those newcomers, do realize we no longer live in an age where you have to spend leg energy or spend gas to drive to some upscale university library to gain knowledge. While there are a lot of lies on the internet, there are also a lot of Truths, stuff you can simply access by swiping those damn black screens and typing a couple words into a browser, period.
Now with all that's going on in the Jewtrix, Ukraine, Israel and etc., yeah this may be the last thing on people's minds. But it is a Truth that needs to get out there. So this month, is Hispanic heritage month as well as Filipino-American Heritage Month in the United States. Yes, Filipinos (as all races) should be proud of their heritage and the achivements of their people. Sadly, within the Filipino-American community, especially those in the West Coast that live amonst Spanish-speaking communities, there seems to be this myth and narrative that "Filipinos are Hispanic/more Hispanic and not/than Asian". All of the other Asian diaspora in the U.S. (and abroad), like the Chinese, Vietnamese/Thai, Japanese, Korean, South Asian and etc., have all embraced their identities.
What I find troubling is the self-loath that this entire "Am I Hispanic" rhetoric that wreaks havoc among Filipinos (mostly Filipino-Americans, those in the Philippines themselves are quite aware of their Oriental identity). This "Am I Hispanic" nonsense is simply the Gentile version of "Am I a Jew", Filipinos are Orientals, period and should nothing less than proud of it.
Part of the self-loath is due of ignorance of who and what constitutes an "Asian/Oriental". To the average joe, Oriental = Chinese/Japanese/Korean and among the Filipinos who propagate the lie of being part of a non-existence "Hispanic race", there is a concerning hatred for the Oriental heritage.
Imagine my disgust when a Filipino familiar of mine took to his school's newspaper to publish about how proud he was of his non-existent "Hispanic heritage" and goes around displaying Spanish and Mexican flags all over his social media accounts and gives himself those typical hairstyles that Spanish-speaking mestizo youth in the US like to give themselves, I'm not sure what they're called and neither am I saying you can't be Satanic just because of a haircut and haircuts are not the focus of this topic.
I've made it known and plain that I absolutely can't stand the entire "Hispanic Heritage Month" name, for a simple reason, no, not out of any hatred for Spanish language or anything of that nature, for the simple the Truth "Hispanics" are NOT a "race". There are White Hispanics, Black Hispanics....and heck ASIAN HISPANICS and enemy Jewish Hispanic.
Now in regards to dedicating a month towards Spanish-speaking Americans, knock yourselves out, just do realize that every spiritually-disciplined person knows that language does NOT change your bloodline. Being Spanish-SPEAKING does NOT make you a Spaniard by default.
In regards to the status of Spanish language in the Philippines, sure, admittingly I think it SHOULD be co-officiated along with Filipino. But this is no different than my belief that French should be co-official in Vietnam, or Russian being co-official in a lot of the Turkic countries and etc.
However, does this mean that Vietnamese people are all of suddenly French? Or the Turkic-Mongolic peoples of Central Asia are Russian? Absolutely not. Does it make me Anglo-Saxon that I'm typing in English, or speak fluent English (as most of the developed world)? Absolutely not.
Even the Yuan and Qing Emperors of China, in spite of being of the same race as the Chinese, and adopting and coronating themselves according to Chinese tradition, were still aware of their differing sub-race (of Central Asian/Siberian stock to be specific). Even when Japan established the State of Manchukuo, the Qing emperors STILL divided themselves according to sub-racial lines, and only spoke Chinese and Japanese, Manchu was a dead language at that point.
Exposing the "Hispanic race" identity
This is NOT a conspiracy theory or anything and you don't need Alex Jones to tell you, it's open information that the term "Hispanic" had been criticized many times by anthropologists and historians due to its extremely vague nature, and this term is virtually NON-EXISTENT in Spanish-speaking countries. Rarely or ever, will you hear a person from Mexico, Peru, Argentina and etc., referring to themselves as "Hispanic".
In its etymology "Hispan-ic" would meaning "coming from Hispania (Roman Latin name for modern-day Spain)". Technically-speaking, if we wanted to saw "Hispanics" as a race, that would refer to the White Latins of Spain, or the Spaniards. Those who are mixed (the majority of Latin America) are the mestizo, and no...having 5% Spaniard blood doesn't make you a Spaniard. But this term has been abused by communists as part of the race-mixing and delete culture agenda. Unlike the British Empire, the Spanish Empire was notorious for race-mixing in Central and South America and was undoubtedly the more evil of the two.
Native Aztecs, Mayans, Incans, Amazonians and etc. are ORIENTALS
Once-more, there is massive ignorance on the part of many people, not just wannabe Hispanic Filipinos, as to who what constitutes "Asian", although this message to the entire world, the Asiatic race is a LOT larger than just China, Japan or Korea. That Subway Gang video, if I was a Southeast Asian, and wasn't aware of a country known as "Mexico", I would have very-likely thought those folks were Southeast Asians, because they.....basically are. Not in language, but in bloodline.
Again, one has the entire internet/AI/smartphone access (yes you, non-SS lurkers), entire JoS forum/website (for newcomer SS) to learn that the entire peoples being classified as "Native American/Mesoamerican" or "Pacific Islanders" are all descended from the Far East. Even the pre-White Hungarians and Central Europeans, and parts of European Russia are Orientals (Volga Tatars, Crimean Tatars and Kalmykia).
Just because someone no longer speaks Chinese, Mongolian, and etc., does not change your bloodline. I could go to Germany, marry an Asian diaspora citizen of Germany, and change my name to Maxiliman von Someinheighheighbacht Someonthingberg and give my fully-Asian kids fully-German names, doesn't change the bloodline. The indigenous Amazonians are even more obvious, since they bear the Southeast Asian phenotypes.
Here's a picture of Amazonian children (top) and Filipino children (bottom....guy in a purple shirt is a foreigner):
This person, a Latin gang member clearly is Asiatic....note the Asiatic eyes and facial/head structure
The striking similarity in phenotypes don't just come from nowhere, and neither does the fact that both Amazonians and Filipinos alike are dwellers of island/tropical-type regions. Same with the Mesoamericans and living hot regions. All are of Polynesian-type origin.
Here's the fine-line difference between Hispanic American vs. Asian/Pacific-Islander Heritage Month (May). The former has no racial origins, the latter DOES.
Spanish-speaking Asians were racially aware
In Puerto Rico, there was a small activist group composing of Chinese Puerto Ricans. Yet, in spite of the fact that these people wrote in Spanish, and spoke Spanish, all of their material was still geared towards the well-being of the Asiatic race, by the famous line "Somos Asiaticos", literally meaning "We are Asians" in Spanish.
The same can be said for the founding fathers of the Philippines, people like José Rizal and Emilio Aguinaldo were Spanish-speakers, and Rizal wrote his works in both Spanish and Tagalog, and knew forehand of the racial connections that the Filipinos had with the other Asians, such as the Indonesians and Malaysians (also Polynesian stock), his goals were oriented towards the "Indios Bravos", or the indigenous of the Philippines.
Filipinos already HAD a culture prior to Spanish colonization
Look back at those picture at the very top, perfectly exemplifies the title of his bolded header. What I want the Filipinos to realize, is that their culture is as rich as Chinese or Indian. Okay, maybe pre-Hispanic Philippines didn't have temples or palaces like Imperial China or Majapahit Indonesia. But the Filipinos do have their own martial arts, their own ancient alphabet (Baybayin), art, music (kulintang), and their own ancient pantheon. The entire "We are Hispanic" rhetoric attempts to destroy and whitewash all of these facets of Filipino tradition and needs to be stopped.
Two words, "Boxer Codex" - this is a literal collection of drawing by Italian artists who travelled with Spaniards in the Asia-Pacific Rim, and you'll literally see picture of ancient Filipino nobles, wearing entire gold chains and following Vedic-oriented tradition.
Ancient Tagalog noble in gold chains and royal red attire.....yep...very...very "racist" of me indeed!
So....yeah Hail Satan and wake the fuck up Fil-Ams!
"We Are Hispanic-Thumpers" Want Filipinos to Forget This (whether they're aware or not).....

And replace it with shit like this.....
Okay, I admit, I couldn't find an example for the second of cultural-less raceless identity-less visual without resorting to Latin Gang pictures and giving a wrong impression, but the highly-discerned will understand. It does enrage me to see what kind of "culture" is being forced upon the native Aztecs (Asians), because I now have Filipino familiars wanting to mimic that lifestyle as an example of "Hispanic" pride.
With much of the available AI progress, and with smartphone technology and ease of access to XYZ online encyclopedias, I haven't felt compelled to waste my finger muscles providing articles and scholarly sources to "prove this Truth". Ignorance is a literal choice - for those newcomers, do realize we no longer live in an age where you have to spend leg energy or spend gas to drive to some upscale university library to gain knowledge. While there are a lot of lies on the internet, there are also a lot of Truths, stuff you can simply access by swiping those damn black screens and typing a couple words into a browser, period.
Now with all that's going on in the Jewtrix, Ukraine, Israel and etc., yeah this may be the last thing on people's minds. But it is a Truth that needs to get out there. So this month, is Hispanic heritage month as well as Filipino-American Heritage Month in the United States. Yes, Filipinos (as all races) should be proud of their heritage and the achivements of their people. Sadly, within the Filipino-American community, especially those in the West Coast that live amonst Spanish-speaking communities, there seems to be this myth and narrative that "Filipinos are Hispanic/more Hispanic and not/than Asian". All of the other Asian diaspora in the U.S. (and abroad), like the Chinese, Vietnamese/Thai, Japanese, Korean, South Asian and etc., have all embraced their identities.
What I find troubling is the self-loath that this entire "Am I Hispanic" rhetoric that wreaks havoc among Filipinos (mostly Filipino-Americans, those in the Philippines themselves are quite aware of their Oriental identity). This "Am I Hispanic" nonsense is simply the Gentile version of "Am I a Jew", Filipinos are Orientals, period and should nothing less than proud of it.
Part of the self-loath is due of ignorance of who and what constitutes an "Asian/Oriental". To the average joe, Oriental = Chinese/Japanese/Korean and among the Filipinos who propagate the lie of being part of a non-existence "Hispanic race", there is a concerning hatred for the Oriental heritage.
Imagine my disgust when a Filipino familiar of mine took to his school's newspaper to publish about how proud he was of his non-existent "Hispanic heritage" and goes around displaying Spanish and Mexican flags all over his social media accounts and gives himself those typical hairstyles that Spanish-speaking mestizo youth in the US like to give themselves, I'm not sure what they're called and neither am I saying you can't be Satanic just because of a haircut and haircuts are not the focus of this topic.
I've made it known and plain that I absolutely can't stand the entire "Hispanic Heritage Month" name, for a simple reason, no, not out of any hatred for Spanish language or anything of that nature, for the simple the Truth "Hispanics" are NOT a "race". There are White Hispanics, Black Hispanics....and heck ASIAN HISPANICS and enemy Jewish Hispanic.
Now in regards to dedicating a month towards Spanish-speaking Americans, knock yourselves out, just do realize that every spiritually-disciplined person knows that language does NOT change your bloodline. Being Spanish-SPEAKING does NOT make you a Spaniard by default.
In regards to the status of Spanish language in the Philippines, sure, admittingly I think it SHOULD be co-officiated along with Filipino. But this is no different than my belief that French should be co-official in Vietnam, or Russian being co-official in a lot of the Turkic countries and etc.
However, does this mean that Vietnamese people are all of suddenly French? Or the Turkic-Mongolic peoples of Central Asia are Russian? Absolutely not. Does it make me Anglo-Saxon that I'm typing in English, or speak fluent English (as most of the developed world)? Absolutely not.
Even the Yuan and Qing Emperors of China, in spite of being of the same race as the Chinese, and adopting and coronating themselves according to Chinese tradition, were still aware of their differing sub-race (of Central Asian/Siberian stock to be specific). Even when Japan established the State of Manchukuo, the Qing emperors STILL divided themselves according to sub-racial lines, and only spoke Chinese and Japanese, Manchu was a dead language at that point.
Exposing the "Hispanic race" identity
This is NOT a conspiracy theory or anything and you don't need Alex Jones to tell you, it's open information that the term "Hispanic" had been criticized many times by anthropologists and historians due to its extremely vague nature, and this term is virtually NON-EXISTENT in Spanish-speaking countries. Rarely or ever, will you hear a person from Mexico, Peru, Argentina and etc., referring to themselves as "Hispanic".
In its etymology "Hispan-ic" would meaning "coming from Hispania (Roman Latin name for modern-day Spain)". Technically-speaking, if we wanted to saw "Hispanics" as a race, that would refer to the White Latins of Spain, or the Spaniards. Those who are mixed (the majority of Latin America) are the mestizo, and no...having 5% Spaniard blood doesn't make you a Spaniard. But this term has been abused by communists as part of the race-mixing and delete culture agenda. Unlike the British Empire, the Spanish Empire was notorious for race-mixing in Central and South America and was undoubtedly the more evil of the two.
Native Aztecs, Mayans, Incans, Amazonians and etc. are ORIENTALS
Once-more, there is massive ignorance on the part of many people, not just wannabe Hispanic Filipinos, as to who what constitutes "Asian", although this message to the entire world, the Asiatic race is a LOT larger than just China, Japan or Korea. That Subway Gang video, if I was a Southeast Asian, and wasn't aware of a country known as "Mexico", I would have very-likely thought those folks were Southeast Asians, because they.....basically are. Not in language, but in bloodline.
Again, one has the entire internet/AI/smartphone access (yes you, non-SS lurkers), entire JoS forum/website (for newcomer SS) to learn that the entire peoples being classified as "Native American/Mesoamerican" or "Pacific Islanders" are all descended from the Far East. Even the pre-White Hungarians and Central Europeans, and parts of European Russia are Orientals (Volga Tatars, Crimean Tatars and Kalmykia).
Just because someone no longer speaks Chinese, Mongolian, and etc., does not change your bloodline. I could go to Germany, marry an Asian diaspora citizen of Germany, and change my name to Maxiliman von Someinheighheighbacht Someonthingberg and give my fully-Asian kids fully-German names, doesn't change the bloodline. The indigenous Amazonians are even more obvious, since they bear the Southeast Asian phenotypes.
Here's a picture of Amazonian children (top) and Filipino children (bottom....guy in a purple shirt is a foreigner):

This person, a Latin gang member clearly is Asiatic....note the Asiatic eyes and facial/head structure

The striking similarity in phenotypes don't just come from nowhere, and neither does the fact that both Amazonians and Filipinos alike are dwellers of island/tropical-type regions. Same with the Mesoamericans and living hot regions. All are of Polynesian-type origin.
Here's the fine-line difference between Hispanic American vs. Asian/Pacific-Islander Heritage Month (May). The former has no racial origins, the latter DOES.
Spanish-speaking Asians were racially aware
In Puerto Rico, there was a small activist group composing of Chinese Puerto Ricans. Yet, in spite of the fact that these people wrote in Spanish, and spoke Spanish, all of their material was still geared towards the well-being of the Asiatic race, by the famous line "Somos Asiaticos", literally meaning "We are Asians" in Spanish.
The same can be said for the founding fathers of the Philippines, people like José Rizal and Emilio Aguinaldo were Spanish-speakers, and Rizal wrote his works in both Spanish and Tagalog, and knew forehand of the racial connections that the Filipinos had with the other Asians, such as the Indonesians and Malaysians (also Polynesian stock), his goals were oriented towards the "Indios Bravos", or the indigenous of the Philippines.
Filipinos already HAD a culture prior to Spanish colonization
Look back at those picture at the very top, perfectly exemplifies the title of his bolded header. What I want the Filipinos to realize, is that their culture is as rich as Chinese or Indian. Okay, maybe pre-Hispanic Philippines didn't have temples or palaces like Imperial China or Majapahit Indonesia. But the Filipinos do have their own martial arts, their own ancient alphabet (Baybayin), art, music (kulintang), and their own ancient pantheon. The entire "We are Hispanic" rhetoric attempts to destroy and whitewash all of these facets of Filipino tradition and needs to be stopped.
Two words, "Boxer Codex" - this is a literal collection of drawing by Italian artists who travelled with Spaniards in the Asia-Pacific Rim, and you'll literally see picture of ancient Filipino nobles, wearing entire gold chains and following Vedic-oriented tradition.
Ancient Tagalog noble in gold chains and royal red attire.....yep...very...very "racist" of me indeed!

So....yeah Hail Satan and wake the fuck up Fil-Ams!