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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2019
This is coming from my personal experience , I will try to be as simpler as it can be and if anyone has any question please be free to comment , I have done this working and it manifested in one HOUR time with very near impossible ODD's , I have done this working to gain back one of my Ex's , the reason I have said "impossible OD's" and why this is not just a simple coincidence [the fact we got back together after the spell] it's because when we broke up, we done it in a very bad way, no way we could go back ever again , unless you're dealing with the occult and practicing it .

The lesson I've learned from life and the universe after this experience is that some people part ways for a reason, and it's often best for them to stay separated. Trying to come back together usually isn't the best choice. No matter how you reunite, an ending is an ending that leads to a new beginning. However, experience is the best teacher, and true understanding comes through it.

Below I am suggesting and advising a few things, but before anything else, please remember and pay attention to this very thing!
No matter how desperate are you to be with someone , no matter how powerful you're thinking you're are , please ONLY DO as much as you can! Do not fry yourself up by over-exaggerating quantity of numbers while running Venu's mantra or when using any other mantra/runes as a matter of fact , everyone knows their level and where they reside in the current time but don't be a fool and a crazy to do more then you can do as this will only result in pain and the opposite of progress.

Another and last important note on this : Although you might be excited to find this information and finally be with whoever you wish being , you have to be patient , the only reason I am saying this it's because it would be better to optimize things and do this working a few times for instance 3 days then 100 days , now , by this I do not mean those 3 days equals 100 days of the actual working but in someway it does because you're literally striving forwards when the UNIVERSE is FAVORIZING IT [your manifestation/desire]. - Universe favors it because you will be doing this spell on the best time [astrological speaking].

Sometimes it's better to do things when you're feeling them doing , surely , but watching JOS's astrology calendar for best times it's a great thing to do!
I have done many spiritual workings and I can tell the difference between a simple spiritual working on a random day comparing to one which has followed and respected the current sky planetary aspects, if you're following this "small" details, I am telling you, you will be open mouth shocked , it does not matter how new you are or how strong you are for as long as you're following some details, you can be way weaker then somebody on a spiritual level but if you know your stuff and do it in the "Right Time" I am telling you, not only that you're smarter then the other person but you will have more success as well in your doings.

The spell in itself it's very easy, it just requires you to vibrate Venus Mantra , summoning Venus energy onto you and somebody else, binding both of you of each other, green energy.
On a Friday [Venu's day] at Venus Hour [for this you can download ChronosXP, this is an app which can be downloaded on windows to show you the planetary hours, REMEMBER to change your settings with the city and country you're living in it so you get the right hour!]

Okay so let me try to summarize everything in a more simpler and understandable way, there's much details on this working and I can make it more complex even which I will, this leads to even more potent energy and manifestation.

Requirement 1# : Friday day
Requirement 2# : Venu's Hour
Requirement 3# : Waxing Moon , in a good sign for love [Sex and Love are two different things , close to each other and at times same but mostly not as their own energy are a bit different from each other] so in this case if you're looking for true love and affection in a cheesy way then you should such a working on a either Taurus,Libra,Pisces,Cancer sign.
Requirement 4# : Another thing that would help a lot in your working is if you're literally trying to use each and single detail that might empower your spiritual working , in this case try to hunt for not just a waxing moon but one which is close to the full Moon, a day before the Moon get's full, I have waited the right time and I have done my working when Venus was in excel [Pisces] in the current astrological sky, Moon was FULL in that day in Taurus , my spell manifested in one hour [but that all depends of many other things, the details you're paying attention to and your literal POWER]

Requirement 5# : It would be best to rise your energies before doing this working , it all depends on what level you are as well , remember the steps to witchcraft , so do yoga, vibrations , breathing exercise and many other things , just rise your energy and soul/power before you start the actual working.

Requirement 6# If possible , it would be best if you do this working when the other person is sleeping [in case you're doing this spell to attract someone in specific, when doing spells best time is 03-04 am, because at this time the energies are not so chaotic and everything is more at ease in that time, beside most of the people are sleeping and they are more easier to be spelled on at that time.

The Love Spell:
Step 1: Breathing Planetary/Stellar energy within yourself [ Venus Energy ]
Source for this : https://satanisgod.org/Star_Magick.html

You could simply either just inspire Venus energy within yourself without doing any affirmation , that's only because you will start using it's mantra straight away afterwards.

Step 2: This spells stars as a venus planetary square , it's same principle , the only difference it's that we just gonna start the first day with a bigger ammount of venus Vibration, myself I have done this spell just one day and it manifested in one hour time .
Vibrate Venus Spiritual Mantra for as much as you can, I have done it for 100x times .

Important note: When you're visualizing green energy coming onto you and expanding on you , you've also got to visualize this energy upon your partner and visualize you two as already being together, kissing, feeling the happiness of being with her and this kind of stuff , affirmation to be used after the mantra : "X is in love with me and always wants me" or make your own creative affirmation.

That's all, you can also extend this working by doing various other things as well.

Other Things you can do to improve this working even more:
1: Sending sexual energy with affirmation onto the person
2:Using runes with affirmaiton
3: To strengthen the spell, go into a trance when she is asleep, visualize her and pull her glowing body out of her body, then give her commands in a tender but firm way. For example: '__(name of the desired one)__, you love me and desire me dearly, every day. I am irresistible to you." - source: https://bucurialuisatan.com/vraja-de-iubire/

You could after Venus mantra just use another affirmation as simple as : "The energies of Venus are attracting and offering me the best love partner for me in the most positive ways for me" if you're wishing to attract somebody unknown, someone new. I apologies for my gramma as English is not my native language and if anyone has any questions or wants to debate and stuff then feel free to do so.

Good luck you Zorro's and Cupidon's , I hope this will stay here for hundreds of years, you could visit me in Hell with your perfect soul mates and thank me later, having a toast , this spell worked wonders for me!

Ave Satanas !
This is coming from my personal experience , I will try to be as simpler as it can be and if anyone has any question please be free to comment , I have done this working and it manifested in one HOUR time with very near impossible ODD's , I have done this working to gain back one of my Ex's , the reason I have said "impossible OD's" and why this is not just a simple coincidence [the fact we got back together after the spell] it's because when we broke up, we done it in a very bad way, no way we could go back ever again , unless you're dealing with the occult and practicing it .

The lesson I've learned from life and the universe after this experience is that some people part ways for a reason, and it's often best for them to stay separated. Trying to come back together usually isn't the best choice. No matter how you reunite, an ending is an ending that leads to a new beginning. However, experience is the best teacher, and true understanding comes through it.

Below I am suggesting and advising a few things, but before anything else, please remember and pay attention to this very thing!
No matter how desperate are you to be with someone , no matter how powerful you're thinking you're are , please ONLY DO as much as you can! Do not fry yourself up by over-exaggerating quantity of numbers while running Venu's mantra or when using any other mantra/runes as a matter of fact , everyone knows their level and where they reside in the current time but don't be a fool and a crazy to do more then you can do as this will only result in pain and the opposite of progress.

Another and last important note on this : Although you might be excited to find this information and finally be with whoever you wish being , you have to be patient , the only reason I am saying this it's because it would be better to optimize things and do this working a few times for instance 3 days then 100 days , now , by this I do not mean those 3 days equals 100 days of the actual working but in someway it does because you're literally striving forwards when the UNIVERSE is FAVORIZING IT [your manifestation/desire]. - Universe favors it because you will be doing this spell on the best time [astrological speaking].

Sometimes it's better to do things when you're feeling them doing , surely , but watching JOS's astrology calendar for best times it's a great thing to do!
I have done many spiritual workings and I can tell the difference between a simple spiritual working on a random day comparing to one which has followed and respected the current sky planetary aspects, if you're following this "small" details, I am telling you, you will be open mouth shocked , it does not matter how new you are or how strong you are for as long as you're following some details, you can be way weaker then somebody on a spiritual level but if you know your stuff and do it in the "Right Time" I am telling you, not only that you're smarter then the other person but you will have more success as well in your doings.

The spell in itself it's very easy, it just requires you to vibrate Venus Mantra , summoning Venus energy onto you and somebody else, binding both of you of each other, green energy.
On a Friday [Venu's day] at Venus Hour [for this you can download ChronosXP, this is an app which can be downloaded on windows to show you the planetary hours, REMEMBER to change your settings with the city and country you're living in it so you get the right hour!]

Okay so let me try to summarize everything in a more simpler and understandable way, there's much details on this working and I can make it more complex even which I will, this leads to even more potent energy and manifestation.

Requirement 1# : Friday day
Requirement 2# : Venu's Hour
Requirement 3# : Waxing Moon , in a good sign for love [Sex and Love are two different things , close to each other and at times same but mostly not as their own energy are a bit different from each other] so in this case if you're looking for true love and affection in a cheesy way then you should such a working on a either Taurus,Libra,Pisces,Cancer sign.
Requirement 4# : Another thing that would help a lot in your working is if you're literally trying to use each and single detail that might empower your spiritual working , in this case try to hunt for not just a waxing moon but one which is close to the full Moon, a day before the Moon get's full, I have waited the right time and I have done my working when Venus was in excel [Pisces] in the current astrological sky, Moon was FULL in that day in Taurus , my spell manifested in one hour [but that all depends of many other things, the details you're paying attention to and your literal POWER]

Requirement 5# : It would be best to rise your energies before doing this working , it all depends on what level you are as well , remember the steps to witchcraft , so do yoga, vibrations , breathing exercise and many other things , just rise your energy and soul/power before you start the actual working.

Requirement 6# If possible , it would be best if you do this working when the other person is sleeping [in case you're doing this spell to attract someone in specific, when doing spells best time is 03-04 am, because at this time the energies are not so chaotic and everything is more at ease in that time, beside most of the people are sleeping and they are more easier to be spelled on at that time.

The Love Spell:
Step 1: Breathing Planetary/Stellar energy within yourself [ Venus Energy ]
Source for this : https://satanisgod.org/Star_Magick.html

You could simply either just inspire Venus energy within yourself without doing any affirmation , that's only because you will start using it's mantra straight away afterwards.

Step 2: This spells stars as a venus planetary square , it's same principle , the only difference it's that we just gonna start the first day with a bigger ammount of venus Vibration, myself I have done this spell just one day and it manifested in one hour time .
Vibrate Venus Spiritual Mantra for as much as you can, I have done it for 100x times .

Important note: When you're visualizing green energy coming onto you and expanding on you , you've also got to visualize this energy upon your partner and visualize you two as already being together, kissing, feeling the happiness of being with her and this kind of stuff , affirmation to be used after the mantra : "X is in love with me and always wants me" or make your own creative affirmation.

That's all, you can also extend this working by doing various other things as well.

Other Things you can do to improve this working even more:
1: Sending sexual energy with affirmation onto the person
2:Using runes with affirmaiton
3: To strengthen the spell, go into a trance when she is asleep, visualize her and pull her glowing body out of her body, then give her commands in a tender but firm way. For example: '__(name of the desired one)__, you love me and desire me dearly, every day. I am irresistible to you." - source: https://bucurialuisatan.com/vraja-de-iubire/

You could after Venus mantra just use another affirmation as simple as : "The energies of Venus are attracting and offering me the best love partner for me in the most positive ways for me" if you're wishing to attract somebody unknown, someone new. I apologies for my gramma as English is not my native language and if anyone has any questions or wants to debate and stuff then feel free to do so.

Good luck you Zorro's and Cupidon's , I hope this will stay here for hundreds of years, you could visit me in Hell with your perfect soul mates and thank me later, having a toast , this spell worked wonders for me!

Ave Satanas !

The main problem I see from this post is not the general spiritual knowledge which has been gathered together, but that by doing this at a specific person with the affirmation or programming that they "love me, always want me" and so on, you are basically dominating their will and choice of a partner. Given the speed of this, they will probably be bewildered at what is happened to them, too.

Just because you can do something doesn't mean it is always ethical, nor do I see anything in here that says "positive for me AND them". How is it fair that we can "be with whoever you wish being" (your words), but these other people do not have this option?

Lastly, just by the phrasing of this title and other wording, I imagine it will draw all kinds of desperate people who will rush to try this. Even if there is no consideration for the recipient of this energetic domination, I don't see any warning to the SS about how it is possible to make a mistake in judgement regarding partners, who may then have someone connected to them that they shouldn't.

Plenty of times I had thought or felt someone could be a good partner for me, later to understand that this was not the case. If I had acted on it at the time, it would've created a mess to undo, especially if either persons started taking material actions beyond the initial energetic connections.

I am of the opinion that it is better to aim these types of workings more generally, such as "my love live has permanently improved", then let the working take the course it needs to, such as finding the right people, as well as leading to the necessary individual growth to sustain this, rather than just forcing a bond onto someone as fast as possible.
The main problem I see from this post is not the general spiritual knowledge which has been gathered together, but that by doing this at a specific person with the affirmation or programming that they "love me, always want me" and so on, you are basically dominating their will and choice of a partner. Given the speed of this, they will probably be bewildered at what is happened to them, too.

Just because you can do something doesn't mean it is always ethical, nor do I see anything in here that says "positive for me AND them". How is it fair that we can "be with whoever you wish being" (your words), but these other people do not have this option?

Lastly, just by the phrasing of this title and other wording, I imagine it will draw all kinds of desperate people who will rush to try this. Even if there is no consideration for the recipient of this energetic domination, I don't see any warning to the SS about how it is possible to make a mistake in judgement regarding partners, who may then have someone connected to them that they shouldn't.

Plenty of times I had thought or felt someone could be a good partner for me, later to understand that this was not the case. If I had acted on it at the time, it would've created a mess to undo, especially if either persons started taking material actions beyond the initial energetic connections.

I am of the opinion that it is better to aim these types of workings more generally, such as "my love live has permanently improved", then let the working take the course it needs to, such as finding the right people, as well as leading to the necessary individual growth to sustain this, rather than just forcing a bond onto someone as fast as possible.
While I do agree that a better spell would be to attract the perfect partner or to improve the love life, there is a thing I don't understand, let's say I do a spell to attract the best partner for me, so the spell will bring me what I'm asking, someone who is perfect for me, is this not going to "manipulate" someone will? If it were not for the spell they would have not come to you, we are altering their fate so we can have our best partner. It is the same thing with doing a spell to improve my love life, it will improve by bringing me what I need. The same thing would happen if I do spell to become more attractive, I'm still influencing people through my magic in a way. So this battle against love spells for specific people it's just weird to me.

The same thing could be said about other spells too, let's say that I do a spell to find the perfect job for me, I do find it and it was fated to someone else. Should I feel bad? I used my magic to get what I needed. In this world right now things work in this way, whoever is more powerful wins. We are not in a world full of Gods and spiritually awakened people.
In this world right now things work in this way, whoever is more powerful wins. We are not in a world full of Gods and spiritually awakened people.
Since nobody replied to you I will give my opinion as you gave a really good alternate view of the situation.

This is an example I thought of as of now.
I honestly think love spells are ethical when the said person is already in some romantic situation with you.

Imagine you are in your early 20s-30s and you are having a relationship/situationship with a girl that already has feelings for you.
Most of the time this girl will not be a Satanist and she will have a social media that she scrolls through on a daily basis.
You know what this means psychologically. She will most likely be influenced by her surroundings - social standards, external energies etc.

Then the love spell will actually be ethical because you are let's say helping her detach from external factors that are influencing her to live the life that the social agenda is pushing the women at.
Maybe you will protect her from having thoughts of cheating just for fun, maybe you will be able to strengthen your bond with her, regardless of the external factor.
On a side note, everyone will have different experiences.

Love is complicated, so this is just an example. I also had thoughts that it is better for a normal person to be with a SS instead of someone without the protection of the Gods.

But since I see from whom are the reactions of the @Blitzkreig [JG] post maybe we should strive to be ethical first and not do whatever we want/wish is better for us and other people. Who knows? It depends.

This is what I think based on all of the thread. Maybe different situations have different truths to them.
I hope that I gave a good example.
Do not override other people's choice or judgment when it comes to choosing sexual partners.

Instead focus on improving yourself so you are more attractive to compatible partners. Not people you think you are compatible with.

Good reply. This is very unethical and reckless as is.
I am among those who have done love spells on the wrong people, due primarily to lack of emotional control. I didn't properly analyze and logically approach the situations. And like the others I can tell everyone this is a terrible thing to do no matter how you look at it. It's not only unethical and unfair to the other person, it's also extremely unlikely to work out well.
Twice I got into relationships that ended up badly hurting both of us. Another time I just hurt the girl and ended up regretful and disgusted with myself, as she was the one I should have worked for by fixing, improving and developing myself. She was worth it and I instead fucked it up because of this sick mentality of using magick to appease the "needs" of my emotional and mental weakness. Trust me, these are not lessons you want to learn the hard way. Don't be an immature, selfish dumbass like I was.
Learn to love and grow yourself before you try find a life-long lover.
Good reply. This is very unethical and reckless as is.
I am among those who have done love spells on the wrong people, due primarily to lack of emotional control. I didn't properly analyze and logically approach the situations. And like the others I can tell everyone this is a terrible thing to do no matter how you look at it. It's not only unethical and unfair to the other person, it's also extremely unlikely to work out well.
Twice I got into relationships that ended up badly hurting both of us. Another time I just hurt the girl and ended up regretful and disgusted with myself, as she was the one I should have worked for by fixing, improving and developing myself. She was worth it and I instead fucked it up because of this sick mentality of using magick to appease the "needs" of my emotional and mental weakness. Trust me, these are not lessons you want to learn the hard way. Don't be an immature, selfish dumbass like I was.
Learn to love and grow yourself before you try find a life-long lover.
For one to truly learn the full experience and lesson he has to go trough this thing, one should remember that He's free, totally , to do as he wishes , regardless of anything else, that's what I see SS as , surely we SS follow the ethics but I this topic is more complex then this thing of "it's not ethical" what's ethics in your perception and point of view? What seems wrong for other's might not be seen as bad for another one's , there's things in life that you fully desire with all of your soul, willing to even die for it, to obtain it , regardless of the OD's for me it was more of a personal test of power, I had to prove myself that I am capable by actually demonstrating it, the actual work itself worked wonders, twice, I am proud? I couldn't fully answer that, I am not happy neither sad, I am grateful that I have learned something important and that I had the privilege to try it and use my free WILL.

@Blitzkreig [JG]

You're saying there is not a warning , there was , it was this: "The lesson I've learned from life and the universe after this experience is that some people part ways for a reason, and it's often best for them to stay separated. Trying to come back together usually isn't the best choice. No matter how you reunite, an ending is an ending that leads to a new beginning. However, experience is the best teacher, and true understanding comes through it." meaning it's no point onto bringing someone to you because you would had to sustain this energy , not only do the spell and workings once but once in a while, to sustain the actual work, obviously if you stop then the relationships tend to end it very badly ,but that's normal, be happy for being alive and for experiencing such things and for being able to manifest such things.
No quiero criticar este post, pero debo decir que a mí me hicieron un hechizo de ese tipo y me di cuenta porque empecé a tener pensamientos que nunca antes había tenido hacia esa persona y sabía que esos pensamientos no venían de mí.

Conocía a esa persona de antes y sabía que no me interesaba románticamente. Me sentí similar a cuando una vez un gris intenté poner pensamientos negativos en mi mente hacia la meditación: supe que no eran mis pensamientos, porque nunca he visto la meditación como algo negativo.
Since nobody replied to you I will give my opinion as you gave a really good alternate view of the situation.

This is an example I thought of as of now.
I honestly think love spells are ethical when the said person is already in some romantic situation with you.

Imagine you are in your early 20s-30s and you are having a relationship/situationship with a girl that already has feelings for you.
Most of the time this girl will not be a Satanist and she will have a social media that she scrolls through on a daily basis.
You know what this means psychologically. She will most likely be influenced by her surroundings - social standards, external energies etc.

Then the love spell will actually be ethical because you are let's say helping her detach from external factors that are influencing her to live the life that the social agenda is pushing the women at.
Maybe you will protect her from having thoughts of cheating just for fun, maybe you will be able to strengthen your bond with her, regardless of the external factor.
On a side note, everyone will have different experiences.

Love is complicated, so this is just an example. I also had thoughts that it is better for a normal person to be with a SS instead of someone without the protection of the Gods.

But since I see from whom are the reactions of the @Blitzkreig [JG] post maybe we should strive to be ethical first and not do whatever we want/wish is better for us and other people. Who knows? It depends.

This is what I think based on all of the thread. Maybe different situations have different truths to them.
I hope that I gave a good example.
I'm just trying to open a discussion here. If I do make myself more attractive through magic and someone falls in love with me then am I not influencing them in a way to be more attracted to me? It is the same thing if I use a spell to attract the most compatible person for me (which is the best thing to do, we don't know if the random person we choose to do a love spell on is compatible with us), we are still influencing the life of that person so we can attract them to us. Now they are compatible but if we want to have a relationship, we still need to have some influence on them so we can manifest it.

I just looked through the forum to see if HP HoodedCobra ever wrote something about love spells and I found this https://ancient-forums.com/threads/love-ritual.64036/#post-291254, he does say here it's not wrong to do and it's on Jos. I wish in the future we would have a definitive answer on this, rather than some member's speculations, I'm not trying to be hateful but I do trust an HP that is closer to the Gods more than anyone else, even myself. I could be wrong here too, but I found this and trust HP more.
Surely if a love spell is unethical why is it still a listed spell on the JoS? That one uses the power of orgasm which is much stronger than the runes, if its ethically inappropriate then a disclaimer should be placed on that page or it should be removed entirely.

The ethics around love spells have always confused me on the one hand it almost seems like a very unbalanced way to start a relationship at best but on the other hand is it even different from lets say being jacked and wearing nice clothes? Is it a matter of strength, I feel a powerful enough spell in this regard may just outright dominate another person and their free will, is it a question of the dosage makes the poison? A small spell is just putting a good foot forward but a massive one would be morally questionable?

I have found binding people to not do things is shockingly easy, I have never tried binding someone to do something like lets say love me but it raises the question if I can make someone love me that easy is that okay? It feels somewhat not okay, yet I feel using my aura to make myself attractive is perfectly moral to me that feels more like wearing a good suit.

Perhaps a sermon on appropriate usage of magic is in order, it was only last year when I joined the forums and found out Karma exists, when I became a Satanist it was repeatedly said Karma was a lie, it feels like I dont really even understand what would be "Good Karma" is cursing the jews good karma? Is hating someone but not acting on it bad karma? Is a love spell bad karma? is cursing a muslim good or bad karma?
While I do agree that a better spell would be to attract the perfect partner or to improve the love life, there is a thing I don't understand, let's say I do a spell to attract the best partner for me, so the spell will bring me what I'm asking, someone who is perfect for me, is this not going to "manipulate" someone will? If it were not for the spell they would have not come to you, we are altering their fate so we can have our best partner. It is the same thing with doing a spell to improve my love life, it will improve by bringing me what I need. The same thing would happen if I do spell to become more attractive, I'm still influencing people through my magic in a way. So this battle against love spells for specific people it's just weird to me.

The same thing could be said about other spells too, let's say that I do a spell to find the perfect job for me, I do find it and it was fated to someone else. Should I feel bad? I used my magic to get what I needed. In this world right now things work in this way, whoever is more powerful wins. We are not in a world full of Gods and spiritually awakened people.

My reasoning for why love spells on specific people can be a bad idea is that the practitioner often DOES NOT KNOW the person or themselves well enough or the nature of their relationship to understand what is going to happen. In some cases, this relates to ignorance of unfinished business, othertimes, it's just basic lack of awareness of anything.

Even if they understand Tarot or Astrology [rare], they can still be delusional and ignore what those are saying.

These spells can bind people to you quite a lot, depending on how much you do them. So you don't want to do these spells for some person you have a vague crush on and then feel disgusted by or neutral to or 'what the hell was I thinking'... which is a very normal process with wishy-washy or socially conditioned crushes (certain teenage girls have crushes on celebrity males or boys who can buy them alcohol, then they grow up and think 'what the hell was that?, to use an example...). You want them for very serious love matters. There's a pop song called love takes time or something, that's actually true.

On the other hand, if you take no risks in life and just dither about what 'could happen' like a fretting toddler, you will end up a static lump of nothing, who does nothing. 7th House cannot be invested into with 'nothing'. People do need to experiment WITHIN REASON. There are a lot of dimensions to love and sex and things like this. HPS Maxine put these on the site because they are a very ancient and constantly used type of Magick, particularly by women. HP Cobra said this because people 'can' do them, yes, because that's how it is.

It would be ludicrous if you 'can't' do this whatsoever yet the spell to curse someone to death is there on the site, the latter person is certainly not consenting.

The other issue is that methods to theoretically harm someone else are often done by people without 'unconsciously' with varying levels of power (like Mars in Scorpio people whose hatred can unconsciously ruin others) . LIkewise, this idea that Love Magick is always a thoroughly unnatural intrusion onto consent wielded by a neckbearded freak in a raincoat and not present already in the 'goyim world' is not really true. It is there in varying forms. Even when someone fantasizes about someone else and does whatever as a result, it's present.

Someone with prominent Mars or Venus in the 8th or 5th (if they don't have tons of contradictions to these tendencies) is typically going to have spiritual advantages on average that means they trash or divert their romantic or sexual competition, function like a magnet, think about sex or romance a lot compared to the 'frigid' who don't desire it, make their partner subconsciously give in (natural hypnotic suggestive quality), and so on.

YET, I can't go into this too much, but this kind of person often has advantages they and their family have refined in this area that require perpetual MATERIAL ACTIVE EFFORT (i.e. successfully achieving romance or sex), sustained in REALITY. So the sometimes Magickal adeptness present in the fiber of their nativity is a 'reward' here, it isn't 'by accident'.

The downside is that this can have really adverse consequences when someone invests so much into romance, sex and power compared to... anything else. This position can also be involved occasionally in dark sided and very nonconsensual things like stalking someone or abusing a partner. The reward can be somewhat poisonous. Just like using a love spell stupidly, even these natural things have consequences. One example is the 8th House person becoming insanely obsessed with a person and this makes their life take a huge turn for the worse like murder. Others are STIs, for instance. These can bring serious destabilization.

This applies even racially, for those who are aware. Blacks have it easier with overt flirting and sensuality [this can have adverse consequences when too much sex is 'achieved' for obvious reasons] because they invest much into it, they always did. Other races are more moderate in their expressions of sensuality or had traditions of arranged marriages where the connection was not so much sexual but meant to be companionate, cerebral and status-oriented. These approaches all have pluses and minuses.

As people have observed here due to the popularity of blackpill theories etc, yes, looks alone can do this as well. The halo of certain beautiful people can make others become completely irrational to the point of overriding their 'default setting' and to be honest, this is not really 'ethical' at all either, Socrates warns about this. Beautiful people can get away with a lot of bad things (NOT always, occasionally beautiful people are screwed because of their beauty). Power can also do this. Ugly toads in government can and do fuck whoever they want.

Likewise yes, you are correct, the 'I am attracting the best partner' is still broadly 'unethical', yet it's wiser in a sense because it does avoid the pitfalls of attracting the wrong person.

Whether you decide to use a targeted or general spell for love, sex and romance should be considered with ethical understanding and foresight as possible, just as much as death spells are, because using them like a deranged moron has consequences. The more you go into Satanism, the more you need to exhibit self-control and knowledge rather than leaving a bunch of broken people. We are not a bunch of retarded sluts or sadists like certain European figureheads I won't name., our powers are meant to be for good. Obviously, these spells should be used ethically and with a mature mind. I personally think they are best suited for grounded adults, not kids.

People in basements have tried these spells on celebrities they have zero chance of meeting and this is just silliness coming from a childish mind, not to mention weird. It would be one thing if you were like a PR manager who works with these people or someone who goes to a club where they are and knows them as friends, but not as some pimply fan who idealizes such people.

I think JG Blitzkreig's affirmation for improving the love life in general is the best course of action for younger members. This gives ground to evolve and experiment - which is a NECESSITY for a good love life. People have resistance to this because they think it means whoredom, but courtship and dating doesn't have to mean that at all.
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For one to truly learn the full experience and lesson he has to go trough this thing, one should remember that He's free, totally , to do as he wishes , regardless of anything else, that's what I see SS as , surely we SS follow the ethics but I this topic is more complex then this thing of "it's not ethical" what's ethics in your perception and point of view? What seems wrong for other's might not be seen as bad for another one's , there's things in life that you fully desire with all of your soul, willing to even die for it, to obtain it , regardless of the OD's for me it was more of a personal test of power, I had to prove myself that I am capable by actually demonstrating it, the actual work itself worked wonders, twice, I am proud? I couldn't fully answer that, I am not happy neither sad, I am grateful that I have learned something important and that I had the privilege to try it and use my free WILL.

@Blitzkreig [JG]

You're saying there is not a warning , there was , it was this: "The lesson I've learned from life and the universe after this experience is that some people part ways for a reason, and it's often best for them to stay separated. Trying to come back together usually isn't the best choice. No matter how you reunite, an ending is an ending that leads to a new beginning. However, experience is the best teacher, and true understanding comes through it." meaning it's no point onto bringing someone to you because you would had to sustain this energy , not only do the spell and workings once but once in a while, to sustain the actual work, obviously if you stop then the relationships tend to end it very badly ,but that's normal, be happy for being alive and for experiencing such things and for being able to manifest such things.
I didn't mean to attack you or make you feel anything like that, I just know from the experience of myself and many others and it's important to share such knowledge so others can avoid mistakes and grow without negative catalysts.
Ethics are of our souls and are FAR more than just beliefs. Same as "good vs evil". If we treat these things as being just a matter of personal opinion then nothing matters, and everything is permissible unless opposed by sufficient force. The result of that is endless atrocities, fighting, and degeneration.

Imagine being on the other end of this - having someone wield their power over you to change your will. Would you feel loved by that person? Would you want to be with them after finding out what they did? Being able to do something doesn't make it OK to do, or even a good idea to do.

I honestly don't know why this topic is still on our website as is. It's a very complicated and in-depth topic and the cases where love/lust magick is ok to use are rare.
My reasoning for why love spells on specific people can be a bad idea is that the practitioner often DOES NOT KNOW the person or themselves well enough or the nature of their relationship to understand what is going to happen. In some cases, this relates to ignorance of unfinished business, othertimes, it's just basic lack of awareness of anything.

Even if they understand Tarot or Astrology [rare], they can still be delusional and ignore what those are saying.

These spells can bind people to you quite a lot, depending on how much you do them. So you don't want to do these spells for some person you have a vague crush on and then feel disgusted by or neutral to or 'what the hell was I thinking'... which is a very normal process with wishy-washy or socially conditioned crushes (certain teenage girls have crushes on celebrity males or boys who can buy them alcohol, then they grow up and think 'what the hell was that?, to use an example...). You want them for very serious love matters. There's a pop song called love takes time or something, that's actually true.

On the other hand, if you take no risks in life and just dither about what 'could happen' like a fretting toddler, you will end up a static lump of nothing, who does nothing. 7th House cannot be invested into with 'nothing'. People do need to experiment WITHIN REASON. There are a lot of dimensions to love and sex and things like this. HPS Maxine put these on the site because they are a very ancient and constantly used type of Magick, particularly by women. HP Cobra said this because people 'can' do them, yes, because that's how it is.

It would be ludicrous if you 'can't' do this whatsoever yet the spell to curse someone to death is there on the site, the latter person is certainly not consenting.

The other issue is that methods to theoretically harm someone else are often done by people without 'unconsciously' with varying levels of power (like Mars in Scorpio people whose hatred can unconsciously ruin others) . LIkewise, this idea that Love Magick is always a thoroughly unnatural intrusion onto consent wielded by a neckbearded freak in a raincoat and not present already in the 'goyim world' is not really true. It is there in varying forms. Even when someone fantasizes about someone else and does whatever as a result, it's present.

Someone with prominent Mars or Venus in the 8th or 5th (if they don't have tons of contradictions to these tendencies) is typically going to have spiritual advantages on average that means they trash or divert their romantic or sexual competition, function like a magnet, think about sex or romance a lot compared to the 'frigid' who don't desire it, make their partner subconsciously give in (natural hypnotic suggestive quality), and so on.

YET, I can't go into this too much, but this kind of person often has advantages they and their family have refined in this area that require perpetual MATERIAL ACTIVE EFFORT (i.e. successfully achieving romance or sex), sustained in REALITY. So the sometimes Magickal adeptness present in the fiber of their nativity is a 'reward' here, it isn't 'by accident'.

The downside is that this can have really adverse consequences when someone invests so much into romance, sex and power compared to... anything else. This position can also be involved occasionally in dark sided and very nonconsensual things like stalking someone or abusing a partner. The reward can be somewhat poisonous. Just like using a love spell stupidly, even these natural things have consequences. One example is the 8th House person becoming insanely obsessed with a person and this makes their life take a huge turn for the worse like murder. Others are STIs, for instance. These can bring serious destabilization.

This applies even racially, for those who are aware. Blacks have it easier with overt flirting and sensuality [this can have adverse consequences when too much sex is 'achieved' for obvious reasons] because they invest much into it, they always did. Other races are more moderate in their expressions of sensuality or had traditions of arranged marriages where the connection was not so much sexual but meant to be companionate, cerebral and status-oriented. These approaches all have pluses and minuses.

As people have observed here due to the popularity of blackpill theories etc, yes, looks alone can do this as well. The halo of certain beautiful people can make others become completely irrational to the point of overriding their 'default setting' and to be honest, this is not really 'ethical' at all either, Socrates warns about this. Beautiful people can get away with a lot of bad things (NOT always, occasionally beautiful people are screwed because of their beauty). Power can also do this. Ugly toads in government can and do fuck whoever they want.

Likewise yes, you are correct, the 'I am attracting the best partner' is still broadly 'unethical', yet it's wiser in a sense because it does avoid the pitfalls of attracting the wrong person.

Whether you decide to use a targeted or general spell for love, sex and romance should be considered with ethical understanding and foresight as possible, just as much as death spells are, because using them like a deranged moron has consequences. The more you go into Satanism, the more you need to exhibit self-control and knowledge rather than leaving a bunch of broken people. We are not a bunch of retarded sluts or sadists like certain European figureheads I won't name., our powers are meant to be for good. Obviously, these spells should be used ethically and with a mature mind. I personally think they are best suited for grounded adults, not kids.

People in basements have tried these spells on celebrities they have zero chance of meeting and this is just silliness coming from a childish mind, not to mention weird. It would be one thing if you were like a PR manager who works with these people or someone who goes to a club where they are and knows them as friends, but not as some pimply fan who idealizes such people.

I think JG Blitzkreig's affirmation for improving the love life in general is the best course of action for younger members. This gives ground to evolve and experiment - which is a NECESSITY for a good love life. People have resistance to this because they think it means whoredom, but courtship and dating doesn't have to mean that at all.
Thank you for your reply. I'm just trying to understand and use logic as much as possible. It's a very complicated discussion. You said that making your love life better is what you consider the best spell, but again, if you are trying to manifest a better love life, wouldn't the spell attract you to a good partner?

There is no other way to improve your love life than manifesting what you are asking for and thus influencing someone compatible to be with you. It's still better, and you are both compatible, but it's still a bit unethical. Also, most people are influenced by karma to marry or have relationships with certain people, so there is this, too.

I agree with many things you said. I'm glad we had this discussion; I needed to understand more.
Thank you for your reply. I'm just trying to understand and use logic as much as possible. It's a very complicated discussion. You said that making your love life better is what you consider the best spell, but again, if you are trying to manifest a better love life, wouldn't the spell attract you to a good partner?

There is no other way to improve your love life than manifesting what you are asking for and thus influencing someone compatible to be with you. It's still better, and you are both compatible, but it's still a bit unethical. Also, most people are influenced by karma to marry or have relationships with certain people, so there is this, too.

I agree with many things you said. I'm glad we had this discussion; I needed to understand more.
How is it unethical to write a ballad and present it to a potential partner? Because that is what this is comparable to, a way to present yourself in a favorable light to potential partners. There is a difference between "Hey, look at me, we would be fine, eh?" and "Hey, you must take me now".
How is it unethical to write a ballad and present it to a potential partner? Because that is what this is comparable to, a way to present yourself in a favorable light to potential partners. There is a difference between "Hey, look at me, we would be fine, eh?" and "Hey, you must take me now".
I don't understand why you used this example. Are you saying the spell to have a better love life is just a way to make you more "attractive" to a good partner? Rather than "forcing" them?
If yes then, it's a good example. You are still altering the reality around you so you look attractive to that person and if they had a different destiny/karma to end up with another person, you are influencing them to at the very least give you a little chance. I guess it's still better than forcing someone with magic.

What I'm trying to say is that there is still some influence on people whether we accept it or not. If I make myself more attractive through magic, I'm altering my destiny, and people who did not see me as attractive before now can potentially want to flirt with me or more. It's still better than forcing someone.

With your example, let's say you use magic to write the best ballad. Is it cheating in a way? Or are you just using a tool you have to make the best thing you can? You are making the ballad and using a tool like magic to create something good. We know how magic works, it can help you develop skills or give you creative ideas in a faster way than normal methods. I assume that if you are making a ballad for someone, you are not starting from zero but you already have some knowledge on how to do it. If not, magic can still help but you will need to learn how to do it first, it can make it faster for sure.

I'm just saying having magic in some ways is still a tool that can create advantages in all areas of our lives. We may need to be more ethical about it but unless we are in a world full of Gods, we do have advantages over people whether we accept it or not.
You should never , under any circumstances listen to anyone when it comes to "ethic" , experiment yourself ,see what happens. This is posted on JOS with a reason, I've just made it together and nicer in one post. The above is working, very potently, do it, you live maybe once.

If you do not do what you desire and start following others [opinions and so on] like a sheep, then you will turn into a cuckold slave, you will stagnate for the rest of your remaining life and wish for nothing in your life as life will seem pointless to live when you can't fulfill your deepest desires and execute your power around , that\s what enemy want us to be, dumb, listen to others, enslaved , not thinking for ourself. Don't be dumb and weak!

The above is a white magick spell not a black one so I don't even get why others are complaining about ethics when this information has already been listed on Jos.
But on here many could come and say : bla bla you can still harm with white magick, look, fuck them and ignore those , just do whatever you want, it's your life, your decision and remember everyone is different , do not let yourself influenced by normies who don't even give a shit about you, good luck and enjoy being free and using Satan's powers within you.
Just to finish with one final thing, when I've said do not listen by anyone, I meant anyone that's not a God, as you can't tell who's behind a screen or what might have happend with someone account, that's why is good to save all the information's onto something , an archive , more then one , we live strange times and now even strange with the AI implemented in full.
Just to finish with one final thing, when I've said do not listen by anyone, I meant anyone that's not a God, as you can't tell who's behind a screen or what might have happend with someone account, that's why is good to save all the information's onto something , an archive , more then one , we live strange times and now even strange with the AI implemented in full.
When one can not tell who is real and who is not real then one can certainly not tell when an encounter is with a God or not. You see, the same faculties are required for both of these things.
You should never , under any circumstances listen to anyone when it comes to "ethic" , experiment yourself ,see what happens. This is posted on JOS with a reason, I've just made it together and nicer in one post. The above is working, very potently, do it, you live maybe once.
Yes, absolutely. Because you know better than top Clergy and Guardians. And you want people to buy your view when you put this in this manner. Shame on you.
If you do not do what you desire and start following others [opinions and so on] like a sheep, then you will turn into a cuckold slave, you will stagnate for the rest of your remaining life and wish for nothing in your life as life will seem pointless to live when you can't fulfill your deepest desires and execute your power around , that\s what enemy want us to be, dumb, listen to others, enslaved , not thinking for ourself. Don't be dumb and weak!
Yes, I agree. Do not be dumb goy and listen to me, great Viego.
The above is a white magick spell not a black one so I don't even get why others are complaining about ethics when this information has already been listed on Jos.
But on here many could come and say : bla bla you can still harm with white magick, look, fuck them and ignore those , just do whatever you want, it's your life, your decision and remember everyone is different , do not let yourself influenced by normies who don't even give a shit about you, good luck and enjoy being free and using Satan's powers within you.
You do not 'get' because you do not have any sort of required understanding which is clear from your OP and subsequent replies.
I don't understand why you used this example. Are you saying the spell to have a better love life is just a way to make you more "attractive" to a good partner? Rather than "forcing" them?
Excactly, that is the idea. Everyone should have the opportunity to make decisions concerning their own personal lives.
If yes then, it's a good example. You are still altering the reality around you so you look attractive to that person and if they had a different destiny/karma to end up with another person, you are influencing them to at the very least give you a little chance. I guess it's still better than forcing someone with magic.

What I'm trying to say is that there is still some influence on people whether we accept it or not. If I make myself more attractive through magic, I'm altering my destiny, and people who did not see me as attractive before now can potentially want to flirt with me or more. It's still better than forcing someone.

With your example, let's say you use magic to write the best ballad. Is it cheating in a way? Or are you just using a tool you have to make the best thing you can? You are making the ballad and using a tool like magic to create something good. We know how magic works, it can help you develop skills or give you creative ideas in a faster way than normal methods. I assume that if you are making a ballad for someone, you are not starting from zero but you already have some knowledge on how to do it. If not, magic can still help but you will need to learn how to do it first, it can make it faster for sure.
It depends on how you look at this. Can it be cheating when this is common knowledge for any Human being? Here we must vary what Human really means.
I'm just saying having magic in some ways is still a tool that can create advantages in all areas of our lives. We may need to be more ethical about it but unless we are in a world full of Gods, we do have advantages over people whether we accept it or not.
Might is Right, or something?
When one can not tell who is real and who is not real then one can certainly not tell when an encounter is with a God or not. You see, the same faculties are required for both of these things.
That's why i've said not to listen from anyone unless ,He , Himself, eees a God. Now , if that's an illusion or not it's not up to you, me or anybody to say, that's something that each has to discover.

Yes, absolutely. Because you know better than top Clergy and Guardians. And you want people to buy your view when you put this in this manner. Shame on you.

Yes, I agree. Do not be dumb goy and listen to me, great Viego.
Show me where I have said that. SHOW ME! Mr Henu, where the Hell you brought this up from, upon your ass? I never said I know better, I expressed myself freely , point is, All I want is to make others think for themself and you're making it about "You" and "Me" and loada of nonsense and crap.

Just don't be dumb that was my hole point, there's nowhere we're I said to "listen to me", I've literally said think for yourself, I never said in under any circumstances to never belive others but mostly to be cautious and use your own brains.

You do not 'get' because you do not have any sort of required understanding which is clear from your OP and subsequent replies.
You haven't been trough what I've been, to already assume and make a whole point about somebody ethics just from a few posts shows how inaccurate you truly are. Just say that you don't like me and stop haunting me across posts to moan and blabla, nobody really cares.

And what manner that is? Isn't the information already posted? It is, so? What manner? What's the problem? Have I said that clergy is wrong or that anyone is wrong? I've just said, absorb anything you can as information but final action and result should always come from within one self decision not influenced by others.

If you can't understand the bigger and greater picture of how this Universe works then you should meditate and reflect some more before jumping on my neck with your Ego and nonsense of a comments.
At this point in my life, I have the *will* not to cast love spells on anyone.
I think it's unconscionable, but I'm a big believer in individual freedom, and I think people are being shredded just because they're looking for something to do with themselves.
Maxine gave the example of affirmation in some of her writings, which included the word "irresistible.

Maxine was certainly not a moral cattle, but a person of her own free will who did as she pleased on her own individually determined terms.

Viego, do what you want, as long as it's not a crime that vulgarly damages someone's soul.

Lidia herself has already said that "magic doesn't work miracles".
So for someone to come back to you at this rate, she probably still had some kind of feeling in the back of her mind or a deep connection that she couldn't get rid of.
You didn't give anyone "free will.
I appreciate that you're thinking that's moral to let anyone be and do whatever they wish to, some might not like what I say and the way I think and that's normal and untestable.
It has been talked before on the forums about those kind of subjects about morals and love and magick , One should try obtain whatever that he truly desires otherwise depending on his own persona he's either gonna stagnate and do more harm to himself or who knows. We have talked this topic before, it has been said that before any kind of love attraction/spell is made towards another person , one should already had formed a relationship with that other person, a friendship one or at least some small talk and a bit of already connection between the two, it's not like you're picking up somebody random from online or the street, so having a relationship of any kind helps and should be done as such before any love spell.

Now, about the love and the magick and energies, some of us have problems in this matter , due to energy blockages , call them astrological aspects , there are some blockages between X and Y, they can meet random at their life but have some curses or/and other things attached to them which leads them to not ever form a connection of bigger then already is.

The above spell is a white magick spell , it uses Venus energy and the good energy , it's made in a way that it does not suppress somebody will at all but only makes the other person feeling more attracted towards you because of the energy and this is no more a matter of morality as this is what it is and that's how the universe works, energies.

There's a difference between surpassing somebody own's persona and their will and mind comparing to attracting somebody trough energies/spells , it's like mixing water and oil and I believe many are wrong with their perception and opinions of like if this used might not be "just" when in a matter of fact I strong believe that this is fine and I will explain also why.

X has meet Y, altough X has never done anything to Y in a spiritual way to attract her [the Y] , X always felt a attraction[love, green energy] towards her [Y], no magick has been involved , love is nothing more then attractions of energies and sexual energy combining those two on a very superior level , but the point is that I don't see anything wrong for as long as this is done in the way above , some use perfumes and clothes to attract a female , others are using psychology , others are using their own spiritual powers.

An affirmation as "irresistible" makes the energy more potent and powerful and it will manifest and attract more but that does not meat it will break somebody's will.

As an SS you have the ability to make things happen more sooner then expected , let's say it has been written for you to be Rich or Poor, regardless of which one , you got the ability to make anything as anyhow you wish , it is everyone right given by birth to fully be themselves and express , many do not fully understand my writings but in time this surely might change , some think I think that's okay to randomly do magick to anyone, I never said that and I already gave so much explications and I bet there will still be some trying to push some other things and jump on me, if you have an opinion then share it nicely and we can talk about it.

Bigger vision: Imagine you can be with Y and now the Universe has been putting some energetical blockages between you two , just because you break the wall with higher energies does not mean you're an unmoral and unjust being , it means you've reached a level of existence which allows you to do as you pleases, no longer limited by the lower universal rules that we currently live in and upon them .
Oh , one more thing that I forgot to mention and add.

The reason I have said " impossible OD's " as I have first mention above it's because I have already said, me and that other person broke up in a very bad way, a way that you would say that's impossible to ever make peace ever again with that person, [green energy, venus , peace, diplomacy , love ] therefore the superior energy made it happen , peace was made and the relationship was founded again , remember that there are God's on our section that if you read Their description it has been said that some posses various abilities such as making others fall on love and many other things, that do not mean the God's are surpassing others own Will, it's the same principle with the above spell , I believe it being exactly same way.

I am not trying to change or force views on anyone, I am just saying what I think and why I do.
Rather than a love spell, make a spell that brings you closer to the person and get to know them.
Live your lives within the confinements of your means and consciousness, strive for advancement and ethics but do not be paralyzed by guilt tripping. Life is meant to be experienced and enjoyed, not only in thoughts but in practical realism.
Rather than a love spell, make a spell that brings you closer to the person and get to know them.
I never disagreed with such opinion. I am more saying about that everyone is free and that they could do as they wishes. It's not up to me to decide or advise what is what.
Whatever, at this point. The amount of positive reactions towards the replies of Guardians, and the lack of them toward you is a clear sign of what is what.
You're making nonsense as usual. This serves no good and remember this is the house of the Gods, therefore I'm done arguring and giving any explication s to you. Whoever JG or whatever wants talk to me can whenever do so, also as one final last thing to you. If you got any problem then talk to God Beelzebul and let's get done with it as it seems that you're somehow always upon my ass for some inexplicable reason, always replying in such ways, I have done nothing to you and you're keep stinging me.
Manipulating someone's emotions against their will through occult means violates their autonomy and free will. Love should be based on genuine mutual feelings, not forced or artificially induced.

Using such techniques can, therefore, exploit the vulnerability of the other person, which is inherently unethical. The wrong thing to do is to prioritize one's own desires over the other person's well-being and agency, and without considering the other person's desires.

Forced relationships can lead to emotional distress, toxicity, or negative consequences for both parties, especially if the manipulated feelings don't align with reality or lead to sustainable happiness. Socially, it undermines the natural, mutual aspects of love and trust in a relationship.

In spiritual and karmic terms, imposing your will over another can potentially create imbalances or negative repercussions. This can lead to trauma as a consequence of emotional harm, loss of trust, and damage to relationships.

Again, love should be based on genuine mutual feelings. I know certain aspects of a relationship experiencing turmoil can be improved, but only within realistic boundaries.

When performing love spells, it is crucial to remember that you are influencing another person's life - another human being. Acting with ethical responsibility is essential for this very reason.

Satanic Respect Ethics:

"Mutual respect is the concept of respecting other beings as one would like to be respected by other beings."

"Mutual respect is the process through which the existence of other beings is recognized and respected."

"To understand how to respect others, one must first learn self-respect and recognize other beings for what they are."

Hail Satanas!
I am not gonna extend this any longer as all of us need to evolve more first it seems before getting into such subjects.
But I think if you do a spell or use magic to have better relationship in family such as " my family is united in the most positive manners for me" then I assume this will also be classed as "manipulation of others " in the eyes of a few here. Anyways , leave it as this for now, just remember , everyone is free to do whatever.

Bu then again , they do not have much Pluto in their charts to understand , especially if you got Pluto-Venus and Mars-Pluto, for them people, if they don't do what they want, there's only self-destruction and agony that they will get ,if they do not fulfill their desires and wishes , just remember this very last thing, remember it well! :)
When i read that love spells are wrong blablabla, when are JOS websites are workings for killing ( always were )

The only potential issue i see with this is it can attract many inexperienced, new people and this spell can backfire, and you will only increase your attachment to your target while not getting a results you want.

And unwinding this is really hard.

Thus general working is more useful and safer for beginners.
I think the problem is in how one views manipulation and the forces there in. I did a reactionary post after I saw someone saying that doing such things, like binding a family more closely together, is manipulation and because of my own personal dross I say that it wasn't because it uses natural forces. This was only a few days ago and I already see I was wrong. ( I truly believe the Thoth rituals in our Satanic temple helped me correct this error of thinking so speedily )

Manipulation has the same issues as the term 'showing off.' We, due to enemy nonsense/programing and our own personal dross, associate such words ONLY with bad meanings but that is not always the case. Yes it is manipulative: no different than blending spices together to make something more flavorful is the manipulation of present items at your disposal. (Just like energy) Does that mean I should stop trying to make things taste good? No of course not but temperance is a Satanic value. Do I load it up with sugars and salts and MSG and chemicals and stuff just cause? Or do I use a lighter touch for quality purposes, using the smallest input for the highest output? The latter is obviously what is best.

In this case, and all, knowledge comes with responsibility. You can of course do this and Father Satan has stated he will not interfere with the dictates of anothers personality because he is both Freedom itself and knows that lessons are learned through error. AKA you can not correct a child into growing because the true growing is learning it yourself, first hand. Hence why we must learn to be Human.

I adore the High Priestess Lyida and Admire her. (Admiration that only grew after doing a Gods Ritual with her and adoration was already there because she's a healer and I seek to be one myself. Not just for myself but to repay the kindness she showed I and others lovingly like the Gods themselves.) I admire the former High Priestess who is now a Hero, Blessed be her name, Maxine and seek to be like her in walking the path while also taking a lesson into the importance of creation and building up. (Such as the Joy of Satanas itself given she is it's mother) I both Admire, and if I'm honest fear, High Priest Cobra. (My own dross to work through because I have mental blockages when it comes to masculinity and I've felt the rage he has from his blessed sermons) Does that mean just because I can it would be ok for me to try and make one of them like me more (feeding into my own arrogance) by using magic to do so? NO OF COURSE NOT AND MY ASS WOULD BE PUNISHED! Either by Father Satan himself for daring to be unethical with a fellow Satanist, or by them (likely them because I am not powerful enough to really do anything to them and Father Satan would trust in them to defend against my weak ass assault) for feeling the magic itself and going "oh so IT'S LIKE THAT IS IT" before squashing me. Actually now that I say that their auras themselves could easily rebuke me anyways so it would be nill.

This advice is powerful and I shall be gladden to use it's lessons but it is powerful knowledge and there is a reason Silence is Golden. Both because of what the enemy has done but because until you yourself are ready for that knowledge that you can not handle the responsibility of HAVE IT. Making one's self more spiritually powerful also comes with a gaining of more Ethics when done properly: especially when exposing ones self to the Gods their Wisdom and their Energies.

Also saying there is no possible blanket statement of ethics is of the enemy and that is something EVERYONE must accept. Yes you can use magic, powerful magic, to curse like with Saturn to cause a downfall, binding what have you, or to bring about someones worst sides with Mars and cause them to explode their own life, to rob them of happiness in the form of love with Venus: and so on; but should you? Smallest input for highest output means literally FOR EVERYTHING. At every stage with everything you do, even punishment. Do you seek retribution against a fellow (I mean a non jew who is without for Father Satan has stated we do not war with each other) than fine, but the Ethics come in that "ok I'm for sure going to harm them because they deserve it but am I robbing the world, the culture, and my people of something of value? Is total soul obliteration in this instants good? Ok no no of course not I am not the one who sends people to Tartarus. Is it proper to make them unable to advance? Well no of course not because everyone is able to advance if deserving of it because to have freedom is to respect freedom and a part of freedom comes with choosing to be responsible learn and grow. Ok so is harming them this much good? How does it hurt their family and their family's Karma? Am I causing unnecessary fallout to children? What of their lover and how does this effect them? What about their parents and the greater world they interact with?" This is not to stop everyone or encourage NOT seeking Justice but think of the Gods who suffered ENDLESS evils committed against them. Every time someone says something wrong or evil about them it is using Witchpower to attack them. Do you see people endlessly bursting into flames? No because they are so much more and so ethical they do not just reckless curse others.

And these are only SOME of the questions that come with responsibility because with it comes reasonability. I am not He of Justice incarnate. I am not Baalzebul whos domain is Judgement nor is that my name and title.

As the Hero Maxine talked about when referring to those who call humanity Gods already "OH REALLY? CAN YOU SEE THE FUTURE?" In this case I would say can you truly divine the future itself with clarity? What of the backlash this causes because for every stone thrown into the pond a wave is formed.

The reason we strive for total spiritual destruction of the jew is because literally nothing else will suffice. No amount of corralling or anything will help because their very spiritual existence is an issue for us. We conflict on a very basic level and no matter what that must never be forgotten in all things. You don't mix bleach and ammonia because of the reaction it has. For us their existence blots out our own and survival is of the upmost importance.

In this case of romantic feelings are you aware enough, truly aware enough, to understand what powers you are manipulating? Burnout is a real thing for us who walk this path so than why would that not be true of someone who is not. What do you think happens if you work with planetary energies and thrust them into someone else? If you can be burned others can be burned. If instead of focusing on what you have lost why not seek to learn.

Maybe you are 'meant' to be together (the site clearly states that not even soulmate means erotic or romantic love) but maybe in this lifetime it isn't a good idea. Maybe it will be a thousand years from now or maybe a few. Could just be a decade or so or maybe even just a lifetime. Still though what you need to ask yourself is would you want this to happen to you?

To have someone steal way your personal freedom and do with it what they will. Even the Gods who love us allow you to scorn them and rebuke them. It's not healthy but they are so ethical and healthy they have laws we can't even comprehend. So much so even when their heart breaks for us they do not come to us fully. If even a Hero, such as Maxine, truly showed up in 100% of their might and you weren't able to fully handle it than they would be literally burning you away with how radiant their soul is. In fact I believe that is where the concept of 'hiding away' comes from. I've no doubt before the Hero Maxine ascended should could not be around others for to long or for many at all, lest She hurt them.

Even when it hurts them they control themselves because temperance is a value for a reason. You must be tempered in all thing. When you want growth do it slowly and safely. When you hungry eat slowly until you are full. If you are sickly than slowly heal: or as High Priest Cobra so aptly put it "you don't start shoveling food down a starving persons throat."

Ask yourself why do you want them, why do you need them, and do they need you? If all are healthy than you get to ask "do they want me?" If the answer is no than you have to accept it. Instead of focusing on one person focus on making the energies bring about your truest best lover, which if them than you will be shown as such.

For myself I intend to use this when ready and when I am healthier in all ways so that I am open and able to have them and deserving. (my affirmations will be different for sure though) After all a lover is something you cherish and idolize. Do you not think even Father Satan counts himself lucky to have Mother Lilith? He is the greatest but He to is a male with a lover. He seduces Her and romances Her and sweeps Her off Her feet any chance He gets because He loves Her and adores Her. He makes Himself worthy every time they meet because He understands the value in it. Sure He could just sit there and wait for worship and saying He is deserving but all the Gods follow him and gladly bend the knee because He is so deserving he doesn't even have an ounce of arrogance. It's why the enemy loved to give blasphemy to him, and in our minds, and say he is arrogant because it's so NOT the Truth: and Satan/Truth = enemy to the jew.

He proves Himself worthier and worthier with each passing moment because who else could do what He does and be who He is and it not go to their head? Even Baalzebul can not do what He does, for Satan is Satan: no one else. To respect a path is to honor it and know you do not walk it so than ask yourself this: "is [ whoever's ] path truly connected to my own or am I misguided?"

The first step down the path of arrogance is believing you have it all or know better than anyone else. Even when saying "ONLY THE GODS MIGHT JUDGE ME" is just another type of arrogant statement because that is no different that what gangsters/jews say. I'm sure the Gods themselves would gladly sit and listen to something you have to say if you truly have something to teach. You wouldn't but only because they are there and we are here but if you did, if you truly found out something new, they all would listen because there is always more to learn and gain. Always another path. Hence why immortality is only the first in the start of the 'final' path because every road to get there is one more mountain to climb until you finally are ready for a path with no end: for if there is no end there is no beginning, and if there is no beginning how can there be an end? The path of a God is limitless and it makes sense why this is a code word for Chakra. They are the start of an endless path.

You have given us Wisdom and I thank you for it but like Black magic one must ever be careful. After all Freedom comes with consequences and if something has consequences than you must make sure they are only the ones that should happen. Else you are like the fool jumping of a cliff saying "IF YOU'RE REALLY THERE PROTECT ME!"

I don't wanna be a xian and you shouldn't seek to be that either. I say listen to our betters who walk this path. I trust the Gods and they appoint the Clergy. The Clergy appoints the Guardians, so than how can I dismiss one and not all the others? They are not without fault, even the Clergy proudly own that fact because unlike us they are much more down the path of enlightenment. (to be filled with divine light) I will follow the brightest stars and those they appoint for they sit admits the heavens. Shining a light so they might be my beckons in the pit of ignorance that I lay in. I wish to sail as they do, and so should you; so we might all shine for each other together.

Remember that one day your actions might be spoken of in legend. I want mine to speak of someone who is trying to learn and be better. I will make mistakes, I will misspeak, I shall falter, and fail but all so that I might learn and grow. So that my serpent might rise admits the tree of knowledge so that it can make the leap to the tree of life and it too might acceded there: thusly allowing me to have starting mastery of that which is masculine (the physical) and that which is feminine (the metaphysical). Just as the Above pushes the Below so to must the below work on half of the above. No different that how that which is Female and that which is Male must work together in harmony.
Rather than a love spell, make a spell that brings you closer to the person and get to know them.
How is this type of work done? Does it have the same characteristics as a love spell, i.e. the same color, the same moon...? Or are there other characteristics?

and what would be a good statement for this case? any suggestions?
How is this type of work done? Does it have the same characteristics as a love spell, i.e. the same color, the same moon...? Or are there other characteristics?

and what would be a good statement for this case? any suggestions?
I don't want to speak in Aquarius name but I think he's referring that you can do as same as I said only that instead of directing the energy onto somebody specifically just change the affirmation with something like " I am now with the person which fits me the most in the most positive manners for me and for her " something like that.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
