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Death, Dying; For Those Who Are Dying

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
Everyone here knows that xianity and other enemy religions corrupted spirituality. Xianity is said to be a “death cult” because it only focuses on repressing your life, repressing your joy and passion and enthusiasm, living in a half-dead state, and await your death where you will either float on a cloud with a zombie jew for all eternity, or burn in eternal fire. Islam is even worse and represses even more of life. Even new-age movements aren’t really alive. Spiritual Satanism is the only path that is about living life to your fullest potential in the truest sense, because true spirituality enriches life and makes life more meaningful.

The Ancient cultures of the past understood life and death. “Death” was never seen as permanent, it is only a transition from one life to the afterlife and then to a new life. The cycles continue as in nature, until the individual achieves Godhead, which is only through the instruction of Satan and our other Gods who are aligned with Satan.

Death was never seen as morbid. I’ve seen complaints here over the years whenever someone mentioned death, about how “morbid” is it to speak of it. This is from xianity, as that entire religion is corrupt. Xianity is morbid.

The fact is, everyone will die, until they evolve past the need for reincarnation. Here in the Joy of Satan we know humans can advance and become Gods, but this is a process that takes lifetimes. Some members have already done work and advancement in your past lives, so I have every hope that as many of us as possible can reach Godhead in this current life.

But to be realistic, most people will need at least one more lifetime. There is nothing wrong with this, it’s just how the soul is, it takes time to develop and evolve and advance. Think about it, did every single soul Satan created, make it to Godhead in their first life? Obviously not, as everyone is all here again, not as Gods.

To make it clear: there is nothing wrong with death. Yes, it is very sad when our loved ones die. I myself lost one of the most important people to me, and last year I lost another loved one. I also had an SS friend (online from the yahoo groups) who died, about 12 years ago. It's very sad, but it is a part of nature. This is how life is: it is followed by death, until we each evolve past death. Life is followed by death... but death is then followed by life again.

One of the roles of the Ancient High Priests was to assist those who are near the end of their life, help with their soul and their conscience, to prepare for the transition to the afterlife, and to prepare for a better start to their next incarnation. Xianity corrupted this and made “death bed confessions”, which is based on real spirituality albeit corrupted.

When you are dying, you don’t want to have a lot of unresolved duties, unfinished business, or regrets. This can make it difficult to enter the afterlife, which is why we have many ghosts on our planet. Everyone who is dedicated to Satan won’t have to worry about becoming stuck here as a ghost, our Gods will be right there with you when you die, to bring you to Duat. So don’t worry about that.

But regrets and unfinished business will carry over to your next life. This is one of the ways karma is built. You need to clear your conscience before you die, make peace with yourself, make peace with those in your life. Not just ignoring problems and pretending your conscience is clear, but doing whatever is necessary to make peace.

Any feuds with old friends or relatives, any resentment, arrange to meet up with them and work through it, or write them an email and get everything off your chest. They will be more willing to work with you to resolve an issue if they know you are dying, this is a fact that everyone knows or has heard about, because we all have it in our ancestral consciousness: making peace upon death. Do what you can to move forward to the afterlife with a clear conscience in preparation for a better start to your next life.

egyptian weighing of the heart.jpg

Now, about funerals. High Priest Hooded Cobra has mentioned already that he will be updating the Satanic Rites section for funerals. But that aside, many of you are understandably worried about what your non-SS family might do for you when/if you die. Many of you have religious families who will almost certainly hold a religious funeral for you. Don’t be concerned, it will have no effect on your soul. Don’t worry about it. These “religious ceremonies” have no power on anyone who is dedicated to Satan. You can request a non-religious ceremony if you are able to, these are becoming more and more popular, especially in the Western countries. You can also plan and pay for your own ceremony ahead of time and leave your arranged requests with a solicitor or the funeral home, but you need to have realistic expectations about this. They’re not going to do a Satanic funeral for you, but they will leave out everything religious and show you examples they have already prepared for other clients.

For those who have a loved one who dies, you can of course ask the Gods to take care of them. But you will likely have little say over the type of funeral they have, unless you are the head of your family. So you might be wondering about their funeral, if you can go or not. Yes, you can go. Even if it’s in a church. This is not blasphemous to the Gods. Our Gods are much stronger than the joke of a religion that xianity/islam/etc are, and our Gods understand that humans are by nature social, just like our Gods are.

You are free to make a personal stand and boycott a church funeral, but be forewarned: you will probably alienate your other loved ones. Do this if you feel it is best for you, but if you want, you can attend the church, mentally blaspheme xianity, and meditate on the Gods instead.

Recently there have been a few members who posted, mentioning that they are dying. We also have members who are elderly. We will also have more members finding the JoS in the future who might be near the end of their life and experiencing a spiritual awakening before they die. I want to make something very clear to you: High Priest Hooded Cobra and myself are ALWAYS here for you. Even if you just need some emotional support, email us. Don’t hesitate, don’t feel like we won’t want to be disturbed by you, don’t feel like we don’t care. This is one of our roles as clergy. And, we care very much about each of you.

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I myself lost one of the most important people to me, and last year I lost another loved one. I also had an SS friend (online from the yahoo groups) who died, about 12 years ago.
im truly sorry for your loss and also i greatly admire your mature heart and compassionate nature ♥️
Even if it’s in a church.
i knew this wouldn’t be an issue from the perspective of the Gods. they know our hearts and understand our innermost thoughts. they know that if we had the means, we would do everything possible to go to a Satanic temple instead of a church and im happy with having the comfort of that knowledge.
Don’t hesitate, don’t feel like we won’t want to be disturbed by you, don’t feel like we don’t care.
i will never forget that you were by my side during the most difficult period of my life so far. i love you so much HPS ♥️♥️♥️
Thank you HPS 🙏
Thank you for this! It's really important.

Unfortunately, I think, often the most difficult part of this if a not advanced person is not able to communicate with her loved one in afterlife. Also, I suppose often we will not even find our lost one in his/her new incarnation and in our current lifetime.
It can be possible in next life but then we often will be not sure if we really found or will find the other one or recognize him/her. And of course it's also because we usually are not able to remember on our previous lives...

Maybe it's easier when it's about pet animals, as you also said once. Because they can be reincarnated more easily and the Gods can help to send the pet back to the owner, sooner or later. But I suppose this is also not always simple and smooth, as it can depend on many things, based on the situation of the owner too...or because of other unknown reasons. 🙁

These things are really saddening to me and causing a sort of disappoint too, even if I know that death is not the real end and even if we have to accept it.

It's also very hard to bear the missing of the loved one, especially without proper informations or knowledge about the whereabouts and well-being of the loved one and without getting to know when and where she/he will be able to reincarnate again.
Unfortunately, I think, often the most difficult part of this if a not advanced person is not able to communicate with her loved one in afterlife. Also, I suppose often we will not even find our lost one in his/her new incarnation and in our current lifetime.
It can be possible in next life but then we often will be not sure if we really found or will find the other one or recognize him/her. And of course it's also because we usually are not able to remember on our previous lives...
This is yet another reason we should advance ourselves as much as possible. The more powerful we are, the more we can do about these situations. And then when we are all advanced, we can remember our loved ones, and they can remember us, and we can be close again.
This is yet another reason we should advance ourselves as much as possible. The more powerful we are, the more we can do about these situations. And then when we are all advanced, we can remember our loved ones, and they can remember us, and we can be close again.
Yes, of course. We never should stop advancig. But it usually takes a lot of time for many people to reach that state...I mean one usually has to wait a lot while advancing. Not everyone of course.
Thank you so much HPS Lydia,

We all needed to hear this important Sermon and we are thankful to you and HP HC666 and the Clergy for all the Sermons and help we get all the time and that we can always come to you all when we need help, many blessings to you all 🙏 💕
Everyone here knows that xianity and other enemy religions corrupted spirituality. Xianity is said to be a “death cult” because it only focuses on repressing your life, repressing your joy and passion and enthusiasm, living in a half-dead state, and await your death where you will either float on a cloud with a zombie jew for all eternity, or burn in eternal fire. Islam is even worse and represses even more of life. Even new-age movements aren’t really alive. Spiritual Satanism is the only path that is about living life to your fullest potential in the truest sense, because true spirituality enriches life and makes life more meaningful.

The Ancient cultures of the past understood life and death. “Death” was never seen as permanent, it is only a transition from one life to the afterlife and then to a new life. The cycles continue as in nature, until the individual achieves Godhead, which is only through the instruction of Satan and our other Gods who are aligned with Satan.

Death was never seen as morbid. I’ve seen complaints here over the years whenever someone mentioned death, about how “morbid” is it to speak of it. This is from xianity, as that entire religion is corrupt. Xianity is morbid.

The fact is, everyone will die, until they evolve past the need for reincarnation. Here in the Joy of Satan we know humans can advance and become Gods, but this is a process that takes lifetimes. Some members have already done work and advancement in your past lives, so I have every hope that as many of us as possible can reach Godhead in this current life.

But to be realistic, most people will need at least one more lifetime. There is nothing wrong with this, it’s just how the soul is, it takes time to develop and evolve and advance. Think about it, did every single soul Satan created, make it to Godhead in their first life? Obviously not, as everyone is all here again, not as Gods.

To make it clear: there is nothing wrong with death. Yes, it is very sad when our loved ones die. I myself lost one of the most important people to me, and last year I lost another loved one. I also had an SS friend (online from the yahoo groups) who died, about 12 years ago. It's very sad, but it is a part of nature. This is how life is: it is followed by death, until we each evolve past death. Life is followed by death... but death is then followed by life again.

One of the roles of the Ancient High Priests was to assist those who are near the end of their life, help with their soul and their conscience, to prepare for the transition to the afterlife, and to prepare for a better start to their next incarnation. Xianity corrupted this and made “death bed confessions”, which is based on real spirituality albeit corrupted.

When you are dying, you don’t want to have a lot of unresolved duties, unfinished business, or regrets. This can make it difficult to enter the afterlife, which is why we have many ghosts on our planet. Everyone who is dedicated to Satan won’t have to worry about becoming stuck here as a ghost, our Gods will be right there with you when you die, to bring you to Duat. So don’t worry about that.

But regrets and unfinished business will carry over to your next life. This is one of the ways karma is built. You need to clear your conscience before you die, make peace with yourself, make peace with those in your life. Not just ignoring problems and pretending your conscience is clear, but doing whatever is necessary to make peace.

Any feuds with old friends or relatives, any resentment, arrange to meet up with them and work through it, or write them an email and get everything off your chest. They will be more willing to work with you to resolve an issue if they know you are dying, this is a fact that everyone knows or has heard about, because we all have it in our ancestral consciousness: making peace upon death. Do what you can to move forward to the afterlife with a clear conscience in preparation for a better start to your next life.

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Now, about funerals. High Priest Hooded Cobra has mentioned already that he will be updating the Satanic Rites section for funerals. But that aside, many of you are understandably worried about what your non-SS family might do for you when/if you die. Many of you have religious families who will almost certainly hold a religious funeral for you. Don’t be concerned, it will have no effect on your soul. Don’t worry about it. These “religious ceremonies” have no power on anyone who is dedicated to Satan. You can request a non-religious ceremony if you are able to, these are becoming more and more popular, especially in the Western countries. You can also plan and pay for your own ceremony ahead of time and leave your arranged requests with a solicitor or the funeral home, but you need to have realistic expectations about this. They’re not going to do a Satanic funeral for you, but they will leave out everything religious and show you examples they have already prepared for other clients.

For those who have a loved one who dies, you can of course ask the Gods to take care of them. But you will likely have little say over the type of funeral they have, unless you are the head of your family. So you might be wondering about their funeral, if you can go or not. Yes, you can go. Even if it’s in a church. This is not blasphemous to the Gods. Our Gods are much stronger than the joke of a religion that xianity/islam/etc are, and our Gods understand that humans are by nature social, just like our Gods are.

Sei libero di prendere posizione personalmente e boicottare un funerale in chiesa, ma sii avvisato: probabilmente alienerai gli altri tuoi cari. Fallo se ritieni sia meglio per te, ma se vuoi, puoi andare in chiesa, bestemmiare mentalmente il cristianesimo e meditare sugli Dei.

Di recente ci sono stati alcuni membri che hanno scritto, menzionando che stanno morendo. Abbiamo anche membri anziani. Avremo anche altri membri che troveranno il JoS in futuro e che potrebbero essere vicini alla fine della loro vita e sperimentare un risveglio spirituale prima di morire. Voglio chiarire una cosa: il Sommo Sacerdote Cobra Incappucciato e io siamo SEMPRE qui per voi. Anche se avete solo bisogno di un po' di supporto emotivo, scriveteci. Non esitate, non sentitevi come se non vorremmo essere disturbati da voi, non sentitevi come se non ci importasse. Questo è uno dei nostri ruoli come clero. E ci teniamo molto a ognuno di voi.

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Fantastico, post illuminante, grazie Alta Sacerdotessa !!!!!
You wrote a wonderful thing, I thank you for that.

For too long death has been thrown into the shadows and made a negative thing by the enemy who made it out to be something it is not.

When you are dying, you don’t want to have a lot of unresolved duties, unfinished business, or regrets. This can make it difficult to enter the afterlife
But regrets and unfinished business will carry over to your next life.
This is very true. In ancient Egypt, Priests helped people before and at the time of their passing, precisely to make their parting gentler.

This is important to make death a transition to another state much more peaceful. Solve problems here and now, so that there are no regrets later, And this is precisely why it is important to take care of loved ones, family and friends while they are alive and also oneself. Creating harmony among loved ones and in oneself will ensure a better departure and reincarnation.

This was a sacred theme in ancient Egypt.

Thank you for this HPS Lydia.
This was rather comforting to read. I've contemplated this subject quite a lot and it is no longer an unsettling issue as it used to be except for the possibility for death to come after a great deal of pain which might have some negative consequences on further development.

No fear exists and no doubts, I just wish to return asap to continue the work on myself and the undertaking which I believe will benefit many others.

Do you have any advice for someone that wants to preserve memories of this life that would help in the next one? I realize that after a certain level of advancement it comes naturally without having to do past life regression procedures but still.

It would be really nice to have made peace with all the people one has wronged or left with things unsaid.

Thank you for these words, it is greatly appreciated.

Great sermon, I have seen historians bring up the fact that the SS used symbols of death. While this is true with the skull and bones symbol and the Black Sun (Saturn), they in no way "worshipped" death, but rather recognised it as a necessary process which would bring forth the advancement and evolution after the war. You could say that death was an allegory for the war and self-sacrifice, but in no way related to the xian concepts of warmongering and "sad kike carrying his own cross".
Thank you.

One of my family members is quite ill. I hope he doesn't die.
I met him once recently and he said he had cancer.
Some forms of cancer can be fairly easy to treat, others are much more complicated. If all goes as we plan it, diseases will be much easier to treat and manage. Unlike the enemy-run "big pharma" we have now.
Excellent sermon, I have a few questions if you could answer any of them:
1/How does one who has ascended the serpent deal interact with death? I understand the serpent is not sufficient for spiritual immortality so would it remain ascended in the next life?

2/Also on JoS it states in the Demon section that Demons command x legion of spirits yet I assumed reincarnation is not a thing you can opt out of so what are these spirits if not the souls of the dead? I assumed early on when I was a teenager that the choice for us Satanists was essentially reincarnate or serve in the afterlife in exchange for spiritual sustainment and that this choice would be granted after a brief reprieve in Duat.

3/I assume when I astrally project that I am going to the level of the astral that I would enter upon death, when I first started my journey the astral was legitimately just pure pitch darkness with a horrible resonant tone, after about 2 decades its now a slightly bluer version of the real world did I start off at the very bottom of spirituality and am only now at the basic normal default?

I love the sermons like this one that deal more with the occult, I understand politics and the real world is important but I always want to learn as much about the occult as possible but so much information out there is suspect.
Everyone here knows that xianity and other enemy religions corrupted spirituality. Xianity is said to be a “death cult” because it only focuses on repressing your life, repressing your joy and passion and enthusiasm, living in a half-dead state, and await your death where you will either float on a cloud with a zombie jew for all eternity, or burn in eternal fire. Islam is even worse and represses even more of life. Even new-age movements aren’t really alive. Spiritual Satanism is the only path that is about living life to your fullest potential in the truest sense, because true spirituality enriches life and makes life more meaningful.

The Ancient cultures of the past understood life and death. “Death” was never seen as permanent, it is only a transition from one life to the afterlife and then to a new life. The cycles continue as in nature, until the individual achieves Godhead, which is only through the instruction of Satan and our other Gods who are aligned with Satan.

Death was never seen as morbid. I’ve seen complaints here over the years whenever someone mentioned death, about how “morbid” is it to speak of it. This is from xianity, as that entire religion is corrupt. Xianity is morbid.

The fact is, everyone will die, until they evolve past the need for reincarnation. Here in the Joy of Satan we know humans can advance and become Gods, but this is a process that takes lifetimes. Some members have already done work and advancement in your past lives, so I have every hope that as many of us as possible can reach Godhead in this current life.

But to be realistic, most people will need at least one more lifetime. There is nothing wrong with this, it’s just how the soul is, it takes time to develop and evolve and advance. Think about it, did every single soul Satan created, make it to Godhead in their first life? Obviously not, as everyone is all here again, not as Gods.

To make it clear: there is nothing wrong with death. Yes, it is very sad when our loved ones die. I myself lost one of the most important people to me, and last year I lost another loved one. I also had an SS friend (online from the yahoo groups) who died, about 12 years ago. It's very sad, but it is a part of nature. This is how life is: it is followed by death, until we each evolve past death. Life is followed by death... but death is then followed by life again.

One of the roles of the Ancient High Priests was to assist those who are near the end of their life, help with their soul and their conscience, to prepare for the transition to the afterlife, and to prepare for a better start to their next incarnation. Xianity corrupted this and made “death bed confessions”, which is based on real spirituality albeit corrupted.

When you are dying, you don’t want to have a lot of unresolved duties, unfinished business, or regrets. This can make it difficult to enter the afterlife, which is why we have many ghosts on our planet. Everyone who is dedicated to Satan won’t have to worry about becoming stuck here as a ghost, our Gods will be right there with you when you die, to bring you to Duat. So don’t worry about that.

But regrets and unfinished business will carry over to your next life. This is one of the ways karma is built. You need to clear your conscience before you die, make peace with yourself, make peace with those in your life. Not just ignoring problems and pretending your conscience is clear, but doing whatever is necessary to make peace.

Any feuds with old friends or relatives, any resentment, arrange to meet up with them and work through it, or write them an email and get everything off your chest. They will be more willing to work with you to resolve an issue if they know you are dying, this is a fact that everyone knows or has heard about, because we all have it in our ancestral consciousness: making peace upon death. Do what you can to move forward to the afterlife with a clear conscience in preparation for a better start to your next life.

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Now, about funerals. High Priest Hooded Cobra has mentioned already that he will be updating the Satanic Rites section for funerals. But that aside, many of you are understandably worried about what your non-SS family might do for you when/if you die. Many of you have religious families who will almost certainly hold a religious funeral for you. Don’t be concerned, it will have no effect on your soul. Don’t worry about it. These “religious ceremonies” have no power on anyone who is dedicated to Satan. You can request a non-religious ceremony if you are able to, these are becoming more and more popular, especially in the Western countries. You can also plan and pay for your own ceremony ahead of time and leave your arranged requests with a solicitor or the funeral home, but you need to have realistic expectations about this. They’re not going to do a Satanic funeral for you, but they will leave out everything religious and show you examples they have already prepared for other clients.

For those who have a loved one who dies, you can of course ask the Gods to take care of them. But you will likely have little say over the type of funeral they have, unless you are the head of your family. So you might be wondering about their funeral, if you can go or not. Yes, you can go. Even if it’s in a church. This is not blasphemous to the Gods. Our Gods are much stronger than the joke of a religion that xianity/islam/etc are, and our Gods understand that humans are by nature social, just like our Gods are.

You are free to make a personal stand and boycott a church funeral, but be forewarned: you will probably alienate your other loved ones. Do this if you feel it is best for you, but if you want, you can attend the church, mentally blaspheme xianity, and meditate on the Gods instead.

Recently there have been a few members who posted, mentioning that they are dying. We also have members who are elderly. We will also have more members finding the JoS in the future who might be near the end of their life and experiencing a spiritual awakening before they die. I want to make something very clear to you: High Priest Hooded Cobra and myself are ALWAYS here for you. Even if you just need some emotional support, email us. Don’t hesitate, don’t feel like we won’t want to be disturbed by you, don’t feel like we don’t care. This is one of our roles as clergy. And, we care very much about each of you.

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Very good Sermon I often feel after everything ive gone through in this life, i often feel like im just ready for this life to be over and move onto the next, and i hope i remember all the mistakes ive made in this life and i don't repeat them in my next,
2/Also on JoS it states in the Demon section that Demons command x legion of spirits yet I assumed reincarnation is not a thing you can opt out of so what are these spirits if not the souls of the dead? I assumed early on when I was a teenager that the choice for us Satanists was essentially reincarnate or serve in the afterlife in exchange for spiritual sustainment and that this choice would be granted after a brief reprieve in Duat.
The "ranks" of Demons are a corrupted concept, and many of them have hebrew names. They will likely be updated when the Demons section gets updated within the next few months.
The "ranks" of Demons are a corrupted concept, and many of them have hebrew names. They will likely be updated when the Demons section gets updated within the next few months.
I assumed it was something like that reading it recently it just seemed weird how they command "spirits" it seemed like out of date information but I wanted to be sure.
Thank u HP Lydia, this is very interesting and good to know about this, I don't think much about dead maybe I should or maybe it's okay, probably when we are closer to die we think more about it, I'm not sure but I believe this is not my first life as satanist, I did something in my past life that is kind of protecting me now, I still have to do a lot to advance and know this things, I wonder how far I have reach before in other lifes
But even if he survives, it will be difficult for him.

Sometimes when things seem very difficult people have the will to go and go, sometimes suffering is so bad people want to go. Sometimes people don’t want treatment or fear dealing with the long term side effects. That’s not the best thing to say to someone, “Um, even if you live it’s going to be hard my guy.” Yes and no. Sometimes people adjust way more than they think, such as with physical pain and managing stress. It’s almost like the frog boiling in water effect. It’s not the best thing to say because it’s definitely not true, it’s another one of those circumstances where you don’t know unless you know, or until you’re really there. Some people think pregnancy and parenthood is going to be great for them and then maybe they don’t fair the best.

I think that sincerely for terminally ill people assisted suicide is entirely fair, like a person who is in hospice. It’s almost like the abortion debate though. We (as humans) want people to fight, and support them. Sometimes something is “terminal” and a treatment comes out years later that’s actually promising or a person recovers, or is even misdiagnosed. A doctor would have to be extremely poor or a serious mistake would have to be made to misdiagnose a terminal condition, but it does happen. Not everything just lies on that one single doctor. Lab tests can sometimes be faulty.

All of the rulings facets of birth and death and transformative things, it’s not something the world has much control over.

That’s why any innovation in these fields are really wealthy ones. High value. Anything a person can create that aids these aspects of life. I read that the greater need a person can fulfill the higher the financial value of that person.
Excellent sermon, I have a few questions if you could answer any of them:
1/How does one who has ascended the serpent deal interact with death? I understand the serpent is not sufficient for spiritual immortality so would it remain ascended in the next life?

2/Also on JoS it states in the Demon section that Demons command x legion of spirits yet I assumed reincarnation is not a thing you can opt out of so what are these spirits if not the souls of the dead? I assumed early on when I was a teenager that the choice for us Satanists was essentially reincarnate or serve in the afterlife in exchange for spiritual sustainment and that this choice would be granted after a brief reprieve in Duat.

3/I assume when I astrally project that I am going to the level of the astral that I would enter upon death, when I first started my journey the astral was legitimately just pure pitch darkness with a horrible resonant tone, after about 2 decades its now a slightly bluer version of the real world did I start off at the very bottom of spirituality and am only now at the basic normal default?

I love the sermons like this one that deal more with the occult, I understand politics and the real world is important but I always want to learn as much about the occult as possible but so much information out there is suspect.
1. If someone has ascended their serpent in one life, it will be far easier and quicker in their next. And a person with an ascended serpent will be able to remember more memories in their next life, and overall be in a better position upon entering their next life.

2. This will all be clarified in the near future, when the Demons section is updated.

3. There are different levels on the astral, the more advanced we are in our current life, the more we will be able to interact in the afterlife. HP HoodedCobra has written on this topic, and it will probably be further explained when the time is right.
Very good Sermon I often feel after everything ive gone through in this life, i often feel like im just ready for this life to be over and move onto the next, and i hope i remember all the mistakes ive made in this life and i don't repeat them in my next,
The more we learn in our current life, and the more we purify our souls and fix our karma, the better the next life will be. We will be closer to Godhead, and have a more fulfilling sense of purpose, and more power to help shape the world :)
The more we learn in our current life, and the more we purify our souls and fix our karma, the better the next life will be. We will be closer to Godhead, and have a more fulfilling sense of purpose, and more power to help shape the world :)

Thank you, Hps Lydia for your post

I am very interested in doing anything I can to have a better life in the next one, both by working on my soul and by trying to make this world and society a better place. I am interested in any additional information about this. One thing specifically, which I want to ask:

I know that we can remove unwanted people from the soul, but if we strengthen our connections with positive people, will we ensure that we meet them in future lives, and maybe meet them earlier in our lives?
I assumed it was something like that reading it recently it just seemed weird how they command "spirits" it seemed like out of date information but I wanted to be sure.
I had assumed it was in a "macro and microcosm" way. Difficult to convey with words, but if a certain God/dess rules over legions, it was like being a Guardian, that these souls had some common nature, as well as all of the Gods and these "categories" of souls all being reflected also in the makeup of the individual soul, like a fractal.
Sometimes when things seem very difficult people have the will to go and go, sometimes suffering is so bad people want to go. Sometimes people don’t want treatment or fear dealing with the long term side effects. That’s not the best thing to say to someone, “Um, even if you live it’s going to be hard my guy.” Yes and no. Sometimes people adjust way more than they think, such as with physical pain and managing stress. It’s almost like the frog boiling in water effect. It’s not the best thing to say because it’s definitely not true, it’s another one of those circumstances where you don’t know unless you know, or until you’re really there. Some people think pregnancy and parenthood is going to be great for them and then maybe they don’t fair the best.

I think that sincerely for terminally ill people assisted suicide is entirely fair, like a person who is in hospice. It’s almost like the abortion debate though. We (as humans) want people to fight, and support them. Sometimes something is “terminal” and a treatment comes out years later that’s actually promising or a person recovers, or is even misdiagnosed. A doctor would have to be extremely poor or a serious mistake would have to be made to misdiagnose a terminal condition, but it does happen. Not everything just lies on that one single doctor. Lab tests can sometimes be faulty.

All of the rulings facets of birth and death and transformative things, it’s not something the world has much control over.

That’s why any innovation in these fields are really wealthy ones. High value. Anything a person can create that aids these aspects of life. I read that the greater need a person can fulfill the higher the financial value of that person.
I didn't tell him it would be difficult if he survived.

I was just analysing he situation.
He has worked actively all his life and will not be able to live the way he has been able to, given his potential.
I hope this part will not be harmful to him. That's what I meant.

But I don't want to give away too many details. I feel a bit much already.
I know that we can remove unwanted people from the soul, but if we strengthen our connections with positive people, will we ensure that we meet them in future lives, and maybe meet them earlier in our lives?
Yes. Many times, the people we are close to in our current life, we were close to them in a past life. Best friends now may have been siblings in the past, or vice versa. As for when we meet them, this ties in with other fate as well, so it could be sooner, or not. Fate and life is very complex and intricate.
Everyone here knows that xianity and other enemy religions corrupted spirituality. Xianity is said to be a “death cult” because it only focuses on repressing your life, repressing your joy and passion and enthusiasm, living in a half-dead state, and await your death where you will either float on a cloud with a zombie jew for all eternity, or burn in eternal fire. Islam is even worse and represses even more of life. Even new-age movements aren’t really alive. Spiritual Satanism is the only path that is about living life to your fullest potential in the truest sense, because true spirituality enriches life and makes life more meaningful.

The Ancient cultures of the past understood life and death. “Death” was never seen as permanent, it is only a transition from one life to the afterlife and then to a new life. The cycles continue as in nature, until the individual achieves Godhead, which is only through the instruction of Satan and our other Gods who are aligned with Satan.

Death was never seen as morbid. I’ve seen complaints here over the years whenever someone mentioned death, about how “morbid” is it to speak of it. This is from xianity, as that entire religion is corrupt. Xianity is morbid.

The fact is, everyone will die, until they evolve past the need for reincarnation. Here in the Joy of Satan we know humans can advance and become Gods, but this is a process that takes lifetimes. Some members have already done work and advancement in your past lives, so I have every hope that as many of us as possible can reach Godhead in this current life.

But to be realistic, most people will need at least one more lifetime. There is nothing wrong with this, it’s just how the soul is, it takes time to develop and evolve and advance. Think about it, did every single soul Satan created, make it to Godhead in their first life? Obviously not, as everyone is all here again, not as Gods.

To make it clear: there is nothing wrong with death. Yes, it is very sad when our loved ones die. I myself lost one of the most important people to me, and last year I lost another loved one. I also had an SS friend (online from the yahoo groups) who died, about 12 years ago. It's very sad, but it is a part of nature. This is how life is: it is followed by death, until we each evolve past death. Life is followed by death... but death is then followed by life again.

One of the roles of the Ancient High Priests was to assist those who are near the end of their life, help with their soul and their conscience, to prepare for the transition to the afterlife, and to prepare for a better start to their next incarnation. Xianity corrupted this and made “death bed confessions”, which is based on real spirituality albeit corrupted.

When you are dying, you don’t want to have a lot of unresolved duties, unfinished business, or regrets. This can make it difficult to enter the afterlife, which is why we have many ghosts on our planet. Everyone who is dedicated to Satan won’t have to worry about becoming stuck here as a ghost, our Gods will be right there with you when you die, to bring you to Duat. So don’t worry about that.

But regrets and unfinished business will carry over to your next life. This is one of the ways karma is built. You need to clear your conscience before you die, make peace with yourself, make peace with those in your life. Not just ignoring problems and pretending your conscience is clear, but doing whatever is necessary to make peace.

Any feuds with old friends or relatives, any resentment, arrange to meet up with them and work through it, or write them an email and get everything off your chest. They will be more willing to work with you to resolve an issue if they know you are dying, this is a fact that everyone knows or has heard about, because we all have it in our ancestral consciousness: making peace upon death. Do what you can to move forward to the afterlife with a clear conscience in preparation for a better start to your next life.

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Now, about funerals. High Priest Hooded Cobra has mentioned already that he will be updating the Satanic Rites section for funerals. But that aside, many of you are understandably worried about what your non-SS family might do for you when/if you die. Many of you have religious families who will almost certainly hold a religious funeral for you. Don’t be concerned, it will have no effect on your soul. Don’t worry about it. These “religious ceremonies” have no power on anyone who is dedicated to Satan. You can request a non-religious ceremony if you are able to, these are becoming more and more popular, especially in the Western countries. You can also plan and pay for your own ceremony ahead of time and leave your arranged requests with a solicitor or the funeral home, but you need to have realistic expectations about this. They’re not going to do a Satanic funeral for you, but they will leave out everything religious and show you examples they have already prepared for other clients.

For those who have a loved one who dies, you can of course ask the Gods to take care of them. But you will likely have little say over the type of funeral they have, unless you are the head of your family. So you might be wondering about their funeral, if you can go or not. Yes, you can go. Even if it’s in a church. This is not blasphemous to the Gods. Our Gods are much stronger than the joke of a religion that xianity/islam/etc are, and our Gods understand that humans are by nature social, just like our Gods are.

You are free to make a personal stand and boycott a church funeral, but be forewarned: you will probably alienate your other loved ones. Do this if you feel it is best for you, but if you want, you can attend the church, mentally blaspheme xianity, and meditate on the Gods instead.

Recently there have been a few members who posted, mentioning that they are dying. We also have members who are elderly. We will also have more members finding the JoS in the future who might be near the end of their life and experiencing a spiritual awakening before they die. I want to make something very clear to you: High Priest Hooded Cobra and myself are ALWAYS here for you. Even if you just need some emotional support, email us. Don’t hesitate, don’t feel like we won’t want to be disturbed by you, don’t feel like we don’t care. This is one of our roles as clergy. And, we care very much about each of you.

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One of my favorite sermons :love:, thank you very much HPS Lydia (y)

The topic of the afterlife is one of my favorite topics and I do not know why!

The current life and reincarnation do not suit me in many ways, I am dissatisfied with the fact that I was born in one of the poorest countries in Europe, whereas 100 km away and I would have been born in a European country with a more cultured and intelligent population.

I am also not satisfied with the family in which I was born, I have more complaints about my father than my mother, because I have a set of problems (slave upbringing) that I have to get rid of.

I would like to be born into a normal patriarchal family (where mom does not have power like the one I was born into) with a tough, courageous, but fair father (who would be able to talk to children and raise them), where there would be sisters (a prerequisite), because then in my head (in consciousness and in the subconscious), as well as at the level of instincts, since childhood I would have formed the right model of behavior in relationships with women and most likely I would not have any problems with women!

Therefore, I am very dissatisfied with the current reincarnation, the external environment, relatives, my environment, and a lot of things make me angry. As a teenager, I almost went to prison because of my political views, for example, in the USA you can't go to prison for political beliefs, but in my country you can.
For the last 5 years, I've had to hard-wired deprogramming myself, in fact, I completely don't know what normal life is.

The pleasures and entertainment that teenagers had, I did not have them, because my parents constantly moved from one city to another city, because of this, I could not get normal connections for what is called a normal life.

Apart from the rare childhood memories, there was nothing good in my life. When I entered adulthood, I achieved success in my studies and at work, but some aspects of normal human life in terms of entertainment and pleasure are not clear to me, but I am trying to understand them, I am trying to live a normal human life, like all people.

It is easier for me to draw up a legal international agreement for the construction and maintenance of a nuclear power plant and a nuclear reactor in another country than to have fun and satisfy some of my needs.
One of my favorite sermons :love:, thank you very much HPS Lydia (y)

The topic of the afterlife is one of my favorite topics and I do not know why!

The current life and reincarnation do not suit me in many ways, I am dissatisfied with the fact that I was born in one of the poorest countries in Europe, whereas 100 km away and I would have been born in a European country with a more cultured and intelligent population.

I am also not satisfied with the family in which I was born, I have more complaints about my father than my mother, because I have a set of problems (slave upbringing) that I have to get rid of.

I would like to be born into a normal patriarchal family (where mom does not have power like the one I was born into) with a tough, courageous, but fair father (who would be able to talk to children and raise them), where there would be sisters (a prerequisite), because then in my head (in consciousness and in the subconscious), as well as at the level of instincts, since childhood I would have formed the right model of behavior in relationships with women and most likely I would not have any problems with women!

Therefore, I am very dissatisfied with the current reincarnation, the external environment, relatives, my environment, and a lot of things make me angry. As a teenager, I almost went to prison because of my political views, for example, in the USA you can't go to prison for political beliefs, but in my country you can.
For the last 5 years, I've had to hard-wired deprogramming myself, in fact, I completely don't know what normal life is.

The pleasures and entertainment that teenagers had, I did not have them, because my parents constantly moved from one city to another city, because of this, I could not get normal connections for what is called a normal life.

Apart from the rare childhood memories, there was nothing good in my life. When I entered adulthood, I achieved success in my studies and at work, but some aspects of normal human life in terms of entertainment and pleasure are not clear to me, but I am trying to understand them, I am trying to live a normal human life, like all people.

It is easier for me to draw up a legal international agreement for the construction and maintenance of a nuclear power plant and a nucleareo reactor in another country than to have fun and satisfy some of my needs.
I really like to read your posts I want to tell u something
A normal human life is something we can ask ourselves, what is normal? What is human? What is life?
Its a very strange world, depend on the society we are and the culture, normal is relative, and being human in some countries is not diferent from being a animal, and animals deserve all the respect as we humans, we do not need to treat animals bad so "we" fell more human? Jewish shit
Anyway is important to have fun also, cannot be only work.
One of my favorite sermons :love:, thank you very much HPS Lydia (y)

The topic of the afterlife is one of my favorite topics and I do not know why!

The current life and reincarnation do not suit me in many ways, I am dissatisfied with the fact that I was born in one of the poorest countries in Europe, whereas 100 km away and I would have been born in a European country with a more cultured and intelligent population.

I am also not satisfied with the family in which I was born, I have more complaints about my father than my mother, because I have a set of problems (slave upbringing) that I have to get rid of.

I would like to be born into a normal patriarchal family (where mom does not have power like the one I was born into) with a tough, courageous, but fair father (who would be able to talk to children and raise them), where there would be sisters (a prerequisite), because then in my head (in consciousness and in the subconscious), as well as at the level of instincts, since childhood I would have formed the right model of behavior in relationships with women and most likely I would not have any problems with women!

Therefore, I am very dissatisfied with the current reincarnation, the external environment, relatives, my environment, and a lot of things make me angry. As a teenager, I almost went to prison because of my political views, for example, in the USA you can't go to prison for political beliefs, but in my country you can.
For the last 5 years, I've had to hard-wired deprogramming myself, in fact, I completely don't know what normal life is.

The pleasures and entertainment that teenagers had, I did not have them, because my parents constantly moved from one city to another city, because of this, I could not get normal connections for what is called a normal life.

Apart from the rare childhood memories, there was nothing good in my life. When I entered adulthood, I achieved success in my studies and at work, but some aspects of normal human life in terms of entertainment and pleasure are not clear to me, but I am trying to understand them, I am trying to live a normal human life, like all people.

It is easier for me to draw up a legal international agreement for the construction and maintenance of a nuclear power plant and a nuclear reactor in another country than to have fun and satisfy some of my needs.
Try the Green card lottery, starts in October and you have a chance to win and live in the USA.
Low chance to win, but we are SS, and have more "luck" if we apply ourselves.
Sometimes I think about how alone I am and how far away people are from me or I from them in this reincarnation. Who will mourn for me if I die? I realized this after reading your article HPS lydia. So how alone I am in life. However, I'm not even old.

Anyway, this is still a very good article. Thank you High Priestess Lydia.
Everyone here knows that xianity and other enemy religions corrupted spirituality. Xianity is said to be a “death cult” because it only focuses on repressing your life, repressing your joy and passion and enthusiasm, living in a half-dead state, and await your death where you will either float on a cloud with a zombie jew for all eternity, or burn in eternal fire. Islam is even worse and represses even more of life. Even new-age movements aren’t really alive. Spiritual Satanism is the only path that is about living life to your fullest potential in the truest sense, because true spirituality enriches life and makes life more meaningful.

The Ancient cultures of the past understood life and death. “Death” was never seen as permanent, it is only a transition from one life to the afterlife and then to a new life. The cycles continue as in nature, until the individual achieves Godhead, which is only through the instruction of Satan and our other Gods who are aligned with Satan.

Death was never seen as morbid. I’ve seen complaints here over the years whenever someone mentioned death, about how “morbid” is it to speak of it. This is from xianity, as that entire religion is corrupt. Xianity is morbid.

The fact is, everyone will die, until they evolve past the need for reincarnation. Here in the Joy of Satan we know humans can advance and become Gods, but this is a process that takes lifetimes. Some members have already done work and advancement in your past lives, so I have every hope that as many of us as possible can reach Godhead in this current life.

But to be realistic, most people will need at least one more lifetime. There is nothing wrong with this, it’s just how the soul is, it takes time to develop and evolve and advance. Think about it, did every single soul Satan created, make it to Godhead in their first life? Obviously not, as everyone is all here again, not as Gods.

To make it clear: there is nothing wrong with death. Yes, it is very sad when our loved ones die. I myself lost one of the most important people to me, and last year I lost another loved one. I also had an SS friend (online from the yahoo groups) who died, about 12 years ago. It's very sad, but it is a part of nature. This is how life is: it is followed by death, until we each evolve past death. Life is followed by death... but death is then followed by life again.

One of the roles of the Ancient High Priests was to assist those who are near the end of their life, help with their soul and their conscience, to prepare for the transition to the afterlife, and to prepare for a better start to their next incarnation. Xianity corrupted this and made “death bed confessions”, which is based on real spirituality albeit corrupted.

When you are dying, you don’t want to have a lot of unresolved duties, unfinished business, or regrets. This can make it difficult to enter the afterlife, which is why we have many ghosts on our planet. Everyone who is dedicated to Satan won’t have to worry about becoming stuck here as a ghost, our Gods will be right there with you when you die, to bring you to Duat. So don’t worry about that.

But regrets and unfinished business will carry over to your next life. This is one of the ways karma is built. You need to clear your conscience before you die, make peace with yourself, make peace with those in your life. Not just ignoring problems and pretending your conscience is clear, but doing whatever is necessary to make peace.

Any feuds with old friends or relatives, any resentment, arrange to meet up with them and work through it, or write them an email and get everything off your chest. They will be more willing to work with you to resolve an issue if they know you are dying, this is a fact that everyone knows or has heard about, because we all have it in our ancestral consciousness: making peace upon death. Do what you can to move forward to the afterlife with a clear conscience in preparation for a better start to your next life.

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Now, about funerals. High Priest Hooded Cobra has mentioned already that he will be updating the Satanic Rites section for funerals. But that aside, many of you are understandably worried about what your non-SS family might do for you when/if you die. Many of you have religious families who will almost certainly hold a religious funeral for you. Don’t be concerned, it will have no effect on your soul. Don’t worry about it. These “religious ceremonies” have no power on anyone who is dedicated to Satan. You can request a non-religious ceremony if you are able to, these are becoming more and more popular, especially in the Western countries. You can also plan and pay for your own ceremony ahead of time and leave your arranged requests with a solicitor or the funeral home, but you need to have realistic expectations about this. They’re not going to do a Satanic funeral for you, but they will leave out everything religious and show you examples they have already prepared for other clients.

For those who have a loved one who dies, you can of course ask the Gods to take care of them. But you will likely have little say over the type of funeral they have, unless you are the head of your family. So you might be wondering about their funeral, if you can go or not. Yes, you can go. Even if it’s in a church. This is not blasphemous to the Gods. Our Gods are much stronger than the joke of a religion that xianity/islam/etc are, and our Gods understand that humans are by nature social, just like our Gods are.

You are free to make a personal stand and boycott a church funeral, but be forewarned: you will probably alienate your other loved ones. Do this if you feel it is best for you, but if you want, you can attend the church, mentally blaspheme xianity, and meditate on the Gods instead.

Recently there have been a few members who posted, mentioning that they are dying. We also have members who are elderly. We will also have more members finding the JoS in the future who might be near the end of their life and experiencing a spiritual awakening before they die. I want to make something very clear to you: High Priest Hooded Cobra and myself are ALWAYS here for you. Even if you just need some emotional support, email us. Don’t hesitate, don’t feel like we won’t want to be disturbed by you, don’t feel like we don’t care. This is one of our roles as clergy. And, we care very much about each of you.

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Hello, High Sister Lydia. I have a problem. I recently lost a friend due to an accident. I have his birth chart and I would like to study the cause of his death in detail. I also have some more questions for you. I would also like to get emotional support from you. Could you please send me a private message, because I cannot send you a message.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
