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About jews and Kabbalah, an answer


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2017
Have you ever seen this series of videos on kabbalah? I first found them before I joined and they are absolutely enlightening.

What it mainly says:
- There are only 36 Kabbalists in all, and they are not to be confused with rabbis, they are an initiatory group, and kabbalah means received, because you have to receive it from a Kabbalist.
- Kabbalists are extremely aware of the Astral, they even believe in reincarnation, but they believe that a kabbalist who has reached a high level will never reincarnate again, which sounds very Hindu. It sounds at times like you are hearing someone out of the New Age speaking instead an extremely orthodox and fundamentalist Kabbalist is speaking
- They believe in the power of vibration and use Hebrew letters as mantras, towards episode 15 he even talks about an experiment where by vibrating a certain Hebrew letter with a megaphone, they would be able to make its shape appear on a surface covered with crumbled plaster

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Hi, no I didn't see it. When jews speak publicly, they almost always lie/decieve in some way, especially when it comes to things like these. Their explanations about Kabbalah are usually extremely vague, philosofical, impractical etc. They just give these nonsense answers to the goyim, so the goyim thinks that now he knows what Kabbalah is and he will stop asking questions.

In this case it appears that they gave some truths, such as that Kabbalists are extremely aware of the astral and spirituality, but adding some lies, like "there are only 36 Kabbalists". This is complete nonsense. Jews are not like Christians and Muslims, they actually know what's up. I'm talking about religious jews and orthodox jews in particular. It's a well known fact amongst them that the Torah has different layers of interpretation, one of these being the kabbalistic one. This is no "advanced", "secret" or "hidden" information, it's basic knowledge and it's obvious to any jew who reads the Torah even a bit that it contains a lot of spiritual knowledge, codes, words of power, numerology, spells and so on.

There are way more than 36 jews who dedicate themselves to Kabbalah, and no, it's not only the Rabbis. There is literally an entire branch of Orthodox Judaism called Hasidism that is dedicated to Kabbalah study and practice. Hundreds of thousands of jews follow it. The Chabad movement is one example. Of course it's not like all of these jews are high level adepts, but non Hasidic jews study Kabbalah too in many cases. So you see that the "36" number is ridiculous.

These Rabbis, and their other adepts as well are extremely aware of Magick, spirituality, the astral, telepathy and so on. Just recently one of their Rabbis admitted that they regularly communicate telepathically with "Angels" and he himself said that these are actually alien reptilian entities. He also says that they regularly astral project, do blessing and cursing rituals, spiritual warfare and so on. His name is Rabbi Tzadok if you are interested.

One thing about the jews is that they also have a priestly lineage, the Cohens. The priestly class is not a meme, it's not symbolic and meaningless, it actually holds importance. While the jews preach to the world to mix with everyone and to destroy their bloodlines as soon as possible, they are actually extremely careful in preserving their own bloodlines.

The most powerful Kabbalists are people who nobody has ever seen or heard of, most likely descendants of this class.

In conclusion, one thing that I am noticing is that since they are losing badly spiritually, they are disclosing more and more knowledge in the public. I remember HP Hooded Cobra saying that they published the third ritual in the FRTR that we have been reversing because they are desperate. I have also seen Rabbis like this guy Tzadok, publishing very practical books about Kabbalah and how to use it in English, they don't look like the usual nonsense to me. My interpretation is that they want more jews to join them in their vain efforts.
Hi, no I didn't see it. When jews speak publicly, they almost always lie/decieve in some way, especially when it comes to things like these. Their explanations about Kabbalah are usually extremely vague, philosofical, impractical etc. They just give these nonsense answers to the goyim, so the goyim thinks that now he knows what Kabbalah is and he will stop asking questions.
Totally agree, in fact the things I listed are practically 5% out of a 95% nonsense and waste of time, combined with despair over Jewish suffering and Israeli victims in war with Palestinians, and I don't recommend watching it in general.
In this case it appears that they gave some truths, such as that Kabbalists are extremely aware of the astral and spirituality, but adding some lies, like "there are only 36 Kabbalists". This is complete nonsense. Jews are not like Christians and Muslims, they actually know what's up. I'm talking about religious jews and orthodox jews in particular. It's a well known fact amongst them that the Torah has different layers of interpretation, one of these being the kabbalistic one. This is no "advanced", "secret" or "hidden" information, it's basic knowledge and it's obvious to any jew who reads the Torah even a bit that it contains a lot of spiritual knowledge, codes, words of power, numerology, spells and so on.

There are way more than 36 jews who dedicate themselves to Kabbalah, and no, it's not only the Rabbis. There is literally an entire branch of Orthodox Judaism called Hasidism that is dedicated to Kabbalah study and practice. Hundreds of thousands of jews follow it. The Chabad movement is one example. Of course it's not like all of these jews are high level adepts, but non Hasidic jews study Kabbalah too in many cases. So you see that the "36" number is ridiculous.
He says there are 36 of them and to receive initiation you have to be Jewish, male, have reached the age of 45, but evidently he is referring to some internal grouping unless he is lying through his teeth as elsewhere and as you rightly suspect. Also, these videos are very old.

Another important thing he talks about is the fact that there is a written Torah and an oral Torah, so if one really wanted to investigate them one would certainly end up with a fraction of what there is to know, not to mention the fact that we are only doing internet research and if someone wanted to do really serious investigations things could get actually dangerous.
Another important thing he talks about is the fact that there is a written Torah and an oral Torah, so if one really wanted to investigate them one would certainly end up with a fraction of what there is to know, not to mention the fact that we are only doing internet research and if someone wanted to do really serious investigations things could get actually dangerous.
Yes this is true, I said it in another post. The most important aspects and teachings are transmitted orally and they are not disclosed to the public. But the point that I really wanted to make clear with my post is that many jews are involved, way more than people think. Like I said they have movements with hundreds of thousands of members, and amongst them there are many jews who know the "oral Torah" very well and they guide/teach others.
Hi, no I didn't see it. When jews speak publicly, they almost always lie/decieve in some way, especially when it comes to things like these. Their explanations about Kabbalah are usually extremely vague, philosofical, impractical etc. They just give these nonsense answers to the goyim, so the goyim thinks that now he knows what Kabbalah is and he will stop asking questions.

In this case it appears that they gave some truths, such as that Kabbalists are extremely aware of the astral and spirituality, but adding some lies, like "there are only 36 Kabbalists". This is complete nonsense. Jews are not like Christians and Muslims, they actually know what's up. I'm talking about religious jews and orthodox jews in particular. It's a well known fact amongst them that the Torah has different layers of interpretation, one of these being the kabbalistic one. This is no "advanced", "secret" or "hidden" information, it's basic knowledge and it's obvious to any jew who reads the Torah even a bit that it contains a lot of spiritual knowledge, codes, words of power, numerology, spells and so on.

There are way more than 36 jews who dedicate themselves to Kabbalah, and no, it's not only the Rabbis. There is literally an entire branch of Orthodox Judaism called Hasidism that is dedicated to Kabbalah study and practice. Hundreds of thousands of jews follow it. The Chabad movement is one example. Of course it's not like all of these jews are high level adepts, but non Hasidic jews study Kabbalah too in many cases. So you see that the "36" number is ridiculous.

These Rabbis, and their other adepts as well are extremely aware of Magick, spirituality, the astral, telepathy and so on. Just recently one of their Rabbis admitted that they regularly communicate telepathically with "Angels" and he himself said that these are actually alien reptilian entities. He also says that they regularly astral project, do blessing and cursing rituals, spiritual warfare and so on. His name is Rabbi Tzadok if you are interested.

One thing about the jews is that they also have a priestly lineage, the Cohens. The priestly class is not a meme, it's not symbolic and meaningless, it actually holds importance. While the jews preach to the world to mix with everyone and to destroy their bloodlines as soon as possible, they are actually extremely careful in preserving their own bloodlines.

The most powerful Kabbalists are people who nobody has ever seen or heard of, most likely descendants of this class.

In conclusion, one thing that I am noticing is that since they are losing badly spiritually, they are disclosing more and more knowledge in the public. I remember HP Hooded Cobra saying that they published the third ritual in the FRTR that we have been reversing because they are desperate. I have also seen Rabbis like this guy Tzadok, publishing very practical books about Kabbalah and how to use it in English, they don't look like the usual nonsense to me. My interpretation is that they want more jews to join them in their vain efforts.
Do u have any videos of him speaking about the angel alien reptilian entities?

OMG. Guys listen up..

Maybe these reptilians are the good guys, and this is another Jew trick….?

If u see all the comment from the people below… they are all hating on the seraphim reptile god.
These reptillians are DNA source of Jews man. They like, eat kids for breakfast.


Sorry silly me again. No but seriously no, they are evil and enemies of the Nordics.
Satan is a Nordic. You can search for Sanat Kumara, and most of all study Joy of Satan more.
Satan is also a dragon, and winged serpent,

and also even other people here have said that the word seraphim and angel was taken by the Jew.

I’m not supporting Jews. I think this guy is totally creepy.

I’m just pointing out that they are masters of tricks, and getting people to send negative energy to satan.
One thing that enemy attacks can do to is creating endless doubts and confusion. It's good to question things, but when it turns into irrational nonsense and paranoia it's not good anymore. The JoS makes things very clear for one to understand. It's not productive to dwell on these nonsense doubts such as: "maybe Jesus was Satan", "maybe the Gods are reptilians", "maybe George Soros is just a confused White Nationalists", "maybe Netanyahu is just a confused Palestinian", "maybe the Israelis are bombing Gaza to provide them with heat and to cook their meals" and so on.
Satan is also a dragon, and winged serpent,

and also even other people here have said that the word seraphim and angel was taken by the Jew.

I’m not supporting Jews. I think this guy is totally creepy.

I’m just pointing out that they are masters of tricks, and getting people to send negative energy to satan.
I don't know where you get this information from.

According to the Joy of Satan however - Satan is a Nordic extraterrestrial. Thus not a dragon or serpent. I'm not so much into extraterrestrial stuff though.

The serpent does represent the Kundalini, as it lies "coiled" at the base of the spine and can be raised with kundalini yoga asanas, mantras and meditations over time.
The kundalini is also called "the dragon force" but to my knowledge; this has nothing to do with some serpent or dragon being.

Reason for kundalini being called "Dragon force" probably has to do with Yin being of the Dragon in Taoism.


Reason for Shiva sitting on a Tiger like this, I recall have to do with mastery of Yang.
When Yang (the active thinking mind) is silenced, the kundalini can be raised. Halo around Shiva symbolizes the raised kundalini.

So it's all symbology having to do with kundalini yoga, and not Satan being a serpent being or Dragon being.

This is how I see it anyways.
One thing that enemy attacks can do to is creating endless doubts and confusion. It's good to question things, but when it turns into irrational nonsense and paranoia it's not good anymore. The JoS makes things very clear for one to understand. It's not productive to dwell on these nonsense doubts such as: "maybe Jesus was Satan", "maybe the Gods are reptilians", "maybe George Soros is just a confused White Nationalists", "maybe Netanyahu is just a confused Palestinian", "maybe the Israelis are bombing Gaza to provide them with heat and to cook their meals" and so on.
Yep. Better spend time on advancing the soul with yoga instead.

Afterwards, none of that "What if" bs will feel worth thinking a second of.
One thing that enemy attacks can do to is creating endless doubts and confusion. It's good to question things, but when it turns into irrational nonsense and paranoia it's not good anymore. The JoS makes things very clear for one to understand. It's not productive to dwell on these nonsense doubts such as: "maybe Jesus was Satan", "maybe the Gods are reptilians", "maybe George Soros is just a confused White Nationalists", "maybe Netanyahu is just a confused Palestinian", "maybe the Israelis are bombing Gaza to provide them with heat and to cook their meals" and so on.
Thanks I appreciate your concern, and I get what you mean with the what ifs, I’m not paranoid though.

Hail satan!
Actually, I didn’t mean to post this about the god/aliens amongst us, as I know it will just attract backlash.

When u see past the 3d filters , you can see the higher or future self.

I do find snake skin attractive, reptiles can be extraordinarily beautiful, and birds, and winged serpents ;)
You can find it attractive all you want. Satan is not a reptile with wings regardless.
Our race is our nation! And our race is who and what we people are.
Satan is our True God. And everything the enemy says about Satan is exactly what they are! In a nutshell. And everything the enemy says about us? And who and what we are as a people! Is what they are! And here they call themselves The Master race?... and yet they are the most values filthiest dirtiest people that has ever existed! And we have been very clean fussy straight up and honest! About everything and we at least take the time to make ourselves presentable. And we take better care of ourselves and we treat our own people with better respect. And all the enemy has ever done? Is taken destroy everything and twist and change things around for their amusement and expecting us to believe they're bullshit games. And now they're threatening to kill anybody who opens their mouth and screams anti-semitism! And accuse us of saying or getting off something anti-semitic? When all we are doing is expressing our opinions about the enemy and being honest about what the enemy is doing and how he or she treats other people.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
