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  1. T

    What should I do after opening the chakras (Opening the Soul)?

    Well, in short, I did the meditations according to the "Opening the Soul" page (Opening the Third Eye, Opening the 6th Chakra...), and I usually stayed for 1 week or even more, depending on how much I started to "feel" the energy of the chakra, even if minimal, before moving on to the next...
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    Venus square for friendship and similar

    Good evening, brothers! I saw that the Venus square affects social activities... Well, I moved to the capital a few years ago mainly to study and work, so I never had time or interest in friendships. So, I have made practically no friends here, but I recognize my fault in that, hahaha Now that...
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    Necronomicon Money Working Dates for 2025

    Good evening, Corax 4 Dracon I was adding the dates to the 2025 calendar to get it adjusted Until I noticed that in July, the 3rd and 4th may be incorrect The entire 3rd will have the VoC moon and on the 4th it will enter Scorpio, at least in the PDF it doesn't mention the moon in this sign...
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    How to eliminate the feeling of lack?

    Man, I think you were very right in that sentence I don't think I had ever stopped to think that I might need to "put something inside", I think that after reading so much about removing karma, curses, obstacles I ended up neglecting that, in fact, there is a void to be filled and not something...
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    How to eliminate the feeling of lack?

    How can I eliminate feelings of neediness? T he last work I did on emotional healing and soul liberation did not affect these aspects, so I still feel them frequently and easily. It's a very bad feeling that makes you feel incomplete and totally dependent, even making you obsessive about...
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    Charity, volunteering and the like

    What is Satanism's view of charity, volunteering, and the like? I'm not talking about helping others just within Satanism and our Satanic community, I'm talking about helping others in our community and even globally. And what is the relationship between helping others and karma? I've read...
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    Law of Reverse Effort

    The Law of Reversed Effort was first coined by the author Aldous Huxley, who wrote: “The harder we try with the conscious will to do something, the less we shall succeed. “Proficiency and the results of proficiency come only to those who have learned the paradoxical art of doing and not doing...
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    EXTREMLY POTENT - Love Spell

    How is this type of work done? Does it have the same characteristics as a love spell, i.e. the same color, the same moon...? Or are there other characteristics? and what would be a good statement for this case? any suggestions?
  9. T

    Do life and/or the gods guide us towards growth?

    Does life give us signs? Does life itself force us to grow? Or are the gods trying to "force" us onto the path of growth? I recently learned about the concept of "synchronicity", I believe it was most widely disseminated by Carl Jung, but I'm not sure of the history behind the concept. But in...
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    The Necronomicon Meditations Calendar

    What do these numbers after the name of the meditation mean? Ex: 29 December - Third Eye Meditation 13.57 What does this "13.57" mean?
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    using the word "not" in the affirmation

    Dude, I don't know where I saw this, if it was here on the forum or somewhere else. It's related to the word "no" in the statement, that using "no" would generate the opposite result, because it would be using a negative word. I don't remember if that was exactly the logic. For example, if I...
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    Is New Acropolis Organization safe?

    I don't know how much you know about it, but recently I've been watching some videos from New Acropolis about philosophy, especially about classical philosophy. In my opinion, so far, they're quite consistent and some of the lectures are quite similar to what's taught here, especially when it...
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    How to stay strong in the face of mistakes?

    I'm coming back here because I was embarrassed about being judged, and I wrote a very "mysterious" text above, but that's how I felt at the time. I've been writing about love lately. I think I've read every post on the forum related to the subject, including how this feeling of love was hurting...
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    How to stay strong in the face of mistakes?

    I can already tell you that I know I will overcome this and move on But... how can you stay hopeful and have faith when things go wrong in your life? And sometimes it seems like you're the one who puts yourself in these situations (shit!) There are times when I feel kind of abandoned when I...
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    forum server down?

    Good evening, brothers! I don't know where to post this and if this is only happening to me I'm trying to use the forum's search field, but it says the server is down and it's not possible to search: Erro: Oops! We ran into...
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    When is it the work of chance, of energy and how should I act? (manifestations in my favor?)

    Time has passed and I believe that I now truly understand how magic works... I understand that it is not completely instantaneous, but rather a process... But today, with a slightly clearer vision, the question came to me: When is it the work of chance, of energy and how should I act...
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    What is the purpose of the demon information in the calendar?

    Hello, brothers, I have had difficulty finding information about what the days and demons on the calendar mean. Today (10/13) I saw on the calendar that it would be the day of the demon FOCALOR. Is that what it means? Does this mean that it is a good day to talk to him? Or a good day to invoke...
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    How to influence people/thoughts?

    Hello, brothers! What is the work of influencing people and/or thoughts in third parties like? I found little about this topic and I have some doubts about this type of work. I believe it is the same logic as the "three steps of witchcraft", but is there a difference in the way it is done...
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    How to meditate on feelings?

    Hello, brothers! I have been reading some posts that involve feelings, knowing how to deal with them and related topics. In these topics, it is constantly mentioned about feeling emotions and even meditating on or about emotions... How do I do this? How do I meditate on my emotions to help me...
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    Dating - destroy these things inside you.

    Very good article! It came at an extremely necessary time for me. About the post about seduction, I'm one of those interested in reading about it hahaha
  21. T

    Multiple interests and many gods... can I contact several?

    In recent times I have been drastically changing my way of being a Satanist. For a long time I was very negligent in my meditations and in what it means to be a Satanist. The fact is that a lot has changed, especially my thoughts and ideas. Today I know that I am following the right path. The...
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    love and lust spell... complementary or different?

    A love spell and a lust spell, do they complement each other or are they two different works that can cancel each other out and/or hinder each other?
  23. T

    Workings to get specific items/things

    Good evening, brothers! I have recently been in the process of refurnishing my house (I currently live in a rented place where the furniture is not mine and I want to start having my own things). I have already listed what I need and will buy. It may take a long time, but I will have them, even...
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    Change personality/behavior

    Hello, brothers! In the last few months, I have understood the importance of improving my strengths and correcting my weaknesses, both in terms of feelings and behavior. My point is: can we change our personality or specific behaviors? In other words, when what bothers you or hinders you, at...
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    What causes a spell to be canceled?

    Oh, very good!! I hadn't read some of these texts yet, very enlightening. Thank you very much! Very interesting I will reflect on this, it is a view I had not stopped to think about yet
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    Is it disrespectful to try to conjure another demon in a short period of time?

    Good evening, brothers! Well, I recently tried to conjure a demon because I couldn't deal with a problem and, as I wanted an immediate answer and even quick help, I resorted to conjuration. I studied the demons and chose the one that I thought would make the most sense to help me. Well, I...
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    What causes a spell to be canceled?

    What are the criteria that make a work be canceled? I am writing this because they are doing a 40-day work, however yesterday I arrived tired from work and wanted to take a light nap and then wake up and do my meditations and spell. However, I woke up around 2 am, still very sleepy, but I was...
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    When do I know between letting the magic work and taking action?

    Hello, brothers! Lately I have been studying a lot about magic and spells and applying the knowledge to make them more and more effective and correcting my mistakes. Reading articles and other texts about magic, I know that energy will follow the path of shortest distance and that the ideal is...
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    Is Joe Dispenza trustworthy?

    I've seen people mentioning Joe Dispenza's books in some forum threads. Are his books good reading recommendations? Are the things in his books reliable?
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    The feeling of love is destroying me...

    Wow, you simply opened my eyes to many things now, a vision I had not thought of. Very enlightening!! I know that my feelings will not really disappear overnight, but I will work on it and pay more attention to the information provided. Despite the succinct text, it is invaluable information...
  31. T

    The feeling of love is destroying me...

    So the mistake would be wanting too much? Having created illusions and wanting too much? So the "magic turned against me"? I don't know if those would be the right words... I understand what you mean, but how do I resolve this? I've been having these feelings for months, for example, now that...
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    The feeling of love is destroying me...

    I use Google Translate Correct translation of the last sentence: "[...]and I recently found out that she broke up with her boyfriend..."
  33. T

    The feeling of love is destroying me...

    Hey guys, I'm writing this because I want advice, tips, to hear sermons, I don't know, anything. I feel like shit for having to write this, because it's something that is so shallow compared to other problems that it makes me angry and sad for letting it affect me. Well, in fact, love is...
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    What to think while vibrating runes/mantras?

    This question came to me because I am currently doing a love spell and using a Sanskrit mantra vibrating 108 times. Because there are so many vibrations, my head sometimes loses direction and I wonder if the energy would work more efficiently focusing on me or on the target. In this case, not...
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    What to think while vibrating runes/mantras?

    Lately, I have been putting more effort into meditation and gradually increasing the amount of vibrations in some meditations/spells. With these increases, one thing started to bother me: should I think/visualize something while vibrating runes/mantras? I know that some meditations, such as...
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    O que porra aconteceu enquanto eu dormia? (magia de amor)

    Bem, isso aconteceu ontem de madrugada e eu simplesmente não tenho ideia do que isso significa. Bem, eu comecei um feitiço de amor vibrando "Aum Klim KamaDevaya Namah" 108 vezes. Esta é a primeira vez que usei essa quantidade de vibrações. Por volta do 5º dia, senti como se estivesse tendo um...
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    What the fuck happened while you were sleeping? (love magic)

    Well, this happened this morning, and I simply have no idea what it means. Well, I started a love spell by vibrating "Aum Klim KamaDevaya Namah" 108 times. This is the first time I've used this amount of vibrations. Around the 5th day, I felt like I was having an orgasm while vibrating, which I...
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    Why do things I want seem to go wrong?

    I would like to know your opinion on whether this could be something spiritual or just a coincidence or disappointment due to a broken expectation. I started noticing this when I make plans to go out somewhere or suggest a restaurant or place. For example, I notice that when I suggest a place...
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    How should I think at day? (desire)

    Good morning everyone! I have a big question about "how to think in everyday life", especially when you are performing a spell or doing something to manifest a desire. What I mean is, for example, when performing a spell, when visualizing or directing energy, you are guided to think in the...
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    multiple magics/spells

    I have a question about doing more than one magic spell and/or spell at the same time. For example, when performing a magic square, a love spell, money spell, a protective aura... Some have in common: vibrating runes, visualizing, directing energy and even working with colors... each with its...
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    Saudações á todos.

    Saudações também, amigos! Hoje retorno novamente ao satanismo. Não saí por querer, ocorreram tantas coisas na minha vida, aumentaram as preocupaçõs e tantas coisas na cabeça que fui diminuindo o ritimo das meditações e infelizmente fui me desviando até parar completamente, nem lembro os...
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    Acerca do site pinklotus.org

    Vi isso também hahaha, e também achei o site bem incompleto em informações. Perguntei também no forum principal em inglês e o pessoal também disse que as informações e meditações nele contido não são confiáveis, mas as sequências de yoga sim. Nunca ouvi falar sobre ele, recomenda algum site ou...
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    About the pinklotus website

    Understood, thank you. I thought the whole site could be trusted due to the large amount of yoga sequences :D
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    About the pinklotus website

    I have two questions about this site: 1) I've seen this site mentioned in some forum posts in English and some meditations and yogas are similar to that of JOS and vice versa, so much so that in the pdf of kundalini yoga there is at the end a link to this site. I would like to know about the...
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    Acerca do site pinklotus.org

    Tenho duas perguntas acerca deste site: 1) Já vi este site ser mencionado em alguns post do forum em inglês e algumas meditações e yogas são semelhantes o dos JOS e vice-versa, tanto que no pdf da kundalini yoga há no final um link para este site. Gostaria de saber quanto a confiabilidade de...
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    Lua Forte Hoje

    Olá, estou querendo começar um quadrado da lua, mas está dificil achar uma sincronização entre a segunda feira, a lua em cancer ou touro e a lua cheia... É melhor começar apenas com os três ou posso começar se apenas dois dessas itens tiverem em sincrônia, como por exemplo, uma lua cheia em...
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    What to imagine during yoga

    I do yoga every day, but it bothers me that I don't know what to imagine during meditation. There are few who say what I should do mentally, for example, should I think of anything? Should I imagine my body in any specific color ...?
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    A nova Igreja Católica

    Sim, creio que a extinção ainda levará um tempo, pois pelo que vejo da nova igreja católica é que eles estão absorvendo a modernidade atual, ou seja, se abrindo aos homossexuais, tendo ideias mais libertárias... eu creio que isso dará um fôlego a mais para eles, principalmente porque os...
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    5 Vezes ao Dia…

    Nessa parte de "vibre o teu mantra" é um mantra de livre escolha ou de um dos 5 itens acima? Estou querendo usar Satanama, pode?
  50. T

    Americano Comenta: Bolsonaro e o crescimento da direita brasileira

    Outro brasileiro aqui, e Bolsonaro é apenas mais um, e bem pior, pois ele tem legitimidade dos judeus e dos Estados Unidos para fazer o que quiser aqui. E não sou o mais evoluído nem nenhum superior aqui, mas posso lhe garantir que ele não é uma luz satânica. Ele tem traços de psicopatia e...
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    Sites sem envolvimento judaico

    Quando ao site de busca, uso o DuckDuckGo. É bem semelhante ao Google e com o tempo acaba que não sentes tanta falta. Em relação aos apps de mensagem, o ideal seria o Telegram, não em relação a ser contaminado (quanto a isso eu não sei), mas em relação a segurança. Infelizmente poucos o usam...
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    O conto com o nome dos Deuses

    hahaahaha, acabou que algumas circunstâncias me fizeram "evaporar" e até fiquei bastante perdido e esquecido sobre tudo... agora recuperarei o tempo perdido e seguirei a luta cada vez mais forte!!
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    O conto com o nome dos Deuses

    No texto "O Poder do Canto", vi isso pela primeira vez e não vi explicações aprofundadas de seu funcionamento: "Vibrar e entonar os nomes dos Deuses é muitos poderoso. Nós podemos cantar os nomes de Satan e dos Demónios, visualizando suas cores, e focalizando nos atributos de certos Demónios...
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    "Amigo imaginário"

    Estava lendo "Tecnologia Bioelétrica e as Artes Negras do Hipnotismo" e achei essa passagem 'Amigos imaginários de infância são frequentemente extensões da personalidade do indivíduo, especialmente naqueles que têm caráter mais fraco e não revidam pessoalmente ou se defendem. O amigo...
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    Yoga for base chakra

    Anyone know of any specific yoga routine for the base chakra?
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    Acerca do livro "Experiência fora do corpo"

    Estou curioso acerca do livro "Experiências fora do corpo" de Robert Bruce, queria saber algumas coisas, se alguém já leu ou já praticou o que está no livro pode me tirar algumas dúvidas? Pois ainda não o li profundamente, irei começar em alguns dias, portante queria saber de antemão se é uma...
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    Artes marciais

    Gostaria de saber mais acerca das artes maciais, não cheguei a achar um artigo especifico sobre o "uso" das artes maciais, apesar do site ter sobre o falung gong (que é uma extensão do chi kung(que li em algum post que o chi kung seria a arte marcial que mais geraria energia)), tenho dúvida em...
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    Re: Calendário para Satanistas Espirituais PDF

    1-Esse calendário é valdido para todos os anos? 2-E como devo "lê-lo"? Como em janeiro: "20 a 29 de Janeiro/Azazel" isso é o dia dele? Deve-se dar energia nesse dia para ele...? Assim como em "Ose 01 de janeiro Amy 06 de janeiro Cimeres 10 de janeiro[...]"?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
