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  1. Decius

    Re-examining the core principles of JoS

    * if the law allowed a men to strike a slave, a metic or a freedman (=a freed slave), many times he would strike an Athenian believing him to be a slave; for as to dress people are not distinguished at all in Athens from slaves and metics, nor even in appearance”.
  2. Decius

    Re-examining the core principles of JoS

    This, I think, is a balanced description of slavery in ancient Athens: The adult male population in the city-state of Athens was calculated as follows: fifty thousand citizens, twenty-five thousand resident aliens, one hundred thousand slaves (...) Slaves enjoyed no rights, and were the...
  3. Decius

    How To Advance Faster: Example of Cleaning The Soul

    I trust your guidance, thanks.
  4. Decius

    How To Advance Faster: Example of Cleaning The Soul

    But do you believe that Demons can act as Satgurus? I agree with you, in fact I believe that we need restraint in meditation and that we should follow Gods signaling, sometimes I have dreams where it is suggested that I do a specific meditative practice and by doing it I notice that it was...
  5. Decius

    How To Advance Faster: Example of Cleaning The Soul

    I have the impression that nowadays the most likely thing to do is to impoverish oneself by traveling to India, to receive one's deeksha along with 50 other people from a guru who was initiated in the mountains by Babaji. Say goodbye to him a week later and then return to the West enlightened.
  6. Decius

    Thoughts on Ammon Hillman?

    Pardon, in the first thread I was actually referring to this post: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/satan-means-truth-in-slavic-language.79927/
  7. Decius

    Thoughts on Ammon Hillman?

    https://www.ancient-forums.com/threads/satan-means-truth-in-slavic-language.79927/#post-403939 https://ancient-forums.com/threads/how-i-became-a-spiritual-satanist-about-my-studies-of-other-religions.224040/post-1067647 It is as if a puzzle is being put together in front of me.
  8. Decius

    Bhagavad Gita Pensieri? Interpretazioni?

    Tra l'altro, rileggendo il mio stesso post, noto similitudine, o meglio dire, identità, tra questo racconto e il mito di Decaulione e Pirra
  9. Decius

    Experiment: Doing All the Planetary Squares,Every Day...

    Also, If one already has a desk job, I believe it to be really dangerous to practice a lot of daily hours of seated meditation. I believe that the physical body should always have priority, especially considering what kind of bodies modern society is churning out. I've read that the ideal is to...
  10. Decius

    Bhagavad Gita Pensieri? Interpretazioni?

    Possibili libri sull'argomento sono: i libri di Chistopher Dunn, Malkowsky - Ancient Egypt 39000 BCE, Scott Creighton -The Great Pyramid Void Enigma. Inoltre, le ricerche del professor Robert Schoch per la retrodatazione della Sfinge sulla base di Criteri idro-geologici. E recentemente ho letto...
  11. Decius

    The Emerald Tablets of Thoth

    GGF, you are probably referring to the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean, which I believe are New Age crap. Tabula Smaragdina wich I quoted is legit, poetic and alchemical. If you are intrested in alchemy the most beautiful book I saw is Rosarium Philosophorum, look at its pictures...
  12. Decius

    The Emerald Tablets of Thoth

    But aren't the Emerald Tablet the same as Tabula Smaragdina? In that case read it: "Tis true without lying, certain and most true. That which is below is like that which is above and that which is above is like that which is below to do the miracle of one only thing. And as all things have...
  13. Decius

    Bhagavad Gita Pensieri? Interpretazioni?

    Mi ricorda molto il Somnium Scipionis di Cicerone, da quello che scrivi.
  14. Decius

    How to rest better, I heard about the technique to speed up sleep here on the forum

    On the forums I read about yoga nidra, and a technique supposedly used by militaries where you visualize you are in a boat, then in an hammock and then void. If you struggle fall asleep self-hypnosis and autosuggestion should resolve the problem in less than a month. Also sleeping in total...
  15. Decius

    Beginner asking about Jews

    I meant that they can do something for the Gentiles in general, helping revisionism and bringing more awareness of their abominations among the Gentiles, perhaps in the academical field. What they need to do to help Spiritual Satanism is to stay as far away it as possible, Paganism has...
  16. Decius

    Beginner asking about Jews

    And in any case you don't end up a delinquent's child by accident, and if you become a delinquent's child you are more likely to commit crimes and probably have already committed delinquent acts in previous reincarnations, even low caste Indians don't end up there by accident, nothing happens by...
  17. Decius

    Beginner asking about Jews

    Each of them is benefited and influenced by their own spells regardless of their own "will." What do they have to do? If they want to advance spiritually, they have their own system, in fact the only traditional system of Western mysteries that is still alive and has taken out all its...
  18. Decius

    New Rituals & Schedule Now Live: HPS Maxine's Ritual & Lord Balaam's Ritual

    Hi, did you read this thread? https://www.ancient-forums.com/threads/le-ar-siy-aket-onek-mis-boq-ahay-akelaho-ub-ot-ham.289435/
  19. Decius

    Witches Esbat

    Witches Sabbath by HP Hoodedcobra https://www.ancient-forums.com/threads/advanced-knowledge-witches-sabbath-the-lunar-month-purification-circle-updated.58191/ Deep cleaning by HPS Lydia https://ancient-forums.com/threads/deep-cleaning.57615/#post-255935
  20. Decius

    Was the Iran's president cursed to death?

    I was reading from a book I found among the old Forum posts, the Hexagradior, which has excellent exercises in the first few pages and seems to me to be the best book on magic I have seen. The author writes: "A notion which relatively frequently re-emerges in the conversations within the occult...
  21. Decius

    Was Emperor Nero Really Serious When he said the Christians Burned Down Rome??

    And this concerns everything that was written between Rome and Athens not only history, this is worth knowing.
  22. Decius

    Was Emperor Nero Really Serious When he said the Christians Burned Down Rome??

    Sadly there are high probabilities for 'Annals' by Tacitus to be a renaissance forgery by Poggio Bracciolini. https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/9098 And since all the ancient historians' texts were transcribed by christian monks during middle age and no one of them has come to us in its...
  23. Decius

    About jews and Kabbalah, an answer

    Totally agree, in fact the things I listed are practically 5% out of a 95% nonsense and waste of time, combined with despair over Jewish suffering and Israeli victims in war with Palestinians, and I don't recommend watching it in general. He says there are 36 of them and to receive initiation...
  24. Decius

    How I Became A Spiritual Satanist: About My Studies Of Other Religions

    Have you ever seen this series of videos on kabbalah? I first found them before I joined and they are absolutely enlightening. What it mainly says: - There are only 36 Kabbalists in all, and they are not to be confused with rabbis, they are an initiatory group, and kabbalah means received...
  25. Decius

    How I Became A Spiritual Satanist: About My Studies Of Other Religions

    The thing about the Hebrew stolen from the Greek I read some time ago here on the forums also from a Russian user who supported Fomenko's theories on chronology. I have been pondering these things for a while and while Fomenko, says a lot of rubbish about history, being that many of the events...
  26. Decius

    Domanda molto importante

    Il programma dei 40 giorni https://www.josita.org/BIBLIOTECA/Alto%20Sacerdote%20Hooded%20Cobra%20-%20%20Programma%20di%20Potenziamento%20di.pdf
  27. Decius

    Domanda molto importante

    Allora evita per ora, hai cominciato il programma dei 40 giorni? Comunque come ti è stato suggerito puoi fare un'aura di protezione, al limite ne puoi fare anche una con affermazioni mirate a risolvere il tuo problema. Poi oltre alle legature, quando avrai più esperienza, per manipolare gli...
  28. Decius

    Domanda molto importante

    E alla fine fa la pulizia dell'Aura e dei Chakra, anzi sarebbe più comodo se inserissi questa operazione nella routine in modo che preceda la pulizia quotidiana, inoltre potrebbe essere necessario che sia ripetuta più di una volta, come al solito.
  29. Decius

    Domanda molto importante

    Se hai già dimestichezza con la meditazione e la magia, per fare una legatura direttamente in Astrale: 1) Va in trance 2) Visualizza una corda nera che sta avvolgendo il corpo dellla persona target, a un certo punto dovrebbe cominciare a succedere tutto da solo, nel senso che la visualizzazione...
  30. Decius

    About the change of Satan image on Jos main website

    If one wanted an adequate portrait of Satan one would have to resurrect Titian or Velazquez and put him in front of Satan himself unfortunately, however at the moment I don't think it is possible.
  31. Decius

    Help Me Study Advanced Physics

    HPS Maxine, with a degree in physics, wrote that she thinks spirituality has to do with neutrinos. Unfortunately, at the moment I am quite ignorant of physics to help you. I don't quite understand the concept of sacred geometry, isn't Euclidean geometry already sacred enough?
  32. Decius


    He is a Demon from the book of Abramelin, the name come from Maimone a pluvial God from the Sardinian mythology linked to Amon. Translated from Italian Wikipedia https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maimone In isolated areas it is evident there were pagans until the Middle Ages forwarded, if not...
  33. Decius

    Ancient Greek, a Language of the Gods

    I had just started using Ranieri-Roberts approach a few weeks ago and it seems to me the closest to the method of Hans Orberg's books for Latin, which I can testify works great, 20 minutes a day for two years and I read Latin fluently, while 5 years of ancient Greek with the so-called...
  34. Decius

    The Truth About the Palestine-Israel War

    Yes, but you are just a troll here, One Wire phenomenon o whoever else, so no one should give a fuck about your opinion;)
  35. Decius

    Write Down Your Problems

    - About psychic vampirism, I can't undesrtand, when someone influences me negatively, is this always called vampirism? - Holes in the aura, how to find and heal them in the most effective way; - I remember there was a sermon on workings longer then 90 days concerning freeing the soul that can...
  36. Decius

    Write Down Your Problems

    -If you already have a hypertrophic Sun in your birth chart, can using solar mantras for cleansing make it worse? -When empowering the soul, is insomnia normal? Many people experience it here. -I don't understand exactly what chakras are blocked. It also seems to me that some chakras are more...
  37. Decius

    satan is a hebrew word why not just refer to krishna?

    For me, the use of the mantra Satanama in kundalini yoga and the name Satan associated with the serpent in the Garden of Eden story, has always been more than enough "coincidence," and I have never even thought of having to scientifically prove that there is a direct derivation between the two...
  38. Decius

    satan is a hebrew word why not just refer to krishna?

    Some seek academic answers and demand them from a religious organization, which in itself does not make much sense. Linguistics from historical data tries to define certain laws that determine the evolution of languages, however these laws are not principles of physics, they are only the...
  39. Decius

    satan is a hebrew word why not just refer to krishna?

    To many, a connection between Judaism and Hinduism may seem impossible, but something very interesting is also how Judaism has incorporated traits of Zoroastrianism which in turn derives from a split within Hinduism. Furthermore, there must be an underlying history that has escaped the pen of...
  40. Decius

    Write Down Your Problems

    For me the ladder method for trance doesn't work very well, I feel like it does for many. I am very happy with the HPS Maxine mp3, in my opinion it would be useful if the link was added to the site page. The advantages of using an mp3 like this are that the use of willpower is eliminated and...
  41. Decius

    La questione della musica 432 hz

    Anche molto materale sullo yoga e la meditazione, libri ecc., che a prima vista può sembrare innocuo se non benevolo contiene queste ipnosi "mascherate". Personalmente ho trovato molto facile esserne influenzato, fortunatamente la Somma Sacerdotessa aveva un intuito geniale ed ha lasciato...
  42. Decius

    Mi dite se è tutto giusto?

    Sì, però l'incantesimo che vuoi fare è a vantaggio tuo. Ho letto che alcuni consigliano di attrarre il/la partner ideale e non persone specifiche, e sono d'accordo con loro, se ami qualcuno non manipoli la sua volontà. Poi, se sei propio convinto che Satana desideri che tu stia con quella...
  43. Decius

    Is "YHWH Sabaoth" just "Jove Sabazios"?

    https://archive.org/details/kieren-barry-the-greek-qabalah.-alphabetic-mysticism-and-numerology-in-the-ancient-world/page/38/mode/2up https://archive.org/details/TheGreekMagicalPapyriInTranslation/page/n247/mode/2up
  44. Decius

    Is "YHWH Sabaoth" just "Jove Sabazios"?

    However, many Romans thought they were adoring Saturn. Which I think is also connected to the Ophitism or the other Gnostic cults that see the Jewish God as a jailer and Satan or also Abrasax as the true God. Have you read the Greek Magical Papiri? The Hellenic, not only in Greece, used vowels...
  45. Decius

    Hair Health Tips - Regrowing / Thickening of your hair

    I suggest you do some research on ayurveda. Since baldness is a typical trait of the pitta dosha, do some research to see if it is your dominant dosha. And if pitta is your dominant dosha do research on the best types of asana, pranayama, mantram, meditation, and diet to balance this dosha.
  46. Decius

    Pitta types yoga kundalini and cleansing with solar mantras

    Hi, do you think that for someone of pitta type, cleansing with solar mantras might be unbalancing in the long run? Do you know of more balanced mantras to use for a pitta type? Only visuddhi comes to mind. Yoga Kundalini, could it not also bring imbalance?
  47. Decius

    Origin of Language?

    According to what High Priestess Maxine wrote, at one time men were all telepathic. Then there was war in the skies. And the tower of Babel collapsed. In a world where everyone is telepathic the phonatory apparatus may still have been developed for the ability to generate psychic energy...
  48. Decius

    Old forum archive down

  49. Decius

    Old forum archive down

    https://groups-archive.org/viewtopic.php?t=12928 It has been down for a couple of weeks. Will it be restored?
  50. Decius

    Best resources for learning Kundalini Yoga?

    I imagined there was a misunderstanding. Thanks for the advice, as soon as I can I look for some lessons hoping there are good teachers where I live.
  51. Decius

    Best resources for learning Kundalini Yoga?

    Certainly, but there is an abysmal difference between a person who is able to explain some anatomical details and a person who tells you only follow me, while he cannot even see if you do it correctly. And since it is a physical activity there are certain important things that I believe should...
  52. Decius

    Best resources for learning Kundalini Yoga?

    I would like to know some good resources for learning Kundalini Yoga that come close to a real master. Of the ones I found on youtube only GuruPrem meets my standards, it focuses on the internal dynamics and doesn't just tell you move this or move that. Unfortunately, however, what he shared on...
  53. Decius

    I need answers about ghematria

    From what is generally taught people like Greeks and ohers used the letters as numbers, based on the alphabetical order and not on phonetics. For example In the Futhark the sound /f/ stand for 1, while in the Greek one the sound /a/ stand for 1. Though the alphabetical order is probably not...
  54. Decius


    Pare che la mummificazione sia stata un costume quasi esclusivamente egiziano. Greci e romani bruciavano abitualmente i corpi sulle pire funerarie, mentre tra gli etruschi era più frequente l'inumazione. Se non erro in India la tradizione è ancora quella di cremare i cadaveri. Però io...
  55. Decius

    Some thoughts on Franz Bardon's second book "The Practice of Magical Evocation"

    Some time ago I happened to respond on a topic regarding what is the origin of the spirits that are presented in Bardon's second book, my answer had not been comprehensive though. Well, now accidentally I have learned about the origin of these spirits, thanks to Stephen Skinner's comparative...
  56. Decius

    Israel Does It Again: Europe & United States Under Threat Of Terror Attacks

    I think this conflict is actually leading to schizophrenia among political parties
  57. Decius


    Sì, perdonami, certe secondo me. Vediamo cosa dicono gli altri. E grazie a voi per il lavoro
  58. Decius


    correzioni certe: -3o paragrafo: Ti ergi dal mare > sorgi dal mare (rise > sorgere) -Affermazione finale: Coglitore>Conquistatore dubbie: -2o paragrafo: faccia del principio attivo > volto -4o: sei un tentacolo della giustizia > sei un rappresentante Wordreference mi dà anche rappresentante...
  59. Decius

    Massimo Scaligero

    Qui : ) https://www.massimoscaligero.net/it/libri/
  60. Decius

    Massimo Scaligero

    Sicuramente è un personaggio interessante, tuttavia i suoi libri sono di assai difficile comprensione, usa un sacco di termini filosofici che per me sono assolutamente fuori portata e anche un italiano piuttosto antiquato, per esempio la parola però nei suoi libri equivale a perciò, come...
  61. Decius

    Franz Bardon

    Look at the bottom of the manuscript you can read the things I quoted, maybe as a source he also used the Picatrix, but probably also knowledge he had through his own experience. From what I understand Bardon was a very Christian guy who received information from his cousin Rah Ohmir who was an...
  62. Decius

    Riflessioni etiche personali - "Homo homini lupus" e Oltre.

    Okay, pensavo l'avessi sentita anche tu qualche giorno prima. Ma evidentemente non è così. Non ti preoccupare. Ciao, buon avanzamento spirituale :D
  63. Decius

    Franz Bardon

    There are things in the book from Fraternitas Saturni, the editor of the 1991 edition wrote that in one of the lasts pages
  64. Decius

    Riflessioni etiche personali - "Homo homini lupus" e Oltre.

    La frase che hai messo nel titolo mi è capitato di sentirla al superlativo pochi giorni prima che scrivessi il post, non so se sia una coincidenza.
  65. Decius

    Franz Bardon

    Read whatever you like. The book on summoning is practically useless, you can find similar things in the last steps of the Hermetic Initiation and without the need to summon the Angels of the Jews. Rather than that text I would read Jamblicus or other Neoplatonic authors. The one on kabbalah...
  66. Decius

    Lilith's Master Runes [V 1.2.1 - March 11]

    Thank you very much! :D
  67. Decius

    Franz Bardon

    Read here also https://groups-archive.org/viewtopic.php?p=258100&sid=c73b0f2fede399f68fecb4c35460e17c#p258100
  68. Decius

    My thoughts

    Are you sure about what you write about Aristotle? I'm not very knowledgeable about philosophy but from the little I've read about him he considered form inseparable from matter. And that one cannot exist without the other so basically from what I understand if the spiritual part is form and the...
  69. Decius

    How to vibrate a planetary square?

    Actually, after I wrote my last post, I started the Venus square with the reduced mantras, the conjunction with the Moon in Taurus was too much interesting to not start it. For now on the contrary I prefer to use material squares. I remember two years ago I was using the moon square to...
  70. Decius

    How to vibrate a planetary square?

    Thank you Naked. I've used the Squares before, I just had a doubt that I was using them incorrectly. In my opinion they are a much more advanced operation than they may seem and for a beginner they can be useful but definitely not essential. At my level for example I feel that I need to work...
  71. Decius

    How to vibrate a planetary square?

    Should a breath coincides to every single word of the squares mantras? Like (breath) AUM (breath) SRAAM (breath) SRIM (breath)SRAUM (breath)SAU (breath)CHANDRAMASE (breath)NAMA It look to much for me. To give an example, in the Moon square, when you have to vibrate the mantras 81 times, there...
  72. Decius

    Unificazione dell’Italia

    Non avevo letto edificate, forse ti riferivi al Vittoriano, che è effettivamente Risorgimentale e decisamente paganeggiante
  73. Decius

    Unificazione dell’Italia

    Quali? Sicuro di non confondere il Risorgimento con il Rinascimento? Che io sappia l'unica opera degna di nota dei risorgimentali è la battaglia di Catalafimi di Remigio Legat Di pagano non ha nulla, le opere del rinascimento invece sono più vecchie di tre secoli. O forse mi sfugge qualcosa?
  74. Decius

    Joy Of Satan - Ritual Schedule March 6 to March 17 [SECOND RITUAL UP]

    Astarte's ritual balances the serpent's RTR energies in a truly superb way, kudos to the chef.
  75. Decius


    Flock, potrebbe essere anche tradotto come stormo, invece che come gregge. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=419088#p419088 In particolare Cobra qui ha scritto: Se leggete sui dizionari Inglese/Italiano online danno sia gregge sia stormo come traduzione
  76. Decius


    I think in the phrase pasture is not a metaphor for 'folk', it is probably an allusion to the fact that Mars is also a God related to agriculture. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_(mythology) It is no coincidence that the word pasture is coordinated with the word weald in the sentence, which...
  77. Decius

    About Races That Aren't From The Enemy Or From The Gods [Updated]

    I once had a dream about him and it seemed extremely real, then looking at the image of his statue it looked very much like him, he was good looking with very thick brown hair equal in shape to that of his statue. He didn't even tell me who he was, I simply saw him and already knew who I was...
  78. Decius

    The Beauty of the Human Soul of Satan and the Vortex of Life

    There is also Thomas Myer's work on myofascial meridians, which connects with the meridians of Chinese medicine. However, Myer does not examine electricity, rather the conductor, so his studies connect to more to the field of movement and applied movement medicine. I have found some workouts...
  79. Decius


    Se hai fatto il rituale di distaccamento con Munka, o Rune per la liberazione, tutto bene. Invece, evitare assolutamente Vinasa su di sé, è un mantra di distruzione da usare solo sull'ambiente esterno. Usarlo per sbloccare un chakra è come se, non riuscendo a muovere un'articolazione, per...
  80. Decius


    A-II probabilmente https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=408154#p408154 HPHoodedcobra ha scritto che la Y, è come la i di inner. A questo punto è anche una nota superflua. Nel Salmo è scritto AI, quindi gli italiani lo leggono già come è scritto senza bisogno di istruzioni.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
