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  1. Friday13thx

    Relationships #76245 PAST OF MY GIRLFRIEND

    This makes some sense... but what do you mean you'll never enter into a spiritual satanist marriage because it's unfair to men?... also... the idea of marrying a woman who's sex tape is allover the internet or who has been passed around by almost all the men in my neighborhood beats me despite...
  2. Friday13thx

    Relationships #76245 PAST OF MY GIRLFRIEND

    From all the replies here... does it mean one should marry a prostitute or a porn star?
  3. Friday13thx


    I believe what you are going through is fear of your father... I understand but if you do not let him know about the leaked online nudes you'd keep being a sexual slave to this rapist... if you're a dedicated by blood Satanist then this should disgust you totally... why would an unworthy foul...
  4. Friday13thx

    Looking for friends

    Write me... I'll be your friend
  5. Friday13thx

    Strengthen the future of africa prt.1

    The only way we can do that is to become active in politics with our hidden agenda... such as the Jews and Arabs have a hidden new world order.... we as spiritual satanists have ours too... and we must try all our possible best to be in places of power to make significant changes... hail Satan!!!!
  6. Friday13thx


  7. Friday13thx

    Song about SATAN NEW VERSION

    Please educate us on the ai used so your family can be inspired and benefit... also... give the song a track name... or is the name.. Satan song?
  8. Friday13thx

    Song about SATAN NEW VERSION

    This is great but I don't encourage using the name of our father directly... you can use code words for our father... don't be too direct... this is good enough to commercialize and make money off... we need money as SS in our war... you can use code words... like Enki.. or the Light-bearer...
  9. Friday13thx

    Why haven't the Gods destroyed "Yahweh" yet?

    Firstly... one must understand that yaweh is a thoughform... a collection of thoughts from all jews and anyone who keys into Jewish energies either through religion or ideologies like Islam... Judaism... Christianity... communism... nihilism and the rest... when you dwell on this thoughts and...
  10. Friday13thx

    IT group needed

    It is okay... someone would someday It's okay... someone would someday
  11. Friday13thx

    IT group needed

    I have a repository I would like you to join on github... my mother is blind and I'm believing Father Satan can use us and give us hope that she'll see again using technology https://github.com/Friday13thx/EyeRevive
  12. Friday13thx

    IT group needed

    Ethical hackers and coders needed... artist.... writers... medics... prompt engineera ..everyone is needed here.
  13. Friday13thx

    Videogame for us?

    I think the Gods just directed me to a videogame called Cover Fire... its on google play store... it features imagery of the Sowilo rune... please sisters/brothers... check it out and see if it was developed for us 😂
  14. Friday13thx

    Question #3291: Is it right to hit a woman?

    It's always the mad had to do something for the man to be abused... a woman doesn't have to do anything to be raped as much as I don't have to do anything to be abused and yes I am beating any bitch to stupor who comes at me with violent vibes... violence for violence... I am not civil to be...
  15. Friday13thx

    Question #3291: Is it right to hit a woman?

    Regardless of how inequal humans really are as concerns gender... I will never in my satanic existence tolerate a woman who verbally abuses me... or even physically abuses me... I'm beating that bitch till they call the police or some motherfucking idiot manginas administer jungle justice but...
  16. Friday13thx

    How to be a satanist?

    The first step to being a real Satanist is doing the dedication ritual... I noticed a lot of people here come to ask questions when they haven't even passed the first phase... a lot of questions are automatically answered once you're dedicated. It takes a lot of mental change to accept to "burn...
  17. Friday13thx

    IT group needed

    I need people to form an IT team to promote Spiritual Satanism... I'd like people interested to state their interests here so we can proceed... there's so many things to explore inorder to make JOS the only and greatest religion in the world... please support me brothers and sisters... hail...
  18. Friday13thx

    Satanic martyrs

    Is there a way we can learn about Satan's martyrs and the stories behind them?... I think it'd be very helpful in keeping the faith alive Hail Satan
  19. Friday13thx

    Omen of Beltane from Satan: Crow removes israeli flag

    Why do I just love this so so so much .... Funnily I woke up on the 30th of April with tears in my eyes... I had been dreaming... In the dream I sung a song for us... I remember the tune but not the words... I'm still working on that ... But then I checked joy of satan and saw the happy Beltane...
  20. Friday13thx

    Testimonial... Hail Lady Astarte and Father Satan!!!!

    On this unique date... 13/04/2023... Father Satan's numbers are 4 and 13.... so its unique to me... i would love to share a testimonial. Trust me when I say it's not easy to be a dedicated satanist. It's different because once you sign in blood.... there's no going back!!! You're in...
  21. Friday13thx

    The tests of faith: my experience

    This is very true. The importance of this thread cannot be overemphasized. It is during the toughest of times that our true dedication to father Satan shows. One of the greatest emotions in life is that of death or the fear or mystery of death. It's something no one really knows about. We only...
  22. Friday13thx

    Love - a poem

    Lovely poem... I needed to read this.... thanks Tabby
  23. Friday13thx

    Blood Sacrifices Explained: Our Gods And "Their Gods" [Updated]

    Does it mean it's no longer considered a ritual if the blood is spilled on the shrine of the deity but the meat eaten? Isn't the blood spilled on the shine a symbolism and not a spiritual effect per say. Ogun for example is iron and the machete used in cutting the animal is iron too. It's simply...
  24. Friday13thx

    2023 - SS CALENDARS [Update: Hungaryan Calendars Ready]

    Marvelous thanks. Why didn't I think that? Lol. Hail Satan.
  25. Friday13thx

    2023 - SS CALENDARS [Update: Hungaryan Calendars Ready]

    What's the AnitChrist Incarnation on April 20th?
  26. Friday13thx

    2023 - SS CALENDARS [Update: Hungaryan Calendars Ready]

    Wonderful work. What is DFMW?
  27. Friday13thx

    www.evilgoy.com interactive FRTR site not working

    Please some should look into this. I tried to do the FRTR but it's the "read and cross out" version that's available. The version where I can play the audio of the words and then click to move to the next word until I cross out that line of alphabets is no longer available. Can this be fixed...
  28. Friday13thx

    Class system and spiritual satanism

    Given the theory of heirachical structure wouldn't it be wrong for a spiritual satanist with 4 masters to leave his office job to become an office clerk? Doesn't acquiring wealth advance the Satanic agenda?
  29. Friday13thx

    Class system and spiritual satanism

    Hello family. Here I am once again. It's wrong for races to mix due to the grim consequences of race mixing. Is there also class system in jobs and career? Can a spiritual satanist who is from a wealthy family become a bartender in a downtown strip club? What would the Gods think of this. If...
  30. Friday13thx

    ORION'S BELT and Samhain/Halloween: My experience

    I never really left Serbon. I have been here ever.
  31. Friday13thx

    ORION'S BELT and Samhain/Halloween: My experience

    Today on the 31st of October which is Samhain/Halloween I saw ORION'S BELT. I marveled at the sight because I have never seen 3 stars in a row. I proceeded to get my phone from where I was charging it and when I looked at the time it was exactly 1:15am. I don't know if it is of significance but...
  32. Friday13thx

    Dedication and Devotion to Father Satan

    Thanks HP. May you live long and may your wisdom and knowledge increase by the Gods. May Father always guide and protect you and me and all SS family Hail Father Satan!!!
  33. Friday13thx

    Dedication and Devotion to Father Satan

    On the day I dedicated the moon was in Scorpio all day. Later in the day Mercury retrograde motion enters Capricon. On research I learnt Mercury retrograde affects electronics and communication and more. I also learnt signing contracts are not to be done during a Mercury Retrograde. Does this...
  34. Friday13thx

    Astrology on the day of dedication

    On the day I dedicated the moon was in Scorpio all day. Later in the day Mercury retrograde motion enters Capricon. On research I learnt Mercury retrograde affects electronics and communication and more. I also learnt signing contracts are not to be done during a Mercury Retrograde. Does this...
  35. Friday13thx

    Dedication and Devotion to Father Satan

    Please. How do I check this? I want to know my transit on the day I dedicated?
  36. Friday13thx


    Kramer. Why would the Gods help you exactly? Why do you think you deserve the help of the Gods? This are salient questions and not sacarsm in anyways. Kramer. You aren't the only dedicated spiritual satanist in your country. There are others. If we all won the lottery do you think it would be...
  37. Friday13thx

    Illuminati. Church of Satan. Ognoni fraternity and more.

    What do we think about joining other occult groups like the Illuminati. The church of Satan. The Ogboni fraternity and other "satanic" occult societies to get actual connections and brotherhood seeing that this might help advance once financial status. That does not mean we deny satan but we...
  38. Friday13thx


    How does one handle a cheating partner? What do I do if my partner and my friend are cheating on me yet claim to love me?
  39. Friday13thx

    Sadly currently under severe attack from a group of jews and christians still

    What is your definition of a war? War. Some wars are won summarily. Some extend years. You do not end a war cause some soldiers died or cause you had casualties. You restrategize and hit back. You hit back till there is a truce. Watch boxing videos. Some rounds end in 1; Some in 10 but the thing...
  40. Friday13thx

    Sadly currently under severe attack from a group of jews and christians still

    Ask yourself this question; what would father Satan have me do? Satan is a God of the strong. He is not weak. This is why I believe one in this path should have knowledge about the Satanic Bible's stance on vengeance and the Satanic rules of the earth. If someone tries to hurt you unfairly...
  41. Friday13thx

    Heads up on a possible"new" tactic by the enemy in forums

    Can you please shed more light on this? Thanks.
  42. Friday13thx

    How to Find Your Guardian Demon - Guide

    True. However, that this happened when you needed answers may be a sign since the first thought that came to your mind is that the black seeds were for birds. Spiritual Satanist need to keep their eyes and mind out to understand the message of the Gods(esses). Your guardian demon may be a bird...
  43. Friday13thx

    Race mixing

    Ok but is it wrong especially since we both are gentiles created by father Satan? What if the sexual tension between us is really high? What if the emotions are overflooding. This is really hard.
  44. Friday13thx

    Race mixing

    Is it wrong to mix with a white gentile because I am a black gentile? Or is it only Jews we should not mix with? Hail Satan.
  45. Friday13thx

    Reptilian Sexual Attacks During Sleep

    Fuck them all up!!! You are a dedicated satanist; by blood!!!! So many member do not know what this means!!!! Fuck them the all up!!!! What rubbish????!!!!!
  46. Friday13thx

    If You Know, You Know: More About Mistakes

    Thank you HP Hooded Cobra. This is the sweetest and realest path ever!!!! Sometimes I am perplexed how a Spiritual Satanist would complain and whine about certain things. The dedication ritual is about the hardest thing to ever undertake in existence. Do you think everyone can dedicate? You are...
  47. Friday13thx

    Guarani people: Reasons to do more Spiritual warfare

    Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guaran%C3%AD_people We are making impact: Jesuits expelled Further information: Suppression of the Society of Jesus (Search Wikipedia) In 1767, the Jesuits were expelled from Spanish dominions by royal edict. Fearing the outcome of this decision, viceroy...
  48. Friday13thx

    Shinzo Abe Assasination, Boris Johnson Resigns, Georgia Guidestones, Alien Invasion, Ukraine War, Enemy Pullbacks

    Well written HP. I am not supposed to ask this but what did you major in school?
  49. Friday13thx

    Blood ritual in africa

    Very intelligent. Thanks.
  50. Friday13thx

    Animal Sacrifices in African Traditional Religion

    If you were black and female I would marry you immediately. Kisses.
  51. Friday13thx

    Animal Sacrifices in African Traditional Religion

    Intelligent reply. We need more people like you not some idiot bastards who cannot give an intelligent answer and therefore resort to vituperation. Bastards!!!
  52. Friday13thx

    Animal Sacrifices in African Traditional Religion

    Your whole family are degenerate clowns you retarded idiot. If you cannot criticize constructively you can go fuck a goat or something idiot!!!
  53. Friday13thx

    Blood Sacrifices Explained: Our Gods And "Their Gods" [Updated]

    Thanks so much HP Hooded Cobra. I love you so so so so much and forever. Hail Satan!!!!
  54. Friday13thx

    Animal Sacrifices in African Traditional Religion

    This is the Wikipedia link to Ogun. I would like you to look at it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ogun I get the idea that most of our original cultures and traditions and religions have been corrupted. It is sad that these have been the practices for aeons of centuries. Ogun is mentioned...
  55. Friday13thx

    Animal Sacrifices in African Traditional Religion

    From all said here; I need to ask: If a chief priest does some incantations on an animal and the animal is then slaughtered for food; is it parasitical or Jewish? Or is that Satanic? If some words were chanted or recited as prayers to the African Gods and some libations or rituals were done...
  56. Friday13thx

    Animal Sacrifices in African Traditional Religion

    Dogs are sacrificed to Ogun; sometimes chicken. Other African Traditional Gods accept various types of animals where the blood is used for efficacy and as energy. Why then does the JOS condemn sacrificing animals to Gods? I want to do a ritual to Ogun and Oshun; how would I do it without doing...
  57. Friday13thx

    Do JOS members have more style (swag) than others?

    I say yeah too!!! I feel like I am being more noticed and exude some sort of confidence like "who tha fuck is balling?!!!!" Lmao.
  58. Friday13thx

    Do JOS members have more style (swag) than others?

    Lmao. I bet once you come to Satan and do the blood dedication you become a Godfather!!! Lmao. We fuck that pussy like we own it!!! Lmao!!!!
  59. Friday13thx

    Do JOS members have more style (swag) than others?

    Lately I have been feeling like some sort of celebrity or super star. Lmao. I noticed this after my dedication. I feel like I walk with some sort of swag . What do y'all say!
  60. Friday13thx

    What is our stance on the Satanic Bible?

    Are we to regard or disregard the Satanic Bible?
  61. Friday13thx

    No UTC +1 WAT in the JOS calender

    You're so sweet. Mwah. May Father Satan bless you and me and all satanist. Hail Satan.
  62. Friday13thx

    No UTC +1 WAT in the JOS calender

    You're doing a wonderful work Lydia. May father always protect and guide you and the JoS team. Hail Satan.
  63. Friday13thx

    No UTC +1 WAT in the JOS calender

    A million thanks wouldn't be enough. May the grace of father continue to be upon you and all authors and members for the work you do. May father's reign be everlasting. Hail Satan.
  64. Friday13thx

    No UTC +1 WAT in the JOS calender

    Entirely different. The similar is the utc for United Kingdom. The time zone is same but I don’t know if the moon phases are same. Please make provision for Africa or blacks. I remember a certain brother or sister making me feel this is some racist shit. Well I’ve dedicated my soul to father...
  65. Friday13thx

    No UTC +1 WAT in the JOS calender

    I can’t find a calendar for those in west Africa like Nigeria and Ghana etc. please look into this. Thanks.
  66. Friday13thx

    Church of Satan Membership

    Like social connections which can in turn lead to economic and or political power
  67. Friday13thx

    Sex Magic

    There’s a part on a page on the JOS website that says we can give extra energy to father Satan and the demons of hell. I think this is what you should do is walpurgis meets you without having let go of the energy. Just give the extra energy to father Satan and the Gods. Hail Satan.
  68. Friday13thx

    Church of Satan Membership

    Due to the need to belong to an actual brotherhood. I’m considering the church of Satan. I am in full tune with JOS and I’m dedicated. Fully!!! I only need associations. Something that can lead to money and maybe power. I guess we all need that. Is it an abomination to be a dedicated Satanist...
  69. Friday13thx

    Murder Suicides: Russian Oligarchs, Vladislav And Gazprombank Die 24 Hours Apart

    Questions look set to be asked after two Russian oligarchs, both linked to gas giants, apparently murdered their wives and daughters before killing themselves—within two days of each other. In both cases, the alarm was raised by the slain families' surviving child. Former Kremlin official and...
  70. Friday13thx

    The Will Of Our Beloved Father - Knowledge

    Nice writing BrightSpace666. The power of the mind is all that is needed to transcend this carnal world into the phantasmic nirvana of spirituality. Once you become aware of the mind as an antenna in constant dialectics of receiving and filtering signals or transmissions then one would stick...
  71. Friday13thx

    The Nightmare Of Total Equality

    As delineated in the video. When you strive to make everyone equal you invariably breed inequality which is the natural balance of the world. Good and evil. Black and white. Night and morning. Higher and lower. Aristocrats and plebiscites. That’s how it is. The Gods and Goddess advanced beyond...
  72. Friday13thx

    The Nightmare Of Total Equality

    Lovely video. The need for man to be logical and philosophical cannot be overemphasized.
  73. Friday13thx

    Graphics & Art for Satan

    Great job. If you need help I’d be glad to assist.
  74. Friday13thx

    Charms against guns machetes fire etc

    If one person would ask for the video and watch it these comments would be meaningful.
  75. Friday13thx

    Charms against guns machetes fire etc

    Obvious. Are you saying it’s impossible for sorcery to be able to alter law of physics to the point of being bulletproof?
  76. Friday13thx

    Charms against guns machetes fire etc

    I could send the video to you so you look at it. The one I’ve got is done with machetes. There’s those with guns. Real ak47s. No jokes. Africa has a vibrant “juju” system.
  77. Friday13thx

    Charms against guns machetes fire etc

    😂. Nice post. Funny reply to the turtle. 🤣. You’ve got a nice sense of humor. 🤣. I wasn’t an ss then besides wasn’t mature too.
  78. Friday13thx

    Charms against guns machetes fire etc

    In Africa we have “juju”. This is metaphysical charms or force used for protection against guns machetes fire etc. I have a video of this being done. In Africa people get shot and it doesn’t penetrate. They get hit with a machete it doesn’t harm them. They get thrown in fire it doesn’t burn...
  79. Friday13thx

    Can a dedicated satanist stay 10 years without knowing their guardian demon?

    🤣. Lemme say. I suck at this. 😂. I dedicated in January and I’ve gone through different epiphanies of my guardian demon discovery. Like one day I feel it’s Baal berith. Next day I think it’s Amdusias. Another day it’s Astarte. I strongly feel it’s Amdusias cause even before I came to satanism i...
  80. Friday13thx

    Pentagon Releases Secret Documents About UFO Program

    X-FILES: THE PENTAGON has released 1,574 pages of real-life X-Files related to its secretive UFO programme after a four-year battle. The Sun Online first requested a copy of all "files, reports or video files" related to the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP) on December...
  81. Friday13thx

    How to support JoS ( HP HC please read this )

    There’s nothing like platform wallet. The wallet always belong to a platform. You get a wallet on the platform by registration then operate it exclusively. Unless you own a bitcoin website then you need a platform.
  82. Friday13thx

    How to support JoS ( HP HC please read this )

    HPHC. I am aware of your intelligence and wit. I am not trying a propagate or advance any wallet. I still stand that there should be several wallets. Say 3. So SS chooses one. The cost of sending from one wallet platform to another can be high. You can create a JoS profile in these 3 platforms...
  83. Friday13thx

    Ifa spirituality. Please comment.

    As a SS can I still venture into Ifa spirituality. I have heard it is one of the uncorrupted versions of paganism we have now. There are variations in the USA Brazil and mostly the South Americas. Please is this wrong since I’m already imitators as a SS. Can I still be initiated into IFA too...
  84. Friday13thx

    Snake, Experience, Wisdom

    Beautifully written
  85. Friday13thx

    Ukrainian Witches Conjure Plan To Depose Putin

    Ukrainian witches are seeking to hold a special three-step ritual to oust Russian President Vladimir Putin, the UNIAN news agency has reported, citing a statement by a Kiev-based Witch Cauldron esoteric shop. “On March 31, on the 29th lunar day, the day of corruption and curses, we, the witches...
  86. Friday13thx

    Fought a tall slender man in dream

    I found out I was in a sort of warehouse. I don’t know how I got there. I panicked and got up from the seat to try open the door or gate. The key mysteriously was in my hands and I opened about 3 layers of doors or gates. When I stepped out i realized I had just my boxers on. I was about to get...
  87. Friday13thx

    Vibrating or chanting?

    Is vibrating the same as chanting? I find it quite tedious vibrating the runes. Say sowilo: sssssoooovvvvviiiiilllllooooo. If I have to vibrate this 10 times can I simply chant it 10 times? Or should it be dragged like sssssoooovvvvviiiiilllllooooo.
  88. Friday13thx

    Happy Ostara!

    Happy Ostara! Hail Lady Astarte! Hail Father Satan!
  89. Friday13thx

    Why a variety of bitcoins wallets would be best to donate Bitcoins

    A simple info that should be easily read and understood would be constantly twisted and complexed till the very essence of the info is lost. Someone even had to say I would like a scam. 🤣. Well if you can pay $50 to send $25. You’re rich. Good luck. I can’t!!!! JOS gets a paxful Wallet I send...
  90. Friday13thx

    Why a variety of bitcoins wallets would be best to donate Bitcoins

    Considering anonymity for users who’d prefer to donate bitcoins then www.paxful.com is best cause all you need is go to the store to get a gift card then trade it for bitcoins then donate some or all of it.
  91. Friday13thx

    About Finances And New Donations Page For Joy of Satan

    1. You can purchase a gift card at a store then trade it on www.paxful.com for bitcoins. Gives anonymity. It is on this premise I suggest JOS getting a paxful wallet. 2. Most bitcoins platforms charge exorbitant fees to send to a wallet outside their platform. For example. If I need to send...
  92. Friday13thx

    Why a variety of bitcoins wallets would be best to donate Bitcoins

    1. You can purchase a gift card at a store then trade it on www.paxful.com for bitcoins. Gives anonymity. It is on this premise I suggest JOS getting a paxful wallet. 2. Most bitcoins platforms charge exorbitant fees to send to a wallet outside their platform. For example. If I need to send...
  93. Friday13thx

    Please Nigerians indicate

    Nigerian here too. You’re not alone.
  94. Friday13thx

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I sent you an email
  95. Friday13thx

    Will there be a day we all meet

    One of the the most common and dangerous fallacies in knowledge is generalization or universal categorization. There’s always room for relativity. “Some” is more appropriate than “all”. If I properly recall. SS here have reported meeting each other through here!!! It’s personal!!! If you want...
  96. Friday13thx

    Spiritual Satanists should get super duper rich!!!

    It only makes sense that Father Satans children and army be more prosperous than his enemies. All this talk about spiritual advancement and stuff doesn’t add up to the warfare. In war you crush your enemy totally. That’s war!!! Being an SS and being bossed by a Jew is a huge insult and...
  97. Friday13thx

    Spiritual Satanists should get super duper rich!!!

    I think we should get stinking rich without getting caught by any means necessary. It doesn’t make sense to champion a God like our father Satan whom we know as the God of Gods and still have to slave to a Jew or an outsider. I pray to the Gods we all get really super rich and boss on all our...
  98. Friday13thx

    What should an ss drafted in a war to fight in the Ukraine vs Russia to do?

    Should they fight with their survival in mind? Should they raise the white flag and risk being ignored and still killed? Or should they choose the last option suicide rather than fighting for the jews? Sad times. Really trying sad times.
  99. Friday13thx

    Dedicated myself to Satan

    Welcome to the family. Personally I don’t follow strict rules in my spirituality. I follow what’s comfortable. If I feel like satanama. I do it. Standard ritual to Satan. I do it. I rely on how it feels.
  100. Friday13thx


    Do people begin to feel a change in your aura after you dedicate? Like do people gradually notice something different in you but can’t pinpoint it. I’m starting to feel people outside in general notice something about all dedicated by blood satanist. I mean like when we’re around there’s...
  101. Friday13thx

    Is this right Satanama?

    I don’t understand. Looks complicated. Any videos links to see?
  102. Friday13thx

    Is this right Satanama?

  103. Friday13thx

    Will a dedicated Satanist who goes back to jewsus get protection from Satan at death?

    H.P. Hooded Cobra. I just love reading from you. You’re a great writer!!!!
  104. Friday13thx

    Will a dedicated Satanist who goes back to jewsus get protection from Satan at death?

    Would a dedicated satanist who goes back to jewsus still be protected from the light at death or would Satan leave him?
  105. Friday13thx

    What are the benefits of being a Dedicated Satanist?

    I think others may have this question. What happens to us after dedication? I am dedicated and I think the main change I noticed is psychological. I no longer have the fear or longing to be a satanist. I am now a dedicated satanist. That in its own right has eliminated a lot of past ways of...
  106. Friday13thx

    What happens if a Jew does the dedication ritual?

    https://www.encyclopedia.com/environment/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/igbo-religion If this is correct then I am as gentile as a gentile. Lol. What does that even mean? However I’m so happy!!!! I don’t want to be a Jew. I hate them and their foolish god Jehovah. I want to be...
  107. Friday13thx

    What happens if a Jew does the dedication ritual?

    My mother is Igbo. Do I need to be worried? The article says there’s no scientific or historical evidence to prove the Igbos are descendants of Jews. Rather they are some sort of modern jews who identify through association and not genetics. All in all. I have a strong inclination to Satan and...
  108. Friday13thx

    What happens if a Jew does the dedication ritual?

    Apparently my fracas with shadowcat led some articles my way and I’ve been wondering about black Jews and all. This leads to ask: What happens if a Jew does the dedication ritual? I hope I’m not cause I did it already.
  109. Friday13thx

    Spiritual satanist need to study philosophy and logic

    I’d also like to add that I didn’t insult Satan and the Gods. I put it in the 2nd person possessive case. “Your satan”. That means your own personal and not the one we believe here. I meant it in that sense. I never meant Father Satan. I hope you understand. Also about whether I’m dedicated or...
  110. Friday13thx

    Spiritual satanist need to study philosophy and logic

    I’d also like to add that I didn’t insult Satan and the Gods. I put it in the 2nd person possessive case. “Your satan”. That means your own personal and not the one we believe here. I meant it in that sense. I never meant Father Satan. I hope you understand. Also about whether I’m dedicated or...
  111. Friday13thx

    Spiritual satanist need to study philosophy and logic

    You may be right simply because dedicated SS here who have met other dedicated or undedicated SS here have chosen to either stay silent or are non existence. If you perceive my first post ad insulting then I duly apologize. Satan and the Gods and the JOS have taught me a huge lesson on...
  112. Friday13thx


    It’s either you don’t read to understand or you’re just a self gloated white pig who thinks he or she is more intelligent and superior to others. I maintain my stand in the grounds of philosophy and logic and wouldn’t be intimidated into stupidity. Reread my first post to you. I accept I called...
  113. Friday13thx


    Is it possible to disappear from here. I mean all post everything deleted. Like I never existed. I would like this to happen. If we as satanist stand for freedom and free will. Dedicating to Satan by blood is one of the scariest and most proof worthy way of showing our defiant attitude. The we...
  114. Friday13thx

    Spiritual satanist need to study philosophy and logic

    Fuck you and fuck your stinking white ass
  115. Friday13thx

    Whats your take on love? Are you waiting for the miraculous SS partner

    If you thought you made any sense from this spurious and bumbling reply. I give it to you. Enjoy. But I know you’d still realize how stupid and dumbass you made yourself. No logical conclusion. Just baseless rantings. Enjoy your applauds.
  116. Friday13thx

    Spiritual satanist need to study philosophy and logic

    My goal with hating is hating foolishness and I advice you to cause contrary to the no sin in spiritual satanism there is actually a sin and that’s stupidity. Read on the Jos. Therefore to study and enlighten yourself is actually a sin to our Gods. Our Gods stand for opposition. You cannot...
  117. Friday13thx

    Whats your take on love? Are you waiting for the miraculous SS partner

    Going by this spurious logic then I am a fool to call you family and made the worst decision of my life to dedicate to Satan. Also. A grounding on philosophy would teach you to read with understanding and not to read to reply or criticize. I stated the fact that if we are dedicated satanist in...
  118. Friday13thx

    Spiritual satanist need to study philosophy and logic

    You believe this Jewish bullshit. If we condemn the media as being controlled by Jews then we should condemn statistics. This is the reason philosophy and logic is a course we need to familiarize ourselves with as satanist. We cannot filter our criticisms to fit our theories. When it’s about...
  119. Friday13thx

    Spiritual satanist need to study philosophy and logic

    I have found out so many people here talk like stupid people not because they’re stupid but because they’re ignorant. One obviously clear fallacy in this the fallacy of hasty generalization. I think we should all be grounded in philosophy and logic so as not to entangle ourselves in fallacious...
  120. Friday13thx

    Whats your take on love? Are you waiting for the miraculous SS partner

    There you go being stupid again!!! Hasty generalization is a fallacy and yet you’re here being foolish like a buffoon.
  121. Friday13thx

    Whats your take on love? Are you waiting for the miraculous SS partner

    I think you’re wrong for forbidding meeting anyone from here? If we’re family and we’re truly dedicated satanist why can’t we meet? You meeting Jews who pretend to be spiritual satanist doesn’t mean that we all are pretenders. I for one is dedicated satanist. How does meeting me harm you...
  122. Friday13thx

    Dedicated today but questions

    But what if I forgot to say so mote it be?
  123. Friday13thx

    I'm grieving my sister - but I'm trying to love everyone

    Sorry for your loss. Ninrick I think replying my email would have been courteous but it’s okay.
  124. Friday13thx

    Wealthy members amongst us?

    Talking about that. I think the bitcoins donating address should be put on the forums site too and not just the main site. This is to make more people see it and be aware of it. A sections for donations should be here like it is on the mains site. Just my opinion.
  125. Friday13thx

    Wealthy members amongst us?

    I was thinking of the bitcoins donation section of the Jos. It led me to wonder if we have really rich people amongst us. I plan to donate from time to time no matter how little. Also using this medium to encourage us to do so to. When I ask if we have wealth people amongst us I am asking in the...
  126. Friday13thx

    Same birthday with Demon God

    Does sharing the same birthday with a Demon God mean anything in spiritual satanism?
  127. Friday13thx

    Dedicated today but questions

    I feel so happy. Thanks all.
  128. Friday13thx

    i have question in dedication

    I did the dedication ritual yesterday. I hadn’t showered or even brushed. Am I accepted?
  129. Friday13thx

    Dedicated today but questions

    I did the dedication ritual with black blue and red but I didn’t have my bath or brush my mouth before the ritual. Also I signed my name with pen then sprinkled my blood on it. I got fairly enough blood on it. Read the dedication 4 times then burnt it up. What do y’all think?
  130. Friday13thx

    Christian threat and discomfort

    A Christian fool has been threatening me with violence. He has threatened to slap me and hurt me very violently. I am planning on attacking him and violently kill him or hurt him to the extent he would never hurt me again or I can just go spiritual by doing a destruction ritual. I need you guys...
  131. Friday13thx

    Quitting antidepressants

    Wouldn’t that be ingesting marijuana?
  132. Friday13thx

    Just talk to Satan

    When I think of Father all I can say is love love love and much love. Father is the only sanity in this insane world. Even without the JOS after meet Laveyan Satanism I knew Father is sweet. Really sweet. Father really gives Joy. That’s why it’s called the Joy of Satan. Father makes me always...
  133. Friday13thx

    Just talk to Satan

    I can’t even start to describe how much emotions I feel when I think of father. I just want to say I love him so so so so so so much.
  134. Friday13thx

    Satanic Yule art and photos needed.

    Please someone should post photos or art of Yule. Our own SS Yule.
  135. Friday13thx

    The Thunder God

    Many cultures have a god for elements and careers and about anything. The God of thunder in Yoruba traditional religion is Sango. That of water is Oshun. There’s Ogun for God of Iron and many more. This is one of the reasons I believe Satan is the true original God cause there’s no way this...
  136. Friday13thx

    Jewish Takeover Argument

    I realized I may not be fully grounded in defense against the typical question of the Jewish programmed religious slaves. The question is “if Satan and the original Gods were so powerful why and how did they lose the war and Jewish religions became so big and influential?” They always argue that...
  137. Friday13thx

    Feeling like I’m about to leave my body during sleep

    Wow! Wow! Wow! HPHC! I’m so happy! I did it!!!!!! Finally!!! I read somewhere where you can make or create your own meditation. This started after I started doing to SATANAMA while simultaneously masturbating to orgasm. I felt it that same night. I can’t describe how happy I feel. I hope I’d...
  138. Friday13thx

    Feeling like I’m about to leave my body during sleep

    These days I have been having this sensation. That’s the word I can think for it right now. It’s like I’m about to leave my body. I was dreaming last night and I saw myself under a huge tree and next thing I see myself levitating. Higher and higher I was going till I could see the top of the...
  139. Friday13thx


    I am viewing incest in the sense of sex for pleasure and not for procreation. If adequate measures are set to avoid the resultant pregnancy. Would having incest with a family member or cousin be wrong?
  140. Friday13thx

    Father Satan’s presence

    Sensible post. This really made sense. The act itself doesn’t necessarily mean you’re dedicated. You’re simply dedicated by blood. However when your mind has gone beyond the lies and you judge religions on the grounds of logic then accept that what we’re doing is the most logical then you’d...
  141. Friday13thx

    Father Satan’s presence

    Sensible post. This really made sense. The act itself doesn’t necessarily mean you’re dedicated. You’re simply dedicated by blood. However when your mind has gone beyond the lies and you judge religions on the grounds of logic then accept that what we’re doing is the most logical then you’d...
  142. Friday13thx


    😂. I guess I just want to understand what to tell my kids why an action is wrong without any sort of punishments. Jos for kids have got a lot of work to do in regards of morality.
  143. Friday13thx

    What’s our stance on adultery?

    I think this is very succinct Jack. Very well written. Coming into more lifetimes with karmic dirt would only end up suffering one in more and more lifetimes. I like the way you wrote it. Very well understood.
  144. Friday13thx


    What’s the JOS ministry’s stand on investors relationships? Cousins included.
  145. Friday13thx

    Father Satan’s presence

    Ok. So I’m not blood dedicated. However I did some sort of dedication where I wrote out that I dedicate my soul to Father Satan and rejected all the vile foul and odious Jewish filthy gods. I changed it for like 3 or 5 or 7 times I think then burnt it with my black candle. I can’t remember if I...
  146. Friday13thx

    What’s our stance on adultery?

    This sorts of makes sense. All the other posts too but they make me think SS morality is self morality. I mean the power to control the self and do good for good and not for fear of punishment or hope of reward. However when there’s no law to jail a robber then robbery increases. Law of...
  147. Friday13thx

    What’s our stance on adultery?

    Although I haven’t been answered. I appreciate the attempts. I also understand the philosophical nature of the subject as there are no right or wrong answers. It’s an abstract question. My reason for saying I haven’t been answered is cause the responses I have received are all normative. It...
  148. Friday13thx

    What’s our stance on adultery?

    To be honest I’m very highly sexually charged. I love sex and everything about it but I don’t beg or sissy for it. However when I do get to have sex I like to be very sensual and sloppy and dirty. However this high libido has made me kind of not have a drawn line between marriage and...
  149. Friday13thx

    Some lingering questions.

    In 3 you say punish in hell but @rationalsatanist says there’s no reward or punishment in hell.
  150. Friday13thx

    Some lingering questions.

    Please help with answers. 1. What does seeing a turtle suddenly appear in your home in real life mean from a true spiritual satanist viewpoint? 2. Can the sacred animals to King Satan be eaten? Like goats? 3. Where do the dead souls of 2 rival gangs who worship Demons go? For example. Vikings...
  151. Friday13thx

    Please delete my account

    An incubus isn’t a slave. Satan wouldn’t send you a slave lover. You have to woo an incubus like you would woo an human. Why should an incubus date you or even marry you? Is the incubus your slave? Think about your views before you conclude. An incubus has the right to refuse a romance request...
  152. Friday13thx

    Happy Samhain Beloved Satanic Family, And A Joke

    Happy Halloween HP HC. Happy Samhain Brothers and Sisters Happy Halloween family Satanic Blessings on us all
  153. Friday13thx

    The Ten Year Plan: Charter For The Next Decade Of The Joy Of Satan

    This is true. I have always asked questions about a clear cut theories ethics of satanism. When one approaches spirituality he uses the scientific and philosophical methods. These includes dialectics. Induction. Deduction. And more. Ethics is part of the wholesome branch of philosophy. As well...
  154. Friday13thx

    The Ten Year Plan: Charter For The Next Decade Of The Joy Of Satan

    Once again I give kudos to HPHC. You’re eloquence is unrivaled. However there is need to be pragmatic in our dealings. This is cause infiltrating to the level of putting ours in higher positions would need a means of identification. This refers back to my post about us having code words only...
  155. Friday13thx

    Morality of SS

    I am asking this question against the backdrop of reward and punishment systems of order. It’s very possible for someone to do a suicide bombing and kill thousands of innocent people. My take is does that person still get to enjoy hell in bliss cause he is a satanist? Even if he isn’t a...
  156. Friday13thx

    Love ritual

    I guess we sure have a handful of good writers here. I mean writers who can hold their audience with a healthy sense of humor rationality (funny your name says the same 🤣) witticism and what more and still pass their message across. I don’t know who gets me better Hp HC or you?! 🤣 well there’s...
  157. Friday13thx

    Love ritual

    Is it wrong to use a ritual to make someone to love you?
  158. Friday13thx

    Morality of SS

    Since there are no good and bad actions? Why am I not a terrorist seeing that I won’t burn in hell? Why don’t I rape my family and behave like a total degenerate since there’s no punishment whatsoever? Why not be stingy? This is not a mock question. It’s a honest enquiry. Why do good when you...
  159. Friday13thx


    Would Satan save one from going to the light at death even if one isn’t dedicated by blood yet?
  160. Friday13thx

    Organized Body like Freemasons and CoS

    Well written. How about handshakes? Secret greetings? Code words?
  161. Friday13thx

    Feeling death and Dream about the grim reaper

    Thanks for the replies. I am highly appreciative.
  162. Friday13thx

    Organized Body like Freemasons and CoS

    Even if we disagree about uniforms. Would we about secret handshakes? I mean it’s cool to know only a SS can shake your hands that way. 😉. That would ultimately lead to code words in order to identify a goyim or enemy spy 😡. I think it would be cool if this becomes some sort of consortium or...
  163. Friday13thx

    Organized Body like Freemasons and CoS

    Even if we disagree about uniforms. Would we about secret handshakes? I mean it’s cool to know only a SS can shake your hands that way. 😉. That would ultimately lead to code words in order to identify a goyim or enemy spy 😡. I think it would be cool if this becomes some sort of consortium or...
  164. Friday13thx

    Feeling death and Dream about the grim reaper

    About 2 or 3 days ago I felt death’s aura around my bed. I didn’t think it was death’s aura at the time. I felt it was an attack. I called on Father Satan. I literally prayed like we prayed to Jewsus but this time I said in Satan’s name instead of jewsus name. Then I immediately started...
  165. Friday13thx

    Organized Body like Freemasons and CoS

    When you become a part of something like SS that feels so right and creates this intense feeling of love and emotions similar to deep sexual passions (not literal) for members of your spiritual family you want to have an organized body. A body like Freemasonry. CoS. A membership card. An attire...
  166. Friday13thx

    Some considerations about RTRs Attacks

    The caneto di carino Incident has been debunked. Evidence proves it was started by Giuseppe and his father or so.
  167. Friday13thx

    New and have questions.

    Can one carry out the standard ritual to Satan without being dedicated? Also how do I start a new post.
  168. Friday13thx

    My life is boring

    Well whatever is mysterious is cryptic. The word has 2 meanings. Connotative and denotative. I mean it in both sense. When you say you worship Satan which is known as evil to the much larger populace. Accept that fact firstly. You are cryptic. Cause to them you are evil but you know you’re good...
  169. Friday13thx

    New and have questions.

    Is there any spiritual import of magnetic energy? Do magnets have any spiritual uses?
  170. Friday13thx

    New and have questions.

    Thanks. Ashe is a Yoruba traditional working to grant powers of command. The problem is the woman is a church prophet and they’re not supposed to do this. Magic I mean. She did it for me but she invoked Jesus. It’s all confusing. Ashe itself is anti Christian but the person who did it for me is...
  171. Friday13thx

    New and have questions.

    But we’re forbidden from any form of relationship with non ss members.
  172. Friday13thx

    New and have questions.

    Anyone to help me with this?
  173. Friday13thx

    My life is boring

    This is one of the draw backs of our religion. We are some cryptic occult society with clandestinely knowledge that only brothers and sisters would understand however due to anonymity we can’t even chat brothers and sisters here. If you had someone to at least chat with. I mean an ss to chat...
  174. Friday13thx

    New and have questions.

    Anyone to help me with this?
  175. Friday13thx

    New and have questions.

    No one is answering this
  176. Friday13thx

    New and have questions.

    This might sound really dumb but what do we think about chess? I love Chess. Is it kike game or satanic?
  177. Friday13thx

    New and have questions.

    Can I do the dedication ritual even if I haven’t taken my bath?
  178. Friday13thx

    New and have questions.

    How does a ss find love? This is a faceless forum? Can’t we donate to a dating site that would be known to only ss members? Can’t we somehow create a spiritual web of thoughts where only dedicated satanists can understand the coded words? I mean we may meet in dreams and on the astral or in...
  179. Friday13thx

    Redpillers FAQ: What has "Jesus" Given Us?

    How can I tell you I love you so so so much Hp Hoodedcobra. I don’t know how you do it but you’re a goddamned good writer. You just get me every time. I love your structure. The fluidity. Everything.
  180. Friday13thx

    New and have questions.

    I don’t have access to a dry pen. Can I use any other object. How do you mean sign your name in blood? Do I write my name out on the paper then sign it with blood? Or can I just do a fingerprint of my index finger in blood? Please I need answers ASAP. I think I have seen the light and I think...
  181. Friday13thx

    New and have questions.

    Why do most ss on this site use protonmail? I mean almost everyone here uses it. The marketing was so great I actually have opened one for myself too. What’s so special about it?
  182. Friday13thx

    New and have questions.

    I did Ashe many years ago but I’m yet to really understand what I did and the repercussions. After the incision was placed under my lips I had a terrible time going to sleep that night as there was heavy weight and pains on the right side of my face. It was a real spiritual experience. I...
  183. Friday13thx

    New and have questions.

    I still have questions 😝. Please I need to know. What exactly is the creation story? Read it in the site but don’t fully understand. Can a Jew do the dedication ritual and be accepted? Must I hate a Jew? I need evidence that the Jews have a different dna from everyone else. Can I get a site to...
  184. Friday13thx

    Aura Cleansing ( tips for begginer )

    @voiceofenki you’re one hell of a writer. Damn. 😝. 👍🏿
  185. Friday13thx

    New and have questions.

    Thanks. I feel loved.
  186. Friday13thx

    Check out this book I found

    Thanks for the reply. Highly appreciated. Please I also need to know: do we have any ethics in this path?
  187. Friday13thx

    New and have questions.

    Wow. Thanks for all the replies I received. Shows the amount of love patience understanding and intelligence members of joy of Satan are. However I don’t mean to be a bug but I still have questions. I want or know what our ethics are? Do we have moral concept in joy of Satan? What’s the...
  188. Friday13thx

    New and have questions.

    Are there physical experiences to expect when I dedicate? Why is dedication a life time thing? Was karma infused into eastern religions through Christianity?
  189. Friday13thx

    Check out this book I found

    Nice book but that’s a pretty long read and I’m new to satanism. I haven’t dedicated yet. Still horribly scared. Like really really scared but something in me just doesn’t want me to let go so I keep visiting the site everyday. Please I need some answers. How do I create a topic or post? Are...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
