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  1. B

    Blessings: Mini-schedules (now until February 12)

    Thank you hps Lydia. You're the goat.
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    Blessings: Mini-schedules (now until February 12)

    I missed January 31 - February 1. Can I still do them after ?
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    The Joy of Satan Donor Platform Is NOW LIVE! [Update 10: Sacred Rituals Section & Tier Progression]

    Ahh, ok. Sorry you had to type all that, I truly appreciate you taking your time to explain things to me. I just have(especially) religious organizations asking for money(donations,tithes,etc...). But, I do understand. Just had to ask. Thank you and hail Satan.
  4. B

    The Joy of Satan Donor Platform Is NOW LIVE! [Update 10: Sacred Rituals Section & Tier Progression]

    Yes, I do give money to those BUSINESSES(keyword). But not any religious organizations. Never had. So forgive me if I'm a little hesitant on just donating. You are correct in a lot of what you wrote. Jos NEEDS to grow for the betterment of not only our future, but for the betterment of mankind...
  5. B

    The Joy of Satan Donor Platform Is NOW LIVE! [Update 10: Sacred Rituals Section & Tier Progression]

    I have a question about the whole donation thing. If we can do money rituals why do we need to donate ? I get it, but(and I mean this respectfully), comes off a "scammy" to me. I'm not saying/implying you are, but I just doesn't feel right.
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    Happy Yule 2024 + Schedule for Father Satanas Dec 21-23

    Thank you so much. How long can we actually do the rituals. Happy Satan's day to you as well.
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    Happy Yule 2024 + Schedule for Father Satanas Dec 21-23

    I missed 2 days, can I make the extra days up by doing from 23 to 25 ?
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    2025 SS Calendars

    Thank you for that. Much appreciated.
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    2025 SS Calendars

    Thank you so much.
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    2025 SS Calendars

    Th ank you but, I have no laptop and I'm on mobile. I tried it before,but let me try it again.
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    2025 SS Calendars

    Yeah, google is shit and it's still not telling me specifically. It says eastern time, but I need to know which state has the same time zone as michigan.
  12. B

    2025 SS Calendars

    Where is the Michigan time zone ? Oh and thank for this lovely gift, truly appreciate it.
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    3 New Rituals: Heroic Ancestors Ritual, Zepar [Zephyros] & Ose [Eos] Rituals

    Do I have to do the full 10 or can I do have the vibrations for the runes ?
  14. B

    A few questions here.

    Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Thank you for your help. Much appreciated.
  15. B

    A few questions here.

    Thank you so much for your help. A few more questions if you don't mind answering(if not then ok) 1- does every god have a ritual of there own or a standard ritual ? 2- if I can't feel the energy from the rituals or get easily distracted, will the ritual still work ? 3- to piggy back off of #2...
  16. B

    A few questions here.

    1 - I want to become a home health care provider, but something called a "spin down" is to high for the person I want to provide for to qualify for. My question is, what ritual would work best for this situation ? Money ritual maybe ? 2 - I'm having problems with my insurance company(liberty...
  17. B

    NEW GOD RITUALS LIVE: Lilith, Anubis, Furfur

    How do I properly pronounce and vibrate anubises names ? And I can't feel runes when I vibratie them, what should I do ? Plus,(sorry for all the questions) how do I meditate on a sigil after a ritual? What should be on my mind ?
  18. B

    What can be done with banishing spells/rituals ?

    Sorry for the late response: thank you so much.
  19. B

    What can be done with banishing spells/rituals ?

    Sorry to have wasted your time. I decide to do it at another date. I have to do a health spell/ritual. Any advice(astrological time, runes,etc) I could use. Thank you and sorry.
  20. B

    What can be done with banishing spells/rituals ?

    The banishing ritual ? That's the time to do it ?
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    What can be done with banishing spells/rituals ?

    Hey, I have another question. What's the best time(not the moon sign, but like the hour) it's best to start the ritual ? Saturn hour maybe ?
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    What can be done with banishing spells/rituals ?

    Thank you so much. Appreciate it.
  23. B

    What can be done with banishing spells/rituals ?

    I truly appreciate your input and help. There isn't any negative energy around me(at least I don't think so). I want to banish unnecessary fear, laziness, stupidity, and weight issues. As well as increase my concentration, void, and focus during meditation and increase spirituality( for lack of...
  24. B

    What can be done with banishing spells/rituals ?

    On may 4th saturday, a waning moon will be in pisces. I will start a banishing working/spell/ritual for 40 days. I just want to know what can be done with a banishing spell/ritual ? What could my affirmation be ? And what rune should I use ? And can I vibrate it 9x only(I find it difficult to...
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    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    This is the screenshots of the grand ritual
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    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    Agreed. How to save them ? Is there a PDF to download?
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    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    Thank you. I was trying the way back machine yesterday, but with no luck. Thanks so much for this.
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    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    Truly appreciate it, but it's still not working. Thanks anyways.
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    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    The josritual.org site is down. Can you get me an alternative site or the rituals themselves.
  30. B

    A few important questions.

    Thank you so much.
  31. B

    A few important questions.

    Now, do I have to do the trance for it to work. I tried trance work In the past and I was ass at it.
  32. B

    A few important questions.

    Thank you so much for this. Truly appreciate it.
  33. B

    A few important questions.

    Thank you so much. Hope you're doing good.
  34. B

    A few important questions.

    I have a question, For all I listed above, is there spells and/or rituals I can do to achieve those ends if I can't do the squares ? You answer is/will be much appreciated.
  35. B

    A few important questions.

    Thank you very much.
  36. B

    A few important questions.

    1: Can I do multiple planetary squares at around the same time ? 2: What is the order of meditations I need to do after the 40 day program ? 3: Do I just spin my charkras after an opening or do energy work while doing the 40 day program ? 4: What are some spell/rituals for the following...
  37. B

    Ritual Schedule Feb 29 to March 15

    Where's the reverse ritual at ?
  38. B

    Beginners meditation YouTube video

    I know most of this. Doesn't mean he specifically was a jew. Unless you know something I don't ?
  39. B

    Beginners meditation YouTube video

    I have no clue. I was just informed a couple of days ago that he was making trouble. Really hated to here that.
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    Beginners meditation YouTube video

    Right, just rather unfortunate.
  41. B

    Beginners meditation YouTube video

    The reason I say aldric wasn't a jew, more of a victim of them was due to his help in the beginning. He had every chance to persuade me away from jos, but didn't. So, it's hard to believe he was/is a jew.
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    Beginners meditation YouTube video

    Aldric was always kind to me when I first come to ss. He, more than anyone helped me out a lot. I also remember ghost in the machine. Not much on him though. Just would see him post.
  43. B

    Beginners meditation YouTube video

    Damn, I didn't know all that. I'm barely on the forums to be honest. Thanks for telling me all this. Aldric was the first person I reached out to for guidance. He did "jew" me if you will. Mind you, this was in 2013. What happened to vovim ?
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    Beginners meditation YouTube video

    Couldn't be. He helped me out a great deal when I was new. He just got caught in the b.s. I hate it man.
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    Beginners meditation YouTube video

    Wait, what !?!?!? Could you further explain?
  46. B

    Beginners meditation YouTube video

    I'm sorry, let me explain: the name of the account on youtube was named "beginner meditation" or something like that. It was aldric, just him giving out advice and motivation. Some ss have youtube accounts giving the same meditations on the site as was in the video(s). Thank you for your advice...
  47. B

    Beginners meditation YouTube video

    Hi Black mage here, I remember aldric strickland created a youtube account some years ago I believed called "beginners meditation". Due to jewtubes fear " Z GOYIM NO"!!!!, His account was deleted a few years back. My question is does anybody have his old videos ? Aldric, if you're reading this...
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    Mercury Retrograde (What You Can Do)

    I never congratulated you on your new spiritual status as hps. Congratulations and wish you well in you endeavors.
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    Joy of Satan Must Succeed: A Look Into The Future Ahead

    Sorry for the extremely late reply: I will have a new phone soon. I use my tablet,which is Samsung SM-T290. My current phone is a moto 5g. I use my finger, not a pen. If you can resolve this I would truly appreciate it. Until then, I'll just go on the rtrs page on jos. Thank you.
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    Joy of Satan Must Succeed: A Look Into The Future Ahead

    Off topic but, the update for the war room, while cool, has some issues. 1: the killing tetragramaton and shattering jewish soul protection tends to wobble all over the place when trying to blot it out. The blotting ink also doesn't blot the letter fully. 2: though I like the 3 separate, if you...
  51. B

    SS Group Ritual Schedule: 28th of May - 12th of June

    On the satan ritual towards the end, How do I vibrate sat, satya,satanamas,etc ?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
