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  1. Ν

    which mantra to use

    When using a planetary mantra what matters is not the moon placement (unless you are using the moon mantra) but the placement of the planet you are using the mantra of. Mercury's placement right now isn't really suitable for the purpose you want to use it so I don't recommend using it's mantra...
  2. Ν

    Help From The Gods: Changing Course

    Nice sermon High Priest! This is also a reason why we shouldn't beat ourselves up when someone we love and want to help keeps repeating the same foolish habits. There are magical workings, protection auras etc we can do to help our loved ones but if they themselves insist on smoking, doing...
  3. Ν


    Even if you could use Uranus' energy safely (you can't because it's energy is naturally too unpredictable) , it would still be better to use solar energy for healing because it's much more potent for healing purposes than other planetary energies, especially planetary energies like Uranus' who...
  4. Ν

    Does raising your bioelectricity cure mental illnesses?

    Raising your bioelectricity can indeed help you feel more motivated and joyful. However,on its own it cannot cure mental illness or psychological trauma. In fact it is advised to do healing workings to heal from any mental illness before attempting more advanced meditations because when your...
  5. Ν

    Moderation problem

    The moderation in the forums is better than it has ever been. Some years ago there were times that posts needed like 8-12 hours to be approved. The quality of the moderation has also greatly improved, nowadays you can barely find any posts from trolls&schizos.
  6. Ν

    NEW GOD RITUALS LIVE: Lilith, Anubis, Furfur

    Thank you so much for publishing these rituals High Priest! I have been looking for something to help me connect with Queen Lilith for so long. I have so much love and admiration for her and it infuriates me greatly when I hear people say blasphemous things for Her and I can't properly engage in...
  7. Ν

    The Grand Ritual [Schedule Concluded]

    There are so many different languages used in this ritual; Sanskrit,Arabic,Greek even Scandinavian. When you feel like the time is write could you give us the translation of these words? And maybe explain more about how can different languages be blended together in a ritual/magical working?
  8. Ν

    Write Down Your Problems

    How about adding something like a manual,like that warfare mediation program in the "Join the Hell's army" section, about how to improve communication with our guardian demons and the gods in general. I feel like this is one of if not the most important part of our path! Such manual could...
  9. Ν

    SaTaNaMa meditation makes me tired

    What you are describing here are the common symptoms of burnout. You see, when you do too much you end up burning yourself up which results in you making steps back instead of advancing. To resolve this you should take some time off. Maybe do only the basics for a while and start building up...
  10. Ν


    HP HoodedCobra666 has already answered this in this topic (post #11) https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/azazels-ethics-now-live.94519/#post-492251
  11. Ν

    Forgive or punish?

    It is well known that parts of the brain of a person with psychological trauma stop functioning properly. Healing should be nunber 1 priority since a malfunctioning mind will hurt the advancement of the person,which in turn will make their magic weaker. So by focusing on healing first ,the...
  12. Ν

    Forgive or punish?

    You are right, by taking revenge after being severely mistreated you are actually delivering justice and healing yourself at the process. Let me please share my thought process behind the statement I made. The person said they already have forgiven the people they are now thinking of...
  13. Ν

    Forgive or punish?

    Sounds like a complete waste of time and energy if you ask me. Let go of the past and focus on healing yourself. Mental illness is definitely a factor that can slow down your advancement, however, in the JoS there are tools you can use to fix such problems! After you are done with the chakra...
  14. Ν

    Energy meditation feels negative

    When you are new it's completely normal to struggle with some meditations, just make sure that you keep practicing daily and you will see that in time everything gets easier. Once you have mastered the basics you can move on to more advanced exercises. When for example you can do the basic...
  15. Ν

    Genuine v Artificial LGB Things Thread

    With white washing I hope you don't mean the woke bullshit about the white race stealing everything from Africa and the vikings being black and stuff like that. As for the second part of your post,yes you are right! This whole thing about labeling men as feminine or gay or whatever for being...
  16. Ν

    Energy meditation feels negative

    You must train your visualization and focus. In the meantime you should continue trying your best to clean your aura&chakras and build your aura of protection. If it's really hard,try to do it with lambs open or even better out in the sun (if you can find a private spot of course).The more you...
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    Magnum Opus instructions

    Someone who recahes the point of starting the Magnum Opus will have no need to read the steps from a website on the internet. A person that advanced will be able to directly get guidance from the Gods. Posting them on public would be dangerous because newbies or even non dedicated people will...
  18. Ν

    Genuine v Artificial LGB Things Thread

    It's disgusting how the mainstream media try so hard to potray ancient Greece as a utopia for pedophiles and perverts. Although it was a quite nice video with pretty decent reasoning,there is a part where I have to disagree. I am talking about the statement that judeo-xianity wasn't what...
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    Genuine v Artificial LGB Things Thread

    I think Aquarius is rightfully cautious considering the amount of garbage Mageson had written on that blasphemous "third sex"website of his. He had such a big inferiority complex that he would tie everything to homosexuality. He will write bullshit about our Gods and preach about how...
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    Energy meditation feels negative

    Have you tried switching to white gold? Did it have the same effects? If yes then try using Thaur ( the 3rd rune) or a sun mantra to clean the energy blockages in your soul. Also make sure that when you do the mediation your body is relaxed and that you don't pressure your self trying to...
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    Ritual Schedule Feb 29 to March 15

    this can happen to anyone, don't beat yourself up about it! Maybe next time, when you feel like you are going to have a long and exhausting day ahead of you, you could do the rituals for the day early in the morning instead of letting them for the night,just to be sure.
  22. Ν

    Break up ~ rune

    Both Uruz (#2) and Ansuz (#4) can be used for this. Choose the one that feels better for you!
  23. Ν

    Looking for Friends

    As AFODO said this path can be lonely. However, this path can provide to a person who seriously follows it ,all the tools necessary to succeed in all the different parts of life! You said you are a satanist for 9 years; have you been meditating all these years? If so you should have what's...
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    Practical martial arts

    Depends on your body type. If you are bulky I would highly recommend boxing or kick boxing If you are thin and don't have that much strength in your hands then Tae kwon do will be the best. You see in Tae kwon do, although we practice punches, our hands are used mainly for blocking,the real...
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    Spiritual Misunderstandings: What are the Sources?

    Sorry for my question being out of topic but does the fact that we are getting a ritual for Thoth who is not a "Goetic" demon mean that we will eventually get rituals for other non "Goetic" demons? (like Pazuzu,Bes ,Lilith or maybe those listed on the "More Gods" category).
  26. Ν


    I was around the same age when I joined! Being a satanist at such a young age saves you from doing a ton of mistakes that average people do in their lives such as starting bad habits like drugs ,alcohol,smoking, or getting close to fucked up people. Practicing magic and meditation while still...
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    An Elemental Meditation on the Gods

    I don't know where the other person got the mantra they posted but there is a mantra that HPS Maxine had posted that had the "ong" part in it. The mantra was "Ek Ong Kara SaTaNaaMa Shiri Vhaa Guru " She said that these mantra releases energy and spins the chakras while also praising Father Satan!
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    Joy of Satan NEW Guardians: Announcement

    Congratulations everyone!!!
  29. Ν

    AMON RA DEMON POWER RITUAL NOW LIVE! - Dec 2 to Dec 6 2023

    I was really looking forward for this ritual, Ra was always one of the gods I felt drawn to! Doing it gave me a feeling very similar as a powerful meditation on the solar chakra but stronger. I would describe this as an intense sense of joy ,confidence and strength,all at once! While...
  30. Ν

    The JoS Has A New High Priestess

    Congratulations!!!!! Definitely a well deserved promotion! Reading your posts has been of tremendous help to me when I first got there and continues to be even now!You are really inspirational!
  31. Ν


    It doesn't matter which variation of the rune is used, as long as the runes are correct it is ok. Everyone has to use the variation that fits them better and comes to them naturally.
  32. Ν

    what is the next date of POWER for money?

    I might be wrong but I think, since Jupiter is going to enter Taurus on May 16th, Thursday 18th might be quite a good time to start a Jupiter Square for money! Sounds like a decent time to start one for this purpose. Jupiter rules expansion, wealth and abundance and Taurus is associated with...
  33. Ν

    Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra Question

    Buddhishim mainly preaches that life is suffering and the only way to stop suffering is by dissolving your self entirely. Their practices aim to physical, mental and spiritual decay and death. The sanskrit word Mrtyu, which the mantra seems to be centered around, means Death. I highly doubt...
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    2023 - SS CALENDARS [Update: Hungaryan Calendars Ready]

    Can you send them to me too? I would like to do the next year's greek translation!
  35. Ν

    Joy Of Satan - Ritual Schedule March 6 to March 17 [SECOND RITUAL UP]

    I was going to ask when are you going to publish the new rituals because today was the day that they were supposed to be done for the first time and suddenly I saw that they are now programed to be started at 13th of March instead of 10th that they were originally meant to be started. How come...
  36. Ν

    Did I miss out? | Also?

    Regarding your first question,the Witches Sabbath is on every Saturday, although there are some Saturdays that are more appropriate than others there is no need to wait for the ideal time you can start on any Saturday. It's just that starting on some specific ones is going to have better...
  37. Ν

    Question for Jupiter Square

    Thank you for replaying everyone! I have never tried a working with just SATANAS and a color before but since I have plenty of time to prepare I would like to expiriment with it! Now if the results are not satisfying I guess I will use the rune combination BlackOnyx8 suggested!
  38. Ν

    Question for Jupiter Square

    Can I use the Jupiter Square, now that Jupiter is in Aries, to pass exams? I know that it is not the ideal placement for this but I am also thinking that Aries is related to motivation and competitiveness so I am not sure about what to do. What do you think? Also which one do you think is...
  39. Ν

    Info on Mother Lilith

    The pdf "The Ancient Lilith - Origins of the Goddess" from High Priest Hoodedcobra has s lot of info about Her! https://satanslibrary.org/English/The_Ancient_Lilith_-_Origins_of_the_Goddess_-HP_Cobra.pdf I would love to see more info about Her in the future. I also think it would be really...
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    Sending Some Protective Energy To Our Own [Thanks everyone who participated]

    Where to focus the vibrations? Can we concentrate energy in a ball of light then vibrate the runes in it and ask our GD to take? (Pretty much like we regularly do when we want to give energy to the Gods but have the energy programed with specific affirmation you wrote)
  41. Ν


    I am really looking forward to do these rituals whe they come out but I would also like a clarification. I remember HPS Maxine *stating back at 2019 that Lord Azazel told her that due to the impact our RTRs had, Islam is likely going to collapse on its own.Has anything changed since then (did...
  42. Ν

    Kundalini question

    I am terribly sorry. You are right. For some reason I misunderstood the "at the back on your spine" part that is written in the 4th(heart) chakra for meaning "behind the spine" which is totally wrong. Anyway the chakra diagram page portrays the chakras exactly as they shall be (the way you...
  43. Ν

    Kundalini question

    That is inaccurate. The rear watchtower is behind the Sushumna Nadi which is the actual place where the Kundalini rises.For this to happen the Sushumna Nadi must get enabled witch only happens once the other two main channels (Ida and Pigala) permanently merge. The Sushumna is in the middle of...
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    35th name of the Necronomicon for all chakras, is it possible?

    I feel like it is best to use it for the solar chakra because it is the powerhouse of our souls but the description doesn't specify any connection with the sun or the solar chakra so you can experiment with it. I personally prefer to focus on the solar chakra. I vizualize it getting brighter...
  45. Ν

    Gods related to bees

    Butterflies are sometimes associated with transformation/evolution. I believe they represent the human soul. In Greek mythology Psyche (the goddess of the soul) was said to have the butterfly as her sacred animal. The butterfly was also the sacred animal of Thanatos, the greek god of death...
  46. Ν

    HP why don't ever comment about something as important?

    To me it cannot get more obvious. That person has made like 30 posts in three days and hasn't said/asked anything of value in anyone of them. On the contrary it is taking advantage of the soft spot most of the members there have for dogs and animals in general to create drama. It made a topic...
  47. Ν

    Can Saturn square make me more serious?

    If you really feel like this is what you need then go ahead and do it! Just do it cautiously! You may also ask your Guardian Demon to tell you what would work best for you. (If you cannot directly receive an answer don't worry.He/She will guide you to it!). Good luck with whatever you decide to do!
  48. Ν

    Can Saturn square make me more serious?

    If you want to develop self confidence working out and focusing on empowering your solar Chakra can help you a lot. To become more serious /self controlled you can use a daily affirmation. After you wake up in the morning fall into a trance state and state asuitable affirmation 10-20 times...
  49. Ν

    RTR Schedule - Oct 6 to Oct 15 [Yom Kippur Counterattack] - [Schedule Finished]

    Is it a good idea to also do Lord Azazel's Ritual to reverse all this slander and insult against Him?
  50. Ν


    Vladimir Putin announces partial military mobilization to fight Ukraine war - BBC News https://youtu.be/k9t2p3kLE8Y
  51. Ν


    Generally you can do the same as you would have done with your GD, focus on his sigil and respectfully ask Him what you want. The prayer you are referring to, Invocation to Satan, is advised to be done before you do the RTRs because by doing it you are actually asking the Gods to help you with...
  52. Ν


    Focus on your Guardian Demon's sigil and respectfully tell to Him/Her what you want . If you don't know yet who He/She is you can call Father Satan instead. If you don't feel like you are getting an answer you don't need to worry. This might happen if you are not open enough but you should...
  53. Ν

    Inquiry on 40 Day Workings, The Runes & Love

    Hello Lydia! This sounds interesting! I have been using Lady Astarte's names(Isis, Innana) for my astral senses and Pineal Gland since this May and they work wonderfully! Can you share what method and affirmation did you used for increasing psychic abilities? I was think of using Varuna or...
  54. Ν

    Regarding the 4th chakra, Nebo or Nabu ?

    Hello guys, has anyone ever tried to switch the Necronomicon vibration given for the 4th chakra, from Nebo to Nabu? If so which one do you prefer? I tried this today and honestly it didn't felt bad at all, actually I feel like it works better for me!
  55. Ν

    GROUP RITUAL: HONORING VALEFOR - 26th of August to September 1st [Finished]

    I like these rituals a lot! All of them give a different wonderful feeling. This one made me feel joy and a sense of peace/fulfillment after I finished meditating on the Sigil! I have to ask, in order to use this ritual for one of the specific purposes that you described (let's say mind and...
  56. Ν

    Health working on 28th August 2022

    Yes you can but you shall change the affirmation because the one suggested by HPS Maxine is for healing not preventing diseases! I personally would prefer to use the Sun mantra for health purposes, I have experimented with the runes for years and although they are really powerful,I find the Sun...
  57. Ν

    Health working on 28th August 2022

    There is working in the Satanic Healing page that works wonders in my experience https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/KeepingHealthy.html I did this about 3 years ago when I was still relatively new and it worked perfectly. I used to get sick about 2-4 times a year...
  58. Ν

    Only an ancient and powerful soul can do that?

    All of the 50 names except of 20 ,21 ,22 and 23 are safe to use. The 15th is recommended for money spells and the 35th is recommended for solar Chakra strengthening. HpHoodedcobra666 has written about this, I will leave you a link to his reply if you want to check it out...
  59. Ν

    How to keep safe?

    In addition to what Lydia said , don't you think it would be a good idea to do a binding spell to the abuser just like you did with your parents ?
  60. Ν

    Sun Square Thread! + additional information

    I am using the sun mantra (Suryae) for cleaning, how much time shall I let pass between my cleaning meditation and the meditation for the square in order to not mess it up? Do you think a 40+day working instead would be better in my case?
  61. Ν

    GROUP RITUAL: HONORING ABRASAX [July 23rd to August 3rd]

    Cool, I am going to do it right away! So does this mean that we are going to do a ritual for all our Gods???
  62. Ν

    Hello 👋 🫂

    I had the same exact problem when I first came here!First of all you should do the dedication ritual if you haven't done it already!Then start doing very simple and basic meditations like Aura Cleaning, Aura of Protection, Void meditation etc. A very nice idea would be to follow the 40 days...
  63. Ν

    Kundalini Syndrome - help wanted

    I think you will find this useful https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=295184
  64. Ν

    Some questions

    I have these questions in my mind for quite some time now but since High Priest Hoodedcobra666 made this post regarding Kali I really feel the need to finally ask! First question. Can the name of Kali be used as a mantra just like the names of other Hindu and Vedic Deities? (like Surya or...
  65. Ν

    Question for Hoodedcobra, cursing with sanskrit?

    You have said that about the Necronomicon names that are supposed to be used for black magic too if I recall correctly. I think I also remember a High Priest suggesting to not use Sanskrit for cursing but I don't remember details.I certainly have read about the Squares. Do you know exactly...
  66. Ν

    Any meditation specifically for astral sight?

    HPS Maxine has suggested using the ISIS mantra for astral sight. (ISIS is one of the names of Lady Astarte)! Also I think this post made by a member named Stormblood some years ago has very useful information that would be helpful to you ! Here is a link to find it...
  67. Ν

    fight against grays , reptilians and angels

    Don't you think that it would be a better idea to politely ask her yourself? You don't really need to be advanced for that just go into trance state and focus on her Sigil, then politely ask her if she is your GD. Our Gods always find a way to give us the answers we want! You don't have...
  68. Ν

    Disclaimer: About "National Socialism"

    With all these media hype about Putin being the new Hitler or the "nazi" Azov battalion, I think this was an excellent time to write such a topic!
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    🪐 List of Affirmations For Planetary Squares 🪐

    Which square would you suggest for this affirmation, the material one or the spiritual one?
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    SATAN'S DAY RITUAL - 23rd to 29th Of December - Happy Yule Wishes!

    The ritual is perfect!The feeling it gives so pleasant! I was thinking of doing extra rounds of the Final Ritual the next days as a thanksgiving to Him but since this came out I think I will focus more on this one! Happy Yule everyone!!!! HAIL SATAN!!!!
  71. Ν

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    I just tried it out and I really like it!!! Thanks to everyone involved in the project for all the hard work the had to do!!!!
  72. Ν

    JOY OF SATAN Website Update is LIVE!

    Awesome!I was really looking forward to see the updates! The search function is an excellent addition and it works perfectly!!! Thank you very much to everyone who has helped with this project and to HP Hoodedcobra for supervising it!!! Also a huge thanks to all our Gods&Goddesses for all the...
  73. Ν

    New Meditations, Knowledge And New Consensus

    High priest are you also going to update the Demon section? I remember your sermon about Enlil in which you have mentioned that there info that should be updated in this section and also that some Demon names should be corrected!
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    RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule June 19th to July 3rd

    Using the timer in this program isn't mandatory right?
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    JOY OF SATAN MAGICK UPDATES: Divination By The Elements

    Awesome!I like divination a lot so I am going to try them as soon as I find time!
  76. Ν

    Is this a good book to buy?

    Thank you for the link!!! I will be cautious!(I don't have high hopes either, it just got my attention because I haven't seen many books reffering on Nazisim as something related to the occult.)
  77. Ν

    Is this a good book to buy?

    Hello!I recently saw a book called The Occult Roots of Nazisim , the author is called Goodrick - Clarke, Nicholas. Does anyone know this book? Is it worth buying? (it is very cheap,it costs about 6 euros)!
  78. Ν

    Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier - "All vaccinated people will die within 2 years"

    If you see from 37:00-37:20, Mike Yeadon says that Vaccinated people will die from some peculiar syndrome and no one will be able to associate it with the vaccine. https://rumble.com/vg5koh-breaking-dr-michael-yeadon-full-interview-access-reality-truth.html Also most of the doctors agree that...
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    Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier - "All vaccinated people will die within 2 years"

    Yes they are doctors!Suharit Bhakdi is one of the best in the world, he is very well known for his work in malaria and dengue fever! He has taught more than 12000 doctors in the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz ! Now regarding Montagnier, I see what he has to say since the begining of...
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    I have this problem too when I log in my account but when I am off it appears normally. If you want to see it you can change the screen to computer mode (this works for me at least)
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    Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier - "All vaccinated people will die within 2 years"

    The Immunology professor Dolores Cahill Has also said that the that the mrna vaccines can kill with cytocine storm https://archive.org/details/immunologist-dolores-cahill-cytokine-storm Also the Thai-German Microbiologist Dr Suharit Bhakdi has said the vaccines are dangerous and also...
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    "The Ted Bundy Tapes"

    I totally agree!
  83. Ν

    Camio/Caim Angelic?

    https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=51054&p=224047&hilit=Cherubim#p224047 Some things on the Jos must be fixed.You don't need to worry though,the gods that are posted there are really our gods, not filthy thoyghtforms! Just keep in mind some names might have some corruption in them...
  84. Ν

    "The Ted Bundy Tapes"

    I don't think psychopaths can be "trained"!Unlike sociopaths they don't posses any sense of morality and will hurt everyone that stands in their way or even a random stranger because they are bored or so(sounds like I describe a typical jew)! Also I doubt they can work together!There are...
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    Yoga: Center/Heart Chakra

    Can someone explain to me how you do that handstand pose???I wanted to do this thing since I was on primary school (almost every kid could) and I never managed to do it.
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    RTR Effects - Denmark begins purging Syrian refugees

    It is very encouraging to know that our work is manifesting!!!
  87. Ν

    Who was Gengis Khan?

    Well, it seems the main disagreement is on the "legality =/=morality" thing! I will try put a simple example there : In some countries saying the Holocaust is a hoax is illegal but the truth is that it is a hoax! The legal thing to do there is to say that it is not a hoax but the moral thing to...
  88. Ν

    Can i communicate with Adolf Hitler

    Will he come back to earth along with the gods?
  89. Ν

    Who was Gengis Khan?

    You can have your opinon but don't say that you accept the facts and that you adapt to new info because If you were, you would have read everything in the Jos about Hitler and you would have understood what a great person he was and how many lies have been told about him
  90. Ν

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule March 20th / April 11th

    If I remember correctly the RTRs follow the same rule as magical workings do, the day ends after the dawn of the new day, when the planetary hours of the new day start.So that depends on the place you live because the planetary hours depend on your time zone
  91. Ν

    Israel on the court wtf?

    Well obviously I don't expect anything from the court but I just found it weird that they try to force vaccination but at the same time they send themselves on the court for this. But maybe there is a positive aspect in this, many people are ignorant of the fact that forced medical acts are...
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    Israel on the court wtf?

    https://www.pronews.gr/amyna-asfaleia/diethnis-asfaleia/971606_sto-dikastirio-tis-hagis-i-kyvernisi-toy-israil-gia-toys I hope I posted the link correctly The page is in Greek but I it can be translated (at least on joogle) Have you guys read anything about it? There is a team of jews that...
  93. Ν

    Vaccination, Aliens, Lockdown, Human Genome Alteration

    Just saying, don't expect any accuracy from these kinds of tests, both the rapid tests (like what you did) and the PCR are not valid!(Rapid tests are just ridiculous) Only a doctor can truly understand if you have the diseases related by seeing if you have the related symptoms and by doing an...
  94. Ν

    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    Some things that I heard from greek doctors are: 1)First before you do the vaccine you should make a test to see if you already have antibodies in which caseyou should not do it because it can kill you due to the immune response your body will make! Fuchs explained it way better than me in his...
  95. Ν

    Additional Information On Beelzebul - [Advanced Knowledge] - Updated + On JoS Page Now

    Thank you for sharing this HP! It is always nice to read more things about our Pagan Gods and learn more about the meaning behind the allegories of our past civilizations!
  96. Ν

    Jews scheme to make the goyim docile through marijuana

    There is a ton of medical problems it can cause! Even doing it once can make no repairable damage to the brain! In large amounts it can be fatal!They are addictive so one which starts with small amounts will keep increasing. They also damage the immune system!I have also heard that they are...
  97. Ν

    About Upcoming Joy of Satan Website Updates: Demons Section

    I am really excited about this!!! I would really love to learn more info about my GD!!!
  98. Ν

    ENDING THE VEIL - First Ritual Schedule - 11 to 22 December 2020

    I have a question If we break the ritual in 3 parts(3 final rituals with x3 vibrations instead of 9) should we do Tetragramaton killing after all of them or we should just do it once in the end of the 3rd?
  99. Ν

    Forum Testing Up

    I finally managed to log in! Since the morning whenever I was trying it was saying wrong password (while I was putting right) and after a while it also made me to answer some questions
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    Gold Chakra above the head

    I would love to hear what a High Priest/Priestess has to say regarding their use or how we should work with them etc.!!!
  101. Ν

    Gold Chakra above the head

    I don't know much about them but I know that they should be connected with the aura and that especially the golden Chakra can be used to store energy ! There is an energy pathway explained in the Ascending energy meditation which starts from the bottom Chakra all the way up to the 8th and then...
  102. Ν

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule: 25th of December / 3rd Of January

    Our main focus on this should be as always the FRTR right? So if one has enough time should we spam harder the Frtr or focus on doing all the rituals on high amounts?
  103. Ν

    Kundalini question

    HP are you sure that the "Psi" wheel is a form of telekinesis? Doesn't the paper spin because the hands are warmer than the room's temperature? I also saw a video on YouTube in witch this happened by placing the so called Psi wheel between 6 cups of warm water
  104. Ν

    Do legs have chakras?

    Have you ever checked the Chakra diagram on the Jos page about minor Chakras?
  105. Ν

    JoS Fully Censored - Online Middle Ages Starting... A War Against Humanity

    High priest sorry to bother you but a couple of posts I have made have not been approved yet(one is about a week ago and the other one yesterday) , why is that happening?
  106. Ν

    Yoga: Sacral issues

    You are the best Lydia!!!!!!!
  107. Ν

    Paintable Tetragrammaton Final RTR

    Thank you so much for this!!!!
  108. Ν

    Preparing For New RTR Schedule

    With "rest" I think he meant to not spam the ritual as much as we will do as if we were on a schedule! Personally I think it makes no sense to stop doing it now because we should not give any space to the enemy!I think the optimal will be to do the ritual on a comfortable amount of times and...
  109. Ν

    Base: Yoga, Repressed Anger

    Wow awesome post Lydia thank you for sharing with us :)!!!!
  110. Ν

    After November 10 - We Continue FRTR Until New Release

    So I assume the final rtrs and probably the new ritual will open the way for the race awakening ritual just like the past rtrs have made the enemy weaker for the Final ritual to be stronger
  111. Ν

    What do you think of this meditation program

    Also there is weight loss meditation in the Jos, maybe you can give it a try! Also with diet I hope you mean a healthy one not a one that will make you eat less than you must do!
  112. Ν

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule Oct 31 to Nov 10 - And On The Elections

    Right now it works perfectly for me too, it was the first time I saw this happening and I just reported it The time was around 18:30 when it happened (UTC +2)
  113. Ν

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule Oct 31 to Nov 10 - And On The Elections

    I want to report that I can't use the ritual pages! The one with white letters and black background doesn't open at all amd the one with white background and black letters cannot be used fully because it doesn't erase the 3 last letters! What I did is to use the one with the black letters and...
  114. Ν

    A Decade

    Thank you for sharing this,it is really inspiring to see a spiritual Satanist having so much determination as you!!
  115. Ν

    The meaning of Medusa

    According to the myth if you look her in the eyes you will turn into stone. Do you guys think that this can be a reference to the Evil Eye in some way? (the one described on JOS not the christianized version of it)
  116. Ν

    Texas : Brain eating amoeba in tap water

    I don't know for sure what is the case with this but thrre is species of amoeba that is known to causing lethal damge to the brain (can't remember name because I read that 4 years ago). This parasite I am talking about leaves in water and can be transmitted to humans to humans through infected...
  117. Ν

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule - September 14 / October 3 [Updated With Pics]

    Time to exterminate those parasites from our planet!!!!
  118. Ν

    Chromosome XXY

    What do you have is Klinefeltre syndrome Regarding the part of your post that you say you felt more like woman please know that you 100% a man! Since there is a Y chromosome there you can't be anything else I assume that the doctors would have tell you that testosterone cannot help fix all of...
  119. Ν

    Please help!

    Then how on Earth you wrote that?
  120. Ν

    Where is the exact location of Kundalini?

    There are also front and back extentions of the base chakra (see the chakra diagram) and the hip chakras, also know as 12th and 13th chakra, are also base chakra's extensions!
  121. Ν

    Ritual to Cause Rain?

    How the ShSh part of the second mantra is supposed to be vibrated?Should it go like a long SHSHSH or more like... SHSH(small pause) and then continue the other Sh part? Also the sigil is better without the circle right?
  122. Ν

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule - July 21st / August 5th

    I got confused with it too so I did both race awakening rituals and the other 2 rituals too, I assume that it will not create any problem right?
  123. Ν

    'Fairy tales' aliens?

    An another Satanist has told me that elves,gnomes and fairies are entities of nature and they prefer stay hidden and they reveal themselves to very few people who truly love nature! I always believed in fairies so since someone opened a related topic can someone answer my questions? 1)In a...
  124. Ν

    Spiders and Spirituality

    How do you mean negative? All animals on nature have their purposes?Plus they are quite beneficial for us because they harmful insects!(although there are species that are dangerous to humans I some countries).I am personally not afraid of them. Regarding the fear of spiders and other insects I...
  125. Ν

    Are you being a Goyim during the lockdown ?

    The worst think to do during quarantine is spent the day watching covid related TV program. The impact they had on brainwashing people was terrifying! I knew people that were very chill about the whole thing ended up panic like this is the most devastating plaque in history
  126. Ν

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule - July 21st / August 5th

    Apart from what you say Aquarius,from what I have understand you need to have awaken the sexual energy before the rise of the kundalini and I don't think the kids are able to do so(keep in mind the secondary characteristics of the gender start to appear on about the age of 12 that is also when...
  127. Ν

    Can I do this working now?(Also give me some tips)

    Thank you both very much!!!!
  128. Ν

    Can I do this working now?(Also give me some tips)

    Thanks for your answer to begin with!!! Now due to the fact that the squares are extremely fragile I can't start one on such a time( especially a mercury one) because I will have to start school and some extra lessons so I won't be able to it properly! So about the 90* days working I will...
  129. Ν

    Can I do this working now?(Also give me some tips)

    26 would really be a nice day!Now I don't really mind doing high reps as far as I have time for them and there is the problem:At the beginning of September I would have to start school plus some extra lessons so I probably won't have that much time (and probably I won't be able to do it always...
  130. Ν

    Can I do this working now?(Also give me some tips)

    I was thinking to make a freeing the soul working to obliterate the negative influence of my natal retrograde mercury this Friday but I noticed that mercury is currently retrograde and will continue be until Sunday!So should I wait more and also which will be the most ideal time to do it! Now...
  131. Ν

    How much meditation we really need?

    Thank you for your advice!! :)
  132. Ν

    How much meditation we really need?

    I am sorry for asking this so late but I want your opinion about this: What fire mantra you think is better Theaus or Agni?
  133. Ν


    If you go to the beginners 40 days meditation program there is a nice pdf for hatha yoga that explains very well what yoga does !!Our High priests have made many posts that talk about it too!Look in the Jos main website too there is plenty of info there! If you want to advance it is IMPORTANT...
  134. Ν

    Shael, why are you a girl now?

    Completely irrelevant but the spider in your profile picture is so cute!!!!!!!
  135. Ν

    Kids in Greece are getting leukemia from 5G

    There are children getting fatal diseases from these and you have reportes and journalist from all the big channels saying how stupid conspiracy theorists are.And on top of of all that you have our government only caring about how they will make us lose our freedom while also thinking how they...
  136. Ν

    most demons don't care about humanity?

    The demons of goetia all want the best for humanity.There are other demons that want the best for humanity too! Now there are some Nordics(inferior to our gods) that hate us and are afraid of humanities potencial. Hp HoodedCobra666 has wrote about this too in one of his post in a topic named ...
  137. Ν

    Who was Gengis Khan?

    Rameses II completed the MO too and he concously chose to die and be reborn to do Satan's work at a later date. Who's to say Alexander didn't do the same? Genghis also asked a Taoist monk to teach him the MO. He probably finished and then hit reset too. Genghis and Alexander lived relatively...
  138. Ν

    Who was Gengis Khan?

    Look a topic named Ancient Greek Stolen Concepts of the Kabbalah! There is a post from Hp HoodedCobra who says that Alexander's death is not certain and his body and personal belongings was never found in a tomb.He also says that he must have done the magnum Opus.
  139. Ν

    I have the ability to look to the future.

    Very interesting!!! It is quite similar to my experience!! I wish you have the best results possible with this and everything else you are practicing !!!
  140. Ν

    I have the ability to look to the future.

    This happens to me too.I haven't find a way to do use this on purpose!To use this for my advantage I do this: When it happens I try to memorize every single detail so when this situation is going to happen I am going to be prepared or if I see something bad happening I try my best to make it not...
  141. Ν

    How to Raise The Kundalini Serpent - Simplified

    It is stated many times that you don't have to stress with yoga!In time it will make you flexible!Now if you should try harder depends on how you feel!If you are going to start feeling uncomfortable then don't!
  142. Ν

    Our experiences with the full Chariot of Ra meditation

    It is in the diagram.from what I know only the crown chakra has not front and back extension.
  143. Ν

    Sharing experience with SAMMAS

    Since these 3 points are the bottom ,the center and the top points of the pillar by connecting them doesn't it purify all the pillar? Like a side effect.
  144. Ν

    Sharing experience with SAMMAS

    Indeed! After all it is mentioned in the Jos that before this meditation one must take sometime to clean ,the chakras and the aura!
  145. Ν

    Vitamin C gives me stomach aches.

    Thank you for this!!This article is very useful!
  146. Ν

    Sharing experience with SAMMAS

    Combing?You mean you did the one after the other? Regarding Merkaba I have also noticed it to have way stronger effects when I do it after I am done with cleansing!And about the ugly energy the christians release yes I have noticed it too,the difference is quite visible since due to covid so...
  147. Ν

    Sharing experience with SAMMAS

    Both give a very powerful energy buzz but personally I find the raum meditation to be stronger(I also feel my aura more powerful every time I do the raum ).It seems logical since the full meditation with IO and EA doesn't work only on the center part of the soul.On the other hand I haven't done...
  148. Ν

    Vitamin C gives me stomach aches.

    Interesting!I thought they were the same but from a quick research it I did it seems that the Ascorbic acid has to chemical types, those 2 being : 1)C6H8O6 (the same as vitamin C) 2)HC6H7O6 So I am not sure?But conveniently enough tomorrow I have a chemistry lesson online so let me ask my...
  149. Ν

    Vitamin C gives me stomach aches.

    Isn't ascorbic acid the chemical name for the Vitamin C?Like the vitamin's B9 is Folic acid/folate.
  150. Ν

    Sharing experience with SAMMAS

    I make this topic for everyone who wants to share experiences with the SAMMAS meditation and other methods you might have used with it. The method I used is a combo of the twin serpent meditation and SAMMAS: I do the steps of the twin serpent meditation 1 to 6 the way they are described in...
  151. Ν


    Thanks for answering! As for the topic I will but tomorrow because I am done with these meditations for today.I hope you will have good results!
  152. Ν


    Thanks for answering my question and sharing your view about the meditation!
  153. Ν


    Hey Stormblood,since you seem experienced with this meditation can I have your opinion on somethings? 1)Have you thought any way that the twin serpent meditation can combine with SAMMAS mantra?HP Mageson had recommend it .I had thought of using the mantra while I have the serpents in the top...
  154. Ν

    Great leader or not?

    Something I want to ask quite sometime now( for historical purposes) is what to you think about Darius the first ,the king of Persia. I couldn't find anything in the forums apart from a post of a member addressing him as a great leader but the thing is that from research on joogle I did it...
  155. Ν

    Spain doctors chanting "OM" and Satnam

    Are you sure?David Frawley has it in the book about mantras.Where did you read this?In the jos it is stated that Om is useless and it is a corruption but not it is giving energy to that thoughtform?
  156. Ν

    SS Rituals For March 14th to March 24th

    How much reps of the final ritual would you recommend us to do these days?
  157. Ν

    Upcoming Sun Square

    I was just making a completely generic statement based on what I have seen in previous calendars.Other than that everyone should read the ideal calendar for his time zone to be sure he does the workings on the ideal dates.
  158. Ν

    Upcoming Sun Square

    When moon is in Taurus and the day is Sunday it would be a great day for finances.Now if Sun and/or Venus happen to be in favourable signs it will add power to the working/spell.
  159. Ν

    Upcoming Sun Square

    The proper day for the sun square is on Sunday 22. Of course Sunday is the day of the Sun and Saturday is the day of Saturn. Isn't it obvious from them name :roll:
  160. Ν

    A Most Decisive Time For The War

    Thank you for this post high priest! It feeled me with hope !!!!!
  161. Ν

    Question for the fire elememt

    There is a warning in Jos that the organs are not like chakras and you should not add elements to them unless you are really experienced If you are interested High priest Lucius has an interesting post about the elements in the Oriental forum( see the Taoists path to immortality)!Also the Qigong...
  162. Ν

    Question for the fire elememt

    I will be careful.After all you said ot yourself that if something will go wrong I can destroy the thoughtform anytime (preferably when the moon goes from full to new and for creating ot I must start from new to full). Thank you for all the pieces of advice that you gave me!I appreciate it!
  163. Ν

    Question for the fire elememt

    I have no doubt that you are right but I havenot that much experience with the Ether elememt and since creating a thoughtform is something that can go bad easily I don't want to take risks.Thanks for the advice anyway!!!
  164. Ν

    Question for the fire elememt

    Thanks for the warning!I will also start the sun square when the sun will be on Aries!
  165. Ν

    corona virus - good and bad?

    Don't get me wrong either but saying good the fact that humans (not jews) die sounds a bit jewish/tamludic to me(to avoid misunderstandings I don't say you are a jew).If you think about it we actually fight to free these people from the jewish forces so that they can learn the truth amd come...
  166. Ν

    Important info for the Hps

    It might has to do with the language you use.When I tap joy of Satan it brings me the greek one.
  167. Ν

    Question for the fire elememt

    I understand!Keep in mind that I am using the sun and white gold energy already and I am not going to stop doing them , after all it is working very well.Infact I am enjoying it since it has very pleasant results.I just think to add these thinks because, firstly I like the fire elememt, secondly...
  168. Ν

    Question for the fire elememt

    Thanks for the answer!I think I will be able to handle it since I have done much training woth the elements this summer! To program it I was thinking like : The fire elememt cleans my soul from every negative energy ,curses and energy blockages completely and permanently in a positive and...
  169. Ν

    Question for the fire elememt

    Can the fire elememt be directly used for cleaning the soul? If so could I make and thoughtform of the fire elememt and program it to clean my soul constantly?(Not that I will stop using other methods but I want to know of this will help me)!!
  170. Ν

    Number of protection.

    Instead of doing both of them if you don't have time do the Aop (2nd part)from new moon to full and the first one from full to new.This is suggested in the website if I am not mistaken.
  171. Ν

    OMG!!!!!! Pineal Gland Removal By Surgery!!!!!!

    Pineal gland is a part of the soul just like chakras ,aura ,light body etc.
  172. Ν

    Am I the only shapeshifter?

    If you have time High priest I want to ask you ,do you know if someone who has completed the MO or someone in the level of the gods can turn into an animal for sometime?I am asking because you have been very negative in your other answers about it and shape shifting has been mentioned in the Jos...
  173. Ν

    Video Game 'Plague Inc' Banned in China

    I used to play this game.I loved it.I liked it because you need to have strategy to play it!!
  174. Ν

    Convincing others of the way of Satan

    From experience I will agree with HP HoodedCobra!I had try to convince many friends of mine and I never managed to open anyones eyes.At least I managed to convince that I was joking and now almsot noone remembers it
  175. Ν

    Chackra music

    Just like Aquarius suggested you need to be very concentrated on them.Can I ask you something?You said you haven't empower your crown for half a year ,is it the same for your other chakras?Well in any case almost 2 years before when I restarted meditating I had the same experience as you.Keep...
  176. Ν

    [Children’s Story] Imbolc: Remembering The Sun

    Lydia this was so awesome just like the other one for Yule!!!!!!!I am really looking forward for your next story ! :)
  177. Ν

    More Information On The Coronavirus

    The definition of the world plaque is a diseases that has bwn transmitted in a big amount of countries (like EHF was).But sometimes in English the world plaque alone is used to describe the Black death (also known as bubonic plaque).
  178. Ν

    China 2020

    Where , please post the link!It is possible for a virus to stay in water but that is one of the reasons that the tap water is checked every month at the very least (generally for avoiding epidemic episodes).But can this one withstand the condition in the water in such a grade that it will be...
  179. Ν

    China 2020

    My bad.Thanks for the correction!
  180. Ν

    China 2020

    I don't say that it is nothing to worry about but Hps I disagree about this part:You think rinsing any vegetable with water will destroy that virus? I worked in quite a few restaurants for many years when I was younger. Aside from washing blatant dirt from lettuce, mushrooms, etc, most...
  181. Ν

    Flu, miniature Jew.

    The penicillin has actually helped a lot of people not only Alexander Fleming.Also it is not regular mold ,it is from mold that comes from the fungus penicillium (that's why it is named lke that). Although with the medicines that exist nowadays it not only less effective but it can be dangerous...
  182. Ν

    How to fix my immune system

    Are the doctors sure that the virus HPV has nothing to do with it?? Being short sided can make you eye age faster and be susceptible to any kind of infection.Tell me haven't you ever had Herpes?
  183. Ν

    How to fix my immune system

    Is it sure that it is from an autoimmune response? Because from what I read the cause of uveitis is often unknown and frequently occurs in otherwise healthy people. It can sometimes be associated with another illness such as an autoimmune disorder or an infection from a virus or bacteria!An...
  184. Ν

    can it be a gift?

    I can do this too ,since I was child actually!!I think this has to do with our past lives.We probably have practiced divination or worked with our six chakra too much so now we have this ability! But I advice you to practice it because abilities like that can disappear if not practiced. Although...
  185. Ν

    About Antivirals

    That will be awesome!!Thank you :) !!!
  186. Ν

    About Antivirals

    Hps Shannon can you make a post about natural antivirals (just like you have done an other speaking about generally antimicrobial herbs, antibiotics especially)?I think that it would be especially helpful now because winter is the time if the year that you can catch colds easily and there is...
  187. Ν

    Sun Salutation

    One of its negative effects actually is the fact that it makes feel completely without energy.
  188. Ν

    Satan And Lilith Head God and Goddess Of Japan

    If you are going to make a post about Saturn and Time this might be...
  189. Ν

    For those who want to translate the SS Calendar

    I can send you the texts in greek but I don't know know to make pdf ,so if you or someone else is going to help with making it a pdf or public it I will be more than happy to translate it!!
  190. Ν

    Building The Rainbow Body

    Cleaning and opening is not the same ,Lydia has explained it to us some time ago in a topic named :A question about chakras.Below is her answer: Cleaning a chakra, means, removing the dirt and dross in it. Unblocking a chakra, means, unblocking any obstacles, bindings, stagnations, etc...
  191. Ν

    What are the dangers of birth control?

    In regards to what you say about the STDs keep in mind that some of them are very hard detected with common blood tests.Also in some rare cases the virus HPV is present in men and women reproductive systems without causing to them trouble but can cause problem to other person that it is going...
  192. Ν

    What are the dangers of birth control?

    The biologist I had in the 9th grade had said that taking non-pregrant pills usually can make a woman not able to get pregnant anymore(or do it much harder for her).
  193. Ν

    Melatonin: Good or Bad?

    It might also has to do with the routine one does.For example I do too much pranayama whem along woth the poses so maybe that is why I don't feel sleepy after it.I have noticed that when I do resting (with any meditation not only yoga) putting my tongue in the roof of the mouth amd feeling the...
  194. Ν

    Can it be useful to have with me always a rune?

    You can vibrate a rune to a necklace/bracelet or whatever and program it to do something!A good example is the Thaur rune!You can use it in bracelet and program it to deflect curses negative energy remember that the hematite can be used along with Thaur for such purposes! This was just an...
  195. Ν

    Building The Rainbow Body

    When they are clean ,the path for the kundalini will open.One can open his/her chakras in two weeks that doesn't mean the kundalini will rise in two weeks.(of course before someone starts cleansing one should have his/her chakras open.Also after opening them one must empower them at least a bit...
  196. Ν

    Melatonin: Good or Bad?

    When you mean end your day with smt like hatha yoga ,how much time before bed you mean?Hatha gives a very strong energy buzz so I don't this it the best thing to do before sleep but because it relaxes the body I would suggest it 1 hour before bed.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
