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  1. LaconicLion

    Universal End Events

    So what are your thoughts on the Heat Death, Big Freeze, etc? Will there be a way for humanity to survive? Is it all a bunch of hogwash? Personally I’m of the opinion that the universe has always existed and always will exist.
  2. LaconicLion

    Creating Things of Beauty

    Hey ShadowtheRaven, So.. you have this vision in your head of what you want your music to be like, what kind of emotions it should bring forth, but your actual output isn't matching that, right? And you feel bad about it. I think this is completely normal for creators of any kind. Their work...
  3. LaconicLion

    Odd sun square manifestation?

    Are you doing the Kundalini Yoga and Hatha Yoga routines? "Soft" exercise like yoga and qigong helps you handle those energies well. I had to invest more time/effort on my yoga recently as I was feeling the energy build up in my back.
  4. LaconicLion

    Satanic Self help On Being a Man (Alpha Male/Masculinity/Power DEBUNKED)

    Whether you're a man or woman, just have your ideal be... The Ubermensch: So keep meditating, and deprogram from other people's ideas of what your life should be, then... *Follow your own inner self realization to self development and actualization without any self sabotage. Become free to...
  5. LaconicLion

    Looking to Permanently Give Up Porn

    https://www.pdfdrive.com/the-porn-pandemic-a-simple-guide-to-ending-pornography-and-masturbation-addiction-and-getting-back-into-the-real-world-e200511382.html Read this first, it's 70~ pages, easy to read, succint, and useful. The three A's of addiction are: 1. Attraction, 2. Anonymity, 3...
  6. LaconicLion

    Unbinding the soul

    Thank you for posting this, Aldrick. I was searching for solutions, and this arrived at the perfect time, and I needed it. I *know* it's not just a coincidence.
  7. LaconicLion

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    FAQ about the Final RTR: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=11560 A Course in our RTRs spiritual weaponry: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=2982 Things being dark is nothing new. It's just that we are now more exposed and aware of it...
  8. LaconicLion

    About Boys and love

    Keep advancing, there is hope. Knowledge and spiritual advancement is key. When you're strong spiritually, you can draw the right kind of people to you, and you also understand how to seek them out. You can work on your divination skills (Palmistry, Tarot, Pendulum, Astrology, etc.) and in...
  9. LaconicLion

    Physical Activity (In home)

    https://docdro.id/G8QyAGx -- simple 7 Page PDF titled Guerilla Cardio. It's not a commercial product, just an explanation on why and how a basic jog, sprint, jog routine is one of the most effective routines for burning fat. (Just 12m in total. Run outside or do treadmill, doesn't matter.)...
  10. LaconicLion

    Joy Of Satan Arts

    Excellent. I'm very happy you're creating this project. If I may offer some constructive criticism: 1. The 'Share your art' button should link to this thread. 2. https://joy-of-satan-arts.jimdosite.com/gods/ This page, for example, is going to become quite bloated. You'll have to scroll and...
  11. LaconicLion

    Similarity between barbra streisand and triceratops dinsours.

    I understand that you want to communicate and make jokes, and so on. But to be frank, a topic like this is generally a waste of time. Why not post topics like this on an imageboard or another forum? They'd be more willing to entertain you too. As for this forum, I believe it's important to keep...
  12. LaconicLion

    SS Bitchute Channel

    Alright. I'll figure something out this week and set you a draft of what I think would be a good video.
  13. LaconicLion

    SS Bitchute Channel

    Since this topic is pinned, let me ask this: Can anyone contribute voice overs? Alright. The offer from my other post still stands. I do want to help out with the videos.
  14. LaconicLion

    SS Bitchute Channel

    First of all, good work on taking initiative on this. Your enthusiasm is admirable, inspiring, and very much appreciated. Second, you should use the JoS audio mp3s. http://satanslibrary.org/Mp3_Library.html. A human's voice is better than a robot's of course. I'm not sure why you wanted to...
  15. LaconicLion

    a warning on video games

    Videogames have their good points and bad points. On the positive side, they can help with imagination. Problem solving. Improve reflexes. Immerse you in new worlds. And interest you in new topics. And so on. On the negative side, they can be addictive, and cause you to neglect other areas of...
  16. LaconicLion

    What do you all think about forex trading. is it gambling?

    I don't think anyone's going to sell you a 'winning strategy'. If a certain strategy works and makes a lot of money, by selling that strategy you would increase your own competition. You'd be acting against your own financial interest. The more people you sell it to, the less effective the...
  17. LaconicLion

    Yahoo Group Archive (By Edward Lonsa) ( V.Important)

    You don't need a valid yahoo groups account to use PG Offline 4. Just download all the MEGAs under 'Message History', and sort all the .db3 files into a folder. Then launch PG Offline 4, then enter in a fake user, password, like user: asdjjiw and password: 123123123. If you leave it blank, it...
  18. LaconicLion

    Movies, games, series

    About Vinland Saga, try reading the manga, the anime doesn't get to the best parts yet. There's a lot of good moments in the series, and I'm still following the manga. The themes of the story aren't perfectly aligned with Satanic ideals, but seeing how Thorfinn develops in the future is...
  19. LaconicLion

    How To Influence Millions with MetaPolitics: Subtle Influence, The Spiritual War & Daily Actions

    Thank you for the pin, and thank you everyone for your comments! Great post, I agree. On the hermit subject, I think only a very small minority of people can play the hermit, and live like an ascetic and devote themselves 24/7 to spirituality. I know first hand how isolation limits the...
  20. LaconicLion

    An Independent media invaded Epstein’s island

    I read a long time ago that the WeAreChange guy was a racial Jew. I don't watch his videos. Can anyone confirm?
  21. LaconicLion

    How To Influence Millions with MetaPolitics: Subtle Influence, The Spiritual War & Daily Actions

    How To Influence Millions with MetaPolitics: Subtle Influence, The Spiritual War & Daily Actions I found some VERY useful political information for us to use in the war. First, check out this pic. (Right click view to enlarge if it's too small.) I’ll list the archive of the thread at the...
  22. LaconicLion

    Making Videos In Satan's Library Section

    Mmm, yeah, it's too loud to listen to. No music is probably best.
  23. LaconicLion

    Making Videos In Satan's Library Section

    Your account got terminated. YouTube seems to be a no-go for any lasting content by our side.
  24. LaconicLion

    Wwf ?

    I found this article. If even part of this is true, then the WWF is trash. http://archive.is/PhOID (https://www.newsmax.com/DrewJohnson/Defund-World-Wildlife-Fund/2012/10/12/id/459740/)
  25. LaconicLion

    On Approaching Satanism

    Oh, that's great, HP. :) What did you title it as? And yeah, it was written with a North American perspective, feel free to add that in if you like. To those that gave thanks, you're welcome. I'm glad to serve my allies.
  26. LaconicLion

    On Approaching Satanism

    >If you want to exist in the material dimension, you must be slaves to it. To survive it is necessary to be slaves. Negative, limited thinking/belief. Your self-talk here obviously isn't helping. But I understand why you're frustrated. You value your time and you're not getting enough in return...
  27. LaconicLion

    Am I taking everything too far?

    Focus on improving yourself and your situation whether materially or spiritually. You have direct control over your own thoughts and actions, but limited control over the outside world. Work on your skills. You have to manifest your potential as a Satanic individual through your daily efforts...
  28. LaconicLion

    The Key to Black Excellence

    Oh, I assumed that it didn't work because it got cut off. My mistake. https://truththeory.com/2019/04/09/scho ... e-results/ https://upwellhealth.com.au/why-meditat ... hools-now/ Cause it's like that.
  29. LaconicLion

    The Key to Black Excellence

    Links in the OP are broken, btw.
  30. LaconicLion

    Yom "Kippur" Preparations [7th to 12th October]

    Seems the curses affect people differently. Some get worsened health, others have more mental and emotional attacks. Some may get a combo of the two. Cleansing and keeping energies and chakras empowered is key, of course. I like to combine ALGIZ w/ AoP as well. Keep up the RTRs. On PC...
  31. LaconicLion

    A simple Tarot spread for those who might be interested.

    Thanx. Sounds like it'll be really useful. Out of curiosity, what tarot decks are people using here? I've seen some posts on here about how the Rider-Waite deck has all these Hebrew symbols on them. Anyone got a good, uncorrupted deck they're using? :)
  32. LaconicLion

    Rituals and workings to attract fame and popularity

    In addition to the magickal advice given above, I want to make some related points: Learn everything you can about how to build your brand. Grab the Personal MBA, it's a business education in one volume. You're pretty much an entrepeneur and your own boss, so you have to gain the knowledge you...
  33. LaconicLion

    When is the plague?

    Specific dates for predictions are always going to be uncertain. Lots of factors change over time, which cause outcomes to change. No reason to stress over it until it happens. You can make healthy and positive choices that will get you in a good position if and when it does happen.
  34. LaconicLion

    runes of sexual lust

    Doesn't seem right to force a specific person to lust for you through magick. I wouldn't want someone to do that to me. And I doubt you would either. If I was already attracted to them, then I wouldn't need it. If I wasn't already attracted, then I'm being coerced against my will. Why not...
  35. LaconicLion

    Do the people in your life know you're a satanist?

    It's very important for your own well-being and safety that you keep it to yourself. Just make it a rule to keep your SS life private, known only to yourself and the Gods. Don't let it discourage you from relating to others though. You can have many prosperous and emotionally fulfilling...
  36. LaconicLion

    Staying Healthy and Protected- Going the extra mile

    What sources do you guys use for Hydrogen Peroxide? For some reason Amazon makes it so suppliers can only list 12% grade, and the sellers say you have to do 3x to make it 36%. Looking for a supplier not on Amazon that people here have had success with.
  37. LaconicLion

    A Guide To Internet Activism & Spreading The Message

    QTox is safe for instant messaging as far as I know. Open source, p2p, no centralized server, end to end encryption. No need for email or phone #. Swap IDs on email to add the other guy.
  38. LaconicLion

    Who was this fellow?

    You sound unbalanced and a little deluded. On the off chance you're being genuine, I recommend SATANAMA meditation + proper affirmations to heal your psyche.
  39. LaconicLion

    Concern about psychology.

    Do you have to get a psych degree to be a coach there? What about college, certificates, other kinds of education that would qualify you?
  40. LaconicLion

    Education kids

    Great to hear that you have kids and you seem eager to give them a good education. :) Well, here's what I would do if I had kids: * Encourage a healthy, active lifestyle - make exercise a part of their daily life, eat healthy, with good sleep habits. No screentime an hour before bed. * Have...
  41. LaconicLion

    On Repeating Problems Related To Society

    Message didn't go through for some reason. Anyway the gist of what I wanted to say to The Alchemist7: - Why constantly insult and undermine yourself? This is almost like cursing yourself. Which ensures you remain in the same shitty state. - Instead affirm what you want like 'I am exceptionally...
  42. LaconicLion

    Being a Hermit?

    Some opinions I have on this topic: A lot of it depends on your unique soul, self knowledge is key here and astrological insight will help you plenty on this. Some people can thrive in solitude. With demon friends, demon or human lover, and keeping your mind healthy and balanced with SATANAMA...
  43. LaconicLion

    Laser Eye Surgery

    What are peoples thoughts on laser eye surgery? Is it a good idea and is it safe? In my case it would be to correct nearsightedness.
  44. LaconicLion

    Increasing Desire & Passion

    I want to increase my desire and passion in life. I guess this could be emotional strength too. Because I find myself lacking in it. Like too "airy". You see these great heroes in history - and they were all animated by this intense passion for life. They stopped at nothing to achieve their...
  45. LaconicLion

    Enochian Language and Enochian Magick

    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Enochian1.html The Enochian language is pretty interesting to me. Is there any sermons that expand upon this concept? And any Satanists here had any cool experiences with using Enochian? Can we use them for affirmations? How about vibrating Enochian...
  46. LaconicLion

    Health and Money Working

    Hi brothers and sisters. Does anyone know of the best time for Money and Health workings in the near future? I'll do my own research too -- just asking in case I miss something. Pretty new at Astrology. :)
  47. LaconicLion

    Turkish Prez calls for 'Army of Islam' to Attack Israel on all sides

    https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/936954/World-War-3-Turkey-Erdogan-army-of-Islam-Israel-war-attack-all-sides-latest-news https://pastebin.com/YZMhEs1j
  48. LaconicLion

    Asians & The Spiritual War

    These questions are primarily directed to HP Lucius, but others feel free to chime in too. What do you think that Asian Satanists should do in the spiritual war? Of course, we should all do the meditations, and RTRs. But for people that want to take it a step further, what do you suggest? Many...
  49. LaconicLion

    Introduction to Chinese Alchemy

    So I skimmed over a bit of Mantak Chia. Is the parts about semen retention bullshit then? Doesn't matter if the physical fluid gets spilled if you use the orgasmic energy?
  50. LaconicLion


    Palmistry is definitely interesting. Too bad that you wouldn't recommend Cheiro. I spent a couple hours working through his methods. It was a little difficult to understand, at least from the pdf I was reading. Maybe I'll order the books you recommended and work my way through them. It's pretty...
  51. LaconicLion

    Meme warfare

    https://pastebin.com/VvQ6S22K -- Memeing Responsibly Just a short guide on what makes memes work. Found it on pol.
  52. LaconicLion

    Stronger RTRs Discussion

    I read recently in a pdf by HoodedCobra in the Library about the RTRs. He said that: * We should do the Merkaba everyday to empower our souls to make the RTRs more effective * Saturn and Mars hours are the best for RTRs I thought we could use this thread to discuss this. Do you all have more...
  53. LaconicLion

    NOV 12 - Don't Miss This Chance

    I wanted to call attention to this issue because of the increasing rate of viruses and plagues around the world. Recently there's been the black plague that's come back. Zika is also a threat. It's very important that every Satanist start programming their aura to protect themselves against...
  54. LaconicLion


    From the JoS: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanic_Coven.html <- New members must be chosen carefully, as it is not easy to establish the trust and unity required for a coven. Remember, allowing a person into your coven is much easier than getting them to leave if serious...
  55. LaconicLion


    Are you new to Satanism? Keep meditating, studying and advancing. It's my opinion that one should be moderately powerful, and knowledgeable about a good portion of the subjects on the site before joining a real life group. That way they don't have to spoonfeed the newbie about every little...
  56. LaconicLion


    Are there any palm readers here? I'd like a few book recommendations for info on palmistry. Since so many books about occult subjects are corrupted and of the enemy. Anyone know of authentic books on palmistry?
  57. LaconicLion

    I Need Help

    Do more void meditation. Aura cleansing and aura of protection every day. Also, shift your perspective. Watch some videos on the jewish involvement in pornography. Watch a video on pornography creating the demand that fuels human trafficking. Meditate on the negative effect that your porn use is...
  58. LaconicLion

    Site Error About the Chakras

    Just wanted to let the HPs know about a error on the site. http://web.archive.org/web/20160218181352/http://www.angelfire.com:80/empire/serpentis666/Mercury_Square.html ^ The planetary squares pages state Mercury as the ruler of the Throat chakra, and Venus as the ruler of the Heart Chakra...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
