They are acting more and more obviously. All tragedies aside (not that they can be brushed aside just like that, but still), this attitude of theirs is a good thing for us.
I see quite a bit of discussion has gone on about us. I am overjoyed that generally, we had a warm reception. Thank you all again for this. We shall return the same warmth a hundredfold... To Father's enemies.
Indeed, the situation in Turkey looks quite bad as things stand like High Priest...
The dawn of a new era is here. And we shall walk to its inception together. Thank you everyone for the warm introduction, already and in advance. Let's have a great, Joyful time improving ourselves and saving our planet!
Great sermon, High Priest, thanks a lot. Just one little question. Here you say...
Is it perhaps a little typo? Because the rest of the article talks about Samhain, and if I remember correctly, Beltane is Lord Beelzebub's.
Good day to you.
Disgustingly inhuman. Granted, High Priest, you only listed atrocities the Jews can fit in a day or less; hell, maybe even during lunch rush!
Since we are on the subject, could you provide some information on how these enemy sites are run directly by the Jews? I mean, obviously, they serve the...
From what I know, Lucifer is a title while Satan is a name. This is why even the fictitious Jewsus is called Lucifer (wrongly at that) as well. There were also other Pagan Gods who had this title, but of course, this title best suits Father Satan, the Creator God of mankind and the King of the...
Just to warn you in advance, NEVER share your natal chart with anyone you do not know and fully trust. It contains information that a malicious party could use to absolutely ruin your life, especially if the person in question is a magician.
Also, as High Priest Cobra pointed out, there is...
Hello everyone,
While talking to a potential newcomer, they pointed out the dirty sites of the enemy slaves, such as "Exposing Joy of Satan", "Hungarian Cultist Nazis" and related crap. I know you all must have been tired of beating the dead horse, and yet, I bet some of you still come across...
Wow. Very nice. Now you know what you gotta do, right? You need to provide files to all the translators so we can localize this tool into our languages, very good work!
I noticed literally right after I made my post. My bad. I also agree in that I would try and land ideal timings if I can help it, but sometimes, it's urgent like you said.
Have a great day, Sister!
Actually wait, Venus enters Gemini in the evening. I think you can still squeeze in the beginning of a Venus Square before Venus changes signs. But would starting a few hours before Venus changes signs cut it? I'm unsure.
I'd like to report an error I've just seen.
On the 4th of April, it says we can start a Venus Square, but Venus enters Gemini. I think that's a typo, so you could fix it.
Good day to you!
Thanks. I already talk to him, actually. He is meaning to ask about parallels between ancient Tengrism and Satanism. Like how we know which Greek God corresponds to which Demon. Unfortunately, we have lost a huge portion of our knowledge in terms of ancient, original Tengrism. Our Turkish...
Thanks a lot, Brother. Good day to you.
Not at all the first time I'm hearing of it. Some of our more psychic siblings have reported the same, and I myself have just about entirely switched to 18 repetitions as well. It just feels better.
Same. Especially before a long session!
Have a...
Thanks a lot, Brother. Good day to you.
Not at all the first time I'm hearing of it. Some of our more psychic siblings have reported the same, and I myself have just about entirely switched to 18 repetitions as well. It just feels better.
Same. Especially before a long session!
Have a...
Hey Brother. Not trying to butt in but where did HP Cobra say to do the Final RTR twice a day? Could you provide some reference so I can recommend the same to people from now on as well? I also feel 2 is much better than 1, honestly, but having Clergy words to support it would be much better...
There are some 5 to 9 million Syrian refugees in Turkey and this is just the (((official))) number. I'd be willing to bet it's higher than 10 million, even.
They have lived like royalty on government aid (our tax money), most of them received free grubs much higher than the minimum wage while...
It's the same with Christianity. They mostly just repeat the verses and listen to them, without consciously thinking about them. Being unable to process what the verses are even about, they just brush it off by thinking of it as having "higher meaning", and then continuing to internalize it...
I can attest that 90%+ of the Muslim population here in Turkey (where the (self-proclaimed but false, since most of them don't support Sharia or Daesh) Islamic population is still around 80%, probably) never even read one Turkish line of the Qur'an in their lives. I commonly use this to point...
Actually, some research I have seen says that Ormus and the related are toxic, not beneficial.
So I'd be careful.
The site I linked sells such. Though, I can't attest to its effectiveness or lack thereof...
Thank you for quoting me.
My advice is not any different. More meditation and yoga cures depression and other unhealthy feelings, it's also a universal cure for life problems. Any kind of problem can be solved with enough bioelectricity directed at it; so meditation really is the only way out...
It's great that you aren't drowning yourself in self-delusion just to justify what was done to you, and it's admirable that you aren't going off to perpetuate and perpatrate this unto others. It takes a certain amount of fortitude to admit abuse inflicted onto ourselves, when you aren't just...
Thanks for the sermon, High Priest. But wasn't exactly this sermon shared a few months ago? Any reason for the repost?
Thank you for your enlightenment anyway. Good day to you!
Hell yeah. Literally.
Let's cook us some lizards, and a wonderful home dinner for all our family worldwide. Blessings be unto all my Satanic comrades, and the mightiest of curses befall our enemies. Our victory is at hand, brothers and sisters! Every RTR you do is a happier, healthier...
Thank you for your attention. Without being too open here, I know it is possible and I think it'd be really easy for me if Thomas decides to provide what he needs to provide to let me do that. You all know how to reach me by e-mail anyway. I hope to hear more from you guys ASAP, so I can make a...
Dare I say an early Yule gift, all my precious Brothers and Sisters that worked on this noble undertaking year after year? This truly gets me into the holy day spirit already. I love you guys, this is precious. Absolutely astounding gift. I hope you all have a wondrous holiday.
I also humbly...
I see. So it doesn't equate to a chakra but rather, the space between the two huh? Do we collect the "elixir" here, or is this just a spot that's good for a large mass of energy?
Thank you for your response!
Great information and exercises, High Priest. However, I was always under the impression that the Lower Dan Tien equated to the Solar Chakra, hence, being the "Ocean of Qi" and our powerhouse, as well as the strongest chakra. The Solar Chakra holds the highest amount of power and capacity...
This is simply monumental. No words can describe my jubilation.
When we have massive Pagan libraries again, I am sure there will be copies of this wonderful Encyclopedia in physical form, with bookmarks and all. And now, we have the same thing at our fingertips, with...
Powerful stuff. That is just an average man defending his homeland and his People, but it touches the soul.
Question, brother/sister. Why did you make the links unclickable like you did in your comment? Is it that YouTube automatically censors/shadowbans when we post complete links to our...
Again sorry for the double post.
It might be the Mercury retrograde, High Priest, but I JUST noticed that you already addressed what I said about 10-40 and 18(x) repetitions. When I was first reading what you said, I thought it was related to the White Race Awareness Ritual for some reason...
Yes, High Priest. The document has been modified and people have been notified. Also, in accordance with how we have done it in the past, I've added a tidbit saying that people can vibrate SATANAS in one single breath if they want, considering at the height of the ritual, people would be doing...
There is still the 10 to 40 vibrations on the JoS Protection Ritual, but only on paragraph. It says the following:
[The amount of vibrations can be either 10, or 40 both are equally effective, one can increase the numbers, but cannot fall to less than 10. The vibrations can be shorter and don't...
Sorry for the double post, but I was a little mistaken. There is nothing missing in the Schedule, it's just that clarifying the wording a little as I mentioned earlier could help. But as for the Joy of Satan Protection Ritual page, I think it still needs quite the touch-up.
The title is mixed...
Great, I always love group rituals like this. Thank you for the briefing, our blessed Clergical Brother. I'll inform our Turkish brethren shortly.
However, isn't there something missing from the Schedule, High Priest? You specifically state in the mini-sermon/briefing that we'll be doing a...
This is an absolute travesty. Please don't label these people as "just Muslims". These are Uyghur Turks and most of them are just "casual Muslims" like the average Turkish citizen. You know, around how the average American or European feels about Christardity.
These people are brothers to our...
Absolutely fantastic! I really love doing the Kol Nidre RTR, and I appreciate the slight change in pace too. I love the Final RTR too, but I have to say, I do get a little nostalgic for some of the older RTRs sometimes, so this is a very welcome little respite.
My Clergical Brother, isn't it 3...
Sweet technique, brother. Thank you.
I will also keep in mind brother Eric's insights. If I try this later, I will report in.
Just a question. You still vibrate SaTaNaMa in a single breath, don't you? Say, instead of using your whole breath for Sa, then Ta and so on.
Good day to you all.
Awakening Pewdiepie ritual when?
Heh, just kidding. But maybe some of us can take a minute or two out of their day to post thought-provoking comments on his videos. Even if they don't reach Pewdiepie, the fans will surely read. The more people that are aware, the better.
Good info, brother. Thank you for compiling all this info.
However, some of it is outdated.
Number 7 actually ties into Saturn and is a number of death, too. It's not really perfection.
On the same topic, you will similarly find that 108...
Brother, your signature looks good but perhaps, make all the links clickable? In fact, you could remove the whole text thng and just make the names of the pages clickable links to where it should take you. It would look far more neat and easier to navigate. If you need an example, feel free to...
Gotcha, my Clergical Brother. Thank you for your attention. I will now proceed to notify our Turkish SS Corps! :D Have a great day.
High Priest, could you link me to that sermon? That sounds very important, and I'd love to learn more about it. Thank you.
Brother, another thing of note. The MEGA link in your signature is empty. I don't know whether it's your doing or the kikes had a hand in it, but I feel like pointing it out.
Good day to you.
Alright, thanks. We shall keep calling it Swastika then. Actually, there is a Turkish equivalent of the Swastika, now that I think about it. It's called the Öz Tamga. So yeah, many alternatives before arriving at the filthy cross. The enemy is not even on the list of alternatives.
Good day to you.
Hello High Priest.
There is no Turkish word for the "Swastika", so I and our other Turkish brothers and sisters mostly say "Swastika". That being said, the only Turkish """name""" for this holy symbol is Turkish for "Gamma Cross". I found it odd that there would be a "cross" in the name but...
Great sermon, my venerable Clergical Brother. It is thought-provoking in some ways.
By "simple things that are easy to us that have importance to them", do you perhaps mean things like keeping in contact with them and stuff? Like, someone could be working for the Gods but not taking time to...
Sweet. Thank you for this, brother. Maybe you'd also like to have and maintain something like a Yandex.Disk so you can update things in real-time, and everyone who has the link can check for any new additions without having to download the whole thing all over again each time.
Anywho, it all...
Hello my brother,
As you wish. Then I will be looking out for your new release, and then help you create Turkish versions. As for credit, I'll just ask you at that time if you want it.
Have a great day.
My Clergical Brother, speaking of which, could you perhaps change mine to Satan's Peacock? It's what I use in most places Satanic, so it's only fitting I'd have it as such in our home base.
Thank you and have a wonderful day.
Salutations to my Satanic Siblings and our Satanic Warriors,
I am translating this little "briefing" from the latest Turkish article on my website, as I see there isn't a thread on the forums on this subject yet. Hopefully, this will serve to answer some of the concerns our newer members may...
My brother,
This is wonderful work and a feast for my eyes, as well as a boon for all our siblings, old and new. I truly appreciate your selfless work in bringing your abilities to bear in benefit of your comrades.
If I can make two tiny suggestions though.
Could you perhaps not use imgur to...
Salutations to my Satanic Siblings and our Satanic Warriors,
I am translating this little "briefing" from the latest Turkish article on my website, as I see there isn't a thread on the forums on this subject yet. Hopefully, this will serve to answer some of the concerns our newer members may...
That's a giant YES from me. If you ask me and I am sure many others, it's been long overdue.
Now, if only whoever made the original PDFs (probably the Clergy) would share any programs and/or methods they used to make everything uniform, neat and nice-looking, that'd be the best. And then...
So guys, I have linked the news article to one of my skeptic friends whom I'm working on opening up to NS, and he looked it up. He doesn't sperg out and I can openly talk about it with him, but Satanism will have to wait as he is a hardcore materialist. Anyway, this news article apparently...
I'm only trying to be this specific about it because I am going to be publishing the translated version of the texts on chakra very soon. In fact, I already published everything but the Third Eye, in which article the information about the last granthi conflicts with the information I have just...
Thank you for the response, High Priest.
The center of the brain/pineal is right around where the 6th is. So do we understand that the last granthi is located on the 6th Chakra?
Hello my brothers and sisters,
I'll keep this short because it seems the other thread I tried to make about it yesterday hasn't been posted.
The Third Eye page on JoS says that the last of the three granthi is on the Third Eye. But the page that connects to that page, The Chakras...
Hello my brothers and sisters,
So I was on JoS for some specific information on chakras and I noticed that on the Third Eye page, it says that the last of the granthi is on the Third Eye. But in the other parts of JoS, most notably the Chakras page that links to the Third Eye page to begin...
Very juicy find, my Brother. Thank you for this.
Message received, High Priest. Had it not been so stupendously long, I'd even have considered subtitling it. But alas, the substance matters far more. There is much to take away from this succinctly. This is yet another piece of ammunition we...
Great Sermon as usual, High Priest.
Our difference from all other so-called "Satanic" sects is, mainly, they believe while we know. As outlandish as our claims may seem to an uninformed onlooker, they are also provable. Always. I haven't yet seen but one of our claims that we cannot provide...
Hello again, my brother. I have finally managed to put the Paintable versions in the translated Turkish Final RTR file and in my signature. I will shortly upload all the RTRs on my website as well, where I will also be hosting your Paintable versions. With full credit given to you on all 3 of...
Hello Brother. Sorry to resurrect a topic just for this but as you said, the forums don't have a private messaging system and besides, this topic holds lots of good information nuggets in the form of discussion between members.
Anywho. What is this "Chariot of Ra" meditation you speak of, could...
My brother, I have replied to your e-mail. I have only been able to do so now as we are having an extra busy few days. As Cobra says, work is tremendous and never-ending. If I may add, glorious too.
We shall bury the ugly past together; of our own nations and that of the entire world. The...
Welcome, new brother.
I don't have specialized knowledge on Anglosaxons, but I can offer a few tips.
How do you know they aren't simply and literally making it up? Do they have sources to back up their claims? Genealogy or something to that effect for being Isaac's descendants, etymological...
Brother, I have taken a look at your website. It's really nicely done, tons of content too, I got a couple of design ideas from it myself. Great work, it's really resourceful. I have an offer for you as well.
The hosting company I use gives me "unlimited" bandwidth and storage. If you are...
Thank you for your attention, my esteemed Brother in Clergy.
To all my Turkish brothers and sisters, I and my co-admin of the site are currently working on turning everything I have created so far into PDF form. It shall be many times more content than what you can see so far. I will send...
Actually brother Egon, YAUM is the new Sixth Chakra mantra. The Crown didn't "change" per se - we just use both BBBBBB (7 times) and MAUM (6 times) now. AUM for the chest chakra, and THAUM for the Third Eye. I'm sure you already know all of this, just repeating it to make doubly sure.
Congratulations on the mostly recovered site, my esteemed brother in Clergy.
I see that our Turkish flag is not in the Library yet. I imagine the reason for that is because I haven't yet been able to send you all of our documents in a single archive. I assure you, the sole reason for that is...
Holy cow. Is that for real, HP? Did kikes really create those drugs? That's a nice bit of info, do you have any sources you can share about this?
Thank you in advance either way, have a great day.
I have noticed a couple pieces of information that might come in handy for myself, so I thank you for that, Brother. And again, thanks for your thought!
Indeed, our shared history is smeared with absolute filth but I guess you can see that as one small silver lining. It's very nice to see you all rising up also, brother/sister.
Obviously, as Erdoğan is a Jew and has been trying his damn best to drive Turkey into becoming a poor, ugly, ignorant...
Thanks you for your encouragement, brother. You honor me and all your Turkish brethren.
Oh, so you are one of the foreigner visitors we have, how nice!
It's not strange at all, brother, Turkish is actually a very ancient language and shares many words even with Sanskrit. Such as, like you...
Thank you for your kind encouragement, my venered brother in Clergy.
I shall post this on all the Yahoo Groups come evening, as soon as possible, and I look forward to being put on the Library! Also, what do you think about putting the site the Links section on the main Joy of Satan website...
The English version of this announcement can be found at the bottom of the post./Bu duyurunun İngilizcesi altta bulunabilir.
Tüm Satanik kardeşlerime ve savaşçılarımıza esenlikler olsun!
Bugün sizlere harika haberlerle geliyorum. Ben Satan's Peacock, ve bir süredir Satanik ailemizin bir...
Hello friend,
Don't mind your family. Most meditations (especially most of those starting out) are completely silent. The only thing others will see is you breathing deeply, if that. As for the mantra meditations, those will take 5-7 minutes at most per day in your 40-day program. Surely you...
Well, that leaves room for less misunderstandings. So thank you, brother. Your work is appreciated.
Do you perhaps have a text-free version I can forward to our graphic artists so we can make a Turkish version of it?
Thank you for your valued input, brother (sorry if I mistook that!). I agree, that'd be the intuitive way. I personally like SURYA better also, even though it takes a good deal longer. I don't think there is anyone who knows of SURYA and still prefers SURYAE, I think it's a superior version...
Both pretty good ideas, sibling. Maybe the "feeds on" bit can be stressed in Yahweh's part, and also whatever wording we use for Father too (like "delights in").
Up to the artist!
I'd been pondering this for quite a while also, High Priest. Is it truly the exact same? Because as you know, many members report increased power and effectiveness from SURYA (with the hissed Kabbalistic S) than with the old SURYAE. So wouldn't using SURYA in the Square be more effective also...
Excellent work, brother. But perhaps you'd wish to reword the "feeds on the happiness of his followers" bit a little differently? If you look at it with an untrained eye, it sounds as if Father "feeds on" our happiness literally. Now, I know you wanted to draw parallels and that's why you used...
It sure doesn't make it harder! Thank you for your work, I will soon update my site and my signature accordingly with full credit to you. May my Turkish brethren's Satanic blessings be unto you, brother. I will be sure to brazenly annoy you should anything else come up! :lol: See you around.
Very well-put, brother, I praise you. I could not have put it one bit better myself. To hear a non-white brother in Satan say that is doubly more effective for some, too. You draw a great example of what all SS, White, Black and Asian, should strive for and focus on.
Thank ye kindly, High Priestess. I appreciate above all else scientific proof and explanations behind spiritual phenomena. This is all very useful in convincing (honest, non-dogmatic) skeptics and nay-sayers. Every link you provide us is a huge help and I will try and provide some of my own when...
I personally have been using 111 for around 2 years now due to the same information on the previous forum. I didn't save it as a page, but I have it directly copy-pasted by HPS Maxine, so let me share it here.
“One of the more arcane traditions of number magic is that there is associated with...
Thank you, brother. This is perfect, I praise you for your tireless effort. I will be sure to spread this like hot pockets.
In case archive links go down, I can host these on my website. All I'd need to do is upload it to a page, right? Then it will also be self-containing and will be deleted...
Thank you for your notification here, High Priest. Please excuse my tardiness. My SS brother who co-manages the website with me has informed me that you indeed got back to me through mail but I haven't been able to check yet; I recently moved cities and started a new (and pretty heavy) job, so I...
Thank you for the info, High Priestess. To be sure, this is the same as the exercise in Returning Curses Part 1, right? Do you mean to say we should replace our cleaning and do this from now on, or do this as an extra from time to time?
Have a great day!
Well brother, in Turkish, "UH" is just a harder, "deeper" "AH" sound whereas the first AH is less hard, hence why I requested you make it as such. We can't change the letters, because they are just about the same and any other letter would not work in Turkish. I just checked the MP3 file by HPS...
Any atrocity they commit against us; whether it is burning our libraries or shutting down our websites, we shall return back tenfold, nay, a hundredfold.
Do not let this setback upset your balance, brothers and sisters. You need only take this rage and harness it against the enemy in the form...
Your work is as beautiful as your soul, thank you very much. It's just about perfect. If I can make one small change to the Turkish versions before you "submit" it to HPs so they can be uploaded somewhere, it'd be this.
You know the very last letter, whose first and third-to-last pronunciation...
Ahem. Try not to flip, but... The links are still broken. At least for Turkish. I even checked the links themselves outside of the archive. Could you perchance look into it, brother?
Thanks again in advance.
Hello brother,
Thank you for your expedited work. I would love to verify the excellence of your effort but alas, I have checked all the links (not just Turkish) and I find nary but one to be in working condition. I implore you to check and renew them post-haste, at your earliest convenience...
Sure brother, here ya go:
"Mouse'unuz veya dokunmatik ekranınız ile her bir harfi tamamen karalayıp yok edin. Dokunmatik ekran kullanıyorsanız bir parmak kullanarak çizebilir, iki parmaklaysa sayfada yukarı aşağı gidebilirsiniz."
However, please be aware that there are Turkish pronunciations...
Oh Hell, I'm so sorry for the late response! I'm here and up to help, brother. Please reach me at [email protected] and send me all you need me to translate, and I'll reach back to you post-haste.
I hope you are still up to it!
Great job, HPS Shannon! Such a site was long overdue for many of our black brethren, I believe. Hail to all the Gods of Hell and salutations to our black brothers and sisters in Satan!
Hello sibling. What "other forum" do you mean? The old JoS forums that got Shoah'd by the alien parasites or something else?
At any rate, would you mind naming some alternatives if you still got them?
Have a good day.
Thank you for your timely response, brother. I'm a Turkish Spiritual Satanist, so the calendar does me very nicely. I got the calendar for my timezone and am having a lot of fun with it. Many Satanic Blessings unto you and have a great 2019!
Great work to everyone involved, thank you all so much for this amazing piece. I will love printing this even more than the last year's calendar.
I do have one question though. My country uses UTC+3, and the calendar for that does not observe Daylight Saving Time. Well, my country does not...
Hello brother,
Do you have any sources or irrefutable reasoning to show Loed Azazel is Apollo? Some (non-S
English-speaking) people asked me about that and I like to make absolutely sure before I claim a parallel between one God and another. Also are you sure about your second sentence? I could...
So HP, since the topic changed to diet, what do you recommend? Hitler was vegetarian. We know Veganism to be completely empty blather, and is Vegetarianism able to be maintained in the long term (decades and more, possibly forever) without any defects in the body as would be seen with Vegans...
Thank you everyone. I haven't checked the links you sent now but from what you are saying, it is likely exactly what I was looking for. I'll bump the topic one more time if I require anything else on this topic. Hail Satan and have a great day.
So guys, I'll address the elephant in the room I'm sure at least several people already thought about.
Is the "k" in Munka a normal K sound as in speech, or a KH sound like with the Mars Square, or with SHUKRAYA, or the KHs in the Final RTR? I do it in the latter way, KHs sound more fitting and...
Of course. But as you may well know, most people even among Satanists do far better following a structure already set. That's how I and most of us started too, I'm sure. I think it'd only be a good thing to give people an up-to-date beginner's package they can use.
I would have made this topic if you wouldn't.
Perhaps a new, updated 40 (or longer, most likely longer) day program is in order? I've experience making a near-exact replica of the 40-day program file in my own language, I would be happy to partake in such a project if it is a thing.
Hello brothers and sisters,
I have taken it upon myself to translate much-needed knowledge of our Gods into my native language, as there is literally not one fully accurate, Satanic source of knowledge detailing about them as far as I know. I'm mostly done with this undertaking, but it has come...
I agree with Braun that the information on the site could be slightly outdated. But HP, there is so much info on JoS about Enochian. All the keys, the alphabet, the dictionary. Are you saying it's all bogus? I remember you had a personal distaste for the language for some reason, but is it...
I can't change these pages after uploading them, so there's no way to add translations. However, I do have one trick up my sleeve. I made a generic "Page Painter" version. It loads any page from a URL and allows you to paint it! Unfortunately the URL must be on because they block...
Thanks for your insight. But saying Satan is the Roman God Saturn is not blasphemy, is it? I don't know for sure if it is correct or incorrect but at worst, it'd just be false and an honest mistake. After all, Saturn iThas a Sun God. I am sure that's why some think Father is Saturn too. What do...
Brother, do you have sources for Lord Azazel being Apollo? And, isn't Lord Amon Ra a separate God from Lord Azazel, both of whom being Father's Sons?
Same for you, sibling. Do we know for sure that Father Satan is the Sun God Saturn? If so, please point me in the right direction.
Thank you...
Great work, brother. Would you consider making it translatable? Perhaps add a "Language" option at the top left or right or something? And then people can submit their translations through you or maybe an automated system. I'd love to use this with Turkish.
So I have recently heard that garlic and onions are supposedly bad for "cultivation", and especially Eastern traditions are advocate against it (which is why I'm making this thread here). And it's supposedly "poison" for you. I am asking this because I simply love garlic and onions. The...
Thank you for the informing sermon, High Priestess. I have a couple of questions.
Firstly, regarding the first part I emboldened. Isn't "becoming empty" and "returning to" x or y enemy corruption? Or is something else meant there?
Secondly, regarding the second emboldened bit. I have read a...
Hello. Today I have a question that probably has a very easy answer, but I still feel the need to ask.
Why are there no Kaballistic Squares for transcendental planets (i.e. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto)? Is it because they are really far out there or something?
Thanks for the answer.
Thank you for your deep Satanic insight into old and functional, yet incomplete knowledge, High Priestess.
I have a question though, regarding the inner smile. Is hate necessarily negative and is love necessarily positive? Same goes for anger and what not, too. I mean, in Satanism, we are...
Hello my brothers and sisters,
I'll keep this post short. One of my SS brothers told me that he has recently been using a mantra for his Solar chakra he says is helping him a lot, making him feel energized and powerful, and drawing people to himself. The mantra is "HUMMEE HUM BRAHM HUM". It...
Hello, my Satanic brothers and sisters,
I know the title may be a tad bit misleading but I couldn't think of anything more concise. I know the two are one and the same filthy Jewshit parasite. I am also fully aware of "Allah"s roots, I read Exposingthelieofislam.
However, I live in an Islamic...