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    Transgenderism is beyond natural. The feel and the association with a different gender is natural and in sex rewarding. If people were more spiritually aware, there would be A LOT more trans and bisexuals.
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    China Is Lying About The Death Toll

    They made buses free in Columbus to help with the Coronavirus as nobody was riding the bus. I went to OSU in the Short North District at night. Complete Ghost Town and no cars.
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    How to MASSIVELY boost your immune system to prevent Coronavirus (Therapy,Supplements,Foods,Climate)

    Without enemy attacks. All ailments from medical to minor disappear. No worries.
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    Birthstrike... Staying childless to save the planet!!

    Coronavirus. They all dead. No overpopulation.
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    Trouble having an orgasm. (Female)

    Try " Eating" ice cream off her. YYYEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Trouble having an orgasm. (Female)

    Without Pineal Secretion and Circulation body degrades. Sex and orgasms become harder. You can have Spiritual Sex while having Sex physically and as your Girl or Guy becomes more empowered and as you continue to have this type of Sex...... When you cum..... SHE CUMS( Vice Versa). It also helps...
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    When Doves Cry

    Red Light Special - TLC
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    What have you guys been doing during this quarantine?

    Meditation for me has permanently changed. You can do meditate In so many ways to where now it feels like freelancing and not doing anything but chillin and relaxing. Taking a stroll for a beer as well as some tobacco. Something caught my attention. If you breathe in smoke from cookout...
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    China Is Lying About The Death Toll

    That's in China. So in America we can aspect the same. The news is saying that Hospitals around don't have the nesseccary equipment and breathing machines and so. Some video surfaced on Facebook of an horrendous scene: a sweatshop with tens of coughing half naked Chinese making facial mask...
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    What have you guys been doing during this quarantine?

    Hey man... Watching porn is a skill.
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    Video: Effeminizarion of Black Male

    What about the over emotional, sensitive crap. Not to mention gangster culturalism and the "game" mindset which ties into enemy.
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    Video: Effeminizarion of Black Male

    Queer culture = effeminacy
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    White People, The BEST of this World

    Lol. Bro you didn't hear. The fist American president was actually Black..... Lol.
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    Jewish media say avoid cash to prevent coronavirus

    Exactly. of course pay your bills. But looking ahead as this virus gets worse, people don't work- meaning since no manufacturing or production and borders closed as no importing or deporting than money becomes extremely useless. All the extra money you had thinking things such as an entire...
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    How long ????

    There is no stopping in opening chakras and gaining more in spiritual to physical empowerment. You open and empower them more and more as you meditate. You unblock and free them towards further empowerment.
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    Jewish media say avoid cash to prevent coronavirus

    Money is officially over with this virus. (((Everyone))) is dying, and you can see on YouTube that from the preppers, the sense of altruism for the common man and women is still evident. People care about each other. Enemy failed. They failed to keep people lockdown and with job closures and no...
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    Why are black genes always the most dominant in mixed people?

    Genes are carried over from the spiritual. Are energy is primal, foundation, base of humanoids. We are an upgraded ascended base life form that Satan engineered, to help others along their path to our form. We have stronger genes as the "template" constructed is in use of every other.
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    African Traditional Religion

    The Black Race is so aligned with nature that the simplest of organism and beyond to our friendly companies (Cats and Dogs), to other beast of waters and feilds, we play a role in direct communication with them. There is no other being as a result of our origins of this Planet Earth more...
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    This virus is difinitely great. Sure, alot of (((people))) are going to die, and before that power and water might get shut off lol. But as they die off and your people literally gain their sense back, what was stupid or unheard of yesterday would be the new norm. There is no coming back to the...
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    Most Serious 17/March/2020

    This virus is a blessing in disguise for this world. With people getting sick and dying, those (((people))) can't sex traffic anymore. No more kidnapping children, women and men. No more organ harvesting (((China))), no fucking WW3 as everybody is closed up. The environment has finally caught...
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    The mask is dropped. It's funny the same jews and press is trying to blame Trump as well.... It fucking comical. This is what people get for Mass immagration and internationalism. Once someone is strucked, we are all fucked. Instead of being independent and reliable only to ourselves, we now...
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    Most Serious 17/March/2020

    Not listening to preppers..... Pretty stupid now right. All those years and still some idiots don't understand SELF preservation and the means of Independence. Stores around in this oh so prosperous growing city of mine are having empty shelves. I went to a HUGE growing mall usually stacked with...
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    White People, The BEST of this World

    I didn't receive a single notice about this post so i failed to respond. Fist off, i love Black People. They are my Race. They are beautiful and our skin color is awesome. Some mixed blacks themselves could consider their skin color as gold as thats how it looks on some people. I think the Black...
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    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    https://www.space.com/iran-coronavirus-graves-satellite-images.html Graves can be see in Iran from space sattelite. WOW!!!!
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    Pissrael Announces Covid-19 Vaccine to Be Ready in A Few Weeks

    Jews saving the day.......LOL
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    White People, The BEST of this World

    Yeah, this stands out as is. Satan is the Father of the White Race. Whites are Direct decedents of the Nordic Gods. With the introduction of judea in all of it forms(religion and persecution). as well as a lack of spiritual empowerment which came after, the White Race as well as all other races...
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    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/11/sports/basketball/nba-season-suspended-coronavirus.html BasketBall is over. By this point all "professional" sports need to suspend their seasons. Its pretty obvious that mass gatherings need to end for a while until the coronavirus is over. March Madness is...
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    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    This is fucking ridiculous, places where i lived at previously are testing positive for the coronavirus..... Hail Father Satan!!!!
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    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93u3NECBvZM Travel ban to Europe
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    If youre serious sure, then you could levitate in the air in a whirlwind of ice blades as the enemy grieves over their taunt. Their breath becomes shallow, uncertainty clings the mind as only doom awaits. Mercy they beg but left distraught as you rise ever higher. *BOOM!!!!* The thunder roars as...
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    When Doves Cry

    Prince has some pretty eyes in this song. Hes cute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UG3VcCAlUgE
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    Warrior women?

    I think those women warriors would be more masculine in nature to the point of crossing over.
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    Death - but not suicide

    from what i understand its the same thing. Unless the gods help you then your going to repeat the same bullshit or even more, or similar to whatever bullshit you lived. dying just sucks. Unless things change in the future then your next life would virtually be the same. If what we gather from...
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    Coronavirus Explained By Kabbalah

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oni5-s4w0A8 I like the first scenario they said Israel picture up in deaths in the beginning. How do they know?
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    Tired of stupid youtubers

    Never knew my area of life had alot of spanish people in it. I mean i dont see anyone or hear anyone speaking spanish. Its a conspiracy.
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    is there a calming practice or a sleep meditation?

    Whats wrong? You dont want to waste your time anymore and talk to me. I thought we had a thing going on here or something man, but now you wanna disappear all crazy like man. Like Dude, im gonna miss you. When i drink my cup of brew, ill drink it both for me and you. Remember, we are combatants...
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    Banishing people.

    Dude, i would absolutely love some popcorn right now. And what is popcorn without a movie eh. I mean if we going to do it, we gotta do it right, right? Popcorn, movie, some chips and some dip with an oldschool soda. Also, even those im lactose, we gotta have some pizza bro. I really enjoy pizza...
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    Tired of stupid youtubers

    Im tired of looking at youtube and seeing fucking spanish. Like we live in America here, it went to english then spanish.
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    is there a calming practice or a sleep meditation?

    Nothing to do with the color blue. So you didnt post a post of the color of blue, and im not talking about blue. Its ok man, i understand. I mean, like you honestly forget.... that you made a post about blue, and showed some weird looking thing thats suppoooosed to be blue. Its like im looking...
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    Banishing people.

    Remember man, attention whoring, because i just cant resist talking to you... and like, being wrong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XV_LBbZOlWY You and everyone one on this forum are like so irresistible that i wanna showcase, strip naked, and shout out to the jos members and say, " Here I...
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    Banishing people.

    Dude I never cared much for attention. So this attention whoring that you stated is off by a loooong shot. Assuming make s an "Ass" out of "u" not "me". (The quotations spells assume" Also it's sooo elementary to regard whats written on the JoyofSatan website as wrong as far as banishing and...
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    Coronavirus on Surface Lifespan

    Thanks, i also forgot to mention that in the case with plants or living material, the virus or any viruses tend to last much longer. Also, the coronavirus has already mutated since it began in China, so things may be different with this virus.
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    immune system booster

    On Peak Prosperity youtube channel, well-informed guy about the coronavirus- and its supposed numbers, said it was proven that men are more susceptible to the coronavirus than women. It was like 6-2 ratio or something near. And in those studies, older and unhealthy people are more susceptible.
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    A fishing state

    a fishing state. if the state could fish, the line would be in deep waters. Now, its time to reel in the big one and show it off to the world: The Truth
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    Coronavirus on Surface Lifespan

    bleach is very good. coornavirus like the common flu or any variety can stay surfaces for days, a week probably the longest. the new coronavirus could possible be the same length of time or even longer since its more infectious than other coronavirus. so possible a week or longer. this also mean...
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    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    If you get 25 percent of US citizens infected and take a 4 percent mortality rate of the virus, you kill around 33 million people, 660000 in every state.
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    is there a calming practice or a sleep meditation?

    The night can or could be relaxing but i think your missing something of the color bue. The blue-est thing in the world is the sky( no comparison with water, its clear, but in heavy amounts blue, but it is the reflection within the atmosphere). And in response to your statement on blue: the sky...
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    Banishing people.

    To repel someone, then stop them from doing anything to you in regards to everything you put previously, and to finalize the action of removing their or its presence in your life by programming your aura.... dude, its like you listed all the steps for banishing and an extra(binding).
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    We Are Progressing: Judenpresse Exposed On Coronavirus

    Scratch that Matt Macarthy the NYC ER head of the best hospital in US says at the end of the video that we are already at thousands of cases in the US and that mortality rate is double from 1-2% to 2-4% That's nearly fifty thousand over on sars, flu death every year. So the amount of deaths that...
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    We Are Progressing: Judenpresse Exposed On Coronavirus

    NYC ER The head of the top hospital in US calls out the bull on coronavirus scandal(don't worry goy). He tells people not to believe the false assurance given by the media. That this virus will cause widespread disruption to everyday life in America, and by next week, through lack of testing...
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    Brace Yourselves : First Coronavirus Death in US

    There's confirmed 100s of people in US now.
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    Sexual Hangups and sexuality

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    "Licking and kissing the holy shrine will save you from the virus, Goy" ~ Quranavirus

    The people in South Korea probably thought the same thing that by going to church they would be safe from their "end time" prophetic doom(virus). Ironic that hordes of people got infected and passed the virus throughout South Korea which started at their xian church. Praying did the exact...
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    Brace Yourselves : First Coronavirus Death in US

    Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water, Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after...
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    Brace Yourselves : First Coronavirus Death in US

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2rObpzERG0 Its 5
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    Brace Yourselves : First Coronavirus Death in US

    jack and jill went up the hill to fetch a pile of water....
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    This is SAD! Wuhan people screaming...

    Totally awesome.
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    is there a calming practice or a sleep meditation?

    Blue is sky blue like Throat chakra. What you gave isn't blue. That's not pure blue or even qualified to be blue.
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    This is SAD! Wuhan people screaming...

    Yeah, there are videos online that i showed on the updated coronavirus post that actually have the videos of people being nailed, bolted inside their own apartments. Also, its forbidden to feed them. People were giving and taking food and supplies through buckets and rope past the 6-7th floor to...
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    Sexual Hangups and sexuality

    Dudes, there are multiple post of mine that never got through in my reasoning and explanation. I think i said enough though. So you guys can invest in thinking watersports, poop, and non-sex "sex" is ok and be killed off with the rest of (((society))) while i find something to do with my life.
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    Why are black genes always the most dominant in mixed people?

    If we were a type of clothing. Whites would be tunics and dresses. The old fashioned kind of dresses that circled out at the bottom of women, and robes- A blooming flower. Blacks would be in skin tight clothing, something that shows off their length and structure- a closed flower. Put this in...
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    Sexual Hangups and sexuality

    Pee pee Poo poo Death Finally Free Actual People Life
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    Why are black genes always the most dominant in mixed people?

    It's because the Black Beautiful Race is Awe......Some!!!
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    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1oKV5MK2bdw Another video from Peak Prosperity. The reason im posting this is that within the 22nd min. Of the video, the guy post pictures of cases in South Korea and Iran of people falling down like in China: Dead.
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    Sexual Hangups and sexuality

    Dude, you obviously need to meditate more if you could see through me because you're extremely wrong about my weight. If I lost over 15 pounds I'd be a walking stick. Nor am I some fat lazy blob. Your absolutely right about me hating fetishes. But the type of fetishes I "hate" are ones that are...
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    In every way.
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    Controversial theme: how to deal with and heal the trauma of rape

    You can program your aura as written on the joyofsatan website to present you the ways to heal, repair, and strengthen, your entire mind, body, and soul from the trauma or whatever else you need help on. You then should become open psychically for the answers that come about. Also, venting is...
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    "about" drugs, it should be changed to: "In a positive and healthy way for me, I am permanently free of all traumas and addictions of drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes." - completely and permanently.
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    How to advance when I don't have privacy?

    Strengthen your self discreetly. You don't have to bust out and start chanting like a hooligan. You could be in a relax posture, sleeping posture, or be doing whatever and still meditate. When you have moments of alone time with no one around, you could chant with a low monotone voice and stay...
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    Regarding Elements ( questioning my experience)

    Typing Error. I meant to say that if you could affirm the opposite of any negative affects that the elements gives you(why not?), then it wouldn't matter how many breaths you take of the elements when you meditate. Also, when dealing with anything such as the elements, I think it's safe to take...
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    Regarding Elements ( questioning my experience)

    I want to work on the elements again, but it feels like I'm confused as to how what I am experiencing is legit and what is an enemy attack. After some thought and studying I canme across what seem to be effective ways to deal with the elements in my body and how they act out in my body, but this...
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    Sexual Hangups and sexuality

    Who the hell informed you that you could pee on wounds to make them better? That is total fabrication. If you pee on yourself or use "old piss" you are bound to get a serious infection.
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    Sexual Hangups and sexuality

    Dude, we are not animals. People do not pee anywhere to mark territory. As far as you growing up and witnessing as well as acknowledging crap such as watersports, now you know it's completely wrong in every way. And let me get this straight, your incubus is ok with piss. The Gods of Hell being...
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    Sexual Hangups and sexuality

    Hey Eric13 to be of consent of something, which in this case is watersports (peeing on each other), meaning to tell people if they have each other consent it's ok- that's not being against it. You would be inderectly promoting watersports by telling people if they have each others consent that...
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    Sexual Hangups and sexuality

    Since I'm making myself a laughing stock, as you stated, then it's not in my domain to be honest with people and tell them that they can't eat shit or drink piss and that neither of these are a fetish. Also, I never knew a healthy fetish bruise you and make you red all over and cry. It's like...
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    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    This is an xian song, but the comment posted on YouTube video of the coronavirus was too brutal to ignore. It said: Gentleman, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8wwtbQXTugo
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    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    YouTuber Peak Prosperity has some great info on the virus. The cases in South Korea are doubling daily. Now the amount of cases in South Korea is 433 beside the 100 previously recorded. Compare that with other numbers and info of the virus throughout the world and you have some people...
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    Sexual Hangups and sexuality

    Keyword is torture. There is nothing wrong with kinky or playful sex. I also don't think spanking is a common fetish. During sex you might or could come around to spanking or rubbing erotically in whatever positions, but bending a girl or guy over so you could whoop or spank them with your...
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    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    As it turns out, I'm right about this. Now headlines say hundreds of people in South Korea are infected because of this church.
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    Sexual Hangups and sexuality

    There is also BDSM as well which is out of the picture. I don't understand how chaining someone up and making them walk like a dog or slave is sexual in anyway. There is also the beatings, whippings, and screaming, as well as the bruising that come from this that is totally unacceptable. Looking...
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    Male "Circumcision" And More Historical Forgeries

    9 Then God said to Abraham, “As for you, you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants after you for the generations to come. 10 This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised. 11 You are to undergo...
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    I'll meet you there...

    I know what you mean now. Someone else replied to this post and brought it up, and when i looked for unread post by clicking link, this post came up.
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    Sexual Hangups and sexuality

    Well... Eating shit and drinking piss is out of the picture
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    Tourette Syndrome and breathing exercises

    think about what you typed. How is refraining to latch on a disease not help you get away from it. You wouldn't be attracting it or attracting whatever cause it. Then also the opposite would be true as far as that which negates it(syndrome) now have an open window to manifest inside your life.
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    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    Universities. Alot of Universities have student transfers and programs where people from China and related come to the US to engage and study for weeks, possible months at a time. The Youtube channel Shrimp Zoo released information of the coronavirus of 1500 people, foreigners from China, 100s...
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    Tourette Syndrome and breathing exercises

    "my Tourette syndrome". dude, your technically owning the disease or disorder by saying my. If you want to get rid of it you should first try to disassociate with it mentally instead of owning it. Joyofsatan.org 101
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    Stealing energy and Walking on water

    stealing energy from candles, why, there is energy all around you all the time. As far as walking on water like naruto, dont mix reality with anime. Sure, if you were advance then something like levitation or whatever to walk on water could would be possible. But you have to meditate and raise...
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    Shit souls, losers

    I understand better of the world "revolving around me" ordeal as i understand better of how people see themselves and place themselves within there on mind. But it seems in this post your ranting or blowing out some steam. But for people to flip the script on you all at once when becoming...
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    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    This video is brutal as well. If you skip to 39min, 10million pigs are killed do to fears of the coronavirus. Watch as they light the pigs on fire, burning them alive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CALVjvYytPY
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    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=It2ZbXv1x2g nice video
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    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    South Korea Church infected. https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/health-environment/article/3051410/coronavirus-15-cases-linked-daegu-church-cluster-south Because of the amount of people during gatherings, the coronavirus casses might be in the hundreds at this church. So much for jokehova...
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    Sexual Hangups and sexuality

    Also as far a s bacteria, bacteria is everywhere and on everything so using bacteria as an excuse sucks.
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    I'll meet you there...

    WHo is digging this from bottoms of time? What do u mean?
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    Sexual Hangups and sexuality

    For you to equate urine with saliva and excuse it to be of consent, as far as the jos is concerned, is beyond ridiculous and just an excuse to practice an extremely degrading and nasty act deemed sexual by kikes and their followers only. How could you even equate pissing on someone and giving...
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    Sexual Hangups and sexuality

    Watersports in sex is slang for pissing on one another. If that is what you mean by watersports, dude... your fucking gross. There is no way in hell peeing on someone is sexual is any way, shape, or form. Its extremely unsanitary and beyond disgusting on every level.
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    I'll meet you there...

    I thought this post was about the song by Owl City: Ill Meet You There https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zw6YrssEAv4
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    Astral Plane - Spiritual real life simulator?

    if you lived in a fantasy world sure.
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    Banishing people.

    Dude, this is banishing. Everything you listed is practically banishing.
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    Million infected 50k dead 49 crematoriums 1200 burned daily

    https://www.koin.com/news/health/coronavirus/japanese-man-tests-positive-for-coronavirus-after-returning-from-trip-to-hawaii/ This might mean the virus is already in Hawaii
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    Chinas whistle blower doctor who first warned of the virus was then arrest and later died of the coronavirus. First it said he didnt have it, then he died because of it- this was in early December when people were dying of the virus, so then in mid to late November, possibly earlier the virus...
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    "what is love, baby dont hurt me, dont hurt me , no more..."
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    How does a person sublimate or fix the energies of Neptune

    Nice answer, thanks as well
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    Succubus, a warning.

    Duded what are you talking about? When reversing the runes you reverse the word in which the letters themselves are written backwards which isnt dangerous at all. you are referring to mapping the runes to the soul with the chakras. To instill or ingrain the runes for empowerment is simply...
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    what is the source of souls what are its functions? how to make an energy flask for spirits (which breaks them down)? Wh

    You finding little information on the joyofsatan website is beyond belief, Its hysterical. The meditations on the joyofsatan website are extremely powerful as well as the RTRs, If you were doing so much of the meditation and practices of the joyofsatan website daily, you would probably have no...
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    Succubus, a warning.

    Do yourself a favor and rotate the image or any image or rune at a 90 degree angle either way. If you do this twice, the symbol, rune, or thing would just be upside down compared to the original version. To explain more clearly it would be looking at the world upside down instead of upright as i...
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    Coronavirus Scare

    So because of the coronavirus do we have to be scared to eat or go out to eat? The death toll is higher then the CCP mentions in China and this virus as well can be the start of a plague, so is it time to become frantic about what we eat and where we are eating? It feels like fear mongering to...
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    Deepest Trance = Astral Pojection

    Dude, you are already in a trance. Trance is another word to simply define relaxation. If you're mediating then naturally you would already fall within a trance state while doing the meditation. Advance meditaters can get into a trance within seconds, and the results and experience associated...
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    Succubus, a warning.

    this is reversed fehu symbol.
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    Succubus, a warning.

    Upside down isnt reverse, its the symbol, thing, or word expressed differently than the main symbol. Reversed is like looking in the mirror, or saying your right is my left, thats reversed. Reveresed Algiz is zigla, reversed symbol of Algiz is the same as the original symbol, which is like an...
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    Succubus, a warning.

    I agree, no succubus.
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    Preparedness: 27 January 2020

    Long ago on Animal Planet they video taped a specie of monkey who ate dandelions regularly as part of their diet.
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    Anal Sex

    I think he means gaping where people fist themselves and try to fit the largest dildo inside of them as you'll see in porn. I dont think gaping is pleasant at all just from the look of it. To arouse sexual satisfaction from that is questionable to me. Some porn actors with mildly sized dildos...
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    (((Hollywood movie))) predicted the coronavirus epidemic in 2011

    Resident Evil, in Raccoon City. Anagram Corona , and the Umbrella Corporation umbrella symbol, same symbol as chines bio lab facility https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYWfMle5KPs
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    Preparedness: 27 January 2020

    This does looks as though nature as well as our rituals are taking affect as far as the virus is concerned. More people- now as a result of the Chinese situation- are seeing the betrayal of a communist regime and how the gov. practically lies. Also, more people witness the affect of an increase...
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    Anal Sex

    A lot of women who are fit, lean, and healthy have natural large breast sizes as well as a bigger or rounder rears(ass) without surgery or looking alien.. It comes natural for some women and if those "bbws" would work out, then some of them would be the case. Some woman are more developed in...
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    Anal Sex

    The remarks on anal sex on this post is different from what i read on websites. I read about anal sex from some random website and the guy spoke about his experience in which he mentioned he shitted during the process and that there was so much shit everywhere... it was really gross. Instead of...
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    Preparedness: 28 January 2020

    What if you have no money. How would i prepare without the ability to buy anything?
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    Preparedness: 27 January 2020

    As far as preparation is concerned if you find yourself needing to leave some place or settling elsewhere you may need to think about all of your belongings or things. Your preped gear that you saved up on can not continuously be carried easily especially if you are not getting enough nutrition...
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    Preparedness: 27 January 2020

    When or if SHTF doing workings and rituals might come difficult or hard to do. Vibrating words of power may come off uneasy and keeping along a time related working may fail if these are not done at the exact moment and time. Doing yoga outside and staying clean or smelling clean is nearly...
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    Preparedness: 27 January 2020

    Over 5 million people already left wuhan before they shut the border. Those millions of people are already spread across china and whatevr country they came from. Doctors and nurse dropping dead at the hospital, wow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ggu0UwdSdD0 The streets are deserted and...
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    Music thread

    Come and rock me Amadeus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVikZ8Oe_XA The live show of this with this song is awesome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbFOA62dCEs
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    Rock Me Amadues https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVikZ8Oe_XA
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    China 2020

    So do this mean i cant eat chinese food anymore?
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    Anal Sex

    A straight man being stimulated by another straight man is not straight, nor is the other guy. As far as women to men or man themselves, idk. Some might find it weird as any other things besides how a man should have sex in their opinion is wrong. Some might be curious. Some others probably dont...
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    99 Red Ballons

    I take this meaning on a whole nother level. It says this as an anti war thing in Germany, as the balloons filled as the wishes of the German people, as well as the eager of jewish world parties wanting a war so bad that they mistake a bunch of balloons in the air as a nuclear threat. German...
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    Can someone help me with this

    Thanks for replies. I happened to think whether or not if i was actually psycho. Rummaging through my head in an attempt figure out an answer. I think the plague of some factors as well as wanting a succubi drove me to a negative point. The whole love love love and i need a girlfriend ordeal as...
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    Can someone help me with this

    I wake up from bed, and i cant move. i literally try to move... and i cant. I try to get up and start my day so to speak, and its like something is just keeping me glued to my bed as if i have no control whatsoever. A few times i was feeled with extreme fear and couldnt move with the sense of...
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    On Drugs/Psychsdelics

    I smoked tobacco before, but nothing major. Had wraps to wrap it up and learned on the go. But it was boring. It was nothing. I found myself in a whatever mentality. The high and the feeling i got just from doing a yoga session made me give up smoking completely.
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    My Natal Chart

    Wow fucking wow. I did this and when i read and look what the houses and signs of my Natal Chart was and meant, i literally read my past and self like a book. It is fucked to see the reasons why on the energetic planetary level the things that i went through just because of my planets. Also, my...
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    Getting rid of unwanted guests

    The thing with the military is your family member would be putting his life on the line of jewish interest. Its a waste of blood. And since that blood as yourself found truth and empowers and fight for this world sake, it be like wasting precious blood as to be a sibling of you or any other...
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    Male Circumcision

    Within the first few pages of the bible the practice of cutting off foreskin is used to bind males to god. which in this case is the jews reptilian hive. Its a slave mark which instead of a tattoo or burning, they cut the skin of our penis.
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    Can someone help me with this

    Please excuse this as it is a little long. The problem is more then traumatic and leading me more frustrated and angry then ever. And that is the supposed indirection of help that im supposedly getting from coming to this group. Its mentions numerous times how someone was looking for an answer...
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    Anal Sex

    What about poop.
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    Anal Sex

    Thanks for replies.
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    Anal Sex

    Is anal and oral sex normal or appropriate as sex
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    Attracting Love?

    you could remove obstacles and do banishing rituals.
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    Love has left a scar on my mind.

    lol michael bolton three steps of witchcraft(on joyofsatan) and love spell as well.
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    Demonic Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremony

    Read the JoyofSatan website. Satanisgod.org
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    Phenotype and Soul

    Meditate on it.
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    How to permanently forget everything about cocaine?

    The "Highs" and the Bliss from power meditations and yoga is 10x better then drugs. You'll have the longest high with the greatest sense of clarity and well-being that no drug can offer you. You can also do the Beautiful Mediation from Satan on the power meditations page on the joyofsatan...
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    Black and White people Duets

    If that picture had some other man or woman so that phil collins could pose with an ary women, or the black with another black, it would be great. But as soon as you mix, especially with a love song, the differences contrast and it shows majorly. Its the same with this song: Dancing With A...
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    Black and White people Duets

    If that picture had some other man or woman so that phil collins could pose with an ary women, or the black with another black, it would be great. But as soon as you mix, especially with a love song, the differences contrast and it shows majorly. Its the same with this song: Dancing With A...
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    Zombieland 2

    What about scary movies when jews die.
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    is smoking herbs with a pipe safe and/or healthy?

    Tm not telling people to smoke. Its just burning a "herb"(smoking) then burning herbs for the smell and incense which can affect the body as well.
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    So now that it is 2020...

    This sounds horrible/
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    Just Appreciating His Body

    My sex ed class also called the baby class showed us a bunch of pictures with extremely gross std and sti on people bodies. then they gave us a fake baby to take care of.
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    is smoking herbs with a pipe safe and/or healthy?

    smoking herbs or smelling herbs from incense.
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    Can an Incubus impregnate a human female ?

    You could have a spiritual baby and give it a conscious(part of the process).
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    What is power?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIrRwXn-h80 Seth and Ryu's speech on power from Street Fighter 4 The Ties That Bind
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    Zombieland 2

    Zombie movies are awesome. But this one is particular is hilarious because of the ending. The zombie escape called Babylon where a lot hippies are resigning telling people to turn in their guns so they then could melt the metal and change it into a "Peace" symbol. Then they party and smoke weed...
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    Black and White people Duets

    These are horrible beyond imagine. Even if a popular song, the races just dont mix well. Its even frustrating when you look at videos like these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwG7JwXtUSI Races just dont fit well enough to sing or dance together. Its irritating beyond belief.
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    Do some jews have the kundalini?

    Ocean Eyes is an awesome song
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    Choreography, Enemy Tales

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoyVfjM-vmI This video is something to study and witness, as well as some other videos of choreography. One thing for certain is that queer culture is evident to the extreme in this video. Also, dancing gathers, draws, and can channel energy which is what these...
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    Do some jews have the kundalini?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hG4lT4fxj8M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viimfQi_pUw I thought she was a jew. maybe judeo energy or something. If she not a jew. shes white. If she empowered herself through power meditations she would be awesome. Her eyes are nice. Her get up, character as...
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    Hitler Speeches

    A hitler website Hitler.org is anything but Hitler as far as his speeches are concerned. I looked through one and the author who produce this lie fabricated a lot of nonsense of Hitler praising xianity. Which if it was the case of Hitler praising xianity. THen the lie of the 6 gorillion jews...
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    X-mas Day

    Why dont you fuck off and spam some other post and take your "shit" somewhere else.
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    Please watch this 5 min. clip - 'We're going to slaughter you'; The children of Syria's IS camp

    ALSO, just throwing this out there, building and constructing these homes, you can also build a temple for Satan and the Gods of Hells. As well as your own personal temple. And if you cant afford a Jacuzzi, you can make heated pool in your backyard and it becomes more like a hot spring where...
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    X-mas Day

    The night is bright full of might of cheer on Xmas day, kids they scream of all they dream the parents have their way. The morn is cold frigid air but warmth feeled with joy, rosey cheeks smiles and glee the kids and their toys. A jingle a jangle a twink n blink sparkles in their eyes."My wish...
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    [Children's Story] The Evening Before Yule

    A present a gift the time we lift up up and over our heads. snow is here the cold we bEar, Santas on his sled. The children sing, dance the fae- silver wings oh so gay, the night the mist the joy the kiss Santas on his way. The elves chant of ore refined, gather the gold- all is mine, reindeer...
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    Please watch this 5 min. clip - 'We're going to slaughter you'; The children of Syria's IS camp

    I dont think that you watched the videos. These guys did not even use shovels but some knife thing. Add no, you dont need skill to form and shape mud into bricks and dig a hole. These guys played with mud and made a variety of homes and swimming pools... with a slide. You can create and make...
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    Please watch this 5 min. clip - 'We're going to slaughter you'; The children of Syria's IS camp

    If these guys had some knowledge within a week they could be living in a paradise instead of living in crap. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oerib9MFnO0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EVK-3CoaWo They could literally grab shovels and water, make a huge clay home type dwelling and use the...
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    Sun Salutation

    Fasting is horrible. No part of it is legit. Nor do you gain any spiritual benefit for not eating, Calorie intake and all the other crap is nothing but crap. Dont listen to the bullcrap and just eat what you want and workout if you wanna lose some weight and become fit. Sun Salutation is a...
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    Why are Western Women Such Psychos

    RTR is throwing them away.
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    Why are Western Women Such Psychos

    As far as porn is concerned, that is one of the reason which cause women and men alike to act or behave against whatever their norm (normal self) is. There is a lot of actions within porn which includes responses from both men and women alike that can and does have a play on people minds and how...
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    Carol of the Bells

    Christ mass, X- mass. Now every time i see mas at the end of something it has to deal with the Xian mass. Actually, that is what X-mas really stands for- Xian Mass( Sarcasm). Also the language of the Ary race like German and more with the deep voice of a Ary women is extremely attractive. The...
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    Carol of the Bells

    These songs are pretty sweet. "Infinite night is Infinite cold"
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    Carol of the Bells

    "I Hope You Dance" I hope you never lose your sense of wonder You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger May you never take one single breath for granted God forbid love ever leave you empty-handed (oo-oo-oo-oo it says god in this song. so scary. but reality is to keep moving forward...
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    Carol of the Bells

    I hope you guys dance.
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    Carol of the Bells

    Christmas itself is yule as far as the season and holiday is concern. Also, from the joyofsatan website: "Baal" means "Lord." "Baal-Berith" is "Lord Berith." He fortells the future, discerns the past, and can turn metal into gold. He helps in rising to high places and receiving honors. He...
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    Carol of the Bells

    One of the best X-mas songs ever. Its hard to find the ones i hard on the radio and not og jews, but this has got to definitely be one of the best X-mas songs ever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bl1pcHHWJmY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKkzbbLYPuI
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    Coppa law wil end freedom of internet

    This law is revolving around kids, so if its a problem with kids safety why let them online. if parents are so concerned by their child information being leaked, why have them online. Why buy them a computer, laptop, tablet, android phone. This whole thing is pretty stupid and clearly rigged...
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    Jews Creating New Samson Option?

    What if the e.coli goes back to its regular diet. then kikes would just be blasting populations with disease causing bacteria.
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    Why did satan said that “THERE IS NO GOD BUT MYSELF" and their is a ton of other gods?

    Worship and obey me as i am Satan. I created you not for independence and self will, but for me to tread and step on you - my own creation. I fight not for freedom but your subjugation even though i stand for truth and freedom. I created you not to live and be amongst yourself as Kings and...
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    2nd American Civil war?

    SHTF or some civil war blows out and some people think that as Spiritual Satanist the best thing to do is stay away from densely populated areas. Its time then to live out small in regards to numbers and live out any and all bad times in complete and total or some seclusion. This seclusion may...
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    What’s the point of existing and evolving forever?

    philosophy is the thought of life. the dictionary states philosophy as: the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.
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    What’s the point of existing and evolving forever?

    Having to "suffer" so you can get joy or happiness sounds retarded. Hate being born out of the desire to protect love as you stated is also wrong. it gets into "muh feelings" from which you can gather from an attack of constantly screaming about love and how everything in life deals with...
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    Deadly Coffee/Caffeine: Facts It Figures

    if you wanna drink coffee, drink it, if you dont want to drink coffee dont drink. TADAHHHH!!!!!!!!
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    Is there such thing as "too much meditation"?

    to much meditation and witchcraft is horrible in my opinion. i wrote a poem to myself about this due to some extreme negative experiences which i can conclude with the sanity being lost in the individual either through or with the aid of enemy attacksor whatever else. then it begins to interfere...
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    Gyana Mudra, OK hand sign is racist

    https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/okay-hand-gesture its not only this mudra, but when looking within their database of hate signs or symbols, youll see that the runes themselves are classified as symbols used by neo nazis for some type of make believe oppression. this is...
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    Vegetarianism In Yoga

    no dietary laws in satanism
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    Professional Psychics

    you can create a health thoughtform and tie those 100s of people into it that would heal and also influence them to make better and healthier decision and choices so that they can unwittingly heal themselves. which after a period of time you can drop people or detach people off of this...
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    The things are getting worse..

    your correct, and i got that information from the joyofsatan website in the healing section in meditation or witchcraft.
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    Hitler The Occultist

    his eyes are too close, his ears are low, and he looks like a rat.
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    Professional Psychics

    that sounds ridiculous. the moment you began a money working thats the moment where money and the means come to you to get it. if there is any obstacles from getting money and wealth, then that would have to be solved first. you could do a spell on people for money. it would be better if they...
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    The things are getting worse..

    Your traumas? if you want them those traumas to leave, you shouldn't cling on to them by saying that there yours which will inadvertently keep them attached. Read joyofsatan website.
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    Esa animal

    the drug farm is only partially about money. the truth is the literal destruction of peoples minds. there was even protest of Ritalin and how this drug causes autism, and now with seroquel its the same thing. there are bastards who use and sell seroquel so they can feel slow and be...
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    that head chopped off look like it could be a grey
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    How did you find Satan?

    i just advertised a jew, dont do it.
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    How did you find Satan?

    The jews "helped along the way" is extremely nerving and bullshit to say the least. what was it that even made me put up crap like this as if the jew could resort and doing something positive for me purposely. My home life was fucked beyond belief and became even more fucked when i realized the...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
