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  1. DezFranky

    About "Jews" - Israel, "JHVH" & Judaism

    This is well pieced together HP Cobra, reading each of the perverted crime the “IU”s committed makes it much more educational and reverses a lot of the programming done by the Abrahamic filth.
  2. DezFranky

    Eligos ritual is great. Although, I should have kept it more positive energy. I felt myself in...

    Eligos ritual is great. Although, I should have kept it more positive energy. I felt myself in the ritual because of the call to bear truth and Justice. It made me angry to have been deceived, tricked, stolen, and cursed from by these alien races. No shit, had one steal something from me and he...
  3. DezFranky

    Letting Go of the Jewish Lies Apparatus & Advancing Forward

    It’s disappointing to witness how much history and tradition have been lost over time. Not due to unavoidable change, but because of poor influences from family and the people around them. The heart of the people is often so easily swayed, not by a desire to preserve or honor their heritage...
  4. DezFranky

    It has been a great week, my business is doing well but is challenging me to push and meet/excel...

    It has been a great week, my business is doing well but is challenging me to push and meet/excel expectation that some people have of me. Spiritually I did not excel this week, I missed doing my 6 day streak, this time I’m making it 10 day streak 🔥 I gave myself a way out and now it’s time to...
  5. DezFranky

    I am on day 6 of 40 day program. I feel really good about this. Focus has been a crutch and it...

    I am on day 6 of 40 day program. I feel really good about this. Focus has been a crutch and it getting better. I can begin to feel more in control if the mind ever so slightly. Before I’d have to spend an hour thinking about random shit before I really got down to business, now it’s only taken...
  6. DezFranky

    “Jews are not welcome here”

    It seems by programming one casts of their own flesh to obtain a new body. Jews by programming will try and be the “visitor”. Little pig little pig, let me in let me in! Hello fellow Satanist!
  7. DezFranky

    Quick Rundown on Linux

    Anyone’s best guess when needing help with Linux is to just use ChatGPT and explore. Otherwise people are just going with path of least resistance here. People should have some sense of distrust, your computers have back doors installled on them. VPNs are only as trustworthy as they’re legally...
  8. DezFranky

    Opening the chakras, effects, results and what to expect

    establish your intent behind what you are looking for with opening your Chakras. I’m going to unblock my heart Chakra and work on the energy pathways so that I can connect with people better when speaking to them. An action without motive is pointless.
  9. DezFranky

    Dreaming and Sleep Question

    Speaking of dreams, my dreams have been pretty vivid, but nothing like Lucid dreaming as of yet. I’m hoping to get stronger dreams where I can feel with the 5 senses. I can see about as well without my glasses, hearing is the easiest. Feeling sensations is 10-20% unless it’s some scary dream...
  10. DezFranky

    Thieves, Slanderers and Traitors: A Warning

    These types of People are desperate, stealing creation as they have nothing to offer themselves. Much like a jew, I experienced this first hand as I needed real world experience with them. The jew stole my ideas verbatim and his other clan of Jews told the public it was their idea. I realised...
  11. DezFranky

    Passion Is The Key: What Are You Waiting For?

    Great sermon HP. needed this read, dedicated in 2017, but made no advancement because thought life and the people around me were without purpose. It took a lot of waking up to do to get started in Satanism again and this post solidified it
  12. DezFranky

    3 years of dedication

    Congratulations on your dedication! May the rewards you reaped from your journey be plenty and always be protected
  13. DezFranky

    Spiritual Satanism: The True Religion That Is Pro Humanity

    I find it really interesting and, honestly, quite concerning how most spiritual groups like Wiccans, Christians don’t critically evaluate the influences shaping their beliefs—especially when it comes to Jewish/Abrahamic beliefs. It’s like lifetimes of Torture, Whippings, Peer influences...
  14. DezFranky

    About Bitcoin Donations - Better To Donate Other Coins

    If you’re in a country with Cashapp, it’s a good option for buying and sending Bitcoin. It cost me just $1 to get $50 worth, and sending is free, but there’s a minimum send amount of 0.001 BTC. On the other hand, if you’re using Coinbase, be ready for some hefty fees, like $7 for a quick...
  15. DezFranky

    hard to clean after RTR

    This is great advice that I needed. I empathize quite a lot and always have been an active listener, even if it meant inconvenience on my time, but recently I have been terribly irritated with the same people talking to me about pointless shit that mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. So...
  16. DezFranky

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule: Dec 7 to Dec 12

    Fucking Jews, got to do all this work just to unfuck ourselves.
  17. DezFranky

    AMON RA DEMON POWER RITUAL NOW LIVE! - Dec 2 to Dec 6 2023

    As someone that hasn’t dived deep yet, I really enjoyed reading this excerpt thank you. I wish we could like posts!
  18. DezFranky

    Elon Musk: Short Message About Jews

    You inspired me to get rid of all connections with a couple of Jews. These particular Jews stole my ideas for a project and get free product info sourcing. One Jew stole $2000+ from me because I circumvented him in the middle of a purchase. Never fuck with them period. Back when I thought they...
  19. DezFranky

    a Xtian Nu-Church experience

    Lol!! You would be a badass Dungeon master :lol:
  20. DezFranky

    The Truth About the Palestine-Israel War

    Desert people always waging war against each other whose jewish path is mightier, ahhhh!! It’s sad, Arabic nations had so much history and cool beliefs before Islam before it was all destroyed. Thanks for compressing this information
  21. DezFranky

    a Xtian Nu-Church experience

    Today I went to a church as I’m trying to bond with my friend’a family. Anyways, it’s as bland and sterile as it gets.it’s not a mega church, it’s one with the TV screens and broadcasting equipment. - 10 minutes of songs about giving your soul to a Jew - Spent time talking about how people don’t...
  22. DezFranky

    Bless Up My Family: Spiritual Schedule Nov 12 to Nov 25

    After doing the blessing, I went to sleep and had very vivid dreams. Even felt like something was petting my energy/soul it was vibrating
  23. DezFranky

    Are You Blessed?

    I’m blessed and know it. Kikes mad they couldn’t use my family to punish my sense of Justice, which they seen as rebellion. Too many gentiles have this lack of self-awareness and inability to reflect on their actions and pretend as if they never happened. I wonder if this is the result of the...
  24. DezFranky

    What Do You Want To See From JoS?

    I’m just throwing peanuts here. Summary 1. More forum features that provide feedback for users in the forms of reacting to posts, providing user feedback that members can leave positive or negative with the ability to write their feelings. Maybe user badges, this would probably be just unfun...
  25. DezFranky

    To Those Who Care For JoS: Thank You!

    The timing of this was impeccable. I can only respect your dedication in all this.
  26. DezFranky

    Dedication and Devotion to Father Satan

    Don't be pathetic like me to anybody still stumbling ih Satanism. I learned the JoS back in 2017 and have made 0 progression because of my inability to trust information and commit to the routine of cleansing, healing, and repeat. I have suffered emotionally for this. I cannot feel most emotion...
  27. DezFranky


    RTR effects or else why he tell us for free? :)
  28. DezFranky

    Will a dedicated Satanist who goes back to jewsus get protection from Satan at death?

    Betrayal is quite the subject. Imagine actually doing that to Satan. Especially after forming a relationship with him. You'd have to be fucking stupid to do that.
  29. DezFranky

    Happy New Unstoppable Year - Advancing Into 2022

    I really understand this post. Everyday, I am constantly cursing at own foolishness not having tried the past 5 years. I was here when all the angelfish sites were up. Even got banned one time for something stupid I quoted. Now I'm older, I'm not young anymore. I am so hurt by my family and...
  30. DezFranky

    Happy New Unstoppable Year - Advancing Into 2022

    Happy new years everyone! I wish you all a safe journey this year. I myself have grown pretty tired of myself not advancing. The only rituals I have done were self serving such as Jupiter squares and money rituals. I did the daily rtrs, but I always needed some sort of distraction. I really...
  31. DezFranky

    Turkish Translation Group - And Why Discord Servers Should Be PERMANENTLY AVOIDED

    Discord used to create chaos. The irony is lost on most of these fools. I'm sure the naming of it was intentional. To create as much strife possible.
  32. DezFranky

    JoS Position On The Vaccine

    Oy vey you muzah sayeh ze vashine werks!! Yous vouldnt want ze ADL to shut it down ze pahypal vould you?!?
  33. DezFranky

    💙 List of Magic Workings 💙

    free/healed meaning the same thing or are they used on two different working of freeing then healing the soul?
  34. DezFranky

    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    No worries! It was from an archived user when the first set of Jos forums were up. it was very unique and cute, but sadly I haven't seen him, so I continue to preserve it in hopes they might come back. Also, sadly enough HP Cobra won't use his old PFP either 😔. It was a very cool Hitler
  35. DezFranky

    Andrew Torba personally banned Me from Gab lol

    it's a shame, gab owner really does preach against certain topics like forced vaccinations. it's like a group of Christians clearly know what's wrong, but afraid to look past their programming and see the truths. My grandparents were like this, ate organic, lived in a woods, hated fed like...
  36. DezFranky

    My Satanic Artwork

    Honestly what a jew does, stealing and writing over it to claim it as their own. Christianity: :shock:
  37. DezFranky

    PayPal Partners With The ADL To Combat Extremism

    I wonder how soon it'll happen to HP Maxines, hopefully we continue staying under the radar
  38. DezFranky

    Need help about the forced vaccination...

    Here is some that may help you pick The Clot Shot The Stroke Poke The Cringe Syringe The Depopulation Dose The Sterilization Serum The (Morgue) Slab Jab The Hematoma Soma The Anemia Needle The Vascular Jam Dram The Heart-Kinker Tincture The Bubonic Tonic The Palsy Potion The Behcet's Balm The...
  39. DezFranky

    What Happens If You Take The Vaccine?

    You mus get ze vaccine goyim. Energy follows the path of least resistance. People are willingly taking an experimental drug, because they are unhappy, but wait. If they get the drug, then everything will go back to "normal". I hate this conditioning and it's a damn shame people fall for it so...
  40. DezFranky

    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    This what this motherfucker is doing now
  41. DezFranky

    The Torah, a plagiarized patchwork of Mesopotamian origin

    Everyday it seems like I have to null myself from speaking my mind and tolerating peoples insufferable ideas and behaviors. Their ignorance and 0 understanding on their history and the religion they blindly worship... you know the rest. They're contempt bring cattle Locked in the safety of their...
  42. DezFranky

    Steps to becoming a millionaire

    Remember to focus on what's more important. A fulfilling life with strong mind body or a life of financial pursuits which I still find most people with hangup are miserable still. If you're strong you can fully control your money the way that you want to. Otherwise you're just pouring buckets...
  43. DezFranky

    I'm thinking about doing this...Leading a Jew girl to Satanism..!

    Ask Satan and see how that works out brother 🤥
  44. DezFranky

    chaos in israel

    And thats a good thing!
  45. DezFranky

    Happy And Mighty Beltane To All Of Our SS

    I wish you all the best in your endeavors this year. It's easy for myself to get lost in the negative whirlwind of things, especially being around other people all the time. Wonder how the romans felt when people in their governance pushed a kike religion by fear of jewish terrorism and slowly...
  46. DezFranky

    13 Years of Dedication

    I support the way you feel. A lot of great critical feedback that probably will never be addressed for quite some time. If you have any questions, I think you know who to talk to. Your intuition seems to have lead you this far right?
  47. DezFranky

    How To Deprogram From Christianity (Guide)

    Sorry to correct myself, Dropbox links under Satan's library like 911 exposed and anything Hitler related are removed 👺
  48. DezFranky

    How To Deprogram From Christianity (Guide)

    All the Dropbox links under the pdf section has been removed 😱
  49. DezFranky

    I want to summon a wish granting demon

    Memes become reality the post Who was it that coined demons aren't wish-granting genies? Also how are people still not reading the site?
  50. DezFranky

    Black magic and cursing ideas? Please reply!

    I wouldn't reply seriously to this topic without further consideration. That goes for the experienced people as well. I faced a similar situation with a shithead boss, but was advised by the community to simply not focus all my intent on him, but my own situation that it to be such. When you're...
  51. DezFranky

    Future of the world

    It's okay to have a realistic outset of current events but don't like the tides suck you in. There are things that we can and cannot forsee. Most people use the excuse that since there is no future in the world, they can just give up and not do anything. Dont be like that! 🐷
  52. DezFranky

    Are you addicted? Subtle Addictions

    I will treasure your advice given to us 🐵
  53. DezFranky

    About JoSMarket

    I recommend taking a look at https://shoppy.gg/ and https://atshop.io/ Both of them allow crypto transactions and useful metrics if you want to open a new store! I think both or atshop.io allows withdrawals to coinbase where you can sell it and withdrawal to your bank :)
  54. DezFranky

    Did I dedicate properly?

    I had a fore alarm go off twice when I did the ritual 5 or so years ago. Celebration alarm ⏰😅
  55. DezFranky

    Custody flow ritual suggestionz

    This guy is a bot programmed by reptiles to influence the Astral with code words to activate gentile curses to shop on Amazon.com to enforce Gentile enslavement. Ban this heathen🙄
  56. DezFranky

    Are you addicted? Subtle Addictions

    What is a good way to replenish kidney yang if I may politely ask? I use ashwaghanda for the most part, but I also drink coffee for the flavor and don't want to hurt myself anymore 😔
  57. DezFranky

    is it too late for my dad

    My advice maybe late, but you can also attempt to communicate to the God Anubis to at least help guide your father (if he hasn't already reincarnated)
  58. DezFranky

    Nanoworms in surgical masks?

    I wouldn't know, some claim they're hairs that react to the lamp heat, but as you may know the ones that strongly enforce the usage of masks are the more buglike npcs. Buy cloth masks from 3rd party sellers like etsy has some good designs, rather than through caution to the wind on boxes of...
  59. DezFranky

    JoS Membership

    I'm not to assume such, I believe HP Cobra is the only one fulfilling these duties. It's a shame we can't offload his work a bit more, but unfortunately it would create opportunity (and drama) for the enemy to infiltrate and wreak havoc. Just be patient, I'm surprised and grateful that he can...
  60. DezFranky

    The Nadis of the Soul [RE POST HPS MAXINE]

    Might not add to much, but how come in the old days left handed people were seen as *le gasp* the devil???
  61. DezFranky

    FBI Promises To Hunt Down Anyone Who Lies About Taking COVID Vax As Vaccine Passports Loom

    Absolutely Lugenpresse there is no way to enforce it...yet. https://archive.is/ISvev
  62. DezFranky

    The Emptiness of Knowledge

    That piece of coal needs to stop thinking they a diamond then and meditate 🙃
  63. DezFranky

    About puppets and their so called "music"

    I know right???? Music is such an inspiration and mood. If Japan didn't exist, for myself, I probably would have never touched a piano. They have Ghibli soundtracks and game music that goes unnoticed such as the final fantasy series and their respective piano collections. So much emotion and...
  64. DezFranky

    NY Times Promoting Vaccine Card. This escalated quickly.

    Passports are a retarded idea on paper. Anyone can make it up. What kind of restaurant or grocery store would legally be able be able to look up your medical history for preventive measures against covid...Seriously doubt these passports are going to work or they will but people won't certainly...
  65. DezFranky

    Money Working

    I would like to say that keep in mind when doing money workings that they vary between the users. If you have not cleaned your aura or done anything protection-wise, they are are always guaranteed to have some unwanted side-effect. When I did my money-working with selfish intentions to use and...
  66. DezFranky

    Satan: The Great Dragon & Kundalini Serpent

    As you already may know, it takes a horrible event in most people's lives to get them to self-reflect a bit and realize the wisdom behind those words
  67. DezFranky

    Satan: The Great Dragon & Kundalini Serpent

    I have this saved now in my notes. Thank you for enlightening me with this knowledge as I hope to be strong enough to perform this months down the road
  68. DezFranky

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I would like to ask, when I started doing breathing exercises, I usually have a tingle run up from my left hemisphere of the head to the middle sort of. Nothing alarming or painful, thought it would be interesting as to why that happens.
  69. DezFranky

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule March 20th / April 11th

    Google is literally genociding the jewish people oy vey!
  70. DezFranky

    Finally our government wants to force us all

    I'm sure many people know, but I figured to share this. I am very grateful we live in a more advanced age that information is passed in the blink of eye. I am also grateful that we are not at the stage yet where the governments of the world don't enforce the vaccine with an iron fist, because...
  71. DezFranky

    Satan: The Great Dragon & Kundalini Serpent

    Very hot! 🔥 🔥 Thank you, it clicks for myself now
  72. DezFranky

    Satan: The Great Dragon & Kundalini Serpent

    Wonderful read! I love the dragon aspects. Surprised there was no mention of the breath of fire that is a unique feature of the dragon. Would be interesting to know how that correlates to this subject
  73. DezFranky

    Finally our government wants to force us all

    I'm getting everything delivered if thats the case. No passport deal for any other disease however... Ive talked with people and even they find it unconvincing 🙄
  74. DezFranky

    About JoSMarket

    Those whom were patient and understanding will be well rewarded for sure. You have always abided by integrity and should feel very proud of your accomplishments. OyVeypal will see their end along with all other forms of Jew rat financial institutions
  75. DezFranky

    About JoSMarket

    Great shame indeed. Paypal rewards theft. They can claim losses through their million page user's agreement and transfer it to themselves basically, and yet I've seen Nigerians on paxful with 50k+ sitting in their paypal account no problem. I hope you can open again soon with a chance to...
  76. DezFranky

    About JoSMarket

    Very good read. Can you use a bitcoin wallet or eth going forward?
  77. DezFranky

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule March 20th / April 11th

    https://uptime.theyknow.in/RTR_Paintable.html Domain Expired, surprised no one has mentioned it yet
  78. DezFranky

    WaPo Finally Admits “Vaccine Passport” Coming to America, Will Determine Human Rights, Birx claims Tru

    kikes gonna kike. what's new with jews? Leave it to other people to be guilty and submit to the vaccine passport authority to ruin it for everyone else because their spines are made of twigs. Much like how Roman's converted to Christianity
  79. DezFranky

    Muh CIA

    I can't wait for the trials to be had when mankind is strong enough to pursue true justice against lower lifeforms that promote dissidents and entrapment through false pretenses 🙂
  80. DezFranky

    Mockery and misdirection from the enemy: “Lil nas X Satan shoes.”

    "does something retarded" "get punished" Thanks Saturn!
  81. DezFranky

    Femboy New Here

    Someone needs to get off twitter, discord, and then off the coombrain programming induced by said platforms. I've seen this for myself. You get attention by simply claiming you're one of them. Then the worst part is you convince yourself that is your new identity as you are nothing without that...
  82. DezFranky

    On The Vaccination Subject: Give An Inch, They Take A Mile

    Today I was told that they would eventually mandate it and that I should volunteer because they "might". It's getting tough staying neutral, you have to word a serpents tongue. Do not let them guilt you because you're comfortable with your current job. They do not care for loyalty in my case...
  83. DezFranky

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    This is a fairly jaded stance brought on by programming of the enemy. You need to deprogram yourself and realize that most of these faults are to be pitied and not looked down upon. This is a great opportunity many do not have.
  84. DezFranky

    Recent Mass Shooting Events

    What is there plan? Is the enemy holidays driving people insane or they chosen by the enemy because of their lower spiritual constitution?
  85. DezFranky

    Self-Defeating Thoughts That Alter Your Reality

    Nonetheless it's a good reminder. 👍😌
  86. DezFranky

    Crypto, Bitcoin and Digital Currencies

    Wait until they cover crypto ledgers as an amendment to the patriot act so they can "protect" is by snooping out transactions. The banks really want to engage in crypto for this very reason, since then they can report "suspicious" transactions and of course make sure you're paying sales tax. Oh...
  87. DezFranky

    Physical Action For Future Freedom & Fedposting Again

    My dad is Satan and I'll have you know you cant arrest me for that very reason!
  88. DezFranky

    When to question everything and doubt everyone

    You start questioning things around you, when you see the constant failures and ask why is this the way it is? Christianity failed me and destroyed one side of my family because of it. It taught them to be abusive and they always loved to quote that the best way to love a child is to discpline...
  89. DezFranky

    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    Mandatory Vaccines.. Ah yes especially if you're a government worker. (Military especially) Pfizer CEO refuses to take the vaccine under the guise of "waiting in line" Some for thee, but not for me!
  90. DezFranky

    The Importance of Physical Health for Satanists

    I'm right there with you man. Do what you can within arms reach, sometimes I feel like I have to start small to get momentum going like rolling a snowball. I was all over Satanism, until I let myself fall back into bad habits like gaming for extenuous periods of time. killed all my motivation...
  91. DezFranky

    Question for everyone on here.

    Sat is just fucking with peoples time, clearly It's another pointless engagement the enemy loves to do. Simple provocations to agitate people and do something useless. If I remember correctly, he has another alt that he bitched he couldn't open his 3rd eye. Dunno if he is jewish, but this is...
  92. DezFranky

    Dream General Thread

    Hi! I wanted to create this thread to share dreams that I may have, slight details will be altered for safety of course. Anyone is welcome to share their dreams and discussing possible meanings behind them is encouraged as it may help others piece together a possible understanding of their own...
  93. DezFranky

    The Aryan God Azazel

    I was actually doing returning curses and Helios popped in my head out of nowhere. I don't even recall looking up this name ever. I've actually become fascinated with greek mythology recently, so this might be the case. This is a good sign I think I am doing the right thing. Thank you for this...
  94. DezFranky

    Is it fine to do multiple Squares concurrently?

    I finished my Mars Square today and have noticeably improved the way I talk with others materialisticly, albeit there is a lot more to improve. Venus square is positively good for October 30th, then I shall wait for that as I need to still improve my charisma when i talk with people!
  95. DezFranky

    A (simple) and desperate plea to all doing RTR

    Quick correction, as long as one does the returning curses everyday after the RTR, we can absolve all the trash others have shifted to us. For myself it's difficult to just forget and pretend that everything will be alright without putting the effort into making it so. We can find respite...
  96. DezFranky

    A (simple) and desperate plea to all doing RTR

    Amen, let us kill the Hebrew letters with unicorns and rainbows! Piss magical sunshine over them tee hee~ Delight in what you destroy. For me personally, what I just read was something a xtian would preach about how Rabbi Yeshua's love will save us if we believe in it enough, forgive me :P I...
  97. DezFranky

    Question for everyone on here.

    They've been exposed countless times man, it just all becomes so tiresome explaining it. You, like other countless jews that have come on here, try to gain Satan's favor when the tide becomes dire. You know the ol' saying about how everyone will try to join at the last minute? How many times do...
  98. DezFranky

    To Glory

    Yes! We will see scum purged and gone forever. Holding out and protecting our own, as we let the RTR artillery fire off. The rest of the world becomes angry for this jewish enslavement and it's picking up fast...!
  99. DezFranky

    Question on a working that removes fortune

    Thank you for the information as well! I did talk to someone else I knew about it and she said "Revenge is of God" or some shit she quoted from the Babble and made myself tempted to do the working, but I think you're right Shael. In the end, my time is better spent elsewhere. One thing I did...
  100. DezFranky

    Christianity The Anti-White Religion Is Back As Black Lives Matter

  101. DezFranky

    Question on a working that removes fortune

    Thank you Chaos! You've elaborated this in a very understandable way for myself and now understand the number system a whole lot better as well. I hope your day is merry too! :D
  102. DezFranky

    Question on a working that removes fortune

    Would the Jera rune be most effective? "When used in magickal operations, it can bring a reversal of personal fortunes". I want to reverse this man's success in aquiring the contract, very snake-like at that. I want to teach him a lesson and start him at 0 again, not to completely ruin him, but...
  103. DezFranky

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

    Thank you for these posts, I have felt off these past couple weeks and felt like it has been due to caffeine. It was a daily usage for myself these past 2-3 weeks. I had been getting my physical fitness in check, but not planning a solid sleep schedule also pushed me over the edge to start...
  104. DezFranky

    How is Maxine doing?

  105. DezFranky

    Are Christians enemies of Satan?

    I've pondered this myself, At a young age, people are indoctrinated to religions. Morphing & preaching to these young susceptible kids. We take fine marble, give it to the shizo jew, and behold an abomination of art. It's only when that piece of art looks at itself in the mirror and realizes...
  106. DezFranky

    Thought form for black magic

    The dragon is no longer dormant it seems. Breathe mighty fire upon thou enemies o' mightiest of serpents!!
  107. DezFranky

    Weird thing that happened with the rtr

    Get some moving blankets and soundproof your apartments please ppl. They're cheap and you can thread them around curtain hangers for easy removal if you so desire. You can also do the ceiling with some foam or however you prefer. They also have soundproof curtains you can put up in your...
  108. DezFranky

    Cursing celebrities?

    I recommend to not go after the low-hanging fruit. For myself, I don't waste my time on token-piece puppets of the enemy as they can and always be replaced when they need be. The final RTR exposes the enemy to the people more than spending time on a working to unravel human filth that spout...
  109. DezFranky

    Any Tips for quitting Kike sticks (cigarettes)

    Question, I know we're all individuals here, but I drink cold brew before a workout and only one cup at that. I never drink more than one cup daily as it effects communications. I love the bitter, earthy taste it provides. However I am split. It dehydrates me faster, I am sure. There are agents...
  110. DezFranky

    [To HP. Cobra/Mods] Messages Disappearing

    I hope the new site will get rid of all the spam accounts that join to promote degenerate websites in their signature. They also increase the workload for the Admins, since they will most likely post spam
  111. DezFranky

    requeswting account to be terminated/deleted

    Blinded by his own pride, He will never say/see the truth. I see someone has claimed that he has not performed the dedication. More or less, He treats this forum as a dumping ground for others to try out crackpot ideas and see if anyone is stupid enough to take the bait, all the while, never...
  112. DezFranky

    Beware round 2 of CoVid Jewish media hysteria

    Current news, All this fear mongering, seems like every deadly disease originates from china.
  113. DezFranky

    Completed my Dedication

    As stated in another thread, he has decided for himself this is the path he must walk. Given all the information, it will come down to what manifests itself in the future for better... or for worse.. It's too bad Azazel's Market is down or I would recommend an astro reading, perhaps that would...
  114. DezFranky

    Beware round 2 of CoVid Jewish media hysteria

    Another way to trash Satan. Where I look they blame the Satanic Synagogue of Satan as a buzzword to program idiots who don't research this to associate evil with Satan. Again referring to how christians, islamic people to say Satan is what causes suffering as the jews laugh all the way to the...
  115. DezFranky

    Ubermenscheit: Become a Superman

    Loki88, You did not read my post coherently. Your response indicates this, I will not rephrase myself.
  116. DezFranky

    Ubermenscheit: Become a Superman

    Loki88, From what others claim. You're promoting material that they deem jewish disinformation. Question for you, If you wish to spread and share information, you will need to provide excerpts of the information in which to engage people on the forum with. People do not look to download...
  117. DezFranky

    Jewish Re-Writting Of History - Glorifying Marxism, Communism etc

    You have good intuition. I know it sucks to be amongst people like that, but we have to keep playing the good goy, till it's finally time. It may be tempting, but never reveal who you are, I'm sure you're aware of, but the the thought struck me and made me want to tell you. You can always ask Satan!
  118. DezFranky

    George Floyd The Occult Meaning

    Holy shit, shut it down
  119. DezFranky

    Hey Back from the dead

    When the problem has been dealt with, perhaps he'll reincarnate in a better world... If given the chance of course. Doing drugs not only affects the person's soul, but it also programs their DNA. They will also set that example for their offspring, persay to lean towards drug usage. In this case...
  120. DezFranky

    Important What Is Going On Now

    Jewish Racial DNA still channels the corrupted kabbalah from their racial soul from what I recall. So as well, the programming is still embedded in a mixed jew. What would happen if this good jew, awakened or shekinah/yahweh enlightened this mixed jew into destroying a nation and repeating the...
  121. DezFranky

    Jewish Re-Writting Of History - Glorifying Marxism, Communism etc

    Great lesson to be learned from, with jews you lose everytime. With the continual spread of disinformation, people don't know which side is righteous. Colleges promote Marxism/Communism with the fact that if everything equals out, there will be no hatred or conflicting beliefs. All will be null...
  122. DezFranky

    Breaking a marriage

    This thread has been a treasure trove of good laughs, I admire Sabazios in dissecting the post and the sense of humor. Have a wonderful day!
  123. DezFranky

    June 21-24th 2020 - Group Rituals

    This is not a time to feel sorry for oneself, they fate of many lives rest on this. We create the opportunities to realize their mistakes and take action. I have no more to say on this that hasn't already been said, but please take care of yourselves foremost and do not become a bleeding heart...
  124. DezFranky

    For the druggies

    If one advances in Satanism, Why would they ever need drugs? The feelings of Satan once you complete the opening of your chakras is blissful, powerful, and definitely safer. It has been stated many times here by the clergy, DO NOT DO DRUGS. Why do you continue to twist this idea that there is...
  125. DezFranky

    Blacks Lives Matter

    I am so fucking angry and sad for this, poor innocent children grow up in these warped communities and have to worry about so much for their futures and influences such as gangs attempt to destroy them as they 're programmed to by the Jewish Music Thank you for the informational and well...
  126. DezFranky

    Satan Protects His Own, Even Before Dedication (Motivation)

    You sound just like me, the planet's most have blessed you and you may have a guardian demon dead set on protecting you. Jupiter and Pluto maybe Know this, I might make a post like this as a form of affirmation for myself. Whatever anyone does, so not give up. Allocate an amount of time to...
  127. DezFranky

    Updated Full Aura of Protection by Inanna

    Praise Inanna for this sacred knowledge, I started becoming very fearful of my safety. I have strong protections in my natal chart and have experienced it in many cases twice that I could have died. This working is very powerful indeed, fear has been almost obliterated completely! Thank you for...
  128. DezFranky

    Energy and masturbation

    I have been masturbating daily and never had many hangups about it as such. Thank you mars! The only times I really feel upset about masturbation is when I lose concentration after a slow and incremental buildup of 40-60 minutes and it all comes apart fast, which is frustrating, but it's usually...
  129. DezFranky

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    You have a good heart to guide them in the right direction, however that maybe. Imagine their reactions to it. Plus if they have malicious intent because of it, it'll be more work for the HP a to filter the garbage. Your best bet is state your reasons why you believe the circle causes them to...
  130. DezFranky

    Keep In Mind: We Are During War!

    To each their own, so childish... People that say that are hurting inside and don't want to admit it. There are some workings which should alleviate the dependencies on recreational drug use. Cannabis is a very dangerous substance to avoid. Although mild, it's a slow burn. No matter the type...
  131. DezFranky

    Breaking a marriage

    Demons actually come in genie lamps now. When hp cobra re-opens his shop, he will let us know
  132. DezFranky

    Is there any proof that Anton LaVey was biological jew?

    Jewish or not, if you really want to ascertain... Look up the books he authored and read them. There is always a free off floating around. Skim through it and decide based off what he authored if he is jewish or not. "LaVey encourages people to create an internal pseudo-mythology so that they...
  133. DezFranky

    This is your brain on religion... (laugh material)

    Exactly why I never use social media to meet people. People will use public search like spoken to find out where you live, who you are, etc. Even LinkedIn they will harass your employment and whatnot. I used delete me and never had issues since. That guy youve chatted with would have never...
  134. DezFranky

    Movies, games, series

    Wholesome story about a girl who wants to go to the moon and make her father proud http://kpcomic.online/viewer/page_scroll/05720/1/en
  135. DezFranky

    Why Antifa love cats?

    Probably the cats in their family got more attention than antifags ever did in their family. Since they're cuckolded, they get off on being reminded of it, thus they keep cats around. Make no mistake, these people shouldn't ever own pets being this emotionally unstable. The cats probably endure...
  136. DezFranky

    R.T.R. Side affects

    For myself, starting out the rtr. The more you put in, the more you get out. You must focus on the ritual with your mind as you vibrate words. I have.slowly gotten better at it and the effects have started to show for myself. One thing I notice is I started taking care of myself better. After...
  137. DezFranky

    Can I be accepted into Satanism? + a few questions

    It's like you didn't even try to read the articles on joyofsatan.com
  138. DezFranky

    JoS Fully Censored - Online Middle Ages Starting... A War Against Humanity

    Yeah it's seriously bullhorn now and it's really time to get serious about local archives before they try to erase spiritual knowledge once more... Traitors will get erased as well fear not!
  139. DezFranky

    My Satanic art

    This is a very humble piece of art, he's not overtly portrayed and I like the vines he gives off in this. It's like he's enjoying another one of his days in his limitless life span. The colors contrast well, you have a very keen eye. Well done
  140. DezFranky

    Is there any way to prevent possible misfortune seen in a natal chart?

    I have read this and thank you for your post. I will be completing the Mercury square and my communication skill could be stronger. Is it practical to affirm this? I want to work on persuading others and what not.
  141. DezFranky

    Is Steph a Kike?

    Jew or not, you know where they stand. The video in question, she says gamers are white supremacists. A great tactic to grow your twitch community is to project yourself as an Otherkin and have Deer Orgasms on a Stream for a young audience to witness the epitome of all things compile into one...
  142. DezFranky

    Keep In Mind: We Are During War!

    people find gratification in making excuses for themselves, even though doing some easy work and reaping the benefits is equally achievable. it goes even deeper, some people dedicate their souls and then meditate until they see real results, awakening their astral sight. but then they say its...
  143. DezFranky

    Keep In Mind: We Are During War!

    I mentioned before that people have a twisted mentality that they enjoy feeling sorry for themselves, its a very sick and twisted feeling that gives them some sort of pleasure like you would torture a helpless animal, like when someone offers to help you get your life together and put together a...
  144. DezFranky

    Shael, why are you a girl now?

    I have become anime as well Wise man is the rooster of the universe; He awakens the unawake!
  145. DezFranky

    Do people deserve it?

    I believe many deserve what is coming to them. They alone make the decisions they wrought upon themselves. Surely many are born under unfortunate circumstances and can't help it, but what about the successful countries that have flourished? Do all these older generation folks deserve the neglect...
  146. DezFranky

    Advice on how to balance the kundalini/activate Pingala?

    Okay so I read from your other post here. I will assume you have already completed the working necessary to purify yourself and the awakening of the clauraudience points? I really, really and I mean seriously the fundamentals that are necessary when we're first introduced to Spiritual...
  147. DezFranky

    JoS Fully Censored - Online Middle Ages Starting... A War Against Humanity

    Wayback machine keeps getting fucked with for archives like kaballah exposed https://web.archive.org/web/20190709073335/https://www.kabbalahexposed.com/ Any of the links don't work, can we add it back to satans library?
  148. DezFranky

    how to make a satanic rosary?

    You're probably right, I like to do affirmation at the end altogether. I think most of us are still new, so we hate messing it up, but the Priesthood like to encourage how it feels for the individual. If that helps somewhat for the one asking!
  149. DezFranky

    how to make a satanic rosary?

    Yup I messed it up, am waiting to purchasing again. I am not sure about the affirmation beads, if we just divide the bead number by X affirmations like 9 for example and place them there
  150. DezFranky

    Why do we have allergies? And how can we fight them?

    If you have a.local bee farmer nearby or in general a great source of honey. It may help as investing native pollen could build resistance
  151. DezFranky

    The ID2020 Jewish World Government Is Here

    Since there were no mentions, As we rapidly approach the end game, they have started showing their true colors. For those that are struggling to find the strength within themselves or just passing by will truly regret potential that never manifests. I pity the people with the knowledge to save...
  152. DezFranky

    Facebook Is Giving $1,000 To Content Moderators Who Said Online Trolls Turned Them Into Conspiracy Theorists

    Good, let's Hope that they follow the thread to Satanism. If there was such a ritual to naturally allow them to find him and to understand what it all really means. That's why activism is so important otherwise... I forgot to mention that Facebook is offering $100,000 to build AI that can...
  153. DezFranky

    Facebook Is Giving $1,000 To Content Moderators Who Said Online Trolls Turned Them Into Conspiracy Theorists

    Why is there such strong resistance to the truth... I do not pity these fools, with the truth staring them in them in the face and they reject it. It's disgusting that the traitors amongst us are worse than jews, because the traitors allowed them knowing the evil they possess in trade for a few...
  154. DezFranky

    Is modern Japan really a good example for the West?

    Without diving too hard into it Japan faces many issues still. The company culture is very toxic in metropolitan areas, to be expected when you condense so much !manmade material with barely any earth to feel. Small villages are dying out because everyone wants to be closer to the big cities and...
  155. DezFranky

    Void Meditation - What Exactly It Is and How It Works, Explained

    I will not fail the task given! Though it won't be perfect haha. Hopefully soon it will. I feel as if I lose a piece of myself everyday if I don't keep up :cry:
  156. DezFranky

    No To Interracial Mixing And Immigration

    Blacks are beautiful people, so fucking full for charm and character. So much racial divide, there are plenty of traitors that will get theirs alongside the jews, At most all we can do is temper ourselves against this tide. I hope for our future as a collective and may Satan continue to watch...
  157. DezFranky

    Void Meditation - What Exactly It Is and How It Works, Explained

    Thank you for everyone's knowledge involving void meditation. Since it's suitable for beginner's people seem to undermine it, such as myself... I took the knowledge given and tested it for myself. Firstly I am a thinker as well, so it was a challenge, but I tried the mudra and surrounded myself...
  158. DezFranky

    Advice on panic attacks

    Can I ask advice as well? It seems a guiding hand has sent me here. 10 years ago I had a massive panic attack. What lead to this was a habit of smoking marijuana as a social thing I did with my step-brother which lead to unhealthy enabling. It wasn't a daily thing thankfully, it was more of a...
  159. DezFranky

    FAQ about the Final RTR + Tetragrammaton + Shattering [Updated 25 August 2021]

    I have successfully managed to do the Final RTR without much distraction. I had been using youtube videos as a crutch to distract me, but today I did it completely and elevating my energies via breathing exercise w/ 666 energy raise, definitely helped out. My head is buzzing from energy I'm...
  160. DezFranky

    The Goyim Know Too Much: Convene the Council !

    No don't you see? Without those powerful vibrations, The jewish programming would be ineffective!
  161. DezFranky

    The Goyim Know Too Much: Convene the Council !

    Important press conference about this was just released Please see below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OH3KZKfs-c
  162. DezFranky

    Delete/Ban My Account

    I just thought DezFranky was just trying to get around the "no adult content" rule, and I bet "Franky" might also mean something else! Seriously, though - of the true light, that's so nice to hea-- read. I didn't think it would have been possible, or at least not realised to be done, with a farm...
  163. DezFranky

    I feel hopeless

    Lmao... Fighting curses makes us the losers, we already know the types of people behind these posts. I don't know how much thought they put into this post, but it's clear if they think we're losers doing this must have a lot of personal hangups to not feel proud to be the force behind this...
  164. DezFranky

    Delete/Ban My Account

    Lol! Chickens are awesome birds and very funny ones at that. I'm glad to see you have an emotional connection with one :)
  165. DezFranky

    Delete/Ban My Account

    What is a good resource for Moon phases in signs? google tells me its May 18th
  166. DezFranky

    Help me guys - Jew problem

    Another good hint is him reversing the last 6 in 666 to be 9 dark invader 669 lol, why is 669 significant? Why do close to 666 but change It to 9
  167. DezFranky

    Sanat Kumara The God Of Love

    I need more of these posts in my life :D It all just makes sense and brilliant how open the jews are basically saying the cursed the serpent
  168. DezFranky

    Coronavirus Has Isreal In Chaos

    "The climate hoax is to bound people together to fight a "common" enemy, have a common problem They saw that muh climate change failed, so all their little puppets like greta got dropped, and this is the new thing The goal is a new world order, and to achieve such goal, you need to bring people...
  169. DezFranky

    Repeated Jewish Tactics

    This was a good read, thank you :o
  170. DezFranky


    I tried telling my dad but he said it was fearmongering bless his heart. Im 1/3 of the way done supplying, thank you for the heads up
  171. DezFranky

    America Under Jews: The Dystopia - "New Way (((Forward))) Act"

    I find it hard to accept the damage caused would be irrevocable, but do people really desire to be oppressed? I'm not joking, hardly anyone I've known questioned their status quo. Oh this is where I belong, I fit in this cell quite perfectly and it is mine to call home. I just find it depressing...
  172. DezFranky

    Using Steam free to play games commenting to advertice jos + gaming guides on jos

    I have for many weeks been contemplating who is in the wrong. If people do not know but feel something is wrong, what can they do about it? If the truth is there, but never seen does it exist? That is the hope JoS provides
  173. DezFranky


    I agree, if this is america. Eviction processes are hell and can take months to actually go into effect... not advising to create bad ends, but when push comes to shove, he/she must do whatever it takes to survive.
  174. DezFranky

    Movies, games, series

    Was watching a runescape youtube video, shoutout to this legend haha
  175. DezFranky

    The Best Way to Awaken the Black Race

    Slowly but surely they know and will take action!!
  176. DezFranky

    Thoughts of so-called Satanic/Occult hand gestures in Hollywood, Music, Etc.

    Not to gravedig an old thread, but I have noticed that there is a lot of shilling that Satanism is tied to Judaism. The next big ploy in deceiving man. People mean well when they want to be rid of judaism, but it's even worse if they completely destroy satanism as part of process. Why is it so...
  177. DezFranky

    Kikologist Sigmund Freud's Theft and Corruption of Nietzsche's Philosophy

    If anything comes of it, at least we held onto it well! We'll be good at that at least :lol: :lol:
  178. DezFranky

    Kikologist Sigmund Freud's Theft and Corruption of Nietzsche's Philosophy

    :D :D :D I talked about this in a blizzard chat, and guess who said SATAN doesn't mean adversary in Hebrew? He has a masters or some scholar in Hebrew and openly denies that is what it means :lol: :lol: :lol: Another beautiful Sermon, I'm realizing more and more that I need to read this...
  179. DezFranky

    The Yule Season (Xmas, etc)

    Did you make that avatar picture? It's so cute and hilarious! Good tidings to you too, Energies have been good to me!
  180. DezFranky

    FINAL RTR 21 July 2018

    Took a 2 week break, Managed to do it for 2 months straight, but I was getting irritated because I didn't have my sleep schedule, plus a myriad of other issues to affect my RTRs. Last thing I want to associate the RTR with is a feeling of annoyance, but 2 months was my longest so far and will...
  181. DezFranky

    The Yule Season (Xmas, etc)

    If I remember correctly, there was something to honor his Day. Looking forward to celebrating it!
  182. DezFranky

    Samhain [31st October] to November 7 - Ritual Schedule

    Heck yeah let's do this! :mrgreen:
  183. DezFranky

    Mercury Retrograde Final RTR

    Daily RTR gang assemble! :mrgreen:
  184. DezFranky

    FINAL RTR 21 July 2018

    Still doing daily RTRs, I think I'm finally cracking the curses! You know its quite funny how things happen. Last week on Sunday, I was gonna start doing so much more than I've been doing and going even further than before. I was gonna do astral hearing meditations, jupiter square, do some piano...
  185. DezFranky

    how to make a satanic rosary?

    Got her done!
  186. DezFranky

    Nightmares and the "white sound"

    I usually get hit with it in my weakest states, for example my sleep schedule was fucked and had an episode where there was this intense white noise and a feeling of dread panic and was doing everything I could to wake up
  187. DezFranky

    how to make a satanic rosary?

    Thank you! I'm 4 days in, doing the jupiter square and it feels nice doing the working! My next goal is to wait for my beads to come in and do the 40-day aura cleaning :D
  188. DezFranky

    Question on Squares?

    Yes I feel as if that is true, you get what you put in. If you've mastered focus, you can make strong squares. You are able to visualize like you're seeing the future right before your eyes . Energy does as it is programmed to do. If you half ass your mantras and rush through them and not...
  189. DezFranky

    Question About Healing?

    I have one more question, what number is good for affirmations? 9x? is it something I feel and do till I feel like the energy is programmed?
  190. DezFranky

    Question About Healing?

    I missed jupiter hour to start square, at least there is another 20:29 21:33 tonight :D I definitly need hips haha Do dem squares! :mrgreen:
  191. DezFranky

    More on the Final RTR

    I'm getting a lot better at this returning curses I feel! I'll be a body of light sitting on the ground, the ball of light descends and underneath me appears all of this black tar so I have to levivate my body off the ground for the light to shoo away the filth, but in my mind the filth appears...
  192. DezFranky

    ((("White parents, send your daughter to Pakistan")))

    The Magic of the tweet is similar to "Islam is right about women", since it's gained traction, SJWs that don't think twice before replying to it will look like complete baboons
  193. DezFranky

    how to make a satanic rosary?

    Thank you Shael, I do remember HP Cobra speaking on this saying it's just for representation purposes. My goal is to make a sapphire rosary with Baphomet on it. Then charge the sapphire gems with energy for good luck with the blessing of jupiter so to speak :^). Sadly today I had some bad luck...
  194. DezFranky

    Astro gem source and book

    Thank you! I'm currently flakin some cash for 120 sapphire mala beads haha, but I wouldn't have known without you pointing out this piece of information. I have a strong jupiter and am working to enhance my good luck!
  195. DezFranky

    how to make a satanic rosary?

    Nevermind lol, I just answered my own question after researching. Thank the gods I actually look for once :D Another good FAQ topic https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12871&p=51120&hilit=rosary#p51120
  196. DezFranky

    Demons hierarchy

    Hello Astar, Welcome to the forums! My suggestion is to read this as it may help answer your question and any future questions. https://web.archive.org/web/20190310153921/http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AllDemons.html

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
