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  1. tiajra13

    Zeus, Satya, Reforms & The Time Before "Satanism" - Moving Into the Golden Age [Update 1: Resources]

    I Loved this explanation!! It answers why I feel drawn to change the spelling, privately, of one of the God's names. Zeus, Satya, Satan, Satanas,..........He knows we are talking to Him no matter what we call Him, because we can visualize this Loving, Truthful Entity. Bravo on a truly divinely...
  2. tiajra13

    Question about meditation?

    The buzzing electricity feeling means you are doing it correctly and successfully! Congratulations for advancing on your Path!!!! Hail Be'Elzabub40!!!!! Hail to all the Gods!!!!
  3. tiajra13

    The light within the soul

    What elegant words of Love and Praise!!!! This touched my Soul!!! Keep your art coming. You must have a Beautiful Soul to be filled with words such as these. Hail Be'Elzabub40!!!!! Hail to All the Gods!!!!
  4. tiajra13

    Path To The Godhead - Checkpoints & Evil

    There is sssooooo very much to learn, and so much knowledge and Wisdom found within the JoS that it is difficult to try and organize a Plan that you can actually follow a schedule. While on my Path, I would start researching one topic I wanted to learn about. But each topic has many coordinating...
  5. tiajra13

    Hello new here and need some helpful advice about stopping Archons and the Demiurge

    Hon, I was going to add a little bit about Aggob Keteron -Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah and his Servitor son Jesus. But I happen to believe they all existed. And the official belief in JoS is that they are Thoughtforms. Although I believe they existed, I don't believe the truth of any of their true...
  6. tiajra13

    Happy Yule 2024 + Schedule for Father Satanas Dec 21-23

    Happy Yule, Family! May the Gods Bless each and every one of us with Love and Wisdom!..... Thank you High Priestess Lydia for pulling us all together to share and participate in these Rituals! You are truly the Heart and glue of our Satanic Family. Hail Satanas!!!! Hail all our Gods of Hell!!!
  7. tiajra13

    Enki of Eridu, Lord of The Earth

    Beautiful use of words! This touched my Soul and I am moved by the light that shines forth from this creative endeavor. Thank you for sharing this! My favorite story is "The Lost Book of Enki" by Zacheria Sitchin. Yes, He is a lying Jew and takes creative license in the disinformation he...
  8. tiajra13

    Re-examining the core principles of JoS

    Also, there are many different videos on Enki that can be found on YouTube. One version that has some differences from the book is in 4 parts. They can be found with "SEARCH" words: Anunnaki 1, Anunnaki 2, Anunnaki 3, and Anunnaki 4. Hail Satanas!!!!
  9. tiajra13

    Re-examining the core principles of JoS

    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My response: On the MAIN page of Joy of Satanas...
  10. tiajra13

    #71175 I don't want!!!...

    The following is from the FAQ's section in Joy of Satanas segment about doing the Dedication Ritual to Satan. Question: I am underage, living in a Christian home, and my parents force me to go to church and participate in Christian sacraments. Can I still do the dedication? Will Satan be...
  11. tiajra13

    #35416 Does anyone know what this is?

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Pagan666, this was a well-thought out and well-supported response. The possible remedies you outlined, provided enough options that are fully in line with our beliefs and practices...
  12. tiajra13

    Re-examining the core principles of JoS

    There was no need to be so harsh. I gave disclaimers, but I believe in the probability that this book depicts our history with the Gods......And if it's bullshit, why do you believe in Enlil's existence? Do you prescribe to the book's teaching that Enlil and Enki are Anunnaki aliens? but believe...
  13. tiajra13

    Re-examining the core principles of JoS

    This response is going to be lengthy and I won't presume that you will see the History of Earth as I see it from what I felt was an accurate telling of the Truth of our Origins. I would like to recommend that you read a copy of a book authored by Zecharia Sitchin in 2002 titled "The Lost Book of...
  14. tiajra13

    6 Months of JoS - to Clergy and to Members

    I absolutely LOVED this testamonial!!!! Some of the things you have experienced--by you describing them, I realize I have to. Just didn't realize the implications of what I was reacting to. We are so proud of your efforts and proud to have you as a member of our Satanic...
  15. tiajra13

    2025 SS Calendars

    Thank you JG ThomasSS and everyone who worked on the calendar! A great big thank you to all of those wonderful translators! I especially want to Thank High Priestess Lydia---you really Shine in this project. Hail Satanas!!!
  16. tiajra13

    Janus Ritual - Now until Nov 12

    You are a shining Light!!!! Hail Satanas!!!
  17. tiajra13

    New God Rituals: Nepthys & Sekhmet NOW LIVE [Nov 17 to Nov 23]

    JG Karnonnos , JG Power of Justice, JG Naked Pluto, and Arcadia: The four of you make a fantastic Team! The information given about these two Goddesses was an example of SUPERB Research, Writing, and Editing! You all compliment and support the leadership of High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 and High...
  18. tiajra13

    Joy of Satanas Final Response: About “Jews”, “Hitler”, “National Socialism” & Politics

    Beautifully written, and with the resulting responses, it clarified perfectly. I am comforted by your open professing of your only belief system as being One with the Gods. You are such an advanced, and divinely inspired, soul that I have no hesitation in admitting that I Believe in the Gods, I...
  19. tiajra13

    Burning Karma; Working as a Family

    very inspirational High Priestess!!! I loved this sermon. Definitely the most precious thing in existence!!!!! Loved this inspirational response from you, also, High Priest!!! Hail Satanas!!!!
  20. tiajra13

    Karma & Working Manifestation

    thank you for the sermon High Priest. It answered some questions I've had. You always seem to have the timing down for what we need to hear at the time we need to hear it. May the Gods bless you and keep you safe. Hail Satanas!!! Hail High Priest Hooded Cobra 666!!!!
  21. tiajra13

    The Gods Will Never Give Up On You: Ups & Downs In Life

    Dear High Priest, you have no idea how desperately I needed this sermon today. I am a naturally optomistic Being of Light and Love. I usually carry a joy within my heart every day and I constantly share my joy and innate Love with the Gods. However, yesterday my husband said something to me that...
  22. tiajra13

    About Prisoners To Negativity - Empathy, Modern World & Mental Health

    Beautiful sermon, High Priest!!!!! I say, give me Utopia! I like LIFE when I'm happy. Hail Satanas!!!
  23. tiajra13

    Handling Andrapods: About People That Try To Stop Your Evolution

    From link for IX: Andropoda Ethics: "The Word Andrapoda is the term that was used by Ancient Greek philosophers to describe humans at a consciousness and behavior level equal to or lesser than that of an animal." A goyim!!! Hail Satanas!!!
  24. tiajra13

    New God Rituals: Raum & Asclepius

    Excellent!!! Thank you HPHC for your non-ceasing work on behalf of the JoS!!! Hail Satanas!!!!!
  25. tiajra13

    Free Donor's Article: About Prayer To The Gods

    I have a very rich life with the Gods. They have never failed to answer me when I ask for guidance. Yes, they give me short and succinct answers instead of long lecture-type answers, But I always get an answer. I haven't advanced far enough to "see" the Gods, but I hear them plain as day. And...
  26. tiajra13

    Actual Self Love: Drugs & Addictions - Fixing One's Self

    Thank you HPs Lydia, I used to do Qigong but just forgot for the last few months. And you're right, I've started feeling lousy. Thank you for the reminder. Hail Satanas!!!
  27. tiajra13

    Actual Self Love: Drugs & Addictions - Fixing One's Self

    Bravo for YOU! Although you are very young (compared to my over 60yrs) you are endowed with a great maturity and Wisdom, already! Keep on the Path. I expect great things from you as you bypass some of us as you go. Dear High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, The above were some of the most potent and...
  28. tiajra13

    Autumn Equinox 2024

    Another Great Sermon, HPs Lydia!! Interesting about balancing the brain, too! I plan on trying that one! Happy Mabon Satanic Family!!! Hail Satanas!!
  29. tiajra13

    Life's Difficulties & Spiritual Satanism

    Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra!!!! This was what I wanted to hear. For the person in the above quote, I wish upon him the Wisdom to know and appreciate True Love when it happens. The above situation was an extremely difficult lesson to learn. But growth will come out of it. Love waits for...
  30. tiajra13

    About Our SS Who Are In Retirement Age

    Loved this post, HPHC!! I am of retirement age and the love I have for the Gods just keeps getting stronger and stronger. I no longer walk alone. I walk the Path with the Gods! Hail Satanas!!!!
  31. tiajra13

    Healing the Emotional Body (for men too, don’t disregard this)

    Great sermon, HPs Lydia! You laid out your working in an easy-to-understand format. And included a general sense of cohesion in your introduction and closure, with really valid examples you shared, and a twist of humor. The part I quoted was a little strongly worded for my sensibilities. It was...
  32. tiajra13

    Lovely. Inspire

    Lovely. Inspire
  33. tiajra13

    My interesting experience with Lord Zepar's ritual

    Amazing experience. And the artwork is beautiful and even more special because it came from your heart. Hail Satanas!!!!
  34. tiajra13

    Unite in the Shadows: A Call to the Chosen Ones

    You will find that Ancient-Forums and the Joy of Satanas are the only places you will ever find the Truth and True Spiritual Satanism. No other community enjoys the true fellowship of the Gods. Join us instead. You will find our community to be the Best there is!!! Hail Satanas!!!!
  35. tiajra13

    3 New Rituals: Heroic Ancestors Ritual, Zepar [Zephyros] & Ose [Eos] Rituals

    Thank you Afodo. appreciate the info. Hail Satanas!!!!
  36. tiajra13

    3 New Rituals: Heroic Ancestors Ritual, Zepar [Zephyros] & Ose [Eos] Rituals

    "Learning Ancient Greek for Beginners".....shouldn't have been the word Greece. As above
  37. tiajra13

    3 New Rituals: Heroic Ancestors Ritual, Zepar [Zephyros] & Ose [Eos] Rituals

    Thank you Divine666. I wasn't sure which one you were talking about, but I found one that the picture (or trailor) is of an open book, an old book with yellowed pages, called "Learn Ancient Greek" ( and the man is older and has kinda curly hair up top (you don't see him on trailor, just after...
  38. tiajra13

    3 New Rituals: Heroic Ancestors Ritual, Zepar [Zephyros] & Ose [Eos] Rituals

    HPHC, I believe in you as fully and completely as I believe and Trust in the Gods!! You are unique and definitely the correct choice to lead the world on this Path to Enlightenment. Whatever impediments and trials you face in ushering in Father Satanas' era, I trust you to prevail in your...
  39. tiajra13

    Satan & Beelzebul - Two As One

    HPHC, I agree. This sermon is a masterpiece. I have read it several times, and I keep picking up little nuances that have tremendous meaning. Thank you for bestowing this information upon us. Hail Satan!!! Hail Baalzebul!!!!
  40. tiajra13

    Satan & Beelzebul - Two As One

    I would like to put forth that Imhotep be placed on the list to be considered for placement in the JoS hierarchy. Hail Satan!!! Hail Baalzebul!!!
  41. tiajra13

    Agares [Argus Panoptes] Power Ritual

    Thank you HPHC. I did this ritual and it resonated within me. Hail Satan!!!!
  42. tiajra13

    Spiritual Satanism & Enemy "Religions": Here Answers Will Always Arrive

    The above quote is the most beautiful truth that I have found solace in. Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra 666. Thought provoking sermon. Hail Satan!!!!
  43. tiajra13

    Serenity Or Self-Suffering?

    I have had unrealistic expectations of my husband lately. I wanted more attention than he has available time to give me. I was at the point, that I wanted him to show me that I am most important in his life and therefore that I come first. This was not only selfish, it was making me miserable. I...
  44. tiajra13

    When To Give Help & On "Helping Others"

    I agree. (Wonderful sermon, by the way), However, don't forget that once you are firmly established in yourself,,,, you can't just relax and quit practicing Spiritual Satanism. No one is so far advanced that they no longer need to practice what they want to preach. We all need to stay on the...
  45. tiajra13

    When To Give Help & On "Helping Others"

    Ask the person what he's willing to do for himself that shows you if its worth your time and energy to help them to help themselves. The saddest thing is when a person truly needs help, is worthy of the help, yet the key person in their life refuses ANY help especially due to the key person's...
  46. tiajra13

    Song about SATAN NEW VERSION

    Absolutely Beautiful! I LOVE it!!!!! Hail Satan!!!
  47. tiajra13

    How To Advance Faster: Example of Cleaning The Soul

    Excellent information, HPHC. I was wondering why I sometimes get eyelid twitches. Thank you for clearing that up. Hail Satan!!!
  48. tiajra13

    When Do You Truly Become A Spiritual Satanist?

    Beautiful sermon. And so eloquently put. I am a Spiritual Satanist. Hail Satan!!!
  49. tiajra13

    Mentorship & Knowing To Teach

    Thank you for the sermon HPHC. I believe you were able to get your point across very well. I enjoyed it. Hail Satan!!!
  50. tiajra13

    Obsessions: Detach, Sublimate, Manage

    I like the way you put this. Never thought about it like that. So that's what freeing the Soul workings are good for! Thank you My favorite thing to do. Research. Especially researching all the information in JoS and the forums. I'm glad you added this suggestion. I liked this sermon. You did...
  51. tiajra13

    About the Bottomless Pit Of Stupidity: Do NOT Get In

    This is so very profound and simply STEEPED in Wisdom. When you finally understand existence, you understand that LIFE is meant to be lived to the fullest in the pursuit of Happiness. And advancing Spiritually will bring ultimate happiness as your soul is replenished with Truth and knowledge and...
  52. tiajra13

    An Advice about Rituals

    Thank you for responding to me. I'll try focusing on that Shenhu sigil again. Maybe I just need to get used to them. Hail Satan!!!
  53. tiajra13

    Discussion On Runes - What Runes Do You Use and Why?

    This is an older post, and I just lucked into finding it. I found it very interesting. And it is motivating me to start working with Runes now. Thank you for your version of how it's done. It seems like something I can emulate. But anyways, thanks for setting me on this branch of my path. Hail...
  54. tiajra13

    An Advice about Rituals

    Thank you so much for sharing that piece of advice, Virael! it may seem like such a small obvious thing to do, but I honestly never thought of it on my own. Oh, and where in Satan's Library do I find the meanings of the Runes in simple format? Or is it Under Witchcraft section somewhere? Or...
  55. tiajra13

    Enemy Planning Update: About Things That Are To Come

    thank you HPHC666. Your sermon and all of the family's responses strengthen my faith in the safety of those under Satan's protection. Hail Satan!!!!
  56. tiajra13

    What is the number of virginity, is it the six or the 7?

    The previous response was to this quote
  57. tiajra13

    What is the number of virginity, is it the six or the 7?

    thank you everybody for the responses. it was quite enlightening and I remember that is how I heard about. however, many, many thanks to JG Naked Pluto who used the terminology that "virginity is a code word". That terminology hit me as being correct and pure as soon as I heard it. Thanks again...
  58. tiajra13


    Thank you so much for these new rituals. I especially related to the sigil for Alastor. It moved me. Hail Satan!!!
  59. tiajra13

    Bioeletricity abilityes

    In conjunction with the "Merging of Astral Consciousness" I would suggest you also be adept at "Directing Energy" as an alternative when you need to be discreet and quick with things like slot machines at casino's. you can find instructions on JoyofSatan.org, then choose the category...
  60. tiajra13

    What is the number of virginity, is it the six or the 7?

    okay family! now I'm confused about something small that I really thought I knew. I had the understanding that "spiritual purity" was only seen as being equivalent to the condition of virginity only when you believe intercourse "makes you sullied or dirty or impure"; ............. ...
  61. tiajra13

    Question #5306: is coffee good for you?

    I believe these were the two most accurate responses to your question. Meditate on it, and see what the Gods tell you as they can interpret the true meaning of what you are asking and advise if they know these are the answers you seek. ----------------------------------- The below is the entire...
  62. tiajra13

    Question #5364: I look normal but weigh a lot

    All of the above responses were accurate and really great responses. I say be proud of your weight and show it off as if to say "see, you can tell I'm not that fat. I got lucky in the gene pool and have very dense bones and dense muscles!" And let those who know your true weight, think about...
  63. tiajra13

    New Translation Method: Three-Layered Translation System

    Sonne, I don't do translations (not linguistic), but what you have created here is absolutely amazing! Even I can see the advantages and benefits. Keep up the good work. Keep up the innovations! Hail Satan!!!
  64. tiajra13

    A drawing of Hecate that I did at school

    Loved it. the raw talent is amazing. We look forward to more of your artistic endeavors. Hail Satan!!!!!
  65. tiajra13

    Grand Ritual

    . It's only for this very specific life and death situation that the enemy is bringing us in. It's the price they will pay for their attacks against the Gods and Humanity. Per the prayer intro, it says the above about it being for this specific situation. Since it's immediate, I would infer we...
  66. tiajra13

    The chain in my soul

    I have a suggestion for you. go to https://www.joyofsatan.org/ and choose the category "Meditations", then on next page, click the last link that says "Power Meditations". Then on next page, scroll down the first column that is labeled "Beginning". Keep scrolling down to the links says "...
  67. tiajra13

    I would like everyone here to know that I just dedicated my soul to Satan

    Welcome to the JoS family!!! And congratulations! Once you find Satan, You will never go back. You are enlightened now. Awake!!!! Upward and onward! Hail Satan!!!
  68. tiajra13

    Thieves, Slanderers and Traitors: A Warning

    Persephone, I couldn't have said it better. it's a blatant betrayal of Satan and the God's. Betrayal is worse than a non-believer. I know they'll get what's coming to them. Hail Satan!!!
  69. tiajra13

    The Ranks Of Humans, Demons & Gods

    Interesting post HPHC. I like the new names of ranks. There are no connotations of Jewishness in them, with the exception of Demons, and of course we are reclaiming that as a rank. I appreciate your diligent work on this topic and your creativity in determining the best nomenclature to utilize...
  70. tiajra13

    First Official JOS Marriage

    Congratulations! May you have a lifetime of happiness and love!! Hail Satan!!!
  71. tiajra13

    What Is The Point Of The Dedication Ritual?

    I "accidentally" found JoS. But I fully embraced this religion. I had always had faith in "MY God" but I always knew he wasn't that mean, evil god of the xtians. I was delighted to finally find out that "MY God" 's name was Satan. I was happy to do the Dedication Ritual almost immediately...
  72. tiajra13

    Ethics, Closeness to the Gods & Enemy Attacks

    Part of advancing your Soul is helping to advance humanity. We need to live an ethical life in order to be role models who are preparing for the time when "Evil will no longer be necessary". "Monkey See, Monkey Do!" Hail Satan!!!
  73. tiajra13

    Why Are There Ethics In Spiritual Satanism?

    Eloquent sermon!!! I can't wait to see the day when "Evil will no longer be necessary in this world". You paint vivid pictures with your words, High Priest Hooded Cobra 666. Hail Satan!!!!
  74. tiajra13

    Deciding to embark on your Soul’s Path to Spiritual Enlightenment

    Deciding to embark on your Soul’s Path to Spiritual Enlightenment The target audience for this post is for those who are New and those considering becoming a Spiritual Satanist. I sincerely Welcome you to the JoS Family (JoyofSatan). You are now in a period of discovery, of revelation...
  75. tiajra13

    Dating: Lies Told to Men [part 1]

    Thank you High Priestess Lydia. This was an excellent post. In marriage you do have a sense of belonging. But it takes work to keep growing and advancing. It is all too easy to give up and divorces are too common place. Love is worth fighting for. A marriage shouldn't be broken "over random...
  76. tiajra13

    The Recycle Bin Of Life & Excuses

    I was always too lazy to take care of myself and always put off what I could have done. I was really dead also because besides not meditating, I didn't do anything to live my life (because I was too lazy to do it). (quote from SeguaceDiSatana) ---------------------------------------------...
  77. tiajra13

    Accepting Lack Of Knowledge: To Not Spread Confusion

    I enjoyed this thought provoking sermon. And I totally agree with the quote I used from VanceViktori888. We will forever be students learning in this lifetime. It is impossible for one person to contain all the knowledge about all topics even after a lifetime of learning. There will always be...
  78. tiajra13

    I, the rest and opposition

    Beautiful topic post by Draconi666 and beautiful posts by everyone who responded. That’s community and brotherhood. We’re all learning. And I am so happy to have found so many willing teachers in this one short thread of posts. Keep it up brothers and sisters. I enjoyed the topic post and the...
  79. tiajra13

    Extreme Importance of Walking The Path and Meditation for Newer Brothers and Sisters

    I agree, beautiful post. Heartfelt education. I have been meditating for 50 years. It is a natural state of mind for me. Just keep meditating. It really works. I speak to the Gods on a regular basis. I couldn’t imagine what life would be like without the guidance of the Gods. It’s a beautiful...
  80. tiajra13

    How Dedicated Are You?

    Thank you for “reviving” this older post and thus bringing it to my attention. The sermon was eloquent and right on the nose. And the education that JG Voice of Enki submitted was affirmation that education is the ultimate goal for everyone, in JoS. Hail Satan!,,
  81. tiajra13

    Question #5067: Dedication Ritual

    Satan does not push himself on anyone. Satan does not punish you if you reject him. However, if you wish to dedicate your soul to Satan, you will forever be under his and the Gods protection. There is no rush to dedicate. Only do so when you’re ready. And as you read more on the JoyofSatan.org...
  82. tiajra13

    Question #5071: Need answers please

    An option for the panic attacks, (flashbacks?) look into EMDR therapy. (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing.) It helped me get over PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) from a similar, but physically abusive, cult situation. And it was resolved in just 5 months of therapy for...
  83. tiajra13

    Short promo video and picture

    Awesome!, My favorite is intro 3 and the picture in orange. It is edgy. Look forward to seeing some of this in the public realm (if it becomes officially accepted)
  84. tiajra13

    About Violence & Conversion Of "People" To "God"

    I am a warrior in Satans Army. I fight the true way with Spiritual warfare. However, if the day ever comes where we physically engage in warfare against the Jews, I will stand by my SS brothers and sisters to do whatever we are called upon to do. I hope we don’t see the world come to this within...
  85. tiajra13

    Babies, Lies Told to Women

    First, let me say, HPS Lydia this was one of your very best sermons. And most of the responses indicate that the topic was needed and well-received. Secondly, I raised my two children within "a village" of relatives and family friends. I was a single mother but knew my children needed to learn...
  86. tiajra13

    For Our People: The Joy of Satan

    Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 for the heartwarming sermon and the highest levels of Wisdom you share with us. It made me proud to be a member of this family of such advanced Souls and such a high caliber of people who have embraced the responsibilities inherent in growing and sustaining...
  87. tiajra13

    About The Name "Satan" & The General Public

    Oh my,..........dearest High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, This was one of your best sermons yet! The allegories you used were perfect for the message. The pictures that your words painted, made for inspired content!!! I am willing to admit that I called our True God by the name of Father Enki for...
  88. tiajra13

    Question #4787: Pregnancy

    Honey I'm going to answer this for the sole purpose of you being able to judge how the world has changed, however, my most recent pregnancy was 42 years ago! I remember getting horrible cramps in my calves. My doctor back then had me eat more bananas because mine was caused by low potassium...
  89. tiajra13

    Very Demonic Artworks

    I love it!!! you are truly a creative Soul who knows how to give pleasure thru your art. Hail Satan!!!
  90. tiajra13

    Spiritual Satanism: An Aristocratic Religion

    Thank you for the suggestions. I haven't attempted any "squares" so I'll be sure and fit this into my study itinerary as soon as possible. Hail Satan!!!
  91. tiajra13

    Spiritual Satanism: An Aristocratic Religion

    As Naked Pluto said, this was exceptionally Direct Wisdom!!!!! I have been diligently dedicated to studying the information on the JoS website with the intention of advancing my soul. However, the last two days, I have been spending more of my time on improving my physical looks (which I had...
  92. tiajra13

    Blue Baphomet - sculpture by DarkAries

    I think it shows the promise of talent. It's an interesting piece. can't wait to see how your talent evolves. Thank you for sharing. Hail Satan!
  93. tiajra13

    Doubt & Disbelief: Spiritual Satanism

    Dear HPHC666, Thank you for that enlightened sermon. I must admit that I only found JoS website in December 2023 (just 5 months ago). But I have been following my own beliefs for 50 yrs and that belief was described over and over again in JoS. Imagine my incredulity to recognize that MY GOD's...
  94. tiajra13

    Marriage & Baptism in Spiritual Satanism: About Love

    Dear High Priest Hooded Cobra666, This was such a beautiful sermon and the fortuitous timing of the message really hit home and made me very emotional. I have been married to my True Love for 17 years. Although I lived in Bliss, I did not keep the flame burning for him. I "ASSUMED" he knew how...
  95. tiajra13

    Astarte's Ethics: Now Live

    These virtues were awe-inspiring, beautiful, and incredibly profound. Thank you HPHC for bringing them to the light. They filled my Soul with Joy at the perfection of the words used to describe Her. Hail Astarte!!!! Hail Father Satan!!!!
  96. tiajra13

    Experiences With The Gods: Levels of Experiences

    Dear HP Hooded Cobra, I hesitate to reveal my experience as everyone else should have their own experience and not try to force an experience such as mine. Yet, I feel that you are needing specific information for a reason that comes from a higher calling. I do not require anyone's confirmation...
  97. tiajra13

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    HPS Lydia, thank you so much for explain “direct message” to me. However I can,t locate the words “Start Conversation”. Someone else posted they don’t have this ability due to being a new member. I am also a new member. So is that what is happening? I gave my new email address anyways. I just...
  98. tiajra13

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    Thank you to serpentskirt for your suggestion. Naked Pluto, I have also just created a proton mail account. It’s [email protected] Hail Satan!
  99. tiajra13

    Happy New Satanic Year: 2024

    Awesome! Hail Satan!
  100. tiajra13

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    Naked Pluto JG, I don’t understand what the verbiage “direct message” means unless you’re asking for an email from me. The only email address I know is “ApolloAboveatprotonmail.com” and I’m not even positive I have that one correct. I don’t see an email address for you, so there must be some...
  101. tiajra13

    Death & Funerary Rites In Spiritual Satanism

    HPHC, wonderful sermon. I am looking forward to reading the new material. Fascinating topic. Hail Satan!
  102. tiajra13

    A Message To Cobra

    To The Bloom of Darkness, You said it so well and your words express my sentiments exactly, also. Thank you for having the courage and initiative to express yourself. You show great insightfulness. To HP Hooded Cobra, I will let these words speak for me also as they encompass my reverence...
  103. tiajra13

    A pattern in successful books. Useful?

    Dearest. Big Dipper, I am not much help as I haven’t delved into astrology as deeply as you have. But I wanted to thank you for sharing your observations as I believe you have found a key for success. I have no desire to be an author, so I wish you great success in your endeavors. I just...
  104. tiajra13

    Let Us Save The Goddamn World!

    Truly motivating HPHC! I am willing and able to do my part! Let’s save the fucking world! Hail Satan!
  105. tiajra13

    Zarathustra's Wheel.

    I have read this sermon numerous times because it is so deeply inspirational. The most beautiful words I have ever read. Thank you HPHC for touching my soul with these words. I will strive to hold the wheel. Hail Satan!
  106. tiajra13

    Impressive profile. I love it!

    Impressive profile. I love it!
  107. tiajra13

    Fair Treatment Of Knowledge

    Afodo, I respect your opinion and I have to admit the way you support your reasoning could work. I still have doubts about the way “levels” will work. I hope you keep providing your insight to the forums so that we can all embrace this change if it happens. Thank you for clearing the way so that...
  108. tiajra13

    Fair Treatment Of Knowledge

    Also, the purpose of the JoS is to share truth and knowledge with all SS. I do not believe there should be segregation of the forums because then newbies would be deprived of the knowledge from more advanced members. We rely on the rest of the family for different levels of knowledge. Some the...
  109. tiajra13

    Fair Treatment Of Knowledge

    I apologize if I have offended anyone. I just feel strongly that that the JoS clergy cannot be responsible for misuse and abuse of information. And I do not believe the information should be regulated so as to make conformity when this is an individuals path. Hail Satan!
  110. tiajra13

    Fair Treatment Of Knowledge

    Dear HP Hooded Cobra 666, I respectfully ask you to fully consider what it would entail to test members qualifications for levels.....every member has their own unique path to follow. You can’t pigeonhole them into levels. Some will skip levels and others will branch out sideways. You have said...
  111. tiajra13

    How does one perform the Gods Rituals more efficiently?

    Thank you E veryone! I was vibrating too long also, I see
  112. tiajra13

    Ave Astarte (I)

    This was lovely!
  113. tiajra13

    Astarte: Eternal Queen and Mother / Spring Equinox

    HPs Lydia, thank you. This was a beautiful sermon. It hit home. Hail Satan! Hail All the Gods!
  114. tiajra13

    Changing The Course Of Life With Magick As A Spiritual Satanist

    I also was led to your previous sermon on “Magick, meditation, and your Destiny”. I enjoyed that one also. I think Imight need to study more before “jumping in with both feet” so that I fully understand the actions needed with Magick. Thank you for being a beacon of light on this topic. Hail...
  115. tiajra13

    Changing The Course Of Life With Magick As A Spiritual Satanist

    thank you HPHC, as a newbie, I’ve been doing the breathing, chakras, meditations, and some of the RTR stuff. I was just thinking I needed to dip a toe in the water by studying a little on Magick. Your timing is impeccable. Now I have a more realistic expectation of what Ineed to put into it. I’m...
  116. tiajra13

    Ritual Schedule Feb 29 to March 15

    Quit complaining.it is your duty Goldenxchild1......your post tickled me pink. You are so special that Lord Andras singled you out because he knew you would pass on his message to our family. It was indeed something I needed to hear as I also like to take the easy way out when I’m tired. May...
  117. tiajra13

    Obsessing Over Physical Looks; Personality

    Lovely sermon. You got to the heart of some problems I’ve seen with our young and old. Thank you. Hail Satan!! Hail All the Gods! Bless HPs Lydia for her insight!
  118. tiajra13

    Problems in anyway? Call Me At :(+1)666-COBRA'S-FAULT

    HIgh Priest Hooded Cobra, you are beloved to us all and your soul shines so brilliantly that it’s hard to fathom your coming under attack like this. I thank you for the dedication it requires to put up with bullshit like this. I personally am extremely grateful for everything you do for us...
  119. tiajra13

    Free Donor Article: My Mission & The Great Dragon Of The Joy of Satan

    As usual, a beautiful sermon, HPHC. It was very uplifting.
  120. tiajra13

    Lord Valerefontis Art

    How beautiful! Definitely talented!
  121. tiajra13

    Staying Focused On The Gods

    Loved this sermon HPHC! As usual you have the oratory gift of words that clarify our beliefs. Much love to you brother! Hail Father Satan! Hail all of the Gods!
  122. tiajra13

    The Stance Of The Joy of Satan: Towards the so called "Jews"

    Excellent sermon, High Priest Hooded Cobra. 666. You were put in place by the Gods to be a leader in this movement because you could see the conspiracy. And you had the knowledge and abilities to teach this to the world. I stand beside you in this war. Hail Satan! Hail All the Gods! Love and...
  123. tiajra13

    A Note About Psychiatric Drugs

    Have any of you read a book authored by Bessel Van der Kolk MD called "The Body keeps the Score"? This in-depth, medical based, hard to read book explains EXACTLY what stages your body goes through as you actually lose brain function in the four parts of your brain from mental illness. It...
  124. tiajra13

    Bonds Of True Friendship - Joy of Satan

    Hail Satan! Hail All the Gods, I have kept my spiritual beliefs to myself all my life. But I never could find a belief system or religion that even closely resembled my own unique belief system, which has been cemented in my soul with astral travel for morethan 50 years. When I “stumbled” upon...
  125. tiajra13

    Thoth's Power Ritual: NOW LIVE!!! [Jan 28th to Feb 5th 2024]

    Thank you HIgh Priest Hooded Cobra 666. When trying to access the modern link, it takes me to a JoSRituals page, but the only thing on it is the title and that it should take an avg of 25 minutes. I tried clicking on everything but nada. What’s the secret for viewing this.
  126. tiajra13


    Both AryanPriest666 and HIgh Priest Hooded Cobra 666, I rhank you both for each sermon. They were impactful sermons and both captured the exact ways I have always believed. I am proud of my decision to dedicate my soul to the path of Spiritual Satanism. Hail Father Satan! Hail All the Gods! I...
  127. tiajra13

    Spiritual Satanism: The True Religion That Is Pro Humanity

    HP HC, Thank you so much for the enlightenment. I just stumbled onto this website and I haven’t been able to tear myself away from reading everything all day.finally I found the way of life that resonates with my soul and encompasses everyone of my beliefs. I can’t thank you enough for your...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
