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  1. AFODO

    Satan spoke to me

    You are on the right track here. Keep learning and you'll see.
  2. AFODO

    Elon Musk is back to business

    This is the same when jews say they are Satanists
  3. AFODO

    A sign..?

    Yes, Ravens are one of the animals of Satan.
  4. AFODO

    The expecation of love

    This is not bad though. It looks like this is just your personality as of right now, maybe you'll change and settle with someone.
  5. AFODO

    Other #76132 tiktok

    The problem with it is that it reduces your attention span, and often just a waste of time. Yes it's better to do something more productive instead.
  6. AFODO

    Workings #76003 İs there any working like Munka to reduce influence of Saturn?

    Yes. Is your Saturn in your 8th house gives bad wealth karma? Yes. Are you doing a munka working to obliterate bad wealth karma? Yes. So?
  7. AFODO

    The Situation With European Politics

    Well the mi hazánk is a pretty good party but I may have had exaggerated a bit, it's not as good as the NSDAP. In Poland there is a openly anti-jew politican, Grzegorz Braun. He said that jews' time in history must came to an end. The reality is that there will only be godly beings that could...
  8. AFODO

    SS And Veganism

    No, the Gods are not responsible for ever other thought in your mind, Meat is very healthy and necessary, especially unprocessed, and beef.
  9. AFODO

    European Politics - There Is Hope

    Polish anti-jew politican, Grzegorz Braun: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grzegorz_Braun
  10. AFODO

    Tenets, commandments and etc?

    Read the site and you'll know, especially the Satanic ethnics page.
  11. AFODO

    Other #76073 Coinflip divination

    No for most people. Divination is an advanced thing.
  12. AFODO

    Workings #76086 AoP Question

    Yes. You can do it forever or for cycles. The best if you do them for at least 1 year.
  13. AFODO

    Other #76089 I believe serious enemy attack

    Because Eihwaz is not a protecting rune, why are you using that for AoP? Never ever seen anyone using that for AoP. Use Algiz, Sowilo, Tiwaz, Thurisaz, some combination of these, for AoP.
  14. AFODO

    Other #76079 help with technology addiction

    You have to fight and that's it. Put it down and meditate.
  15. AFODO

    Relationships #76080 Mixing and reproduction

    Mmix with someone from other race, obviously.
  16. AFODO

    Sexuality #76083 Tantric sex

    Kama sutra.
  17. AFODO

    My Testimony of being SS. THANK YOU FATHER SATAN!!

    Love to hear success stories, I hope all SS will be successful in life.
  18. AFODO

    The hexagramaton

    This is not what that means. It means everyone has their own problems to solve and etc, but the tools and so on should be the same, this is enemy magic presented here. You don't understand, they use sigils that connects you to enemy entities, this is the worst thing that can happen to you...
  19. AFODO

    #76044 [I can be spiritual when I'm in an Arab country] استطيع اكون روحاني وانا في بلاد عربيه

    https://josarabia.org/ You don't need ritual tools, it is stated on the website that ritual props are not important.
  20. AFODO

    The hexagramaton

    No it's enemy bullshit. It has sigils in it with hebrew letters. This is enemy ilk.
  21. AFODO

    Is there a case gods ever get mad or angry at a believer?

    Being firm is not being angry, being firm means caring. They will only get "angry" at someone when they have done multiple unheard-of crimes.
  22. AFODO

    I gifted my friend Mein Kampf

    Get him the table talk and the Gobbels diaries next time.
  23. AFODO

    Is Elon actually a Jew slave or just a good politician?

    AfD have been infiltrated, it's a Jewish party. As well as Trump's party is. Grok (elon's ai) said that elon is a jew and twitter documents have been leaked that Elon is an askhenazi. Moreover elon is married to a jew, with multiple jewish kid. elon musk is a jew and that's it.
  24. AFODO

    Musk Zionist

    SS marschiert in Feindesland...
  25. AFODO


    Hello, first of all please don't share pictures of yourself, your profile picture should be changed if it's you. I have had entities trying to rape me, although it could have been my imagination as well as yours. This can happen because of a sleep paralysis, where you are half asleep and half...
  26. AFODO

    Enemy Attack

    I would do some detaching working, with Munka for example. Your affirmation can be something like "I'm now detached from every malicious and jewish energy/force in the most beneficial way for me". I do not think this one thing would have such a big influence but if it resist you can also clean...
  27. AFODO

    Relationships #76037 Gypsies friends

    If they don't have a Jewish soul, than it's fine. Not every brown skinned is a gypsy. When you get more advanced you will be able to feel who is a jew and who is not, for now, try to avoid any serious friendship with them. If they act like gypsies, and they very bluntly look like gypsies, than...
  28. AFODO

    Life sucks

    What makes you think that they are a Jew? If you love the Gods and you are able to perform the God rituals than you are not a Jew.
  29. AFODO

    Video Game Recommendations

    Interestingly I never enjoyed playing games, but watching content of them. I heard that Notch is an anti-semite? Lol. Sadly Minecraft is not his anymore.
  30. AFODO

    Lord Janus

    Wow, that's very impressive. We have so much great artists here.
  31. AFODO


    Ancient Greek can offer you a lot. It's not just a holy language of the Gods but also have rich literature, like some very high level spiritual literature.
  32. AFODO

    Other #75993 Occultism in Nazi Germany

  33. AFODO

    Other #75999 I'm so desperate, hopeless.

    One have to be really really careful to not expose their identity. Well this is a complicated situation but I can give a general advice: Ask help from the Gods, and do whatever it takes to do to take your stuff back and ease up the situation with your relatives. Best if you can perform the...
  34. AFODO

    Other #75994 Race question

    You are White, and you can mate with Whites. And not all gypsies are jews, mostly because people confuse brown people with gypsies. One can look like a gypsy by having some Arabic / Indian blood but they are not jews. I also have examples from my family where one ancestor is brown but in 2...
  35. AFODO

    Other #75998 any community groups?

    This is it, https://ancient-forums.com/
  36. AFODO

    The Lords (Beelzebub)🤘🏻

    Baalzebul would not push someone to the wall, they don't waste energy on these things. You can, just use our methods. The God rituals are better although as a beginner, use only 1 or 3 vibration per rune. https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/beelzebul-power-ritual.html You should not have fear...
  37. AFODO

    The Gods #75987 How many gods

    There is probably trillions. There is multiple civilizations of the Gods, multiple planetary systems and so on. We know that Orion is the main place of the Gods and it has like 200 stars, with multiple planets by stars. And they are not limited by Orion alone, Earth is very far away from it and...
  38. AFODO

    Advice for young men

    I mostly agree. This also have to do with porn and the electronic world. One have to be careful with skin cosmetic products and with anything that you put on your skin. Most of them have a ton of chemicals that causes skin diseases, cancer, and overall unhealthy for your whole body as your...
  39. AFODO

    How did he know?

    @FancyMancy you are arguing about Trump's ear like it matters something. It really doesn't.
  40. AFODO

    Literature and novels for an SS?

    Thank you for this list, I hope others can contribute to this also.
  41. AFODO

    how do I expose the truth to my "friend"?

    Yes. No. It looks like that she is quite ready for out website. Just explain her where the name Satan comes from and so on. Tell her that we are following the essence of pagan religions, and we worship pagan Gods. Just tell her that you found this site and you have been learning a lot about...
  42. AFODO

    Post Dedication Ritual

    I didn't felt anything either, don't worry, you ritual way successful. You need to become spiritually open in order to receive anything spiritual.
  43. AFODO

    Concerned, feeling kind of lost.

    I would ask Valefor to help your wife.
  44. AFODO

    how do I expose the truth to my "friend"?

    Don't suspect everyone to be a jew. It's called a spell. You are doing great and exactly as you should. Don't share deeper secretes yet. Talk about paganism to her and how this was labeled as Satanic by Christianity, and about the inquisition that Christians destroyed everything and everyone...
  45. AFODO

    Other #75941 Curse an old female

    It's not a good time to do revenge spells now, as Mars is in Retrograde. When Mars turns into direct motion, you can do a spell on the closest good date for this (see the calendar for these infos) Although I would also think about a binding spell rather. It looks like that this woman is a...
  46. AFODO

    Gods and Satans

    I would advise you to read HPHC's sermons to understand these things, because you don't.
  47. AFODO

    #75943 Jews and other toxic people spread rumors, harming my career and personal life.

    Do a binding spell on them with ISA rune. https://satanisgod.org/Binding_Spell.html Ignore the material side of this ritual, you can just vibrate, affirm, and visualize the outcome. You don't need those material items. You should do this for at least half a year. 33x vibration is a good amount...
  48. AFODO

    Health #75939 TCM question, verification

    This relates to Satanism, although not many of us is knowledgeable in TMC. I know JG Blitzkreig know some, but our most knowledgeable doctor is @Centralforce666 Although you are right that the he will receive more replies and information in a TMC forum.
  49. AFODO

    Astrology #75948 Astrology

    For me the website works fine. Maybe try another browser?
  50. AFODO

    The Gods #75947 Will the gods protect me?

    You can do Marbas, and Orobas's ritual for protection. They just won't be able to hurt you.
  51. AFODO

    Workings #75950 Ideal next date for love working?

    January 13, on Esbath.
  52. AFODO

    Workings #75954 emotions

    With anger you can destroy and damage. But to be more exact, you should only use anger in black magic. Don't use it for cleaning, empowerment, protection, freeing or anything alike. You can use anger in RTRs, and black magic.
  53. AFODO

    Other #75953 reincarnation.

    Yes it does relate very much. They would like to see us growing out from and overcoming these problems and barriers, this directly evolves us. Such problems in one's life is not just necessary but also unavoidable, it's impossible for someone to have a "perfect life". And to be honest, having no...
  54. AFODO

    The Gods #75952 I wish to work for Satan

    You can work for Satan by working for the JoS (participate in projects, donate, being active on the forums, ...), by doing the rituals ( https://josrituals.org/ ), and by advancing yourself (meditations, yoga..)
  55. AFODO

    Fight for Spiritual Satanism

  56. AFODO

    The Gods #75926 Lilit sigil

    Oh and I forgot this: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/new-god-rituals-live-lilith-anubis-furfur.96323/
  57. AFODO

    The Gods #75926 Lilit sigil

    Don't meditate on sigils you find on the web, they are often not accurate, especially in case of Lilith, that sigil is completely fake. You can do Her ritual / use the ritual sigil as her sigil. https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/lilith-power-ritual.html Although take in serious consideration...
  58. AFODO

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    https://ancient-forums.com/threads/succubi-incubi-cowardly-bunk.93101/ https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-taking-oaths-promises-to-the-gods-succubi-incubi.76434/
  59. AFODO

    Meditations #75916 Music repeating in my head

    It could be radio signals and such. Do Aura of Protection, and if the problem persists, program your aura that radio signals can't affect you unless you intentionally want them to.
  60. AFODO

    Other #75862 Indian immigration to USA,Canada

    Hmmm https://h1bdata.info/index.php?em=x+corp&job=&city=&year=2024 https://h1bdata.info/index.php?em=tesla+inc&job=&city=&year=2024 https://h1bdata.info/index.php?em=neuralink+corporation&job=&city=&year=2024 . . . https://h1bdata.info/index.php?em=meta&job=&city=&year=2024 And so on. So cheap...
  61. AFODO


    I don't know much about them but I'm sure they weren't like christian monks or something. Virginity means to be purified spiritually. You are not giving up your life by following the Gods. It's literally as we now, in case of very dedicated SS: we spend a lot of time in service for the Gods, for...
  62. AFODO

    Other #75862 Indian immigration to USA,Canada

    This is also stupid because there are much less talented people in non White countries than in White countries in general. Stealing from them the few geniuses is not noble, instead it would be the opposite, there would be Whites helping other races, like as it always was. There is no way there...
  63. AFODO

    Other #75862 Indian immigration to USA,Canada

    The situation is bad, there is just as many immigrants coming to America as under biden, they are just "legal" now.
  64. AFODO

    Strange behaviors Apple devices.

    These services are close source so you don't know what they are actually. Yes it's called google play service but it can have literally any code in it. It can peak randomly and send the data then, maybe when the screen is closed, nothing is connected to it, and it's night time. Or like...
  65. AFODO

    Family Find a family

    You can study our sites: https://joyofsatan.org/ Especially exposing Islam, since you are coming from a Muslim background: https://islamicevil.com/ But there is no private tutors here, if you have a question you can ask it on this forum, and we guide people here.
  66. AFODO

    Odin and Leviathan

    No, Leviathan is a jewish thoughtform and the symbol of the jewish serpent. It does have nothing to do with us Gentiles. Please don't bring left hand path bullshit here, we are not the left hand path, they are not true Satanists and they are enemy to us. Thank you.
  67. AFODO

    About Astral Temple, GD.

    You can do it if you are able to. You need good imagination. Before doing it, try imagining being in a random place, see, feel, hear as if you were there. Practice this a little before doing it. You need to be completely relaxed, and in a trance, put some time into this.
  68. AFODO

    Jews aspects

    Yes. You can find a ton of gentiles who have more "jewish facial features" than mixed jews.
  69. AFODO

    History of ISIS crimes against humanity

    One of the worst slander for our Goddess.
  70. AFODO

    About Heinrich Himmler.

    The holocaust is not real nor any of this. https://satanisgod.org/mini_index.html
  71. AFODO

    Strange behaviors Apple devices.

    Yes, actually both android and ios sends all your data, maybe android saves it until you connect it to wifi but in anyways, they collect data even when turned off. If you have an android phone, you can find an open source android roam that is compatible with your phone. If you have an Iphone...
  72. AFODO

    Other pagan cults

    Yes you can, if you are more drawn towards a specific pantheon, maybe it tells something about your past life. Although don't alter any ritual, don't replace the names in the rituals, but you can call them according to whatever pantheon in your personal interactions with them / on the forums, or...
  73. AFODO

    Dedication ritual 2nd use paper

    Yes you can use it. Maybe do some exercise and spank your arm a few times before the ritual, to have better blood flow.
  74. AFODO

    JJTi Tiger Jeremy sends greetings

    These are evil beings, you must leave this as soon as possible. Dedicate yourself to Satan and the Gods can protect you, and help you leave safely. https://joyofsatan.org/SATANIC.html Here in the true assembly of the the Gods, we are not forcing anyone to do anything, you are joined if you want...
  75. AFODO

    JJTi Tiger Jeremy sends greetings

    So you have been following utter bullshit and enemy ilk all along. Moloch is an enemy thoughtform. All the "things" you have been interacting with, and all the cult leaders you have associated with have been interacting and dedicating themselves to malefic thoughforms created to replace the true...
  76. AFODO

    Workings #75899 Munka Work affirmations

    This is not a good affirmation, as 'Vows and ties" are not particularly bad things, if you have vows and ties to good things. Make sure you are freeing yourself from EXACT and bad things. Example affirmation os "This energy frees my soul from malefic past sexual bonds, and malefic sexual karma...
  77. AFODO

    Rituals #75898 How to invoke satan

    Do his ritual, than meditate on his sigil. Although you cannot really invoke him, as this is a very high level of interaction with him, you need to be very advanced for it. But you have a chance that he blesses you by doing his ritual, which will feel similar to invoking him. Although you have...
  78. AFODO

    The Gods #75905 The voice in my head

    No it's not, do cleaning, empowerment, and protection everyday. Do Marbas's and Orobas's ritual and ask them to protect you.
  79. AFODO

    Other #75903 Element App JoS

    It's just a messaging app, it have some similarities with Discord. (It was not made by us).
  80. AFODO

    URGENT - how to protect a relative from a probable death

    Problem is that you cannot change someone's faith just like that, especially death, because the time of someone's death is very decided, and burnt in their faith. Only the Gods could modify your uncle's faith so drastically, but it's not something the Gods do just for anyone. You can ask...
  81. AFODO

    Sexuality Embarassing question

    This is sleep paralysis, and it can occur naturally, usually people hallucinate their fear when this happens. Maybe you have some sexual traumas? In that case you can use freeing and healing workings to fix this.
  82. AFODO

    I just finished the dedication ritual ,what’s next besides studying,because I already know ima be studying

    Start meditating: https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf
  83. AFODO

    Can I be Jewish

    Than don't jew around here.
  84. AFODO

    Poison inside this organisation

    Have delight and enjoyment in your yule dishes with your family. It's not particularly something to share here for privacy concerns. Food is not particularly something Gods wants us to share anyways. Furthermore, it's possible to track someone from little details you might not even consider...
  85. AFODO

    JJTi Tiger Jeremy sends greetings

    What are you even talking about? You are hallucinating about Baphomet, and judging from this, you hallucinated about other Gods too. This is not always bad, but you need some grounding and learn more about the Gods, it looks like you haven't been following the Joy of Satan, or just haven't done...
  86. AFODO

    Jews and our magic

    We are making great and fast progress compared to jews. They are loosing this battle and things are just beginning. There are already millions of anti-semites, and more and more people are getting red pilled about jews.
  87. AFODO

    Embarrassing question 😅

    uhmm. You don't test your spiritual powers by enslaving another person. This is irresponsible and childish. Magic is not a toy, it's for serious use for serious people. You should stop this working and do a proper one, but before that, you should valuate if you really want a relationship with...
  88. AFODO

    Question about certain influencers in the community who are for being considerate to enemies

    Most of this is true but that doesn't mean that he is a Satanist. You should learn from the JoS, not from "youtubers" because basically all of them promote fake Satanism. "We" don't "love" everyone, because love than would be meaningless, we love our own, and great people, and people who...
  89. AFODO

    Can chakra's explode?

    No but don't push it too much. When you feel like this just don't speed it up further, but you can keep meditating on the chakra.
  90. AFODO

    Another question of the dedication ritual

    No. The dedication ritual is personal and intimate, doesn't have anything to do with group rituals / schedules. Perhaps don't do it on a void of curse Moon, but that's all about timing this ritual.
  91. AFODO

    JJTi Tiger Jeremy sends greetings

    Baphomet is not a divine being but an allegory. Don't connect your real life identity to the forums, and satanism. Be anonymous.
  92. AFODO

    How does JOS get all this information

    Ton of research, guidance from the Gods, and directly communicating with the Gods (specifically in the case of clergy and other advanced SS).
  93. AFODO

    To SS mothers

    Rise your energies. Motherhood is insanely exhausting and energy consuming. Do yoga and affirm afterwards that it rises your energies. Do multiple energy rising during the day, perhaps multiple types also and see which works best for you https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Raising_Energies.html
  94. AFODO

    Male or female babies

    Good argument. But maybe in the case of stillborn babies, the soul left for some reasons: -Was meant to die because of the natal chart and faith of the parents) -Weak body / bad genetics / or anything abnormality. -Weak soul I think when there is no soul entering the fetus, a soul is created...
  95. AFODO

    Male or female babies

    I guess when the soul enters the fetus the gender is not decided yet, and when the soul enters it, the body will develop according to the soul('s gender). And when a soul is created, it's probably naturally a 50%-50% chance. Just a guess.
  96. AFODO

    Satanic ethics and values

    High Priest have a ton of sermons on ethics and how to be a proper human and so on. Just read his sermons and you'll encounter all the information and wisdom you need.
  97. AFODO

    The Gods Being God

    It's possible to reach Godhood, but it requires multiple lifetimes of meditation.
  98. AFODO

    Hey thoughts…

    You have to be careful with this. Don't spill much tea. You can be a musician but don't go further than paganism.
  99. AFODO

    Wondering about SS

    LGBTQ+ is anti-human ilk along with associated movements. Transgenderism deals great damage on the already damaged soul, and on the body too. We don't exactly hate these people, but we recognize that they have been greatly deceived. This is true for everyone who follow anything from the enemy...
  100. AFODO

    OFFICIALLY Dedicated!!!

    Awesome, welcome on the path, have a blessed eternal journey!
  101. AFODO

    Astrology #75830 Vedic astrology culture

    It's not a sin to believe that Vedic astrology is accurate. HPS Maxine said that it's not much accurate but it still has good things in it. Don't worry about these, proceed and learn.
  102. AFODO

    Not sure how to ask

    They don't need to visit you. They can look at you or something, but they won't manifest in your room. The intensity of the interaction depends on how much they focus on you and so on, manifesting themself next to you and meeting you literally is the highest level and not possible for beginners...
  103. AFODO

    Not sure how to ask

    Okay so this is what SSDruid trying achieve: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/experiences-with-the-gods-levels-of-experiences.80958/ Very common, for sure, available for all. There is no any other way of meeting the Gods astrally, this is what it is. What you say is perhaps when a God checks...
  104. AFODO

    Not sure how to ask

    This is not true, don't trust sources outside of JoS. It's possible but not for everyone and not every SS will experience this in their life. The more advanced you are, the more possible this becomes, and the more complex and direct experience you can have with Gods. But as of now, just don't...
  105. AFODO

    Astrology #75830 Vedic astrology culture

    That's absolutely and invalid fear. If you are a Satanist now, you will be a Satanist in your next life too, and hopefully it will be a much better world at that time.
  106. AFODO

    A personal experience I had while listening to the Devil's Trill Sonata;

    Y'all gonna ignore this? He also said that he sold his soul to the devil and that he is no his servant. "One night, in the year 1713 I dreamed I had made a pact with the devil for my soul. Everything went as I wished: my new servant anticipated my every desire."
  107. AFODO


    It is the dross and curses in your soul that makes you feel like this and do bad things, and do not do good things, and so on. A clean soul always feel well, full of life power, and so on. It's a long journey to get there, but you can get there, with consistent daily meditations and other...
  108. AFODO

    Charity, volunteering and the like

    You have to be careful with charities, because a lot of them are founded by Jews, especially the famous ones, and they just stole the money. And overall the best place you should donate your money is the JoS, but you can also donate to local charities that you trust. It's your choice. If I'm not...
  109. AFODO


    Anu is the ether, not a living being. Enki and Enlil are the Highest Gods, the supreme beings of the universe, and Anu is a cosmic principle.
  110. AFODO

    Question #4817: Problem with the neighbor

    You can do 90, I advised a multiple of 11 because ISA is the 11th rune. I would vibrate it on the neighbor, because he chooses to bring friends over. As a temporary solution, you can buy earplugs in medical stores.
  111. AFODO

    Does everything have a chart?

    Yes, but the interpretation of placements and aspects are different for different things, Azazel's astrology in JoS is an interpretation for Humans.
  112. AFODO

    Im in medical physics but I wanna give up and just become a mechanic

    Mechanic is a very dirty job, and not simple, requires a lot of studying, however if you are drawn towards this than you should do this. Do whatever you feel drawn towards in life. If you have never been drawn towards medical physics than don't do this. Although this can advance your mental...
  113. AFODO

    #75764 This allied victory planet and how much I hate it, and taking disproportionate revenge on the allies

    It's more pathetic that you cannot stand war and want to escape it. This is fairy tale, have some real goals in life.
  114. AFODO

    Family #75762 Marrying a politician.

    Well put more effort in your security, learn about cyber security and so on. We have such articles on this forums too. For example https://ancient-forums.com/threads/monumental-security-reviews-browsers-add-ons-vpns-linux-distros-darknets-i2p-veracrypt-keepassxc.87264/ Furthermore, don't share...
  115. AFODO

    The Gods #75756 I wish a true friend

    This is not possible. Read more of our materials to understand the Gods correctly.
  116. AFODO

    Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ: Temple Rituals Testimonials

    I know that the more advanced / worthy individuals can faint from Gods rituals, as they hold this much power, and this was probably the first time when I also almost fainted. Vibrating the names of Lord Thoth at the end of the ritual was insanely powerful. This is really like gathering in a...
  117. AFODO

    Other #75731 what should I do

    You are just a kind individual, this is not bad, but rather good. If you notice that this kindness is against you, than change, but generally being kind and positive towards the outside world is good, but don't make sacrifices that is not worth it. I cannot say more because you didn't shared...
  118. AFODO

    Rituals #75730 Jos members safety

    This religion is for the brave. But at the end of the day, the Gods protect us, and it's also not advised to do warfare without prior 6 months of meditation and AoP.
  119. AFODO

    Still Living SS soldiers

    And some soliders were pagan, yes, and some people were pagan, yes, but I think the higher truth was only known amongst higher level nazis and "spiritual societies" who worked directly with the Nazi party. There were different levels of initiations.
  120. AFODO

    Other #75722 Ignorance or Deceit?

    Lord Lucifer is Satan, we follow him, so "the church" couldn't have mixed up us with him because we are of him actually. I don't even know what you refer to, but there are fake Satanists, that is what popularly known as "Satanism", but they are not Satanists. Things like Left Hand Path, Church...
  121. AFODO

    Workings #75719 About communication with Satan

    You can put his sigil there to focus on it, when you pray to Satan focus on his sigil, you can also just visualize it if you can. But you don't have to put anything on your altar in order to be able to pray to him. If you want to be formal and respectful, than shower before it, and spiritually...
  122. AFODO

    Still Living SS soldiers

    Not everyone in Nazi Germany was Satanists, just the elite.
  123. AFODO

    Meditations #75706 Clairvoyance and clairaudience

    The ability of being able to see and hear the astral is not acquired only by opening the chakras associated with this ability. Let alone hearing and seeing the Gods which is another topic. You don't have to vibrate mantras into these chakras daily, unless you do a specific work, but only into...
  124. AFODO

    I want to ask about Violin

    Maybe try to try out new things, do things differently, not how you used to, and so on, don't be afraid of mistakes or imperfection. Violin is not easy, you are not supposed to be very good at it in just 3 years, just practice and you'll get better.
  125. AFODO

    Blessings are awesome! - Live Rituals Room

    Made-up rule by JG Alexandros Lowno.
  126. AFODO

    Blessings are awesome! - Live Rituals Room

    Important rule is to not DM anyone (Other than JG Alexandros or Satchives) or to not make any call.
  127. AFODO

    Meditating on energy

    You need to get relaxed, put your focus on the space, You can visualize but for FEELING the energy it's not a must. For doing a spiritual work, yes you should visualize, but also put effort on feeling it. Like you would feel happiness, or a touch of others. Get sensitive. Putting effort on...
  128. AFODO

    Yuletide Raffle & Lucky Draw! [Update 10: WINNERS ANNOUNCED!!!!!]

    https://satanisgod.org/CRYPTO_DONATIONS.html You need to be above 18 to buy crypto, because it will ask for personal identification. Register on https://josdonors.org/ and you will see a yuletide raffle page there, and you will find the crypto adresses you can send your bought crypto...
  129. AFODO

    Relationships Love working

  130. AFODO

    Helping promote JoS

    Help yourself first before helping others. You can do these things when you can do them, you don't have to run.
  131. AFODO

    Family #75675 being trans

    If you are male than clean and empower your male chakras / lower chakras (base, sacral, and sun) and if you are a female than do this to your female chakras (throat, 6th, crown). Do the sun / moon breathing exercise that is described in JoS. Do the rituals of Gods from your sex (if you are...
  132. AFODO

    Meditations #75679 6th chakra pineal gland connection

    They are connected but can be empowered separately
  133. AFODO

    Seeking guidance for a spiritual path with Satan

    Great decision, you can start meditating with this: https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf You can adjust it to fit your schedule. To learn more, read these: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/a-beginners-guide-split-post.95097/ Have a nice spiritual journey :)
  134. AFODO

    Other #75646 your site

  135. AFODO

    New God Rituals: Eligos & Forcas [Dec 3 to Dec 10]

    https://josrituals.org/ritual/rtr/restoring-justice-isaiah-5417.html https://josrituals.org/audios/restoring-justice-isaiah-5417.mp3
  136. AFODO

    New God Rituals: Eligos & Forcas [Dec 3 to Dec 10]

    Very powerful, especially the two together. I really like these ones. Hail Eligos, Hail Forcas!
  137. AFODO

    Satanism and Tengrism

    Tengri is Baalzebul.
  138. AFODO

    Cheap art is not appreciated by Gods

    These things are not necessary to perform any ritual or meditation, but to give a proper ceremonious atmosphere. If you feel good from these material items, than it's good for the Gods too, but if you don't need these things than the Gods good with that also. And the Gods will not care if you...
  139. AFODO

    Cheap art is not appreciated by Gods

    Material items are not important for the Gods. Altars are all just pleasure for people, eye candy, and a place to be.
  140. AFODO

    This girl is defaming and stalking me on social media...

    I find that people who think that they are the favorites of some Gods are mentally ill, and everyone should have a caution about these people from the start, and best if you tell them the truth.
  141. AFODO

    Meditations #75595 sacral

    It can give you a libido and will for life, although this is usually not instant when you open it.
  142. AFODO

    Other #75598 Feelings of inferiority as a woman

    That's a natural process that keeps you fertile, don't worry. Moreover it's healthy to loose some blood regularly to have fresh blood always.
  143. AFODO

    Family #75597 babys

    You are freeing yourself from Jewish programing. You should have a children when you are ready for it, perhaps you are denying because your situation doesn't allow you yet to have a children. Or you haven't completely freed yourself yet, but this will change.
  144. AFODO

    Other #75605 i am not very smart

    A wise SS once said, "the more I know the more I realize my ignorance".
  145. AFODO

    Relationships #75601 need advice on going out of the comfort zone

    Asking out someone without knowing them is like giving a ring to a stranger. He should have approached you as a "friend" and than the relationship builds, like with your previous exes. Something you could do is tell them that you don't know them enough but you are interested in getting to know...
  146. AFODO

    using the word "not" in the affirmation

    No. Read the original post again. "I do not smoke cigarettes" would work fine as an affirmation, it would NOT get you into more smoking. OP is stating that this above affirmation could get you into more smoking, but this is not true.
  147. AFODO

    using the word "not" in the affirmation

    That's not true, it all depends on your intention and if you really mean it. Using other wording is better, but this will still program the energy correctly if you program it correctly.
  148. AFODO

    How tò understand jews

    Yes, you SHOULD ABSOLUTELY NOT worry about this as this is not possible. No Jew actually feels close to Satan or can use the methods described in JoS. If you have felt your chakras and feel drawn towards the Gods than this is already an ultimate proof that you are not a Jew. If you are asking...
  149. AFODO

    Health #75587 medication

    You need stop consuming short videos. Start reading books. Start void mediation and deep trance. And that's your "disorders" cured.
  150. AFODO

    The Gods #75579 Satan empowered the jews?

    Yes. No, that's written nowhere. He never give anything to Jews. Wealth here has a great spiritual significance, rather than a material one. He is speaking of "his own" here an how he manages the affairs of his own. The Jews are just a nowadays problem and it will pass. Regardless, in...
  151. AFODO

    #75589 Feeling like I'm on drugs when working with crown chakra

    This is good, just meditate on this feeling a bit than try to "wake up" and continue your meditations.
  152. AFODO

    Other NACA to NASA?

    Can you send that video? It would have been impossible to fake the Moon landing.
  153. AFODO

    I'm new here

    Awesome, you are welcomed.
  154. AFODO

    Which language is worth learning?

    Learn the language whichever you feel an attraction towards. You need to explore the languages first than choose. As for knowledge, English, Ancient Greek, vedic Sanskrit, perhaps Latin too.
  155. AFODO

    Yuletide Raffle & Lucky Draw! [Update 10: WINNERS ANNOUNCED!!!!!]

    It looks like awesome developments coming!
  156. AFODO

    #75540 Help! Sex drive

    Freeing yourself from malefic sexual karma, and cleaning will help. And strengthen your sacral chakra because if it's weak, than that's probably the cause.
  157. AFODO

    Other #75541 About Aleister Crowley.

    Not worth to read any of that, he was involved with kewish magic and probably a jew himself.
  158. AFODO

    Meditations #75537 Past and Future

    Yes, specifically the past, the future is also possible but I imagine it's harder. The soul leaves trough the heart chakra while astral traveling, the solar chakra feeds it with energy, but overall all your chakras needs to be open, clean, strong, and balanced. There is a meditation on astral...
  159. AFODO

    #35415 Jews and gentiles

    This is not true. You cannot become anything else, you can't change races. The offspring, the child of a jew and non-jew will be jew, but the non-jew will always remain non-jew, although degenerated by this very bad kind of race mixing.
  160. AFODO

    The Gods #964 Has anyone achieved clear contact with Satan, as in he spoke back? If so, how?

  161. AFODO

    6 Months of JoS - to Clergy and to Members

    Good to read these testimonies, it's upbringing and relatable. It's not a coincidence that we stuck to JoS.
  162. AFODO

    Re-examining the core principles of JoS

    There could have been some humanoid specie living on earth before the Gods made us. Human history is probably around 40 000 years old. We didn't. Whites probably existed before they come to Earth, the other races was made by genetic engineering which was likely a spiritual intervention...
  163. AFODO

    Workings MUNKA

  164. AFODO

    Other Was it a coincidence?

    Could have been some sort of planetary influence.
  165. AFODO

    astral projection

    Yes some people may have this condition that they astral project unwillingly. Try putting a random card somewhere, but don't look at it what card is it. And when you astral project, look at the card, and when you wake up, see if it's actually that card. If it matches, than you have confirmed...
  166. AFODO

    Pluto: did you notice it?

    Historical moments, for sure.
  167. AFODO

    Disgusted with whatever this is.

    It's natural to have such reactions, the JoS shows the truth on so much topics, that there will be definitely things for everyone that they will not agree on, or find it insulting or something. There is a few thousand years curse on humanity, anti-racialism was always an enemy doctrine. We...
  168. AFODO

    I'm Not Sure If My Dedication Ritual Was Accepted

    You did it perfectly, you are welcomed.
  169. AFODO

    Relationships #935 So Should I just avoid this Woman?

    Just do the love spell and try not to think about her in the process (so that you don't accidentally attract her specifically). Anyways, if you do the spell right, and you end up with her, than it's fine.
  170. AFODO

    Who would be harder to convert to SS?

    Doesn't matter what they call themselves. From both of these, people can easily convert to Satanism, given they read the necessary material they need for this.
  171. AFODO

    Plans for burning Karma/Advancing SS

    Doing good things for others and for the family is just one type of karma burning, and this is not achieved by donations only.
  172. AFODO

    "hello" is what I heard, and teleportation

    Could be anything, if it doesn't happen anymore just move on.
  173. AFODO

    So I read the Al Jilwah but the Mashaf Res (Black Book) is Utter Garbage imo

    I thought you are talking about the ones that are on JoS since the PDF starts of with al-jilwah, I haven't read this so I can't judge it currently.
  174. AFODO

    How to Sign with Blood

    Separately from the prayer you sign your name in blood like you would sign a letter or something, just with blood. But your fingerprint also does it, if you can't get that much blood.
  175. AFODO

    Some questions about Hitler and the Nazis

    It was simply impossible to appoint every generals according to the Gods will. He had a lot of things to do, he couldn't just astral project to everyone and see their soul, or something. This is beyond the possibilities with such a high scale empire. Thousands of generals had to be appointed in...
  176. AFODO


    That's useful, thanks.
  177. AFODO

    Workings #888 Does mastering evocation of energies make us andvanced and powerful?

    No it's not within our possibilities to do multiple workings at one time.
  178. AFODO

    Other #893 this is annoying

    You are not less because of your race. You can be anything regardless of race or look.
  179. AFODO

    The Gods #901 Blood

    No, we don't do blood sacrifice. It's lower and enemy entities. Are you dedicated? Are you doing your aura of protection daily?
  180. AFODO

    So I read the Al Jilwah but the Mashaf Res (Black Book) is Utter Garbage imo

    You are calling it crap due to lack of understanding.
  181. AFODO

    Does the jew perpetually win by virtue of its existence?

    No. If something does not exist energetically, it cannot exist physically. They are eternal losers, as only the truth can win at the end. No. It's a necessity, it's what we are supposed to do and this is the Gods' will. We become noble souls with fighting, and the unworthy ones will only...
  182. AFODO

    Other #879 number 222

    Probably nothing meaningful.
  183. AFODO

    About the section on the goetic demons

    There are few misinformation there, but not deadly ones. They are not just copied from grimoires. It's being updated by HPHC currently.
  184. AFODO


    Yes it's okay if you are in the same sub-race as your partner. And you can migrate as a White to another White country, especially due to necessity.
  185. AFODO

    How to Sign with Blood

    Only at the end you sign your name in blood, and not in the prayer. You can also just put your fingerprint in blood there, you don't have to write your whole name in blood.
  186. AFODO

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Yes, very much. You can either attach "in a healthy and positive way for me", or "in the most beneficial way for me", or something like this. Whatever makes sense for you. But you should include a similar suffix.
  187. AFODO

    #852 What lucid dream for ?

    Magic can't be performed while asleep. But maybe the unconsciousness can be programmed which is very useful. Simply, more conscious time per day, especially in this very deep meditative state is very useful. Better than unconscious, because that's just a waste of time where you are not...
  188. AFODO

    Giving energy back

    A downward facing pentagram is for raising energy, and an upward facing pentagram would be for sending or something like this, but I don't think that the upward facing has any real usage or should be used in any way. These things doesn't have power until you focus on them.
  189. AFODO

    They are awesome, thank you.

    They are awesome, thank you.
  190. AFODO

    I just lost my Father

    I'm sorry to hear that, my condolences. You can do Anubis's and Satan's ritual and ask them to take care of him. https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/anubis-power-ritual.html https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/satan-absolution-ritual.html
  191. AFODO

    "But the more righteous of you, who stand upon the threshold of the change to the diviner state...

    "But the more righteous of you, who stand upon the threshold of the change to the diviner state, shall among men be righteous kings, and genuine philosophers, founders of states, and lawgivers, and real seers, and true herb-knowers, and prophets of the gods most excellent, skillful musicians...
  192. AFODO

    What will happen to the mixed races in the Satanic Future?

    Mixed races such as latinos, arabs, and so on, have to keep going their race because their soul cannot reincarnate in any other race other than their own race, which is a mix of some of the main races. Purifying the soul will not result in changing races to either of the 3 main races, they will...
  193. AFODO

    Auschwitz and crematorium ovens

  194. AFODO

    Why does Mother Lilith not wish to be summoned

    Yes and I also don't say that we cannot get "close to the Gods" or something, but that the Gods reside in such a high dimension that we cannot directly interact with them, but trough a mediator being who's work is to make this connection possible between us and the Gods. This is originally the...
  195. AFODO

    Other #779 Promotion

    Online we have an official outreach project: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/important-notice-members-allowed-to-apply.96170/#post-504623

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
