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  1. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    High Priestess Maxine Sermons PDFs - Revitalized https://ancient-forums.com/threads/high-priestess-maxine-sermons-pdfs-revitalized.297554/
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    [Trad] La via da seguire nel Satanismo Spirituale: agire

    The Way Forward In Spiritual Satanism: Taking Action https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-way-forward-in-spiritual-satanism-taking-action.297565/ In generale in tutti gli anni trascorsi nella GdS, ho visto molte persone che usano la meditazione come una forma di evasione oppure in modo...
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    The Way Forward In Spiritual Satanism: Taking Action

    Thank you for this Sermon High Priest, seeing and accepting reality is very important.
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    The Way Forward In Spiritual Satanism: Taking Action https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-way-forward-in-spiritual-satanism-taking-action.297565/
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    You should read this: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/healing-the-emotional-body-for-men-too-don%E2%80%99t-disregard-this.292496/
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    About Collections & Rituals Section In JoS Donors

    Thank you for this Knowledge High Priest.
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    Rituals #76156 How to do the ritual of turning the Torah for yourself?(to remove curses)

    This link can help: https://josrituals.org/guide/usage-of-the-final-rtr-tetra-and-shattering.html
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    Transiti planetari

    Ottimo lavoro fuoco blu 666, continua così!
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    Other #76139 Justice

    Probably also God Alastor.
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    La quintessenza è l'etere, è chiamata così perchè il quinto elemento dei 5 elementi, oltre terra, acqua, aria e fuoco. So che l'etere amplifica le energie generalmente, di un suo utilizzo specifico non ne so nulla.
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    Apprendimento esoterico intenso

    Sarò più che lieto di leggere le tue esperienze!
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    Schedule, January 21-29. F-RTR: GO HARD!

    I was waiting for a RtR Group Ritual! Thank you High Priestess Lydia!
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    Health #76135 Depression

    You could try this: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/healing-the-emotional-body-for-men-too-don%E2%80%99t-disregard-this.292496/
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    I wanted to express my gratitude

    Good, remember to read https://www.satanisgod.org/ especially https://www.satanisgod.org/mini_index.html
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    How are you guys?

    The Truth is only here in the Joy of Satanas.
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    Other #76096 I suddenly think of this

    If you with biological body mean the physical one, consider that Satanas and the Gods protect the Souls of the Satanists after their physical death.
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    Mini Schedule - Blessings

    Thank you High Priestess Lydia.
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    Astrology #76057 coincidence or not?

    This guide of High Priestess Lydia can help you. https://ancient-forums.com/threads/how-to-figure-out-exact-birth-time.277571/
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    Guide: Joining Official Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ Group Rituals

    Very good guide April. Everyone should join Group Rituals.
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    Andrew Tate wants to become UK prime minister

    Andrew Tate probably would force sharia law to end homosexuality and to generate misogyny, probably he would do a lot things that are represented in islamicevil.com
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    The Voice of The Gods Within

    If I understand this concept correctly, I can say that since I have participated in Group Rituals my inner voice has become stronger and I have begun to avoid bad habits because that inner energy prevents me from doing those bad habits.
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    [Trad] Il sentiero verso la Divinità - i traguardi & il male

    Path To The Godhead - Checkpoints & Evil https://ancient-forums.com/threads/path-to-the-godhead-checkpoints-evil.296730/ Quando si inizia il viaggio nel Satanismo Spirituale e nel Sentiero deglii Dèi, non si capisce subito dove si andrà a finire se si aderisce correttamente. Si arriva alla...
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Path To The Godhead - Checkpoints & Evil https://ancient-forums.com/threads/path-to-the-godhead-checkpoints-evil.296730/
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    my sexual orientation

    Pornography generates confusion about sexuality, it used by jews as a psychological operation to degenerate society.
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    Ammunition Against The Enemy

    Probably the quality of atheists in antichristian matters has decreased over time.
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    Usare la stessa runa per due lavori diversi contemporaneamente

    Si è possibile, ovviamente in momenti diversi della giornata. Per questo ti suggerisco un Quadrato di Mercurio, anche se non saprei dirti se farlo spirituale ( Svaha ) o materiale ( Nama ). SIcuramente al termine di ogni ripetizione puoi affermare di implementare suddette abilità in vie...
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    New Year Address & Osiris God Ritual

    The energies of God Osiris are complex and mysterious, in a positive way especially during Group Rituals, it is very important to do Group Rituals and I am happy for that. In this year my goals are Kundalini activation, obviously in a healthy and gradual way, and to better understand alchemy...
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    The Gods #75931 What is the main symbol of our movement? Which symbol is not bad to identify among one's own, but others did not understand that you are spirit

    You can see the logo of Joy of Satanas here: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-the-upcoming-jos-logo-aesthetic-websites-update.293601/ There is no symbol that a Spiritual Satanist has that can be recognized by us and cannot be recognized by others, if I understand your question correctly.
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    Why do I love Lord ANUBIS?

    This is a very beautiful post for God Anubis!
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    Police update after Tesla Cybertruck explosion outside Trump hotel in Las Vegas

    There are actually two main news stories in the U.S. media, that of the two terrorist attacks and that of the norovirus.
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    New Year Address & Osiris God Ritual

    Amazing informations as always Guardian Karnonnos!
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    New Year Address & Osiris God Ritual

    Thank you High Priest for the Ritual! Happy new year to everyone!
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    White replacement

    The solution is spiritual, an eventual awakening is spiritual.
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    Rituals #75921 succubus

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    Meditations #75916 Music repeating in my head

    You can do void meditation every day to develop control over your thoughts.
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    Jews aspects

    https://satanslibrary.org/English/How_to_Recognize_and_Identify_a_Jew_Part_1.pdf https://satanslibrary.org/English/How_to_Recognize_and_Identify_a_Jew_Part_2.pdf https://satanslibrary.org/English/How_to_Recognize_and_Identify_a_Jew_Part_3.pdf Rarely can a jew be devoid of facial signs. You...
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    "Bella ciao" exposed - A Jewish folk song

    Yes, for example in the U.S. about 75 percent of jews voted the democratic party, about 25 percent the republican party, when there is a clear presence of pro-palestinian leftists-muslims in the democratic party and zionist evangelical christians in the republican party, so it seems apparently a...
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    Any breathing advice, please?

    Probably the Crown Chakra needs more energy. You can absorb either gold-white energy or Chakra-specific color, even for all Chakras. Technically it is a positive experience, because one should absorb energy with each breath during the day.
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    I have tried WinRar, 7Zip and WinZip, but in all three cases the file does not work. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I don't want to bother especially since, if I understand correctly, there will be a new Schedule soon.
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    The Seminar does not work, when I click on an audio it tells me the file is invalid. All the other Seminar files work correctly.
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    Workings #75882 Necronomicon for love?

    There was a pdf, the Necronomicon Spellbook edited by Simon, where there were the 50 Names. I don't know if it's okay to use it, but you can find what you're looking for in that pdf.
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    Other #75872 Arthur Schopenhauer

    Probably, since he was antisemitic. His concepts on Will are interesting.
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    Another question of the dedication ritual

    You can do your Dedication to Father Satanas when you prefer. By offensive ritual do you mean the schedule?
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    CIA docs claim life did exist on Mars... and it was a population of 'very large people' who built pyramids

    Mars appears to have been destroyed as a planet, as evidenced by the presence of giant craters. There was probably first a civilization of humans close to the Gods, like the Ancient Egyptians on Earth.
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    Check my progress

    Don't overstimulate, patience is necessary. Your progress is good, you will see in a year how much you will evolve!
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    Workings Spell Working

    I suggest you do to these works on dates like December 26 2024, in JoS Calendar on that date it is wrote: "Venting, banishing spells,detaching, ending things permanently, freeing the soul, surgery" so you can do that break up spell in this date, but also dates with the same descriptions in 2025...
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    Simposio di Platone

    https://ancient-forums.com/threads/free-jos-donor-article-pythagorean-golden-verse.85791/ Questo Sermone dell'Alto Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666, che è un articolo gratuito, secondo me spiega perfettamente, seppur non direttamente, la realtà Demoniaca, in particolar modo la sua gerarchia naturale.
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    OFFICIALLY Dedicated!!!

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    Question about my girlfriend

    If her family is jewish then she is jewish. If her parents have jewish blood also she has jewish blood.
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    Happy Yule 2024 + Schedule for Father Satanas Dec 21-23

    Thank you High Priestess! Happy Yule Brothers and Sisters!
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    Other #75826 how people react about the aura and my work

    You can do Black Magic on this person when Mars is no longer retrograde, you can check on JoS Calendar.
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    Other #75821 affirmation survive

    I don't know if there is a spell for that, but you could do Cleaning Aura and Protection Aura every morning and every evening everyday.
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    [Trad] Riguardo gli "Ebrei" - Israele, "JHVH" & Giudaismo

    About "Jews" - Israel, "JHVH" & Judaism https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-jews-israel-jhvh-judaism.296038/ Il giudaismo non è altro che una deviazione di un'Antica Cultura Pagana (hanno rubato tutti gli elementi dalle Antiche Culture degli Dèi). Il furto e la perversione di questi...
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    [Trad] Lotteria di Yule e sorteggio fortunato! [Aggiornamento 1: fatelo bene per favore]

    Aggiornamento 11: TUTTI I FONDI INVIATI! Tutti hanno ufficialmente ricevuto i fondi del sorteggio, e voglio ringraziare ancora una volta tutti per la bella mentalità trasparente, e incentrata sulla comunità. Che gli Dèi ricompensino tutte le vostre anime per le vostre belle intenzioni ed il...
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    [Trad] Lotteria di Yule e sorteggio fortunato! [Aggiornamento 1: fatelo bene per favore]

    Il video del Sorteggio in diretta sarà pubblicato a breve su Donatori GdS per una verifica completa. 4/6 persone hanno ricevuto i loro premi, in attesa degli altri due. Grazie a tutti per il fantastico evento!!! Buona Yule!!! -Alto Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666
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    About "Jews" - Israel, "JHVH" & Judaism

    Excellent Sermon High Priest!
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    About "Jews" - Israel, "JHVH" & Judaism https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-jews-israel-jhvh-judaism.296038/
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    Sito, Biblioteca e progetti JoSITA - Aggiornamenti

    Grazie del tuo impegno SaqqaraNox e complimenti, perchè se non sbaglio, questo è il tuo 666esimo post! Felice Yule a tutti!
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    Yuletide Raffle & Lucky Draw! [Update 10: WINNERS ANNOUNCED!!!!!]

    Congratulations to the winners! This has been a beautiful event, the first of many! Happy Yule everyone!
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    [Trad] Lotteria di Yule e sorteggio fortunato! [Aggiornamento 1: fatelo bene per favore]

    Aggiornamento 10: VINCITORI ANNUNCIATI!!!!! I Vincitori sono stati annunciati. Grazie a tutti i fantastici SS che hanno assistito al Sorteggio in diretta. Nei prossimi giorni, tutti riceveranno un corso grazie al loro biglietto ed alla loro partecipazione. Ringraziamo tutti coloro che hanno...
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    [Trad] Lotteria di Yule e sorteggio fortunato! [Aggiornamento 1: fatelo bene per favore]

    Trasmissione in diretta del Sorteggio di Yule: https://vdo.ninja/?room=YuleDrawJoS666&hash=2e76&broadcast&do Password: 666 Premere: “Join with Camera” ed utilizzate un'immagine spazzatura al posto della telecamera, e poi potrete guardare il Sorteggio. Abbiamo informato il server Element e...
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    The Gods #75806 Voodoo Gods

    I don't know if they are Satanic Gods. You should connect only with the Gods described in the JoS: https://joyofsatan.org/DemonNames.html
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    date 25 December Full Goddess Day

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sol_Invictus I quote: "Aurelian also built a new temple for Sol, which was dedicated on 25 December 274". You can join the Group Rituals, for more informations...
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    [Trad] Lotteria di Yule e sorteggio fortunato! [Aggiornamento 1: fatelo bene per favore]

    Aggiornamento 9: SORTEGGIO DI YULE DOMANI!!! Un saluto a tutti! Faremo ufficialmente il Sorteggio di Yule entro il 19 Dicembre. Sarà trasmessa in diretta streaming e si svolgerà in modo trasparente, come spiegato. Tutti i traduttori dei Calendari e della GdS saranno inclusi nel Sorteggio per...
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    [Trad] Lotteria della festa di Yule - biglietti

    La vendita dei biglietti per la lotteria è chiusa. Se qualcuno ha problemi con il proprio biglietto, per qualsiasi motivo, è pregato di farmelo sapere. L'estrazione avverrà a breve. -Guardiano della Gioia di Satanas BlackOnyx8
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    "holy spirit"?

    The "holy spirit" is an energy created over the centuries from the combined prayers of christians and jewish curses. In most cases if one correctly directs any kind of energy and programs it for health, the energy will do so.
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    Communication with the Sigil of the Gods (my experience)

    That is a good experience. Probably it is not a suggestion, probably it is an affirmative answer to your question.
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    Natal chart

    You should ask this question in the forum of astrology or in the main one.
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    The Gods #75769 Can Lilith be someone's Guardian?

    It is very positive that you feel a connection with Mother Lilith. I suggest you to do Her Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/lilith-power-ritual.html
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    [Trad] Gioia di ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ: testimonianze sui Rituali del Tempio

    Il Dio Thoth ci ha benedetto mentre facevamo il Suo Rituale. Come abbiamo chiesto - abbiamo ricevuto, e voglio condividere con ogni SS il dono di Dio Thoth, che ci ha fatto conoscere il Suo amore infinito e la Sua cura per la Gioia di Satanas. Questa meditazione mi è stata insegnata da Dio Thoth...
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    [Trad] Gioia di ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ: testimonianze sui Rituali del Tempio

    Ci sono alcune cose che sono note a chi è dentro. Le condividerò qui per farle capire. La natura dei Rituali dal Vivo in contrasto con il Timer di JoSRituals è che: - Uno o più GG (Guardiani della Gioia di ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ ) partecipano obbligatoriamente: Un GG condurrà sempre i Rituali a Tempo...
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    [Trad] Lotteria di Yule e sorteggio fortunato! [Aggiornamento 1: fatelo bene per favore]

    Aggiornamento 8: Ci stiamo muovendo per essere pronti per l'Estrazione, ed annunceremo la data in cui avverrà in diretta. Inoltre, ho deciso di aumentare il Montepremi a quanto segue, per consentire a più persone di vincere: 1000$ al Primo classificato nell'Estrazione. 750$ al Secondo 500$ al...
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    "Bella ciao" exposed - A Jewish folk song

    The communists don't realize that communism is deeply jewish.
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    [Trad] Lotteria della festa di Yule - biglietti

    Yule Holiday Raffle - Tickets https://ancient-forums.com/threads/yule-holiday-raffle-tickets.295844/ Un saluto a tutti, Ho deciso di creare questo thread per dare la possibilità a coloro che non hanno ancora segnalato la mancanza di un biglietto di farlo. L' Alto Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666...
  75. A

    Tutti sono invitati

    Dai entrate! È un'esperienza magnifica!
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Yule Holiday Raffle - Tickets https://ancient-forums.com/threads/yule-holiday-raffle-tickets.295844/
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    [Trad] Gioia di ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ: testimonianze sui Rituali del Tempio

    Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ: Temple Rituals Testimonials https://ancient-forums.com/threads/joy-of-%CE%A3%CE%91%CE%A4%CE%91%CE%9D%CE%91%CE%A3-temple-rituals-testimonials.295828/ Ospitati e creati dalla Gioia di ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ, Assemblea degli Dei, abbiamo aperto un Tempio “virtuale” (non meno che materiale), dove...
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ: Temple Rituals Testimonials https://ancient-forums.com/threads/joy-of-%CE%A3%CE%91%CE%A4%CE%91%CE%9D%CE%91%CE%A3-temple-rituals-testimonials.295828/
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    Other #75740 What's with the elite jews' mixed messaging on Israel?

    Jews infiltrate all factions, they even pretend to be anti-sionists in the name of the political left. They make every effort to make marxism look anti-semitic ( even if Marx was a jew), but all Gentiles will understand the truth.
  80. A

    Argentina’s First Budget Surplus in 123 Years

    Milei's economic formulas seem to be working, I hope he succeeds in freeing Argentina from marxism.
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    About the movies and series where appeared catholic images

    That is because the the jews and catholic church infiltrate everything, they want the Gentiles submissive, so their goal is to put the jewish messiah, christ, everywhere.
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    [Trad] Lotteria di Yule e sorteggio fortunato! [Aggiornamento 1: fatelo bene per favore]

    Aggiornamento 7: Abbiamo concluso la Raccolta fondi al 99,7%, congratulazioni a tutti coloro che hanno aderito e che Beelzebul sia lodato per la fortuna che abbiamo avuto fino ad oggi. Rimangono pochissimi biglietti; più o meno 10. Se non verranno acquistati, li compenserò personalmente per il...
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    The qlippoth has been invented by jews to attack Demons. It is a trap for the Gentiles and it is an offense to the Gods. You can connect to God Adramelech through the symbol that you can find here in the Joy of Satanas and you can do His Ritual that you can also find here.
  84. A

    [Trad] Lotteria di Yule e sorteggio fortunato! [Aggiornamento 1: fatelo bene per favore]

    Aggiornamento 6: Siamo al 96,66% di completamento del sorteggio. Restano solo pochi giorni per le iscrizioni finali. Siamo al 96,66% di completamento del sorteggio. Restano solo pochi giorni per le iscrizioni finali. Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno partecipato e reso possibile il tutto...
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    That is propaganda. They did what every secret service of every nation would do to defend the country by internal and external enemies, especially those enemies who wanted stalinism all over Europe.
  86. A

    Yuletide Raffle & Lucky Draw! [Update 10: WINNERS ANNOUNCED!!!!!]

    Now I have all 3 the tickets, thank you Guardian.
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    [Trad] La situazione in Siria

    The Situation In Syria https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-situation-in-syria.295222/ Come già detto più volte in precedenza, Israele è ora in piena modalità sanguinaria, avendo aperto molti fronti in Medio Oriente. Continuando con i massacri e le relative cause di instabilità, si guadagna...
  88. A

    The Situation In Syria

    The world will understand what jews are. Thank you High Priest.
  89. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    The Situation In Syria https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-situation-in-syria.295222/
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    The Gods #75678 Syria is under attack (terrorist jew followers)

    Jews want puppets that obey 100% to them.
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    [Trad] La mia esperienza del Rituale della Benedizione di Dio Forcas: nuova Sala dei Rituali dal vivo

    Fratelli e Sorelle trovate il modo di partecipare se potete, è una bellissima esperienza.
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    Paying Attention, Staying Alert

    Thank you High Priestess Lydia for your informations about Mars retrograde. This is very important. One should always be aware of the environment.
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    Blessings are awesome! - Live Rituals Room

    Group Rituals are very special! Everyone should partecipate!
  94. A

    [Trad] La mia esperienza del Rituale della Benedizione di Dio Forcas: nuova Sala dei Rituali dal vivo

    My Experience of the Forcas God Blessing Ritual: New Live Rituals Room https://ancient-forums.com/threads/my-experience-of-the-forcas-god-blessing-ritual-new-live-rituals-room.295101/ Spero che questo messaggio vi trovi bene, Fratelli e Sorelle. Voglio ringraziare l'Assemblea degli Dèi, per...
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    New God Rituals: Eligos & Forcas [Dec 3 to Dec 10]

    Thank you JG Karnonnos for the informations about these two Gods!
  96. A

    My Experience of the Forcas God Blessing Ritual: New Live Rituals Room

    The group Ritual of Forcas was an outstanding experience! I performed the procedure told by High Priest Hooded Cobra 666. After I asked Satan to help me to communicate with Forcas, when I visualized the Sigil of Forcas before the inhalations , I felt the energy of Forcas automatically entering...
  97. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    My Experience of the Forcas God Blessing Ritual: New Live Rituals Room https://ancient-forums.com/threads/my-experience-of-the-forcas-god-blessing-ritual-new-live-rituals-room.295101/
  98. A

    [Trad] Lotteria di Yule e sorteggio fortunato! [Aggiornamento 1: fatelo bene per favore]

    Aggiornamento 5: Quasi finito! Ultimi ingressi! 88% fatto. Ci siamo quasi, siano benedetti coloro che si sono impegnati in questo sacro compito per aiutare la nostra comunità, i Fratelli e gli Dèi. Per favore tutti coloro che non hanno ricevuto un biglietto o che hanno avuto problemi, informino...
  99. A

    Workings #75647 RTR

    Continue with the RtR, remember to do https://joyofsatan.org/Returning_Curses.html and https://joyofsatan.org/Returning_Curses2.html after every RtR.
  100. A

    Yuletide Raffle & Lucky Draw! [Update 10: WINNERS ANNOUNCED!!!!!]

    It cannot work because I used LTC as crypto, what should I do?
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    Yuletide Raffle & Lucky Draw! [Update 10: WINNERS ANNOUNCED!!!!!]

    I try to send the proof on the normal page of donations.
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    Yuletide Raffle & Lucky Draw! [Update 10: WINNERS ANNOUNCED!!!!!]

    I had donated an amount that almost reached $60, and meanwhile I received 2 tickets, then I donated the rest to get to $60, for the third ticket, but I can't enter the proof into the platform because the minimum I can enter is $20. What should I do?
  103. A

    Looking for friends

    Here in the Forums we are a Family, you can express every opinion you want.
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    [Trad] Lotteria di Yule e sorteggio fortunato! [Aggiornamento 1: fatelo bene per favore]

    Aggiornamento 4: Grazie alle corrette scelte di investimento nelle monete scelte per la raccolta fondi, siamo quasi arrivati a realizzare la raccolta fondi. La mia decisione significa che ora sarà necessaria la METÀ delle iscrizioni per raggiungere l'obiettivo prefissato. Inoltre questo...
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    The Yogic Path to Enlightenment

    Wonderful Sermon High Priestess Lydia! Yoga is essential to one development and also an energetic activity.
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    Workings #75617 Elements and Runes?

    The elements improve one personality, but it is important to built a resistance of the elements by evoking them gradually.
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    New God Rituals: Eligos & Forcas [Dec 3 to Dec 10]

    Thank you High Priest for the Rituals!
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    [Trad] Lotteria di Yule e sorteggio fortunato! [Aggiornamento 1: fatelo bene per favore]

    Aggiornamento 3: le vincite del sorteggio devono essere godute dai vincitori Dopo aver riflettuto sull'argomento, ho deciso che dovrebbe essere impossibile per chi vince inviare la vincita del sorteggio alla GdS. Saremmo più che felici di vedere una persona felice che acquista qualcosa che le...
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    Other #75602 thoughts or intuition

    You can verify if the voice is of your Guardian Demon. If the voice gives you good advices you should continue to listening.
  110. A

    Fasting, Dieting: Strength First and Foremost

    Useful and important informations, thank you High Priestess Lydia.
  111. A

    Parente odioso

    Purtroppo Marte tra un po' è retrogrado, quindi non si può eseguire magia nera. Ti suggerisco di fare rituali per proteggere i tuoi beni, sia Rituali degli Dèi sia rituali con Rune, Algiz e Thurisaz possono andare bene per proteggere le tue priorità. Quando Marte tornerà diretto, puoi vedere...
  112. A

    I'm new here

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    72 virgins in Quran?

    That religion, that literally means submission, it ius pure perversion and pure evil created by jews. https://islamicevil.com/
  114. A

    #75572 Endless feeling of fatigue

    You can increase your vitality by Invoking Fire and with Breathing Exercises for Satanists. The morning you can Invoking Earth and you could often go in Trance for his benefits: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-benefits-of-trance.74755/
  115. A

    #75568 I envy women

    Those 2 Sermons of HPS Lydia could help you: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/dating-lies-told-to-men-part-1.290230/ https://ancient-forums.com/threads/seduction.293729/
  116. A

    [Trad] Lotteria di Yule e sorteggio fortunato! [Aggiornamento 1: fatelo bene per favore]

    Aggiornamento 2: tutto è in regola Finora è andata bene, tutti hanno ricevuto i loro biglietti e stiamo salendo a bordo per il Jolly di Yule della Gioia di Satanas . È molto bello. Chiunque abbia avuto problemi, contatti il GG BlackOnyx e li risolveremo immediatamente. Mostriamo come Comunità...
  117. A

    I can not do some asanas. And questions about yoga.

    Yes, it will get better gruadually. You should do both Yoga and Meditation if you have time. If you do one meditation chakra a day, you can do the Hatha Yoga for that Chakra, you can study the page about yoga of High Priestess Lydia: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/yoga-posts.64519/
  118. A

    [Trad] Lotteria di Yule e sorteggio fortunato! [Aggiornamento 1: fatelo bene per favore]

    Aggiornamento 1: fatelo bene per favore Alcune persone: 1. In pochi, hanno inviato screenshots falsi. È inutile. Possiamo facilmente verificare che sono falsi. 2. Non si seguono le ISTRUZIONI per la partecipazione alla Lotteria (invio a indirizzi casuali, altri indirizzi). Quanto sopra deve...
  119. A

    [Trad] Lotteria di Yule e sorteggio fortunato! [Aggiornamento 1: fatelo bene per favore]

    Yuletide Raffle & Lucky Draw! [Update 1: Do It Properly Please] https://ancient-forums.com/threads/yuletide-raffle-lucky-draw-update-1-do-it-properly-please.294735/ È arrivato il tempo di Yule e noi stiamo festeggiando. Stiamo per realizzare un evento divertente per il periodo di Yule. Nella...
  120. A

    God rituals / rtr

    It is less effective, but is effective. The important thing is doing the Rituals.
  121. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Yuletide Raffle & Lucky Draw! [Update 1: Do It Properly Please] https://ancient-forums.com/threads/yuletide-raffle-lucky-draw-update-1-do-it-properly-please.294735/
  122. A

    [Trad] Lasciare andare l'apparato di menzogne ebraiche e progredire avanti

    Letting Go of the Jewish Lies Apparatus & Advancing Forward https://ancient-forums.com/threads/letting-go-of-the-jewish-lies-apparatus-advancing-forward.294722/ Molte persone si chiedono continuamente perché la Gioia di Satanas parli così esplicitamente di certi argomenti pericolosi come i...
  123. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Letting Go of the Jewish Lies Apparatus & Advancing Forward https://ancient-forums.com/threads/letting-go-of-the-jewish-lies-apparatus-advancing-forward.294722/
  124. A

    #35418 Uri-El

    uriel is an enemy thoughtform, you can do RtRs to resolve all the problems related to that.
  125. A

    #35414 Struggling to find pride in my country and hope for the future

    In the Joy of Satanas you can find all the instruments to evolve yourself and protect your children. To understand the current world you can study Satanic Ethics: https://satanisgod.org/Satanic-Ethics.html To advance the cause you can partecipate in the life of the Forums and the Joy of...
  126. A


    I link dei Rituali degli Dèi e gli RtR sono in questo post: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/guerra-spirituale-rituali-vari-e-di-potere-rituali-d%E2%80%99inversione-della-torah-stanza-della-guerra.80936/ Se non funziona il link in Italiano puoi usare quello in lingua originale...
  127. A


    Se li fai tutti e 3 insieme disperdi l'energia, tuttavia essa avrà comunque un minimo effetto. Se li fai 1 alla volta l'energia è concentrata e l'effetto è massimo. Tieni d'occhio il calendario della GdS su: https://jos-astro.com/ Con Marte retrogrado è meglio non fare magia nera. Ma puoi...
  128. A

    [Trad] La mente del PNG: perché la GdS è erroneamente vista come malvagia

    The NPC Mind: Why The JoS Is Falsely Seen As Evil https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-npc-mind-why-the-jos-is-falsely-seen-as-evil.88481/ Perché la gente è programmata... dagli stessi ebrei che dicono costantemente di non esistere. La morsa della mente del PNG, dovuta alla programmazione...
  129. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    The NPC Mind: Why The JoS Is Falsely Seen As Evil https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-npc-mind-why-the-jos-is-falsely-seen-as-evil.88481/
  130. A

    [Trad] Trattamento equo della conoscenza

    Fair Treatment Of Knowledge https://ancient-forums.com/threads/fair-treatment-of-knowledge.95310/ In generale, uno dei motivi per cui sono quasi dell'idea che la GdS debba essere chiusa al mondo esterno è che gli esseri umani sono molto deboli e non riescono a interiorizzare facilmente certe...
  131. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Fair Treatment Of Knowledge https://ancient-forums.com/threads/fair-treatment-of-knowledge.95310/
  132. A

    [Trad] Scrivete i vostri problemi

    Write Down Your Problems https://ancient-forums.com/threads/write-down-your-problems.95337/ Saluti a tutti, Dato che la GdS sta per subire dei cambiamenti strutturali a beneficio di tutti, è importante che voi raccontiate tutti i problemi che avete. O qualsiasi cosa vi sentiate a vostro agio...
  133. A

    It’s Satan or YHWH?

    Dedication is essential to establish a connection with Satanas and be protected by Him. "yahweh" is a thoughtform of the enemy, it is a tetragrammaton of jewish letters, with killing the tetragrammaton ritual you will resolve the situation, also with the Final RtR and the Shattering jewish soul...
  134. A

    It’s Satan or YHWH?

    At the beginning of the Satanic journey some spiritual and psychic attacks can arrive from the enemy, that is because you are on the right path. It is positive that you are studying Satanism, in the Joy of Satanas you can find everything you need. The Dedication is very important...
  135. A

    2025 SS Calendars

    Thank you all for the Calendars!
  136. A

    Calendari SS 2025 [TRAD]

    Grazie Aquarius per aver tradotto il calendario, colgo l'occasione per ringraziarti di aver tradotto anche quelli degli anni precedenti.
  137. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Write Down Your Problems https://ancient-forums.com/threads/write-down-your-problems.95337/
  138. A

    [Trad] I peccati della guerra tra Israele e Iran

    The Sins Of Israel & Iran War https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-sins-of-israel-iran-war.95628/ Devo riaprire internet e vedere le notizie e ci risiamo, altri ebrei che hanno bombardato i generali iraniani, dopo un intero ciclo di attacchi e uccisioni di bambini e neonati, mentre loro...
  139. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    The Sins Of Israel & Iran War https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-sins-of-israel-iran-war.95628/
  140. A

    [Trad] Tutti sono terroristi e Hamas al giorno d'oggi

    Everyone Is a Terrorist And Hamas Nowadays https://ancient-forums.com/threads/everyone-is-a-terrorist-and-hamas-nowadays.95697/ Ci sono molti video in cui sparano a bambini, neonati, persone a caso, come l'altro video in cui hanno ucciso tre bambini di sette anni senza alcun motivo. Tutti...
  141. A

    Third eye

    You can do the Necronomicon Meditation for the Third Eye: https://joyofsatan.org/Necronomicon_Meditations.html You can verify the astrological conditions in https://jos-astro.com/ in the JoS Calendar.
  142. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Everyone Is a Terrorist And Hamas Nowadays https://ancient-forums.com/threads/everyone-is-a-terrorist-and-hamas-nowadays.95697/
  143. A

    [Trad] Unire le nostre comunità russe [орумы Joy of Satan Russia были обновлены! - 17 июня 2024]

    Uniting Our Russian Communities [орумы Joy of Satan Russia были обновлены! - 17 июня 2024]...
  144. A

    House of the Gods: Welcoming New Members

    Beautiful Sermon Guardian.
  145. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Uniting Our Russian Communities [орумы Joy of Satan Russia были обновлены! - 17 июня 2024]...
  146. A

    [Trad] Sulla violenza e la conversione della “gente” a “dio”.

    About Violence & Conversion Of "People" To "God" https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-violence-conversion-of-people-to-god.289521/ Alcuni sembrano ancora pensare che la “violenza” possa essere una soluzione per riportare le persone agli Dèi. Questi Dèi, non sarebbero certamente i nostri...
  147. A

    New God Rituals: Nepthys & Sekhmet NOW LIVE [Nov 17 to Nov 23]

    Thank you High Priest for the Rituals! Thank you JG Karnonnos, JG Power of Justice, JG NakedPluto and Arcadia for the important informations!
  148. A

    Adolf Hitler

    He is more than good, He is divine and He saved this world. For more informations: https://ss-reich.com/Adolf_Hitler.html https://www.satanisgod.org/mini_index.html
  149. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    About Violence & Conversion Of "People" To "God" https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-violence-conversion-of-people-to-god.289521/
  150. A

    Sermoni da tradurre

    Grazie SaqqaraNox per aver realizzato questo elenco. Contribuirò con qualche traduzione.
  151. A

    Other #882 Vril Society / Thule Society are the same?

    They were secret societies, so there are few informations. Probably in the Vril there were only women, as Maria Orsic, and in the Thule only men. But I don't know if this is true.
  152. A

    Joy of Satanas Final Response: About “Jews”, “Hitler”, “National Socialism” & Politics

    This Sermon is very important for understand the truth about world history, thank you High Priest.
  153. A

    #837 the actual purpose of guardian demons

    This Sermon can help you: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-guardian-demons.91446/
  154. A

    People who achieved immortality, where are they?

    This Sermon can help: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/levels-of-the-magnum-opus-clarified.289396/
  155. A

    [Trad] Bruciare il karma; lavorare come una famiglia

    Burning Karma; Working as a Family https://ancient-forums.com/threads/burning-karma-working-as-a-family.294240/ Nella GdS abbiamo la meditazione di liberazione dell'anima. È estremamente efficace... ma solo per alcuni tipi di karma. Legami, karma auto-inflitto e così via. C'è altro karma. La...
  156. A

    Burning Karma; Working as a Family

    Very beautiful and profound Sermon, thank you HPS Lydia.
  157. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Burning Karma; Working as a Family https://ancient-forums.com/threads/burning-karma-working-as-a-family.294240/
  158. A

    Karma & Working Manifestation

    Very useful informations, thank you High Priest.
  159. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Karma & Working Manifestation https://ancient-forums.com/threads/karma-working-manifestation.294201/
  160. A

    Janus Ritual - Now until Nov 12

    Thank you High Priestess Lydia. Hail Janus!
  161. A

    #790 I've slept with someone who's slept with a jew.

    It is very important and positive that you can perceive energies. So if you don't feel negative affects, it is all good.
  162. A

    Sexuality #776 Porns negative effect on overall health

    You can read: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/on-porn.280524/ and https://satanslibrary.org/English/HP_Hooded_Cobra/Sexual_Energy_Celibacy_No_Fap_November_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf
  163. A

    #701 Did Hitler and Himmler truly kill themselves?

    A lot of no-SS and no-Nazi historians said that there are proof that Hitler did not kill himself, you can search on Internet. Anyway Hitler completed the Magnum Opus.
  164. A


    I wish that Trump will stop the wars and stop the global tension, he will be a good president again.
  165. A

    It's official - Trump won

    I am happy that Trump will be the new president of the United States.
  166. A

    The Gods Will Never Give Up On You: Ups & Downs In Life

    Beautiful words, the faith in the Gods is very important.
  167. A

    Your Experience with the Squares: Share your experiences!

    In my experience, I noticed changes immediately with some Squares and not with others. Anyway for all of them there are benefits for inner evolution, in my experience I felt that evolution after 2-3 squares of the same planet. The planet should be in the right astrological sign, you can check...
  168. A

    Other #743 In the Moscow metro, I was attacked by an Orthodox Christian for Halloween paraphernalia on my smartphone.

    During these situations you can connect with Satan and the Gods for help. Ignore christians, they provoke you and it is a trap.
  169. A

    Aura cleaning after FRTR?

    After a FRTR you can do these: https://joyofsatan.org/Returning_Curses.html https://joyofsatan.org/Returning_Curses2.html
  170. A

    Workings #728 Cleaning?

    You can also visualize, so you can vibrate and visualize specific areas, as Chakras and Aura.
  171. A

    About Prisoners To Negativity - Empathy, Modern World & Mental Health

    Balance of the emotions and happiness are very important. Thank you High Priest for the Sermon.
  172. A

    My Guardian Demon

    You can go in Trance and visualize the Sigil of your Guardian Demon.
  173. A

    Samhain: Two New God Rituals - Bastet and Seshat

    2 beautiful Rituals for Samhain! Thank you High Priest! Happy Samhain!
  174. A

    [Trad] Buon Halloween / Samhain! (2024)

    Happy Halloween / Samhain! (2024) https://ancient-forums.com/threads/happy-halloween-samhain-2024.293846/ Buon Halloween, a tutti! Nei tempi moderni la festa di Halloween è sempre più all'insegna dell'orrore e del sangue. Il nemico mette in scena tutto questo per insultare Satana e spaventare...
  175. A

    The Occult Path: "Closed Be The Doors To The Andrapoda"

    Thank you High Priest for this important Sermon.
  176. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Happy Halloween / Samhain! (2024) https://ancient-forums.com/threads/happy-halloween-samhain-2024.293846/
  177. A

    Extremist christian pastor Joel Webbon

    If marxism fail, jews will push christianity. They always promote a program of domination and slavery for the Gentiles, if one fails, the other arrives.
  178. A

    Voting trump

    I am not American, anyway I think that a government with the alliance Trump-Kennedy-Musk is better than Harris.
  179. A

    #626 Was Hitler really a Satanist? Why do his words point to the contrary?

  180. A

    Meditations #618 How do I boost the process of Energy Balancing and Distribution within the Soul?

    You could balance the Elements with this meditation: Circulating The Elements.
  181. A

    [Trad] Divinazione e relazioni personali

    Divination And Personal Relationships https://ancient-forums.com/threads/divination-and-personal-relationships.293718/ Un argomento comune che le persone mi raccontano è il seguente: “Ho chiesto se questa persona sarà l'amore della mia vita ed i tarocchi hanno detto di sì. L'ho chiesto a...
  182. A


    That is why enemy programs always attack sexuality.
  183. A

    Divination And Personal Relationships

    Very good and important words High Priest, personal experiences and logic are very important.
  184. A

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Divination And Personal Relationships https://ancient-forums.com/threads/divination-and-personal-relationships.293718/
  185. A

    A Thank You To Lord Valefor

    Hail Valefor!
  186. A

    #593 Anti angel works

    https://josrituals.org/ritual/rtr/final-rtr-killing-tetragrammaton-shattering-jewish-soul-protection.html Avoid contact with angels thoughtforms. You can do the Gods Rituals.
  187. A

    The Gods #604 How to protect yourself when working with Demons?

    You should study the website https://www.satanisgod.org/ Especially the part about the Gods https://joyofsatan.org/AllDemons.html When working with the Gods, you are protected by Them.
  188. A


    You can start with the 40 day meditation program and then the 6 months program. You can do Gods Rituals and RtRs. You can learn gradually, that is normal, and everyday you will know new things, learning new things can generate beautiful emotions, you are doing the process correctly, during the...
  189. A

    A Happy and Growing Community

    JoS is a wonderful Community and It is a gift from the Gods!
  190. A

    Magical Squares

    In the same period of time, yes.
  191. A

    Hitler and Christians

    Hitler was fighting against christianity: https://ss-reich.com/

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
