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  1. Kaemythra

    Woman, Womanhood and our things.

    Women are really connected with the divine, is there anything more "common" and complex than women? This really is a divine work, we carry a lot since our birth, it is a balance between chaos and peace. Of all shapes, sizes, colors, ways of express yourself, styles.. weaknesses and strengths. We...
  2. Kaemythra

    Maybe I got a little carried away to share the songs here

    Hello, sisters and brothers, I decided to make this post to share some songs with you. Some of you may not prefer this style since most of the songs here don't reach the 90's and many are melancholy lol. Please feel free to share music as well. 🦚 Tears For Fears - Mad World...
  3. Kaemythra

    Other #76132 tiktok

    I haven't used TikTok for over 3 years and honestly, it has improved a lot in other aspects of my life.
  4. Kaemythra

    Women, what should they do and what shouldn't they do

    ( in my view ) he knew that feminism didn't give women the strength they promised but rather put them on a low level/ tried to fit women in where they didn't belong, and that's not to say that women can't do what they want, anyone can do what they want, but men and women have their differences...
  5. Kaemythra

    Health #76034 headaches

    You should go to the doctor, this really isn't normal... someone in my family who had headaches and dizziness for anything...She went to the doctor and discovered that she had a magnesium deficiency..I'm not saying that's your case, but it would be a good idea for you to go see a doctor to find...
  6. Kaemythra

    Other #76006 Affirmations without raising energy

    As well as doing it before bed, you can do it as soon as you wake up, that moment when you're still sleepy, but not to the point where you can't think straight because you might end up saying something wrong.
  7. Kaemythra

    Paying Attention, Staying Alert

    Thank you very much for the advice, for some reason I was feeling really bad and my intuition increased 100% like I had never seen before, there is always something alerting me at all times. Now I get it, I was talking to my friend about it ( the bad feeling and she said it could be PMS symptoms...
  8. Kaemythra

    Other #75696 i feel my wings

    they appear to you
  9. Kaemythra

    Sexuality #75670 abortion

    Everyone has their own opinion and here at Jos it has already been said that if someone wants to do it, it would be good to do it before 3 or 4 months..no one is forced to have a baby. If you want to have one that's fine, if you don't want one that's fine too.
  10. Kaemythra

    Getting back ex and repair relationship

    I advise you to think a little about the first problem you want to solve in the first place, is it a communication problem? with women in general? Do you have certain problems in showing your feelings? see what you feel is most important right now to fix..Once you find out, look at your calendar...
  11. Kaemythra

    Relationships #75643 my relationship and jealousy

    if you both do the same thing, then there's no reason to be jealous and as you said "it feels like an open relationship" then it means you're okay to accept it and do the same. Since you don't accept it now, try talking to him and telling him that from now on, it can't happen on his side and it...
  12. Kaemythra

    #75568 I envy women

    exactly, in the end that's all that matters, no one can stand being around someone who annoying, man or woman.
  13. Kaemythra

    Getting back ex and repair relationship

    Honestly, she's probably tired of asking several times, you yourself have realized the mistake you made with her and the pain you caused her, that's a great step. I'd say let her live her life and then you can work on being a better person for your next relationship. Because what I see and what...
  14. Kaemythra

    Translators Still Active - Please Reply Here

    I'm still active, I'm Ba666 2.0 I just changed my name, I preferred not to change it in the email so as not to cause any confusion. I am available for any translation into Portuguese.
  15. Kaemythra

    Other #914 tarot deck problem

    You can buy your deck online, so you can do some good research and find one that doesn't have enemy symbols.
  16. Kaemythra

    A Thread for Modern Ancient Fashion for Women:

    Exactly! I can already see the future where we will bring back the old fashion and its beauty..I wish you all the success on your X page, may the gods bless you!
  17. Kaemythra

    A Thread for Modern Ancient Fashion for Women:

    we should have good "influencers" nowadays...not this clean girl and minimalism business where it takes away all the essence and beauty, not to mention the "beige" fashion that I find horrible, the human being needs color and beauty...particularly I love 80's fashion even though, I consume more...
  18. Kaemythra

    New God Rituals: Nepthys & Sekhmet NOW LIVE [Nov 17 to Nov 23]

    I loved it!! It's a great work, thank you for being on Jos and thank you for bringing these wonderful things. hail Satan !!!
  19. Kaemythra

    Family #812 Naming our kids after Gods names

    yes ! Here in Brazil we have the female name "Kéfera" which comes from the god Khepri, the scarab god.
  20. Kaemythra

    Can you tell if someone is in love with you?Or has a crush on you by doing this?:

    As you evolve, it becomes easier to sense the person's aura and feelings and even to see them, especially if you're a natural empath. There's a meditation on reading the person's thoughts in Jos, it's in the intermediate stage of advancement, and there I've been able to feel the energy of many...
  21. Kaemythra

    Cartomancia e enganos

    é melhor fazer 1 trabalho de cada vez, fazendo 3 de uma vez pode acontecer de nenhum funcionar ( o que é o esperado ).
  22. Kaemythra

    Quero começar a ler tarot usando minha espiritualidade

    eu usei esse PDF que achei aqui para aprender muita coisa, pode ser de grande ajuda. tarô para satanistas espirituais durma com seu tarô todos os dias embaixo do seu travesseiro, não deixe ninguém encostar nele ( deixe ele em um lugar bem protegido ) pratique bastante e com o tempo você vai...
  23. Kaemythra

    Minhas leituras

    muitas coisas que vendem hoje em dia para leitura de tarô está tudo equivocado, por experiência própria faça a leitura no que você vê e sente, claro que a prática tem que ser constante para maior precisão, não tente mudar a leitura para agradar a pessoa, pq muitas vezes não vai sair como o...
  24. Kaemythra

    Other #713 Est ce que je peux changer mon type d'oeil ? [Can I change my eye type?]

    Don't listen to what these people say... honestly, sleeping eyes are beautiful and attractive. There are exercises to strengthen the muscles around the eyes, but it won't change them to the way you want them to be, especially if your eyes are deep-set (most people with this type of look have...
  25. Kaemythra

    Samhain: Two New God Rituals - Bastet and Seshat

    I loved the rituals, wonderful!! Thank you !!
  26. Kaemythra

    Happy Halloween / Samhain! (2024)

    Happy Samhain everyone ! 👻
  27. Kaemythra

    #572 Dreams

    As I see it, it could be how you feel, trapped and with no escape, even if unconsciously, sometimes the way you're leading your life and the events can end up appearing in your dream. Or it's simply a dream.
  28. Kaemythra

    #567 Sou filha de Satan mas tô passando por problemas! [I'm Satan's daughter but I'm having problems!]

    Muita limpeza e proteção, se você conhecer seu DG peça ajuda a ele ou até mesmo para Pai Satan..As vezes seu pesadelo pode ser causado por outros problemas como você disse da depressão, é algo recorrente para mim quando estou ansiosa ter pesadelo, pode ser o seu caso também, o que eu quero diz...
  29. Kaemythra

    #575 Worried about jealousy

    Don't worry, it's not a dispute... Your jealous will turn into admiration, I think everyone might feel a bit inferior at first. Many of our brothers and sisters have been in Jos for many years and have been in the same place as you. In the beginning (although I haven't been here for many years)...
  30. Kaemythra

    Smoking once In a while

    I think this would be bad because it could trigger a future addiction, even if I only do it on certain occasions...it could go from certain occasions to something regular and then full-blown addiction.
  31. Kaemythra

    #440 Communication with a Demon

    I'm sorry, but I wasn't a member of Jos. Everyone here knows how loving, kind and not at all dangerous the gods/demons are. They often end up taking us out of certain dangerous situations, do you think someone who would be dangerous would do that for our safety and well-being? They help us a...
  32. Kaemythra

    #398 My sister fell in love

    I think you have to let your sister have her own experiences. I know you want to help her and you care about her feelings. But it would be better to let them get closer and create a real connection (I'm not saying spells aren't) but let it happen in their own time. Sometimes, unfortunately, we...
  33. Kaemythra

    The Gods #349 Worship

    Prayer is nothing more than you talking to Satan...You talk to him mentally and he listens to you...just like you talk to a friend normally, but with respect and politeness, of course.
  34. Kaemythra

    #335 I don't think my native language is beautiful. Why is that?

    Seriously? I think Russian is a very beautiful language, I was considering learning it..lol. I think you should focus more on your culture and see the beauty of it, in time you'll appreciate your language...
  35. Kaemythra

    #328 Eye sight

    Go to a doctor and use the prescription glasses he/she gives you.
  36. Kaemythra

    #324 How to get rid of unwanted hair on certain body parts?

    You probably have the genetics for it, waxing can be a good idea because over time the hairs will thin and disappear, but it has to be a constant waxing and it can take a few years (but it's a wax that lasts longer than the razor, try to wax in your ovulation period and not before/during...
  37. Kaemythra

    an old drawing

    This is an old drawing I did, I was just starting to draw and discovering new ways to express myself, I really like this peacock I drew, it's old and not the best but I like it.
  38. Kaemythra

    #301 How can you tell if a person is gay or bi?

    But the question is: why do you want to make a straight man fall in love with you? Wouldn't it be better to use magic to attract someone compatible with you instead of trying to make a straight man like you? There are many people in the world.
  39. Kaemythra

    #304 Skincare/Hair [to HPS Lydia]

    Many claim that rosemary really does darken the hair, others say that it doesn't have enough properties to darken a hair, I think it depends on the person. The influencer who uses this rosemary water has blonde hair, and I've never seen a video of her reporting that her hair has darkened. But...
  40. Kaemythra

    #304 Skincare/Hair [to HPS Lydia]

    I can help you with a few things I've learned, I've always liked taking care of myself since I was very young so I've learned a lot. You don't need to spend thousands of dollars on skincare like social media sells, if you can afford it, I recommend going to a dermatologist, but if not, try to...
  41. Kaemythra

    #301 How can you tell if a person is gay or bi?

    Ask the person if they are gay or bi, simple. You have to understand that if the person is neither gay nor bi, just straight... there is nothing you can do, move on with your life and find someone compatible with you. Don't fool yourself into thinking that you'll be able to make a straight man...
  42. Kaemythra

    #256 I don't wanna be the ugly one

    I don't know what your friends are like or the people you hang out with on a daily basis...but if you've ever been unhappy with your appearance or any other problem and a friend of yours didn't care, maybe they're not that much of a friend...they're obviously not obliged to solve your problems...
  43. Kaemythra

    #272 What should I do about hunting, and the ethics of treating wild animals?

    If you don't need to feed or they aren't attacking you, there's no point in bothering them. Animals are sacred in Satanism.
  44. Kaemythra

    #238 Size difference

    There's no problem with you liking tall men, it's your preference and that's that, nobody has anything to do with what you like. Now, as for the 2 meter tall part, they are a small part of the population and depending on the country you live in it's even difficult. The taller they get, the more...
  45. Kaemythra

    #203 How old is the African race?

    Yes information changes a lot here in Jos, it's nothing new, but I think Maxine or anyone else who was in leadership would have talked about it. Whites, Asians and blacks are totally different from each other, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. You may not sympathize with non-white...
  46. Kaemythra

    #203 How old is the African race?

    Both the black and Asian races were created by the gods..there are black and Asian gods too, we are all creations of Satan.
  47. Kaemythra

    Satanic Personalities Section: A Community Project [JG Karnonnos + Update]

    Maria Orsitsch or Maria Oršić. " He was born in Vienna. Her father was Croatian and her mother a German from Vienna. Although there are several photos and documents proving the existence of Maria Orsic, it was only after 1960 that historians and writers began to notice her connection to Nazi...
  48. Kaemythra

    #200 Why is this happening all of a sudden?

    Two options, your true self is "coming out" which is extremely normal when you are on the path of Satan and meditation or because you think he looks like a girl, you have to analyze the situation well...would you feel comfortable kissing him? having affection? having a relationship with him...
  49. Kaemythra

    Have to ask.

    Satan knows everything about you and I believe you want to talk to him, I think it is important for those who are starting on this path. Regarding astral projection, you can ask your GD for help, but first of all, make sure you have performed your ritual. ( initiation)
  50. Kaemythra

    #71 Venus Square timing

    It's okay, it doesn't matter...your square is not ruined, as Brother Luis said.
  51. Kaemythra

    #74 Attack

    reinforce your aura of protection and ask your GD or father Satan for help if you don't know who your GD is.
  52. Kaemythra

    #71 Venus Square timing

    I suggest you start on the day and at the time of the square, it's fine to do it at different times on other days if it's not possible to do it at the exact time.
  53. Kaemythra

    Race question: how to only attract aryan clientele?

    We are against race mixing, not against blacks and Asians, we are against what the enemy is doing to the planet and to the Gentiles (who are black, white and Asian), we are against what the big noses are trying to shove down our throats. I think that many people don't join us here in Jos because...
  54. Kaemythra

    Question #5793: Movie

    on a page in Jos, this movie is recommended.
  55. Kaemythra

    Question #5797: How to know if your friend is gay?

    the right thing to do would be to ask him, but as the situation is a bit complicated... if something typical about homosexuality comes up, see how he reacts... sometimes, even if he is gay, as it is not accepted there, he may deny it or even act more negatively.try to form a friendship with him...
  56. Kaemythra

    Question #5757: What to do about?

    Then he or she is not your friend. friends don't treat each other like that, don't let him/ her being rude or mistreating you. Stay away from that kind of person...If you've already tried to talk and the person still insists on this type of attitude and they're not just stupid and don't see what...
  57. Kaemythra

    Question #5750: Was I born in my past life in China?

    the only person who can tell you if you were born in china or not in your past life is you...if you're asian it could be very likely, now if you're white...it could be a little more difficult, unless your mother in your past life and you lived there...or you went there at some point and had a...
  58. Kaemythra

    Question #5743: My friend does this to me

    Even if he is your friend, boundaries are essential in all friendships. people think that just because they're friends they can do whatever they want, but that's not exactly how it works. A good friendship is when you trust each other and you can be yourself and know that that person will be...
  59. Kaemythra

    Question #5655: Clarify inconsistencies.

    the universe has always existed... If I'm not mistaken, that's not a certain age because his time is different from ours... but speaking in the rhythm of the earth, he would be that age.
  60. Kaemythra

    Question #5648: After doing one of the gods ritual

    yes, everyone reacts differently..the rituals of the gods do not cause any harm so it is a good sign that you are full of energy...if the energies are getting "uncomfortable" you can give them, ask your guardian to take them.
  61. Kaemythra

    Question #5660: How to correctly ask a question and get an answer to it from the gods

    Well, you can speak normally, with respect of course...they will listen to you, and be aware of the signs
  62. Kaemythra

    Question #5661: Spell gay and straight love

    He's straight, you're gay. That's it, there's no reason for you to do that, he was born and will die that way, just like you, look for a man who also has relationships with other men.
  63. Kaemythra

    Question #5479: Problems with the smell. Am I gay or not?

    Gay or not... nobody likes or would like to have sex with a person who smells bad, especially their genitals... I found it strange when you said that even if he washes the smell is persistent, that's really strange, either he must not wash really well or it's some much bigger problem... Genitals...
  64. Kaemythra

    Question #5477: Lana Del Rey

    I honestly don't think she is..she appears to be just a white American woman
  65. Kaemythra

    Question #5150: Race mixing if you are gay

    We are against race mixing for many other reasons, not just for reproduction reasons. You are still affected if you mix with other races, gay or not.
  66. Kaemythra

    Question #5021: Portuguese

    I'm Brazilian and I'm proud of my country. Unfortunately, many Brazilians are immigrating to another country to try to have a decent life because in many states survival is terrible. I spent three months in Portugal and was very well received, just as any other nationality is well received here...
  67. Kaemythra

    Question #5015: I've never been loved. What should I do?

    This could be in your natal chart or unfortunately bad events that are part of life. To be honest, people give signs all the time, sooner or later they show who they really are, I suggest you focus on yourself and get to know yourself before you even get into a relationship, what you accept and...
  68. Kaemythra

    Question #5020: Information

    The most important thing is learning, read the website, ask any questions you have here. step by step you can "locate" yourself in everything. https://satanisgod.org/index.html
  69. Kaemythra

    Question #5025: Doing workings without counting mantra reps

    Determine an exact number of repetitions for your work and do the same every day until the end. It's better for an organization than repeating an absurd amount over and over again, and numbers have their meanings, certain ones may be good for one type of magical work than others.
  70. Kaemythra

    Question #4991: Do I need to repeat the chakra openings if I skipped years?

    I think the right thing to do would be to repeat it.
  71. Kaemythra

    Question #4990: The future of JoS Astrology?

    If you want to know more about astrology you can ask here, you're not being annoying in asking your questions, on the contrary, it means you want to learn more and that's great. I believe that the materials on Jos will always be updated. but the important thing is that you do your own research...
  72. Kaemythra

    Question #4988: A question about Trance

    When you're in a trance you can't move, that's a fact. It depends a lot on what kind of trance you're in, like certain meditations you end up feeling something in the middle of the trance, but it's not because of the trance, it's because of the meditation itself (an example is Meditation to...
  73. Kaemythra

    Question #4993: do you accept femboys?

    It doesn't matter your color (race), style of clothing, style of music, the color you like, the food you don't like to eat, anyone who isn't Jewish is welcome.
  74. Kaemythra

    Question #4995: Henna

    I think Henna in itself is a form of cultural expression, a way they found to draw their sacred symbols, not the product itself.
  75. Kaemythra

    Question #5003: praticse and worship Satan and Gods without dedication

    It is not disrespectful but it is dangerous for you, I suggest you be careful and do your dedication ritual when you are ready, so you can continue with your meditations safely.
  76. Kaemythra

    Question #5002: How to get rid of body hair?

    I'm sorry, but did you read what was after the word Visana ? you probably found it on the banishment ritual page, a word that can NOT be used for any other purpose. " Vinasa is an ancient Sanskrit word of banishment and acts to destroy the unwanted energy and/or entity. This word is to destroy...
  77. Kaemythra

    Question #4979: Love spell to an SS

    If you tried to talk to him and explain the situation and he still didn't want to listen to you, it's best to leave him alone. It's difficult to say much because I don't know what happened between you guys, but apparently he made his decision. try talking to Father Satan about the situation...
  78. Kaemythra

    I didn't grow taller.

    You don't have to worry about your height, I think you're a man, heights are more important for men these days. I'm a woman and I'm really short, everyone in my family is tall and I'm the only short one, I hated it for a long time and I wish I was taller because I felt inferior, but over time...
  79. Kaemythra

    Question #4903: Crying after sex

    I think this is normal, many people have said that they started laughing or even crying...
  80. Kaemythra

    Question #4887: Tarot

    take a look here : https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/satanic-method-of-tarot-reading.12696/
  81. Kaemythra

    Question #4874: What is this sharp pain/pressure I feel between the back of my neck and head during meditation? Is it Kundalini? What should I do abou

    It could be a blockage in your throat chakra preventing the Kundalini from rising properly.
  82. Kaemythra

    Question #4878: Feeling disgusted and dirty after watching porn

    unconsciously you know it's bad for you. Don't watch porn videos - they're bad for you and your brain. This is a much-discussed topic and you can get information quickly just by searching here on the forum, where it is taught how to deprogram it. Even if you watch it rarely, it can become...
  83. Kaemythra

    How do I break up... ?

    You can clearly see that even though you want to break up you like her as a person and want her to have a good life, just be honest with her but not in a rude way and that's it. She may be upset at the moment but in the future she may understand what you meant or even not, she may understand...
  84. Kaemythra

    3 years of dedication

    Thank u so much brother/ sister<3
  85. Kaemythra

    3 years of dedication

    Absolutely <3
  86. Kaemythra

    3 years of dedication

    thank u so much brother<3
  87. Kaemythra

    3 years of dedication

    thank u so much brother<3
  88. Kaemythra

    3 years of dedication

    thank u so much brother/ sister<3
  89. Kaemythra

    3 years of dedication

    thank u so much HPS Lydia<3
  90. Kaemythra

    3 years of dedication

    Today (01/06 ) marks 3 years since I made my dedication, it is a small number compared to some brothers and sisters who have been here for more than a decade probably, but it is a number that I am very proud to have achieved, and I also want to thank the gods, Father Satan and my GD who have...
  91. Kaemythra

    Question #4784: Problems with Anger

    Anger is a totally normal emotion, no emotion is "unhealthy". If you're new, probably because of the meditations many emotions that you've repressed will end up "coming out", it's not recommended to repress any emotion, I'm not saying that you have to go around punching and kicking people...
  92. Kaemythra

    Question #4655: Is it possible to have Lillith as your GD?

    No, they are not anyone's guardians the way you think.
  93. Kaemythra

    Question #4653: Relationship problems

    It depends on what you think cheating is, everyone has their own view of what they consider cheating and what they don't. But being honest, I don't think it's normal and respectful, I would consider it cheating because it's MY way of thinking. Get rid of that girl and find someone who respects...
  94. Kaemythra

    Happy New Satanic Year: 2024

  95. Kaemythra


    The ritual page for Satan talks about. Blue is one of Father Satan's colors and is very connected to him.
  96. Kaemythra

    Zarathustra's Wheel.

    " You can't control the waves, but you can learn to surf " ( I read this just yesterday ) amazing sermon, thank you HPHC for always being with us ❤️
  97. Kaemythra

    Question #4251: Angels

    You should not trust angels, ever. 1 : they are from the enemy (nothing that comes from him is good ) 2: their "helps" are actually all a hoax and after a while the truth is revealed, as they don't help anyone and are just using the person in some way.
  98. Kaemythra

    Question #4224: I find it hard to keep going

    Simple: don't stop. Sometimes it will be very difficult to meditate even for advanced people, so it is not unusual if you are a beginner, your body and brain are basically waking up, he will try to make you stop because it is taking him out of his comfort zone, but don't stop, keep going until...
  99. Kaemythra

    Question #4225: My question about demon rituals and energy

    Everyone feels differently, always when you finish even if you don't feel "anything", stop, breathe and do as you would do the void meditation but focusing on the energy, that helps me. try to feel something in the silence of your meditation after the ritual.
  100. Kaemythra

    Question #4226: Weight loss meditation

    Always practice even if it is for a short period of time more you practice the better you will become even if it is difficult at first.
  101. Kaemythra

    Question #4168: Odthal

    on this same channel you can find the other runes
  102. Kaemythra

    Question #4140: Rune

    It is not necessary to learn all the ways to vibrate a rune, in case of any magical work, use which one is best for you.
  103. Kaemythra

    Question #4116: Hablar con My padre satanás [Talking to My father satan]

    You don't need to do a ritual to talk to Father Satan. You can talk to him any time, any day, and he will listen to you telepathically or not. But if you want to perform a ritual : https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Ritual.html
  104. Kaemythra

    Question #3883: Spiritual Significance of Birth Marks?

    I think having a birthmark and being a witch are different things
  105. Kaemythra

    Question #3461: Demon Friend/s?

    Yes, they are friendly and always here to help us, especially new members. Read and study the site a lot, there is a specific part for demons/gods, I recommend you read it to learn a little more about them and the truth as well.
  106. Kaemythra

    Question #3460: Is it possible to destroy planets using satanic witchcraft

    Saturn can bring bad things and make you go through bad times? sure, but it can also give you discipline, everyone will go through bad times in life and it's okay, it has to happen, imagine if it was good all the time, and many people learn and become mature through certain experiences and many...
  107. Kaemythra

    The JoS Has A New High Priestess

    CONGRATULATIONS LYDIA ❤️❤️❤️ you deserve this and much more !!!
  108. Kaemythra

    Question #2887: Attirer l argent [Attracting money]

    DON'T GET INVOLVED IN GREY AURA, it will kill you. Grey is used in black magic to kill or cause great damage to the person you are cursing, never use it on yourself. For money you can use gold or green (gold attracts more money than green). Black It can be used for protection, but it's more...
  109. Kaemythra

    Question #3002: certain new age people

    Generally these people are like that, the more they spread "love" the worse they are, I've seen many people commenting that they were part of groups that acted like that, they loved everything and everyone but in reality they were the most horrible people you could talk to.
  110. Kaemythra

    Question #3006: Shifting

    I'm sorry, but that's a stupid thing to read. It's an invention of the enemy and it's used a lot, it would only take you off the real path and put you in vegetation. The gods want our work here, in this reality, on this planet, our home. Practice going into a trance instead, it will help your...
  111. Kaemythra

    Question #2901: Ajuda

    https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=75106 Vai para parte CRIANDO SEU PRÓPRIO TÓPICO
  112. Kaemythra

    Question #2847: Can Satan be our GD?

    I didn't know that DG changes sometimes, can you tell me where you read this? I thought it was the same since the first time they chose us.
  113. Kaemythra

    Question #2785: The Antichrist is Elon Musk

    The antichrist was Hitler, he was and is on our side. This representation (which appears in many horror movies) and the way Christians talk about it is totally false. The Antichrist has not come to destroy or cause the end of the world, as I have heard many times.
  114. Kaemythra

    Question #2728: I have suffered a very very very lot in life

    A strong protective aura must be done and magical work for negative transits. https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=54768 ( here )
  115. Kaemythra

    Question #2729: does satan love because my life is full of suffering and pain and utterly ugly

    This doesn't mean that Satan doesn't love you, I understand that life is really very complicated sometimes and this causes us great pain. It could be transits that are affecting you, curses... etc. Pray to Satan if you need help and don't know how to solve it, he always listens. Over time you...
  116. Kaemythra

    Question #2723: Abortion

    You won't be punished if you have an abortion, it's your choice. I read a long time ago here on the forum that it was recommended ( if you choose to do it ) before 4 months ( if I'm not mistaken )
  117. Kaemythra

    Question #2703: Cutting Cords

  118. Kaemythra

    Question #2687: Blacks and the Swastika

    Anyone can use it, regardless of race. ( many blacks were fighting alongside Hitler, as well as asians and whites )
  119. Kaemythra

    Question #2585: being a woman

    We all have hair because we are mammals, having hair in these areas for women is totally normal but there is a condition (hirsutism) that the pattern of hair growth in women is the same as in men, I would recommend going to the doctor.
  120. Kaemythra

    Question #2571: Releasing guilt and shame

    what's in the past is in the past
  121. Kaemythra

    Question #2515: Vibrating Demon Names

    It can be used for many things, but the important thing is that it's vibrating right, if you start vibrating and you feel something negative, stop. Because something could be wrong. I personally have never used the name of any God for this purpose, but I have used it for cleaning, for example...
  122. Kaemythra

    Question #2508: How to contact Enki/Ea/Shiva/Lucifer/Satan

    Lucifer is satan, he goes by other names too like Shiva..etc Father Satan is very busy just like the other gods but that doesn't mean he hasn't listened to you. Meditating on his sigil is a good way to connect, and if you want to know something, ask for a sign. Working with the pendulum at...
  123. Kaemythra

    Question #2509: Ouija, dangerous or ideal ?

    https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Ouija.html Search more in Jos about Ouija and demons, they are our friends not enemies.
  124. Kaemythra

    Question #2125: Signs of energy vampire?

    You can probably feel that your energy is being sucked out. In my experience, I felt quite tired, lots of negative thoughts, a heavy energy.... These people usually like to make people feel bad.
  125. Kaemythra

    Question #2144: can one have more than one guardian demon

    You only have one guardian demon, and having more than one depends a lot on cases and circumstances.
  126. Kaemythra

    Question #2147: I'm not blonde and I care about that, I want 100% pure genes.

    It is normal for hair to darken or even lighten over time, this does not mean that you are less white, there are white people with dark hair and it is difficult to exist someone 100% nowadays.
  127. Kaemythra

    Question #2152: am i jewish

    No, what makes you a Jew is having Jewish blood.
  128. Kaemythra

    Question #2131: how do i know who my guardian demon is

    It may take a while to find out (it depends) but you can go to the list of gods on the site and read about each one and see the ones that catch your attention (this is not a rule but it may happen that a god that caught your attention is, it varies a lot). You can use pendulum which is a quick...
  129. Kaemythra

    Question #2127: Regarding ANDRAS

    Speaking to him normally, he will listen and you can ask for signs for confirmation. Offering something in return after help is important. https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Demonic_Communication.html...
  130. Kaemythra

    Question #2126: confused between christianity and satanism

    You should read this. https://satanslibrary.org/ExposingChristianity/EXPOSING_CHRISTIANITY_MAIN.html
  131. Kaemythra

    Question #2122: New comer

    You can create an astral temple and there you can do whatever you want, from meditations to rituals. https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Temple.html
  132. Kaemythra

    Question #2121: a new person here

    It doesn't matter the day or the moon.
  133. Kaemythra

    Question #2118: an important doubt regarding dedication ritual

    For the first question it is no. You will sign your name in blood under the prayer you wrote on paper. There is really no mistake for you to do the ritual, following the instructions you can easily do it.
  134. Kaemythra

    Question #2065: dont know how

    This depends on each person but it can probably take a long time before you can hear it.
  135. Kaemythra

    Question #2073: angel numbers

    You have knowledge needed here to get rid of these things and many others. These angel numbers are the stuff of the enemy and new age.
  136. Kaemythra

    Question #2051: many things that I ponder

    The most important thing is not to feel sad about what has not been achieved / done in the past, after all it is in the past it cannot be changed but the present and the future for the most part (what is in your control) yes. So enjoy the now. Every natal chart has something bad, some a little...
  137. Kaemythra

    Question #2044: how do I increase life span

    This has already been answered here. No.
  138. Kaemythra

    Question #2030: Ask-Satan forums question

    Go to the ask Satan page again, put your answer and the number of the question you had asked. Ex : For question number ×××.
  139. Kaemythra

    Question #2040: dreamt about Jews twice in one day

    You are probably reading too much about them or thinking too much about them. But always do protection meditation.
  140. Kaemythra

    Question #2033: My negative emotions consume me

    It is not recommended to repress emotions. Constant meditation can release pent up emotions. These meditations are good for calming down, along with meditation on Satan as well and breathing exercises. https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanic_Void_Meditation.html...
  141. Kaemythra

    Question #1976: Developing fluid intelligence

    Sorry for the late reply, I didn't see the notification. https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Brain.html here is more detailed
  142. Kaemythra

    Question #2035: School

    Don't let your energy get low (try to keep it high), try to do yoga before going to school and nutrition and hydration are also important factors.
  143. Kaemythra

    Question #1976: Developing fluid intelligence

    https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Pineal_Meditation.html This meditation can help you and I believe others also involving the Sixth chakra and the pineal gland. Squares and works to increase intelligence also help. And of course, studying helps too.
  144. Kaemythra

    Question #1894: Should I go back to my country

    If you think your country is better and has better conditions for you, then yes, go back to your country.
  145. Kaemythra

    Question #1883: Confused about my guardian demon

    We only have one guardian demon, feeling connection with certain gods can be something from a past life, like friendship for example. https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Guardian.html You can also go into a trance state and vibrate the name of the God you think is...
  146. Kaemythra

    Question #1870: spells with sound only

    1. " Sound " do you mean vibration? yes you can but it will be weaker than when you raise your energies.
  147. Kaemythra

    Question #1828: The number 13

    13 is one of Father Satan's numbers.
  148. Kaemythra

    Question #1830: How to request Satan's help with pain

    You can ask Father Satan for help but porn doesn't help at all. And if you're talking about paying Satan, you can do a lot of things like online activism....etc
  149. Kaemythra

    Question #1834: Should I take precautions

    Yes, protect yourself
  150. Kaemythra

    Question #1835: About increasing life span

    There is no specific meditation that you can do that gives you the possibility to choose when you die.
  151. Kaemythra

    Question #1766: Is it ok to fantasize about the gods?

    The gods sigil's have to be treated with great respect and kept in places where they can't be harmed. I don't think it is right to fantasize about a goddess because she is not your girlfriend, but it would be different if you had a relationship with a succubi.
  152. Kaemythra

    Question #1742: Is she Jewish? (emma roberts)

    you can search on research sites, but there are famous people who are but do not have this information shared.
  153. Kaemythra

    Question #1739: important doubt concerning dedication ritual

    This is not necessary, you just have to want to do it.
  154. Kaemythra

    Question #1738: Wrong mantras vibrations in a magical square

    Here : https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=314797#p314797
  155. Kaemythra

    Question #1725: thoughtforms

    Read here and you will see several pages talking about it. https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanic_Magick.html
  156. Kaemythra

    Question #1724: How to Perform Sex Magick for Empowerment?

  157. Kaemythra

    Question #1719: Need a very important counseling.Plz many reply

    It is hard not to focus on the past sometimes because we regret so many things we could have done, as you described. But the reality is that now you have this knowledge and you can use it, don't dwell on it because it will only cause more pain, now focus on the present. Progress takes time...
  158. Kaemythra

    Question #1707: Fundamental meditation

    " Feeling in this exercise is most important, especially when you are new. Do not try to see the energy as this can be a distraction. Just get a feel for it. "
  159. Kaemythra

    Question #1686: Soul bondage

    I am not sure if you are talking romantically or not. But I think romantically it is harder for you to have a healthy romantic life ( we should check your chart so there are possibilities ) now when you connected with a random person... I'll put myself as an example, in my case it was that I...
  160. Kaemythra

    Question #1612: Question regarding rituals/meditation experiences

    It is normal, sometimes we "hold" our emotions too much, and this is not good. Meditation can help you release these stored emotions and, automatically, this is a good sign
  161. Kaemythra

    Question #1603: Trying to start over, Will the gods give me another chance?

    Father Satan knows his children and so do the gods, they know that you are trying your best and doing your best, they know who to trust, if you promised something at some point you will have to fulfill it and you are aware of it. If you haven't abandoned them, they haven't abandoned you.Try...
  162. Kaemythra

    Question #1610: Emotional healing regeneration

    Try to balance your elements. You can do specific works to free yourself from past traumas, squares, hypnosis...Constant cleansing also helps.
  163. Kaemythra

    Question #1589: I don't know what I'm missing, why am I so?

    Probably these people have something in their natal chart, or they also had a complicated life and only now are having the results of their efforts, it's hard to talk about the life of others when you don't know exactly what they went through or are going through. The effects of meditations...
  164. Kaemythra

    Seeing numbers

    https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=86361 Yes, the numerology page is not working.
  165. Kaemythra

    Question #1549: Spiritual personal

    What works for one, may not work for another. Try adjusting the way you vibrate.
  166. Kaemythra

    Useless Junk: How to Have a More Spiritual Material Life

    Loved the post, thank you!!!! What could I do to stop being a consumerist? Sometimes I buy because I feel the sense of pleasure after buying, but that can ruin me in the future. After a lot of meditation I am becoming more conscious, but still the consumption is apparent. :?
  167. Kaemythra

    Question #1509: Angel numbers

    These "angel numbers" are new age stuff, don't believe it.
  168. Kaemythra

    Question #1511: Changing clothes after yoga

    Do as you feel best. Clothing that allows movement would be the right choice as it would bring more comfort.
  169. Kaemythra

    Question #1476: Astral Temple

    You do not store your astral temple in any chakra. https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Temple.html Banishing Ritual requires a little more energy.
  170. Kaemythra

    Question #1474: Doing a money spell on others

    It all depends on how strong you are. It doesn't matter what kind of work you are doing.
  171. Kaemythra

    Question #1479: Lol I dont beleive god

    Here we believe that Satan is a real being and our true God. Take a look at the Jos site. https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/HOME.html
  172. Kaemythra

    Time management tips?

    Going to bed a little later or waking up earlier to do meditations will be a sacrifice that you will see results in the future.
  173. Kaemythra

    Question #1435: Is the 40 Day Meditation Program worth if one haven't performed the Dedication Ritual to Satan yet?

    It is not recommended to do it without the dedication. It would be good for you to just study and get rid of the fear of dedication, and only then start the 40-day program and other meditations. You don't need to be afraid, your time is your time. Satan does not force anything on anyone.
  174. Kaemythra

    Question #1437: Initiation destroys the jews?

    Definitely not, our soul and our chakras are completely different, this is only for gentiles. Jews are our enemies, they are not accepted.
  175. Kaemythra

    Question #1438: How do you know if you are a gentile or a jew?

    Jews are a different race from Gentiles, if you have dedicated yourself to Satan and can do the power meditations. Then you are not a Jew. Many people come here afraid that they are Jews, if you are having these thoughts ignore them completely, it could be the enemy.
  176. Kaemythra

    Question #1431: Seeing Violet Color

    This is the color of the sixth chakra, and the third eye is the extension of the sixth chakra. It is probably a sign that your meditation is working.
  177. Kaemythra

    Question #1422: food allergies

    Yes. Of course it depends on how strong you are and the type of allergy, if it is something very severe it will take longer and require more energy (power).
  178. Kaemythra

    Hello, i am a comdemned

    look at your last post and the answers.
  179. Kaemythra

    Question #1400: knot at the throat chakra.

    Your throat chakra is blocked and is making it difficult for energy to pass through, pay a little more attention to this chakra, clean it constantly, and work on it. Align your chakras. focus on the shoulder chakras pointing outward. 1. Begin with the base chakra and turn the cone so the point...
  180. Kaemythra

    Question #1391: Negative affirmations

    This is very common, many people have already talked about it here. I recommend looking it up ( right here ), there are several ways out of this situation.
  181. Kaemythra

    Question #1369: How to make sure I don't get too prideful and blinded?

    Being confident is different from treating people badly. And a lot of times these people feel bad that you're gaining confidence because they don't want you to be well, because they feel inferior, and I've seen this happen, and I see how people look at other people who are confident as if...
  182. Kaemythra

    Question #1376: Getting rid of fear

    yes https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Ghosts.html
  183. Kaemythra

    Question #1362: Multiplayer Lucid Dreams

    Yes, this is something very crazy. It happened to me once and a friend, we were in an intimate moment in the dream but the craziest thing is that we never had anything and he lives in another city, and we hadn't seen each other for years. We were shocked at how accurate it was.
  184. Kaemythra

    Question #1356: how can I make sure my bf never cheats on me

    I think this is disrespectful in a relationship, why would you want to look at other women...many say that even though you are in a relationship, you are still attracted to other people...whether you agree with that or not, it is uncomfortable. Living in a relationship where you are constantly...
  185. Kaemythra

    Question #1352: some music and negativity

    If there is some song, movie...etc and you feel some discomfort, don't watch it or listen to it anymore. I used to watch a lot of superhero movies and one of them was Spiderman, except the only Spiderman movie I couldn't watch was with the actor Andrew Garfield ( jew ) I hated that and it caused...
  186. Kaemythra

    Question #1316: Do the Gods frown on people who cheat on their partners?

    You do whatever you want with your life. If you think that's right. But I think you should avoid future problems. MY OPINION about cheating is that I find it repugnant.
  187. Kaemythra

    Question #1319: Hello

    First, you need to be stronger than him, because if he has a naturally strong aura, it will come back to you instead of hurting him. So, become strong first.
  188. Kaemythra

    Question #1320: Hey ..

    here https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Ouija.html
  189. Kaemythra

    Question #1321: bad situation at home

    You can make your mother separate from him, put an aura of repulsion around him with appropriate affirmations. Of course, make your aura of protection and undo any connection you may be created with him. clean your chakras well and close them if you're going to be around him.
  190. Kaemythra

    Question #1299: Chakras wont open?

    You will know when they open and you can see them shining. If you want to increase the number of repetitions, that's fine, just don't do more than you can handle. Opening chakras does not have an exact time, it varies from person to person, some take time, others do not.
  191. Kaemythra

    Question #1297: Afterall is there a probability that Iam a jew?

    You are Gentile, relax. Father Satan does not accept Jews.
  192. Kaemythra

    Question #1293: I want to give my soul to HPHC or HPS Maxine

    ??? Dedicate your soul to Satan and do your meditations. What you are talking about is foolishness, your soul is yours. You need to deprogram from the enemy's agenda and work on spiritual growth
  193. Kaemythra

    Question #1205: I know it's something we ( women ) decided. but...

    I agree with the part about choosing the right partner. But this opinion " only have sex if you want to have children " makes no sense, and you are forced to have the child because the birth control method failed or something, sometimes people just want to have sex.
  194. Kaemythra

    Question #1205: I know it's something we ( women ) decided. but...

    Hello, wouldn't that be "forcing" someone not to have sex just because they might get pregnant? since we don't want children, we shouldn't have sex? And not every contraceptive method is 100%, and I think the person can have the best quality of life possible, not everyone was born to be a mother...
  195. Kaemythra

    Question #1263: fat fetish

    Hello, this may help you. Go to part " How to Post an Image " I think it will be easier for you to understand, I'm not good with explanations :lol: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=184860#p184860
  196. Kaemythra

    Question #1269: I'm starting to train a trance, but I don't know what to do in it for a beginner

    It takes a lot of practice, and then you will become better at it, like doing it sitting down. For now, do it the way you can and the way that works best for you. Many meditations involve trance, and you don't have to do anything during the trance, you can just practice.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
