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  1. serpentwalker666

    Repurposing old computers

    To be honest here I would do more research into what I explain here and not come to half-thought conclusions about important subjects. If you don't care, that's fine too and understandable..
  2. serpentwalker666

    Repurposing old computers

    Thank you for sharing this, I'm sure some members will find this very helpful. :)
  3. serpentwalker666

    Repurposing old computers

    Two things I'd like to address here: 1. You should try some grounding and some aura, chakra cleaning as you are a bit on the deep end regarding this. I don't mean this in any bad way either but you need to be balanced. 2. If you are truly this passionate, perhaps having the Gods guide you to...
  4. serpentwalker666

    Repurposing old computers

    I am not opposed to buying new technology and devices, nor should anyone else be. I own some older hardware and laptops, along with some newer computers. The problem we have however is we still have no realistic way to stop these old electronics devices and computers from polluting and...
  5. serpentwalker666

    Money and job problems (urgent)

    If possible, look towards temp agencies if they are available in your country. I have utilized these in the past when I've had trouble getting a job despite sending out many applications. Another possible solution which may be easier depending on your country's market for this is remote jobs...
  6. serpentwalker666

    God's returning

    While this is a part of it, keep in mind the Gods are also physical beings and they are on the material realm as well.
  7. serpentwalker666


    Yes this would be okay and there would be no issue as long as both are white. White sub-races should be preserved to a decent extent, finding love, marriage and procreation between white sub-races is not an issue as each have strongly preserved themselves through the centuries. As all are still...
  8. serpentwalker666


    Considering the severity of the situation you should perform a formal ritual to Satan and ask him to help you. Alongside this you must immediately begin a healing working as you are able. Yes there is a chance to correct and fix this, just do what you can in healing and have the Gods help you...
  9. serpentwalker666

    My Testimony of being SS. THANK YOU FATHER SATAN!!

    I am so glad to hear things are going so well! May Father Satanas propel you and your SS soulmate to the greatest of heights! HAIL SATANAS!
  10. serpentwalker666

    Back home

    While it can be hard being back with ones family, sometimes this is what is best for the time being. The Gods guide us in the best direction and resolution for us that we need, and often progress takes time. Keep working strongly on your schooling and this will pay off a thousand fold, you can...
  11. serpentwalker666

    Back home

    I want to second this, there has been so many times I have been on the edge, heavily considering suicide, not a single dollar in my pocket and various abysmal circumstances, then what occurs is the Gods often will guide us promptly and we quickly exit these situations. I have stepped away from...
  12. serpentwalker666

    Enki of Eridu, Lord of The Earth

    Yes we can discuss this, I will shoot you a message soon when I have time. Thank you.
  13. serpentwalker666

    Enki of Eridu, Lord of The Earth

    I cannot express to you how much this means to me, to see you enjoy and cherish this enough to put my writing in this lovely formatting. Truly, thank you. May Father Satanas deeply bless you. This touches my heart.
  14. serpentwalker666

    Andrew Tate wants to become UK prime minister

    You should read more into Andrew and his brother Tristan. I don't want to be overly critical or forceful on this topic, but It appears that the human and sex trafficking charges are legitimate. Andrew as a man in his 30s has been on video saying how he would be fine with "a 16 year old virgin...
  15. serpentwalker666

    Path To The Godhead - Checkpoints & Evil

    Thank you very much for pointing this out. Sometimes I neglect to elaborate.
  16. serpentwalker666

    Path To The Godhead - Checkpoints & Evil

    As we walk everything becomes clear on this path. In the beginning I really didn't know what to expect or where I'd end up, I never expected to make it as far as I have. I still have alot to work on in my spiritual and material aspects of life, but looking at who I was before and who I am now...
  17. serpentwalker666

    Bitter metallic taste in mouth "Cup of Posion"

    I would see a doctor and rule out any undiagnosed medical problems that could be causing this. Since you have not done any corrupted practices to excrete this poisonous substance from the heart chakra, it's important to cover all bases as to why this may be occurring.
  18. serpentwalker666

    White replacement

    Personally I think you have taken the black pill here, and that things actually are going to be alright. I see many whites procreating and forming families despite the challenges of birth rates and the problem of race mixing among many white nations. We aren't going extinct. We are just...
  19. serpentwalker666

    Concerned, feeling kind of lost.

    I can see what sort of growth may be available to me for the time being in my current work environment. This seems to be a good option given everything. Much of my concerns is compounded stress along with what I deal with in regards to health, as I also have to figure out how to manage to...
  20. serpentwalker666

    Concerned, feeling kind of lost.

    Thank you so much, I will try acupressure and look more into this to help her.
  21. serpentwalker666

    Concerned, feeling kind of lost.

    They haven't tried medicating her, and they have done some scans before. Nothing they could find unfortunately. Western medicine specialists, neurologists. Not many experienced acupuncturists in my area and are too expensive to afford because of financial circumstances.
  22. serpentwalker666

    Concerned, feeling kind of lost.

    Thank you, I will do this.
  23. serpentwalker666

    Concerned, feeling kind of lost.

    My wife has been struggling with unpredictable seizures and an inability to drive because of this. I have been trying to leverage my knowledge and skills to get into a work from home tech job still and I'm not having much success. I am deeply concerned of her having a seizure when at home with...
  24. serpentwalker666

    Internal Smell Meditation

    What you are suggesting here is unusual and strange... I would say a smell meditation is fine, like focusing the mind on a certain smell like fruit or honey or something. Or a field of flowers and smelling them, also maybe a cornfield and peeling back the husks to smell them. As for imagining...
  25. serpentwalker666

    Strange beings haunt me.

    You seem to be suffering from a combination of mental illness and some psychic influence from the enemy and their influence. I would advise you to deeply focus on void meditation, along with intense work on your soul to clean it heavily and see how runes like WUNJO would do in helping to...
  26. serpentwalker666

    New Year Address & Osiris God Ritual

    Happy new year my satanic family! Let us progress strongly towards our goals and let us walk to heights we once thought impossible. Let us cross the threshold and be rewarded with an even greater connection to divine knowledge and power, which is sustained by Lord Satanas and the Gods who guide...
  27. serpentwalker666

    Enki of Eridu, Lord of The Earth

    Thank you for enjoying my writing, it means alot to me. I consider this my favorite and best out of all I've ever written. Sure it could use some things looking back at it now, but I am pleased with it. Much of my inspiration was Sumerian Mythology and various other things like the Yazidi, and...
  28. serpentwalker666

    Odin and Leviathan

    A correction here: *none have anything of value and most are steeped in harmful practices that do not originate from the Gods. You will find this in everything that doesn't originate from us. We are the only True Satanism that is currently around, and we represent a full resurgence and...
  29. serpentwalker666

    Odin and Leviathan

    Do not like to personal posts by people, and it would be wise for you to not link to dubious and unhelpful information if you want to be taken seriously around here. We are not interested in such here, the man you linked to appears to be like every other left hand path occultist outside of the...
  30. serpentwalker666

    Rough patch

    Despite this person being a satanist, we may gain and or lose friends. This really doesn't have much to do with satanism but a nature ebb and flow to things in life. As we grow, sometimes we grow apart from friends, and relationships. Yes, it could be from Mars Retrograde but from what you...
  31. serpentwalker666

    JJTi Tiger Jeremy sends greetings

    Here is what you need to do from here in a manner of six straightforward steps for your well-being, safety and being able to grow spiritually as a satanist. 1. Stay away from these insane lunatics. You were involved with a dangerous cult of people who were not associated with the Joy of Satanas...
  32. serpentwalker666

    Poison inside this organisation

    Please reflect on how you can conduct yourself better here among other members and towards our Guardians and Clergy in regards to these objections to the rules you may have. It is not acceptable to insult Guardian Blitzkrieg for looking out for your safety and anonymity. Everyone makes...
  33. serpentwalker666

    Can I be Jewish

    If you can identify jewish blood in your ancestry through records and family members, then you would have your answer. Though honestly, you are more then likely fine. These doubts and fears are common. In a good majority of cases this is just paranoia and an enemy attack.
  34. serpentwalker666

    Update on home and family.

    Weirdly enough, I have experienced a similar situation to MercuryWisdom. Basically having multiple places to stay if needed and keys, along with having made some progress on my own. However, my situation is a bit different and I've worked to be very tight knit almost basically collectivist with...
  35. serpentwalker666

    what do I do?

    Brother SeguaceDiSatanas has the best possible advice here in this situation, and is likely what I would do in a situation like that. Try not to stress, Satan fully understands.
  36. serpentwalker666

    Happy Yule 2024 + Schedule for Father Satanas Dec 21-23

    Happy Yule to our entire Satanic Family! May we all achieve greatness in all aspects of life and make Father Satan proud! Glory to Father Satanas, the Father to us All!
  37. serpentwalker666

    America losing its religion

    Oy vey, If you can't get the goyim with the Bible, you damn sure try to get them to drink themselves to death..
  38. serpentwalker666

    Happy Yule!

    I wanted to take a minute to wish a Happy Yuletide to our entire satanic family. May your holiday season be filled with love, joy, and feasting alongside gifts and celebration! May you all be abundantly blessed, and lifted up strongly this Yule. May we all be shown the clear and precise path...
  39. serpentwalker666

    Yuletide Raffle & Lucky Draw! [Update 10: WINNERS ANNOUNCED!!!!!]

    Congratulations to all of the Winners of the Yuletide Raffle! May the Gods bless you all as we move forward! May we all be blessed as we move onward to serious growth!
  40. serpentwalker666

    Repurposing old computers

    Xubuntu is a very decent distro, it's ubuntu but without all the canonical questionable decisions. Sure, it still contains snaps if I recall correctly, but even though I daily drive Devuan, I have deeply enjoyed Xubuntu.
  41. serpentwalker666

    Repurposing old computers

    I'm glad I could be of some help here. Please let me know if you need any help with drivers or any further guidance. Some of these Operating Systems I list here require some tinkering.
  42. serpentwalker666

    Repurposing old computers

    This is very true in many cases, but thankfully there's some decent minimal browsers for hardware if it's very old, and many lightweight browsers are around if wanted. You are right though, it can be a challenge and in some cases it is better off to just get a newer computer.
  43. serpentwalker666

    Repurposing old computers

    One thing that can be difficult in this day and age is managing E-waste. You have so many laptops, televisions, desktop computers and all sorts of electronics that are made seemingly almost endlessly, and then no where it is able to go but into landfills, and or toxic materials like circuit...
  44. serpentwalker666

    Idea for a new section on the Forums, Food for Thought

    Serpentwalkers Hearty Steak Meal: 1. Take a package of freshly cut rib eye steaks, and after opening repeatedly jab the steaks on either side, then season with salt and pepper and rub into the meat. 2. Take the steaks and lay on a foil pan, get some good quality butter and cut small slices to...
  45. serpentwalker666

    Another big fight + I left home

    I wish you all the success and luck in the world Brother. Hang in there, it will be alright. The Gods are all here for you, and we are all here if you need anything as well. :)
  46. serpentwalker666

    Other #75728 Dan Kennedy jew?

    I want to second this and also add, you will find some accomplished jews in computer science and computer engineering with important information. You have to learn to just filter and take what is valuable with the knowledge and cast aside what is left, in terms of them being lizards lol.
  47. serpentwalker666

    Had a brutal fight with my mom

    From what you describe here this sounds like a situation compounded by intense stress, financial problems and issues typical in families like siblings fighting. When things calm down between you and your mother should try to talk things out if possible. I understand how this can be. My whole...
  48. serpentwalker666

    Is being a MD/physician a good idea?

    One thing I have learned in life, it is very important to do what you love and what you desire to work towards and be career-wise in life. If you do not, this can sometimes lead to regret. Do what you want to do, and don't give up. Achieve your deepest desires and dreams.
  49. serpentwalker666

    About chakras

    You will feel energy and a pulsating sensation when focusing on the chakra, and in time you will see and feel it intensely. An intense pressure usually means a blockage, this clears with consistent mantra work, cleaning, rituals and overall advancement. This varies from person to person, but...
  50. serpentwalker666


    You would be better off getting your posts up and have more account activity here so you can then ask questions if you need to through the message system over time when you have built up your presence here. It's not really safe to privately email or discord chat with people. It's best to...
  51. serpentwalker666

    Astral Body Bilocation - A Guide.

    Hello my satanic family. I am making this post to go into detail on a method of projection that has proven extremely beneficial to me and that I have made great strides in learning and becoming experienced in. For some years I have tested astral projection while remaining fully conscious and...
  52. serpentwalker666

    People who achieved immortality, where are they?

    The Gods are here for us, even though we may not see them. They have been assisting us with the Reverse Torah Rituals for years, and all the knowledge and information here with the Joy of Satanas as they established this through High Priestess Maxine. I understand it may "appear" like the Gods...
  53. serpentwalker666

    Mental endurance tips

    If you have any health issues take note of what these may be, as certain digestive problems for example can inhibit and weaken spleen qi, leading to just feeling very depleted when doing strenuous mental work like mathematics. This may not be the case for you though, I am just sharing this so...
  54. serpentwalker666

    Fasting, Dieting: Strength First and Foremost

    Certain people who are predisposed to blood and yin deficiency, or have certain health patterns according to traditional chinese medicine should avoid fasting. This depends and Centralforce would be best able to answer this but it's extremely important this is mentioned. I have had very bad...
  55. serpentwalker666

    #75568 I envy women

    As a man it is up to you to exert yourself and not shrink from this. Become the strong, intelligent, and charismatic man who reads the energy in a room and is prepared to move the whole conversation to his advantage if necessary. Exert yourself like a tiger on the hunt for a mate. Get more...
  56. serpentwalker666

    True to Oneself, walking the path.

    As we walk forward in this path we eventually walk right into what we have been chasing and pursuing all along. Here at this point in my life I am still young in my twenties, yet I have only the missing capstones of wealth, my health and then moksha to reach completion of the goals I have set...
  57. serpentwalker666

    First post, new here

    Welcome to the Joy of Satanas! May you experience great advancement and satanic blessings as you walk forward in the path. :)
  58. serpentwalker666

    Can the gods use us as their avatars?

    The limits of what one is capable of when a God or Goddess steps into us is very dependent on our level of advancement, our psychic openess, along with the overall purity and strength of our soul. In simple terms, we must be very strongly advanced and very much "compatible" with the Gods for...
  59. serpentwalker666

    Guardian demon understanding

    Ultimately you must give this process time. It cannot be rushed. The energy points for astral sight and hearing must be worked on consistently along with all aspects of the soul, all chakras and the pineal gland. After a certain level of advancement you will be able to see and hear the gods...
  60. serpentwalker666

    Thank you to Azazel.

    In some areas of the United States there is just far too many deer here especially if you are in a rural area. I have had multiple close calls and have already hit one deer last year that dented the same fender that is now destroyed and needs replaced. I feel sympathetic and I do my best to...
  61. serpentwalker666

    Did the God's "allow" the reptillian enslavement to happen?

    Before the Gods left the Earth thousands of years ago, there was a strong energetic grid maintained by the spiritual castes of people across the world. When the enemy appeared here, as the Gods had mentioned they would. Some people caved, they were fearful and they didn't have faith we would...
  62. serpentwalker666

    Thank you to Azazel.

    I am doing a strong wealth and healing working so that may be part of this with some negative karma, but I am uncertain. Thank you, I will definitely watch out just in case.
  63. serpentwalker666

    Thank you to Azazel.

    I wanted to make this post to thank Lord Azazel. I was recently conversing with him this morning for a bit, and felt his strong presence. Aferwards, I went to commute to work as usual and I had a very large deer run in front to my vehicle as I was going 50mph down a main road. I slammed into...
  64. serpentwalker666

    About our esteemed HPS Maxine Dietrich

    One way is telepathy, or another form of divination. From what I understand she is not opposed to answering some questions, and conversing. You have to be open enough for this though.
  65. serpentwalker666

    Deep Depression.

    Hello, I will make this brief as I am short of time. Basically for some years now I've experienced an almost unceasing depression and lack of emotions. For whatever reasons this has persisted despite consistent advancement. It's enough to where people get concerned about me. It's like I don't...
  66. serpentwalker666

    Reply to writing of JoS.org in bathroom (literally laughing)

    There is better places you can write links and related material. Links to the Joy of Satanas and the material we have here shouldn't be doodled on the side of a bathroom stall for fucks sake...
  67. serpentwalker666

    2025 SS Calendars

    Thank you all so much for your efforts all these years doing the yearly calenders for our Satanic Family. May you all receive abundant blessings from Father Satanas for everything. Hail to all of you, thank you! ❤️
  68. serpentwalker666

    Is New Acropolis Organization safe?

    There may be organizations and things we find interesting, may it be people, scientific communities or all other sorts of things. These are fine to develop into for one's personal life, but you are better off fully investing yourself and your time into the Joy of Satanas and then developing all...
  69. serpentwalker666

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Could elaborate more on what you mean here or offer an example? I feel it would be helpful for other members. This part really caught my eye for that reason.
  70. serpentwalker666

    What do you think about Aleister Crowley?

    While Crowley was a complete deranged nutcase, I want to clarify here that he was not racially Jewish. I am only clarifying that part, which doesn't change the rest of everything which is that he was a lunatic and spiraled into degeneracy, evil and madness.
  71. serpentwalker666

    What do you think about Aleister Crowley?

    Aleister Crowley achieved some level of divination, but his channeling and tying into enemy entities gradually destroyed him and corrupted his soul. All you have to learn from Crowley is what NOT to be. He came to a fork in the road and took the wrong path, which was typical because of what...
  72. serpentwalker666

    What do you think about Aleister Crowley?

    It's garbage and unrelated to our God Thoth. Aliester Crowley was connecting to the enemy entities and was steeped in false information, harmful practices and his own drug fueled and mental problems. Throw the deck away when you can afford to get a better tarot deck.
  73. serpentwalker666

    What do you think about Aleister Crowley?

    Aliester Crowley was seeking the truth, but the information in circulation at that point in time was all hebrew garbage and judaic esoteric methods. As a result he was sucked into this and gradually grew more evil, deranged and degenerate. Unfortunately this happens when people pick up the...
  74. serpentwalker666

    I’m mad

    Yes and I will eventually go this route, but currently it is not feasible yet. That is definitely preferable though, and a route I am going to take when I am ready to do so.
  75. serpentwalker666

    I’m mad

    Learn from this and keep moving forward. Don't let this defeat you. I spent 4 months this year putting out hundreds and hundreds of applications for C++ and various software developer roles and I got nothing to show for it. I faced massive defeat from this, and hit it as hard as I possibly...
  76. serpentwalker666

    Help figuring out obscure religion

    The person you are describing is a nutcase. These types are everywhere unfortunately. I have a friend who told me he would nod out in his hot tub and merge with the water and become one and astral projected to become one with all the water in the universe, his wife would find him unconscious in...
  77. serpentwalker666

    Joy of Satanas Final Response: About “Jews”, “Hitler”, “National Socialism” & Politics

    One thing that would sometimes bother me here is the splitting of hairs some people engage in, when in regards to whites. Us whites in general, we have so many subraces within our own race that people get far too hung up on purity at times. As long as one is not race mixing, and is with their...
  78. serpentwalker666

    My Computer Science Posts

    Hello my Satanic Family. This will be a brief post, but I am re-posting and adding my previous technical posts here in one place. I feel just having these all up top and linked will be more helpful then having them buried in my post history. I may not continue with computer science or...
  79. serpentwalker666

    preparing for my last exam for driving license?

    Above all, be fair with yourself. I was disabled from physical and mental health issues much of my life, I was late to driving and didn't start learning until I was in my twenties. The key is be very patient and be very observant of everything. You will get it don't worry.
  80. serpentwalker666

    preparing for my last exam for driving license?

    The level of effort that went into that blows my mind. Like how did she not feel the car thump and lift when she was on the curb even, and didn't realise to not just floor it? 😂
  81. serpentwalker666

    Burning Karma; Working as a Family

    Thank you High Priestess Lydia for this amazing post, we will all succeed and the Joy of Satanas will continue growing, and we will be sustained for generations, and generations to come!
  82. serpentwalker666

    My sincere advice if you’re a jew

    My advice is to detach from esoteric judaism, and these esoteric teachings ans stop focusing on this. These teachings are innately harmful to gentiles, and it's important you step away from studying all of this. Many of your posts have been completely just related to this. While I understand...
  83. serpentwalker666

    anxiety attack destroying me

    Take your time with this, it can be really frustrating and scary. Some time after I had heart surgery 8 years ago I would get pounding chest pain and various symptoms that would result in me having panic attacks. There is some acupressure points you can use for panic attacks...
  84. serpentwalker666

    Absolute Win

    Hello, thank you for your kind words. I don't want to share too much here but I will relay mainly what the situation looks like from my end with regards to this. The plan I have moving forward is to use this flexible job as a stepping stone into better things and into a programming career when...
  85. serpentwalker666

    Absolute Win

    Thank you everyone, may Lord Satanas bless you all in all of your endeavors and lead you all to the highest levels of success and achievement possible. I hope to see all of us at the top, and we each extend our hand out to others and lift them up alongside us.
  86. serpentwalker666

    Absolute Win

    Hello my Satanic Family. I wanted to post an update on the things I've mentioned before. I have finally gotten a decent flexible employer, at a local parts manufacturer that I start work for within the next week. They are completely up front about flexibility with their shifts, accommodations...
  87. serpentwalker666

    Health #725 Do bluetooth headphones effect the head chakras?

    That's wild, I have used all sorts of electronics, wifi, bluetooth and many different things for years with no ill effects. I happen to be a very avid bluetooth headset user ironically, as I always have wired headphones and devices die on me, along with watches becoming out of sync whenever I...
  88. serpentwalker666

    Health #725 Do bluetooth headphones effect the head chakras?

    Nope. I have them on currently for audio to my desktop. I often use them, usually daily. They have no real negative effects, you will be fine using them if you like them.
  89. serpentwalker666

    Glad you guys are still doing well

    Everyone seems to be doing rather well as far as I can tell. I am very happy to see a fellow member deciding to be more active on the forums. Keep at it and you will go far. :D
  90. serpentwalker666

    Have you guys seen the vatican's new "mascot", Luce? *eyeroll*

    I saw you posted this and about fell out of my chair laughing 😂😂😂
  91. serpentwalker666

    Samhain: Two New God Rituals - Bastet and Seshat

    Happy Halloween to our entire satanic family, and may the Gods guide us to magnificent achievement and glory. Thank you for everything you do for us High Priest Hooded Cobra, and to High Priestess Lydia, all of our guardians and to everyone who contributes big or small. We are growing stronger...
  92. serpentwalker666

    Satanic consciousness can exist in whites only

    This is not made up, it's the reality for many areas of the world currently, there is alot of race mixing going on everywhere from men and women alike, it is deeply concerning because of how often it is occurring now. I'll give you a solid example. I live in a small rural, very predominantly...
  93. serpentwalker666

    Voting trump

    It is very important to respect the fact that some of us Satanists are not political and are not going to just stand on either side of the fence, as neither side is for us whatsoever. The left and right just screw you over in different ways, you should not be calling your Satanic family here...
  94. serpentwalker666


    If the situation is extremely dire, focus on Father Satanas and he will assist you in dire circumstances. If there's anything we can do to help you, please let us know. We are all here for you.
  95. serpentwalker666

    The AI of the Gods

    In this case, you would benefit from using the satanic calendar and picking a date for starting more intense work on your astral senses, pineal gland, and focus on developing your astral sight and hearing. This would be a way to work towards this point and make sure you open up to where you...
  96. serpentwalker666

    The AI of the Gods

    Your best bet and my advice is to simply approach Father Satanas and ask him to have the Gods reveal this high knowledge of Artificial Intelligence to you when you are ready and for them to show you when you are mentally and spiritually able to handle this. The technology of the Gods is very...
  97. serpentwalker666

    Voting trump

    It is preferable at this point as he will at least do some good, and there appears to be alot that is being considered that could be good. Just keep in mind Trump still bends to the enemy and supports Israel and us as Satanists stand removed from politics for the most part, as it is a complete...
  98. serpentwalker666

    Divination And Personal Relationships

    This is always a confusing topic for me as I've been able to turn a rather toxic relationship with a partner, into that of a deep meaningful partnership where we each work together and combine our energy and time to overcome certain issues. We both realised how deeply coming from broken homes...
  99. serpentwalker666

    Happiness, light, peace and understanding

    One thing that can help is just taking time throughout your day to focus on the energy of the world and environment you are in and focus on if you can see the aura and energy of others. I wouldn't worry to much and get hung up on trying to see the light, just do the best you can. Even after...
  100. serpentwalker666

    What do You think of Therians?

    As others have stated, don't waste your time on this garbage. Just keep walking the satanic path and focus on becoming closer to Father Satanas.
  101. serpentwalker666

    About The Upcoming JoS Logo & Aesthetic Websites Update

    Thank you everyone for your service to the Joy of Satanas in bringing this about and our people here staying strong in the Gods. Thank you to the Gods for giving us the golden opportunity to reorganize and revive our ancestral path. Thank you to clergy for everything you do for us. Hail to...
  102. serpentwalker666

    Command line planetary hour program for Linux

    Thank you for this, I'm sure many Satanists will find this very useful. When I am able to I will try out this tool on FreeBSD and OpenBSD with a hypervisor. This would be enough to confirm it working on bare metal if the program functions fine in a virtual machine for these systems.
  103. serpentwalker666

    Handling Andrapods: About People That Try To Stop Your Evolution

    I have been in the worst of situations. What I have to say without elaborating too much is to take fully into consideration what is mentioned here. Some people are sunk and they will remain that way for some time. I used to get in heated arguments with my father for most of my life. He...
  104. serpentwalker666

    What just happened?

    This can also just be peering above and seeing some of the knowledge on the astral. Basically everything including mathematics and science spawns from the akasha. As we advance we can sometimes get a glimpse of this when in a meditative state.
  105. serpentwalker666

    The Gods #500 i wanna learn more about the demon zozo? i am in communication but still pretty new to theistic satanist rituals.

    I want to add here, I have only heard of negative things and interactions with this associated entity aswell, it is a wholly negative being, thoughtform, whatever it may be. Everything you say here is fully accurate and everyone should take this seriously and never associate with a being of...
  106. serpentwalker666

    What just happened?

    These experiences and heightened states are normal as we walk the path. Just keep practicing and it will occur again at some point. You may not be able to control these for awhile, but eventually these can be controlled with practicing astral projection, further work on the chakras, and just as...
  107. serpentwalker666

    Isn't That Enoguh.

    We understand, life can be incredibly hard and unfair to us. Do your best to stay close to the Gods in these trying times as you move forward. We are all here for you, it is normal to vent about the dark times you are going through.. this won't be forever. Please do your best to keep yourself...
  108. serpentwalker666

    How to get accepted by Lord Beelzebul?

    I want to mention to the very concise and helpful guide to this process by WiseDragon, that it is very much the case as they describe. For me it took some years to build up to where I could have very close interactions with the Gods. This varies by person but the self and the soul must be...
  109. serpentwalker666

    My Last 3-4 Days. I Need Help.

    Better yet, one could convince them to invest in their future, like a college degree, or use magick to make their family feel it would be best to help them go overseas and work and study for a high paying career. You mention extremely good points here, yet this also can be elaborated on with...
  110. serpentwalker666

    My Last 3-4 Days. I Need Help.

    This will be hard, but given the severity of the situation you need to do whatever is necessary to secure your safety. These people who are your family sound deranged, evil and extremely dangerous to your health and well being. In cases like these, you should consider for the time being, to...
  111. serpentwalker666

    Hands on with Xmonad.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: I'd like to add that unfortunately wrapping this haskell code and pasting it, caused the spacing and pasting of the configuration file snippets to be very smashed together, I deeply apologize, and here is the complete configuration file with my personal keybinds for applications...
  112. serpentwalker666

    Hands on with Xmonad.

    Here I would like to share some of what I've found helpful with Linux and BSD Systems, the choice of window managers and how this can create a more efficient workflow. I have learned and used Xmonad for year or two, and while it is the best for me so far, it can be fairly complex and not clear...
  113. serpentwalker666

    Job by astrological houses

    Stick with geology and start writing on the side. Over time if you find a good way to make a good profit from this, publish your works and then transition fully into being a writer if it becomes enough money for your needs. Never just step away from your career if you can help it. With how...
  114. serpentwalker666

    About Threats Done To My Life: And Ritual Schedule

    We stand at your side Commander, arm in arm. May the enemy crumble and perish into dust for their crimes against Satanas and Zeus, all of the Gods, and for contributing to the fall of humanity from an elevated spiritual state. My brothers and sisters in arms, may we cast the enemy into the...
  115. serpentwalker666

    Personal Experience - Fighting Serious Pain.

    Thank you for your thoughts. Yes it is really great we have our Guardian Demons, I recall a few times they have been there when I needed them the most. The Gods stand by our side even when we can't feel them. Please understand your personal circumstances and or struggles are not 'irrelevant'...
  116. serpentwalker666

    Personal Experience - Fighting Serious Pain.

    Through my life this was a multitude of things. Wolff Parkinson White syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue. I was born three months premature and nearly died at birth, I'm not sure if this has had anything to do with the problems I have or not. From as long as I...
  117. serpentwalker666

    Personal Experience - Fighting Serious Pain.

    Hello my satanic family. I am taking some time to make this post to remind myself and all of us how important it is that we are breathing currently and waking this road alongside the Gods. In life we will often have to come face to fave with challenges on this road, sometimes these are...
  118. serpentwalker666

    An Appreciation Post for JOS:

    I feel exactly as you say, I am so incredibly grateful for the Joy of Satan. I don't know where I'd of ended up in life if not for HP Maxine, HP Cobra, and HPS Lydia. That, and the countless others who have been here and active for years spreading the message of the Gods. We are so lucky to...
  119. serpentwalker666

    severing family ties.

    Weigh the situation carefully before you sever ties, sometimes it is better to limit the influence of family unless one is in a position where some are so overly toxic and detrimental to you that it is best you remove them from your life. Each individual their family, and circumstances are...
  120. serpentwalker666

    Actual Self Love: Drugs & Addictions - Fixing One's Self

    What is to be done in other cases somewhat unrelated to addiction, as in like someone has borderline personality disorder and this has proven far too much for someone to overcome or treat? I have a loved one who is also a satanist who has struggled with this immensely, and it's proven far too...
  121. serpentwalker666

    Please help

    Strengthen your aura of protection and change up your meditation routine to where this is increased with either mantras or chakra breathing. Along with this keep up the God Rituals and RTRs. If you keep running into issues, consider doing a freeing the soul working with increased cleaning on...
  122. serpentwalker666

    Tired as a zombie all day, energetic all evening

    This is sometimes a sign of blood or yin deficency according to traditional chinese medicine. Centralforce would be able to give you a consultation and advise you for treatment options if it is severe and affecting your life. I dealt with this for decades. I have done herbal tonics he...
  123. serpentwalker666

    Surviving current job market, economic situation?

    I deeply appreciate your knowledge and points on this, I am nowhere near where you are with 20 years under your belt, but C++ is my chosen language that I have went with for now. I can totally see why people either love it or hate it, but for me I am one of the people who love it as a language...
  124. serpentwalker666

    Surviving current job market, economic situation?

    Hello, I am making this short. I have had some pretty bad luck with jobs and finances in the past few years, but things seem to be just coming to a head with the general state of the economy and most jobs not hiring or being sustainable for me or my family. I've went from one shitty job to the...
  125. serpentwalker666

    The Gods #216 Other alien races

    The universe is infinite and there is endless other species and evolved advanced civilizations out there. We are better off focusing on the gods and our own personal development as a species,
  126. serpentwalker666

    “Jews are not welcome here”

    The case of jews is a completely different situation. They have committed endless crimes towards humanity and the Gods, are going to receive divine punishment for their serious abominable crimes. Jews just don't take responsibility. I don't the OP would get on his knees, beg for mercy and...
  127. serpentwalker666

    “Jews are not welcome here”

    You're best bet is to just stay to your diseased tribe, kneel and ask Satan for mercy. Do this often. Besides that. There's nothing you can do. It is up to the Gods ultimately what will become of you and your tribe, and this will be decided in coming decades as the Gods have simply had enough...
  128. serpentwalker666

    I'm looking for a friend, a girl who loves cats and real men

    Change your conduct in our community. Refer to Henu the Greats post.
  129. serpentwalker666

    What happens to a person who commits suicide after they take their own life? Do they reincarnate or cease to exist forever?

    They would reincarnate. Please understand if you are thinking of suicide that it is not worth it. This path offers a solution to the circumstances and issues that would lead someone to consider suicide. It can take time for certain lifelong or chronic problems in life to solve, like poverty...
  130. serpentwalker666

    Experience till now and Routine for development. (Suggestions are welcome)

    Disregard my previous advice if your mother is overly toxic, I apoligise for my short winded stern response on this, very short of time and I will try to offer you some better advice when I can. Weigh the situation in general and see what would be best for you to do moving forward.
  131. serpentwalker666

    Experience till now and Routine for development. (Suggestions are welcome)

    What is the matter with you? Asceticism and hermit mode is not a part of satanism. You would be better off leaving these corrupted eastern mentalities at the door. Also, there is nothing wrong with marriage or even arranged marriages if the partner in this is desirable and compatible, you would...
  132. serpentwalker666

    Experience till now and Routine for development. (Suggestions are welcome)

    Cut back on the degree of repetitions you are using. Remember, less is more here. I've been meditating for many years and I've found even just low repetitions are fine as long as it's broken up into a few meditation sessions a day as a regular meditation schedule. The kundalini is not like...
  133. serpentwalker666

    Satan & Beelzebul - Two As One

    Thank you for everything you do for us High Priest Hooded Cobra. May Father Satan, and Father Beelzebul bless you eternally for everything you do for us and the Joy of Satan.
  134. serpentwalker666

    Quick Rundown on Linux

    Yes, wine is at a very good point of development and compatibility. I could see if this was like 2 years ago or something, but now things are much different then even a year or two ago, everything is very much ready.
  135. serpentwalker666

    Quick Rundown on Linux

    Yes, you hit the nail on the head here, things are really good at this point on the Linux side of the fence, personally I would like to see completely new operating systems emerge in time that are not unix-like and just better in general with compatibility for Linux and BSD software stacks and...
  136. serpentwalker666

    Quick Rundown on Linux

    The GNU library for the most part is fine to use, I wouldn't be so quick to turn to alternatives on this unless you are very concerned. Most of the software stack is relatively fine to use, and doesn't appear to have anything malicious. You have options for other libraries if you are concerned...
  137. serpentwalker666

    Quick Rundown on Linux

    Thank you. I will see what I can address when it comes to these questions in a future post. If there is anything you or anyone else would like to see, you are also always welcome to send me a message with a list of potential questions.
  138. serpentwalker666

    Quick Rundown on Linux

    I would ask these questions to BrightSpace666 concerning their neocities page on the issues with systemd, they could better explain and elaborate on these points. I don't have a neocities page and you have me and him confused.
  139. serpentwalker666

    What happens If You inject animal blood(DNA) in your veins?

    Don't. You will become extremely sick with disease and could possibly even die. Just do as High Priest Hooded Cobra advised, look towards exercising and distance your mind from such insanity you were considering of engaging in.
  140. serpentwalker666

    How I Can Meet With My GD ?

    Yes. Meditate on Satan and ask him to help you meet and learn more about your guardian demon. When it is time, you will meet them. You can also use an ouija board to see if this helps, it would take some practice though.
  141. serpentwalker666

    Are b/w mixed raced children always of the non-white race?

    Yes this is what I was getting at. I've also seen and verified this for a good majority of people who are seemingly "pure" whites. Yes there are pure whites still. But there is a good majority of the white race who fall within the 90% to 85% range who incarnate as white and that's normal and fine.
  142. serpentwalker666

    Seax knife by DarkAries

    I watched a video once, this guy was using a grinder and the disk shattered and shot off and was inches away from his femoral artery, punctured the surface right next to him. He was literally an inch or two away from death. These things are absolutely terrifying for these exact reasons.
  143. serpentwalker666

    Quick Rundown on Linux

    Here I will detail a straight-forward guide towards switching to Linux from Windows for members that need this, as it can be important to have a solid path for doing this effectively, and examining your use case. Microsoft Windows has become a very terrible platform for anyone who is concerned...
  144. serpentwalker666

    Are b/w mixed raced children always of the non-white race?

    I wouldn't. Just stick to people who are the same racial makeup as yourself and you'll be fine. No sense in taking your bloodline through a blender.
  145. serpentwalker666

    Are b/w mixed raced children always of the non-white race?

    Yes I do remember looking more into this, perhaps I have to do some more research and I've made a mistake somewhere. Thank you.
  146. serpentwalker666

    Are b/w mixed raced children always of the non-white race?

    I understand. I know for certain I understand, thank you for the explanation on this. Personally I feel we both have some solid points and could learn from one another, maybe in time when we both have more information and knowledge on this, we will have to compare and contrast on this and see...
  147. serpentwalker666

    Are b/w mixed raced children always of the non-white race?

    This is the state for many whites. I am not exaggerating here, I'm just trying to be realistic. You'll find many racial whites who are of our race around that percentage.
  148. serpentwalker666

    Are b/w mixed raced children always of the non-white race?

    This is where you misunderstand me though, I'm referring mainly to whites who are European, as many have certain degrees of admixture and they are racially white. This is what I mean. Not the case of where one is clearly mixed and something else. Slavic, Hungarian, Polish, Italian, and also...
  149. serpentwalker666

    Are b/w mixed raced children always of the non-white race?

    Wait until you see just how many whites are racially white and do not fall within this very strict range you have set. You'd be hard pressed to find 99.9999999% whites practically anywhere. That's just the reality of how things are at this point in our world.
  150. serpentwalker666

    Are b/w mixed raced children always of the non-white race?

    No, at this point this is just splitting hairs. You have endless examples of whites with some percentages of mixture, and they are still white. They incarnate as white, live in white nations, and have some mixture at a certain point in their bloodline. The closer this is, yes one would not...
  151. serpentwalker666

    Are b/w mixed raced children always of the non-white race?

    I would suggest you look at this a bit differently. You seem to not be getting the full picture here. One is mixed when they have parents of different racial backgrounds procreating. Other cases like the one I describe above of someone having a racial bloodline with 1 or 2 people or varying...
  152. serpentwalker666

    Are b/w mixed raced children always of the non-white race?

    Perhaps I should have further clarified the admixture I mentioned when bringing up the circumstances and example I mentioned in my case. Nonetheless, I tried to clarify further what I meant by my posts and points.
  153. serpentwalker666

    Are b/w mixed raced children always of the non-white race?

    Mixed race? I am not half black, half native, or anything of the sort. I mainly highlighted admixture in my bloodline which many people who are white have in one way or another. If one is in the percentage of about 85% to 90% white, one is not mixed race, there is just some admixture. This is...
  154. serpentwalker666

    Are b/w mixed raced children always of the non-white race?

    In many cases I feel this can be a tough call. You can find many examples of people who are 85% to 90% and who are racially white at the soul. Past a certain point yes, it's obvious someone is mixed race. You will be hard-pressed to find racially pure whites, if we are talking about a 99.99% to...
  155. serpentwalker666

    Are b/w mixed raced children always of the non-white race?

    This is very interesting, as I feel these traits are mostly bred out and that may be the circumstance. I was heavily working with the kundalini and cleansing my soul around the time my children were concieved, and my partner was also following my instructions on cleansing the soul and working...
  156. serpentwalker666

    Are b/w mixed raced children always of the non-white race?

    I truthfully find some of this still confusing at times myself. Like for example, me and my wife have some amounts of Mediterranean and Native American in our bloodline, but this appears to be completely bred out in our children, who possessive very strong european features and racial...
  157. serpentwalker666

    Hydroponic Gardening

    Hydroponic gardening can be expensive, but besides this fruits and vegetables produced hydroponically are often of very good quality if it is done properly. I don't know too much about it, from what I understand it can be challenging.
  158. serpentwalker666

    I want to attack the enemy directly while in astral projection, is that possible?

    You are better off doing RTRs and the God Rituals. While yes, in some cases it is possible to attack the enemy while astral projecting, especially if they are trying to attack us, your energy is better expended elsewhere. We are basically just getting back on our feet spiritually as a species...
  159. serpentwalker666

    Question regarding family member (father)

    Do what you can to communicate with Satan and your guardian demon and move forward in their guidance for getting in better circumstances. I know all too well what it's like to deal with abuse, violence and family related issues. In the circumstances and people you describe here.. DO NOT ENDURE...
  160. serpentwalker666

    Question regarding family member (father)

    This is a very serious and a critical situation. I would advise you to curse your father and cut his influence out of your life. Ask Father Satan to help you with this and make sure you usher justice onto this man for viciously abusing you for years. Do not wait, set this in motion. You must...
  161. serpentwalker666

    Posts Moving Forward - Discussion

    Thank you for this suggestion. Also, I would like to add, VFIO Pass-through can be an option for those who can't completely get away from windows, for whatever reason. I hope to go into a VFIO Pass-through set up eventually. as this requires a bit of money and can get expensive, but the jist...
  162. serpentwalker666

    A girl falling for me, issues..

    I would be very careful with what you are suggesting here I do not think you fully understand the gravity of the situation you are trying to recommend... Islam and Muslims are a bit different in that aspect. Christians are crazy but many won't react in the absolutely depraved ways a Muslim...
  163. serpentwalker666

    Þorn 🙵 Ƿynn: Reviving Runes in the English Language

    What is your problem? Seriously. I have to ask at this point. What is your purpose in being here if you want to just argue with everyone and be condescending everytime someone disagrees and explains your behavior is childish and unacceptable? You aren't improving anything at this point. You...
  164. serpentwalker666

    Nearly astral projected for the first time, but chickened out...

    Take your time to practice astral projection and over time this will become easier and you will feel less nervous. The Gods are here to protect and guide all of us, you have nothing to fear from the enemy or anything else out there for that matter. Asmodeus was very helpful in assisting me with...
  165. serpentwalker666

    Question: Direct experiences with the Gods.

    Something I have done for awhile is when my senses are foggy and I am not able to sense much, like on a day I am very tired, or dealing with alot of work and don't have much time to communicate, I have turned to using an ouija board. It may be worth a shot, just one thing to keep in mind is it...
  166. serpentwalker666

    Posts Moving Forward - Discussion

    I appreciate the advice, thank you. Some more obtuse things like Xmonad, VFIO passthrough, guides for OS Development, and the BSD Distros like FreeBSD, OpenBSD and DragonflyBSD are things I am weighing on if it would be worth posting on, as I don't know the extent of if some of this would be...
  167. serpentwalker666

    Posts Moving Forward - Discussion

    I've been considering collaborating with another member on a few posts, like those regarding cyber security and virtualization, I will look into seeing what would be best for my tackle first. I typically use Linux with a very efficient window manager I've tailored towards simplicity and just...
  168. serpentwalker666

    Posts Moving Forward - Discussion

    Thank you HPS Lydia, this will be helpful. I'll likely take some time to dedicate towards what sort of tech or programming post to make soon. :)
  169. serpentwalker666

    Question: Direct experiences with the Gods.

    Many people past a certain level can see and hear the Gods. Personally for me the experiences have always come and went. in varying levels of intensity but this is likely normal depending on one's advancement. This can take a lot of time depending on where one is at spiritually. I dedicated my...
  170. serpentwalker666

    Posts Moving Forward - Discussion

    Thank you for your thoughts on this. I will do my best to incorporate and better write helpful articles to assist those in tech from both a beginner and normal user level, and those who want to possess a better understanding and grow in various areas.
  171. serpentwalker666

    Why do people resort to violence

    Unfortunately our world and the people in it are very unbalanced. There is a great deal of things that need fixed, both in ourselves even as Satanists, and the rest of the world. This varies on an individual basis but you must understand this world has been extremely dark and without the light...
  172. serpentwalker666

    Few questions about Pacificism

    I personally have met many pacifists who were easily deceived, but this may not always be a good indicator of this. I would say just pacifism by itself can open people to alot of mistakes in thinking and accepting other things that are unnatural, depending on the person's constitution.
  173. serpentwalker666

    Burned Out

    Refer to the article Ol argedco luciftias linked to that HP Cobra has recently posted. That is basically a good summary of your situation. It is very important to pace yourself and not overdo it, especially when one's life is very demanding. Just being consistent and on a good routine of...
  174. serpentwalker666

    Posts Moving Forward - Discussion

    Is there any tech articles or things you would want to see specifically? Like do you mean like general use with certain operating systems, or oriented towards other things? I am only being specific with these questions so I can get a good idea on what would be helpful.
  175. serpentwalker666

    My arrival, Self introduction!

    Congratulations on ending up here, many people don't make it this far. You are doing very well, I also found the Joy of Satan around a young age. Be careful with how much information you share as its important to remain anonymous, I understand you are excited, I just urge you to be cautious...
  176. serpentwalker666

    Need help on getting the job

    Use gold energy and invoke it to your aura to give the impression on the hiring manager or hiring managers that you are a good fit for the job with some good affirmations, and also maybe consider doing a small but strong working for influencing this outcome. You can also perform one of the...
  177. serpentwalker666

    Posts Moving Forward - Discussion

    Hello, I am considering making more helpful posts on linux and computer programming, like a reference guide for various areas of self study. I also wanted the thoughts of other members on what you would like to see on the type of posts I could make moving forward. I am open to all thoughts and...
  178. serpentwalker666

    When Do You Truly Become A Spiritual Satanist?

    Is it still normal more or less to have issues and lingering patterns to overcome in later stages of advancement when one is far into the path? From what I am feeling, things seem to just need changed and ironed out all the way until one is a Godlike being, and this is very individual. Is...
  179. serpentwalker666

    Leaving JOS and my reason

    This seems to be a case of him moreso using this as an excuse to leave, for whatever reason.
  180. serpentwalker666

    Þorn 🙵 Ƿynn: Reviving Runes in the English Language

    This seems to just be a strong pattern with Machttrager. I recall two posts I specifically made about programming and sharing books, sites and references that were very helpful and interesting for software development to other members. On both of these posts he went out of his way to slam...
  181. serpentwalker666

    Jewish Wealth

    I had hoped by now you would learn how to cooperate and drop this ego you have regarding so many different things, it is not conductive or useful to communication or the growth of yourself or other members.
  182. serpentwalker666


    In this case of you participating and practicing this over time you should learn more about strategies and the inner workings of many of these games to increase your odds of winning. If you continue to have a strong sense of restraint and can do this very well, it could lead to some minor and...
  183. serpentwalker666

    Help From The Gods: Changing Course

    One will fail many times before they reach the height of success that awaits them if they never cease their journey.
  184. serpentwalker666

    Help From The Gods: Changing Course

    You need a reality check. Don't play around with your life by speeding around in your vehicle. There is a few seconds difference between a good experience driving and a horrific accident. I would perfer you stay alive as would Aquarius, same with the rest of us. We wouldn't want anything to...
  185. serpentwalker666

    Help From The Gods: Changing Course

    While I have shared this before, I would like to share this again as it is very important. You MUST heed the words Cobra explains here. There once was a time in my life I was drinking heavily, to an extent this was dangerous and bordered on the levels of lethal poisoning. I had no control, I...
  186. serpentwalker666

    Mentorship & Knowing To Teach

    This is an amazing and well needed post on this subject, this world is filled with way too many people who don't know enough parading this knowledge forward. Then this process just perpetuates until people find better mentors and avenues of learning, or end up retarded and delude themselves or...
  187. serpentwalker666

    "Free Will" & False Resistance Of Humans Against the Gods

    May we be guided to great wealth and attainment so we can give this over to grow the House of Satan to Divine Heights! HAIL MAXINE! HAIL COBRA! HAIL TO ALL OUR DIVINE ASSEMBLY HERE!
  188. serpentwalker666


    The breathing exercises are to be done carefully. You could have ended up unconscious from either overdoing the exercises and or energetic over stimulation. My guess is you overdid it and you passed out. That can be serious, you should proceed more carefully with yogic breathing. DO NOT PUSH...
  189. serpentwalker666

    Imperfection In Perfection

    These problems take time my friend, but it is very important you stay here with the Joy of Satan. We are all here for you.
  190. serpentwalker666

    Strange Dream of Jews Swimming In Catholic Uniforms and Not Letting Gentiles in the Water

    This dream seems to represent the dominion jews have held over spirituality for the past centuries. Not letting gentiles in the water, represents us being deprived of advancement, spirituality and access to our ancestral gods.
  191. serpentwalker666

    Been Using VRchat as a Base

    While I'm all for us expanding, this has bad idea written all over it.. If I were you I wouldn't engage in this at this point in time and you'd be better off investing your time in more secure ways of helping the community. As for financially, see what you can do with this since you have...
  192. serpentwalker666

    American Job Market in a Recession?

    It's absolutely horrendous how bad things are. I spent a few years learning Linux System Administration and learning Software Development, yet all these places want magic unicorns with 5 years experience and won't hire anyone trying to get into the industry. It is absolutely sickening...
  193. serpentwalker666


    There is nothing like working in electronics manufacturing with printed circuit boards. Truly nothing like that line of work. I walked away from a career in electronics manufacturing for a few reasons that I specified in a previous post. But I left that company and door open from that point...
  194. serpentwalker666

    Could I’ve been a jew in a past life?

    One is either racially a jew or they are a gentile. There is no switching between as the soul structure is completely different. What one is currently is what one will be in a striking majority of cases. The only real exceptions are race mixing. As in the case of sub-races. But even then...
  195. serpentwalker666

    I want to fuck the creator

    That might be the case we haven't seen him post in awhile.
  196. serpentwalker666

    I want to fuck the creator

    I have never implied you were, I simply explained about it. Yes, I reacted with the oven to your comment in jest. I apologize if this upset you.
  197. serpentwalker666

    I want to fuck the creator

    It's just a nice feature whenever we have some schizo jew come on here spazzing out about the "holohoax" or "muh evil satan". Besides that it's just amusing lol.
  198. serpentwalker666

    Burning in sacral chakra during meditation

    Yes that is also the case sometimes. I replied to their statement in regards to the kundalini being like burning iron, as these experiences vary greatly depending on the person and wanted to clarify.
  199. serpentwalker666

    A rift in space and time

    This is only really possible when one is astral projecting. The physical body cannot drift into the past and stay there, or even just "happen upon" a rift and go there. There is extreme cases of beings like The Gods Thoth treading between the dimensions. Like actually just disappearing and...
  200. serpentwalker666

    Burning in sacral chakra during meditation

    While this is sometimes the case. I want to mention here that it truly really depends on the person. Basically one way to look at this is that the initial rising is the completion of a circuit, and even then there is levels that keep moving higher when it comes to the kundalini. Basically...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
