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  1. Brandonn

    Other #76155 Dealing with fear and anxiety towards Demons & meditations

    It's completely understandable and your not alone, I've written about this but I has the same vision for 2 months straight of children (representing children of satan) running and hiding from Demons which took care of them and provide everything they asked for... the reason why this fear and...
  2. Brandonn

    Family #76149 I don’t want to have children

    As they've mentioned, nothing wrong with not wanting to have children. But there is something wrong with fear, you should not allow fear to shape your life and decision. It's best you come to that choice by yourself and that way you'll have no regrets. You shouldn't be out in a position where...
  3. Brandonn

    The Gods #76179 why gods put different races in same palnet?

    So in your opinion. Your limited understanding. You think the God's made a mistake? You really think just causally Father Satan made that mistake ? Is it also a mistake that there's God's that com from different races that serve Father Satan ? Don't purposefully act stupid. Focus on your...
  4. Brandonn

    Mother Lilith.

    If she is your GD, it would be made clear to you. Easiest way is with a pendulum and ask a God that specialises in giving answers you'll be able to find out who your GD is. If she is your GD she would have visited you in a similar way everyone experience Father Satan when he first visits you...
  5. Brandonn

    I have a Guardian Demon, yet have still get attacked. As a SS shouldn't they fear me ?

    This post is in response to a few thread I saw a while back. To quote High Priest HoodedCobra " A Man of Truth, a Man of Satan. He is part of the Divine order. Lower or Higher, he has exacted the greatest of his individuality and is always evolving upwards, same as the Order of Nature and the...
  6. Brandonn

    Looking for answers from hooded cobras or priests or people with a lot of experience. It's a serious matter.

    This is purely a you thing. As one will learn here neither Satan's or the gods hand hold us so no one else will. Satanism is about strength. I've faced challenges of self also and have worked on myself and gathered the strength to be above that. As a Satanist you need to be self dependable...
  7. Brandonn

    Strengthen the future of africa prt.1

    Very true but to actively pursue one's own agenda one must have the economic power and control to not fall into traps or to be pressured from others. The key is to head into politics unofficially (without registering to the limitations of government bodies) and achieve more results for the...
  8. Brandonn

    YouTube Video

    We should also not ... during the world war It was not the Germans filling thier quota with black soliders to have them fight in the front-line, it was the French, British and Americans. More so the Germans handed flyers saying that the african soldiers can come to Germany and escape the rule...
  9. Brandonn

    Satanic magic

    You argue alot. I admire focus and determination but this was nothing but needless. 1) If you find the importance of studying the history of such symbols and going into a depth of understanding, has your GD been able to help you achieve that ? And allure you to the understanding and knowledge...
  10. Brandonn

    Blood Sacrifices Explained: Our Gods And "Their Gods" [Updated]

    There's honestly been too much confusion on this matter especially to people without Satan, in southern Africa, and a few other parts where each family has their own farm, you'd be surprised how little meat they eat and due to lack of availability but it being unnecessary to eat so much. And...
  11. Brandonn

    Happy Yule 2024 + Schedule for Father Satanas Dec 21-23

    This is the first time I'll actually enjoy my birthday and happen to be same day as Yule Happy Yule Fam
  12. Brandonn

    Are you really a Satanists ?

    The key point is to known you are part of this family even though you might not feel it yet or have a high expectations of self that you believe your not a SS until you reach it. Your here, that was the first step. You've dedicated, that was the second step. The rest of the way is for oneself...
  13. Brandonn

    Are you really a Satanists ?

    100% , I honestly can't tell if your are agreeing with me or not but as I also it's not easy and being in too world surrounded by what it is makes things tough and unfair. But as satanist it is not our place to surrender to the falsehood of this world, even at the smallest level you are at...
  14. Brandonn

    Are you really a Satanists ?

    Outside of your dedication to Satan, do you feel you are a Satanists? Do you feel you embody the belief, values and goals we strive for ? Are you part of our people? As future gods what do you hold yourselves too ? Alot of people are here without understanding what the purpose is, not to say...
  15. Brandonn

    Another big fight + I left home

    Understand this brother at a time like this YOU SHOULD FOCUS ON SS. Most of us understand, and hold off on drastic actions. Lots of I've wanted to do but decided without a care plan ahead that wouldn't make sense. But yet again maybe living on the edge of survival is what you need, Is seen...
  16. Brandonn

    I can’t live in a 3rd world country anymore. (Extremely shit economic situation)

    Brother Ss I am someone from a third world country myself I will give you advice. SS are meant to gave the ability be self dependent. If you instantly got wealthy right now , what would that do for you ? Hand holding isn't a part of satanism. And money spells are there to ensure you succeed...
  17. Brandonn

    The reality: The truth of Satanism

    [Disclaimer im not a new member this is a rather new profile, I have been around since HPS Maxine was very active.] What is satanism? Who are the gods? Why did they create us, how, when? Other random questions... that have been floating around for years. SO LETS BREAK ALL OF THIS DOWN. This...
  18. Brandonn

    Strengthen the future of africa prt.1

    Wonderful No issue in your mannar of speaking or speech but as you can understand this becomes a better conversation when it's someone's who's actually from Africa as there's a better understanding with the continent. To respond to your point's 1. POOR GOVERNING - 100% the reality but more so...
  19. Brandonn

    Strengthen the future of africa prt.1

    Are you from Africa ? Or have you ever lived or visited ? Just want to understand where your point of view is coming from before I respond.
  20. Brandonn

    Making my own AI - Gift to JOS - JOS AI?

    Great proposition One central issue would be feeding the AI correct information and references. Outside of the JOS library there's alot still of knowledge about individual races, and certain topics that have little information around from. So we'd have to have a dedicated process to sorting and...
  21. Brandonn

    JOSAfrica/ Blacksforsatan update suggestions

    In general white people have been made the deliberate enemies of blacks to what end? Simply control. If we are too occupied fighting each other, they are taking control with no one to resist them. Now I can understand the recent image of racists white people being an issue but white people are...
  22. Brandonn

    Strengthen the future of africa prt.1

    Greetings my fellow brothers and sisters Above is the current plague and disease facing Africa, as our overall goal would is to be able create a striving environment for black people... this is one of the biggest issues. Religious falsehood that runs throughout Africa that has nothing to do...
  23. Brandonn

    The Occult Path: "Closed Be The Doors To The Andrapoda"

    Especially as of late, even alot of fake satanic worshipping where they are now ... making Satan more easily acceptable through showing his kindness but yet keeping the parts of sacrifices being required and selling your soul to him.
  24. Brandonn

    About Guardian Demons

    Thank you HPS Lydia for this. It's been much needed. I'd like to also add on that having a dedicated space like a Astral Temple does really help make communication with your GD as even during workings they do tend to enter your temple and watch you/correct you/advise you [very dependent on...
  25. Brandonn


    This is not a call for accountability but the actions towards accepting responsibility Greetings to all my SS Brothers & Sister's. I firstly want to openly apologise as a Satanist for not playing my part not only in gerenal but also within my own community. It has rather been an unfortunate...
  26. Brandonn

    Should Joy of Satan Open a Minecraft Server?

    Greetings Brothers and Sisters. Now I'd like to say this is a good idea. And I've considered everyone's concerns and comments. Now I've been working on a couple of projects for sometime and I've yet to finish them. One being increasing a positive public image. Now there are certain measures...
  27. Brandonn

    Infiltration of a unknown group

    Now i must say that I'm not 100% sure if this is an enemy' group or not but it seems to be missing a large amount of context and they seem to be gearing up to fight a battle half blind. Let me explain. I was privately contacting people(via whatsapp) on behalf of my friend to refer them to his...
  28. Brandonn

    Question #821: How do I get a new gaurdian

    Your the problem. More specially your lack of understanding. I didn't get along with my GD as first but i realised we are a perfect match cause even though he does things i don't particular like i wouldn't learn things if he did them any other way. So this is truly a " You " issue and I'd...
  29. Brandonn

    I'm so confused, I think I'm transgender.

    Greetings There a demons who are both male and female and as such i believe you'd find a better answer going through this with them. As far as how you feel about yourself that will always change. In the end our aim is going beyond the chains that hold us now, but in the end you'll be choosing...
  30. Brandonn

    People Of All Lines Of Work Are Accepted In The Joy Of Satan

    If i also may add. I believe you'll help alot of people and even some of those people you might lead here. Since you understanding the truth you'll be able to help people in the truest form, all tools no matter what their purpose was used by the right people will always be a force for better...
  31. Brandonn

    Announcing New Joy of Satan Guardians / Positions

    Amazing. Congratulations you efforts will be further rewarded.
  32. Brandonn

    The Gods Are In Control

    I believe it happens quite a but. My GD slowed down on how many times thier visited me i thought i had done something wrong to find out my GD just changed the approach on how they help as well as doing thier other duties. If you travel with your GD and go to Father Satan's castle you'll find...
  33. Brandonn

    The Gods Are In Control

    As far as my personal experience with my GD and what's his explained to me. 1) Advancement is the key too more understanding. You can't put someone on the frontlines who still struggles with basic training the same way they won't be cleared for higher level information. Simple they won't be...
  34. Brandonn

    Why You Must Never Give Up In Life As A Spiritual Satanist

    At the end of the day this is war. In are in the center of the most key wars. Sisters and brothers, depend on us and Father Satan and all will be well. When your here even problems without a clear solution get solved. Be dependable and learn to depend on others. With that in mind even in...
  35. Brandonn

    Question #174: Join the US Army

    Join the SS Army. Unless you have specific reasons to why you'd be interested in joining the US army. I similar had interest in joining the Army as my mom and grandfather had, also my dad was police officer. Yet i feel like I'm making a bigger difference in life and in the world as part of...
  36. Brandonn

    Conflicting responsibilities & making time for them ?

    Completely agree. A nice reminder is every few month or so i check how many members we have. I remember last i checked we were at 54k now at 74k. This should be an indicator that here a huge differences is being made and you can be that very difference you make in your own life.
  37. Brandonn

    Conflicting responsibilities & making time for them ?

    It's not it's pretty amazing. Did you make it yourself?
  38. Brandonn

    What does the black community need?

    Alll which would take a large amount of considerable efforts. Regain land for the purpose of development and correction. As there's alot of cases where land that was allocated to black during slavery was undesirable choices for development. So we'd first need to correct the large amounts of...
  39. Brandonn

    What does the black community need?

    Short post What would you like to see being achieved by the black community? All opinion and thoughts welcomed. This post isn't necessarily a " What should we do " post more so a general post to gauge thoughts around us. From ourselves and other races.
  40. Brandonn

    Conflicting responsibilities & making time for them ?

    I know some of us if not all have found ourselves having to manage what seemed to be conflicting responsibilities and interests. Whether that being friends, family, work, spiritual or self interests. We all try to find the best way to swim in all these different currents at the same time, ans...
  41. Brandonn

    To Young Men In The Forum

    Life is definitely harder with a Non-SS partner. The key problem is understanding. You as an SS has the capability to understand them ans their religion as to them it would be a very hard pill to swallow. They begin to worry about how others will treat you guys if they find out, ect ... secondly...
  42. Brandonn

    Artificial Intelligence (AI)- Do Gods Have AI? [Updated 26th Jan 2023]

    I'm currently working on an AI to change the functionality of businesses and how they operate. What we want is to change the world for good but I'm also cautious about it cause the one factor alot people ignore is an AI is empty vessel. Our daily routine and interests is what it feeds on, the...
  43. Brandonn

    Pacts With Demonic Entities? - Answers & Quick Path

    There's pacts to be done. Your Guardian Demon will aid you with contacting other demons. Imagine simply summoning demons without notice or asking as if they are sitting around waiting for a person attention. They are very busy beings. My personal GD had told me how busy they get and even...
  44. Brandonn

    Question about high level SS

    It's good to ask question as it deepens your desire for more knowledge. Besides rather have a good idea then a wrong one
  45. Brandonn

    on "praying" to demons.

    Just talk to him/her build a relestioships with them. There's no need to be so formal. I talk to my GD all the time, 🤦🏼‍♂️his annoying because he likes giving me half-baked answers and make me figure things by myself other time. But his there when i need, he'll listen to my idea's and plans and...
  46. Brandonn

    Question about high level SS

    There are Gods who were human and completed the Magnum Opus. Balam and Valefor being one of many. What i assume your asking and for anyone else who's speculative is " what powers can i expect to have " or " how long until i can see my powers " if your thinking like this then your mentality is...
  47. Brandonn

    Have To Say The Truth: I Am NOT Sorry

    At a point all SS start to take the mentality of the God's, we begin to think and rationalize like them. On one hand we understand what needs to be done and we feel very little about what needs to happen for the great good. On the other you want to help every single person which is hard to do...
  48. Brandonn

    How Does A Demon Teach You?

    Hey, i went from zero knowledge on IT and programming but on my first year of studying i was getting high marks compared to those that took computer studies in highschool. I have no real love or passion for software development or programming but what I've noticed is your demon will assist you...
  49. Brandonn

    I want family & kids :( help

    Blitz is like to hear your thoughts on this. We can understand that it's not impossible. Even from earlier records time have mentioned children being born hybrids. I believe I've also read of demons who had a human parent(if I'm not mistaken). But as you said not outside the realm of...
  50. Brandonn

    Why I Trust Only In Joy of Satan and Satan Himself, and the Gods, Brothers and Sisters

    There's really no better place. I remember I'd follow " Correct Regions " cause i wanted answers but this is not only we've I've gained answered. I've gained a home, knowledge and protection. How many can say thier have truth faith in the God they believe? Father Satan is the only person...
  51. Brandonn

    Nazi's VS Blacks ? The confusing truth.

    Greetings to all my brethren and sister's. I was reading a post that lead me to want to research more about the whole situations between the Germans(specially nazi) and black people. This all transpired around the 1900's and I'm sure if you search anything regarding black people and...
  52. Brandonn

    Andrew Tate?

    I full heartly believe that if you remove emotions out of the questions. We all have common sense and can agree and disgree on points his shared based simply on preference. What you'd prefer in a partner, dictates what you believe and hold in high regard. What i enjoy most about tate is his...
  53. Brandonn

    Father of the Black Race? What's up with the "Little White Book."

    She truly did; I'm personally more drawn in old by cultural practices then new modern one's.
  54. Brandonn

    The Four Paths To Spiritual Satanism

    Looking back I was al ways surround by spirits and to me it felt normal. It was only when my mother starting doing her own research on things, i wasn't really searching when i bumped into the JoS while doing a dedication ritual to Father Satan. Looking at it now it's very odd and weird, how...
  55. Brandonn

    Father of the Black Race? What's up with the "Little White Book."

    If I'm correct I've given you an answer to your question before but anyways... I'd advise you to increase the power of your third eye if you haven't, then ask any of the gods or your GD to help you find answers. I am black(South African), and i can tell you from what i see even though there's...
  56. Brandonn

    GROUP RITUAL: HONORING ABRASAX [July 23rd to August 3rd]

    I can understand. It's all exciting and it's beautiful to see the progress your making.
  57. Brandonn

    GROUP RITUAL: HONORING ABRASAX [July 23rd to August 3rd]

    Thank you. Very understandable everything takes time to be done right and there's alot to do.
  58. Brandonn

    GROUP RITUAL: HONORING ABRASAX [July 23rd to August 3rd]

    The one thing i noted when doing this ritual is once i started, my third eye will start to feel pressure around about the time i do the ritual almost like my body is preparing for the ritual. Is this normal? What important dates should we look forward too, for any upcoming rituals. Is there...
  59. Brandonn

    GROUP RITUAL: HONORING ABRASAX [July 23rd to August 3rd]

    Amazing ritual I felt so much clam and powerful energy surround me, so up lifting. During the ritual even my wings couldn't help but sprout out. At first i was feeling so much intensity when i was reading through it, but once i started it felt good. WE ARE A TRULY BLESSED FAMILY
  60. Brandonn

    Black Reality

    I would say being from africa myself, the biggest issue i have noticed is how deep the Xain nonseses is actually rooted. But it's good to see places in Africa where they are refusing Christianity. When it comes to rebuilding and reshaping the idea is to take in a more cultural acceptance...
  61. Brandonn

    The Truth About Black Intelligence Revealed”

    Lucifer is the God of all races. We are his children. Build a relationship with him and you can ask him all the questions you want and get answers also. Experience is a better teacher then words.
  62. Brandonn

    Animal Sacrifices in African Traditional Religion

    Being african myself and a very cultural person. Hoping to shed light on my experience in regards to this. I remember participating on my first offering to unify two families and 😂😂no one really wanted to be the one to kill the animal. I noticed there's also that issue, we know it has to...
  63. Brandonn

    Shinzo Abe Assasination, Boris Johnson Resigns, Georgia Guidestones, Alien Invasion, Ukraine War, Enemy Pullbacks

    Amazing and informative post as always HP To add onto this, it also recently came to my attention that all these world leaders who want to go "Green" and use renewable energy infrastructure, have painted a very nice picture for people to look at but hid the fact to reach all this out landish...
  64. Brandonn

    Are blacks how violent? What we should know

    I get the point your trying to convey but at the same time your speaking from a perspective that is offish. Not wrong but offish. Firstly black people are violent people but not for any that first comes to mind. We are a race of warriors. We are physically built to be more athletic then...
  65. Brandonn

    Is Everyone Entitled To All Knowledge?

    💯I can totally agree with this.💯 This actual makes a experience of mine much clear, i had intended to go to my astral temple but ended on a completely different plane. I was told here i could create freely and even though i tried everything failed. I made the mistake of thinking just because i...
  66. Brandonn

    Disclaimer: About "National Socialism"

    Amazingly said. It is also important for those who are new or have not read the " New man of Satan" to note. What kind of person they can become. This is an good read for and will help you understand alot of what is expected as a contributing memeber and what you can expect from your fellow...
  67. Brandonn

    What does mean to be a God

    This post is to address a few topics I've seen alot of questioned around. Mostly from new memeber and few from more older members. I hope this clears up a few things, no doubt you'll have questions. Let's start. As you've noticed most of the more advanced members rarely answer your questions...
  68. Brandonn

    3 Questions about JoS

    Im not sure how you came up with those numbers but to put it how my GD explained it to me is... the record exist and don't exist at the same time. Anything of value was either destroyed or taken... so much knowledge was lost as you know. But what your looking for is evidence of ascendance...
  69. Brandonn

    The ideal nation ??

    Well i do understand your point. That would be the ideal way to go but i also picture what would be needed if it had to be created from nothing. Which would make it easier to the find the right town to start. It's like designing the blueprint so when you find the right place you already know...
  70. Brandonn

    How To Always Stay Positive As a Spiritual Satanist

    I've seen with social media lately and what people have been saying. Xains particular. They've been preaching and saying that " God is coming, repent " and they've been doing it alot often and at greater volumes. And this has been coming from celebrities also, who've regretted " signing for fame...
  71. Brandonn

    How To Always Stay Positive As a Spiritual Satanist

    A few months ago i was visited by our Father and Lord Satan and as we spoke there were alot of thoughts invading my mind, i hadn't been doing void meditations. I remember him touching my forehead and saying " My mind falters too much" and i had crear mind from then. Knowning what my mind is...
  72. Brandonn

    Tulpas, Thoughtforms & Betraying...Christians

    While we are doing our workings and advancements, focused on spiritual progress. As most of you have noticed with testimonials and peoples questions, different levels of advancements are normally accompanied by different levels and degrees of urgency by demons. Which is a good system, is allows...
  73. Brandonn

    Respectful Disagreements, Ethics when arguing.

    Among all the unnecessary arguments and disagreements. When we hold ourselves against others there's a few things I'm really proud of as an SS. Removing all the confused individuals and infiltrators. None of us would actually hurt each other. Not only as respect to ourselves but to what we are...
  74. Brandonn

    Mark Zuckerberg loses $29bn overnight as people abandon Facebook

    At this point i feel it's just to detach people from reality. We've seen how easily they control people with media. The timing of " Meta " is also very clearly planned out. From covid requiring less human interactions to meta allowing for more human interactions from the comfort of your home...
  75. Brandonn

    Mark Zuckerberg loses $29bn overnight as people abandon Facebook

    This was the biggest worst idea ever when it came out. As a gamer and game designer there's been metaworlds and metauniverises from 2010 but with all things there's reasons why they were growing slowing. 😂😂but I'm glad it blew up in their faces.
  76. Brandonn

    The ideal nation ??

    Yeah that would be amazing for group meditations. I'd be alot easier to do longer meditation and rituals. It's own library yes i see. Good point
  77. Brandonn

    Working With Energy

    Apologizes in advance bit off topic. I've been working alot with energy lately and I've heard more people say the see a ball of a black burning energy around. They begin to feel hot. One has even said to get a feeling of danger from me. I'm more curious about this, since neither my GD nor...
  78. Brandonn

    The ideal nation ??

    It would be more like ... some random town in what seems like the middle of nowhere. Ideally for now it's purpose would be provided a safe haven for SS to meet others and fully be themselves.
  79. Brandonn

    The ideal nation ??

    Is it would have to be technology advanced & have a strict visitation regulations ?
  80. Brandonn

    The ideal nation ??

    Greetings to all the magnificent children of our Lord Satan. If there were to be a place " e.g. A small town " that could be built. What would be the ideal features it would need to have to be a productive and peaceful environment for SS members ? Shoot off some ideas if you have some.
  81. Brandonn

    When i meditate a lot i start shaking and vibrating like crazy

    It's not a permit thing, as your Knowledge grows you'll be able to understand and handle correcting such things. Just keep pushing forward.
  82. Brandonn

    Why The Enemy Isn't Gone Yet?

    I think it's more of limitations. In the lost Book of Enki you can read and see that when the Gods were on earth they grew older faster, felt weaker and other effects and alot more violence occurred things that wouldnt normally effect them in their own dimensions... it would work the same way if...
  83. Brandonn

    (((They))) Blackening Our Gods

    As a black person, Jews are really trying to get rid of you guys. I saw this other video where they were saying the problem or number of people not taking the vaccine were whites and if yout got rid of whites.. Covid would end ... i am shocked they would say that so publicly the enemy is really...
  84. Brandonn

    Current situation In South Africa

    I've learnt from the God's... it has nothing to do with you. If your truly dedicated you'll always be taken care of and safe so don't worry or involve yourself in things that would upset Father Satan
  85. Brandonn

    New member!! please help urgent

    Best chance of meeting another SS member is if your guardian demon tells let's you know or you randomly meet us ... beyond that for satefy reasons we don't share personal information
  86. Brandonn

    When i meditate a lot i start shaking and vibrating like crazy

    Welcome to the club.... happens to me alot also. I assume ( maybe wrong ) that the enegry inside and outside aren't flowing through me properly, blocked chakras possibly. It doesn't happen as much as it did. Hope this helps
  87. Brandonn

    Urgency Please Help

    Thanks will try that
  88. Brandonn

    Urgency Please Help

    Hello. I've been having a few issues / problems that I'm hoping someone can help with. Firstly I'd like to share a little more about my experience hopefully it helps explain things better. I was born with a few psychic abilities and have noticed them disappearing slowly, i use to be able to...
  89. Brandonn

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I guess i did ask it weirdly then. Thr reason i asked was i felt a shift in my energy , like there was a new depth to it. There was more i could handle. But to my knowledge i hadn't done anything drastic to cause that change. But it started when i felt the forces of hell get closer. Things i...
  90. Brandonn

    Bipolar Disorder. Need help.

    Hey. I have schizoaffective which is basically bipolar and schizophrenia combined with other things on steroids. But it doesn't bother me anymore honestly. I know the feeling crying for no reason even when happy. I would get server chest and arm pains when send, being sad in pain for weeks to...
  91. Brandonn

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Hi my name is don. When i first started. I use to experience alot more spiritual effects. I was alot more sensitive. It start when i went to a magic shop which i didn't think too much of at the time, bought a pendant and as i was paying for it. The shop owner went into a trance beginning...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
