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  1. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76223 Crush on a movie character

    What would you do if you fell in love with a movie character and it occupied your mind and made you feel lonely? He is just beautiful, polite and funny. I can't stop thinking about him, & I wish I have a friend like him (platonic friendship) 🫠
  2. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #76158 How to program Ether to balance other elements?

    Thank you! İt is recommended and not dangerous right? And does daily invoking elements naturally increase the amount of this element in our soul?
  3. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76106 freeing the soul question

    Until you empower you should remove the problem. I use this technique. Maybe the squere is the advanced technique but i am not skilled enough to do it. Also i havent open my chakras fully
  4. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76219 Tarot and Void of Course Moon

    Does Void of Course Moon affect the accuracy of Tarot readings or is it ok to do readings during VOC? Thank you.
  5. AskSatanOperator

    Family #76150 I miss the father I never had

    I was his first daughter, I'm the eldest. He raised me as a man and alone, my mother left me with him when I was 3 years old, I didn't have a mother and I barely had any female role models. As I grew up he put me aside to live the life he didn't have (no, it wasn't in my adult life, it was in...
  6. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #76216 Insomnia

    Is there any meditations or rituals that would help me with my insomnia? I've fallen behind in school due to it way too much that I'm failing 3 classes, with 13 missing assignments. Any info on meditations or rituals that would help with this kind of stuff would be nice..!
  7. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76217 2 Venus Square's possible?

    Can I do 1 Material and Spiritual square(s) each to improve my beauty, so long as it's two different affirmation's? Spiritual = Ethereal, other-worldly (Godlike) beauty. Material = Improve pre-existing skin condition's, hair issues etc. Or will the two conflict? Concentration won't be a...
  8. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76215 an impressionable person who is no longer being themselves because of others without noticing and only realizing it now

    As the title says,anyone can influence me easily ,but not in the kind of way :"I'll act like this so everyone likes me", but rather like, as an example that happened to me: I have tattoos, I never felt bad about them and I always liked them and I always had the notion that they are forever...
  9. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #76214 Blasphemous

    Hello I would like to know if something is considered blasphemous, for a very long time in my free time I used to enjoy playing some games specially doom , I understand the context of the game but for me it's just fun, since I began studying jos I even imagine the creatures in those games to...
  10. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #76213 Saturn retrograde in birth chart

    Hello, is having Saturn retrograde in birth chart good thing? I read it in jos website but i don't get it. I have two questions. Does it mean my Saturn transit will be worse than people who doesn't have Saturn retrograde? Does it mean when Saturn goes in retrograde everytime it's energies will...
  11. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #76212 Clauridencia [Clauridence]

    Que meditaciones me recomiendan para trabajar mi audición psíquica, y que foros o enlaces me recomiendan para entender todo sobre el tema ya que soy nuevo pero me llama mucho la atención [What meditations do you recommend to work on my psychic hearing, and what forums or links do you recommend...
  12. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76211 Merging with books

    If I astrally merge with a book,will I be able to read the content written in the book without actually reading the book.
  13. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #76210 Acerca de sexto chakra [About the sixth chakra]

    Hace un tiempo he estado con la meditación de poder, he meditado sobre mi tercer ojo, mi coronilla y otros chakras con éxitos, pero por alguna razón, por más que lo intente, no puedo sentir mi sexto chackra, he leído en la página que el sexto chackra se encuentra detrás del tercer ojo alineando...
  14. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76209 There's a case of my dad which is getting delayed but in March or near i

    My question is my title [Mod Note: Title was too long and cut off]
  15. AskSatanOperator

    Rituals #76208 To break up a love couple (woman + man) without knowing the man's name and disrupt the wedding.

    Will the aura of the woman programming affirmation work without knowing the man's name: "Aura X reflects and repels all the interests, attachments and attractions of a young man with whom X is in a serious love relationship in all respects, now and forever"? Should I repeat the aura programming...
  16. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #76207 Answer to silence

    I would say, the 4 is no silence at all. Silence is equivalent to light, or darkness?
  17. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76205 Employment issues

    Greetings fellow Satanists.I am in urgent need of a spell that might assist me.I recently got a job at a law firm, my job requires me to use company car.I am good a good driver and have been driving for years.On my first day at work I had an unfortunate situation I bumped the company car to the...
  18. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76204 Yandere

    I developed a fascination with an archetype called yandere which is a beautiful woman who is lovesick over her love interest who has the title of "senpai" and strangely, thought of Marchosias but I don't think she is crazy but Marchosias is strong and overwhelming emotions can seriously augment...
  19. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76203 What is the difference between black magic and curses?

    On 18 March, we can do black magic and other destructive workings but there is no mention of curses. However on 29 March, it only say curses and nothing else.
  20. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76202 Can I trace who cursed me

    Is it possible to trace it back to who cursed me? To a specific person
  21. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76169 Venus square affirmation

    By other-worldly and ethereal I meant to look like our beautiful God's. To gain a semblance of their elegance and beauty. Where people see me, and are in awe. To become "beyond normal" standards of beauty, into something unattainable by normal human mean's. The end result of the square...
  22. AskSatanOperator

    Health #76164 Trauma

    I don't think Satan cares about yourself the way you think. If u chose to jump from a bridge or go naked to the streets full of monkeys, don't complain that they rape you or you die, is you that do the choice to cut yourself, not Satan. So I hope you understand that is not the way to think...
  23. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #76198 Evocation

    I would like to summon a specific demon for very important help, I am dedicated and I work every day to improve myself, but it happens that I need higher help, I have never had experience of summoning a demon, but the problem is that I do not have enough privacy at my home, would there be a way...
  24. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76197 BRUTALITY! Pls help.

    While I love cats, after a while I can't help myself and torture them. This gives pleasure. But I know it's wrong, and I apologize to goddesses like Lady Bastet every time. And now I'm questioning what kind of person I have become. I'm not normally a wild person, but this has been happening...
  25. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #76195 Hp Lovecraft eldritch entites

    Are the beings described by Lovecraft related to the ones behind the jews are they alike?because yhwh looks just like it would fit right in malevolent horror from space
  26. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #76194 Meditation schedule

    Hi I'm new here unfortunately I have a very busy life, I have a child and little time I leave home before 7 am and return home at 6pm I have little privacy and though I'm married I would like to keep my spirituality and meditation a secret, is it OK if I do it after my partner is asleep, can...
  27. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76193 Hitler and his family

    Is it true what they write about Hitler and his family? Was grandfather really a Jew?
  28. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76192 Sexual dreams after freeing the soul working [NFSW]

    I started freeing the soul working 17 days ago. Now İ'm having sex in my dream 4 days in a row with different ages of women having literally every joy, experiencing every positions possible and it is super realistic, İ'm male btw, Day by day it becomes more realistic and İ started to [cum] in...
  29. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #76191 About Guardian demons

    Can a god or goddess that is not in the category of 72 gods/goddesses be our guardian demon? Like sekhmet, for example.
  30. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76190 Andara crystal/glass

    I've seen this new type of crytal/glass in esoteric shops called Andara. They are sold for quite a lot of money. My online search on these came up with two different results. One says they are very high-vibration glass, a strong spiritual protective stone and connect directly with the highest...
  31. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #76189 Silence

    There is 3 kinds of silence The one from outside The one from inside And both together Maybe there is a 4?
  32. AskSatanOperator

    Rituals #76187 Killing Tetragrammaton RTR

    I saw the upcoming RTR schedule. How do I do the triangle in the Tetra RTR? The explanation is very confusing.
  33. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76186 Is there really not any way to curse during mars retrograde?

    Is there really not any way to curse during mars retrograde?
  34. AskSatanOperator

    Rituals #76185 Porque no puedo comunicarme con los demonios? [Why can't I communicate with demons?]

    Hace mucho tiempo que busco la guía espiritual de los demonios ya que me di cuenta que desde pequeño me han inculcados dogmas falsos y ahora que puedo tomar mis propias decisiones quiero entrar a ese maravilloso mundo espiritual que tanto anhelo, sin embargo tras muchas meditaciones y rituales...
  35. AskSatanOperator

    Health #76184 Is the habit of talking to yourself harmful?

    The thing is, I grew up alone until about age 4, no friends. There is a habit of talking to myself, literally discussing every little thing. Is that harmful?
  36. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #76183 Vual manipulates time?

    While I was studying about the Demons, I found that it is written that Vual or Uvall manipulates time. Is this an allegory ?
  37. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76182 Maybe a sign?

    I'm not even sure what this is, weather if it's an actual sign from the gods, or just a weird sighting. So, I walking up to the entry doors of my school, when three Ravens flew above me. Two were on the right side of me as the other came down closer to me and swooped me closely. It didn't...
  38. AskSatanOperator

    Health #76181 This is a serious question about genitalia and cosmetic procedures.

    I searched the forum about plastic surgeries regarding boob jobs. Many were against it and explained why it might not be a good choice, as it’s something artificial and so on. However, regarding the removal of the labia minora, would it cause any harm similar to a boob job, or is it safe to...
  39. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76180 Money

    I want huge amount of money
  40. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #76179 why gods put different races in same palnet?

    I wonder why gods put different races in earth, its clear that eventually these races will mix one way or another. Why not putting one race per planet? Jews already are big problem.
  41. AskSatanOperator

    Health #76140 Herbs

    Thank u all for the answers, I appreciate, I know I have to be careful, mixing things, and don't take to much not take everyday, but I felt like I should, maybe the gods inspired me, maybe was myself, I like to try things, I'm not addicted to nothing. I don't smoke, Ive been drinking alcohol...
  42. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76177 square

    if i mispronounced a mantra for venus square, programmed the energy to not do anything and disperse, and restarted the working half an hour later while it was still venus hour, is that too little time to pass for it to work
  43. AskSatanOperator

    Rituals #76176 Which dedication ritual should i do?

    Firstly i was in pisslam,little bit other religions and then done dedication but tricked into new age-like currents and enemy entities.After then i performed the ritual second time as i remember it was not accurate. Which initiation ritual should i perform?
  44. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #76175 Why can't I contact the Gods?

    hello to all brothers. I have been trying to contact a God for a few days without any actual results. I have only tried meditation on his seal for about a week since there is no his power ritual. I was wondering, therefore, what might be the source of this difficulty. Thank you for the answers...
  45. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76174 Dream book, chiromancy, etc.

    I often have dreams, my palms have interesting and unusual lines on them. No matter how much I look for information about what I dreamed (symbolism, what predicts, etc.) or about the lines on the palms - the information is literally fundamentally different, confusing. Literally in one place it...
  46. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76172 Emotion Lost

    Hello everyone. I have been experiencing loss of emotion for a long time and I have lost various emotions. I have lost my feelings of sadness, anxiety and joy. When something sad happens, I can only pretend to be sad. It is not possible to be really sad. The only emotions I have left are hate...
  47. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #76171 Retrograde Mercury

    I read that when Mercury is in retrograde a lot of things can go wrong and not work, in fact I have had a lot of things go wrong and even after Mercury went in retrograde, I just want to be sure that it is an effect of Mercury retrograde, also because my relationship went to pieces during that...
  48. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76169 Venus square affirmation

    "This energy of Venus has given me ethereal and other-worldly beauty". Is it bad or inefficient for improving my skin/hair issues? With the visualisation and will/intent I imagine everything is perfect according to my ideal's.
  49. AskSatanOperator

    Sexuality #76168 Love and Happiness

    Okay, Love and Happiness seemed to be the solution, Back in the days. Because, now days people are very angry, and are ,in dire need for help. It's more than just love and happiness, it's learning to understand it. That most people, don't seem to. And laugh, at those who show sympathy and...
  50. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #76167 6th house

    what planet rules the 6th house? theres planets written for all of the other ones
  51. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76139 Justice

    In this case I cannot know who did wrong, nor I can know where they are, so my only option is the gods, I would do justice for myself but I don't know exactly who did this
  52. AskSatanOperator

    Health #76034 headaches

    i thought about your first question and what changed was well.. covid. it more like 3 to 4 years than, i remember noticing it at the time and thinking it will go away. the first 2 years i couldn't taste chocolate (or anything wrapped in aluminium) cause it tasted and smelled like chapstick to...
  53. AskSatanOperator

    Health #76164 Trauma

    I am wondering if Satan cares if I cut myself. I've been getting the urge to do that recently and I don't really have anyone to go to. So, now, here I am.
  54. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76163 Venus answer

    I'm doing a sun square and now I start this one, I use the same affirmations for both, 9 times, if more than 20 vibrations I afirm 18, if 30 vibrations I affirm 27. Nobody teach me this, but I feel like it works. They both spiritual. Also the question music for meditation was supposed to be an...
  55. AskSatanOperator

    Health #76162 my eyes

    My eyes are changing color. Can I use magic to speed up the process? if so, how? aura? thoughtform?
  56. AskSatanOperator

    Relationships #76159 Why doesn't it work as it should?

    I am in love with a girl, we have been talking for a long time now and yet I have not been able to make her fall in love with me. So I decided to do a love ritual, when Venus was in Pisces, on the day of Venus, the hour of Venus and a waxing moon very close to a full moon. Now I am sure that...
  57. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #76158 How to program Ether to balance other elements?

    Is it possible to program Ether to balance the other elements in our soul? For example: invoking Ether for 10 breaths and affirming, "Element Ether is balancing all four elements in my soul in a positive way for me." We probably don't use visualisation to describe outcome right? I have...
  58. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76157 Can jews benefit from meditations?

    Can jews benefit from the meditations in the JoS? I know that their souls are different from ours and I think they will be affected differently, but when they do meditations, for example the Aura of Protection as instructed in JoS, what effects can that give them or would this work on them? How...
  59. AskSatanOperator

    Rituals #76156 How to do the ritual of turning the Torah for yourself?(to remove curses)

    I saw that in the last post it was written that people usually do a ritual for themselves, how can I do it for myself, what's the difference?
  60. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76155 Dealing with fear and anxiety towards Demons & meditations

    I dedicated several years ago, but due to my lack of self-discipline and incorrect mindset I was unable to move forward in the path in any significant way. Right now, my goal is to change this, better myself and actually make some progress instead of only thinking about it. It's been a long time...
  61. AskSatanOperator

    Health #76154 Two problems

    I have two problems. First, I have a crush on a movie character, I think this feeling is a bit problematic and distracting. Second, I often feel that something I don't like is in front of my eyes, for example, I have a phobia of insects, and sometimes it seems like a big spider is climbing up...
  62. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76153 Strengthening the solar chakra work

    In all works on attraction of money it is indicated to do them on the growing moon. On the work on strengthening the solar chakra, where 35+35+50 vibrations, is not specified, does it mean that regardless of the phase of the moon (the main thing is that it was not off course) can do this work...
  63. AskSatanOperator

    Family #76150 I miss the father I never had

    I hate worrying about things I cannot control. What should I do? I don’t understand why my relationship with my father has deteriorated so much. I feel envious of other girls whose fathers love them deeply, treating them well even as they grow older and continuing to see them as their...
  64. AskSatanOperator

    Family #76149 I don’t want to have children

    I, as a woman, always feel incredibly worthless and inferior because of the fact that I really don’t want to have children. I don’t want to be pregnant and I don’t want to raise children, it’s an incredibly scary thought to me. Am I really worthless for not wanting or having children?
  65. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #76148 Natal chart

    I'm the 2 stelliums person, what does mean have the ascendant in aquarius conjuncting Uranus that is the regent of aquarius, is like 4* degree conjunction [Mod Edit: Removed notion of sharing entire chart]
  66. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76147 What does it mean to wake up?

    What are we waking up to? What is the meaning of waking up?
  67. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76146 What did the Serpent represent?

    What did he represent really?
  68. AskSatanOperator

    #76145 Serpent seed?

    Did Satan have sex with eve?
  69. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76144 Venus

    Is a good time for a Venus square isn't?
  70. AskSatanOperator

    Health #76143 Dissociative Disorder

    I have dissociative disorder. What can I do? I started taking aripiprazole
  71. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #76142 Why did I receive divine providence

    I went to Sahaja Yoga when I was seeking mental stillness. I wanted to learn how to meditate for free. The first class I went to, I became totally mentally still. The Gods were with me. This experience caused me to mediate daily for years. I wanted to touch on it again and I never have. Why did...
  72. AskSatanOperator

    Rituals #76141 Rituals…

    Are we gonna return to doing our scheduled rituals? I had to check back and it's been quite a while since we did RTRs. I thought the idea is not to go easy on the enemy. Or are the God's rituals more important? Do they do stuff the RTR doesn't do?
  73. AskSatanOperator

    Health #76140 Herbs

    Is it a drug if I use herbs with psychoactive components? Let's absynthium, not too much of course, kratom, yopo seeds? They can be seen as drugs, but I think they are herbs with medical propertys, but I want to know your guys opinion? Is the same as with amanita muscaria?
  74. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76139 Justice

    Which god should I ask? I have seen I think maat may be the best choice, what u guys think?
  75. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #76138 Music for meditation

    When u progress u will see that is nothing better than the silence, music can distract you
  76. AskSatanOperator

    Health #76135 Depression

    Hello, I have been feeling depressed for a while due to the pressure of university studies and bad news and the stupidity of people around me and things like that. Actually everything is fine, I meditate and practice yoga every day, but nothing makes me happy, I also notice this when clearing...
  77. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #76134 GF cheating on me?

    If her Mars/Venus is conjunct in the 12th Sagittarius which is also conjuncting her AC in the solar return chart... should I be weary? It is also inconjunct/quincunx her natal Saturn in Taurus 5th (retrograde) and Jupiter in Gemini 5th (also retrograde) and the Jupiter is connected to an Air...
  78. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76133 2 squares

    And if is like I started a sun square last Sunday, next sunday can I start another and do them at different times of the day?
  79. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76132 tiktok

    I think this social medial makes people stupid and only delivers horrible and shallow content when you actually look at it...I'm not going to say I've never used it, of course I have... and I learned a lot of cool stuff there, some cake recipes and I've also found band communities that I...
  80. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76131 Fascism

    What do you think about the Fascism?
  81. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #76026 2 stelliums

    Forget to say, I'm aquarius ascendant with Uranus in conjunction with the ascendant on the 12 house, thank you I appreciate your time and the others to answer
  82. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76129 This is not an attack on anyone on the forum.

    I feel very excluded here in a way, I've tried chatting and something like that but I always see that the friendship "groups" are already made... There are many here who are also very defensive or think they are Gods and can treat others however they want... It's not an attack on anyone in...
  83. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76128 Firstly, is it possible?

    Brothers/sisters who are more advanced can probably know or at least sense the person behind the questions...so how could it really be anonymous?
  84. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76127 here on forum

    That's not an attack, it's just something I realised while looking at the forum. I'm not a feminist and I know what rubbish feminism is. However, I realised that it's very male-focused here, there's nothing for women, especially sermons... if there is, it's probably one or two.
  85. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #76026 2 stelliums

    Yes the moon and Neptune in the same stelium, on the 12 house, and the ascendant, not all in conjunction
  86. AskSatanOperator

    Health #76124 Mothers health recovery from paralysis

    Hello greeting i need ur help my mother did meditation for 12 hours daily and then she got paralysed will she recover though she is gradually recovering please dont suggest about visiting a doctor as we are not financially stable to affort a doctor my birth father is a worthless person...
  87. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76123 Justice

    I need to try ask the gods to make justice, maybe they can help, which god should I ask ? Maybe what happened wrong to me is to make justice for others? There is no justice at all isn't? I've been scammed, of course I don't know the person or the person's behind that's why I can only trust the...
  88. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76120 I don't know

    One day I think im a satanist the other day I feel like a jew, I don't know which side I really am, I thought I was something but apparently no
  89. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76119 The ancient Greeks and sacrifice.

    Currently reading Homer's Odyssey. The sacrifice of bulls is mentioned and described there quite often. I read on JoS that sacrifices are not acceptable to our gods. Was this just the “ignorance” of the time?
  90. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #76118 transting and death

    My boyfriend's Saturn is transiting through the 8th house right now. Venus transting through the 8th house. I'm worried for him, will this angle bring death to him?
  91. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #76117 Isn't astrology a fantasy

    Sorry if I rude but isn't astrology just a fantasy so you mean to say our live are rulled by rocks floating in the void and the zodiac just a game, what if they just get obliterated and what about other star systems you claim Satan is in Orion so what does your zodiac relato to satan, aren't...
  92. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #76116 Bon Buddhism Spiritual Satanism

    Dear Hoodedcobra666 Is Tibetan Bon Buddhism today considered a form of spiritual satanism?
  93. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76115 Squares

    Can I do two squares at the same time?
  94. AskSatanOperator

    Family #76114 Traitorous SS

    What do we do with them? My once best friend who I got into Spiritual Satanism has befriended a kike. He believes that while Israel and the Jews as a whole are evil that some can be saved. I have tried having him come to these forums to read, I have send him to the Jos library, I am at my wits...
  95. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76113 Post C-section workings

    What workings or meditations can i do please ? To avoid any negative effects like backpain or others. Also please let me know precautions , its been a one month now
  96. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76112 Tarot readings?

    Anyone offering tarot readings here?
  97. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76003 İs there any working like Munka to reduce influence of Saturn?

    But they are literally the same. The Obligating Saturn working is not directly focused on Saturn. It is mentioned that you need to focus on the problem, perform the working according to this problem, and use Munka. Isn't it the same as regular karma working? Removing karma will probably lessen...
  98. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76003 İs there any working like Munka to reduce influence of Saturn?

    Hello, in the case of Saturn being in the 8th house, will Munka working for bad wealth karma also lessen Saturn's influence? I read the Obligating Saturn working by HPS Lydia again and again. From what I see, it is the same as regular karma-removing work, but you do it for more days.
  99. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76109 No soul

    I Feel like I don't have a soul anymore, everyday I live is more empty than the other, I have been abused many times, most of them financially, always losing money with shit, cannot keep friends, the only relationship that I think is honest is with my dog, but maybe because I give him food. I'm...
  100. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76108 Is it OK to start a Moon square today? (13th Jan)

    I noticed this is missing on the calendar. It's a Monday, with the Moon full in Cancer. Is it okay to start this? Wouldn't want other SS to miss. Full moons in Cancer are rare.
  101. AskSatanOperator

    Family #76107 My unknown heritage and who I am

    I am adopted and not much is written or told about my family history or anything in that manner on my papers. All I know is my family was deep into alcoholism and that's why I was sent away. I am now in a xtian household yet still desire to know about my past. I have thought about doing DNA...
  102. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76106 freeing the soul question

    Hello people I have thr saturn aries squarr mars. I feel that my 2nh chakra is the weakest. I have than 1 freeing the sw of the mars saturn square and partially oblitarated it. Now i am going to start another and thinking to address the saturn aries. "my aries sign is ....free from the...
  103. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76105 Visualization of the color of runes

    What color is associated with the every rune? Would it be effective to visualize any golden-colored rune in white magic? and especially in love magic? What color is the best way to visualize runes in white magic? Is there a universal color for rune visualization in the works of white and...
  104. AskSatanOperator

    Health #76075 Will I be tall/handsome in my next life

    The reason I ask is because some of those traits are as a result of hypnosis to make myself taller and handsome etc. I was good looking but I got to model tier with these techniques. But then I read on here body reflect's the soul. So I wonder if my changing my body so much has impacted my...
  105. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76089 I believe serious enemy attack

    ... 1.4x SATANAS vibration into my whole soul 2.Elhaz vibration 144X(I used to start at 88X when I first did it) 3.4x SATANAS vibration in my whole soul. 4.AUM - affirmation - AUM 8x. Affirmation. ... __________________ Sorry, the affirmation is missing.Here: Elhaz's energy, in the way that...
  106. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76101 want to power

    i want power and money i will anything do for this i have ready to sell my soul
  107. AskSatanOperator

    Rituals #76100 Initiation

    Whats the initiation process and how can I be communicating with the lord Satan
  108. AskSatanOperator

    #76099 Sex slave to a Demon? [Trigger Warning: Sexual Kink]

    I am male submissive. Is it possible to become a sex slave to a demon? I have been trying to get a Femdom Succubus or Demonic Sex Spirit for years with little success. Is anything close to that possible? My name is Ken ******@mail.com
  109. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76098 Would a working like this would manifest

    Any and all pain and suffering [name] has bought upon me is returned in full right back to him/her. If yes, can I do it during mars retrograde and in what moon sign.
  110. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76096 I suddenly think of this

    I suddenly have think of the last time I was without a biological body and I saw God Satan, I didn't believe it was a type of deja vu Has someone had the same experience?
  111. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76095 square and magic work

    If I do a square and a magical work for the same objective only with different affirmations, will it have results or will it not work? since it is not recommended to do two magical works at the same time, then I would like to know about these two different
  112. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76094 Donation

    Where do I prove a donation? Do I have to prove it every time I donate?
  113. AskSatanOperator

    Rituals #76093 The colors of the runes.

    The Isa rune is a bright white ice color (for visualization), which is good to use for binding. Using the ISA rune of the right color in a short time gave me an amazing result that I had not seen before, so now I will visualize all the runes exclusively in the color that corresponds to a...
  114. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76003 İs there any working like Munka to reduce influence of Saturn?

    I'm misunderstood, lol. I'm just referring to the "Obliterating Saturn" working by HPS Lydia. I was asking, can we take the "Wealth Karma Removing Munka" working as an example of the "Obliterating Saturn" working by HPS Lydia? They are the same, right? I mean, if I'm doing the Wealth Karma...
  115. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76089 I believe serious enemy attack

    Greetings brothers and sisters. English is not my native language, so I apologise in advance for any language mistakes. I am constantly feeling strong anxieties and involuntary thoughts/impulses.These are such degenerate, irrational thoughts/impulses that if I were to write them down, they...
  116. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76014 can love spell improve mediocre compatibility

    There is only one major thing which is bad that I am worried about, which is my Venus is Square her Saturn... but there is also helpful stuff, which is my Venus Trine her Saturn. Everything else in the chart is good, or minor conflicts. LOTS of sexual attraction, as well as emotional, mental...
  117. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #76087 [ I can do demonic devotion ]استطيع عمل التكريس الشيطاني

    هل استطيع عمل التكريس الشيطاني بريق من فمي وهل ينجح ذلك او ضروري دم من أجل ذلك Can I perform satanic consecration with a sparkle from my mouth? Will that work or is blood necessary for that?
  118. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76086 AoP Question

    Are you supposed to end them based on numerology similar to other working's, or allow one AoP to go on forever? 40/80/90/100/180/365 day cycles? I've found a lot of my working's don't completely manifest until I've completed a cycle. Am I actually being protected until I've finished a cycle?
  119. AskSatanOperator

    Relationships #76085 Venus square for love of specific person

    Is it a good idea to use the planetary square of venus with affirmations to attract the love of a specific person? It is about an ex which some situations made us separate, especially some astrologic debilitations and bad karma as I ve seen in my natal chart.
  120. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #76084 Planetary Sqaur

    I have questions regarding planetary squares. Answers for such questions I did not happen to find in our JoS sites. I would assume that maybe all of this is irrelevant, but somehow intuitively I feel that this is relevant given that we clearly separate when it is good to start the square, and...
  121. AskSatanOperator

    Sexuality #76083 Tantric sex

    Do you have reliable information sources that are not poisoned by jews about techniques regarding tantric sex? @HPS Lydia
  122. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #76082 Rising kundalini and inner voice

    When I was focusing on a chakra my kundalini activated and shot up my spine with great power. As this was occuring I noticed that an inner voice became very feminine almost like I was a woman, it was very feminine and excited. Is this normal what is going on here?
  123. AskSatanOperator

    Relationships #76080 Mixing and reproduction

    Hi, what is worst, mix with someone from other race or don't reproduce at all?
  124. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76079 help with technology addiction

    I'm addicted to my cell phone, I spend hours on it... I miss out on meditation and I've missed a lot of magical work... What do I do? I don't want to be seen in a bad light by the gods, like, I'm not taking it seriously or something like that...I need help
  125. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76078 my magic work

    A time ago I started a work of a certain moon at the beginning of another... an hour after the moon I wanted... will it still work? from venus to libra
  126. AskSatanOperator

    Health #76075 Will I be tall/handsome in my next life

    If I am tall in this liftime will i definitely be tall/handsome again. I don't want to lose my good genes.
  127. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #76076 40 day meditation

    I have a question regarding the 40 day meditation program, can I for example do a morning and afternoon meditation instead of doing it morning and evening?
  128. AskSatanOperator

    Relationships #76074 how to let go of a friend...

    I don't know, it's complicated. my colleague, whom I loved even more than just a friend... He also loved me, but we never got into a love relationship. We remained friends, he recently quit the job. I miss him very much and I can't live without him... But he doesn't seem to care, although I may...
  129. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76073 Coinflip divination

    can coinflipping be used as a form of divination
  130. AskSatanOperator

    #76072 Магия [Magic]

    От бая време се опитвам и не ми се получават любовните магии дори когато поръчам да се направи такава от професионалист маг пак нестава I have been trying for a long time and love spells don't work even when I order one to be done by a professional magician it still doesn't work
  131. AskSatanOperator

    Other #75985 Munka and scary dreams

    Yes, past nightmares disappeared after doubling the AoP energy, but dreams about falling teeth are unstoppable lol
  132. AskSatanOperator

    Sexuality #76068 Sex

    Does having sex during menstruation is okay from spiritual perspective? @HPS Lydia
  133. AskSatanOperator

    #76067 Translate

    I am an SS from Albania and I would like to translate the temple of Satan in my country
  134. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #76066 Sufism

    Dear Hoodedcobra666 Is it good for a Satanist these days to join a Sufi Meditation Center? Or is it a total scam run by the Jews?
  135. AskSatanOperator

    Relationships #76065 I can’t have friends

    I can’t have friends because I am bound with angels that are controlling me, I can’t have friends or any relationship because they are making me sleeping because they fear me… I wish to join demon family and my soul to be unchained… they are trying to stop me, and if I reach the true happiness...
  136. AskSatanOperator

    Health #76064 Finding a reason to live

    I don’t find any reason to live, no porpoise… please save me from suicide… you’re right the sky is trying to make me commit suicide… my life is at the end of the road and I don’t find any solution… and the spiritual ghost attacking me and sucking my energy… tell me if I can do something… I am...
  137. AskSatanOperator

    Sexuality #76063 Homosexuality

    I do research: I seek knowledge so that it comes to me. Why does a person become homosexual instead of heterosexual? What determines that? Is it genetic factors? Is it prenatal environmental conditions? Even if it is, it comes from the soul of the person. Then it would be determined by the gods...
  138. AskSatanOperator

    Health #76030 vaccine

    #76062 Answer to vacine Yeah all my friends took the vacine except one or two, besides I suufer from immune disease or immune trouble, I didn't take the vacine, I catch covid but I have recovered very fast, in my opinion I think is worse the vacine than do not take, but that's me. I hate needles
  139. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76061 Ethics

    What is the difference between progress and evolution, some societys progress but they don't evolve what this means?
  140. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #76060 Sudden fever and back pain

    Today after cleansing all the chakras, I had 2-3 orgasms. After these I felt a sensation of pleasure in my back, down on my spine, right in conjunction with the second chakra. It became more pleasant by flexing the back. It lasted 10 minutes. Then it passed, and I meditated on the first 3...
  141. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76059 Black Light?

    I searched around for posts on this. Lydia came up with, "Shiny black is positive". So black does have positive uses. But is it required to absorb the color in a beneficial programmed way? I feel very good with the color. How can I better use black? I'd like to continue experimenting with it...
  142. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #76057 coincidence or not?

    Hi everyone, I need help regarding my date of birth, according to my birth certificate I was born on June 20 at a specific time, I read it many times, and for a moment without saying anything I I took the date back two steps, so to June 18, and strangely while reading it everything seemed to...
  143. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #76056 Will god despise me?

    Hello everyone, I have the following question, I often have weaknesses and sometimes I think about suicide, I think this is connected with the past where I could not find support anywhere in very difficult times, at the same time I began to abandon Christianity, I prayed for help or a sign but...
  144. AskSatanOperator

    Rituals #76054 About Mecca

    I read on the Jewish Kabbalah exposition site how Muslims increase the power of their spiritual operations using sacred geometry, turning counterclockwise (I assume to align the soul with the gravitational pull of the earth amplifying the energies) turning around a Cube that in sacred geometry...
  145. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #76053 How many gods

    what is a perfect soul? The universe is constantly changing, so everything on it, what means perfect? I can't understand
  146. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #76026 2 stelliums

    They fall in air... Both stelliums, aquarius and Gemini, Uranus and mercury
  147. AskSatanOperator

    Relationships #76037 Gypsies friends

    Yes I'm sure they are gypsies, they told me themselves also the color of the skin, one has a white wife, I Know misogenation is wrong but I cannot tell others what to do. I don't have any close friends, but I know they are my allies, in financial aspect they have more than me, and I'm white I think.
  148. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76050 local communities of JoS

    Hello! Sorry for the mistakes, English is my second language. I have been searching for the truth for a long time, since childhood I have been interested in the topic of thing, that other people call "magic", and I searched the real God. For the first time in my 18 years of life I have found an...
  149. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #76046 Our child

    How do we dedicate our newborn child to Lord Satan until he dedicates himself ? Just to protect him from mudslim magic or alien enemies of Father Satan ? There are some other problems we’ve been facing recently, the child is feeding mothers milk every 10-20 mins and doesn’t sleep whole night...
  150. AskSatanOperator

    #76044 [I can be spiritual when I'm in an Arab country] استطيع اكون روحاني وانا في بلاد عربيه

    #76045 [How I worship the gods] كيف عبادتي الآلهة انا مسلم واعيش في دوله عربيه واتحدث العربيه هل هناك طريقه لمساعدتي لم استطيع ان أجد الكتاب المقدس للشيطان كامل للقراءه I'm a Muslim living in an Arab country and I speak Arabic. Is there any way you can help me? I can't find the full Bible of...
  151. AskSatanOperator

    #76044 [I can be spiritual when I'm in an Arab country] استطيع اكون روحاني وانا في بلاد عربيه

    هل استطيع اكون روحاني وانا اعيش في بلاد عربيه ليس فيها جماعات شيطانية ولا استطيع الحصول بعض الأدوات المستخدمة في الطقوس ولا املك الكتب لتعلم و قرائتها وليس هناك من يساعدني Can I be a spiritualist when I live in an Arab country where there are no satanic groups and I can't get some of the...
  152. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76049 should i cancel and start again?

    Is it okay to continue if one of my vibrations is off in a regular working, or should I cancel and start again like in a Square working? For example: BEAR-N-KHAA instead of BEAR (Munka)
  153. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76043 retrograde planets

    I will experience things later in life because of some of my retrograde planets...what can I do to reduce this? many things happened extremely early for me but others extremely late...
  154. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76040 Can you unlock me?

    My account is Supermarco and I am getting banned from the forum. I can’t sign up again can you please unlock me? I am the man who posted the topic ‘I need emotive support’
  155. AskSatanOperator

    #76039 Van gogh

    This guy was a jew?
  156. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76038 Race, Jews , gypsies whites

    Hi, it said on the Jos that the Jews travel to land that's is not theirs, same as the gypsies, they infiltrate in other cultures and steal and corrupt their knowledge. I understand that, but the whites have done the same, like every other race, not only the Jews leave their land for another, not...
  157. AskSatanOperator

    Relationships #76037 Gypsies friends

    I know that after the Jews the gypsies are the worst race, but Im friend of at least 3 guys from gypsie race but they work like civilized people. Maybe I'm not an SS because of that, they always treat me good and I'm good to them also, what things an SS should be disgusted of? Is it possible...
  158. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76036 Several questions

    Hello. 1) I might like to become a psychiatrist. But at the same time, this work, in my opinion, is truly hostile, because pills for mental illness destroy the soul... Can I go in that direction or not? 2) Regarding the aura. I've been seeing her lately... Dimmer? Weaker? It was as if she had...
  159. AskSatanOperator

    Health #76034 headaches

    this started 2 or 3 years ago and is only getting worse. i have headaches so often its absurd. ive done various medical scans and they're all fine, although they were not extremely recent. i eat the smallest piece of chocolate or any sugar - headache i excercise - headache i simply wake up -...
  160. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #76033 Judaism and jews rebel

    Can a Jew rebel against Judaism
  161. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76032 how to avoid this..??

    hello everyone, I have something quite urgent that I would like to solve. My parents and I live in a rented house, here I can quietly have my privacy and do all my RTRs and various meditations since my parents are people who sit in front of the TV after work and never leave there again, which...
  162. AskSatanOperator

    Yoga #76031 A way to replace Corpse pose?

    As someone with some stomach trouble who has acid if they stay totally still on their back is there anyway to replace corpse pose when it isn't possible?
  163. AskSatanOperator

    Health #76030 vaccine

    Is it not recommended to take the covid vaccine or any other vaccine as well?
  164. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76003 İs there any working like Munka to reduce influence of Saturn?

    Thank you. Now destroying karma is enough to remove obstacles right? Saturn can influence us via this karma. İf we remove karma, now Saturn can't badly influence us. Please correct me if İ understood it wrong As İ understand, Destroying Saturn working from HPS Lydia is just Munka working to...
  165. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #76028 What does it mean if you look exactly like a certain god?

    What are the implications if your face looks like a spitting image of one of the gods, in facial features, coloring, and everything except for stature, is it just genetics or are there any deeper spiritual meanings to this?
  166. AskSatanOperator

    Yoga #76027 Mandalas

    Mandalas and trance and u know this crazy party's, this is all from the enemy, to make sacred symbols to be associated with disgusting and destructive behaviors? Mandalas are life isn't? They are the eternal cycle of resurrection?
  167. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #76026 2 stelliums

    I have two stelliums, one in the 12 house with the ascendant, and another in the 4 house, this is very rare but I got no ideia if it's good or bad
  168. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #76025 God, devil, gods whatever

    What is a god? Or better Who is a god? Is a god an ideia, a person a hologram, an ideal? What perspective should we look to better understand the gods, or the god or whatever u know?
  169. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #76024 How many gods

    This is not important, just make look like everything can be a god, in my perception a god is a more advanced being, either benevolent or maleficent for us. It does matter because maybe we are the gods of other races, maybe we are the gods of the subhuman, as we humans are relatives to the gods...
  170. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #76023 Struggling with Trance after profound experience

    So I had a wonderful thing happen during the Osiris rituals and it was very profound. I had intense power after a couple ritual and it was honestly amazing but at the same time I feared it might have been soul burn out so not once but twice I asked for the energy to be taken away. First by a...
  171. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #76022 L'evocazione di un demone [The summoning of a demon]

    Vorrei sapere qual'è il rituale esatto per evocare un demone [I would like to know what the exact ritual is for summoning a demon]
  172. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76021 New working gets me ill

    Hi, every time I start a new working, be it positive or removing negativity, I either at the start, in the middle or at the end of working get ill. Every. Single. Time. And the most bizarre thing? My chakras and Aura always look squeaky clean and bright, same with my Aura (as I've heard...
  173. AskSatanOperator

    Other #75985 Munka and scary dreams

    Yesterday, I saw my teeth falling out in my ultra-realistic 4K dream, literally felt it. I instantly woke up and checked my teeth with my fingers, lol. Munka makes miracles.
  174. AskSatanOperator

    Relationships #76018 Please I need emotive support

    My life is like the film Donnie Darko… and I cry listening the song ‘Mad World’ I am alone… I need emotive support… I never been happy everything in my life from even I born… I am crying alone… nobody talk to me, nobody care if I live or die… for the people I am a bastard dog, and no fucking...
  175. AskSatanOperator

    Rituals #76017 Rune repetitions

    Do I vibrate the runes x10 each and then move on to the next rune, or do I vibrate the three of them together x10?
  176. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76016 Adolf Hitler was Satanist

    Hello! I remember Joyofsatan having an article that says that adolf hitler was a satanist. I couldnt find it, link pls?
  177. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #76010 is composite charts useful

    #76015 synastry vs composite chart our synastry is good, but the composite chart has most things in the 12th house... is this a bad idea to pursue the relationship? she has pluto in the 12th, but besides that quite a healthy individual. maybe it will be somethig she's comfortable with because...
  178. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76014 can love spell improve mediocre compatibility

    like if the synastry is good/decent, but not epic passionate romance. can love spell be used to exacerbate the good stuff, so it is more passionate. i am not talking about partners who are incompatible, but where it is just "okay enough" to make it passion filled.
  179. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #76013 The Gods are thoughtforms?

    I’m getting the feeling that they could very well be that. Their energies which we feel when we invoke them could be the accumulation of Gentile/Pagan worship over thousands of years, now with our rune vibrations we give them as well, pooling into them, which is what our rituals for them are all...
  180. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #76012 Fe or Fehu

    Germanic FE , should I use Germanic form or FEHU ?
  181. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76011 Skin color

    Hello! I have purely Turkish roots (with no Arab admixture). My skin is 98% light and 2% slightly darker, but it’s barely noticeable. Am I considered white?
  182. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #76010 is composite charts useful

    or should i just stick to synastry
  183. AskSatanOperator

    Sexuality #76009 nsfw

    Porn is bad, but what about pornographic audio? Is just listening to the person bad too?(like an audio that contains moans, just to help with the imagination) If I see a random pornographic image on the internet, does that end up affecting my aura?
  184. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76008 void question

    Say I bought something for ritual use week's before the void moon started but I received it during the void moon would that effect whatever Item i use rituals for (Bought item week's before void moon but I got it in the mail during my void moon ) Was wondering about this question for a while
  185. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76006 Affirmations without raising energy

    Is it useful to just do affirmations on their own without raising energy, just for small/minor habit changes or changing one's self-perception or mindset?
  186. AskSatanOperator

    Sexuality #76005 Erectile dysfunction

    I have been suffering from erectile dysfunction for a very long time. I was treated, but it didn't improve. The latest surgery remained the solution. What do you think I should do?
  187. AskSatanOperator

    #76004 The soul doesn't exist

    Neil degrasse Tyson claims there is no soul and that aliens cannot be visiting earth because our satélites would see them
  188. AskSatanOperator

    Workings #76003 İs there any working like Munka to reduce influence of Saturn?

    After doing money work, I learned that I have Saturn in the 8th house, which is said to keep you poor. I am already doing Munka working for wealth karma. My question is: Should I focus on destroying Saturn's influence or continue with Munka workings for wealth karma? Will destroying bad karma...
  189. AskSatanOperator

    Other #76001 If money is God of this World?

    Do the Gods possess money or use money? I find the idea of a being of higher power not being able to buy something. But I also think they possess a most superior society that has good financial practices.
  190. AskSatanOperator

    Health #76000 Fetishis

    People, have them. And why? And, the difference between normal ? and what isn't. And why, does the enemy encourage it. And often at times people talk about it. Even if it's bad.
  191. AskSatanOperator

    Other #75999 I'm so desperate, hopeless.

    So 8 months ago i met a SS and i wasn't so sure about islam and he made me a SS to as a feeling. ( Which i will be dedicated later ) So i've met him after i tried to kill myself litteraly after 4 days we met. And i took all of that as a sign and become a SS as i said. But later on in those 10...
  192. AskSatanOperator

    Other #75998 any community groups?

    Is there any JoS community groups? All groups in the links on JoS website are down
  193. AskSatanOperator

    Other #75997 Xtian Words? | Also…

    How would our organization relabel xtianized words? What are the proper words for this? For example many use inner [Demons] or Diabolical or other words originally good and from descended from Ancient societies. How would these words be transformed back to their proper usage? Did the Ancient...
  194. AskSatanOperator

    Other #75996 University

    What universities are good? I mean, for example, the logo of Yale University has Hebrew letters, so it probably brainwashes people. I heard similar things about Harvard too. Which universities provide good and reliable education?
  195. AskSatanOperator

    Other #75994 Race question

    Technically speaking, I know that I am white. I am incredibly pale, I have zero Asian blood, my hair is brown with golden and yellow highlights in the sun (not black), and I have white features. But there is one issue that's been bothering me a lot and making me feel ashamed of my origins: the...
  196. AskSatanOperator

    Other #75993 Occultism in Nazi Germany

    Hi, I found the Wikipedia Page about Mysticism during the Third Reich. There is an enormous quantity of history behind and, obviously, even lies and/or incorrect information. It says that there were previous Occultist such as Guido Von List and Jorg Lanz, which blended different religious...
  197. AskSatanOperator

    Relationships #75969 Love spell, to make them approach?

    Thank u for ur advices. Is it impossible if we are not in regular contact such as work? I now doubt if I'd see her at all, except by a complete chance encounter. And I only need her to approach me. I can take it from there, I'm good at responding to people but it's awkward to approach. I'm...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
