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  1. Egon

    Family #76107 My unknown heritage and who I am

    No, focus on the present. Even if you did a "working to know what race you are", you could still fall a mistrust loophole and think you are deceiving yourself, so imo this could be a waste of energy, better work to earn big money consistently, and attract a suitable partner. The best racial...
  2. Egon


  3. Egon

    Thanks. I will precede it by doing Janus Ritual to remove obstacles.

    Thanks. I will precede it by doing Janus Ritual to remove obstacles.
  4. Egon

    Video Game Recommendations

    On Kojima stuff I only played MGSV so I can't say for the rest of Metal Gear franchise which I only know the story, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It becomes too easy though the more you play the missions. It's a statement to his genius, a 2015 game looks more AAA than any modern AAA game; acting...
  5. Egon

    Video Game Recommendations

    I love FromSoftware games, the Souls series, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, and specially Sekiro. I enjoyed Resident Evil all the way from 1-4 but they get old real quickly, and are also just braindead fun. I like the puzzling structure of the 1st game (Remake), but still, it's a limited game imo. I...
  6. Egon

    Other #75998 any community groups?

    You can join the online Temple as well to do synchronized group Rituals, by following the instructions here: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/making-gods-power-ritual-more-powerful-joining-brothers-and-sisters.295144
  7. Egon

    Other #75996 University

    I don't think any institution is the problem by itself. Anything to do with exact sciences shouldn't be too corrupted by the enemy, like Math or Physics, we need good people in health sciences like Nursery, Medicine, or if one does Physiotherapy they could get societal "validation" for also...
  8. Egon


    Faça como for confortável. Eu mesmo só faço aquela última por 1 minuto ou 54 repetições.
  9. Egon

    The Gods #75988 Aren't gods just imaginary

    Because the author likely comes from an abrahamist background were blind faith and fear is used to keep religion going. "Belief" isn't needed in Spiritual Satanism, we trust the Gods after confirming for ourselves their teachings and presence are true and actually work in real life, after making...
  10. Egon

    Other #75976 A Gnose é de Satan? [Is Gnosis from Satan?]

    https://www.alegriadesatanas.org/Hieratic/Abrasax.html https://www.alegriadesatanas.org/Hieratic/ABRAXAS_GNOSTICS.html
  11. Egon

    New Year Address & Osiris God Ritual

    I'm looking for a new career with better income, live on my own, become able to donate regularly, and to know myself better, maybe learn a new language and dive into the culture of my ancestors or at least racial cousins.
  12. Egon

    Mensagem de Ano Novo e Ritual ao Deus Osíris

    https://www.alegriadesatanas.org/Osiris-Hieratic.html Osíris é uma divindade extremamente complexa e multifacetada que esteve à frente do panteão egípcio. A natureza altamente estimada de Osíris é evidente em todas as facetas da civilização do Nilo. Era considerado um Deus da ressurreição, da...
  13. Egon


    É só baixar um calendário anual na JoS-Astro para o teu fuso horário.
  14. Egon

    Why Odin is considered a prominent Lord of the Left-Hand Path

    I would also like to point that a lot of it is a misinterpretation of "Satan", given you mention "Left Hand Path", and thus, connections are harder to make of the Pagan Pantheons and that limited paradigm - here are some other articles clearing up the correct etymology and attributes of our...
  15. Egon

    Question #5564: Different Race Girlfriends/Boyfriends

    Those speculations are useless, just stick with White/European people and that's about it. If you mean slightly tanned like Southern Europeans, so long both her parents are also White/Europeans, then it shouldn't be a problem. Nordic looking people should strive to have Nordic looking children...
  16. Egon


    @BlackOnyx8 [JG] The planetary hour says the hours of a Thursday for today, a Wednesday. In "Calculate the End Date", after I click, it says I've chosen the previous day to start than the one I put, for example I put Jan/9 then it changes to "Start Date: January 8, 2025".
  17. Egon

    Feliz Yule 2024 + Agenda Para o Pai Satanás Dias 21-23

    Suma Sacerdotisa Lydia: Feliz Yule para todos os Satanistas Espirituais, que sejam abençoados e tenham uma agradável temporada de Yule! Nos próximos 3 dias (21 a 23 de Dezembro, do Solstício de Inverno ao Dia de Satanás) estaremos a realizar o Ritual de Satanás. Para aqueles que querem fazer...
  18. Egon

    Sobre “Judeus” - Israel, “JHVH” e Judaísmo

    O judaísmo não é mais do que um desvio de uma Antiga Cultura Pagã [eles roubaram todos os elementos das Antigas Culturas dos Deuses]. O roubo e a perversão destes termos são tão grandes, que já não se assemelham à Cultura Antiga. Isto foi feito por razões de infiltração, mas também porque os...
  19. Egon

    Other #75836 Can I play the upcoming doom game?

    There are better ways to waste your time and money. Games nowadays aren't cheap and there are many hundreds of them to choose from. Take a time to meditate if your life investment of time and labored money you made are really so cheap that they are worthy a hype you are feeling right now, as...
  20. Egon

    Shaolin monks

    HP HC said it wasn't jewish-invented entirely, the teachings were corrupted some by enemy infiltration, and by the harsh reality of the times we live, such as living through slavery and coming to the conclusion this world is infact suffering. Monks in general whether Shaolin or others live such...
  21. Egon

    Other #75699 my race

    You go with another person who is partially black like yourself because that's dominant genes, there are plenty of those in Brazil, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Colombia too (some Colombians are part-black but most seems to be amerindians/mestizos).
  22. Egon

    Novos Rituais dos Deuses: Eligos e Forcas [3 de Dezembro a 10 de Dezembro]

    -Escritos por Karnonnos [Guardião da JoS]: Página: https://www.alegriadesatanas.org/Eligos-Hieratic.html Eligos Eligos, conhecido por Abigor, é um dos Deuses mais importantes na área das leis e decretos. É conhecido por defender os iniciados em questões jurídicas e por garantir a justiça e o...
  23. Egon

    Sou "proibido" (desaconselhado) de ter livros em hebraico?

    Não vais achar nenhum livro "útil" em hebraico, só insanidade e imundice rabínicas. É uma perda de tempo, vasculhar uma miríade de lixo para tentar achar uma coisa que seja útil, e que já esteja na JoS. Se tens esse tipo de ambição, seria muito melhor estudar as nossas culturas antigas gentias...
  24. Egon


    3º item na segunda fileira do menu da página inicial achas esta página: https://www.alegriadesatanas.org/Aware.html Se tiver alguma coisa sem traduzir, tem essa página de reserva: https://paisatan.deathofcommunism.com/sobre-meditacao-satanica
  25. Egon

    Ajuda para a iniciação

    Olá, vi que estava sem a tradução e já corrigi, pode seguir os passos aqui: https://www.alegriadesatanas.org/SATANIC.html
  26. Egon

    The Situation In Syria

    This post by HPS Maxine comes in hand right now: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/happy-lammas-day-new-rtr.256594
  27. Egon

    Falun Gong and their RHP garbage doctrine & hypocrisy

    I inquired HP HC regarding this, but he does not have any opinion, so I will give my 2 cents about this - this is my opinion as someone who is not nearly as spiritually elevated or informed as more advanced members. I will also quote @HPS Lydia who might know things about QiGong. **Assuming**...
  28. Egon

    Question #1389: What do you think about Sadhguru?

    Having many children doesn't belong to the enemy, it is a Satanic Ethics principle: https://www.joyofsatan.org/life_ethics_children.html Enemy religions on the contrary push celibacy on people who are into spirituality - such as Asian monks, because spiritual powers pass through the genes, or...
  29. Egon

    ALL necessary meditations

    A list of 5 quintessential daily spiritual exercises, from HPS Maxine Dietrich, page 5999: https://satanslibrary.org/English/666blacksun_Yahoo_Group_Digest.pdf#page=5999 Now, my point here is if each and every one of us does spiritual exercises 5 times a day, the efforts are very well...
  30. Egon

    Sobre meditações para iniciantes

    O 40 dias de poder é um guia para usar essas meditações do primeiro link, na dúvida comece pelos 40 dias. Esse segundo link é só um índice em ordem alfabética.
  31. Egon


    Não deixe essa situação fraquejar o trabalho! Pode adicionar o Ritual de Poder de Abrasax: https://www.alegriadesatanas.org/Rituals/Abrasax's%20Power%20Ritual.htm Se não for demais para ti, e ficar muito insuportável pode incluir também os Rituais de Marbas...
  32. Egon

    Relationships #75549 Asian's race mixing question

    So you should stick with light skinned Bengalis then, that picture doesn't look that much Asian plus you said most of your family is brown - I assumed your family in general was Asiatic/yellow from your prior post, but Asiatic genes are recessive in comparison to brown/black/dravidian genes...
  33. Egon

    Relationships #75549 Asian's race mixing question

    Yes all evidence points at you being Asiatic. Race > country, so you should stick with people that look like you rather than having the same passport.
  34. Egon

    Re-examining the core principles of JoS

    That book is from a jewish bullshit conman, please ignore material from that "author"; Enlil is Beelzebul, Satan's brother and co-ruler of the Universe: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/i-do-not-think-that-enki-is-satan-theory.292748/#post-1093567
  35. Egon

    Rituals #946 Je veux avoir beaucoup d'argent , je suis prêt de respecter toutes les disciplines

    This is a page about money magic but do read the rest of the website as well: https://joyofsatan.fr/Words-of-Power.html
  36. Egon

    Re-examining the core principles of JoS

    Latin Americans/Amerindians are of the Asiatic/yellow race, they aren't related to Indians. Amerindians migrated from Siberia to the Americas many thousands of years ago and some have 3% of different DNA admixture in them like Australian aboriginal and a few other mutations. Some are very very...
  37. Egon

    Lúcifer, O Portador da Luz. Português Video

    É só postar o link do youtube, não precisa de código. Além disso, se usar código ele só funciona em inglês, não há código aqui em português.
  38. Egon

    Rituals #3422 Satan's Joy

    No, read everything at https://www.joyofsatan.org - There are different sects of false Satanism. The Joy of Satanas Assembly is the sole Truth which is Spiritual Satanism. - Satanism is not a "Christian invention." - Satanism predates Christianity and all other religions. - Satanism is not about...
  39. Egon

    Novos Rituais das Deusas: Néftis e Sekhmet AGORA DISPONÍVEIS [De 17 de Novembro a 23 de Novembro]

    Artigos pelo irmão Karnonnos [Guardião da JoS]: https://www.alegriadesatanas.org/Sekhmet-Hieratic.html Sekhmet é conhecida como a personificação do Poder como uma Deusa. Representada no Egipto como uma leoa feroz, Sekhmet governa sobre a guerra, destruição, raiva extrema, discórdia, medicina...
  40. Egon

    Rituals #934 Newcomer To Satanism

    Whichever ones you have available, these are just props and symbolic.
  41. Egon

    Meditação no vazio e barulho

    Não tem problema, é só seguir em frente, foque no processo e no que podes fazer no momento.
  42. Egon

    Presunted kills made by nazi germans

    No, I reference here 2 articles that prove NS Germany killing Slav civilians is stupid nonsense: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/oskar-dirlewanger-the-most-bullshitted-person-in-the-whole-3rd-reich.91899/#post-474505 Plus, you should watch the documentaries in this website...
  43. Egon

    Slavs, Romani, Black People, gypsies and certain other ethnicities racially in Nazi Germany

    Aside from the information about gypsies/romanis, which is true, Slavs are just White people and don't categorize with the above, there was a division of over 2 million Russians, Ukrainians and others who served under Andrey Vlaslov and other divisions; and Blacks were treated well as tourists...
  44. Egon

    Resposta Final da Alegria de Satanás: Sobre “Judeus”, “Hitler”, “Nacional-Socialismo” & Política

    Agora vamos examinar estes tópicos quentes que giram principalmente em torno de mal-entendidos e acusações. A Alegria de Satanás não é uma organização política. Por se tratar de um tema de grande interesse, escrevo este post para explicar a todos como percecionamos este tema. De uma vez por...
  45. Egon

    Joy of Satanas Final Response: About “Jews”, “Hitler”, “National Socialism” & Politics

    The jewish "master race" in their own quotes and images: https://satanslibrary.org/English/HP_Hooded_Cobra/Ze_Master_Race_in_Quotes_and_Images_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf Evidence the so called jewish "holocaust" is a hoax and from their own mouths...
  46. Egon

    Como Avançar Mais Rápido: Exemplo de Limpeza da Alma

    Existem três categorias de SS: Os que não fazem nada (deve-se evitar), os que fazem demais e podem esgotar-se (deve-se evitar) e os que fazem o que é bom de acordo com a expansão dos seus limites, os que estão no equilíbrio (deve-se procurar estar nesta categoria). Noutros posts, há uma...
  47. Egon

    For Materialistic Workings ,End with "AUM TAT SAT" not just Aum

    I am aware that is the version back then that is why I mentioned the new sermon and the context in Sanskrit, as this sound seems to have been removed later on. HP HC also mentioned this aspirated h in some other mantras.
  48. Egon

    For Materialistic Workings ,End with "AUM TAT SAT" not just Aum

    Cool, I just came across that mantra in the 3rd chapter of the Baghavad Gita. Also I'm pretty sure this h is aspirated like NamaHA: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/free-jos-donor-article-the-united-consciousness-or-%E2%80%9Cgod%E2%80%9D.84341
  49. Egon

    About Taking Oaths, Promises To The Gods & Succubi/Incubi

    The reality of the matter is you misunderstood these energies and sexual feelings for a "succubus", please read https://ancient-forums.com/threads/succubi-incubi-cowardly-bunk.93101 You are new to spirituality, don't try to interpret everything you experience spiritually as hyperbolic...
  50. Egon

    Holocaust survivors

    Auschwitz inmates telling the truth: https://www.holocaustexposed.org/Holocaust/Videos/AuschwitzSurvivors.html This blogger debunks many jews claiming to be "survivors" and other jewish hoaxes, just scroll down to show more items then Ctrl+F then search for the word "survivor"...
  51. Egon

    Ritual de Janus - Agora até 12/Nov

    Suma Sacerdotisa Lydia: Olá a todos os Satanistas Espirituais :) Estamos na semana de Janus, também conhecido por nós como Bifrons. O seu ritual deve ser feito a partir de agora até ao final da sua semana (12 de novembro), a menos que uma nova agenda seja publicadoa antes pelo Sumo Sacerdote...
  52. Egon

    Aura de proteção, imprevistos e barulho

    Isso é normal de acontecer. Quando queremos avançar, o mundo exterior pode tentar impedir-nos. Apenas ignore-os, as tuas meditações funcionaram, e nunca duvide disso.
  53. Egon

    Other #760 I am white ?

    If you have a parent mixed with Blacks you are obviously not White, and Arabs in general are not White either. You are compatible with North African browns and other people with Black ancestry like other Arabs.
  54. Egon

    Samhain: Dois Novos Rituais para as Deusas - Bastet e Seshat

    https://www.alegriadesatanas.org/Seshat-Hieratic.html Seshat é a Padroeira de todo o conhecimento, e uma Deusa muito respeitada pelo seu poder sobrenatural. No Antigo Egito, muitas das suas funções estavam relacionadas com a dedicação de edifícios. Como padroeira da geometria e da matemática...
  55. Egon

    Reminder in regards to the upcoming election in the US- remember what the enemy does.

    It's quite hard to believe that looking at his previous stances on Trump: https://www.bitchute.com/video/6w1q0TK31knT
  56. Egon

    Reminder in regards to the upcoming election in the US- remember what the enemy does.

    Obama's administration destroyed the regime in Libya - the last gate that kept mass immigration from entering Europe, now Europe is flooded by migrants. Let that sink in...
  57. Egon

    Happy Halloween / Samhain! (2024)

    I recommend this year's movie "Oddity", it was very fun, dealing with psychic powers and has no blasphemy in it. Happy Samhain everyone!🎃
  58. Egon

    Movies, games, series

    For this Samhain fun, this year's movie "Oddity" is a great spooky watch. It depicts using psychic powers for justice, and doesn't have any blasphemy against the Gods. I recommend going in "blind" hehe.
  59. Egon


  60. Egon


    It's the Qanun. It's the Qanun/Κανονάκι. Same instrument Sofia plays in the third song as well. From Ghenwa's website: Introducing the new record label of Ghenwa Nemnom, “Astarte” Naming it after the Goddess of love, hunting and fertility is no coincidence. The label holds a mission to...
  61. Egon


    Ghenwa Nemnom (Lebanon) Kadinelia, and Sofia Mermiga (both from Greece)
  62. Egon


    Vai aqui uma imagem com ele completo. Porém dê prioridade em fazer os Rituais dos Deuses ao invés desse, já estamos em outra etapa.
  63. Egon

    #626 Was Hitler really a Satanist? Why do his words point to the contrary?

  64. Egon

    #607 Rituals of the Gods

    Don't worry about that. Yes not only you can but you also should, as regularly as you want, don't worry much about the technical aspects of it, with practice it will be like second nature to you. If you can't see properly you can still focus on the Gods' essence and feeling with intent what the...
  65. Egon

    #612 Will medidations work if I have aphantasia?

    If you can will that and feel that, it counts. In my opinion a Mercury Square would be the most appropriate for fixing a lack in some mental capacity, while Jupiter could be used for inspiration.
  66. Egon

    How to have a demon or Satan as a friend as I move into old age

  67. Egon

    Is Graham Hancock a Satanist?

    No, also it isn't wise going around "exposing" a possible SS, they already get attacked as it is due to their work, they don't need being targeted for curses or assassination as well by some crazy rabbi reading the forums.
  68. Egon

    Joy of Satanas Logo Update

    Thanks, I've done already the logo as I've said here, in which case, it might need an aesthetic retouch to be just like the original. As I mentioned also, I wonder if we should let the JOY OF ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ title untranslated for an identity unity, and only translate "The Assembly of the Gods", then...
  69. Egon

    About The Upcoming JoS Logo & Aesthetic Websites Update

    Awesome, did a translated test run yesterday: https://www.alegriadesatanas.org I wonder if we should let the JOY OF ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ title untranslated for an identity unity, and only translate "The Assembly of the Gods", then explain the title in the intro area: "There are different sects of false...
  70. Egon

    #567 Sou filha de Satan mas tô passando por problemas! [I'm Satan's daughter but I'm having problems!]

    Meditação no Vazio e Limpeza da Aura diariamente vão mitigar e, ao longo do tempo, eliminar este problema, Como Limpar a Aura: https://www.alegriadesatanas.org/Aura_Cleaning.html Meditação no Vazio Satânica: https://www.alegriadesatanas.org/Satanic_Void_Meditation.html
  71. Egon

    #544 My race? and compatibility? URGENT pls

    Brown people with Black ancestry such as North Africans (if they aren't too White like some Berbers and such), you can see many are a mix of Middle Easterners and Black African people, such as having light(er) skin and curly brown/black hair.
  72. Egon

    #552 Feitiços ou ritual para causar silencio [Spells or rituals to cause silence]

    A SS Lydia deu a sugestão de fazer um trabalho com runas por causa do mesmo problema (por exemplo, Isa para interrupção): https://ancient-forums.com/threads/handling-andrapods-about-people-that-try-to-stop-your-evolution.293491/#post-1097531
  73. Egon

    The Gods #526 Question about Osiris/Dionysus

    The Gods in the myths aren't just "beings" but offices and a cosmic functions, many Gods as beings can fall under the same office or have many mythical identities at once. You should read the pages of the Gods and the Hieratic informations carefully...
  74. Egon


    Vàli, also from Norway, and Daemonia Nymphe, from Greece. Official channel: https://www.youtube.com/@DaemoniaNymphe Website: https://vali.bandcamp.com Of course anything from Burzum/Thulean Perspective is also awesome whether it is metal, Pagan folk music or vlogs: Official vlogs...
  75. Egon

    Novos Rituais dos Deuses: Raum & Asclépio

    https://www.alegriadesatanas.org/Khnum-Hieratic.html Khnum O Senhor Raum é uma divindade incrivelmente poderosa e misteriosa que tem ajudado a humanidade durante muitas eras. Foi adorado no Egipto durante milhares de anos como o Deus chamado Khnum, que era um dos deuses mais antigos do panteão...
  76. Egon

    Novos Rituais dos Deuses: Raum & Asclépio

    https://www.alegriadesatanas.org/Asclepius-Hieratic.html Asclépio Asclépio é mencionado na antiguíssima Ilíada como um homem que é um famoso curandeiro e médico. A sua central de poder e o seu local de nascimento são conhecidos por estes relatos como tendo sido Tricca, na Tessália. Já aí...
  77. Egon

    #466 Problem... I don't "love" my country/culture/race.

    Do the Ritual for Lord Janus/Ganesha and ask for his wisdom. Liking things very personal and I'm not sure how could you "solve" it, but you can't go wrong with praying and requesting wisdom from the Gods, let alone a very beloved God in India who is also a powerful remover of obstacles.
  78. Egon

    #454 Problems using alternative OS

    *You can keep a separate partition for Windows in the same HD and keep it restricted from internet or such, or buy a new HD entirely for Linux and keep your Windows in its own HD. *Are you sure the pendrive crashed, or did it just became unreadable by Windows? In the case Windows can't format...
  79. Egon

    Meus RTRs podem estar sendo eficazes?

    Isso também funciona. Nós não estamos fazendo os RTRs no momento, há uma agenda em andamento com os rituais dos Deuses: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/sobre-amea%C3%A7as-feitas-%C3%A0-minha-vida-e-o-calend%C3%A1rio-de-rituais.293108/#post-1095498 Faça ela ou os Rituais de Poder de um dos...
  80. Egon

    #439 Who is lucifer ?

    Read everything at https://www.joyofsatan.org
  81. Egon

    Israel War Crimes Documentary

    Occupied (2024 documentary coming up): https://www.occupiedfilm.com Trump issues WWIII WARNING after Iran strikes Israel! And HERE we go… https://www.bitchute.com/video/yX28wcmCCUtw
  82. Egon

    Israel War Crimes Documentary

  83. Egon

    Ritual da SS Maxine e do Lorde Balaam

    Convidamos a todos a fazer os seguintes rituais pelos próximos 7 dias consecutivos: Ritual de Orobas, Ritual de Marbas, Ritual de Balaam: https://www.alegriadesatanas.org/Rituals/Orobas%27s%20Power%20Ritual.html https://www.alegriadesatanas.org/Rituals/Marbas%27s%20Power%20Ritual.html...
  84. Egon

    Family I want to join satanic church at Jakarta Indonesia

    On the other hand, one can visit Hindu and Buddhist temples in your local area to socialize with people who are interested in spirituality, and since these don't worship enemy egregores. In my opinion it's completely ok to participate on these, while keeping your Satanic practices at home and in...
  85. Egon

    Family I want to join satanic church at Jakarta Indonesia

    You don't need to join any physical "temples". Please read everything about real Satanism here and learn how you can join Satan: https://www.joyofsatan.org Don't ever reveal your beliefs or join offline with people who claim to be Satanists, they might even try to kill you (specially in a...
  86. Egon

    #340 About me, about us whose souls have been subjected to endless suffering and torture

    Satanas gives you all the tools you need to save yourself from this, openly and for free. For one, you can use magical squares to evolve yourself and attract positive things: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/sun-square-thread-additional-information.76205 "Rome wasn't built in one day"...
  87. Egon

    The Gods #347 Where is the satanic temple in kenya

    You don't need to join any physical "temples". Please read everything about real Satanism here and learn how you can join Satan: https://www.joyofsatan.org Don't ever reveal your beliefs or join offline with people who claim to be Satanists, they might even try to kill you. So please read also...
  88. Egon

    O que é chakra?

    Todos os mitos pagãos, da Grécia, nórdicos, chineses etc. Leia a página sobre símbolos e a meditação Raum, em expondo o tetragammaton, esses são alguns exemplos de inúmeros.
  89. Egon

    O que é chakra?

    São os centros de energia da alma. Os Deuses nos mitos representam também os chakras, não os Deuses na vida real. Tanto o poder dos Deuses e dos planetas governam os nossos chakras.
  90. Egon

    I do not think that Enki is Satan (theory).

    From what I understood many authors would take existing myths and expand upon it or create whole new stories, for example the Greek theater they'd take an existing myth in the Odyssey or Iliad and expand on a subject or create a new story/narrative - for better or for worse like some fan...
  91. Egon

    I do not think that Enki is Satan (theory).

    https://www.theoi.com/Ouranios/Ganymedes.html Theognis, Fragment 1. 1345 (trans. Gerber, Vol. Greek Elegiac) (Greek elegy C6th B.C.) : "There is some pleasure in loving a youth, since once in fact even [Zeus] the son of Kronos (Cronus), king of the immortals, fell in love with Ganymedes...
  92. Egon

    I do not think that Enki is Satan (theory).

    I suppose for example Ganimedes myth by Theognis, which according to this historian, Plato condemned for depicting Zeus as an homosexual pederast only for the sake of justifying Theognis' own sexuality and nothing else (you can turn the subtitles on, timestamp 22:37):
  93. Egon

    #285 leaning English and other languages

  94. Egon

    #275 live in another country

    Learn to love the history and folklore of your own people instead. There is no point in being obsessed with another people's culture and countries, this trend of Europeans and even African-Americans obsessed with Japan and trying to become Japanese or Korean is super cringe. You might not mix...
  95. Egon

    I turned some Rituals into metal AI music using Suno:

    I turned some Rituals into metal AI music using Suno:
  96. Egon

    Satanic Personalities Section: A Community Project [JG Karnonnos + Update]

    I'm not sure if these fit in, but mentioning some writers with a high Gentile spirit, François de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680), not directly an occultist (?) but inspired Nietzsche's style, dove into the psychology of the human condition exposing social corruption, hypocrisy; worth mentioning...
  97. Egon

    Movies, games, series

  98. Egon

    3 New Rituals: Heroic Ancestors Ritual, Zepar [Zephyros] & Ose [Eos] Rituals

    Will there be some crash course in Royal Greek or such if that's even possible, or these will be for theurgical use only? Will there be Greek mantras as well to go with the usual Sanskrit and Akkadian ones? Also, these changes are much needed, I felt for a long time that some stuff like "Gods...
  99. Egon

    3 New Rituals: Heroic Ancestors Ritual, Zepar [Zephyros] & Ose [Eos] Rituals

    Awesome, this has already occurred in some of the Latin-based translations.
  100. Egon

    Quick Rundown on Linux

    You can still install Steam OS which is also Linux, or run Bottles into your Linux to run Windows games or whatever apps for professional purposes like advanced image or video editors that don't run natively on Linux,
  101. Egon

    #38 Most secure browser (moving to another browser)

    Thanks for the suggestions, I've dumped Firefox for Brave, it feels very neat.
  102. Egon

    Are b/w mixed raced children always of the non-white race?

    I would like to know that too, would be a bit strange that some very ancient humans that became Gods looked like that because mixing in such an Ancient Time and since many have spiritual backgrounds, maybe some different sub-races existed or some genetic modification on some Gentiles from the...
  103. Egon

    What do demons typically want in return

    Something that is useful for the JoS and mankind, like doing the Ritual schedules consistently, daily rituals for the Gods (that helps your own person as well), donating energy or funds for the promotion of Satanism, etc.
  104. Egon

    Asians use to be white

    Never trust articles that refer to White people with lowercase "w" (unless it was lack of attention, but here it's obviously out of spite). (((Media))) pushes spite against White people and inferiority complex on Asians, making them obsessed with Whiteness to sell dangerous esthetics products...
  105. Egon

    Question #5736: Tartarus vs Hades

    Hades is/rules a neutral place for normal souls to await the next incarnation and the Tartarus is for really unsalvageable degenerates.
  106. Egon

    Occult Analysis of a very Iconic Movie Scene (Dune)

    In the first movie the Harkonnen spaceship base gate is shaped like swastika. The first movie is very boring and cuts out a lot of dialogue and subtext from the book. For one that degenerate Soviet style gulag planet (where the soldiers are doing human sacrifices), according to the book lore the...
  107. Egon


    I've sent you an update message through the website's system. Did it work? Also can some mod change that auto-generated username to something more familiar? Thanks.
  108. Egon

    eu acredito que satan conversou diretamente comigo dentro de minha mente

    Eu recomendo não frequentar mais esses lugares, não precisas de ninguém além de si mesmo para fazer limpeza espiritual.
  109. Egon

    Question #5665: Can you use sex magick for this purpose?

    Yes you definitely can use it to empower your own soul, program into your aura etc.
  110. Egon

    Esclarecendo algumas dúvidas sobre nossas querida Sacerdotisa Maxine

    A SS Maxine completou o primeiro nível da Magnum Opus, recentemente fizemos um ritual a ela, desejamos aos membros que fiquem atentos às atividades e não percam nada: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/ritual-da-ss-maxine-e-do-lorde-balaam.289397
  111. Egon

    Question #5668: Self Hate

    You should do many Sun Squares with the proper affirmation for this and auspicious dates, and work on things that you are good at and would make you feel proud, maybe learn a new skill.
  112. Egon

    Question #5654: Astarte's gift, race mixing?

    Write with proper context? What race are we talking about or aren't you confusing things like ethnicity or nationality? Race mixing is an abhorrence to nature and will damn you, your partner in the next lives, and your offspring: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/race-mixing.73938/#post-363669...
  113. Egon

    I'm a Korean native I can help you translate the site.

    https://ancient-forums.com/threads/swedish-and-korean-translators-needed.289358 @The Alchemist7 [JG]
  114. Egon

    I wanted to ask this

    Read everything at the Satanic Ethics page (scroll down for more): https://www.joyofsatan.org/Satanic-Ethics.html
  115. Egon

    Por onde devo começar?

    Thanks. Em português é este: https://web.archive.org/web/1id_/https://paisatan.deathofcommunism.com/wp-content/uploads/40-Dias-de-Poder.pdf Mas quanto aos links não garanto, então fica a referência de cada meditação aqui: https://paisatan.deathofcommunism.com/meditacoes
  116. Egon

    Por onde devo começar?

  117. Egon

    What movies and cartoons would you recommend I watch?

    It's just an adaptation of the book The Club Dumas. Pedo jew Polanski who didn't create it removed all references to Nazi Germany in the movie version. In one scene in the book that Daemon/incarnated deity lady that helps Corso says that Satan's army of Demons are "Beautiful and disciplined like...
  118. Egon

    Wotan Mit Uns (Odin With Us) by Die Lunikoff Verschwörung [ATTACH] Oldest Inscription of...

    Wotan Mit Uns (Odin With Us) by Die Lunikoff Verschwörung Oldest Inscription of ‘Odin’: https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/earliest-odin-inscription-0018026
  119. Egon

    Mercúrio Retrógrado, O Que se Pode Fazer

    Pela Suma Sacerdotisa Lydia: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/mercury-retrograde-what-you-can-do.91892 Mercúrio está em movimento retrógrado cerca de 3 vezes por ano, com uma duração de 3 semanas de cada vez. Muitos membros concentram-se nas coisas más deste período de tempo, mas acontece que...
  120. Egon

    asian or white, wtf am i?

    "Feelings" don't dictate biological reality: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/mixed-race-people-arabs-and-white-yezidis.18382 A tranny might feel they are the opposite sex but everyone will still know unconsciously this is a delusion. Same on race, if you go by "feeling" then obviously any...
  121. Egon

    How to Migrate From Windows to Ubuntu - Extra Steps For Newbies

    Some of our people need to use Windows applications for professional purposes like Photoshop or more advanced video editors, here's how you can do it while no longer needing a separate compartment with Windows installed on it and having to load it every time, How to run your Windows-specific...
  122. Egon

    Question #5182: Help

    Try with open eyes in the begining, imagine a light bulb or look directly at a candle. You don't have to try hard, so long you're doing it will come naturally with time, don't think about it working or not, just know you're executing it.
  123. Egon

    At what percentage of the mixture can white souls be born?

  124. Egon

    Hello is there any documentaries on the truth of WW2 ,

  125. Egon

    Question #5127: Who is the Egyptian god Ra?

    https://ancient-forums.com/threads/amon-ra-demon-power-ritual-now-live-dec-2-to-dec-6-2023.92062 Seems you need to read the JoS website better as he is listed in the Demon Section as well and has been a highly respected God.
  126. Egon

    Workings for Language Fluency?

    Have you heard about this language learning method? https://ancient-forums.com/threads/learn-any-language-improve-your-grammar.94562
  127. Egon

    About Violence & Conversion Of "People" To "God"

    Not necessarily, you can do the Gods' Rituals instead. We are in another phase.
  128. Egon

    Question #5021: Portuguese

    Because the language is called Portuguese and the site admins are English speakers so it seemed more logical, not being aware of this dialect nonsense? And it doesn't really matter since these are not two different languages? As someone who translates JoS material for over a decade I can say...
  129. Egon

    Question #318: If someone is mixed race

    Read these sermons: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/for-those-who-really-want-diversity-heres-how.78365 https://ancient-forums.com/threads/why-race-mixing-happens.12624 https://ancient-forums.com/threads/mixed-race-people-arabs-and-white-yezidis.18382/
  130. Egon

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    I'm pretty sure HP HC said Maat is actually Nemesis and she's a different Goddesses than Athena: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/numerology-the-core-meanings-of-basic-numbers-1-10.74710/page-2#post-368295 Anyway, here's a beautiful hymn no Nemesis I've been saving the post for the occasion...
  131. Egon

    New Rituals & Schedule Now Live: HPS Maxine's Ritual & Lord Balaam's Ritual

    I feel relieved for her as if I myself had been freed from the cycle of death and forgetfulness.
  132. Egon

    Dúvida sobre

    Pode-se fazer o rituais de Andras e Beelzebul para dar um senso de autoridade e imponência, Horas de Marte e Júpiter. Quadrado de Marte e Sol vão ajudar caso haja problemas de autoestima relacionados ao saturno retrógrado.
  133. Egon

    A question regarding Loki

    Loki is Set/Sitri: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/yule-2023-set-demon-ritual-23rd-solstice-ritual-satans-day-schedule.92611/#post-478350
  134. Egon

    Ritual da SS Maxine e do Lorde Balaam

    Sumo Sacerdote Hooded Cobra: É com grande alegria que anuncio, perante toda a nossa família, estes dois maravilhosos Rituais. São ambos de proporções históricas. Este é também provavelmente o dia mais feliz da minha vida. O primeiro Ritual é sobre a SS Maxine. Através do conteúdo do Ritual...
  135. Egon

    Mishima, Bodybuilding & Greek Sculpture [MEDIA]

    Mishima, Bodybuilding & Greek Sculpture
  136. Egon

    Why did the Vikings worship the Norse Gods (Odin/Satan) but raped women in every village they pillaged?

    AC Valhalla is extremely boring don't waste your time with it or any Ubisoft game for that matter, watch some yt movie compilation if you want the part about the story. Still, the story isn't that good only the lore, xtianity being evil and such, but whatever there are better things about this...
  137. Egon

    3 Body Problem series on Netflix

    It's based on a Chinese novel series, it's not a Netflix original. I don't know how faithful it is to the book series, but it does depict the pseudo-scientific superstitions and brutality of Communism, I bet this made a lot of lefties angy regardless of the other politically correct multiculty...
  138. Egon


    É melhor não, será um desperdício de energia, talvez com exceção do de amaldiçoar pissreal. Esses devem ser feitos em conjunto com os membros quando a data/situação assim demandar para melhor eficiência. Faça os dos Deuses ao invés. Esses tanto ajudam o mundo como a ti mesmo como forma de...
  139. Egon

    How does one perform the Gods Rituals more efficiently?

    They're all moon Gods as HP HC said, but considering the Gods can have many attributes as well I would do Lilith (Moon's), Anubis (Saturn's, underworld) and Furfur (Jupiter's, growth). It's up to changes if needed.
  140. Egon

    NEW GOD RITUALS LIVE: Lilith, Anubis, Furfur

    Should the JoS page about Furfur be corrected? There says Furfur is a female but in this ritual and info we refer to Furfur as a God and Son.
  141. Egon

    NOVOS RITUAIS DOS DEUSES: Lilith, Anubis, Furfur

    Saudações a todos os membros da nossa Família Espiritual, Abaixo vou colocar os Rituais para os nossos três estimados Demónios. Eles devem ser feitos durante os próximos 5 dias. Há também um Ritual para a Deusa Lilith aqui. Devido à natureza de Lilith e à forma como ela se envolve apenas em...
  142. Egon

    NEW GOD RITUALS LIVE: Lilith, Anubis, Furfur

    Thanks immensely I will be able to translate and do these before my travel. 🙋‍♂️🙏
  143. Egon

    Question #4634: Please recommend exercises to train my astral senses.

  144. Egon

    Question #4630: Observer effect?

    Do more physical activities and meet people, like going to the gym. Do activities that make you feel proud of your progress like building your body, growing food and becoming self sufficient. This can give a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Do Andras and Beelzebul's rituals...
  145. Egon

    Question #4641: Family Member that just died that was Catholic

    https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/death-funerary-rites-in-spiritual-satanism.95833/#post-501899 The Gods don't care what fairytales humans believe, they care about their actions in life and whether those were righteous or not, and if the stupidity of a person are justifiable (ie., the...
  146. Egon

    Question #4636: Synagogue of satan

    Synagogue of Satan are retarded christcuck larpers who think they are the "new covenant" and/or larp as "the real jews", while no matter what they do to please YHYV they still are the Seed of Satan as the "goym" they are, even if they denounce Satan and worship rabbi Yeshua instead, they will...
  147. Egon

    Hiroshi Hirata, one of my favorite manga artists ever was a follower of this religion.

    Hiroshi Hirata, one of my favorite manga artists ever was a follower of this religion.
  148. Egon

    Question #4626: A few questions before i do my dedication

    None of this matters, use whatever you can.
  149. Egon

    Question #4618: Spell to increase knowledge

    Do a Mercury Square: https://www.joyofsatan.org/Satans_Squares.html JoS Astro to know which signs the planets are in: https://www.jos-astro.com
  150. Egon

    Question #4622: Hot to do rtr

    Video tutorial: https://odysee.com/@RTR_Videos:9/FINAL:c2 you can download it by clicking on the 3 dots below the video if you want.
  151. Egon

    What's Currently Still Being Fixed After Migration

    You can't cross-reference existing attachments. I noticed this upon translating the new year message. I had to upload the same video again instead of let's say, use the link of the existing file by - (the same ID of the video file HP HC posted). This seems inefficient and could bloat the server...
  152. Egon

    Feliz Ano Novo Satânico: 2024

    Tradução: Saudações a todos. Este é o Sumo Sacerdote Hooded Cobra dos Ministérios da Alegria de Satanás. Quero desejar a todos os membros da nossa comunidade, do fundo do meu coração, Feliz Ano Novo. Estou muito satisfeito por estar a enviar esta mensagem a todos, a todos vós, membros da nossa...
  153. Egon


  154. Egon

    Must read books?

    Marcus Aurelius' "Meditations", definitively a must read by any devotee of the Gods. Nietzsche's work but I would suggest only later on as the stuff about "nihilism" (which Nietzsche is not) might confuse some new people and should be taken with a Stoic mindset, but Twilight of the Idols and...
  155. Egon

    Question #4548: Sephardic surnames

    No, some of those names are too common. You have to analyze the person's behavior and family history, it's not that simply otherwise a lot of German names would also be jewish like surnames with "Stein" in it are not always jewish. Jews changed their names en mass and someone for example marry...
  156. Egon

    Question #4542: Low self esteem

    Do as many Sun Squares as you want, material with the proper affirmations. Spiritual will also boost the Sun in your chart and solve things that bleed into other problems related to that nonetheless.
  157. Egon

    The Grand Ritual [Schedule Concluded]

    I do like this, since they happen in order: Saturn: F-RTR Jupiter: Baalzebul's Ritual, and the Grand Ritual Mars: the other RTRs
  158. Egon

    The Laws of the Sun (Film)

    That's from the same writer/producers of Buddah Saitan (The Rebirth of Buddah). I would be just wary of them as they seem to be an RHP cult.
  159. Egon

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    Tucker Carlson says aliens are supernatural:
  160. Egon

    Happy Birth Day Adolf ♥️ ⚡ [ATTACH] Link: https://odysee.com/@joyofsatanpt:c/Where'd-You-Go:f

    Happy Birth Day Adolf ♥️ ⚡ Link: https://odysee.com/@joyofsatanpt:c/Where'd-You-Go:f
  161. Egon

    Question #4487: Japanese demons, and Shintoism refers to our Satan?

    Yes the Shinto Gods are Satan and his Demons. Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu are Azazel and Astarte, Baalzebul is Susanoo, Satan is Daikokuten etc., just use the search function, there are plenty of messages about it...
  162. Egon

    Agenda 14 a 20 de Abril

    Ao que parece Israel lançou agora formalmente um ataque ao Irão, depois de ter bombardeado a sua embaixada e de ter recebido um ataque de retaliação do Irão. Isto significa que o jogo está a começar. A agenda de rituais tem de ser prolongado até 30 de abril. Os mesmos rituais. -Sumo Sacerdote...
  163. Egon

    Magia para algo específico na beleza

    Podes fazer um trabalho de 40 dias com runas ou um Quadrado Mágico (material) de Vénus com as afirmações apropriadas para beleza, usando o tempo verbal presente sempre nas tuas afirmações.
  164. Egon

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    True. Choosing to become a Monk is way more christian if you ask me. Worse if you use "muh Spirituality" as an excuse as if Satanism told them this is the correct approach. Not even HPS Maxine who is beyond this Earth's level cared that her husband was not a Satanist or even meditates. I guess...
  165. Egon

    what do the orcs in middle earth represent?

    Regardless of how he interpret those, he is wrong and he knows it, and he didn't invent them, as these are spirits from European Paganism, so we might reclaim what is ours and give them their proper meaning: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwarf_(folklore) Dwarves might either be just a type of...
  166. Egon

    what do the orcs in middle earth represent?

    That, and pisslamic shitskins from the middle east. They were first created by kidnapping Elves (Nordics) then twisting them to make that horrid mongrel race, just like the Middle East used to be ruled and populated by Whites before they were invaded and mongrelized to extinction. Note how under...
  167. Egon

    O Grande Ritual

    Acima foi postado o áudio mp3⬆️
  168. Egon

    Can someone give guidance?

    Read: https://www.joyofsatan.org You can post whatever question you have here in the forums just make sure you read beforehand and if your questions weren't answered already by using the search function.
  169. Egon

    Ukraine and Organ Harvesting

    Idi Amin who knew about the Protocols and was assassinated by Israel. Gamal Abdel Nasser who was known as the most beloved leader in the Arab world, timidly tried to de-islamify and modernize Egypt like Ataturk for Turkey, then Egypt was harassed and warred against by Israel who cradled the...
  170. Egon

    Question #4417: Dating a mixed-race - question

    That's basically the same thing anyway. You auto-answered yourself with your whole post. "Aryans" of South and West Asia to begin with were a mix of Whites, Dravidians and Asians, sometimes Arabs too.
  171. Egon

    Question #4445: Dúvidas sobre rituais e normas. [Questions about rituals and norms.]

    1. Faça um quadrado mágico de Vénus (material) para esse fim, ou um trabalho com runas, como Gebo, por exemplo. Não te esqueças de fazer uma afirmação apropriada no tempo presente. 2. É isso mesmo que queres ou foste programado para achar que precisa disso. O que a realidade de relações humanas...
  172. Egon

    O Grande Ritual

    Não deixem de participar também da agenda de rituais até o dia 20: https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/agenda-14-a-20-de-abril.95649 _____________________________________________ Abaixo, estou a publicar um dos Rituais mais poderosos de sempre. Este Ritual é um procedimento de...
  173. Egon

    Question #4429: Addiction

    Just release it every once in a while you don't need to repress it or porn to do this and eventually the need to look at porn will disappear, if you try to force your mind to not do something you will just get obsessed about it.
  174. Egon

    Agenda 14 a 20 de Abril

    Esta será uma agenda curta mas poderosa. Neste caso, temos de ser cuidadosos. O urso está preso e a sangrar. Ninguém deve querer aproximar-se dele e tentar fazer mais do que isto. Temos de disparar e temos de seguir o nosso caminho. O vórtice de energias negativas para estes eventos que o...
  175. Egon

    good movies/tv series with satanic themes?

    Dune (2021) and Dune Part Two (2024) Anti-messianic sci-fi that inspired Game of Thrones and Star Wars. Debunks judaic prophecies as tools to control and degenerate society that eventually cause holy wars that destroy civilization with sand niggers. Life of Brian Same as the above but comedy...
  176. Egon

    Os Pecados de Israel e a Guerra do Irão

    Tenho de abrir a internet outra vez e ver as notícias e aqui vamos nós outra vez, mais judeus que bombardearam generais iranianos, depois de um ciclo inteiro de ataques e mortes de bebés e crianças, enquanto eles afirmam que foi o "Hamas", o que todo o Israel e até os seus membros militares...
  177. Egon

    Question #4424: SATANAMA

  178. Egon

    Hercules thoughts ours or jew owned

    Hercules is a son of Baalzebul, you can learn about Hercules by learning about his father: https://www.satanisgod.org/BeelzebulHC.html
  179. Egon

    Question #4390: About the concentration camps

    These documentaries have unbiased jews telling what life in the concentration camps was really like, The Last Days of the Big Lie: http://www.holocaustexposed.org/Holocaust/Videos/Big_Lie.html Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Hoax...
  180. Egon

    Agenda de Guerra Espiritual: 9 a 20 de abril de 2023

    Puedes hacer cualquier Ritual de los Dioses o RTR Final todos los días, pero los rituales de inversión específicos como maldecir a Israel - porque estos rituales son más débiles - sólo hacerse cuando se publique un nuevo calendario.
  181. Egon

    Sou brasileiro

    Sejas bem vindo, podes ajudar traduzindo alguns sermões com pouca visibilidade que ninguém traduziu, corrigir erros ortográficos, ou doando dinheiro [ver esta página - Binance e Mercado Pago têm funcionado bem para enviar criptos à partir do Brasil]. Quanto mais formas de ajuda melhor.
  182. Egon

    Does a man ask the woman out?

    Usually complimenting a man and giving subtle signals isn't enough for many men, as there are many men who are very dense, and men in general don't like or understand subtlety - some women can go court a dude for while then say she wants to sit on his face, and men will be like "nah there's no...
  183. Egon

    satan is a hebrew word why not just refer to krishna?

    Satan isn't hebrew: https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/SATAN_Full_PDF_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf
  184. Egon

    Question #4357: Family member should I try to help(big post)

    What kind of help? You definitely should show gratitude for her helping with your child. Trying to change her beliefs and exposing yourself isn't help and could probably ruin your relation to this helpful person. Be grateful at least she isn't a hardcore christard trying to convert you and your...
  185. Egon

    Question #4358: Lillith ex-wife of Adam??

    No such bullshit is written in the JoS website. The only information about Lilith in the JoS so far is this: https://satanisgod.org/Lilith.html Always pay attention to author, date, and specially context when reading something in the forums.
  186. Egon

    Write Down Your Problems

    Given [this], should our brothers in the French Foreign Legion or regular French military (or another EU nation for the matter) quit their jobs (or not to try at all) and move to another country? (At least beginners and non-high positions) As the line in Andras' Ritual says, "may you keep war...
  187. Egon

    Question #4343: Donations - Help Needed

    Guide: https://satanisgod.org/CRYPTO_DONATIONS.html
  188. Egon

    Astarte em Cartago: Honrada Pelos Gentios, Atacada Por Judeus

    Artigo original por Blitzkreig [JG] O Bando Sagrado de Astarte Cavalaria pesada de elite de Cartago (povos fenícios do que é atualmente a Tunísia). Fonte da imagem: Lordgood from Deviantart Repara na estrela de 8 pontas, um dos seus símbolos. Da Wikipedia - Fonte 1: "Uma parte importante da...
  189. Egon

    Reminder the Gods' Rituals can be done daily⚡

    https://satanslibrary.org/ExposingChristianity/Satans_Magickal_Squares.zip The sun square mantra can be found in this folder.
  190. Egon

    Candace Owens destroys rabbi and makes him go on babyrage mode[IMG] - then she gets fired from...

    Candace Owens destroys rabbi and makes him go on babyrage mode - then she gets fired from media outlet because jews definitely don't control and harass anyone: "We will not forgive them for making us kill their children"🤡 lol If you like me don't wanna watch the whole thing with this...
  191. Egon

    Reminder the Gods' Rituals can be done daily⚡

    Reminder you can do the Gods' Rituals outside of schedules, for blessings and self empowerment, and we have 14 Gods Rituals as of now which can fill each week worth of connection with the Gods: First week Sun day (enlightenment): Azazel Moon day (the occult): Abrasax Týr's day (vigor): Andras...
  192. Egon

    Question about Succubus

    You are not with any succubus and most people who request this aren't either: https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/succubi-incubi-cowardly-bunk.93101 Do a love magical working instead to attract a human partner...
  193. Egon

    Question #4285: Atheism and challenging beliefs

    1. Satanists don't fear the afterlife or death, that by itself debunks the purpose of any false religions. Satanic practices like power meditation and Rituals for the Gods are means to grow outward and inward, to have a fulfilling evolution in this lifetime. As one advances it is not even needed...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
