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  1. L

    The Gods #76046 Our child

    Regarding protection, you can do this. You can do Aura of Protection for your baby. Just adjust affirmation to make it sure the intention is clear to protect your child. Also, if you are Spiritual Satanist, it is probably the case that Gods would take extra measures to protect your baby. But if...
  2. L

    JoS Websites Editorial Check Thread

    I am not a native speaker, so I might be wrong in some cases, but please double check this article. While translating it, I have found some typos here. At least one there is for sure, with other ones I am not 100% sure. The article is "The Christian Program and Purpose"...
  3. L

    The Gods #76056 Will god despise me?

    If Gods are going to "despise" anything here, it is your weaknesses separated from the being as you were created. But even here, this "despising" will not violate your own will. If you want to get rid of those weaknesses, suicidal thoughts, you need to do the work yourself.
  4. L

    My PS "art"

    This is beautiful!
  5. L

    Let this be my first profile post. Happy New Year! I hope 2025 will bring lots of the desired...

    Let this be my first profile post. Happy New Year! I hope 2025 will bring lots of the desired changes.
  6. L

    New Year Address & Osiris God Ritual

    In 2024, I became a Spiritual Satanist by accepting the call of Lord Satan. So I may not like some of the issues I still have regarding various topics, but I need to try being objective, so I should show gratitude towards the Gods who actually invited me here, and judged me as worthy to be among...
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    Fight for Spiritual Satanism

    Hello, Satanic Sister, and Happy New Year for you. You can also do the following if you like for the Lord Satan: 1. Translations. If you studied JoS material enough, and you are literate in your native language, then probably there would be people who would take you as a translator. 2...
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  9. L

    The Anger of Mother - My Painting for Mother Lilith

    Two months ago, I had a dream where a Demoness/Goddess performed a protection ritual. I am not aware of the specific reason why it was done for me. Also, it looked pretty weird, but I have looked into symbols that appeared in the dream, their meanings, and it was pretty clear that they were...
  10. L

    Update on home and family.

    It is great to hear your situation is improving. In this way, all of the problems you faced before will actually internalize for you as lessons learnt which will make you a much stronger person. Gods are really great in teaching us our lessons.
  11. L

    Effects of the practices

    Your organism might be adjusting to a normal health condition through Yoga practice. When I was a beginner in weight lifting, defecation was slightly intensified in my case. Afterwards, it was gone, and everything went to normal.
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    Poison inside this organisation

    When I read the post of OP, my intuition showed that something is wrong here, OP did not add the whole context. And it seems I was right based on @Blitzkreig [JG] explanation. As for bashing HPHC666 himself, this is absolutely unacceptable. He is the reason why JoS is now in such a glorious...
  13. L

    Embarrassing question 😅

    Testing can be done in different ways without exploiting other people. But you will know better in the future, thus do not stress too much. As for violation of the Satanic Ethics, I think I need to add more details to it. Now when I reread my previous post, it sounds like "10 commandments"...
  14. L

    Part of my life and how I feel.

    I think you might try reflecting on the whole situation in the following way. 1. Imagine you have the desired result, i.e., you are loved in a way you describe. 2. Now visualize the whole day with main details for that result. Whole week, month if needed, so you would better understand what...
  15. L

    Question about my girlfriend

    Run while you still can. Also, there should be no surprise in jews hating other jews, i.e., she might be telling the truth in a sense. One of the b ig problems with jewish lies is that they pervert the Truth in a way that it might appear truthful from the surface level (and sometimes even a bit...
  16. L

    Embarrassing question 😅

    It is believable the spell would be working, but affirming another person to be your slave does not sound ethical as it seems to violate the Satanic Virtue of Freedom: https://joyofsatan.org/Virtue_Freedom.html
  17. L

    Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ: Temple Rituals Testimonials

    I can say that every group ritual results in some experience I have. It does not differ too much when I do the rituals alone on my schedule, but with group rituals this experience gets more intensive (I feel more heat). So I will not write every time it is "more heat", "more energy" as this...
  18. L

    OFFICIALLY Dedicated!!!

    Welcome to our growing Satanic family! We are happy you decided to join us.
  19. L

    Warning to SS parents: Jews could ban you from homeschooling your children

    It appears the enemy might try constructing the Overton window in order to normalize banning homeschooling.
  20. L

    About "Jews" - Israel, "JHVH" & Judaism

    Absolutely powerful, meaningful and necessary sermon for everyone. I would also like to emphasize that the knowledge presented here is one layer, a surface one. This same sermon contains deeper layers, because everything that is presented here is what we already knew in one way or another...
  21. L

    Keep your AoP high

    Is it fine for those who have a habit doing the AoP each day, e.g., in the morning and in the evening?
  22. L

    Sexuality #75799 Sexual Problem

    You might also want to work around this problem in a slightly different way. In other words, build yourself as a man to be so muscular, trustworthy that the woman you are with would trust you so much she would desire you even if you would be without a condom. How to get that trust is another...
  23. L

    Idea for a new section on the Forums, Food for Thought

    I also think this would be a great initiative. I am going to sound like "captain obvious" slightly, but oh well... Food is very important and takes a huge amount of our lives. Without food, we would be unable to have functioning bodies. Thus it is reasonable to expect the enemy attacking our...
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    Black magic you already used

    If people are the problem, you would be better trying to do a binding spell first. You can read about it here: https://joswiki.org/index.php/Witchcraft:_Beginner_Exercises#Binding_Spell . I know you can feel infuriated by some people which is totally understandable given they did some wrong...
  25. L

    Jewish expulsion from Spain + other countries

    Slightly unrelated to this topic, but people should also read the following about the origins of ADL. 1. https://nationalvanguard.org/2024/04/the-adl-born-in-blood-part-1-2/ 2. https://nationalvanguard.org/2024/04/the-adl-born-in-blood-part-2-2/ 3. And basically any search result might be very...
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    Jewish expulsion from Spain + other countries

    Regarding jewish expulsion, the following sources can be a good starting point when one knows nothing or very little: https://archive.org/stream/2000YearsJewishRitualMurder/2000%20Years%20Jewish%20Ritual%20Murder_djvu.txt https://www.renegadetribune.com/blood-libel-jewish-ritualistic-murder/ As...
  27. L

    Know any Satanist Psychoanalyst?

    The reason for modern therapy being a scam is that jews took over this field and turned it into a scam sucking people's money. Fundamentally, the wrong basis is used. Instead of a basis created by Carl Gustav Jung and other grand pioneers of this field, shitty jewish filthy scammer's "ideas" of...
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    Make amends ?

    If you would really offend/anger God, then you would no longer exist or your spiral would go towards absolute erasure of your being. For this to happen, one needs to be absolutely against Life. This is the case for jews which is why they are going to be erased as otherwise would be denial of...
  29. L

    New God Rituals: Eligos & Forcas [Dec 3 to Dec 10]

    The energy from these rituals feels really strong! HAIL ELIGOS! HAIL FORCAS! HAIL SATAN!
  30. L

    How can I speak to Satan?

    You can do the Satan's Absolution Ritual and focus on His Sigil afterwards, ask questions, just say what you want to say: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/satan-absolution-ritual.html . Furthermore, you also can pray to Satan through Satan's Psalm 1...
  31. L

    Have you heard of Calin Georgescu and how this suspicious nationalist won the first tour of Romania presidential race, maybe we can learn something?

    I will talk about this situation in a more legal way. Basically, this guy likely violates probably most of the Romanian laws regarding transparency of the candidates, because he is unable to give accurate information about how he was exactly promoted, how much did it cost, and he tries to hide...
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    Hail Lord Amon Ra!

    When I dedicated, I was interested in finding out who my Guardian Demon is exactly. As most people here probably. About two months ago, I started suspecting that Lord Amon Ra might be my Guardian Demon. There are some other details, some of them are quite personal, but basically they confirm...
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    Governments should keep 100% purity of their own race if they want to avoid any problems. Blood pollution causes civilizations to fall as Adolf Hitler pointed out in his book "Mein Kampf". In other words, any country which was established by the White people should follow the following policies...
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    Re-examining the core principles of JoS

    Slaves were bought, sold, raped and tortured, but it appears that in reality Romans, Ancient Greeks and Ancient Egyptians had absolute zero of slaves. Correct me if I am wrong, but with Romans it seems pretty clear just by looking into the etymology of some words. Romans called people "servus"...
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    Re-examining the core principles of JoS

    "Out of Africa" is a crock of shit. Theory of evolution by itself is not wrong, but is misused in ways hardly imaginable. Given millions of years, genetic mutations happening are significant enough to form into separate species. One does not need millions of years to notice those changes. Take...
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    #35414 Struggling to find pride in my country and hope for the future

    Country by itself is mostly a social construct. Yes, there can be some genetic markers between nationalities, but nationality is not a biological construct as race is as these markers are not enough to separate subspecies into separate branches of living organisms. This means you are not...
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    Full Moon + Saturday + Hour of Saturn probably would do the trick.
  38. L

    #35421 I have the worst love life, probably.

    Since people above already suggested effective ways in resolving your problem with love life, I will emphasize the following. One of the worst things people can do to themselves is lying to themselves. First, you say you do not care about this, but then you say you are jealous of other people...
  39. L

    What happens after inhaling grey energy?

    Get more knowledge, clean your karma if needed, empower your soul, perform other rituals. Members above gave you lots of ideas that can and should be used right away. Satanic rituals are binding for eternity, so it is impossible to throw away your so-called golden ticket. On the other hand...
  40. L

    ICC issues arrest warrant for netanyahu, gallant and hamas leader

    The power they have is unsustainable. The system they poisoned humanity with is going to turn against them and destroy them. There is no other way for them as parasitism creates absolutely nothing, and the host either gets immune or dies. Still, we have a long way to go. No one from the...
  41. L

    Info about the SATANAMA Meditation

    I can confirm this meditation is very useful. I use it for balancing in the morning and in the evening. Before including SATANAMA into my routine, I noticed that sometimes my emotions like anger, paranoia manifested seemingly randomly. I have no problem expressing anger given its expression is...
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    ICC issues arrest warrant for netanyahu, gallant and hamas leader

    So it would appear our effort in doing RTRs is finally starting to pay off. But we still have a long way to go. Jews should be absolutely terrified when starting to feel that it is not them who actually rules the world. And the rule they thought they had was basically just an illusion based on...
  43. L

    Meditations #959 Meditations

    If meditations performed are power ones, then it will be hard to ignore spirituality for long. Due to the following. 1. Enemies might start attacking, especially those who are undedicated as they are easier targets. If the soul is more advanced, has certain qualities that might be useful for...
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    Was My Dedication Not Accepted?

    Perfection is not necessary doing the ritual. Our Gods are understanding, empathic beyond measure. What is expected from you is not some momentarily ritualistic perfection (it is nice to have it, though, but we all know everything can happen), but your outlook and effort put on the path in the...
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    Happiness in Awakening!

    Welcome to the Joy of Satanas, and I hope you will soon find what this name really stands for. You are going to find this to be a completely different experience from the most positive side. As it was mentioned by HPS Lydia in one of her sermons...
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    Other #904 Why should I follow Satan?

    Because Satan is real and wants people to become Gods like Him. And not just wants, but doing all the necessary things for us to become like Him. This is absolutely beautiful gift of Him. Imagine that Humanity has fallen so low, and our Gods never ever have left us despite how low we have...
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    Relationships #890 A girl I fall in love with...

    If both of you agree that you are in the relationship, then it is absolutely normal for you to expect some level of exclusivity. She can start by making clear to other guys she is not available in case they would try doing their own approaches. If she is unable to do that and you expect this...
  48. L

    your beliefs in Satan.

    Treating our Gods as some "energy", "eggregor" sounds like an insult. If you would know better, you would understand that the subject you insult is... basically yourself given you are human. You insult yourself by rejecting all the potential you can get if you would just try to be a little open...
  49. L

    Joy of Satanas Final Response: About “Jews”, “Hitler”, “National Socialism” & Politics

    I am grateful for this sermon. Everything is made sound, clear and with a very powerful intention to show that JoS is not "something" that anyone with their useless agendas can pull in their own temporary emotional/mental vortex. SATANAS AENAOS!
  50. L

    Sexuality Is it possible to have a husband and wife at the same time?

    "I want women", "I want men" sounds self-centered. This is not bad by itself, but with this view we lack enough perspective. I would suggest reflecting on the following: "I want to be a good husband to two people. To a woman who would be called my wife, and to a man who would be called my...
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    JoS Websites Editorial Check Thread

    Did not check if this was mentioned already, so sorry if this is repeated again. But the URLs in this page are not working: https://joyofsatan.org/Satanic_Numerology.html . First of all, URLs are incorrectly set-up, e.g.: 1. "More information about numbers" points...
  52. L

    The Runes and Their Numbers

    I would like to extend my question a bit based on what @OttoHart asked. I have also not used multiples of numbers in my workings that include runes, but instead numerologically relevant numbers. And as for numerological relevance, I have seen only this source...
  53. L

    #841 Satan

    This would be my so-called theory from my intuition and experience of what I have seen in jews when I have been unlucky to face some of them in my life. Please correct if I am wrong here. Jews are parasites, non-humans and this means they are unable to do the following in genuine way: 1. Feel...
  54. L

    For Materialistic Workings ,End with "AUM TAT SAT" not just Aum

    Thank you very much for sharing such useful information. I have one question, though. Is it really Aum Gam Ganapataye Namah? Or should it be AUM GAUM GANAPATAYE NAMAH? If I remember correctly, in the forum I saw GAUM mentioned (U included) instead of just GAM.
  55. L

    Burning Karma; Working as a Family

    The moment I have experienced enough reality behind JoS, I have started donating. And I will do so on a consistent basis. This is the least I can do right now. I believe JoS must flourish, and we must do our work for the Gods to manifest on Earth once again. I actually had slight glimpses of...
  56. L

    Workings #825 İ disagree

    I think Magick should be approached in a more individual and unique way than it is described by the OP. I would like to give an example of Software Engineering and then relate it to Magick. In Software Engineering, we have lots of problems, such as lagging games with mediocre graphics on most...
  57. L

    Spiritual Satanism vs. Luciferianism

    Around the internet, there are various shills. Such as this one who says he promotes "Luciferianism": https://www.youtube.com/@morgueofficial . This is the case what HPHC666 has talked about. Some people might try pushing shit like "jewsus was Lucifer", "vatican was Satanic", etc. Joy of...
  58. L

    Munka effects

    Since I also did MUNKA to resolve my negative karma, I can confirm that during the first half of MUNKA, I was also feeling lots of negative emotions. In some cases, I felt even more negativity than you have described here. On the other hand, I did not have any sleep paralysis, but some days I...
  59. L

    It's official - Trump won

    Congratulations to the people of the United States of America ending the Kambala (Kamala + Biden indicating Kamala managed the convulsing corpse of Biden). I know that D. Trump is basically just a lesser evil as he definitely is not on our side, but it is better for this one to be in such a...
  60. L

    The Gods Will Never Give Up On You: Ups & Downs In Life

    I was just thinking about this, and now we have this great sermon. The more I study JoS, the more I practice, the more I can see the Gods were with me years ago, even before my dedication. Probably, something similar happened to other people here as well. Their wisdom, empathy and belief in us...
  61. L

    Absolute Win

    I have read some of your posts, and from this I can quite clearly see that this was the synthesis of your own efforts and direction of the Gods to help you. It is a huge win for the JoS every time when some SS makes his/her life more ordered, so more focus on full scale improvement and working...
  62. L

    Not sure what is the perfect working for this scenario - Money, Changing someone's mind

    Is it really necessary in your scenario for that sibling to buy that half, so you would get your desired fraction? What if someone else would offer more money for that half to be bought? Wouldn't this situation be better for you?
  63. L

    Workings #754 Binding spell

    I have done a one-shot binding spell on one person. Since that time, I have never seen that one ever again interfering. So my experience shows that a 40 day cycle is not necessary. But if you are unsure, you can spend more time. How to know if your spell worked or not? In my case, it was just an...
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    #729 What to do if Trump loses?

    I would like to ask the following. Is rigging elections really a possibility in the US? Doesn't the United States election system have observers as this is the normal case in various European countries where even smallest violations are observed and mandated to be fixed immediately? I see no...
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    I’m sick of the Gym

    This is why I have my own gym at home built by myself. I have learnt how to correctly perform exercises years ago, and this is absolutely enough not just to be fit, but also to achieve some results. And I absolutely agree that the toxic mentality mentioned by MercuryWisdom is very bad. It is not...
  66. L

    #715 I honestly can't take it anymore.

    Redirect this hate to the solution focused mindset. Solutions given in the post above might work if applied consistently. Solution would be for you about getting food wanted, money, and other stuff you have mentioned here. It is normal to hate that you do not have enough money to even buy an...
  67. L

    How to stay strong in the face of mistakes?

    There is no need to worry about being judged as everyone is on their own path towards advancement. Actually, you need some praise by posting here and asking for help as this is one of the signs you see there is a problem, and you want to get it resolved. Probably, no one of us can guarantee an...
  68. L

    JoS Websites Editorial Check Thread

    Exposing Spiritual Corruption: Spiritual Alchemy & The Bible Mistyped name. It should be Enlil instead of Enili.
  69. L

    Search in JoS Wiki no longer working?

    I have found out for some time that JoS Wiki's search is no longer working. I thought it was temporary, but it takes some time, so I assume that it was not seen by the support. Thus I write this here, so someone would take a look into it, and fix it. Steps to reproduce. There is only one step...
  70. L

    Does JoS really support hitler? I want a clear answer.

    This hate towards Hitler seems to be of spiritual nature due to the emotional vortex getting constructed. I claim this due to the following facts. First, even people with average or higher intelligence that have some analytical skills are unable to analytically look into Hitler which would prove...
  71. L

    Does JoS really support hitler? I want a clear answer.

    Hitler killed those with glasses? Then why didn't he kill Himmler who also wore glasses? And multitude of NS officials who also wore glasses.
  72. L

    A personal experience I had while listening to the Devil's Trill Sonata;

    This is an ingenious piece of work. And in some places I can actually feel awesome vibes that feel like those parts are the most similar to what Father Satan has played to Giuseppe Tartini. HAIL SATAN! SATANAS AENAOS!
  73. L

    Females in Hilter's Germany

    NS Germany treated the best way it was able to based on the circumstances that Adolf Hitler had inherited. Hitler had even grander plans for that, but he did lots of good things in that short amount of time. Let me give you a couple of examples. 1. Before Hitler, non-married women from a...
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    Handling Andrapods: About People That Try To Stop Your Evolution

    HPHC666 always posts sermons that are so aligned with our own spiritual development. They give us insight that is so needed. Sometimes, we can learn something new, and sometimes we get the confirmation that what was done in some scenarios is correct. I would like to share my own recent...
  75. L

    #511 porn addiction

    I would also add the following. OP putting equivalency to sexuality and masturbation+porn is just wrong. Jewish porn is not even pornography by literal meaning. Literally, pornography means "writing about prostitutes" (translated from Ancient Greek it appears given Google did not lie to me)...
  76. L

    What happens if I don’t raise my kundalini in this life?

    It is enough to dedicate to Lord Satan and do spiritual practices on a consistent basis which by itself makes sure you empower yourself and have enough energy to go through lives. It might be a problem maybe if you have very specific spiritual tasks that you need to complete as soon as possible...
  77. L

    I feel like i need to apologize

    Our Gods are understanding, empathic beyond measure, so your mistakes probably did not even trigger Their dissatisfaction towards you. So the best way for you to "apologize" is this way. Be better than yesterday. Tomorrow, be better than today. And so on. And you will achieve this by meditations...
  78. L

    Help me with my anxiety for school

    I would add the following. If you have some dream, you go for it. And when you go for it, you also should put directed effort towards it. By this, I would like to illustrate how knowledge is very important. I have no idea what the system of entrance to the university is in Italy, but if it has...
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    #437 Am I alone? Has Satan not accepted me?

    I think you need to perform the Dedication Ritual properly as it is described. You can use different words (for instance, you will not renounce jew on a stick if you were muslim/atheist), there are options also what to say. But the part with blood appears to be very important, and not having...
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    40-day HP Cobra program break at work

    If I understood the purpose of the 40-day HPHC666 program, it is to get you started on the consistent spiritual path. Other people might find it more useful to work slightly differently given different contexts, health conditions or spiritual needs/advancement. This process is creative, and the...
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    #355 succubi

    She can. It does not mean She's going to decide to feel you, though. It's not about what She can do in this case. It is about your own value. And it appears you do not have Succubi as a companion as this requires a very high level of advancement. Please read this sermon to get rid of potential...
  82. L

    I worked with sitri

    You did not summon an Incubi. Please read the following: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/succubi-incubi-cowardly-bunk.93101/#post-481311
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    A couple of days ago, I had a huge headache in the morning, and I thought I am going to use a pill for the headache as it was really painful and would interfere with my job if not treated. But the first thing I did in the morning was my morning meditation routine. After cleaning the aura, the...
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    #307 Jews made ww1?

    The actual "atrocity" committed by Germans was that they did not win the war, so they would be able to provide the history as it really was, since nowadays we have the trash history, and we are even penalized for denying the holohoax with wooden "gas chamber" doors. The same applies to WWII...
  85. L

    Dating: Lies Told to Men [part 1]

    Using a GEBO rune for 100 days in order to cast a spell seems like some determination in achieving the goal. Still, I would like to ask the following. What have you done additionally during those 100 days in order to become more loveable, i.e., to make sure the spell cast would work better...
  86. L

    #261 Am I really dedicated or do I need to do it again?

    Your ritual is valid. However, regarding being really dedicated, I think the following sermon of HPHC66 would be worth reading to remind that ritual itself is formality that gives us a golden ticket to the best gym available, but it is up to us to use this ticket properly...
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    #181 What to do with my gf?

    Thinking about leaving a girlfriend who is the mother of OP's child sounds not just insulting, but even disgusting. It sounds like OP did not advance enough. I might be wrong, but for me it seems that leaving a girlfriend for not joining Satanism is equivalent to forcing her to join which goes...
  88. L

    How To Advance Faster: Example of Cleaning The Soul

    "How To Advanced Faster". Is there some typo and should it be "How To Advance Faster" instead? Now regarding the sermon. So if I understood this sermon correctly, basically there is nothing like "doing too little" mostly. As far as I have seen, people mostly complain here that they either do...
  89. L

    Ask-Satan.net and Ancient-Forums.com integration bug?

    I have posted a couple of questions, and I have noticed that it might be the case that Ask-Satan.net has a bug. Or to be more precise, integration between Ask-Satan.net and Ancient-Forums.com. Steps to reproduce: 1. Post a question. 2. Get the URL of that question. 3. Wait for the status to...
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    Question #5654: Astarte's gift, race mixing?

    If Astarte would have responded, the first thing she would have ensured is that you would have divorced each other as she knows even better than us humans that race mixing is a mortal sin that must be avoided whatever the means, no matter the cost. Now, this is off-topic, but I will ask the...
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    What is the end goal behind coddling all non-white trashy people?

    I will give an example of the experience I had. It will not tell you exactly what to do, but it might help to get information you can use later in order to make your own decision. I am not going to tell you what is right and what is not. This is for you to decide, since all of us must understand...
  92. L

    Question #5635: Love spell to avoid racemixing?

    You can use a love spell, and probably you will succeed given you put enough effort and also have correct knowledge towards such actions. However, you need to take a look into the following. Why would you use a spell and even add some effort in order to make sure he does not race-mix, and...
  93. L

    I want to eradicate fear from within me

    1. Hate is good if it leads you to the results desired. Now please acknowledge the thing you hate is not you. Maybe you understand, but it will not harm you to confirm this again to yourself. 2. You assume fear has energy. In reality, fear in the context of your soul is the absence of energy...
  94. L

    Do the Gods decide?

    So again someone came here and blamed us for racism. Well… What is EXACTLY wrong with racism? Is it “bad”, because it saves the purity and beauty of your own race instead of mass producing mixed race individuals who are even unhappy about themselves? Race mixing promotion is one of the weapons...
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    Question #5053: Is Tobias Forge, head of the band "Ghost" a jew/race traitor or is he not?

    Tobias Forge is White, but it seems he is not an SS as he belongs to the organization which treats itself as very xian: https://frimurarorden.se/en/start/who-we-are/ . As for this specific song, it has no clear substance, and the one can interpret it as he desires, and the author has the...
  96. L

    Are Jews spiteful?

    Gypsies. They are responsible for the following: 1. Child trafficking. 2. Making White people addicted to drugs. 3. Kidnapping children, especially White ones. On points 2 and 3, I can base by actual experience I have seen where I lived once.
  97. L

    Opposite Feelings

    I think in your situation better discernment is needed. Gods are understanding and supportive beyond our comprehension. If you try to present yourself to the Gods in the best way you can, you should be fine. Then, I would doubt that Gods would present you such choices in this way without any...
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    Opposite Feelings

    There can be multiple factors in place. One of the questions is what do you exactly mean by the opposite things? For example, if this would be a career choice, would you assume the Gods being in opposition if one of the Gods would suggest you go towards one career path (e.g., become a doctor)...
  99. L

    Accepting Lack Of Knowledge: To Not Spread Confusion

    What I understand from this sermon is that we need to try our best to be true to ourselves in order to really advance on this path. Furthermore, I would like to add another point of how this might happen as this happened to me, to people I know about, and maybe millions of other people as this...
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    Lithuanian Translation Thread

    I can help with translation and grammar issues. :)
  101. L

    Hypothetical Question.

    Star Trek is a jewish show, thus their representation of "powerful" beings is just retarded and intended to mislead us (so they mix lies and some half truths as this is the jewish modus operandi). What does "omnipotent" mean? Can the jewish "god" create a stone it would be unable to lift? If so...
  102. L

    Meme warfare

    Xian pope meets with yahweh. Source: https://nationalvanguard.org/2024/03/a-spiritual-jew-defends-his-masters/
  103. L

    Israeli "ultra-orthodox" now to be drafted to war.

    Lots of so-called "ulta-orthodox" jews started to become very religious jews when the shit hit the fan. But it appears the jews are so hardly fucked up right now that even their own religious zealots are not protected from the mess they are in. And it is natural. How are they supposed to win the...
  104. L

    Question #4883: Humanity Endgame, fear of success, fear of peace

    I would like to provide the following perspective. Assuming that destroying the jews and their power structure is somehow humanity's endgame shows how jewified our minds are as we give way too much credit for their malevolence, and our outlook on spiritual things in some cases also become way...
  105. L

    Meme warfare

    We need to make this viral. https://odysee.com/jewish-gangman-style:8 By the way, who made this?
  106. L

    Your motivation for SS and Spirituality in general

    When I started practicing and learning, I read the following sermon: https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/doubt-disbelief-spiritual-satanism.96369/ . This was one of the reasons why I decided to come closer to the SS, and eventually Dedicate my Soul to Father Satan. I like the fact that...
  107. L

    I am new here

    Thank you for the warm welcome to this community. I am learning here a lot, and practicing also a lot. As for the Dedication Ritual, I have already performed it, thus now I am a dedicated SS here. After the dedication, it felt like I was welcome to this path, and it was indeed an invitation for...
  108. L

    I am new here

    I would like to present myself in this community. I have found this community a couple of weeks ago, and I am still studying all of the material found here, and already performing some practices. Also, sermons here for me sound miraculous. My path towards this was the following. First, I was...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
