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  1. R

    Echoes of World War 3? [Spoiler: No - Update 2]

    Cobra, speaking of Europe, I want your advice on something. As an American, I see the cultural decline of the U.S. and I recently booked a flight to Europe just to see if I could live there and make it my exit plan in case shit hits the fan in the U.S. I decided to start with Croatia (where I’m...
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    Kanye West: Shut Down For Being "Anti-Semitic" [UPDATE: Kanye Missing?]

    It’s obviously manipulated. All these celebrities coming out as antisemitic is no coincidence. They have to expose all the antisemites so they can go after them. The purge is about to begin.
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    Does Satan Own this Planet?

    How do you know this?
  4. R

    Blood ritual in africa

    How do you know what they did in Atlantis?
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    Andrew Tate?

    Anybody that goes viral is more than likely being propped up by by enemy. I suspect he’s being propped up for reasons like this: https://youtu.be/klmoELYFMuI
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    Transexuality, Pedophilia, Bestiality, Pride Month?

    Yes, please. I was wondering if you had read a commentary on them or something like that. I’ve heard that Plato expounded on the myth of Saturn eating his children, basically meaning that Saturn represents pure intellect that you receive during the awakening and that “eating the children”...
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    Transexuality, Pedophilia, Bestiality, Pride Month?

    Where did you learn the interpretations of the myths?
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    Jack is Leaving Permanently

    Jack, I’d like to keep in touch with you. How can I reach you?
  9. R

    About the Beauty Of This World

    I have a question about Moksha. I've been reading the Kashmir Shaivite mystic Abhinavagupta's commentary on the Bhagavad Gita. He says in his book that if a person meditates on the "empty space between two thoughts" that he will also zero-out his karma. Basically, he is saying that Void...
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    Winning Or Losing?

    Trump had a Chabad Jew for adviser, and probably even worse, and these idiots dug his hole. His son Eric and others picked up on what was going on, and went INTERNET mode, but it was a little late when they joined the train. They couldn't do it alone.
  11. R

    Why All Politcians Failed [Except One] To Free Nations From Jews

    This is what I've been looking for. I always thought that one-pointed focus on Brahman is what raised Kundalini. That's why I've never given much effort on the physical part of yoga. Thank you for the book. I'll read it through and get started on what you said. Hopefully I have enough time to...
  12. R

    Why All Politcians Failed [Except One] To Free Nations From Jews

    What are we supposed to be doing with the mind when we do this?
  13. R

    Why All Politcians Failed [Except One] To Free Nations From Jews

    The way I understand bhakti practice is that you keep your mind on Brahman 24/7. Its similar to constant void meditation, but you're doing it mostly to watch over your thoughts, stay vigilant, and not letting your mind get caught up in actions that heep up negative karma. Basically, half of your...
  14. R

    Why All Politcians Failed [Except One] To Free Nations From Jews

    Hi, Jack. Have you written or know of any article's that explain how bhakti is a corruption? I'm really interested in objective evidence that exposes all the corruptions in Santana Dharma.
  15. R

    Afghanistan And Taliban [Megathread] : Prepare For Another 2015 Europe "Crisis"

    Biden hasn't fucked up at all. Don't think the Taliban isn't an extension of the U.S. government. They took over while there were still troops there. The troops let it happen. This is all about creating a Hegelian Dialectic to let in thousands refugees. The media footage showed civilians smiling...
  16. R

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I think we're on the same page, brother. I'm wanting to know where these Vedas are that don't condemn meat. How did ex-HP Mageson get his hands on them? Captain Ajit Vadakayil claims to have read the real Vedas and says that meat-eating and lust are forbidden. I want to read the real Rig Veda so...
  17. R

    The Reptilians?

    I think we should start calling them "Nagas" like the Vedas do. Using that word might actually point people to the Dharma rather than the New Age. Something else people need to realize is that the Vedas clearly say where the Reptilians are from. They come from a planet called Patala, which is...
  18. R

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    So where are these original Vedas you're talking about? How do you now what the Vedas used to say?
  19. R

    Israeli Space Chief Half-Admits Existence of Reptilian Shits

    They have to. Part of Jewish eschatology says the whole world comes against Israel before their messiah comes. Jews will be conducting the whole thing though. The battle of Armageddon is the false flag of all false flags. Its in Zechariah 14 if you're wondering.
  20. R

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I've been studying the mythology trying to pinpoint how the malevolent demons were created. Does anybody know why the myths explain it differently? For example, the Vedas say that they were created directly from Brahman's essence by Brahman himself, then they started to attack him, and the Gods...
  21. R

    Adjustment Day: Nonwhites Now MAJORITY in 16-And-Under Demographic according to Census

    I've done some research on the Cohen gene. I've read lots of articles on it. I've never come across one yet that says that its reptilian, though. The Kohenim only make up a certain percentage of the Jews who, supposedly, came from Aaron (of course, Aaron never existed). I'm mostly wondering...
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    Adjustment Day: Nonwhites Now MAJORITY in 16-And-Under Demographic according to Census

    Shael, do you remember what sources say that Jews are part reptilian? I have a friend who's wanting impirical evidence.
  23. R

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Hi, guys. What is the significance of conquest in the ancient world? I was studying the history of Egypt today, and stumbled upon the Assyrian Conquest. I wanted to know why the Assyrians wanted to take over Egypt and many other areas that they conquered. Basically, I found that it was all for...
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    Sanat Kumara The God Of Love

    How can Zeus and Dionysus be the same if the mythology says that Zeus was Dionysus' father?
  25. R

    Most Serious 17/March/2020

    Has anybody on here dug an underground bunker? Eventually the air outside will become so toxic, that you won't be able to go outside without dying a slow and painful death. The only way to survive in the long run will be to go underground without any phones or trackable technology.
  26. R

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I've been doing various forms of meditation for years. I've felt almost everything JOS describes when a person is raising their Kundalini. Lately, I've felt pressure along the middle of my spine, and even up around my neck. Does this mean that I've almost raised it completely, or can the tension...
  27. R

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Is there any authoritative source that says how the Gods were created? If God is a force, why did it choose to create, and how does it have the intelligence to create?
  28. R

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Where can the original texts be found, such as the uncorrupted Vedas and the other texts in their original forms before being tampered with by Jewry?
  29. R

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Yes, I feel the same way too. Its the feeling of accomplishing a big task, even though its so simple.
  30. R

    "ABC News Broadcasts Fake Syria Bombing Video That's Actually From a Kentucky Military Show in 2017"

    I'm still fact-checking this video, but if the quotes were really said, then this explains everything... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcyGH8ScCjA
  31. R

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Okay. I understand the concept, but what is the point of creating many races and then telling them to stay away from each other? What is the real meaning behind all of it? When I hear JOS talk about this, they explain it in such a superficial way that it almost sounds like the Christians who say...
  32. R

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I said I knew she was European and Oriental. Hitler said the Japanese are "Aryans" of the East, which is why he allied with them. Ultimately, unless you know a person's full pedigree, you have no idea what race they are. The JOS also says that many DNA tests are faulty. So how is a person...
  33. R

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    My ancestors are German and Scottish. My girlfriend is a Filipina who claims Spanish and Japanese descent. If she is correct, she comes from Nordic descent. Nevertheless, I am having a difficult time continuing the relationship with her because there could be some native Filipino in her. Plus...
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    The Jewish Messiah How It Ties Together

    Hi. Do you remember what part of the Zohar says this?
  35. R

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I've practiced George Gurdjieff's Self-Observation and Self-Remembering techniques for over two years now, and I'm familiar with focusing the breath, directing consciousness to various parts of the body, and void meditation. The reality of "absorbing" energy is new to me. When I try this, I feel...
  36. R

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Ol argedco luciftias, Hi. I would reply to you directly, but I'm not seeing a link to do that. I started read The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom by Pinkham. In the first chapter he starts talking about the Great White Brotherhood, which is also called the "Ascended Masters" in New Age and...
  37. R

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Hello, again. This is the video I was referring to in my last post about Yahweh living on Nibiru, the planet of the Anunnaki pagan gods. https://youtu.be/TFUqEhvV0qM Thanks again, Ryan
  38. R

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Hi. I have many questions. I come from a Christian background and left the church in December of 2017. Ever since I have come to the same conclusions that the stories of the Bible were borrowed from the Pagans and tweaked with YHWH as the deity. My first question is, if the reptilian gods of...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
