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  1. Y

    Info on race

    Good book on race https://lesacreduprintemps19.files.word ... dition.pdf Jews lie to promote racial equality https://www.nytimes.com/2002/10/08/scie ... -race.html https://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/14/science/14skull.html https://news.rutgers.edu/feature-focus/ ... X3kvZZlAlQ
  2. Y

    Race and IQ

    Rushton and Jensen PDF https://www1.udel.edu/educ/gottfredson/ ... 0years.pdf Keep in mind non satanic power meditations have been proven to raise IQ by 23% https://thebestbrainpossible.com/how-to ... tes-a-day/ https://www.inc.com/melanie-curtin/want ... e-hab.html...
  3. Y

    How Jews Use Blacks

    The relationship between Jews and Blacks has always been negative and the Jews always had a nefarious motive. Blacks relationship with Jews, if you can call it that, only benefits Jews and furthers their agenda. Ever since the Jew ran Trans Atlantic slave trade Jews have used blacks to serve...
  4. Y

    Jews Blackface and Hip Hop

    Blackface minstrelsy is an art form that a man named Thomas D. Rice made popular in 1832(1) . It portrayed Black people as criminal, lazy, buffoonish and simply dehumanized them. Thomas D Rice created a character called Jump Jim Crow that was based on a crippled slave he saw when he went to the...
  5. Y

    Jew prosecutor Central Park 5

    https://www.google.com/search?q=linda+f ... e&ie=UTF-8 https://youtu.be/iC8zNnDbyqY This Jew is behind the wrongful imprisonment of the Central Park 5
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    Jews lie for (((equality)))

    A Jew by the name of Franz Boas committed fraud to destroy the facts of racial differences. This Jewish fraud is the father of modern anthropology and liberalism. https://vdare.com/articles/franz-boas-l ... ific-fraud https://www.nytimes.com/2002/10/08/scie ... -race.html Jew tries to...
  7. Y

    Mankind oldest religion

    The Black Race is the oldest race on Earth and was given satanic knowledge from Satan and the gods. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2 ... 081347.htm Date: November 30, 2006 Source: The Research Council of Norway Summary: A new archaeological find in Botswana by an...
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    Who Brought The Slaves To America?

    Who Brought The Slaves To America? By Walter White Jr., 1968 4-12-8 The story of the slaves in America begins with Christopher Columbus. His voyage to America was not financed by Queen Isabella, but by Luis de Santangelo, who advanced the sum of 17,000 ducats (about 5,000 pounds-today...
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    Egyptians being white

    The genetic testing has already been done. King Tut had 95% European DNA. The Egyptians had images depicting red and even blue people that doesn't mean there is a blue race. Also the statues and sculptures had blue eyes and green eyes. The mummies have been found to have red and blonde hair...
  10. Y

    Egyptians being white

    it's been genetically proven that King Tut and Ankhenaton had 95% European ancestry. The sculptures had people with blue and green eyes. Also the mummies have been found to have red hair. The fact they may have painted Brown people means nothing when they also painted red and green people...
  11. Y

    Egyptians being white

    There are plenty of threads and online articles and pics to prove it. Just go to the JoS main group and look it up it's been covered before.
  12. Y


    For your safety it's best to not do that.
  13. Y

    hello, I have a question

    There still is a direct correlation of I.Q and the wealth of Nations.
  14. Y

    hello, I have a question

    @Chris Humans and E.T are different, duh. As for humans I.Q is hereditary. There are always exceptions. Look at my sources and prove them wrong. There is no "equality". Its like you're living in another dimension or something. Just rambling with no evidence to support claims and etc. @Uchita...
  15. Y

    hello, I have a question

    They're the enemy.
  16. Y

    hello, I have a question

    Average can be mean I.Q for example.
  17. Y

    hello, I have a question

    I'm average they are this isn't the Jew doing. Each race has their own characteristics and traits.
  18. Y

    hello, I have a question

    I dont think there is one . Satan wants all to better ourselves.
  19. Y

    whos is Zeus??

    It's best to ask questions like this in our main group. This is only for black topics. https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoyofSatan666/info Anyway look here http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... MONSI.html
  20. Y

    preparing to live America

    I highly doubt any American blacks will renounce their citizenship and move to a 3rd world country.
  21. Y


    We have done it before and black African nations have it now.  Maybe it would be better now but the best blacks leave the inner cities and leave the African countries for a better life which causes a brain drain.
  22. Y

    will a Snake harm a Satanist?

    You should get it out of your bed and set free. If it tries to harm you kill it. Usually animals don't attack if you don't. Animals are sacred in Satanism but use common sense. As Satanist we don't abuse animals but we may kill them for eating in a humane way.
  23. Y

    My new email

    Spreading lies and misconceptions about Satan isn't funny. You either conform to the spiritual satanic way of joyofsatan.org or leave.
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    My new email

    Satanism is not about darkness. When the Demons were freed they said to return to the light. Light is power.
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    Whats up with jos support for National socialism?

    All of the pre dynasty tombs had whites in them. It's also genetically proven the pharaohs were white. The Berbers of today are white.
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    Civil Rights Movement

    Another source is the CPUSAhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Com ... _Americans
  27. Y

    Hey guys, how can I invoke a demon ?

    Evocation and Invocation http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html
  28. Y

    help a sad and depressed soul

    Satanic Sabbats and Celebrations http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... IDAYS.html
  29. Y

    War on Drugs

    Nicki may not be a Jew. It's hard to tell sometimes. Even if she were she'd be part jew. I hope no one's confused.
  30. Y

    War on Drugs

    Just to clarify the CIA allowed massive crack industries grow in the black community. There was already drugs but Blandon gave Ross all the dope he wanted most dealers in the community were Ross' employees. If you read the How To Spot A Jew pdf then you can see how Wayne and Nicki are Jews...
  31. Y

    Bookmarks of the Soul

    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... _PAGE.html
  32. Y

    Monkeys play knock out game against whites

    It's all about personal evolution. No matter where you start as long as you are working to better yourself, you're on the right track.
  33. Y

    Monkeys play knock out game against whites

    I never behaved like the 'monkeys' i talk about.
  34. Y

    Jewish lies caused a white girl to be raped

    My anger is towards the enemy.
  35. Y

    Monkeys play knock out game against whites

    This group is for blacks only and I call them monkeys because they behave in animalistic ways. As a matter of fact they're lower than monkeys.
  36. Y

    Africa and blacks

    I meant this link for gays Third Sex in Africa https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Bla ... ssages/465
  37. Y

    Africa and blacks

    For gays read this http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic ... a3c42599b4 There is no such thing as ancient Israel the Jews are an alien race. They stole Israel from the Palestinians in 1948. The blacks were created by Satan and there's proof of our own Satanic/Traditional African religions...
  38. Y

    dedication took place

    Great but posts like this should be posted in the JoyofSatan666 E-Group https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoyofSatan666/info  
  39. Y

    I'm thankful for the JoS website

    Good study the Joyofsatan.org and start a meditation program.
  40. Y

    Black Satanist

    Also read Joyofsatan.org if you haven't already. 
  41. Y

    Affidafit shows CIA knew of contra drug ring

    Oct. 3, 1996 Affidafit shows CIA knew of contra drug ring  by Gary Webb and Pamela Kramer Knight-Ridder Newspapers LOS ANGELES - During the early 1980s, federal and local narcotics agents knew that a massive drug ring operated by Nicaraguan contra rebels was selling large amounts of cocaine...
  42. Y

    Cocaine sentences weighted against blacks

    Aug 23, 1996 Cocaine sentences weighted against blacks  by Gary Webb San Jose Mercury News When it comes to cocaine, it isn't just a suspicion that the war on drugs is hammering blacks harder than whites. According to the U.S. Justice Department, it's a fact. The "main reason" cocaine...
  43. Y

    Drug king free, but black aide sits in jail

    Aug 23, 1996 Drug king free, but black aide sits in jail  How cheap cocaine became the scourge of the inner city  by Gary Webb San Jose Mercury News For the past 1 1/2 years, the U.S. Department of Justice has been trying to explain why nearly everyone convicted in California's federal courts...
  44. Y

    Crack was born during 1974 in S.F. Bay Area

    Crack was born during 1974 in S.F. Bay Area  by Gary Webb San Jose Mercury News, Aug 22, 1996 Though Miami and Los Angeles are commonly regarded as the twin cradles of crack, the first government financed study of cocaine smoking concluded that it was actually born in the Bay Area in January...
  45. Y

    Trio created mass market in U.S. for crack cocaine

    Trio created mass market in U.S. for crack cocaine  by Gary Webb San Jose Mercury News,  Aug 22, 1996 If they'd been in a more respectable line of work, Norwin Meneses, Oscar Danilo Blandon Reyes and "Freeway Rick" Ross would have been hailed as geniuses of marketing. This odd trio - a...
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    Salvador air force linked to cocaine flights

    Aug 22, 1996 Salvador air force linked to cocaine flights, Nicaraguan contras, drug dealer's supplier  by Gary Webb San Jose Mercury News One thing is certain: There is considerable evidence that El Salvador's air force was deeply involved with cocaine flights, the contras and drug dealer...
  47. Y

    CIA knowing of high-volume drug network

    Aug 22, 1996 Cocaine pipeline financed rebels  Evidence points to CIA knowing of high-volume drug network  by Gary Webb San Jose Mercury News For the better part of a decade, a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and...
  48. Y

    Why Are Blacks Suffering? Xianity, Islam, Jews

    Among the various racial and ethnic groups, African-Americans are the most likely to say they belong to a formal religious affiliation. An overwhelming 87 percent of African-Americans identify with a religious group, according to the U.S. Religious Landscape Survey by the Pew Research Center’s...
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    Akan tribe of ghana

    Satan was stopped from finishing his work on humanity. So he left Risen gentiles and occult books to teach humans to finish the work themselves. Blacks had their own pagan practices and their own risen serpent priesthood. There are reports that claim when Africa was colonized the medicine they...
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    Akan tribe of ghana

    I pretty much read the entire thing they compare African Pagan gods to that Jewhova/Jewsus and reptilains
  51. Y

    Hooded Cobra comment on race

    Well... Satan gave everyone the knowledge, the hopes and the dreams of a New World, in opposition to the others who merely talk about a communist clump of nothing, with everyone microchipped and enslaved. If you are to fear anyone and if you are to distrust anyone, this is the jewish enemy...
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    Black Satanist

    Jewish propaganda, Jews writing blacks were the curse of ham in their torah and bible trying to justify the harsh treatment. Jews were made to attack gentiles.
  53. Y

    HP Don On Blacks

    And Farrakhan did not start the NOI movement. He's anti-white but has biracial children he's mixed himself . He's filled with false promises and lies. He's anti-American and if he hates whites so much there are 58 African countries he can go to. He's a fake always asking for money and claiming...
  54. Y

    HP Don On Blacks

    Shannon did an article on NOI. Jews mix into any race to camouflage and infiltrate gentiles. http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post57209.html#p57209  http://disinfo.com/2015/06/founder-nati ... lied-race/   
  55. Y


    I think this needs to be posted again. Nature has designed the species of this planet to be with their own. A lot of humans think segregation is hate but naturally we go with our own as it's in our D.N.A. When it comes down to only staying with your race it's a problem for many because they've...
  56. Y

    Black people we should know.

    First, it's their country and the majority of problems facing blacks can be fixed by blacks. One white guy kills some blacks it's racist but if a gang member or a drug dealer kills another black person it's normal. Blacks are 13% of the population and for the last 30 years have been half of the...
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    To Black Satanists

    I feel this needs to be posted again because I've seen some posts that showed me blacks feel discouraged or even rejected from JoS. This was written by High Priestess Shannon. I understand the frustration and anger going on here with non whites who might be feeling a bit unwelcome on the groups...
  58. Y

    Black people we should know.

    Also when you look deeper you see it's the Jews who have been messing blacks in the U.S up. Malcom X even wrote about it. The Jews were the ones who brought us over here and they run the media. Also slavery between blacks in Africa was already going on and Arabs enslaved blacks for over a...
  59. Y

    Black people we should know.

    I rejected Anthony's comment because it isn't white supremacy that's keeping blacks down it's Jewish supremacy. Nothing is wrong with white supremacy all it is whites being rulers in their own land. Also blacks didn't build the U.S. The Jews went to Africa and bought slaves from African tribes...
  60. Y

    Draconian laws for blacks

    Blacks aren't being discriminated against in the occult self-preservation and self-determination is natural. True Satanism is about nature were supposed to be with our own. The Jews caused this integration crap which is against nature.  We have our own black Satanist group just like Asians and...
  61. Y

    The Truth About "Dr. King"

    <td w[/IMG]The Beast as Saint: The Truth About "Martin Luther King, Jr." WHEN THE COMMUNISTS TOOK OVER a country, one of the first things that they did was to confiscate all the privately-held weapons, to deny the people the physical ability to resist tyranny. But even more insidious...
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    The Civil-Rights Movement all jews/communists

    I've found out David Duke is a kike. I actually thought he was gentile but this is just how jews trick gentiles making us think their us and turns out their the enemy.
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    The Civil-Rights Movement all jews/communists

    The Civil-Rights Movement Just as Jewish academics lead the scholastic fight for egalitarianism in science and sociology, and Jewish media moguls lead the propaganda fight, the "civil-rights" movement itself found most of its leadership and financial support in the Jewish community...
  64. Y

    Draconian laws for blacks

    What are your opinions on draconian laws for blacks? I think since blacks as children are whipped for doing something wrong instead of time outs. Then maybe we should do the same thing or something similar for black adults who commit crimes. If black parents (at least from what I see) use the...
  65. Y

    Akan tribe of ghana

    I've read some of this they compare pagan gods to reptilians.
  66. Y

    Thoughts on how blacks can improve

    I would like to know what you all think blacks need to do to improve. I think we need to practice meditations everyday and yoga. Also invest in our communities and promote positivity and not support negative music, negative T.V, and criminals. Another thing is to be nice to one another.
  67. Y

    hip hop labels owned/founded by jews

    Atlantic records- Interscope Records  Jimmy Iovine Jew Started gangster rap which played a part in destroying blacks Def Jam Recordings Rick Rubin JewRussell Simmons G-Unit's Parent company's Parent company Vivendi Vincent bollore JewArnaud de Puyfontaine Jew G- Funk Entertainment's Parent...
  68. Y

    SS View on Yoruba

    My interpretation is in brackets [ ] Accord[/IMG][4] (destiny, fate) [Kundalini Serpent] and are expected to eventually become one in spirit with Olodumare (Olorun, the divine creator and source of all energy). [Olorun may be Satan.   The serpent of satan makes us equal to Satan] Furthermore...
  69. Y

    Why Segregation is Important

    Nature has designed the species of this planet to be with their own. A lot of humans think segregation is hate but naturally we go with our own as it's in our D.N.A. When it comes down to only staying with your race it's a problem for many because they've been lied to. Every species on this...
  70. Y

    Garvey video

  71. Y

    Jada smith/ Oscars

    I just remembered that Jaden smith's 2 best friends are jews and his sister are into new age meditations
  72. Y


    I believe this info has been over looked because it is "too long" but we must know this. Please take out the time to read these it is important. Satan doesn't like laziness. http://www.maskofzion.com/2012/04/zioni ... babwe.htmlMask of Zion: May 2012 Will Nile Water Go To Israel? Part 1...
  73. Y

    SS iew on Orishas

    This is just my interpretation in parenthesis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orisha Practitioners traditionally believe that daily life depends on proper alignment and knowledge of one's ori. Ori literally means the head, but in spiritual matters it is taken to mean a portion of the soul that...
  74. Y

    Black Economics

    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/1 ... 86369.htmlBlacks will have more money to spend on goods and services, according to a recent report.The State of the African-American Consumer Report found that black buying power is projected to reach $1.1 trillion by 2015, The Louisiana Weekly...
  75. Y

    Jews Owning Black Television

    Jews Owning Black Television            As we all know the Jews own about 96% – 98% of Hollywood. The majority of blacks in America watch television. These television shows mainly show negativity such as violence, Christianity and everything else negative. The Jews are the ones putting this out...
  76. Y

    Nature And The Races

    If we want we can do some kind of rune square to advance our race creatively intellectually and etc. The runes are powerful when done right. We as ss blacks meditating and advancing can use our powers to help our race. I think i'll be doing runes for our race.
  77. Y

    nation building

    I know there's a lot of stuff that needs to be done but our own nation is one of them.
  78. Y

    nation building

    1 Jamaican Dollar equals0.0084 US DollarU.S dollar has more worth than Jamaican dollar. Why are we as black people fighting for integration and equality in the U.S when we can combine our money and BUY Jamaica( or any other Afro - Caribbean country i'd say African but they don't really speak...
  79. Y

    African empires

    Just something i read  West African Kingdoms Originally Mali was a small kingdom located at the upper course of the Niger river, upstream from Bamako in a gold-producing area. Mali was formed between 1230 and 1240 A.C., when the Malinké (also called Mandingo), led by their warrior king...
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    Black heterosexual love and parenting

    I would like to know your opinions on Black heterosexual love. My opinion on it is basically it starts within the family unit. If a black male child doesn't see a man treat his mother right, then how will he know how to treat his woman? Most black men are into the gangster culture they want to...
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    N- word

    Just some history on the word. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigger This article is about the word and its history. For the colloquial variant, see nigga. For other uses, see Nigger (disambiguation). 1885 illustration from Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, captioned "Misto...
  82. Y

    Jews in Black Entertainment

    Jews in Black Entertainment  The Jews have been destroying Black America for some time now. Starting with distributing cocaine to putting Blacks on the big screen for doing it to Blacks imprisoned for doing what a Jew financed Black man subliminally told them to do. It appears to be a cycle of...
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    The Importance Of Africa

    I've been planning on writing about the Jewish colonization

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
