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  • "In summary, Spiritual Satanism is a belief system, philosophy, and political view that deals with the Ancient Pagan cult in terms of content, influenced by National Socialist thought, with roots likely traceable to Proto-Indo-European/Iranian religions. Spiritual Satanism, National Socialism, and Paganism are three sibling ideologies/views that go hand in hand. Spiritual Satanism is both a religious and political view, with principles and ethics as old as human history, focusing on natural selection and survival through the pursuit of truth and adaptation."
    "...When we keep looking at the problematic and corrupted sides of so-called Jewish religion we can see Asherah. Asherah is originally a Pagan Goddess (Known as Astarte, Astaroth, İshtar etc as well). In Ancient Times, Jewish people did worship her as the “Wife of YHWH”. Then they demonized the same Goddess they worshiped, and turned her into a Demon called Astaroth.

    Some Jewish Scholars says YHWH and Asherah had 70 Angel Children, just like Asherah and Pagan God El had 70 God/dess Children...

    Jews are people who do not even respect the Gods they worship..."
    "Jewish God is the God of Abraham. Which means it is an Abrahamic Religion (specifically first Abrahamic Religion). His name was never written down because Jewish people believed that this was a “sin”. This is why we only know four letters of his name; YHWH. Some accounts says it is Yahweh or Jehovah but we never will be know for sure.
    YHWH has several other names, such as Shaddai and Tzevaot. Most of the names of YHWH are coming from Pre-Abrahamic Pagan Gods, such as; Baal, El and Adonai. All of these three names are the names of Ancient Pagan Gods. We even can clearly see that YHWH cursed God Baal in the Torah even though it is his name as well.
    We can see this in the names of Angels as well;
    El is an Ancient Pagan God. Jewish scholars say, for example, SamaEL means Venom of YHWH. But the origin of the name El is older than the existence of YHWH and Jews."
    I think I'm lacking feelings like friendship or love at this stage of my life. I’ve had many friends up until now, but I’m not sure if I ever felt a healthy emotional bond with any of them. I’ve always had a protective instinct toward them, but I don’t know if this is something that arises from emotions or if it’s just instinctual.

    Love is a different matter; I’ve never experienced that feeling in my life.

    A friend of mine who is older than me once said something like this when talking to me about my ‘lack of social interaction’: People’s foolishness stems from their search for love. The love they seek is empty and only satisfies the ego. You’re not foolish, and you’re not in search of love, but you are the only person I know who truly needs love. A friend’s love, a lover’s love, or the love you’d feel for them.

    I have always feel close to HPS Lydia, I guess this is the reason. Opposites attract. The closeness I feel toward our emotionally strong and mature high priestess. confirms this.
    Hellenic SS
    Hellenic SS
    HP Cobra once stated that Love is one of the 4 pillars of Spiritual Satanism. Use it wisely.
    There are friendships and then there are acquaintances. Friendships, like courtship, should have a balance of give and take. You should not always be the giver, nor should they always be the receiver. Alot of people that say they have lots of friends really just have acquaintances, they are not truly with you. True friendship is priceless.

    It is worth studying your chart to see your social karma and beginning spells to attract positive relations with others and attract good people into your life. Love is necessary for everyone, but some need it more. You should also do rituals to Astarte, she has helped me see the sweeter side of life.

    Some people are so pleasant they're hard not to love, and it's unfortunate to hear that you've never found anyone lovable. You can change this, and it is so worth doing.
    İyi dostlar edinin ki size hep destek çıkabilsinler.
    Kimi zaman yanlız kalırız, kimi zaman kötü olaylar yaşarız; Bunlar doğamızın gerekliliğinden, reddetmek veya bu gerçekleri görmezden gelmek gereksiz.
    Bu zamanlar geldiğinde, kendinizi iyileştirin, dostlarınıza sarılın ve en yanlız olduğunuzda bile Gardiyanınızın sizinle olduğunu bilin.

    Size son dönemde yaptığım kısa bir psikolojik iyileştirme çalışmasından bahsetmek istiyorum;
    Çakralar hizaya getirildikten sonra "In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas, Lucifer Excelsi" sözleriyle çalışmaya başlanır.
    9, 12, 40 veya 88 kez Nauthiz rünü titreştirilir
    9, 12, 40 veya 88 kez Sowilo rünü titreştirilir
    9, 12, 40 veya 88 kez Ingwaz rünü titreştirilir
    Birer kez "SATANAS" ve "AUM" titreştirilir ve meditasyon bitirilir.

    Umarm size yardımcı olur, sevgilerle
    "Satan" as a title or name comes from Proto-Indo-Iranian religion Yazidism. When we look at the three main books of Yazidims (Black Book of Yazidis, Al-Jilwa, Qur'Et Al-Yazid) we can see name Shaitan is the holliest name of the Yazidi God Melek Ta'Us. The name Satan was so holly that Yazidi people didn't even pronounce it out loud. Colors, Yazidis, associated with Satan are blue and black. This is one of the reason that Yazidi people do not wear blue clothes, cause they see it as holly.
    Also when we look at etymology of name Satan we can see root word "Sat" in Sanskrit, which is one of the oldest languages of the world.
    Şeytan Baba hep benim yanımda oldu.
    Ona olan sevgimi ifade edecek kelime ne Türkçe'de, ne İngilizce'de ne de dünya üzerindeki herhangi bir dilde yok.
    O benim dünyamda yaşaran tek ağaç.
    O olmasa şuan buraya gelemezdim.
    Spritüel Satanizm, kimi zaman yorucudur, çünkü, majinin yolu basit değildir. Magnum Opus kimi zaman ulaşılmaz gibi gözükür, huzur kimi zaman ulaşılmaz gibi gözükür.
    Her böyle hissettiğim zaman kolumdaki Şeytan dövmesine bakıyorum, bana yanlız olmadığımı hatırlatıyor.
    Çünkü değilim, hiçbirimiz değiliz. Ve hiçbir zamanda olmayacağız.
    Neden mi? Çünkü Şeytan bizimle. O hayatımda yeşeren bir çiçek misali bana yaşama umudunu verdi. Bu yüzden şükrediyor, ve Judeo-Christian "tanrısına" lanet okumaya devam ediyor.
    Kayre Şeytan, hep benimle kal!
    Got a New tattoo~


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    Jewish people are genetically diffrent from us.
    Race is not something you can detect under a microscope; The completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 confirmed humans are 99.9% identical at the DNA level and there is no genetic basis for race.
    But when it comes to Jews, things are diffrent; These analyses make clear that individuals with full Jewish ancestry are a genetically distinct group from those having no (self-reported) Jewish ancestry. Of the subjects that self-identified as Jewish and knew their type, almost all were Ashkenazim.

    I was always thinking about diffrenation between Jews and Gentiles was on a spritual plane but now i can see it is not only on a spritual plane.
    I want to grow and I am currently growing like every single one of us. But seeing the people around me who can not find the truth slowly rotting is making me sad. I wish ever person could see the brightest side of our Universe, Satan. I know it is impossible but still, believing it IS possible makes me happy.
    Hail Satan Forever,
    Güç ve Şeref Ebediyen Şeytana Atfolsun...
    I just found out who my Guardian Demon is and perform a community blessing ritual for JoS. I hope every one of us will get blessed by it. <3
    Zorlu bir yol içerisindeyiz. Kimi zaman Yggdrasil'de baş aşşağı asılmak, kimi zaman bir gözünü feda etmeyi gerektiren bir yoldayız. Kimi zaman ise sadece oturup kendini dinlemenin mucizeler yaratabileceği bir yol...
    Şeytan, bu yolda ki tek dostumuz, Ana Tanrıça'nın Adını, Baba Tanrı'nın Mızrağını taşıyan o yüce Şeytan, o kutlu Şeytan,
    Düşmanın bahçesinde vermiş olduğun sözü tutacağız, keza tek güvencem o...
    Oh Father, come to me!
    In this season of lust, we call for thee!
    Hear and follow us till dawn,
    Watch us dancing in the woods all alone honoring Arawn!
    Oh Father Satan hear me,
    I call for thy name, listen me...
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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
