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About When You Have Jews In Your Close Family

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Sep 19, 2017
Generally speaking a very common question is what one does when someone in your family might have married a Jew. In this case you cannot control what your family does and many families are notorious for doing negative choices on more than one things in life.

The principles here is that you should not throw fits, ruin your family, or go into a crusade. Rather, as an intelligent Spiritual Satanist who is aware of the dangers, you should handle the situation maturely.

People who end up in Spiritual Satanist, I have found in the overwhelming majority, can be people who have occult or intellectual abilities, open mind, giftedness, or other forms of generational gifts that can get passed down from generation to generation. One might have no clue of these either, but these exist somewhere.

These things are rare and good, but these things running in a bloodline can in some cases attract the enemy, too, who wants to absorb these traits for their own purposes. From a linear perspective, that's what jews did to rich families, ie, try to get married into them, to take the wealth and try to convert the descendants into Judaism to absorb them into the jewish fold.

The above is a practice they follow and if one is aware, you might see that in your family, a person might marry a jew or so on, and if you are aware, this might not feel good at all. But still one must hold their self control and proceed with one's life.

If anything, try to see what you can make of benefit from the situation. If you cannot, then that's fine. But you must not allow yourself to be victimized. A very stark tendency of jews when they infiltrate families of Gentiles, is to drain them financially. Long story short don't allow yourself to be jewed.

Above all, one should not harm their family line and break family ties because someone made a wrong move, and one must do anything in their power to not allow these jews to jeopardize family union, swindle family, or allow yourself and other fall prey to the jew that might enter your family.

As a rule of thumb the general rules apply here, to not be taken as a victim. The jews overall represent a similar disposition such as this of very toxic and parasitic people, yet this disposition manifests stronger on jews because they are jews and because of cultural standards. Jewish culture was built on these deviant behaviors of parasitism and generally negative behaviors, and they consider them also good.

For example, in the jewish mentality, if a jew lies to a goy and they deceive them all the time, it's some sort of super good proof that one is a good jew or something. Even for a regular minded person one must understand that the above can spell danger to allow to be a victim of.

Extremely parasitic and negative people and jews are spiritually like first cousins, in that the first, the parasitic person, represents a Gentile version that has went bad, of what the jew is habitually for thousands of years added with in power with the fact they are a jew. Overall these types can be quite similar, however. But the same principles of not allowing yourself to get ruined, not trusting the wrong person, not falling victim to the wrong people, all apply here without exemptions.

What the Joy of Satan says about jews is to alert you and to wake you up in regards to the fact you must not be in an ignorant comma, especially where units as organized as the jews are raised from the baby crib to cheat, swindle and rob the "goyim".

Therefore since this agenda exists the Joy of Satan gives you a knowledge and counter-awareness to this reality, so you don't get jewed in business, in your existence, or in your life in general. That's why these things are mentioned in the first place. This happens because not for you to go into a rage of lunacy or do foolish things, but to live a more accomplished life.

People like Henry Ford and many others in this world are aware of the jews and their agenda, and they are doing tremendously well in all areas of life. In regards to modern cases and how one who marries into jews might be treated, a very famous example is Donald Trump. In his attempt to foster positive relationships with the powerful jews in America, Trump handed them his favorite daughter, which of course they readily took [with a major part of his wealth in the future] and so on.

Regardless, Trump's lawyer Cohen and Jared Kushner, still ruined Trump as a partial goy and saw his daughter merely as a loot they have won. From a traditional jewish standpoint, Trump isn't a jew and no matter what, he wasn't treated like one. The above is a freakish example of how jews will behave in family or in life.

They represent a very closed bloc of people and no, kissing the wailing wall and kissing their ass won't solve the fact that if one is not aware of them, they can fall prey to them and lose it all because they act as a closed group that minds it's own interests.

Lastly, a Spiritual Satanist has many tools in her or his arsenal that one can use, to deter these situations from happening and protecting one's family from these dangers, or breaking down relationships. But honestly, given everything, one can also let it go and understand that in the flow of life, some people will just get lost. That's not always your business. Just focus on having your own life together.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
wahh thank you very much HP for this information and became new knowledge in my life when reading this
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I'm fairly certain, based on observing behavior and from what I heard and discovered, that my father married a jewess before he met my mother. She was like a parasite. Used the kids(her spawn) against him, took all that he built and worked for through divorce, ran massive debts in his name, even stabbed him. Lots of criminal activity, thieving and lying on that "side", as well as hostility towards me & my mother(who seems to have come from a spiritual bloodline but was unfortunately an xian). Some of my siblings on that side also ended up with jews and, again, put them through "hell".

It's so sad to see what happens to people when they let jews in their life.
:D Beautiful! THANK YOU! Brother HP for sharing this article. ❤️ this is what I wanted to know about! And I found this very important to me as well. Having a family member like that can be a pain. I have seen this happen many times with Celebrities, and it is not a good example for anybody to get into and when it comes to these common families and what they have to put up with? Is no Pleasant Joy ride.. the divorces are nasty the women never get over the pain and the embarrassment it takes one many years to be able to recover after being abused by a Jewish husband or that of a self-centered Jewish wife. And you see similarities with your Southern Baptist in some situations. It just depends on the Jewish person and what he or she has up their sleeve. People need to be warned and yet you would think that people would learn enough after dealing with these stupid Hollywood celebrities throughout the years and how they treat each other.
And many of these other families out there who had to put up with a Jew and their family. ... I am glad I don't have to deal with that kind of shit in my family..but if just in case? I will know what to expect and what to do
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Judaism is what rallies them to do what they do. It has evolved in all sorts of similar ideologies like Christianity, Communism, Leftism and so on. What I haven't fully figured out yet is if their behavior is determined only by cultural and ideological factors or does a substantial part of it come from genetics and natural predispositions. Given even someone with less than quarter of blood jewish still has a few jewish physical features and some of that toxicity in behavior, I cannot help but think that culture may spring out of genetics. I wonder if without ideologies they would just mix into the populations and in time become like the rest or continue to display parasitic behavior, invent parasitic doctrines and act on subversion. IDK to what extent soul and genetics play a part here. Perhaps if the percentage of genes goes low enough the dominant gene and soul will do its part. It may affect the soul's anatomy and spiritual capacity though.
Thank you… in my “family” jews are so many that of gentile few are still there, I felt little powerless about it and it really was obstacle for me, but this made everything more clear, thanks.
I believe my ex girlfriend is a jewess. What she did was be a total distraction. I still don't want to practice trance because her constant interruptions still make me think of it as painful to be like a computer offline because it's running a program. And then suddenly being spoken to or physically manhandled to come back.

Anyway people say my ex is my girlfriend because she's still always there for me and so wants to be with me.

She has problems and is on her own here. Like me. So the deal is we still have contact so that we can offer the other help if someone is needed.

It does work that way but her schizophrenic behaviour when it manifests does rattle me trying to deal with.

Long story short. When there is a need it cannot just be ended completely.

And she will use her problems as a lever to keep dependency. She is disabled and it looks like I'm cold and heartless to a person in need.
I remember reading somewhere on ghr internet before they took abunch of stuff off o of the internet exposing tye jew that in the Jewish talmud (which is a extremely disgusting
I accidentally clicked post when I was typing something out I wasn't finished
I remember reading somewhere on the internet years back before there was a huge take down of information about the Jewish talmud but here's the qoutes from the Jewish talmud(which is one if the most disgusting evil things ever written) it stated that If a jew lies to a goy then they are really telling the truth if a jew tells a goy the truth then the jew is lying to them. The jew prides themselves off being psycho pieces of shits here's more qoutes from the kike talmud...

Quotes from the Jewish talmud
Saknhedrin59a: "to communicate anything to a goy about our religious relations it would be
the equal to the killing of all jews for if the gentiles knew what we teach about them they would kill us openly"

Sanhedrin59a: "murdering goyim is like killing a wild animal"

Yebhamoth 11b: "sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is three years of age"
Hikkoth Akum x1: "do not save goyim in danger of death"

Hikkoth akum x1: "show no mercy to the goyim"

Baba necia 114: 6: "the jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings, but beasts"

Szaaloth- Utszabot the book of jor dia 17:" a jew should and must make a false oath when the goyim asks if our books contain anything against them"

And there so MUCH MORE this is what I was able to find
Henu the Great said:
Personal Growth said:
Spiritual Satanist saying that he needs a jewess. Something is not quite right here.

She needs me. They use our compassion. But I have no friends or anyone else to call on if anything ever happened.

Yes we've tied up certain things we help each other with. But it's toxic because I have a strong away from reaction to her.

Don't worry she's not in here with me just someone in the background. Occasional phone contact to see if other is still about type of thing.

She's out of here because life is too short to be distracted from doing what's important as an SS to do.
I was adopted by a Jewish woman and her husband she didn't treat me like her other kids.Then when I was told at 14 I was told by her husband if the other adoptions went through I would not be he etc etc. She knew my blood line was very spiritual and would blame me when her friendships failed, lost her job and so on.

They threw me out at 19 with just my id , and what I had on that day . what hp cobra
It stuck me hard and brought me to a place where I hate Jews even more great talk hp cobra

Henu the Great said:
Personal Growth said:
Spiritual Satanist saying that he needs a jewess. Something is not quite right here.

Real life is out there and these things happen. These need solving more than they need scold, as oftentimes, jews are undetected. One might detect this later on, after damage is done and so on.

The situation as far as I read, is that the person in question was not immediately understood to be a jew, and that someone had to break away, with them trying to sic on them and cause problems to them.

This can occur between business partners and not all situations are as easy as "get them the fuck out of your life". I know you know, nor I write this as justification, just giving the matter a proper look here.

EasternFireLion666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Judaism is what rallies them to do what they do. It has evolved in all sorts of similar ideologies like Christianity, Communism, Leftism and so on. What I haven't fully figured out yet is if their behavior is determined only by cultural and ideological factors or does a substantial part of it come from genetics and natural predispositions. Given even someone with less than quarter of blood jewish still has a few jewish physical features and some of that toxicity in behavior, I cannot help but think that culture may spring out of genetics.

Actually, this goes both ways. Culture and how it manifests in genetics through partner choices, cultural choices, everything, goes down bloodlines and stays there, for better or for worse.

Yes, the jews brought out their own worst things through their "culture", yet at the same time, this culture further empowered these negative traits, as they made these things "sought for" in their midst. Therefore that's how it goes, and one fortifies the rest.

The biggest proof about the cultural aspect of Jews is that people have tried to "convert" them before, yet this didn't really do much about them.

Jews from a strictly scientific standpoint have certain traits accumulated which are borderline impossible to break, let alone a culture that enforces negative and ugly manifestations. They have survived for centuries and centuries by doing the same bullshit. Gentiles and many leaders have had a lot of problems and brainstorming trying to manage this as to not have civilizations ruined by this.

Still, the issue is ongoing.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
People who end up in Spiritual Satanist, I have found in the overwhelming majority, can be people who have occult or intellectual abilities, open mind, giftedness, or other forms of generational gifts that can get passed down from generation to generation. One might have no clue of these either, but these exist somewhere.

These things are rare and good, but these things running in a bloodline can in some cases attract the enemy, too, who wants to absorb these traits for their own purposes. From a linear perspective, that's what jews did to rich families, ie, try to get married into them, to take the wealth and try to convert the descendants into Judaism to absorb them into the jewish fold.

I often see this happen in my family and even in myself although rarely, these days. I never understood why. It's like mosquitos that are attracted to the light.

I have a close relative who always attracts jews as friends, it's quite unfortunate to watch, as they get jewed quite often as expected. I try to warn them to the best of my ability, with logical explanation about the jewish psychology and body language, but some people just don't see the nature of the jew as they are under the spell...
It freaks a lot of people out when they find out their relatives married jews. They find out even they have a half sibling or some cousins with jewish blood. Remember what matters is where you come from, the people who directly contribute to your birth. As long as these are not tainted you are fine. This does not include a blood aunt or uncle who marries a jew, step parents/ step great (or great-great ect) parents, or cousins.

It can be troublesome for an SS to be around family members who are married to jews. Best thing to do is to close your chakras around the jew and not to reveal too much about you to them. Since they married into ones family it might be hard to keep them from knowing information that can trace your chart but prevent this if possible, and keep up an AOP. Be as normal as you can around family but you don't have to be cozy obviously. Keep up warfare and stay close to the Gods and there just might be an opening where the jew disappears.
I have Jews in my martial arts gym. I have sometimes trained with them and I have to say it was a terrible experience.

Some of them literally smell worse than trash (I swear that's not a figure of speech and it's not a joke). This genre gives me the idea from how they behave that they don't really care about advancing in the martial art, but that they just want to block your progress.

Others, on the other hand, are really shitty people who have no respect for you or for the exercise the Master said and they literally use you like you were a punching bag, unleashing all their strength towards you, hurting you while in martial arts you you should control when you are with your partner (people are not punching bags, you can't use the same force).

And this experience transcends anti-Semitism, in fact this is my DIRECT PERSONAL EXPERIENCE with these wretches. It is not the result of some idea of ​​mine, but of "field tests".
I am helping someone I know who married an unconscious jewess[unaware mixed jew]. And it is kinda messed up. At first I wasn't sure, I suspected her to be a gypsy or a jew by her behavior, but when the husband told me the shit she threatened him with, I was 100% sure she was a psycho jewess with a lot of jewish blood in her. The threat includes gore, so you can understand what I am dealing with here, a total psychopath.

In my opinion, I think the aura or presence of an SS is bound to mess up a jew, if the jew lives near the SS[same house] or frequently interacts with an SS, I think they are gonna slowly lose their mind or turn psycho. Especially if the jew lives in the same house as the SS, the RTR sessions from the SS are definitely gonna affect that jew. Is this correct or wrong, HP Cobra?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
