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  1. L

    Wikipedia's Nazi Banned Book List

    I wouldn’t put too much stock in these lists, personally. But to better understand why Plato/Socrates would be on the list, you should read Twilight of The Idols by Nietzsche or look up a summary of his opinion on Socrates (Plato by extension), which if I remember, he believed to be a prototype...
  2. L

    Rolling an R

    You should be able to do it if you don’t have anything physically wrong with your tongue or teeth. It just takes some practice. I don’t know how much time you’ve put into it or if you are having more physical problems, but it does take a awhile to get right if your native language doesn’t have...
  3. L

    (((Prince Harry))) hates free speech.

    What an insufferable hypocrite. He complains about freedom of the press even though that’s been his and his wife’s bread and butter in America. No one would give a shit about this turd if it wasn’t for the exact thing he is complaining about. Or is it that he can’t have a perfect image of...
  4. L

    Moon vs Venus Working/Square

    You can say that about any of the planets really. Like sun and Jupiter and happiness and Mars and aggression for example. Those are still emotions too, like you are saying about Venus and the moon. There’s a bit of overlap in a couple areas regarding rulerships too, but the same ideas can be...
  5. L


    Smoking is bad on its own, but I wouldn’t recommend CBD either, if you are considering other ways to take it. It is too similar to THC. Some CBD will also contain a little bit of it. There was a similar post and I’ve talked about it before. I would consider why you want to take it and look for...
  6. L

    Need help from Lucifer.

    Satan and the gods aren’t genies. You aren’t magically going to get the money and life that you want. You have to put the work in yourself. You should read more of the material on our websites and get a better understanding about what we do and the true nature of Satan and the gods.
  7. L

    How do satanists discipline their children

    There are ways to discipline a child without spanking them. The problem is, the people these days that have so many issues with spankings do not do this either. Or, they spank but have no follow through. I’ve seen a lot of avid spankers have the worst children. I would personally not want my...
  8. L

    Some disturbing questions

    Oral sex has existed since ancient times. Why would it have anything to do with pornography? Pornography is to blame for a lot of sexual corruption but oral sex isn’t one of them. A lot of people blame pornography for the rise in homosexuality as well, like you are talking about being natural to...
  9. L

    Strange encounters with birds

    Probably overthinking it. I’ve lived in rural areas a lot on winding roads, riding with different people and birds tend to do this regardless of who I’m riding with. I think they like to swoop and scare off objects they see as threats passing their nests, but I’m not too sure. It isn’t abnormal...
  10. L


    The gods value action more than asking for forgiveness. Why do something you know is bad for you? Then ask forgiveness? Saying sorry doesn’t reverse the damage that drinking and smoking does to you physically.
  11. L

    Redit post about us found by accident - r/InternetMysteries

    Is it just me or do a lot of the posts from that topic seem like shills? I usually hate to be so suspicious, but it just seems like a lot of them conveniently “know” a lot about our community.
  12. L

    The borg face

    I’ve worked with the public for a long time and have experienced this. They really do automatically do not like you. They just sense it, subconsciously. They are walking energy vacuums and when they approach a strong spiritual Satanist that is properly protected, it’s like inhaling nails for them.
  13. L

    i feel bad when im hungry

    What’s keeping you from eating something when you’re hungry? Maybe eat more sustainable foods if you can, if you’re wanting to eat less. I’m just not sure you are being super clear on what your exact problem is. Please don’t put grey energy on yourself. If you associate doing that with being...
  14. L


    Thanks for this response, all of it, you’ve given me a great deal to think about on the subject.
  15. L


    I was in such a relationship once. I feel as if a lot of it is a suppression of homosexuality, like living desires vicariously through a partner. I would evaluate why you want to do it. It requires very emotionally secure people that can communicate clearly with each other. I was actually...
  16. L

    Little question about Nietzsche

    Not so much his life, but I think more enjoyment comes out of a general understanding of philosophy and the viewpoints of other philosophers. He tends to name drop a lot. Zarathustra doesn’t require that so much, but I think it’s understood better after reading a few of his other works. I’ve...
  17. L

    Can't comment on Youtube? Anyone else?

    Have you tried posting something JoS related that isn’t a link? Or another link that isn’t JoS related to test? It could just be a ban on posts with links in them.
  18. L

    How can I prove to an atheist that spirituality is real?

    You know the saying, “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink it?” People will believe what they want to believe no matter how much truth is presented to them. The change has to come from within. If there’s anything you could try that would really do anything, is doing some...
  19. L

    Why am I White?

    Like bro why are we anything man? Why do we exist at all? In all seriousness, and I might be off base here, when we’re created I think certain energies come together to form us. Like if you are white and male, your progenitors were white and you received the male chromosomes that attracted...
  20. L

    Name for red skin horned monster?

    Using daemon would enforce negative stereotypes on what a daemon is. The word itself means god. Applying the name to what it has already been applied to in every other media is just reinforcing negativity. Also consider that the red skinned horned monsters is also a caricature. If you are...
  21. L

    Do Parents always deserve respect no matter what or is this xian brainwashing

    Of course not. Some parents don’t even do the things you describe and abandon their children completely. Some parents will do this then turn into drug users. Some parents do horrible things to their children. No one deserves respect just by virtue of getting knocked up and doing the bare minimum...
  22. L

    I need some help deal with irrational fear from nowhere

    That’s good. I got the impression from your original post that you were over stimulated and maybe not grounded enough. Breathing exercises are very helpful. When I’m in a stressful situation, even just breathing more deeply and controlling my breathing has been helpful. I’ve also heard of...
  23. L

    A moment of great weakness, and really need some advice.

    You say you are working with the kundalini, but maybe you are doing this prematurely? Especially if you are having all these issues in your life plus the problem with your heart. Like if you aren’t already to the point where you can control your temper, it seems rather unwise to do kundalini...
  24. L

    I need some help deal with irrational fear from nowhere

    Are you doing any breathing exercises at all? Alternate nostril breath and void meditate. Also yoga. I had a lot of trouble with over active, intrusive thoughts until I took up daily yoga. If you’re just meditating and not grounding yourself at all your mind is going to run away every time it...
  25. L

    I need an advice about "restarting"

    As someone that has been through a lot of the same feelings, I wouldn’t think of fixing your current issue as a “restart.” If you’ve already completed the forty day program, look into doing something else. Why do the same thing you’ve done before if you are in the situation you are currently in...
  26. L

    Heilung the best music ever

    Being a Satanist or not really has no effect on will. If anything, a lot of new satanists are easily deceived, and mostly by themselves more than anything else. Personally, I view listening to negative music as eating junk food, as to the effect it has on your mind compared to junk foods...
  27. L

    It’s a setup: Armed protests planned at all 50 state capitols

    It instantly makes me think of China’s flag. Obvious controlled opposition created that. You can’t tell me true freedom loving people wouldn’t make this poster red white and blue like they do literally everything else.
  28. L

    Warning relating Sun.

    Its pretty brave of you to be so open about doing something dumb like that. Just remember, the world still works on basic laws. There is a lot of scientific bullshit but fire still burns, no matter what some new agers delude themselves into believing. And the sun is like a great big ball of...
  29. L

    The Simpson

    Predictive programming, like everyone else is saying. It’s ideas that are seeded into the mass consciousness to propagate. Same is happening with the Bible’s book of revelations. It’s all the same tricks. But some of these are incorrect anyway. The election map shows swing states Virginia and...
  30. L


    You keep talking about how this girl jeopardized your situation somehow when she never could have if she wasn’t given the information in the first place. The girl is an issue but the root of the issue is being so open about being Satanists. What did you expect to happen? This girl has reacted...
  31. L


    How does Satan not liking people being dishonest with him have anything to do with being dishonest with other people? Obviously, omitting that you are a Satanist from every day conversation is wise and sometimes lying is necessary, it’s neither here nor there. But the world is built upon lying...
  32. L

    hollow chest

    If working on your heart chakra is making a difference, keep doing that. If there are any blockages there it could keep energy from going into your throat chakra too.
  33. L

    Natural Spiritual Talent, or something anyone can do?

    Some people do have innate talents when it comes to spirituality. It’s something in the soul. Perhaps you were on the path advancing in a previous lifetime. Thoughtforms are advanced because they can generate various problems depending on the nature of the thoughtform. And developing one totally...
  34. L

    Is Stephen King jewish?

    I do not think the man himself is Jewish (though he kinda has that look to him). I would say though that his writings have a very xtian feel to them. The Stand for example being about God vs “the devil” with a clear distinction between God good and devil bad. In The Dark Tower series, his magnum...
  35. L

    Is Maxine coming back?

    In his first post in May this year, he states he “recently came to Satanism.” So he is either bullshitting now or was so then.
  36. L

    'Coronavirus' Surge happening while new Vaccine being tested, hhmmm...

    I think it’s more about scaring people into taking it than any direct correlation to the vaccine. Not saying it’s not harmful... but it’s funny that there are more cases during our regularly scheduled flu season. Well obviously. Flu surges at this time of the year too. Why wouldn’t a similar...
  37. L

    Can the mods delete all my posts please

    Why not just leave and forget about it then? It won’t make any difference to you whether those posts exist or not if you sever yourself from this place anyway. You’re the only person that even cares about them. I mean, you’ve just added another that wouldn’t have existed anyway if you had just...
  38. L


    Soul mate and twin flame ideology is more of a new ageism for aging, single romantics. Misinterpretation. There isn’t one other person out there that will complete you. We are complete beings on our own. However, finding love is an important part of advancement. Sex with a compatible partner...
  39. L

    Vaccination, Aliens, Lockdown, Human Genome Alteration

    My grandmother, 70-year old woman, got the virus a few months ago. She has had a few health issues, even had cancer a few years back, and the virus for her wasn’t anything more than what the flu would be. She is a hypochondriac too and always wants everything to be wrong with her, but this virus...
  40. L

    Traditional art or digital?

    Why can’t you do both? Lack of time or resources? You are right, digital art will be more profitable, but if you are a talented artist traditional art can also be profitable. It may be more difficult, but mixed with money workings and the tools we have as Satanists, you have the advantage in...
  41. L

    How old are you?

    Why does it feel like you have been here much longer? It might be because I’ve been more active this year, but I swear it seems as if I’ve been seeing you here longer than that.
  42. L

    How old are you?

    Correlation doesn’t always imply causation and any answers would have lent to confirmation bias. Just asking out of genuine curiosity, but do you expect younger people to talk that way? Or older? Because I’ve seen it plenty on both ends of the Internet. People lose their filter online in...
  43. L

    The Reality of loneliness in Satanism (you are not alone)

    Thank you for this post. I’ve always been a loner, so the disconnect I’ve felt to people has never bothered me much. Not that I could live in a total vacuum, but most people tend to hold your progression back in some way or another. I’ve always felt better off without a group of friends. What’s...
  44. L

    Happy thanksgiving everyone I hope Jewvid hysteria didn’t ruin it for you

    Probably best thanksgiving in years because my mom grew a spine and told the problem part of the family not to come. That and we didn’t do the typical xtian blessing before the food or there wasn’t even any mention of religious crap, even when we went to replace the flowers at the family graves...
  45. L

    Archangels Oracle Cards

    Xtian filth. A lot of new agers like to mix christian concepts with their beliefs, hence the connection to chakras. It’s a way to keep people interested in spirituality going in the wrong direction, to keep them tied to their enemy thoughtforms. I would get rid of them.
  46. L

    about planting.

    Which plants are best really depend on the area and season you are in. Regardless, look into something that can be dried like legumes. Like beans. They’re filling, nutritious and non-perishable when dried and stored correctly. You have to consider, it is not easy to grow plants. You should do...
  47. L

    CBD Antipsychotic?

    I will suggest this to him and do some research on it myself, thanks.
  48. L

    RTR timer is wrong?

    Not every time zone observes daylight savings time. If we are all to be doing the RTR at the same time, those of us with the recent time change will have a different schedule. So if it was fixed back to what it was before the time change, those that do not observe daylight savings time will then...
  49. L

    CBD Antipsychotic?

    From personal experience, CBD has given me that same intense vertigo feel that weed has given me. It does not always have the THC in it, and when it does it is very small amounts, so it doesn’t lead to any psychosis, but it generally just doesn’t make me feel right. The fully non-THC CBD, like...
  50. L

    I don't feel at home in this world

    It is they that do not belong here. They are roaches infesting the wonderful home of humanity. Have you ever lived somewhere run down and infested with vermin? You never feel able to relax. You never feel clean. You don’t feel like it is yours. It is the same, but on a larger scale. Think of the...
  51. L

    Let's talk

    I think he is referring to the discussion in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=44236 Even so, individual statements from different members aren’t always factually correct or representative of the whole. This is in any situation. Op, do some self-searching and come to your conclusions about...
  52. L

    Runes/workings combinded with colors.

    It’s not so much about who is who, I am just naturally skeptical of anyone making big informative posts on workings unless it’s someone consistently proven to have that kind of knowledge. Lydia for example on her destroying Saturn post. That’s not to say I’m putting them off, just that like you...
  53. L

    Runes/workings combinded with colors.

    I see what you mean. I think I was starting to come to that conclusion in my response and thinking about it afterwards, about the inverse of the rune energies. I just don’t have that much experience with them. I appreciate the well thought out response. As for the op, I don’t really know...
  54. L

    Runes/workings combinded with colors.

    On the JoS page on runes it’s stated that Uruz is a rune of freedom, not slavish compliance. Aurochs were wild animals, not domesticated beasts of burden. Fehu is stated as being the rune of the beast of burden. I only bring this up because as I was reading your post, I recalled that Uruz is...
  55. L

    video games and other stuff?

    Reread the passages. The context is important. It states to avoid these activities to ground yourself and improve focus. That’s the why. She’s not saying to abstain from these activities, but primarily doing these things and avoiding physical activity for long periods of time can make you feel...
  56. L

    Dangers of Marijuana

    I agree and this is largely where I’m coming from. The traumatic experience I did have came after a few uses that did not effect me too much, mostly before I was a Satanist. But the experience was like you described. It was a full-blown episode of drug induced psychosis and it did feel like...
  57. L

    Having a relationship as an SS?

    Everyone’s given good advice about the relationship, but I want to add if you ever decide to end things with them for whatever reasons and you’ve told them a lot about Satanism and what you do, be sure to bind them. Even if they were super sweet and the breakup was amicable and they were super...
  58. L

    Disposable Vape Products

    I feel the same way. And I know people are using it to quit smoking tobacco, but it’s like eating cake to get over a pie addiction. As Satanists, we have tools like squares and runes to get over problems like addiction. Even without these being potentially laced with toxic chemicals, a lot of...
  59. L

    Tips for destroying a relationship?

    It’s got to be some divine irony when feminists end up with people like Muslims. It seems a common occurrence too. But I guess there are a lot of cognitive dissonances involved with being a feminist as it is. I hope your situation turns out for the better.
  60. L

    did i just buy hebrew letters?

    I was wondering the same thing. Do they not do the RTR, I wonder? I don’t go looking into Hebrew letters and that kind of garbage but the symbols are instantly recognizable from the RTR.
  61. L

    Attachment problem advice needed

    She was so readily open about her trauma because she either is trying to latch onto you for emotional support or is making it up for attention. Either way, it’s a parasitic connection. Even if there was no spiritual element to it, this person would be unwise to associate with. Just bind her...
  62. L

    Suicide, new reincarnation

    Don’t kill yourself. You think you are stagnating now? A failure now? That life is miserable? It’s not as bad as killing yourself. Being reborn isn’t as easy as dying either. Especially when you kill yourself. Dying as it is is extremely unpleasant. And the point of Satanism is LIVING. You...
  63. L

    Blasphemous Steam Game

    The game came out a long time ago in the 2000s and was quite popular at the time. It’s a remaster. That’s why there are already so many positive reviews. It’s just a convenient time to rerelease media like that.
  64. L

    When am I ready to raise the Kundalini?

    It’s one of those things that if you have to ask, you probably aren’t ready. If you have to question it, there is already doubt there that’ll impede the process and create problems. Figure out how to better sense the state of your chakras first.
  65. L

    Urgent request to HP HC

    Why not just look up an ephemeris? The information is there, it’s just not compiled into a calendar. Research what moon phases and planets would be good for what you want. That information is also on the JoS. I would understand if it was some info beyond our grasp, but we aren’t waiting for...
  66. L

    About love

    I’m not trying to say love and relationships are unimportant. In the body of text I mention not to ignore the prospects of relationships with others. I’m in a relationship myself, and as for mgtow, I don’t fit the m portion. Not to say there are some women with those ideas... My main point was...
  67. L

    Dangers of Marijuana

    I see what you mean. And you are right, there’s not much point in arguing the details of which one is worse than the other beyond being pedantic. I’ve personally had a traumatic experience from ingesting THC, so I’m pulling a bit from bias here, overall. But the psychological damage was...
  68. L

    Opposition and Attacks by Lower Vibration People?

    You remind me a lot of myself. I’ve worked in a customer service type environment for a few years, and it definitely does seem like lower vibrational people have it out for more advanced people. I don’t know about what kind of people you are in contact with personally, but due the to location...
  69. L

    About love

    Love is overrated. I mean the love everyone kinda pines for because their family doesn’t care about them or they have some insecurity they don’t realize they have in them. I mean to say, most people’s idea of love is so heavily dramatized. I fell for the fairy tale myself, and I wish someone...
  70. L

    Dangers of Marijuana

    And this is always pottards arguments. Whenever I talk about marijuana being bad for 100% all the reasons you and others are giving here, they’ll be like, “durrr but alcohol!” It’s funny to watch them not know what to say when you agree that alcohol is bad too. Or when they say, “it’s...
  71. L

    In Regards To Traitors/Infiltrators and Other Types Of People

    Thanks for posting and discussing this. The topic of infiltrators has been on my mind ever sense a dream I had where the forum was arranged as this filing system type website, where everyone was organized by their username. In the dream, an active and pretty helpful user from the old forums...
  72. L

    Cat with Struvite Crystals

    Some of the homemade recipes I have researched call for adding both vitamins and organ meat like liver. Even without the health problems my cat has, I’ve considered it. It’s just easy to get caught up in the day to day, I rarely even cook much for myself, especially since I live with many other...
  73. L

    Cat with Struvite Crystals

    He’s been on a wet food diet his whole life, but I’ve given him dry when I am not able to feed him at a usual time, like if I’m gone for the night, out of town, and I have given it to him as a treat before I knew better. He seems to drink plenty water and I like to use a fountain. He seems to...
  74. L

    Is there any serious issue with sugar

    I understand. I initially said what I said about the body’s need for sugar in haste and I did do my own research after you said what you did. From that research, I agreed with you in that I was wrong about the body needing sugar. That’s my own fault for assuming, or thinking something I’ve...
  75. L

    Cat with Struvite Crystals

    I have a cat prone to forming urinary crystals that create life threatening blockages in his urethra. I was already feeding him higher quality canned cat food, like tiki cat and blue buffalo, but I guess it wasn’t really that great. Since his vet visit, I’ve been feeding him the stuff the vets...
  76. L

    Unborn babies and souls

    There are definitely not a fixed amount of souls. If there were, there wouldn’t be so many people in the world right now, for one. The enemy machine feeds off of ignorant new souls that are too caught up in their systems and create more and more ignorant new souls as a result. This is the...
  77. L

    Is there any serious issue with sugar

    Thanks for the correction, I had initially thought it was like salt in that regard.
  78. L

    Is there any serious issue with sugar

    Because diabetes and obesity isn’t bad? Lol Sugar isn’t bad in low quantities. Our bodies need sugar. Too much of most things is always bad though. And it’s easy to go overboard with sugar considering it’s in most things. Same with salt. You really don’t want too much of either. And 150g is a...
  79. L

    Satanism and mental illness/psychosis/mania

    It’ll probably be pretty difficult to advance at a normal pace while on the psychiatric medication. If you do continue advancing on the current mindset that the drugs have put you in, it could be too much for you to handle without the drugs. Like, think of them as weights on your body for the...
  80. L

    Men and Woman differences?

    I don’t mean to be rude, but is the only experience you’ve had with women through pornography? Women are not that sensitive. A lot of them can’t even have vaginal orgasms. And when you’re not aroused, sticking a finger in there just feels like any other touch sensation. We aren’t getting...
  81. L

    Any tarot deck based on Rider-Waite without the jew bullshit?

    I personally like the Wildwood tarot. Lots of cool pagan imagery and it doesn’t have an overall negative feeling like most rider decks give off in readings.
  82. L

    Coin Shortage

    But I wonder if that is more of a general rule and if the freedoms of individual businesses creates a loophole? I know that some places, like fast food, will not take large bills at all, as a standard policy. Either for safety or because they never keep that much change in the till anyway...
  83. L

    Coin Shortage

    It seems as if they are testing the removal of physical currency in the US. Mostly big box (corporate) stores aren’t accepting change unless it is exact. They will not give you the change back if you pay over. Some places will not take cash at all. I can’t help but feel this is entirely...
  84. L

    RTR Effects - People's sentiments turning from fear into ANGER

    I work in customer service. People are definitely angry and agitated by the whole situation. I just wish they knew where to direct it. It’s either, I have to tell you to put on a mask or I don’t have a job and I don’t have any money. I don’t work at a business that sells necessities. Far from...
  85. L

    Why am i feeling superior than everyone else?

    That makes a lot of sense, thanks for the info. As someone with an overwhelming amount of one element, I’ve tended to overlook stuff like that. Like looking outside of myself and how everything around me is also affecting me.
  86. L

    Tarot - The Devil card doubts

    The traditional tarot is enemy corrupted. The high priestess holds a Torah, there are Jewish letters on the cards. Of course “the devil” is going to be turned into something that is a negative representation of the material. But everything the card represents is more inline with how the enemy...
  87. L

    Younger or new souls

    We were all new souls once, just like we were all children once. Think of it more like that. Spiritual children. You don’t expect children to come out knowing how to survive. You show them how. You teach them. The problem with new souls is that many are born into horrible conditions, physically...
  88. L

    NS Hype Videos I Enjoy

    Thanks for sharing. I was thinking of a similar video I had seen before I saw your post. It was on YouTube several years ago so I doubt it’s there now and I’d rather not search for it that way. It focused more on how wonderful Germany was around that time and had a very uplifting feel to it. I...
  89. L

    Why am i feeling superior than everyone else?

    Right? When I was reading Ghost’s post I was thinking, maybe fire yeah, but a lot of air definitely and then I saw that. Yep. But I don’t think water would help much. I have a lot of water and well... I think as a people working to always better ourselves, it’s hard not to have a superiority...
  90. L

    Masks and CO2

    I mean, I’m no scientist, but if the oxygen can come through the mask into your lungs, the CO2 is also permeating the mask on your exhale. It doesn’t stay trapped in unless your like hyperventilating maybe? And you’re always breathing in some amount of CO2 no matter what. Air isn’t pure oxygen...
  91. L

    Forum ban question?

    Your corrections just add redundancies and change the subject-object agreement. It doesn’t really correct any dire grammatical issues. Perhaps it was intentional that she wrote, every one of the hebrew letters has lost its power. It’s a collective power. When it is replaced with, every one of...
  92. L

    Irregular heartbeat dream?

    That sounds a lot like anxiety. It’s hard to say whether it is an attack, but when you are in certain states it’s easy to become hyper aware of certain bodily functions you wouldn’t normally be aware of. Your heart may have been beating at a normal rate, just amplified in that sleep paralysis...
  93. L

    Mainstream electricity and are they ripping us off by charging us more tbat we need to be?

    I don’t know about other places, but where I live all properties have an electricity meter. A person comes out to read the meter to see how many watts a person has used for the month and then they get charged accordingly. At face value, they usually take more than they should. Whether it is...
  94. L

    The slaves of the reptilians greys and other something I wondered about for a long time

    You are not missing anything. They get power from their enemy mass thoughtform. It is a computer, a program. A borg. It’s powered by their mass rituals and brain dead followers. They didn’t take away our power. They leave us enough to be slaves. A dead and mindless limp slave serves no purpose...
  95. L

    Question on books?

    I feel like more than anything it would just be a waste of time. As someone that has had to read some of it, it is incredibly boring. It’s really not meant to be read front to back like a compelling narrative. It’s a book of their laws and curses. Some things are told in a “story” but they’re...
  96. L

    Cursing celebrities?

    I remember a similar topic like this maybe about a year, two years ago. It might’ve been on the old forums. But really think about it. It does seem like a lot of negative things happen to a lot of celebrities. Drug problems, multiple divorces, sexual dysfunctions. It comes with the lifestyle...
  97. L

    Protecting the newborns

    At the basic level, anything you do to protect yourself you can do for a newborn. Like aura of protection, chakra cleansing, etc. It’s important to ensure a healthy pregnancy as well. There was a topic recently on good things to do while pregnant to ensure a healthy mother and baby. And yeah...
  98. L

    White People wake up

    I totally forgot people sleep through wetting themselves too. I guess that can be analogous for the sheer ignorance of a lot people in and of itself. But I was imagining more like being startled awake by the real physical sensation and having to go clean yourself up of the stupid things you...
  99. L


    Not coming from a spiritual perspective, but these piercings will leave permanent holes in your skin. If you care about that kinda thing. My partner had these years and years ago and the holes are still open. You are scarring your body permanently. Same with any piercings. A lot of people don’t...
  100. L

    National socialism and inheritance

    As someone born into affluent conditions, I’ve always felt that it was pure degradation and bitterness to shit on inheritance. If we don’t provide a better life for our children, how will we ever advance as a society? I didn’t directly earn the advantages I had, but they’ve set me on a better...
  101. L

    Freeing the soul

    Use the JOS calendar. It has every pertinent date you could ever need. Just ensure you select the correct time zone for your location. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=26302&hilit=Calendar+2020 And you don’t need a satanic rosary, but you still need to ensure you are...
  102. L

    White People wake up

    I feel like the true awakening is after going to the bathroom in your dreams.
  103. L

    Manipulation Techniques

    You could use aura work on the two. Like surround them with pleasant auras that attract each other. It’s the easiest thing you can do if you have a solid grasp on the topic and you can do it alongside any larger scale workings. Is there anyway you could obtain their birthdates? They probably...
  104. L

    How to find a way out of suffering

    Others can give you a lot more direct spiritual advice, but I just want to give you some general advice because minus the drug usage, I’ve been in some very deep holes myself. Whenever I feel as if I’m in a bad situation in life, I try to look at the broader picture. Think of how long our...
  105. L

    Beware round 2 of CoVid Jewish media hysteria

    I think it plays against them a bit, if only people weren’t so stupid to see. Let’s get people riled up to protest during a pandemic! They don’t see themselves the same way as these people going out and living their lives, going to the beach and such, the people in these protests. They’re above...
  106. L

    Joy of Satan Websites Offline Archive

    Wow! This is awesome, thank you so much!
  107. L

    yoga issues and severe congestion

    I have frequent sinus issues as well. Do not use any nasal sprays like Afrin. They only give temporary relief and can even cause a rebound of symptoms. They’re also slightly addicting. If you’re frequently exposed to fumes and dust, you should look into irrigating your nasal passages with a...
  108. L

    My mom doesn't trust me

    Buy a lancet for diabetics. The blades are concealed within a plastic tube, they’re pretty easy to hide, and if you are questioned on it you can claim you are concerned about your blood sugar. I don’t know about all of them, but on mine you can adjust how much blood you can draw, which is...
  109. L

    Bill Gates: "We take the arms of the children and inject the vaccine straight into their veins." And he laughs.

    Vaccines are inserted into the muscle, not “straight into” the vein. Maybe he should stick to making his Windows os less and less functional and private. He is good at that at least.
  110. L

    Smoking and holes in aura

    You should stop smoking because it is bad for your health, not only because it puts holes in your aura. As a general rule of nature, if it’s bad for the body it’s bad for the soul. Same in reverse, too. They are connected and the more we do to better both, the stronger those connecting bonds...
  111. L

    Do Morals Exist? Morals In Satanism?

    Kant used a lot of Christian ideology in his idea of ethics and morality. If you are interested in philosophers and have a basic understanding of both classical (like Plato) and modern (like Kant) philosophy you should read Nietzsche’s Twilight of The Idols. He speaks on how most of their ideas...
  112. L

    Introduction/ Minerals and Crystals

    Stones can certainly be useful spiritual tools, but their power is greatly exaggerated by the New Age community to keep people from advancing their personal powers. Like most new age ideas and rituals tend to do. I say this as someone who loves collecting minerals and placing them on my alter...
  113. L

    Why water people can actually be very strong

    Thank you for your thoughts. I think a lot of water prominent people are so sensitive because they don’t know how to harness the positives of the energy. The same as if someone with too much fire can be overly aggressive. Too much earth, too stubborn. Know it all air. The sensitivity of water...
  114. L

    Kike tells whites to use "privelege" to help others

    This shit is so infuriating. I was angry and annoyed not thirty minutes ago after seeing some advertisement with Oprah ask, what will white people do about all this??? Well, Oprah, I don’t know, a lot of us are too busy working while your massive ass sits on top of millions of dollars. Why don’t...
  115. L

    Polls for the American election looks bad

    You should have seen the polls right before Trump won in 2016. The polls are highly inaccurate. Even if you consider that there is no media manipulation involved, unless they are polling all people that could vote, and only the people that will vote, there are going to be some discrepancies.
  116. L

    Help with low self esteem, Confidence

    On top of the spiritual advice you’ve gotten, you should work out if you don’t already. Feel comfortable in your body. There’s a reason fit people have bigger egos, generally. If you are more confident with your body and how you present yourself, interpersonal confidence comes naturally.
  117. L

    is it bad that if someone is attracted to darkness?

    Nothing you posted was even slightly scary. It’s not like you are getting off to flayed corpses or something. Stop thinking in terms of good and evil in general. It’s a Christian construction. It’s just not how the universe works. And I guess it really depends on what you mean by “servant of...
  118. L

    Magnum Opus in a video

    I’d argue that from what op said about how they can express the idea of evolution how they wish, that the teacher is probably being a bit more liberal than that. They may even appreciate the out of the box idea of what evolution is, if it could be presented more clearly. In the case of the...
  119. L

    Demon summonings?

    I think you are looking at summoning the wrong way. Getting something out of it isn’t the only reason for summoning demons. You can use it to establish a relationship with one, get advice on advancement, or just because you’re curious and want to learn more about the particular demon. Or maybe...
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    Is he just a dumb nine year old? Kids understand more than you think they do. And no, he should be dedicated first. Doing the RTR without dedicating will leave him open to spiritual attack. Anyone that wants to do the RTR should be dedicated and understand how to clean and protect themselves...
  121. L

    Self Destructive Species

    What do you even mean? Did you only read half of what I wrote? My whole point was that we ARE different from animals, but that we aren’t separate from the same conflicts of life, such as competition for resources. I’m only disagreeing with you saying that animals don’t do violent, self...
  122. L

    Self Destructive Species

    I really hate the whole, “animals don’t kill their own kind!!!,” argument. Dolphins rape and murder each other and other animals. So do a lot of apes. They will have full on wars with rival clans. Male lions kill cubs if they aren’t their’s. That’s true of a lot of species. I’ve seen domestic...
  123. L

    Breaking a marriage

    Being together for 18 years is no joke. It’ll take significant power to split a relationship that has been going on that long unless it really and truly is starting to crumble. Are you sure it’s as bad as you think it is or do you just rationalize it that way to make yourself feel better about...
  124. L

    Why/how Satan chooses his people

    Don’t compare yourself to others when it comes to advancement, it’ll make you miserable. If you are doing what you should be, advancing your body and soul, then you have the same tool as every Satanist. Unlimited potential. You have the ability to become your best self. And don’t sell yourself...
  125. L

    US George Floyd Riots... Are A Jewish Distraction

    The media likes for everyone to forget how massive a country America is, even state by state. I wouldn’t have even known anything was happening if I didn’t read the news and I live in a place with a lot of black people. Outside of the powder keg cities they like to focus on, the rest of the...
  126. L

    What is your opinion about people living in extreme poverty, entering the life of crime (drug trafficking, for example.)

    Crime has become like many unprofitable ways ways to make money in the US.... a pyramid scheme. Don’t forget to pay your dues and get your friends from high school in on it.
  127. L

    FUCK the Ten Commandments

    They should just start summarizing them into... Thou shalt do as I say, not as I do... it’d work for their governments too.
  128. L

    Alarming Synastry/Toxic Relationship

    No one has to look at any synastry to tell your relationship with this guy is a disaster. Why do you feel bad for someone that shoved you and threw things at you? And is it even possible to punch a wall in a non-threatening way? And then he gets alligator tears... this guy is textbook abusive...
  129. L

    Can I be accepted into Satanism? + a few questions

    Trying to reach a dead relative... check Using blood magic... check Wanting to know about the magnum opus, change your eye color, change your race... check, check, check I want to ask if you have actually ever read anything on joyofsatan.org or on these forums, but your post reads like a...
  130. L

    Effects of the RAUM Meditation (Entry 1)

    Raum champions communication for those that do not have the means to do so directly and telepathic ability in general. Animals are a strong representation of that, but maybe from a technological, air standpoint, you’re getting that the internet and technology is a way we as Satanists can connect...
  131. L

    The New Normal

    The phrase itself is so dumb. Like it was definitely decided on in some council. It’s like a “nice” way of saying, get used to it. I want to say they said this a lot after 9/11 too, but I was young then and I may be mistaken.
  132. L

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Oh I do that already. I would never have gotten any meditation done if I didn’t. I just meant to imply that I don’t really hit a relaxation phase before going to sleep when lying down. Same in a chair. Not that I try to meditate in either position. It’d be impossible, posture aside. It’s just...
  133. L

    My Satanic art

    That’s so beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing your talent. Art is so important.
  134. L

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I’ve always felt like a trance state was a step below relaxation. Like I can be relaxed but not necessarily in a trance. It’s hard to describe but maybe it’s because I feel like I only have an on and off switch. When I lie down to sleep, I’m out almost instantly. But I will try that and see if...
  135. L

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I have issues with this. My mind never wants to shut off. Even when I stop thinking, my mind just starts playing music in loops. When I’m struggling with this, I focus on counting to ten and going deeper with each number. It helps quiet my mind and it’s a lot easier for me than just shutting...
  136. L

    Asking for signs of Satans influence and guidance in my life

    I wouldn’t focus too hard on what to look for. Expecting something can make you miss real signs or not understand the ones you are seeing. I’ve found in my personal experience that the Gods want us to become confident in ourselves. They aren’t here to baby us, they are here to make us like them...
  137. L

    High Ranking God/Goddess as a Guardian

    I would say that if you are torn between the three, it probably isn’t any of them. Once you know, you know. There isn’t much flip flopping, or if there is any doubt, your attention always diverts back to your true guardian. If you are less sensitive it is possible it could still be one of them...
  138. L

    Writing a Book?

    It’s hard to say if it would make a dramatic difference in the political landscape. There’s already so many books out there, the water is very muddied compared to the times when the communist manifesto came out. I’m not saying your book wouldn’t be valuable, but you have to think about how many...
  139. L

    Jews Using Video Game to Destory Economy

    Video games are mostly like any other media in this regard. Plenty of movies and books also promote the enemy agenda and I feel as if video games are unfairly targeted at times because they are a newer form of entertainment. Just look at the thought around tv when it first came out. Then books...
  140. L

    My own Website and Priesthood.

    Satan himself chooses the clergy. And you know... that doesn’t mean you are any less powerful or incapable of becoming as knowledgeable as the clergy. It doesn’t make your relationship with Satan any less profound. It doesn’t make the information you share any less important if it is good...
  141. L

    RTS without cleaning and protection

    If you say, when I have this then I’ll get serious, you are already setting yourself up for failure. I’m saying this from experience. If you are making excuses now, you will make them later. It is not difficult or time consuming to cleanse and protect yourself. Once you get good at it, all it...
  142. L

    The physical self

    I know you said you wanted a more general answer than astrology, but it really is the best guide for understanding how the body connects with the soul. Certain planetary influences can have affect on certain parts of the body and its shape and health, the same way each astrological sign is tied...
  143. L


    I don’t mean to imply that it doesn’t exist, just that it can be difficult if you make just enough money to get by (before having a child), but not enough to qualify. In my own experience, I know people that are able to get benefits that provide food for their child, but no way would they have...
  144. L

    Why does this path seems tougher for others?

    You’re just basing this on selection bias. It may only seem that way because you are basing your thoughts on the forums alone. Many people come to the forums for help and advice in dark times and offer their advice from similar experiences. That and Satanist are subject to enemy attack. We are...
  145. L

    A few questions bout Familiar, ritual

    How about instead of as an exchange, you just stop smoking and drinking because it’s not good for you. Do it for yourself. I don’t know much about familiars, but stay away from any death ritual if you can’t even give up these bad habits that leave massive holes in your aura. If you are doing...
  146. L


    I don’t feel strongly about the subject of abortion, but the societal pressure in America against having children vs being a productive slave is very present. You can’t be fired for being pregnant, but I have heard many stories of corrupt companies skirting the law to fire expecting mothers. All...
  147. L

    Death, Transformation and Our Future

    I think most people that would say that is edgy are the people used to the “sanitization” of death that Christianity has put into the public conscious. They celebrate it’s coming but it must be very orderly and precise with pretty flowers and a preserved corpse to put on display in a...
  148. L

    A question I have ... the animals also have a Guardian Demon ??

    Do you mean specific animals? Some specific types of animals are sacred, but not every single animal has its own specific guardian demon, if that’s what you mean. We have guardian demons because they are our teachers in advancement and protectors from attacks before we learn how to ourselves...
  149. L

    How do you feel about combining runes into symbols?

    When I was experiencing a drug induced psychosis, I kept seeing our particular pentagram between consciousness. It’s definitely potent. I don’t really see the point in combining runes into personal sigils though? A lot of the power from runes is vibrating its name. Would you just vibrate all...
  150. L

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I hope you haven’t turned 21 yet, but yeah it definitely will. Have you ever been drunk or drank any alcohol before? It’s honestly not worth it to get super slammed. I get the appeal, especially if you are doing it in a social setting with friends or family for your birthday, but it’s really not...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
